The most beautiful prayers of saint Afonso


Prayers for every moment of our life!


of Santo Afonso de Ligório

Coordinated by Fr. Saint-Omer, Redemptorist and

poured into the vernacular by D. Joaquim Silvério de Sousa

Updated edition plus new exercises and prayers.












Cross sign

Our Father

Holy Mary

I believe

Save the Queen


Act of contrition




Offer of the day to Maria


Short formula of consecration

Litany of the Holy Name of Jesus

Consecration to the Sacred Heart

Offering to the Sacred Heart

Consecration to the Holy Virgin (S. Luis Gonzaga)



Means to persevere in the grace of God




Act of contrition

I STATION Jesus is condemned to death

II STATION Jesus with the cross on his back

III STATION Jesus falls for the first time

IV STATION Jesus meets his distressed Mother

V STATION Jesus receives help from Cyrene

VI STATION Jesus prints his Face on a towel

VII STATION Jesus falls for the second time

VIII STATION Jesus speaks to women who cry

IX STATION Jesus falls for the third time

X STATION Jesus is stripped of his garments

XI STATION Jesus is nailed to the cross

XII STATION Jesus dies on the cross

XIII STATION Jesus is descended from the cross

XIV STATION Jesus is buried




I THIRD Joyful mysteries

II THIRD Sorrowful mysteries

III THIRD Glorious mysteries


In October

Praise in blasphemy repair

Prayer for the Church and the Fatherland


Let us stand in the presence of God and worship Him

God lights to know our faults

Let us examine our conscience

Act of faith

Act of hope

Act of love and contrition

Prayer to recite every day before the image of the Holy Family

prayers to Our Lady of Perpetual Help

1. By yourself

2. For the needs of the Church

Prayer to achieve a good death

Prayers for the night

Other indulgent prayers

1. The Divine Jesus

2. The Immaculate Mary

Prayer before bedtime

Before going to sleep say:


2. In the sufferings

3. In the joys

4. After a foul

5. When in doubt

6. For the next

7. Heaven's desire

§ 4. God responds to the soul that speaks to him

§ 5. Practical summary












I believe


















From Advent to Purification

From Purification to Easter

From Easter to Trinity

From Trinity to Advent


Prayer to Mary

To obtain the forgiveness of sins

Prayer to our Patron Saint



From the beginning to the Epistle

From the Epistle to the Offertory

From the Offertory to the Sanctus

From the Sanctus to the Elevation

From Elevation to Pater

From Pater to Communion

From Communion to the end

Prayer to Mary

To obtain the most holy holy perseverance



From the beginning to the Gospel

Prayer to Mary For a good death



To pray to God for his graces

Before Mass

From the beginning of the Mass to the Offertory

Acts for every day

Prayer to obtain the grace to pray always

During Elevation

From the Elevation to the end

Prayer to Mary

To be preserved from hell


Consecrated to the SS. sacrament


Kyrie Eleison

Gloria in excelsis Deo


During the Epistle

During the Gospel and I Believe

To the Offeror

To the Preface

During the Canon

The Elevation

After Elevation

To the Pater

To Agnus Dei

Spiritual communion

The Last Prayers


During the last Gospel

Prayer to Mary

To get to paradise


Consecrated to the Passion and Sacred Heart of Jesus


lntroibo ad altare Dei


Kyrie Eleison

Gloria in excelsis


During the Epistle

During the Gospel and the Creed

During the Offertory

To the Preface

During the Canon

During Elevation

After Elevation

To the Pater

To Agnus Dei

The Communion

The last prayers

Prayer to Mary To obtain love for Jesus and his Mother


Consecrated to Our Lady of Perpetual Help


To get a good death

Introibo ad altare Dei

Kyrie Eleison

Gloria in excelsis Deo

To the Offeror

To the Preface

During the Canon

After Elevation

Agnus Dei

Spiritual communion

The latest prays

Ite Missa est

During the last Gospel

Crown of the Immaculate Conception

Prayer to Mary

To get your protection

jaculatory prayers to Mary

Prayer to ask Mary for her perpetual help in all things



Before Confession

Act of worship

Examination of conscience

Prayer for the exam

Exam offer

Reasons for contrition

1. God's greatness and holiness

2. God's benefits

3. The presence of God

After Confession

Prayer to the Sacred Heart of Jesus




Preparing for Communion

Acts before Communion

1. Act of faith

2. Act of trust

3. Act of love

4. Act of humility

5. Act of contrition

6. Act of desire


Acts after Communion

1. Act of faith

2. Wrap act

4. Offering act

5. Act of supplication

Sooner preparation for Communion

Act of faith

Act of Hope

Act of Humility

Act of Charity

Act of Contrition

Act of faith

Brief Thanksgiving for after Communion

Act of faith

Act of Worship

Acknowledgment Act

Act of Charity

Act of Hope

Petition Act


Before Communion

After Communion


Before Communion

After Communion and the visit to the Blessed Sacrament


Before Communion

Mementos of the living

Mementos of the dead

After Communion

Prayer of Saint Ignatius


Before Communion

Prayer to ask for the grace to fulfill God's Will


Before Communion

Affections and prayers

After Communion

Invocations and Supplications


Before Communion

After Communion

Prayer of St. Bonaventure


Preparing for communion



Before Communion

After Communion


For Communion Prayer and Visit to the Blessed Sacrament





Preparatory prayer

Act for spiritual communion

Prayer to Mary Most Holy To implore your Most Powerful Sponsorship


Prayer after the visit to St. Joseph


































Act of faith

Shorter act of faith

Act of loving faith

Prayer to thank God for the gift of faith

Prayer to Mary


Prayer for confidence

Prayer to Mary


Prayer to Jesus Christ to obtain his holy love

Complacency love act

Act of loving-kindness

Preference love act

Perfect charity act

Prayer to Mary


Prayer to obtain the virtue of charity

Prayer for others

Prayer to Mary

MAY THE detachment

Prayer to achieve detachment from earthly affections

Prayer to achieve detachment from the goods of the earth

Prayer to achieve detachment from the world's esteem

Prayer to achieve detachment from pleasures

Prayer to Mary


Prayer for purity of heart

Prayer to enter the purity of the body

Prayer to Mary

Fr. Zucchi's Prayer

Aspiration to Mary in temptations


Promise of fidelity to Jesus our King

To implore the grace to always do God's will

Obedient Jesus

In front of the Crucifix

Before confession

After confession and scruples

Prayer to Mary


Prayer for humility

Prayer to Mary


Prayer to ask for the spirit of mortification

Prayer to Mary


Prayer to achieve recollection


Prayer for the grace to pray well

Prayer to achieve fidelity to prayer

Prayer to Mary Most Holy


Prayer for patience

Act of resignation

Prayer to Mary



Prayer to Christ the Universal King

Consecration of mankind to the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus

Act of reparation for the feast of the Sacred Heart of Jesus

Promises made by Our Lord Jesus Christ to Saint Margaret Mary Alacoque on behalf of devotees of the Sacred Heart



Steps of the Divine Childhood of N. S. Jesus Cristo


February 25 JESUS ​​OUR HOPE











EXERCISE FOR THE FOURTH SUNDAY OF THE MONTH devoted to preparing for death

1. He who loves God must not fear death

2. Protest for good death

3. Colloquia with the Crucifix

4. Litany for the good death

5. Acts to be done many times in life and at the moment of death

6. Jaculatory prayers to prepare for a good death

1. Trust in God

2. Contrition

3. Love to God

4. Compliance with God's will

5. Paradise desire

6. When kissing the Crucifix

7. Prayer to the Sacred Heart of Jesus for the dying

8. Prayer to Saint Joseph on behalf of the dying

9. Ordering the soul



1. Life regulation

2. Practices and resolutions of a soul that wants to love Jesus Christ perfectly

3. Jaculatory prayers





The sign of the cross

Praises in honor of the Holy Trinity

Angelic Trisagio

Praise and reparation act called the golden arrow

Small crown of the Holy Trinity in honor of Mary

Prayer to the Holy Trinity

Litany of God's love

Third of acts of love

Prayer of St. John Vianney Cura d'Ars




Christmas Novena


Jesus on the eve of being born

Jesus at birth

To Jesus made boy for our love

Offering the merits of the Child Jesus

Jesus wrapped in cloths

Jesus feeding on milk

Jesus asleep

Jesus Adored by the Magi

Jesus fleeing to Egypt

Jesus in exile

Jesus back to Palestine

Jesus growing in age

Jesus earning his living through work

Jesus lost in the temple

Prayer to the Holy Child Jesus of Prague

The Holy Christmas Time



Prayer to Jesus for the particular merit of each of the penalties he suffered in his Passion

To Jesus our Good Shepherd

Jesus in the Garden of Olives

The scourged Jesus

Jesus crowned with thorns

Jesus nailed to the cross

The dead Jesus on the cross

Supplications to Jesus crucified

Honorary reparation before the Santa Face

Prayer of Pius IX to the Holy Face

M. Dupont's prayer to the Holy Face

Litany of the Precious Blood

Prayer in honor of the precious Blood

Aspirations to the precious Blood

Prayer in honor of the five Wounds

Prayer to be done before the Crucifix

Small crown in honor of the five Wounds of Jesus crucified

Indulgent offer

Litany of Passion


Prayer for the hour of worship

For the day of perpetual worship

Act of faith and worship

Act of hope

Act of love

Act of contrition and good purpose

Act of thanks

Offering act

Supplication for others and for yourself

Considerations for the hour of worship


Jesus makes himself accessible to everyone


Jesus gives an audience to everyone and at all times


Jesus only seeks to pour out his graces

Repair to the SS. sacrament

Feelings of love towards Jesus Christ in the Eucharist

I am alone and abandoned!

II Here is my love!

III Come Lord!

IV I want to join you many times!

V the beloved of my soul!

VI United always stay and never part!

VII Far be it from me, earthly affections!

VIII You will become strong!

IX Oh! what treasures of grace are lost by those who do little to pray to God after holy communion!

Feelings of a religious soul towards the Blessed Sacrament

So where does this happiness come from!

Prayer to the SS. sacrament

Litany of the Blessed Sacrament

Saint Thomas Aquinas Prayer for Visits to the Blessed Sacrament


To the Heart of Jesus Christ

To the Heart of Jesus in the Eucharist

To the Merciful Heart of Jesus

To the lovely Heart of Jesus

Consecration to the Heart of Jesus

Litany repair

Prayer to be done in feathers

Litany of the Heart of Jesus


Veni Creator

Meditations on the Holy Spirit

1. Love is a Burning Fire

2. Love is a Light that Enlightens

Affections and prayers

3. Love is water that quenches thirst

4. Mor is a Dew that Fertilizes

5. Love is a Rest that Restores Strength

6. Love is a Strengthening Virtue

7. Through Love the Soul Becomes God's Home

8. Love is a Link

9. Mor is a treasure that closes all assets

10. Ways to Love God and Sanctify Yourself

Affections and prayers

Novena of the Holy Spirit to prepare for the feast of Pentecost




The most tender Mary of Mothers

The overwhelming Mary of hearts

Mary Mother of Mercy

Mary's refuge for sinners

Mary our only hope after God

Mary ourfriendly benefactors and limit my desires

Maria distributor of graces

To Mary our omnipotent Lawyer for all eternity

Mary help those who invoke her

The mediatrix of sinners Mary

Maria our safe defense

The reconciling Mary of sinners

Mary the loveliest of creatures

Mary Queen of Paradise

Prayer to Mary for the virtues

Prayer to the sweetest Heart of Mary


Another prayer to the Heart of Mary

Praises to the Sacred Hearts of Jesus and Mary

Prayer to Our Lady of the Rosary

Prayer to Our Lady of Mount Carmel

Prayer to Our Lady of Good Counsel

Remember N. S. do S. Coração

Offering to N. S. Aparecida

Act of consecration to N. S. Aparecida solemnly crowned

Prayer to N. S. Aparecida to ask for his protection

Invocation to Nossa Senhora Aparecida Senhora Aparecida Brazil is yours!

Prayer to Our Lady of Lourdes

Ave Maris Stella


Novena of the Immaculate Conception

two . Purification Novena

3. Novena of the Annunciation

4. Novena of Visitation

5. Novena of the Assumption

6. Novena of the Nativity

Presentation Novena

Virtue: The sacrifice of an object for which one has particular affection and attachment

prayers to Mary for each day of May and other months of the year


Prayer to Our Lady of Sorrows

The Mater Stabat

Crown in honor of the seven pains

Crown of N. S. das Sete Dores

Mary's seven pains are:

Novena to Our Lady of Sorrows


Prayer to the Holy Name of Mary

Consecration of himself to Mary Most Holy

Consecration of a family to Mary

Novena to Our Lady of Perpetual Help

Sancta Maria succúrre miseris

Indulgent Sub Tuum

Pious invocations to Our Mother of Perpetual Help

Act of consecration

Another act of consecration




Saint Joseph's seven pains and seven joys

The seven Sundays dedicated to St. Joseph

Litany of St. Joseph

Prayer to Saint Joseph

Another prayer to Saint Joseph

Prayer to Saint Joseph for the workers

Prayer to Saint Joseph

Prayer of Saint Clement Hofbauer



Prayer to St. Michael

Piety practices in honor of St. Michael

Prayer to Saint Raphael Archangel Glorious

Prayer to our Guardian Angel

Indulgent prayer



Ladainha dos Santos


Prayer to Saint Joaquim

Prayer to Sant'Ana

Prayer to Saint Mary Magdalene

Prayer to the Holy Apostles Peter and Paul

Prayer to Saint John the Evangelist

Prayer to Saint Judas Thaddeus

Prayer to the Good Thief

Prayer to Santa Barbara to be preserved from sudden or unforeseen death

Prayer to Saint Francis of Assisi

Prayer to Saint Anthony of Padua

Prayer to Saint Roque

Prayer to Saint Vincent de Paul

Prayer to Saint Francis de Sales

Prayer to Saint Luis Gonzaga

Prayer to Saint Stanislaus Kostka

Prayer to St. John Berchmans

Prayer to Santo Afonso de Ligório Doctor of the Catholic Church and Founder of the Congregation of the Most Holy Redeemer

Nine invocations to Santo Afonso

Prayer to Saint Clement Mary

Another prayer to Saint Clement

Prayer to Saint Geraldo

Another prayer to São Geraldo

Novena to São Geraldo

Prayer to Saint Benedict


Prayer to Saint Teresa



Millstones of Purgatory (November)

prayers to Jesus Christ In order to achieve the pain of his Passion, deign to have pity on the souls of Purgatory

Novena of souls

Act of resignation

Prayer for the dying

Dying heart of Jesus, have mercy on the dying!

Prayer for the souls of Purgatory

Prayer for deceased parents

Heroic act in favor of the souls of Purgatory

Jaculatory and pious practices enriched with indulgences

Indulgences granted to those who teach or learn the Catechism





January July and Eucharistic Month

August September and December

First Friday

First Saturday

Souls Day

First Communion


Prayer of a boy who wants to have a good first communion

Prayer for student use<

Prayer before study or lesson<

Prayer to know the vocation<

Prayer to Mary to know her vocation<

Prayer when the vocation is decided<

Prayer of a soul called to religious life<

Prayer proper for priests and those aspiring to the priesthood<

Prayer of a soul in a state of sin<

Feelings of trust in God (From Beato Cláudio de lá Colombiére)

Feelings of a repentant soul<

Prayer of a soul that returns to his God<

Feelings of a heart recognized in remembrance of the Lord's mercies<

Feelings of a soul resolved not to leave his God anymore<

Prayer to avoid hell<

Prayer to obtain paradise<

Sighs through the sky<

Prayer to get out of lukewarmness<

Prayer for victory over temptations<

Prayer for the grace to rule the language well

Prayer of a soul that wants to sanctify itself

Prayer for saints science

Prayer to obtain the grace to act with good intention

Prayer to obtain the holy virtues

Prayer for purity S. Luiz Gonzaga

The Blessed Virgin

Prayer for Obedience

Consecration of yourself to the Lord

Shorter consecration

Prayer to love God perfectly

Prayer to fulfill God's will

Feelings of conformity to God's will

Prayer to be done in feathers

Prayer to obtain the grace to endure humiliations resignedly

Prayer of a virgin who lives in the world or in the cloister

Prayer for final perseverance

Prayer with the same intention to be repeated frequently

Prayer to be preserved from unforeseen death

Renewal of baptism vows

Prayer for our Most Holy Father the Pope

Prayer for the Holy Church

Shorter prayer for the Church

Prayer to Mary for the Holy Church

Prayer for the homeland

Prayer for peace

Prayer for Religious Orders

Prayer for priests

Prayer for the conversion of unbelievers

Prayer for the conversion of heretics and schismatics

Prayer for the conversion of infidels (By St. Francis Xavier)

Prayer for the preservation of faith (By St. Clement Maria Hofbauer)

Prayer to Mary for extirpation of bad readings

Prayer for parents

Prayer of spouses and parents

Prayer for use by the people in charge of the education of young people

Prayer for our benefactors

prayers in the setbacks calamities and misfortunes

Prayer for a sick person

Prayer to obtain various graces

Universal prayer for all that concerns salvation

Prayer of Saint Clement Maria Hofbauer



Prayer to the wounds of Jesus

Prayer for a good death

Prayer for purity

Prayer for perseverance in the faith

For the wishes of São Geraldo Majella



Archbishop of Malines


My dear and Reverend Father, many books of piety have been extracted from the Works of S. Afonso: however, there was not yet, except in desire, a manual that gathered the most beautiful prayers of the Holy Doctor, sparse in his numerous writings. You have just filled this gap, my Reverend Father. This manual of piety is suitable for people of all conditions; he has the priceless advantage of being formed out of the prayers of a saint quite rightly called an apostle of prayer. Thanks to your intelligent care, Santo Afonso will henceforth be a guide and model made available to all souls to teach them the great art of salvation, prayer. In the school of such a perfect teacher, the faithful will learn without difficulty how their conversation should be in heaven. They will become familiar with the excellent way, proper to Santo Afonso,to always offer prayers to God, who ask, first of all, what is necessary for sanctification. If, therefore, Saint Alphonsus expanded his heart in his prayers, your book will put souls in contact with this saintly heart so ardent in love for Jesus Christ, so full of confidence in the intercession of the Blessed Virgin, and will attract them to love our divine Salvador with more confidence and generosity. I give you my blessing, recommending me to your prayers. Your affectionate in Jesus Christ.and it will attract them to love our divine Savior with more confidence and generosity. I give you my blessing, recommending me to your prayers. Your affectionate in Jesus Christ.and it will attract them to love our divine Savior with more confidence and generosity. I give you my blessing, recommending me to your prayers. Your affectionate in Jesus Christ.


Archbishop of Malines, C.SS.R.









He who prays is surely saved; he who does not pray is certainly condemned. This sentence, already famous, is worthy of being inscribed, as in its proper place, in front of a book destined to contain the most beautiful prayers of the Doctor of modern times, of what can be called the Doctor par excellence of the prayer.



Praise God to continually bring these salutary words to the spirit all those who are called to eternal life, that is, all men who still live on earth! May they be indelibly imprinted on their hearts. May prayer be the most expensive of the occupations of your life! Because it will never be too much to repeat: He who prays is surely saved; he who does not pray is certainly condemned. It is not in a hurry or by chance that Santo Afonso wrote these serious and solemn words: his long experience as a missionary had made him know the truth that they contain, in addition to being supported by tests without replica, drinks in Scripture and tradition. Allow readers to quote.




Prayer is an indispensable and sure way to obtain salvation and all the means that lead to it. Convinced, as I am, of the need for prayer, I say that all the books dealing with sanctification, all the preachers in their sermons, all the confessors in all the confessions they hear, should apply mainly to impress on the spirit of those who read them or listen to the need to always pray, never failing to warn and repeat them: pray ... pray ... pray ... and never cease to pray; if you pray, it is true, you will be saved; otherwise, it is certain, you will be lost. It is true that souls are recommended many and very good ways to keep themselves in the grace of God, such as fleeing from the occasions, attending the sacraments, resisting temptations, listening to the divine word, meditating on eternal truths, etc., these very healthy practices,as in proclaiming them all agree; but, I ask, what use are sermons, meditations and all the other means that the teachers of the spiritual life give, if they are not accompanied by prayer, since the Lord has declared that he does not want to give his thanks except to those who pray? Ask and you will receive (Jn 15,24).



Without prayer, according to the ordinary norm of Providence, all our meditations, resolutions, promises will be useless, if we do not pray, we will always be unfaithful to the lights we receive from God and to all the commitments we make. The reason is that, in order to do today well, to overcome temptations, to practice virtues, in a word, to fully observe the divine law, the received lights, our own considerations, our good purposes are not enough: it is indispensable, in addition, God's current help; now, the Lord grants this present aid only to those who pray with perseverance. The rays of light, the considerations, our good purposes, make that in the temptations and dangers of transgressing the Law of God, if we currently resort to prayer, through it we obtain the divine help that preserves us from sin; if, in this case,if we stopped praying, we would succumb.



The texts of Scripture that prove our need to pray, if we are to be saved, are exceedingly clear. It is necessary to pray always. Watch and pray that you do not fall into temptation (Mt26,41). Ask and it will be given to you (Mt 7,7). These terms, say theologians, impose an obligation. That is why, according to the wise Lesbian, it cannot be denied, without sinning against faith, that prayer is necessary for adults to be saved, since it is evident, according to the Holy Scriptures, that prayer is the only way to obtain aid needed for salvation (De Iust. I. 2.c.37.d). The reason is that, without the help of grace, we cannot do any good: Without me, says Jesus Christ, you can do nothing (Jn 15,5). Saint Augustine notes, in this regard, that the Savior did not say: You can do nothing, but: You can do nothing (Contra ep.pel.1.2.c, 8). Hence the following sentence by Gennadio: "No one attains salvation without God's help; no one gets this help except through prayer ". It is not, says Saint Thomas (2.2.q.83.a.2), that it is necessary to pray for God to know our needs; but God forces us to pray that we understand the need that we must always resort to it, in order to receive the necessary help for salvation, and so we confess it as the sole author of all the good we have (III.1oP.c.§1).and so we confess it as the sole author of all the good we have (III.1oP.c.§1).and so we confess it as the sole author of all the good we have (III.1oP.c.§1).




More: God, who is the same truth, promises to grant everything that is asked of him. To convince ourselves of this, let us weigh the terms that our divine Savior uses: Ask, he says, and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and it will open to you ... Your heavenly Father will give his goods to those who ask him (Mt 7,7).



Everyone who asks, achieves (Lk 10,11), and achieves everything he wants: Anything you want, ask him and it will be granted to you (Jn 15,22). But it is necessary to ask in the name of Jesus: Truly, truly, I say to you, if you ask for anything in my name, He will give it to you (Jn 16:23), as long as you ask with faith and confidence: Whatever the whatever you ask for in prayer, believe that you will get it and it will be given to you (Mk 11,24). For these promises, God obliged himself to grant us the graces we asked for. There is also no man more powerful than the one who prays; because? because prayer makes you a participant in Divine Power (III. P.24). Prayer is omnipotent, says Teodoreto; it alone is enough to obtain everything. According to S. Bonaventura, it reaches us all goods and frees us from all evils.



Prayer, says S. Bernardo, is stronger than all demons. Indeed, through prayer, our soul acquires a divine force, which elevates it over all created powers (III. P.44).




pray ... pray ... pray ... The grace of prayer is given to all men. It is in our power to pray when we want to (III. P.55). God wants the salvation of all men (Tim 2,4). Luther and Calvin blasphemed when they said that keeping the law of God is impossible for mortals after Adam's sin; likewise Jansenius, when he said that we are deprived of the grace that would make it possible for us to fulfill divine precepts. The Church condemned these errors; the Holy Council of Trent declared that God does not command the impossible, but admonishes us to do what we can with the help of ordinary grace and to ask him to increase the grace necessary to accomplish what we cannot do without this help; and then he makes us possible, supplying our weakness (Sess.6.c.11). Hence it follows that God gives or at least offers to all men,he wants the close grace necessary to keep his commandments, or at least the remote grace, that is, the grace of prayer, by which each one obtains the close grace he needs to fulfill the duties that the Law of God imposes on him.



The Lord, therefore, is ready to grant us salvation and all the graces necessary to attain it, but he demands that we ask for it without ceasing and we may even tease him in this endeavor. Men cannot suffer troublesome men, but that is not the case with God; he wants us to do violence to him by force of prayer. This violence is very pleasant to him, observes Tertullian (III.d.29).




Therefore, evildoers do little to excuse themselves with the claim that they do not have the strength to resist temptation. But, the apostle St. James answers them, if you lack strength it is because you do not ask for it (c.4, a.2). Because God is faithful, says St. Paul, and does not allow us to be tempted beyond our strength (Cor 10,18), that is, God by his grace makes us capable of resisting all temptations. When we invoke him, he communicates to us his divine strength, and then we can do everything, as the Apostle said of himself: I can do everything in him who strengthens me (Fp13).



Let us conclude from all that we have said that the one who prays is certainly saved, and the one who is not praying is certainly condemned. All the elect, apart from the boys, were saved by prayer. All convicts were lost because they had not prayed; if they had prayed they would not have been lost; their greatest despair in hell is and will have been able to save themselves with such ease, asking God for the graces they had needed, and not being able to ask for them anymore.



pray ... pray ... pray ...



Saint Teresa had wanted, she said, to climb a mountain, from where it was possible for her to be heard by all men, just to cry out to them:



pray ... pray ... pray ...




Here, in a nutshell, is the magnificent and consoling doctrine of Saint Alfonso when it comes to prayer. Not content to have spread these healthy teachings in a thousand places in his writings, he still wanted, as a practical man, to compose a great number of formulas as admirable in the background as in the form, and evidently marked with the seal of the spirit of God. A heavenly anointing will always be their attraction; the Saint wrote them with his heart; we would better say, with the feather wet in the blood of the burning Heart of Jesus. It is indeed true that many of them were written when he left an ecstatic prayer in the presence of the Blessed Sacrament, the crucifix or the image of Mary. They are exactly the language of the heart, but of a wounded heart of divine love, of a heart that knows how much the object of your love is worthy of being loved. Who,in his hours of solitude and expansion at the feet of his God, did his soul not feel moved, revived, burned up, repeating, after the gentle writer, these acts of love? The truth of this word by the famous Lacordaire is then understood: "Love has only one word, and saying it always, it never repeats it". Ah! if a seraph who came down from heaven wanted to express his ardor for God in the language of men, could he choose more holy terms in love? The usual use of these pious formulas cannot fail to be of the greatest use to the faithful. By rereading these short, incisive, ardent aspirations, they will practically learn to speak to God; they will assimilate in themselves the holy affections that never cease to address him; for the continuation they will have a particular aptitude for the jaculatory prayers,and with the help of a good will sustained by easy grace, it will be, even in the midst of multiple occupations, to be continually entertained with God.




In addition to their intrinsic value, Santo Afonso's prayers have the merit of offering us the highest security. Indeed:



1. They were composed by an author placed in the number of saints by the Church and served as a means to rise to such sublime perfection.



2. They are such an eminent Saint of science, that the Holy See deigned to honor him with the title, as glorious as rare, of Doctor of the Universal Church.



3. They underwent the most severe examination, when it came to the causes of their author's beatification, canonization and doctorate.



4. They are the work of an apostolic man, whose special mission was evidently inculcated by his sermons, writings and the Institute he founded, the importance, necessity and effectiveness of prayer for eternal salvation. Also those who went through his works, especially the one entitled: From the Great Environment of Prayer, unanimously proclaimed him an apostle and doctor of prayer.



5. Added to all these recommendations is that of experience. For more than a century, the faithful have not ceased to look avidly for these pious formulas, and to savor the delicious and life-giving manna they contain.




Our personal work in the composition of this manual consisted of gathering and putting in order methodical and popular the most beautiful prayers of Santo Afonso, scattered over the eighteen volumes of his ascetic Works and in the nine of his dogmatic Works. Many people had expressed their desire to see a manual of these prayers printed on the print: now we offer them in a convenient and portable format; God help him to live up to the expectations of those godly souls! Taking a simple look at the index of the articles, one can be convinced that we did not intend to make a complete manual. May the souls derive great spiritual benefit from this book, a prolonged echo of the following word of salvation so repeated by Santo Alfonso:



pray ... pray ... pray ...




The prayers and indulgences of this manual are taken from the official book "Enchiridion Indulgentiarum". The numbers at the end of the sentences correspond to the numbers in the same book. The letters IP mean that you can gain Plenary Indulgence by saying that prayer throughout the month and making Confession and Communion and praying for the Holy Father's intention.


Cross sign

By the sign of the Holy Cross,

deliver us, our Lord, from our enemies. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy

Spirit. Amen.

Our Father

Our Father who art in heaven; hallowed be thy name; your kingdom come to us; Thy will be done on earth as it is in Heaven. Give us this day our daily bread; and forgive us our debts, just as we forgive our debtors; and lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil! Amen.

Holy Mary

Hail, Mary, full of grace, the Lord is with you, blessed are you among women and blessed is the fruit of your womb, Jesus. Holy Mary, Mother of God, pray for us sinners, now and at the hour of our death. Amen.

I believe

I believe in God, almighty Father, Creator of Heaven and earth. And in Jesus Christ, his only Son, Our Lord, who was conceived by the Holy Spirit, was born of the Virgin Mary suffered under Pontius Pilate; he was crucified, killed and buried; went down to the mansion of the dead; rose on the third day; ascended to Heaven; he is seated at the right hand of Almighty Father God, from where he will come to judge the living and the dead. I believe in the Holy Spirit, the Holy Catholic Church, the Communion of Saints, the forgiveness of sins, the resurrection of the flesh and eternal life. Amen.

Save the queen

Hail, Queen, Mother of mercy, life, sweetness and our hope, Hail! We cry out to you the exiled children of Eve; we sigh to you moaning and weeping in this valley of tears. Therefore, our lawyer. your merciful eyes returned to us, and after this banishment, show us Jesus, the blessed fruit of your womb; O merciful, O pious, O sweet Virgin Mary! Pray for us, Holy Mother of God, that we may be worthy of Christ's promises. Amen.


I, a sinner, confess myself to Almighty God, to the always blessed Virgin Mary, to the blessed Saint Michael the Archangel, to the blessed Saint John the Baptist, to the Holy Apostles Saint Peter and Saint Paul, to all the Saints, and to you, Father, who have sinned many times for thoughts, words and deeds, for my fault, my fault, my great fault. Therefore, I ask and pray for the Blessed Virgin Mary, the Blessed Saint Michael the Archangel, the Blessed Saint John the Baptist, the Holy Apostles Saint Peter and Saint Paul, all the saints and you, Father, that you pray God, our Lord, for me. Amen.

Act of contrition

Lord my Jesus Christ, God and true man, Creator and Redeemer of mine, because you are who you are, supremely good and worthy to be loved above all things, Lord, weigh me, with all my heart, that I have offended you; it weighs me too, for having lost heaven and deserved hell; and I firmly propose, helped with your divine grace, to amend myself and never again to offend you and I hope to reach forgiveness for your infinite mercy. Amen.





In the morning, just wake up, imitate the children who, waking up, immediately try to feed themselves; lift up your heart to God by an act of love, offer him the actions of the day, and ask him to help you. While you dress, do not waste time; recite some prayers or repeat chants. For example:


My God, I offer you everything I do and suffer on this day. My Jesus, mercy! Lord, help me always; give me the grace to do your holy will.

Offer of the day to Maria

I offer you, O my tender mother, my work and my feathers, my spirit and my heart; deign to accept this weak homage of my respect and love for you, and to offer it to Jesus Christ, your divine Son and my Savior (St. Stanislau Kostka).

You have just finished dressing, prostrate yourself before the crucifix, and do, as follows, the ordinary acts of thanksgiving, love, offering of all your actions and sufferings; above all, I fervently asked Jesus and Mary for the help needed to serve God well during the day that begins.


My God, I firmly believe that you are here. I love your supreme majesty. I love your infinite goodness over all things. I thank you for the graces that you have accumulated to this day, and in particular for having preserved my life during this night.

I offer you all my thoughts, words, actions, affections and sufferings of this day, in union with those of Jesus, Mary and Joseph, and I propose to act solely to please You and honor you ... 1


1) Sunday: SS, Trindade and patron saints; Monday: the Holy Spirit; Tuesday: dos Santos Anjos; Wednesday: from San José; Thursday: From SS. Sacrament; Friday: of the Passion and the Heart of Jesus; Saturday: of Our Lady of Perpetual Help.



I intend to win all the indulgences I can, in favor of the souls in purgatory. I also propose, especially in the face of setbacks, to conform to your holy will, always saying: Lord, your will be done!

O my God, for the love of Jesus Christ, preserve me today from all sin, especially (such) and grant me the grace to practice the virtue of ...

It is good that the person makes a particular purpose here regarding the fault he falls into most often, and the virtue he wants to practice.

O my Jesus, through your merits, grant me the grace to live together with you. O Mary, my Mother, bless me and receive me under your protection. My good custodial angel, my holy protector, intercede for me. Santos and Santas of paradise, pray for me.

Our Father, Hail Mary, I believe in God the Father.

Sweet Heart of Jesus, make me love you more and more.

3 Hail Mary in honor of Mary's purity.

Through your Immaculate Conception, O Mary, purify my body and sanctify my soul!

Repeat after each Ave Maria.


For the Associates of the Confraternity of Nossa Senhora do Perpétuo Socorro, just add to these three Ave-Marias, a Glory to the Father, in honor of Santo Afonso, with the following two prayers: 



O Mary, Mother of Perpetual Help, pray for me.

My protector Santo Afonso, make sure that in all my needs I turn to Mary.

Short formula of consecration Ave Maria ...

Holy Mary...

O my Lady, O my Mother! I offer myself all to you and in proof of my devotion to you, I consecrate to you this day my eyes, my ears, my mouth, my heart and entirely my whole being and because I am yours, O good Mother , guard me and defend me, as your own thing and property. Amen. (Ind. 500 days. IP (340).

Litany of the Holy Name of Jesus

Lord have mercy on us.

Jesus Christ, have mercy on us.

Lord have mercy on us.

Jesus, listen to us.

Jesus, listen to us.

Heavenly Father, who are God, have mercy on us.

Son, Redeemer of the world, that you are God,

Holy Spirit, that you are God,

Most Holy Trinity, that you are one God,

Jesus, Son of the living God,

Jesus, Splendor of the Father,

Jesus, Source of eternal light,

Jesus, King of glory,

Jesus, Sun of justice,

Jesus, Son of the Virgin Mary,

Jesus, lovable,

Jesus, admirable,

Jesus, strong God,

Jesus, Father of the future century,

Jesus, Angel of the great council,

Jesus, most powerful,

Jesus, very patient,

Jesus, most obedient,

Jesus, meek and humble of heart.

Jesus, lover of chastity,

Jesus, who honors us with your love,

Jesus, God of peace,

Jesus, author of life,

Jesus, model of virtues,

Jesus, caretaker of souls,

Jesus, our God,

Jesus, our refuge,

Jesus, father of the poor,

Jesus, treasure of the faithful,

Jesus, good Shepherd,

Jesus, true light,

Jesus, eternal wisdom,

Jesus, infinite goodness,

Jesus, our way and our life,

Jesus, joy of angels,

Jesus, King of the patriarchs,

Jesus, Master of the apostles,

Jesus, Doctor of the Evangelists,

Jesus, stronghold of the martyrs,

Jesus, light of confessors,

Jesus, crown of all saints,

Be favorable to us,

Forgive us, Jesus,

Be favorable to us,


(Ind. 7 years; IP).

listen to us, Jesus.

From all evil, deliver us, Jesus.

Of all sin,

of your anger,

of the devil's snares,

of the spirit of impurity,

of eternal death,

contempt for Your divine inspirations,

for the mystery of your holy Incarnation,

for your birth, for your childhood,

for your all divine life,

for your work,

for Your Agony and Passion,

by your cross and helplessness,

for your sufferings,

for your death and grave,

for your resurrection, for your ascension,

for your institution of the most holy Eucharist,

for your joys,

for your glory,

Lamb of God, who takes away the sins of the world, forgive us, Jesus.

Lamb of God, who takes away the sins of the world, hear us, Jesus.

Lamb of God, who takes away the sins of the world, have compassion on us, Jesus.

Jesus, listen to us.

Jesus, listen to us.

Let us pray

Lord my Jesus Christ, who said: "Ask and you will receive, seek and find, knock and it will open to you", grant us, we ask, the fire of Your divine love, so that we love You with our hearts , words and deeds and never cease to praise You. Make us, Lord, to perpetually love and fear Your holy name; for never deprive those who establish in the solidity of Your love, from Your direction. Through Jesus Christ, our Lord. Amen.

(Ind. 7 years; IP).

The Angel of the Lord announced to Mary, and she conceived of the Holy Spirit.

Holy Mary.

Here is the slave of the Lord, let it be done to me according to your word.

Holy Mary.

The Word became flesh, and dwelt among us.

Holy Mary.

V. Pray for us, Holy Mother of God.

S. That we may be worthy of Christ's promises.

Let us pray

We ask you, Lord, to pour out your grace on us, so that, having known by the Angel's word the Incarnation of Jesus Christ, your Son, we may reach the glory of his Resurrection through the merits of his Passion and Cross. We ask you for the same Jesus Christ, our Lord. Amen.

(10 years, 3 times a day).

Consecration to the Sacred Heart

Prostrate at your feet, in the presence of the Blessed Virgin and of all the heavenly court, I solemnly acknowledge that by justice and gratitude I belong entirely to You, Jesus Christ, my Redeemer, the only source of all good for my soul and mine. body. And uniting myself to the intentions of the Sovereign Pontiff, I consecrate myself and all that belongs to Your Most Sacred Heart, which I only want to love and serve with all my soul, with all my heart, with all my strength, making the Your will mine, and uniting all my desires to Yours.

Offering to the Sacred Heart

My Lord Jesus Christ, in union with the divine intention with which you, on earth, praise God for your Most Holy Heart, and continue to give Him now without interruption until the consummation of the centuries, throughout the universe, in the Sacrament of the Eucharist , I also, throughout this whole day, without excluding the least part of it, in imitation of the Blessed Heart of the Blessed Virgin Mary Immaculate, I offer you with joy all my intentions and thoughts, all my affections and desires, all my works and words.

Consecration to the Holy Virgin (S. Luis Gonzaga)

O my Sovereign, Holy Virgin Mary, I come to entrust myself to your most secure protection, to place myself under your special protection, to launch myself into your mercy. Today, every day and at the time of my death, I recommend my soul and my body to you. I entrust to you all my hopes and consolations, all my anxieties and miseries, as well as the course and the end of my life, so that, through your holy intercession and your merits, all my works may be directed and arranged according to your holy will and that of your divine Son. So be it.

(Ind. 3 years; IP (343).



Try as early as possible each day to do a half-hour of mental prayer.



Mental prayer is not of absolute necessity, but it is certainly of moral necessity, to obtain perseverance. Those who do not do so hardly persevere in the grace of God, and this for two reasons: first, because eternal truths are not seen through the eyes of the body, but through consideration of the spirit; therefore, those who do not meditate on them do not see them; and if he does not see them, he can hardly conceive of the importance of salvation, the means he must employ, and the obstacles he must remove; hence the difficulty of saving oneself. The second reason is that the soul that does not meditate does not exercise itself in prayer; however, prayer is necessary, not only because of the need for a precept, but also because of the need for means to observe the commandments, because ordinarily God does not give his help except to those who ask him. Now,those who do not practice mental prayer know little about their spiritual needs, as well as the precision they have to pray to resist temptations and save themselves. Hence it proceeds that he prays nothing, or almost nothing: and not praying, he loses himself. A great bishop, D. Palafox, said: "How will the Lord give us perseverance if we do not ask Him? And how will we ask Him without prayer?" Saint Teresa stated that the one who prays cannot remain in sin for a long time: he will soon leave one of the two things, sin or prayer; prayer and sin do not go together. Mental prayer contains three parts:if we don't ask Him? and how will we ask it without prayer? "Saint Teresa said that the one who prays cannot spend much time in sin: he will soon leave one of the two things, sin or prayer; prayer and sin do not go together. Mental prayer contains three parts:if we don't ask Him? and how will we ask it without prayer? "Saint Teresa said that the one who prays cannot spend much time in sin: he will soon leave one of the two things, sin or prayer; prayer and sin do not go together. Mental prayer contains three parts:preparation , meditation and conclusion . In preparation, three acts are performed:


1 . Act of faith in the presence of God My God, I believe you are here and I adore you.

2. Act of humility I should see myself in hell at this hour; Lord, I regret having offended you.

3. Act of requesting lights Eternal Father, for the love of Jesus and Mary, clarify me in this meditation, so that I may benefit from it.

A Hail Mary to the Mother of God, and a Glory to the Father to St. Joseph, the guardian angel and our Holy protector.


Then read the point of Meditation. Be sure to meditate, at least from time to time, on the passion of Jesus Christ. While reading, linger on the passages that most impress you. Finally, note that the fruit of prayer is not so much to meditate as to produce:


1st affections, for example, of humility, trust, love, pain, offering, resignation, etc .;

2nd prayers, asking especially for perseverance and divine love; ,

3 "resolutions, to correct a particular vice or to practice some virtue.


The conclusion is as follows:


1 ° My God, I thank you for the lights you have given me.

2 ° I propose to observe the resolutions I have taken.

3 ° I ask you for the grace to put them into practice.


Do not forget to recommend to God the holy souls in Purgatory and the poor sinners.



Do not neglect your usual meditation, whatever the coldness or disgust you experience. Without this, says Santa Teresa, the soul will throw itself into hell.



Since a soul perseveres in prayer, she adds, I am sure that the Lord will lead her to the end of salvation.



O my God, the enemies of my soul will not cease to fight until death; if you do not come to my aid, I will succumb. Ah! for the merits of Jesus Christ, I entreat you, grant me holy perseverance, and do not allow me to separate from you for sin. The same favor I ask you for all those who are currently in your grace. Based on your promise, I am certain that I will obtain the gift of perseverance if I continue to ask you; but I fear, yes, I fear that, in temptations, I will fail to resort to you, and so I will fall into sin. Then I ask you for the grace of never ceasing to pray. Make sure that, on dangerous occasions, I always take care to recommend myself to you and to invoke the most holy names of Jesus and Mary. Behold, O my God, how I am determined to proceed always, by your holy grace; answer me for the love of Jesus Christ.O Mary, my Mother, make sure that whenever I find myself in danger of losing the friendship of God, I always have to turn to you and your Divine Son.

Means to persevere in the grace of God


To achieve eternal salvation, it is not enough to want to be saved; it is necessary to employ the means that Jesus Christ has given us. On the contrary, if we fall into sin, in vain we will claim, in the day of judgment, that temptations were strong and we were weak: because God has prepared for us the means of overcoming by all grace the assaults of our enemies; ours is all the fault, if we succumbed because we didn't want to take advantage of it.



Everyone wants to be saved: but, because they do not use the means to this end, many sin and condemn themselves.



The first means is the flight of occasions. Those who are not careful to run away from them, especially in matters of impurity, inevitably fall into sin; because the occasion is like a blindfold covering our eyes and making it impossible for us to see anything else, neither God, nor hell, nor resolutions taken. In terms of occasions, we need to be violent and resolve to win all human respect. Without becoming violent, let us not hope for salvation.



The second means is mental prayer, without which it is difficult to stay long in the grace of God. Whoever meditates frequently on the youngest, will not fall into sin; if they are not frequently meditated, they are erased from memory, and when the pleasures of the senses are presented, we are easily dragged away. This is how so many bastards give themselves up to addiction and condemn themselves. Then do half an hour of prayer each day or at least read some spiritual book, taking care to excite from space to space some good feeling, or to make some supplication. If you do not despise prayer, be sure that you will be saved.



The third means is the frequency of the sacraments. Through frequent confession, the purity of the soul is preserved, and not only are forgiveness for faults, but there is also an increase in aid to resist temptations. Communion is called heavenly bread, because, like earthly bread, it preserves the life of the soul. Without this heavenly Food, you will not have life in you, says the Lord (Jn 6,54). But to those who attend, he promises eternal life (Jn 6,59). That is why the Council of Trent calls this Sacrament "an antidote that frees us from venial sins, and preserves us from mortals". Then make a firm determination to commune at least every eight days, and to never leave this devotion for any business in the world, there is no business more important than eternal salvation. Also note that the more you are involved in the world,the more graces are needed for you, since you are exposed to greater temptations.



The fourth half is hearing the mass every day.



The fifth medium is the daily visit to the SS. Sacrament in a church and the Mother of God before a devout image.



The sixth way, the most necessary to practice is prayer. It is true that without God's help we cannot do anything worthwhile for eternal life; it is also true that God protests not to grant his help but to those who ask him. He who prays is certainly saved; he who does not pray is certainly condemned.



Be sure to hear Holy Mass every day. Those who hear it receive a particular application of the merits of the Passion of Jesus Christ. It is necessary to listen to it in order to realize the purposes for which it was instituted, namely:

1 ° honor God;

2 ° thank you for your benefits;

3 ° atone for our sins;

4 ° obtain the graces of salvation.


When starting work or study:

Lord, I offer you this job.

Before eating:

My God, bless me, as well as this food; make sure that I do not miss anything by taking it, and that all may serve your glory.

After you have fed:

I thank you, Lord, for doing good to those who have offended you so often. When the clock tells the time: My Jesus, I love you; make sure that I no longer offend you, and never part with you.

In the setbacks:

Lord, so you want it, so do I want it.

In temptations and dangers:

Frequent invocation of the Blessed names of Jesus and Mary.

After a foul:

My God, I regret having offended you, for you are infinite goodness; I don't want to do it from now on.


If it is a serious sin, do not delay confession.


Godly greetings

V. Praise be to our Lord Jesus Christ.

A. Forever be praised, or so be it!

V. Praise be to Jesus and Mary.

A. Today and always

(300 days of IP induction) 697. 7.



Before you start visiting the stations, get down on your knees before the high altar, do an act of contrition, and form the intention of gaining indulgences both for yourselves and for the souls in purgatory.


Act of contrition

Lord my Jesus Christ, oh! with what love did you walk this path of pain when you went to die for me; and me, alas! that I sometimes despised you! but now I love you with all my soul, and for that reason I love you, it weighs me with all my heart to have offended you; deign to forgive me and allow me to follow you on this painful path. You are going to die for my sake; I want, O my most beloved Redeemer, to accompany you in order to die for your love. My Jesus, I want to live and die always united to you.

I STATION Jesus is condemned to death

Jesus is condemned to death

To you, Jesus Christ, we worship and bless. Because with your death on the cross you have redeemed the world. Consider how Jesus Christ, after being flogged and crowned with thorns, was unjustly condemned by Pilate to death on the cross ... O my adorable Jesus, it was not Pilate, but my sins that condemned you to death. Ah! for the merit of this painful path, I ask you to assist my soul in the journey it takes for eternity.

I love you, O Jesus, my love, I love you more than myself, and for that reason I love you, it weighs me with all my heart to have offended you; do not allow me to separate more from You. Make me love you always, and then do with me whatever is your holy will.

1 Our Father, 1 Hail Mary, 1 Glory to the Father.

II STATION Jesus with the cross on his back

Jesus with the cross on his back

We worship you, Jesus Christ, etc. Consider Jesus Christ walking to Calvary, with the cross on his shoulders: he thinks of you and offers to God for your salvation the death that he will suffer ... My dearest Jesus, I embrace all the feathers you send me and until death; I ask you, for deserving the pain you suffered when you carried your cross on your shoulders, help me to carry mine with perfect patience and resignation.

I love you, O Jesus, my love, I love you more than myself, and for that reason I love you, it weighs me with all my heart to have offended you; do not allow me to separate more from You. Make me love you always, and then do with me whatever is your holy will.

1 Our Father, 1 Hail Mary, 1 Glory to the Father.

III STATION Jesus falls for the first time

Jesus falls for the first time

You, Jesus Christ, worship the, etc. Consider this first fall of Jesus under his cross. The flesh of his body is torn by the scourges, his head crowned with thorns; his blood flows with abundance. His weakness is so great that it is difficult for him to take a step. And although he is bent under the weight of the cross, he is pushed roughly by inhuman soldiers forward; that is why he fell many times along the way to Calvary ... O my most beloved Jesus, it is not the weight of your cross, but the weight of my sins, that makes you suffer so much pain. Ah! for the merit of this first fall, save me from falling into mortal sin.

I love you, O Jesus, my love, I love you more than myself, and for that reason I love you, it weighs me with all my heart to have offended you; do not allow me to separate more from You. Make me love you always, and then do with me whatever is your holy will.

1 Our Father, 1 Hail Mary, 1 Glory to the Father.

IV STATION Jesus meets his distressed Mother

Jesus meets his distressed Mother

We worship you, Jesus Christ, etc. Consider the encounter of Jesus and Mary on this path of pain. The Son looks at his Mother, and the Mother looks at her Son. These looks, which both exchange with each other, pierce, with so many arrows, their hearts that they so tenderly love each other. O my tender Jesus, for the pain you suffered at this meeting, grant me the grace to be a true servant of your Most Holy Mother. And you, my Queen of sorrows, reach out to me through your intercession a continuous and tender remembrance of the Passion of your divine Son.

I love you, O Jesus, my love, I love you more than myself, and for that reason I love you, it weighs me with all my heart to have offended you; do not allow me to separate more from You. Make me love you always, and then do with me whatever is your holy will.

1 Our Father, 1 Hail Mary, 1 Glory to the Father.

V STATION Jesus receives help from Cyrene

Jesus receives help from Cyrene

You, Jesus Christ, worship the, etc. Consider that Jesus is so faint, that his enemies fear every moment. And so that he does not die in the way and escape this fate to the infamous death to which they are destined, they compel Simon Cyrene to carry the cross after Jesus ... O my sweetest Jesus, far from me refusing, like the Cyrene, the cross; I accept and embrace it: I accept in particular the death that is reserved for me, with all the penalties that will accompany it: I unite it with your death, and I offer it to you in sacrifice: you died for my love, I also want to die for your sake and in order to please you; help me with your grace.

I love you, O Jesus, my love, I love you more than myself, and for that reason I love you, it weighs me with all my heart to have offended you; do not allow me to separate more from You. Make me love you always, and then do with me whatever is your holy will.

1 Our Father, 1 Hail Mary, 1 Glory to the Father.

VI STATION Jesus prints his Face on a towel

Jesus prints his face on a towel

You, Jesus Christ, worship the, etc. Consider how a pious woman named Veronica, seeing Jesus very drained, with a face bathed in sweat and blood, presents him with a towel. Our Lord wipes his face with it, and leaves his lovely face on it ... O Jesus, my love, you were before the most beautiful of the sons of men, but in this painful path your beauty has disappeared, the wounds and the blood disfigured you all. There! my soul was also beautiful when it received your grace in baptism, but I was not slow to tie it up for my sins; only you, my Redeemer, can restore its original beauty to it; grant me this favor: I ask you for your Passion.

I love you, O Jesus, my love, I love you more than myself, and for that reason I love you, it weighs me with all my heart to have offended you; do not allow me to separate more from You. Make me love you always, and then do with me whatever is your holy will.

1 Our Father, 1 Hail Mary, 1 Glory to the Father.

VII STATION Jesus falls for the second time

Jesus falls the second time

You, Jesus Christ, worship the, etc. Consider Jesus' second fall under the cross. Our Lord was already suffering a lot; but this fall makes his pain even more acute, renewing all the wounds on his lovely head and sacred body ... O meekness of my Jesus, how many times have you forgiven me, and I who have sometimes fallen into sin! how many times have I renewed offenses against you! Ah! for the merit of this new fall, help me to persevere in your grace until death; do that, in all temptations that assail me, never fail to recommend me to you.

I love you, O Jesus, my love, I love you more than myself, and for that reason I love you, it weighs me with all my heart to have offended you; do not allow me to separate more from You. Make me love you always, and then do with me whatever is your holy will.

1 Our Father, 1 Hail Mary, 1 Glory to the Father.

VIII STATION Jesus speaks to women who cry

Jesus speaks to women who cry

You, Jesus Christ, worship the, etc. Consider Jesus watering the way of Calvary with his blood. Their condition is so pitiful, that the same Jewish women are moved by compassion and cannot contain their tears; But Jesus says to them, "Do not weep over me; weep over your children." O Jesus, so overcome with pain, I bitterly weep over the offenses that I have done to you, not only because of the punishments that I have deserved, but above all because of the displeasure that I have caused you, who love me so much; what makes me cry for my sins is your love rather than the fear of hell.

I love you, O Jesus, my love, I love you more than myself, and for that reason I love you, it weighs me with all my heart to have offended you; do not allow me to separate more from You. Make me love you always, and then do with me whatever is your holy will.

1 Our Father, 1 Hail Mary, 1 Glory to the Father.

IX STATION Jesus falls for the third time

Jesus falls the third time

You, Jesus Christ, worship the, etc. Consider Jesus' third downfall. Excessive is his weakness, and no less excessive the cruelty of the executioners, who force him to speed up his pace, when he may have struggled to his feet ... Ah! my Jesus stepped on the feet, for the merit of the weakness to which you wanted to remain reduced on Calvary, give me the strength to overcome human respect and all the bad inclinations that led me to disdain your friendship in the past.

I love you, O Jesus, my love, I love you more than myself, and for that reason I love you, it weighs me with all my heart to have offended you; do not allow me to separate more from You. Make me love you always, and then do with me whatever is your holy will.

1 Our Father, 1 Hail Mary, 1 Glory to the Father.

X STATION Jesus is stripped of his garments

Jesus is stripped of his garments

We worship you, Jesus Christ, etc. Consider with what violence the executioners strip Jesus: as the garments were attached to his body torn by the scourging, they pluck them, and by the same act they pluck his flesh. Have pity on the sufferings of Jesus and say to him: O my Jesus, that you are the same innocence, for the merit of the pains that you suffered then, help me to put all my affection on the things of the earth, in order to use all my love in you, who are so worthy of being loved.

I love you, O Jesus, my love, I love you more than myself, and for that reason I love you, it weighs me with all my heart to have offended you; do not allow me to separate more from You. Make me love you always, and then do with me whatever is your holy will.

1 Our Father, 1 Hail Mary, 1 Glory to the Father.

XI STATION Jesus is nailed to the cross

Jesus is nailed to the cross

We worship you, Jesus Christ, etc. Consider how Jesus, thrown violently on the cross, stretches out his hands and offers the eternal Father the sacrifice of his life for our salvation. The executioners nailed him with nails; then, lifting the cross, they let him die of pain in this infamous gallows. O my Jesus, victim of the most vilifying contempt, hold my heart at your feet, so that I may perpetually remain there to love you always, and never leave you from now on.

I love you, O Jesus, my love, I love you more than myself, and for that reason I love you, it weighs me with all my heart to have offended you; do not allow me to separate more from You. Make me love you always, and then do with me whatever is your holy will.

1 Our Father, 1 Hail Mary, 1 Glory to the Father.

XII STATION Jesus dies on the cross

Jesus dies on the cross

We worship you, Jesus Christ, etc. Consider Jesus dying for three hours on the cross. Finally, exhausted from pain, he abandoned himself to the weight of his body, bowed his head and died ...! O my Jesus, victim of love, I tenderly kiss this cross on which I see you dead for me. For my sins I deserved to die in your misfortune, but your death is my hope. Ah! for the sake of your merits give me the grace to die embracing your feet and burning with love for you. I place my soul in your hands.

I love you, O Jesus, my love, I love you more than myself, and for that reason I love you, it weighs me with all my heart to have offended you; do not allow me to separate more from You. Make me love you always, and then do with me whatever is your holy will.

1 Our Father, 1 Hail Mary, 1 Glory to the Father.

XIII STATION Jesus is descended from the cross

Jesus is descended from the cross

We worship you, Jesus Christ, etc. Consider how, after the Lord's death, two of his disciples, Joseph and Nicodemus, descend from the cross and place him in the arms of his sorrowful Mother, who receives him with love, and holds him tenderly over his heart. O Mother of sorrows, for the love of your divine Son, receive me as your servant and pray for me. And you, my Redeemer, since you died for me, make me love you, because I desire you and nothing else.

I love you, O Jesus, my love, I love you more than myself, and for that reason I love you, it weighs me with all my heart to have offended you; do not allow me to separate more from You. Make me love you always, and then do with me whatever is your holy will.

1 Our Father, 1 Hail Mary, 1 Glory to the Father.

XIV STATION Jesus is buried

Jesus is buried

We worship you, Jesus Christ, etc. Consider the disciples walking to the grave to give Jesus a grave. Mary accompanies them; she is the one who arranges with her own hands in the tomb the inanimate body of her Son. After that, the sepulcher is closed and everyone leaves. O my buried Jesus, I kiss the stone of your tomb. But you came out of it glorious on the third day. Ah! for the merits of your resurrection, make it possible for me on the last day to be resurrected with you in glory, to possess, praise and love you forever in heaven.

I love you, O Jesus, my love, I love you more than myself, and for that reason I love you, it weighs me with all my heart to have offended you; do not allow me to separate more from You. Make me love you always, and then do with me whatever is your holy will.

1 Our Father, 1 Hail Mary, 1 Glory to the Father.

Plenary ind., Each time. Another plenary, if the same day is confessed and communed (194). 8.



To get much fruit from spiritual reading, it is necessary, before beginning it, to recommend yourself to God, in order to be enlightened by his divine light in the things to be read. During spiritual reading, the Lord deigns to speak to us; We must therefore, taking the book, say this prayer: Speak, Lord, because your servant listens (IRs 3,9). Yes, speak to me, let me know your holy will. I want to obey you in everything. It is necessary, at the end of the reading, to choose one of the thoughts that touched you the most, to bring it with you, as we usually take a flower from the garden where we went to have fun. Then thank the Lord, saying:


Lord, I thank you for so many help and lights that you give me, to sanctify me and to arrest me more and more to you.



How pleasing to the Heart of Jesus are those who visit him frequently, and are happy to keep him company in the sanctuaries where he resides in his Sacrament! Godly soul, do not let any day pass without going to a church to entertain you, if not more, at least for a quarter of an hour, before the Blessed Sacrament. Oh! how delicious it is to speak familiarly with Jesus Christ! Do not miss any day with a visit to Mary; from this you will receive signed thanks. As for the way to make the visit, I consulted the third part (p.225). 10.




He who has true devotion to Mary Most Holy can be called blessed in this life, and be sure of the possession of paradise, according to the following word that the Holy Church puts in the mouth of the Queen of Heaven: He who has found me will find life , and you will obtain salvation (Pv8,35).



But who do you think Maria is? He is the one who loves and honors her for her special devotions. Now, of all the devotions, I do not know that there is any more pleasing to the Mother of God than the Rosary. Oh! what a beautiful hope of salvation those who recite it every day with piety and perseverance! The books are full of examples of souls saved by this means.



Listen to what the same demons, obliged by an order from St. Dominic, said in praise of the Rosary: ​​"We are forced to confess that whoever perseveres in devotion to Mary and the Rosary will not be condemned, because Mary will achieve his salvation." Therefore, be sure to pray at least part of the Rosary each day with affection and confidence.


I THIRD Joyful mysteries

Joyful mysteries

First joyful Mystery:


Mary conceives the Word Incarnate, Who came into the world to redeem sin.

Ave, Ave, Ave Maria (bis)

Let us salute the Virgin Mary, responding humbly to the Angel Gabriel, who announces that she is to be Mother of God, and let us ask her for the grace of humility.

Second joyful Mystery:


Feeling alight in charity, Isabel visits, full of humility.

Ave, Ave, Ave Maria (bis)

Let us salute the Virgin Mary, freeing her from original sin, for her charitable visit to John the Baptist, and giving thanks to her mother, Saint Isabel, and let us ask her for the grace of charity towards others.

Joyful Third Mystery:

Birth of the Savior

In a poor lapa the Savior is born. From the pure Virgin Mother, a divine flower springs.

Ave, Ave, Ave Maria (bis)

Let us salute the Virgin Mary, reclining in a poor crib Jesus, her Son, the Redeemer of the world, and ask her for the grace of letting go of the goods of the earth.

Joyful Mystery Room:

Presentation of Jesus and purification of Mary

In the temple he presents Jesus Boy; In the arms of dawn comes the divine sun.

Ave, Ave, Ave Maria (bis)

Let us salute the Virgin Mary, submitting with her Son to a law to which she was not subject, since she always remained a Virgin, and let us ask her for the grace of obedience to the laws of God and the Church.

Fifth joyful Mystery:

Encounter of Jesus in the temple the Son who seeks full of agony, In the temple finds with supreme joy.

Ave, Ave, Ave Maria (bis)

Let us salute the Virgin Mary, finding her divine Son in the temple, who left her for three days to instruct the doctors and let us ask her for the grace to listen with respect to the doctrine of the Gospel.

II THIRD Sorrowful mysteries

Painful mysteries

First painful Mystery:

Agony of Our Lord

In the sad retreat the Son is praying, With blood sweat the earth is bathing.

Ave, Ave, Ave Maria (bis)

Let us salute the Virgin Mary, taking part in the agony that causes her Son to see our sins and the pains that she will suffer to atone for them, and ask her for the grace of contrition.

Second painful Mystery:

flagellation of Our Lord

You already see him tied to the hard column, A living wound on your sacred body.

Ave, Ave, Ave Maria (bis)

Let us salute the Virgin Mary, patiently contemplating the cruelty of the executioners who flog her Son and ask her for the grace of patience in tribulations.

Third painful Mystery:

Coronation of thorns of Our Lord

Through hard thorns she sees him pierced, The sacred head, all bloody.

Ave, Ave, Ave Maria (bis)

Let us salute the Virgin Mary, suffering in silence the irreversible scorns to her Son crowned with thorns, and ask her for the grace to be silent when they revile us.

Painful Fourth Mystery:

Lifting the Cross

The cross weighing on the injured shoulder, Cair, sees the beloved Son on the ground.

Ave, Ave, Ave Maria (bis)

Let us salute the Virgin Mary, accompanying her Son cheerfully carrying the cross, and ask her for the courage to always follow Jesus on the path of suffering.

Fifth painful Mystery:

Crucifixion of Our Lord

On the cross raised between two thieves, the King of Glory dies full of afflictions.

Ave, Ave, Ave Maria (bis)

Let us salute the Virgin Mary, forgiving with Jesus the executioners who crucified her beloved Son, and ask her for the grace to forgive for His sake to our Enemies.

III THIRD Glorious mysteries

Glorious mysteries

First Glorious Mystery:

Resurrection of Our Lord

It is full of joy that Jesus, winner of death by the holy cross, resurfaces.

Ave, Ave, Ave Maria (bis)

Let us salute the Virgin Mary, admiring the triumph of the risen Jesus, despite all the power of her enemies, and ask her for the grace to never doubt the triumph of God and our faith.

Second Glorious Mystery:

Ascension of Our Lord

Joyful and longing to go up, he sees in heaven, Jesus triumphant, his sweet charm.

Ave, Ave, Ave Maria (bis)

Let us salute the Virgin Mary, accompanying her divine Son who ascends to heaven with her eyes and wishes, and ask her for the grace to live with the desire for our salvation.

Glorious Third Mystery:

Coming of the Holy Spirit

From the Father's right hand, God the Son sends, The divine Spirit that burns Mary.

Ave, Ave, Ave Maria (bis)

Let us salute the Virgin Mary, receiving with the Apostles, in the gathering of the Upper Room, the fullness of the gifts of the Holy Spirit, and ask her for the grace of knowledge and the love of God.

Glorious Mystery Room:

Assumption of Our Lady

Already leaving the earth, Mary exalted To the heavens rises, surrounded by the Angels.

Ave, Ave, Ave Maria (bis)

Let us salute the Virgin Mary, breathing out in the love of God, whom she has always served, and soon rewarded in paradise, and let us ask her for the grace of final perseverance.

Fifth Glorious Mystery:

Coronation of Our Lady in Heaven

The Son's right hand on a throne of glory, With crowned light, already sings victory.

Ave, Ave, Ave Maria (bis)

Let us salute the Virgin Mary, crowned in heaven Queen of Saints, and ask her for the grace to love her. and serve you faithfully in this world, stop. be forever happy with it. in the sky.

Indulg. 5 years every time the rosary is said, 10 years once a day praying it together with others, plenary praying it before the Most Holy (395).


Lord have mercy on us.

Jesus Christ, have mercy on us.

Lord have mercy on us.

Jesus Christ, listen to us.

Jesus Christ, listen to us.

God, Father in heaven, have mercy on us.

God the Son, Redeemer of the world,

God the Holy Spirit,

Most Holy Trinity, that you are one God,

Holy Mary, pray for us.

Holy Mother of God,

Holy Virgin of Virgins,

Mother of Jesus Christ,

Mother of divine grace,

Mother pure,

Most chaste mother,

Immaculate Mother,

Mother intact,

Loving mother,

Admirable mother,

Mother of the Good Council,

Mother of the Creator,

Mother of the Savior,

Most prudent virgin,

Venerable Virgin,

Commendable virgin,

Mighty Virgin,

Merciful Virgin,

Faithful Virgin,

Mirror of Justice,

Thirst for wisdom,

Cause of our joy,


Honorific Vase,

Vignette of devotion,

Mystic Rose,

Tower of David,

Ivory Tower,

Gold House,

Ark of the Covenant,

Heaven's Door,

Morning Star,

Health of the sick,

Refuge of sinners,

Consoling of the afflicted,

Aid of Christians,

Queen of Angels,

Queen of Patriarchs,

Queen of the prophets,

Queen of Apostles,

Queen of Martyrs,

Queen of Confessors,

Queen of Virgins,

Queen of all saints,

Queen conceived without sin,

Queen assumes to the sky,

Queen of the Holy Rosary,

Queen of Peace,

Lamb of God, who takes away the sins of the world, forgive us,

Sir. Lamb of God, who takes away the sins of the world, hear us,

Sir. Lamb of God, who takes away the sins of the world, have mercy on us.

V. Pray for us, Holy Mother of God.

Q. That we may be worthy of Christ's promises.

Let us pray.

Grant to your servants, we ask you, Lord, our God, that we always enjoy the health of the soul and the body and through the glorious intercession of the Blessed Virgin Mary, let us be free from the present sadness and attain eternal glory. Through Christ our Lord. Amen.

In October

Let us pray.

Let us worship such a great sacrament;

And the old document gives way to the new rite.

Give faith the supply to the defect of the senses.

Praise and joy to the Father and the Son,

Greetings and honor to you and also virtue and blessing:

Praise him from both. Amen.

O God, whose Only Begotten Son for his life, death and resurrection has won us the prizes of eternal life, grant us, we implore you, that in honoring these mysteries, by the Most Holy Rosary of the Blessed Virgin Mary, imitate what they contain and obtain the that promise. By the same Jesus Christ, our Lord. Amen.

Praise in blasphemy repair

Blessed be God.

Blessed be his holy name.

Blessed be Jesus Christ, true God and true man.

Blessed be the name of Jesus.

Blessed be his Most Sacred Heart.

Blessed be Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament of the Altar.

Blessed be your Most Precious Blood.

Blessed be the great Mother of God, Mary Most Holy.

Blessed be his Holy and Immaculate Conception.

Blessed be his glorious Assumption.

Blessed be the name of Mary, Virgin Mother.

Blessed be St. Joseph, your most chaste husband.

Blessed be God in your Angels and in your Saints.

Ind. 3 years, in public 5 years. IP (696).

Prayer for the Church and the Fatherland

God and our Lord, protect your Church, give it holy pastors and worthy ministers; pour out your blessings on our Holy Father the Pope, on our Bishop (Archbishop), on our Parish Priest and all the Clergy; on the head of the nation, the state and on all persons constituted in dignity, so that they may govern with justice; give the Brazilian people constant peace and complete prosperity. Favor, with continuous effects of your kindness, Brazil, this Bishopric (Archbishopric), the Parish in which we live, each one of us in particular and all the people for whom we are obliged to pray or who are recommended to our prayers. Have mercy on the souls of the faithful, who suffer in purgatory; give them, Lord, rest and eternal light.

Our Father, Hail Mary, Glory to the Father.


Let us stand in the presence of God and worship Him

O eternal God, I adore you and give thanks for all your benefits: because you created and redeemed me for Jesus Christ and you made me a Christian and you waited for me, being in sin, and you have so often forgiven my guilt.

We ask God for lights to know our faults

O God, Father of lights, who enlighten every man who comes to this world, I have smitten my heart with a ray of light, of love and pain, so that I may know well the sins that I have committed against you, and have true repentance their.

Let us examine our conscience

It is useful to take two exams each day: private and general. As for practice, the private examination is short, since one only takes a look at the dominant defect, briefly making an act of contrition.

The general examination requires more time. To do this well, start by asking God for the necessary lights; then review in your memory what you did during the day, and see if you did anything wrong, for example: laziness to get up in the morning, impatience, vanity or desire to appear, contemptuous purposes, idle or unkind words, lies to excuse you , intemperance in eating, voluntary distractions in prayer or mass, curious looks, wasted time, omission of good works, small slander, slight disobedience, lack of respect for your superiors, neglect to repel bad thoughts, and other similar things. However, when you fall short, do not wait for the night to correct you; as soon as conscience accuses you, do an act of contrition, and then be at peace.These inner rebukes should comfort you, because they are a good sign. They mean that you have a horror of sins. After the exam, do the following:

Act of faith

My God, unfailing truth, I believe everything the Church proposes to me to believe, because you have revealed it to me. I believe that you are my God, the Creator of the universe, who, for all eternity, reward the righteous in paradise and punish sinners in hell. I believe that you are one in essence, and triune in people, Father, Son and Holy Spirit. I believe in the Incarnation, Passion and Death of Jesus Christ. Finally, I believe everything that the Holy Church believes. I thank you for making me a Christian, and I protest that I want to live and die in this holy faith.

Act of hope

My God, trusting in your promises, because you are powerful, faithful and merciful, I hope, for the merits of Jesus Christ, the forgiveness of my sins, the final perseverance and the eternal glory of paradise.

Act of love and contrition

My God, I love you with all my heart and above all things, because you are infinitely good and worthy of being loved; I also love my neighbor as myself for your sake. My God, I repent of all my sins, because I have offended you with them, O infinite goodness: I deplore them from the bottom of my heart, and I have more horror than all evils. Helped with your grace, which I ask you to grant me now and always, resolved that I would rather die than give you regret again. Furthermore, I propose to receive the holy sacraments during life and in death.

Our Father, Hail Mary, I believe in God the Father.

Members of the Propagation of the Faith can gather here:

"Saint Francis Xavier, pray for us".

Prayer to recite every day before the image of the Holy Family

Most loving Jesus, that for your ineffable virtues and examples of domestic life, you consecrated the family that you chose for yourself on earth, cast a merciful look on our family, which, prostrate at your feet, asks you to be favorable. Remember that this house belongs to you, as it was dedicated and consecrated to you to honor you with special worship. Protect her in your goodness, free her from dangers, come to her aid in her needs, grant her the strength to persevere always in the imitation of your Holy Family, so that, faithfully bound by your service and love for all course of his mortal life, may he then sing your eternal praises in the heavens. O Mary, most sweet Mother, here we are, begging for your protection, very sure that your divine and only Son will answer your pleas. And you too,Most glorious Patriarch of St. Joseph, grant us the support of your powerful sponsorship, and place our vows in the hands of Mary, so that she may present them to Jesus Christ. Jesus, Mary, Joseph, enlighten us, help us, save us. So be it.

Prayers to Our Lady of Perpetual Help

1. By yourself

Most Holy Virgin Mary, who, in order to inspire us with unlimited confidence, wanted to take the sweet name of Mother of Perpetual Help, I beg you to help me at all times and places, in my temptations, after my falls, my difficulties, in all the miseries of life, and especially at the moment of death. Give me, O dear Mother, the thought and the habit of always appealing to you, for I am certain that if I am faithful in appealing to you, then be it, also in helping me. Grant me, then, this grace of grace, the grace to ask you without ceasing and with the trust of a little boy, so that, by virtue of this faithful prayer, he may obtain your perpetual help and final perseverance. Bless me, O tender and helping Mother, and pray for me now and at the time of my death. Amen.

2. For the needs of the Church

Most Holy Virgin Mary, whom we are delighted to call our Mother of Perpetual Help, show us that you deserve this beautiful title, covering with your continuous protection the Church and her august Head. By the infinite merits of the Heart of Jesus, which we offer through your Intermediary to the Eternal Father, obtain for the sinners the grace of a sincere conversion; for the dying, a holy death; for the souls of our dead relatives, liberation from the flames of purgatory; and for all of us, a general forgiveness and abundant mercy. Amen.

Prayer to achieve a good death

Lord my Jesus Christ, for the torments you suffered on the cross, when your blessed soul separated from your sacred body, have mercy on my sinful soul, when it has to leave my miserable body and enter eternity.

Prayers for the night

O Mary, because of the pain you suffered on Calvary seeing Jesus breathe out on the cross, reach a good death for me; make it so that in loving you in this world, O tender Mother, and that Jesus, your divine Son, deserve to go to love you forever in heaven.

Other indulgent prayers

1. To Jesus

Divine Jesus, Incarnate Son of God, who for your salvation you have deigned to be born in a stable, to spend your life in poverty, in anguish and misery, and to die by the torment of the cross, tell your Eternal Father, I conjure you, at the time of my death: My Father, forgive him; say your dear Mother: Behold your Son; say my soul: Today you will be with me in paradise. My God, my God, don't abandon me at that time. I am thirsty: yes, my God, my soul is thirsty for you, who are the source of living waters. My life passes like the shadow; still a little time and everything will be over! That is why, my lovely Savior, it is that I place my spirit in Your hands for all eternity. Jesus, my Lord, deign to receive my soul. Amen.

2. The Immaculate Mary

O Mary, conceived without sin, pray for us, who turn to you; O refuge of sinners, mother of the dying; do not abandon us at the time of our death; but reach us with perfect pain, sincere contrition, forgiveness of our sins, worthy reception from the Viatic Saint, strength of the Sacrament of Extreme Unction, so that we can safely present ourselves before the throne of a judge who is just, but also merciful, our God and Redeemer. Amen.

Prayer before bedtime

O my God, I thank you for having preserved my life on this day; I beg you to conserve this night and preserve me from all sin. I offer you this sleep, and I intend to love, praise and thank you, as the angels and saints do in heaven, each time I breathe. O Mary, my Mother, bless me and cover me with the cloak of your protection. My good custodial angel, my patron saints, intercede for me; Santos and Santas of paradise, pray for me.

3 Ave-Marias, as in the morning. Then go to rest. As you undress, do so with the utmost modesty. I sprinkled your bed with holy water.

Before going to sleep say:

Lord, I place my soul in your hands.

Say this prayer with the intention of offering to God all your breaths of the night, like so many other acts of love.


§1. God wants us to speak with confidence and familiarity


Blessed Job could not cease admiring himself, seeing God so intent on spreading his benefits over man. Doesn't it seem that the Lord has nothing more at heart than loving us and winning our love? This is why the Holy One exclaimed, addressing God: What is man so that you can elevate him so much in your esteem? and why are you the object of your affection? (Job7,17).



It is, therefore, an evident mistake to think that one cannot deal with God in a familiar and trusting manner without lacking in respect due to his infinite majesty. Undoubtedly, devout soul, you owe God reverence full of humility; you are obliged to be slaughtered in his presence, remembering mainly the ingratitude and outrages that, in the past, you have been guilty towards him; but none of this should prevent you, in your relations with him, from the most tender love, the most complete confidence of which you are capable. He is infinite majesty, but at the same time he is infinite goodness and infinite love.



In God you have the most sublime Lord that can exist, but also the most loving Spouse that you can possess. Far from exposing yourself to his contempt, you rejoice in him with the simple and tender trust of little children towards their mothers. Listen with what terms He encourages us to come to His presence, and what caresses He promises us: You will be like children that the mother brings tight to her breast and caresses having them on her knees, as the mother caresses her little son, so I I will console (Is66,12).



The mother rejoices in having her child on her lap, giving her food, surrounding him with caresses; it is with the same tenderness that our good God is pleased to treat the souls that are dear to him for having given himself without reservation, and placed all his hopes on His goodness.



Be sure, there is no person who can equal God in the love that He has for us, neither friend, nor brother, nor father, nor mother, nor husband, nor lover. Divine Grace is, according to the word of the Sage, the rich treasure through which, vis creatures and unworthy slaves as we are, we become dear friends of our own Creator (Sb 7,14). To inspire us with more confidence, He arrived, so to speak, until he was annihilated, as São Paulo says (Fp2,7); he was slaughtered until he became a man to live among us and talk to us with family (Br3,38). He even became a boy, made himself poor, let himself be condemned and crucified publicly; he went even further to hide himself under the kinds of bread, to be a perpetual companion of our exile, and to join closely with us: He, says He, who eats my body and drinks my blood, remains in Me, and I I remain in it (] the 6,57). Finally, it could be said that He loves you so much that you are the only object of His love. Also, on your side, you must not love anything outside of God; as you have the right to say: My beloved is mine, you must also say: And I am his (Cân2,16); yea, since my God has given himself to me, I give myself to Him; because he chose me for his beloved, I chose him out of all for my only love (Ct5,10). Then tell him many times:Then tell him many times:Then tell him many times:


Lord, why do you love me so much? what do you think of me? Did you forget the injuries I did to you? Ah! since you have treated me with so much love and, instead of rushing into hell, you showered me with so many graces, whom I would love to love in the future, if not to you, my highest good, my everything! O my most gracious God, what afflicts me most in past offenses, is not so much the pain I deserved, but rather the disgust I have caused you, who are worthy of unlimited love. But, the prophet assures me, You do not know how to despise a heart that repents and humiliates (Ps 50,19). Now, I protest, I want nothing more in this life or the next, but only you. Why is there for me in heaven? and outside of you that I could desire on earth? ... O God of my heart, you are my inheritance forever! (Sl72,25). You are and will always be the owner of my heart,of my will, my only good, my paradise, my hope, my love, my everything; I repeat it: you are the God of my heart and my sharing for all eternity.


To strengthen your trust in God more and more, remember often of His doing so full of goodness towards you, and of the means by which His mercy took you out of your unruly life, pulled you out of earthly affections, and drew you to His holy love. Your only fear is that you will not be confident in your relationships with your God, now that you are resolved to love him and please him with all your power. The mercy He has used with you is a sure pledge of the love He has for you. God does not see without displeasure the lack of trust in the souls that He loves and is sincerely loved. If, then, you want to rejoice your heart, tenderly, testify to her now of all the confidence and affection of which you are capable. Behold, I wrote to you in my hands; your walls are always before my eyes (Is49,16).



Dear soul, says the Lord, why are these fears, these suspicions? I have your name engraved on my hand, in order to never lose sight of your happiness. Perhaps it is your enemies that make you tremble? but you know that the care of your defense is continually present in my thinking, and I cannot forget it. Safe in this divine protection, David exclaimed with joy: Lord, your benevolence is like a shield with which you cover us (Ps 5,13); who can harm us as long as your goodness and love form around us as an impenetrable wall to our enemies? Above all, reassure your confidence by thinking of the gift that God has given us of Jesus Christ: Because, Jesus himself said, God loved the world to the point of giving his only Son (Jn 3:16). And after that, exclaims the Apostle, after He gave us his own Son,how can we fear that something will be refused? (Rm 8,32).



God's paradise is, it can be said, the heart of man. God loves you, love him; his delights, he declares, are to be with you (Pv 8,31); let yours be with Him, spend all your mortal life with Him whose kind company you hope to enjoy in eternal bliss. Then make it a habit to speak to Him just by yourself, familiarly, with love and confidence, as to the dearest friend you have, and the one who loves you most.


§two. It is easy and pleasant to be entertained with God


It is a great mistake, as we have already said, to show distrust in our relations with God, and to always appear in his presence as a shy and shameful slave, who trembles in fear before his king; but an even worse mistake would be to imagine that it is annoying and tedious to talk to the Lord: No, not in the slightest: because your conversation is nothing unpleasant, and your company is nothing boring (Sb 8,16). Question the souls who love you sincerely, and they will tell you that, in the sorrows of life, their sweetest and most solid consolation is to be entertained with God. You are not required to continually apply your spirit, nor to forget your occupations or even your recreations; what is required is that, without neglecting your work, do with God as you do with the people who love you and are loved by you. Your God is always close to you,and even within you: Because it is in him that you have life, movement and being (Acts 17,28). Whoever wishes to speak to him always finds the door wide open: the Lord estimates that you will treat them with all confidence. Talk to him about your affairs, designs, penalties, fears, and everything that interests you. Above all, I do it again, with confidence and an open heart. God is not in the habit of speaking to a soul who does not speak to him, because he is not in a state of understanding his language, since he is not in the habit of dealing with Him.with confidence and an open heart. God is not in the habit of speaking to a soul who does not speak to him, because he is not in a state of understanding his language, since he is not in the habit of dealing with Him.with confidence and an open heart. God is not in the habit of speaking to a soul who does not speak to him, because he is not in a state of understanding his language, since he is not in the habit of dealing with Him.



This is why the Lord complains in Canticles: Our sister, he says, is still a child in my love; how do we go about talking to her, if she doesn't understand? (Ct8.8). God wants to be seen as the most powerful and fearful Lord by those who despise his grace; but he also wants those who love him to treat him as the most affectionate friend; he wants them to speak to him often, with familiarity and without fear.



God must always be sovereignly respected, it is true; but when he himself wants to make you feel his presence and wants to speak to him as the friend who loves you more than everyone else, open your heart with complete freedom and confidence. He prevents those who desire his presence, says the Sage, and spontaneously shows himself to them (Sb 6,14). Once you aspire to his love, he does not expect you to come to him, but he comes and presents himself to you first, with the graces and remedies that you need. Only one word awaits you to speak, to show that he is with you, listens to you and is ready to comfort you. Their ears are open to hear the prayers of the just (Ps33,16). Because of his immensity, God is everywhere; however, there are two that are your own and preferred home: one is the empirical sky,where it is present for the glory it communicates to the blessed; another, on earth, is the humble heart that loves him: He dwells in the holy place, says Isaiah, and with a humble and penitent soul (Is57,15).



Thus, our God, who resides in the highest of the heavens, does not deign to spend days and nights with his faithful servants, in his caves or cells; and there, he gives them his divine consolations, of which only one surpasses all the delights that the world can give, consolations that only those who do not experience will not desire. Taste and see how sweet the Lord is (Pv33,9). In the world, friends have hours to talk, and hours when they separate, but between God and you, if you want, there will never be a moment of separation: As long as you sleep, the Lord will be at your side (Prov 3,24), and will watch without cease with you. I will rest in his company, says the Sage, and will talk to him for my thoughts (Sab8,9-16). When you rest, God does not separate from your bed, but keeps thinking about you constantly, so that if you wake up at night,may speak to you for your inspirations, and receive from you, some act of love, offering and thanks. So he wants, even in the time of rest, to continue his sweet and lovely entertainments with you. He will speak to you even during your sleep, and will instruct you about his will, so that when you wake up, you will put it to work (Nm 12,6). In the morning, to find him, you are still with you, to hear some words of affection or trust, and to collect your first thoughts and the promise that you make of acting in everything in order to please him during the day, with the offering all the penalties that you intend to suffer willingly for his glory and love. As he never fails to present himself to you at the moment of waking up, be sure to also look at him full of love;rejoice to hear from your God the happy news that he is not far from you, according to the sweet precept that He reminds you at this very hour: You will love the Lord your God with all your heart (Dt6,5).


§3. That when and how we should speak to God

I. In general.


Never forget, then, the sweet presence of the Lord, as most men do. Speak to him as many times as you can: He is not like the great ones on earth, he will not be bored with your frequency or despise you; and if you love Him, you will always have something to entertain Him. Tell Him everything that presents itself in terms of your person and interests, as you will say it to a close friend. Do not consider Him as a proud prince, who wants to deal only with tall things and only with great characters: our God is pleased to be down to deal with each one of us and wants us to communicate our business even the least important ones and more ordinary. He loves you and cares for you, as if you were the only object of his thoughts. It is so applied to what interests you;who seems to keep His providence only to help you, His omnipotence to help you, His mercy and kindness to have compassion on you, to do you good, and to win your trust and love by signs of tenderness. Then discover all of your inner self freely, and ask Him to guide you to the perfect fulfillment of His holy will, and all your desires and designs have the sole purpose of giving Him pleasure and contenting your heart: Discover your way to the Lord (Sl36,5). Ask Him to make your paths straight and that all your designs rest on Him (Tb4,20).and ask Him to guide you to the perfect fulfillment of His holy will, and all your desires and designs have the sole purpose of pleasing Him and contenting His heart: discover your way to the Lord (Ps 36,5). Ask Him to make your paths straight and that all your designs rest on Him (Tb4,20).and ask Him to guide you to the perfect fulfillment of His holy will, and all your desires and designs have the sole purpose of pleasing Him and contenting His heart: discover your way to the Lord (Ps 36,5). Ask Him to make your paths straight and that all your designs rest on Him (Tb4,20).



Do not say: What is the use of exposing all my needs to God? He sees and knows them better than I do. God knows them, there is no doubt, but he proceeds as if he ignores the needs that you do not speak to Him and for which you do not turn to Him. Our Divine Savior knew of the death of Lazarus; however, before the deceased's sisters communicated it, he seemed to ignore her; only after receiving their message does he console them, resurrecting their brother (Jo11,1).


2. In the sufferings.


So, when you are in the trials of sickness, temptation, persecution or other tribulation, whatever it may be, go to the Lord without delay, and pray to Him to extend your helping hand. It will be enough to put under your eyes what afflicts you, saying, Lord, see my distress. He will not fail to comfort you, or at least he will give you the strength to bear your cross with patience, which will be worth more to you than if He took it from you at all. Communicate all the thoughts that torment you, your feelings of fear or sadness, and say to Him: My God, I place all my hopes in you; I offer you this trial and resign myself to Your holy will; but, have compassion on me; or deliver me from this affliction or help me to endure it. Then the Lord will certainly fulfill his promise to comfort or strengthen all those who, in pain,they turn to Him: Come all to me, He says in the Gospel, you who suffer and are overwhelmed, and I will relieve you (Mt 11:28).



If you ever go to seek some comfort from your friends with your friends, God does not take offense at this, but wants you to preferably appeal to Him. So, at least after asking the creatures for consolations that they were unable to give you. , turn to the Creator, and say to Him: Lord, men have nothing but words (Job 16:21), powerless to comfort me; I don't listen to them anymore. You are all my hope and all my love; I expect only my consolation from you, and what I ask for is the grace of doing on this occasion what is most pleasant to you. I am ready to suffer this penalty throughout my life and all eternity, if this is Your will; but, O my God, help me.



Do not be afraid to give him disgust if you ever dare to complain sweetly to him in these terms: Lord, you know it, I love You and I desire nothing but Your love. Why are you separated from me? (Ps 9,10-11) For mercy, come to my aid, do not abandon me. If your desolation is prolonged and overwhelmed, unite your cross with that of Jesus afflicted and dying in yours, and say imploring the Lord's mercy: My God! My God! why have you abandoned me? (Mt 27.46). But take this opportunity to humble yourself more deeply, reminding yourself that you do not deserve consolation after having offended God and at the same time refresh your confidence, thinking that your heavenly Father does not, does not allow anything, that does not be it for your good: all things, St. Paul assures us, cooperate for the good of those who love God (Rm 8,28).With even greater courage, the more confusion and desolation fill your soul, say to God: Lord, it is Yours to clarify, Yours to save me; who has I will go? (Ps26,1). I trust in you, Lord, I will not be confused forever (Ps30,2).



So be reassured, convinced that no one, after having put their trust in God, has ever been lost (Ecl2,11). Think that God loves you more than you can love yourself, and stop fearing. Comfort yourself by repeating with David: The Lord takes my interests to heart (Ps 39,18). Yes, my God, I know, and that is why I abandon myself in Your arms; I don't want to think but to love and please you; behold, I am ready to do whatever you require of me. Not only do you wish my good, but it is the object of your paternal concerns; I leave you then to take care of my salvation. I rest and I will always rest in you, seeing as you want me to put all my hopes in you (Ps4,6):



Have feelings worthy of God's goodness (Wis 1,1). In these words, the Sage exhorts us to have more confidence in the mercy of God than fear of his justice, because He is incomparably more likely to do good than to punish: Mercy, says St. James, wins justice (Tg2, 13). Hence this warning by the Apostle St. Peter that in the midst of our fears, with regard to our interests, whether temporal or eternal, we must give ourselves entirely to the goodness of our God, who, he adds, takes extreme care of our salvation: Cast all your cares into his bosom, because he takes your salvation very much to heart (IPd7,5). And in this regard, oh! what a beautiful title David gives the Lord when he calls him the God who saves! (Ps67,21). According to Belarmino's explanation,in this way he teaches us that the very thing of our God is not to condemn, but to save all men; for if he threatens his wrath with his wrath, he promises and assures his mercy to those who fear him, just as the Mother of God proclaims him in her Song: And her mercy rests on those who fear him ...



I quote you all these texts of Scripture, devout soul, so that if you are ever tempted with concerns about your own salvation, your predestination, you can be reassured, seeing in the Lord's promises how much he wants to save you, as long as you are determined to love him and serve him as he wants.


3. In the joys.


When you receive some satisfactory news, do not do as certain infidel and ungrateful souls do, who turn to God at the time of the tribulation, but in prosperity they forget and abandon him. Proceed to God with the same fidelity that you use with a sincere friend who would regard your happiness as his own; go and communicate your joy to him: praise him and give thanks, recognizing that you owe everything to his goodness; judge yourself happy because you owe him this grace; finally, put all your joy and comfort in the Lord: I will rejoice in God my Savior (Heb 3,18). I will sing the Praises of the Lord from whom these goods come to me (Ps12,10). Say to him: My Jesus, I bless you and I will always bless you for all the graces that you lavish on me, a sinner, that I would deserve, not favors, but punishments. - Say to him with the holy wife: All fruits,young and old, I keep for you, O my beloved (Ct 7,13). Lord, I give you thanks; I keep the memory of all your benefits, past and present, to give you honor and glory for them for all eternity.



But if you truly love your God, you rejoice more with Him than with your happiness. It is not uncommon for people to be more satisfied with the good of the person they love very much than with their own. So be happy, because you know that your God is infinitely happy, say to him many times: My beloved Lord, I rejoice more in your immense happiness than in mine, because I love You more than myself.


4. After a foul.


If, after each fault you fall into, you are not ashamed of going to throw yourself at the feet of your most loving God and ask for his forgiveness, to give Him a sign of confidence that is singularly pleasing to Him. Know it, God is so inclined to forgive, that he groans at the perdition of souls who separate themselves from Him and live deprived of the life of grace; He tenderly invites them: Why, he exclaims, why run to death, children of Israel? turn to me and you will live (Ez 18,31). The soul that abandoned him promises to welcome him as soon as he returns to his arms. Turn to me and I will turn to you (Zc1,3). Oh! if sinners knew with what kindness the Lord awaits them, to forgive them! Does the Lord, says Isaiah, hope that He can show you mercy? (Is30,18). Oh! if they could understand to what extent, far from wanting to punish them, he wishes that,for a sincere conversion, allow him to embrace you and hold you close to your heart! Isn't that what he says? I swear on my own, says the Lord God, I do not want the wicked to die, but to leave his bad way and live (Ez33,11). Go on to say: Sinners, repent of having offended me, then come to me; if I do not forgive you, accuse me of lying and infidelity; but no, far from breaking my promise, if you come, even if your consciences are like scarlet ink or blackened by your sins, I will make them white by snow by my grace (Is 1:18). Anyway, it is the Lord's formal declaration; who will cast into oblivion all the sins of the soul that regrets having offended him (Ez 18,22).says the Lord God, I do not want the death of the wicked, but I want him to leave his bad way and live (Ez33,11). Go on to say: Sinners, repent of having offended me, then come to me; if I do not forgive you, accuse me of lying and infidelity; but no, far from breaking my promise, if you come, even if your consciences are like scarlet ink or blackened by your sins, I will make them white by snow by my grace (Is 1:18). Anyway, it is the Lord's formal declaration; who will cast into oblivion all the sins of the soul that regrets having offended him (Ez 18,22).says the Lord God, I do not want the death of the wicked, but I want him to leave his bad way and live (Ez33,11). Go on to say: Sinners, repent of having offended me, then come to me; if I do not forgive you, accuse me of lying and infidelity; but no, far from breaking my promise, if you come, even if your consciences are like scarlet ink or blackened by your sins, I will make them white by snow by my grace (Is 1:18). Anyway, it is the Lord's formal declaration; who will cast into oblivion all the sins of the soul that regrets having offended him (Ez 18,22).far from missing my promise, if you come, even if your consciences are like scarlet ink or blackened by your sins, I will make them white by snow by my grace (Is 1:18). Anyway, it is the Lord's formal declaration; who will cast into oblivion all the sins of the soul that regrets having offended him (Ez 18,22).far from missing my promise, if you come, even if your consciences are like scarlet ink or blackened by your sins, I will make them white by snow by my grace (Is 1:18). Anyway, it is the Lord's formal declaration; who will cast into oblivion all the sins of the soul that regrets having offended him (Ez 18,22).



So, after a fall, I immediately looked up at the Lord with an act of love, humbly acknowledged your lack, and, waiting safely for forgiveness, said to him: Lord! this heart that you love is sick (Jn 11,3), covered with wounds: heal me because I have sinned against you (SI40, 5). You go after repentant sinners; behold, one who comes to you, behold it at your feet: the evil is done, which side will I take? You do not want me to lose confidence; even after this sin, you love me well, and I also love you still; yes, my God, I love you with all my heart; I am sorry that I have displeased you, I am resolved that I am not doing it anymore; you are the God full of sweetness and mercy (Ps85,5), forgive me, therefore, say as to Magdalene: your sins are forgiven you (Lk 7:48), and grant me the strength to be faithful to you for the future . In order not to be discouraged,then, mainly, take a look at Jesus crucified; offer your merits to the Eternal Father, and hope to obtain your forgiveness in this way, because, in order to forgive you, God did not spare his own Son (Rm 8,32). Say to him with confidence: My God, look at the face of your Christ (Ps 83,10), see your Son, dead for me, and for this Son's sake forgive me.



Pay the most serious attention, O devout soul, to this advice that the masters of the spiritual life commonly give, of turning to God right after each infidelity; even if the misfortune of falling a hundred times a day happens to you, put yourself in peace each time and without delay, turning to the Lord, as He says; because if you become discouraged and disturbed by the wrong done, you will run away from dealing with God, your confidence will diminish, your desire to love Him will become cold, and you will no longer be able to progress in the way of the Lord. On the contrary, if you immediately turn to God to ask for forgiveness and promise to correct you, the same falls will contribute to advancing you in Divine love. When, among people who really love each other, one dislikes the other, but it does not take long to relieve it with humble satisfaction, friendship, instead of ending,often it narrows more than before. Be the same between God and you; proceed so that your own faults serve to tighten the bonds of love that unite you to Him more and more.


5. When in doubt.


When in doubt, whether personal or unrelated, do as faithful friends, who consult all your business among themselves; never fail to give God this proof of confidence: consult him, ask him to explain to you, in order to make the resolution that is most pleasant to him: Put the word on my lips and increase the wisdom in my soul (jdt9,18 ), tell me yourselves, Lord, what do you want me to do or answer; I will obey you: Speak, Lord, because your servant listens (Rs3,10).


6. To the next.


Recommend to God with confidence, not only your own needs, but also His glory, from the miseries of others and recommend in particular to the unfortunate ones who groan under the weight of tribulations, the souls in purgatory, their beloved wives, who sigh for the happiness of seeing him, and the poor sinners who live in deprivation of his grace. In favor of the latter, you can ask him like this:


Lord, you are all lovable, infinite love you deserve; how then do you suffer that there are so many souls in the world who, combined with your benefits, do not want to know or love you, and even offend and despise you? O my infinitely lovable God, make them known to you, make them love you: Hallowed be your name, your kingdom come to us; yes, may your name be adored and loved by all men; may your love reign in all hearts. Ah! do not bid me farewell without having granted me some grace for those poor souls on whose behalf I intercede for you.

7. Heavenly desire.


In purgatory, it is thought, a particular penalty, called languor, to which the souls who, in this life, have little desire for paradise are condemned. This opinion is founded on reason, because not desiring such a great good, an eternal kingdom that our Redeemer has acquired for us at the price of his blood, is to pay little attention to him. Remember, then, devout soul, to long for this heavenly abode; tell your God that, because of the desire in which you burn to go and love him, contemplating him without a veil, your exile seems like a thousand years. Yearn to leave this land of sins where you continually run the risk of losing divine grace, in order to enter the homeland of love where you will love the Lord with all your might. I repeated it many times: Lord, as long as I live here, I will always be in danger of abandoning you and renouncing your love;when then it will be given to me to leave this land where I offend you every day, to love you with all my heart and unite with you, without fear of ever losing you! Such were Santa Teresa's continuing sighs; she rejoiced when she heard the clock ticking, thinking it was just another hour, an hour of danger of losing God; her desires to die to see God were so ardent that they killed her in some way, and such is the subject of her loving elegy: I am dying of regret that I cannot die.her desires to die to see God were so ardent that they killed her in some way, and such is the subject of her loving elegy: I am dying of regret that I cannot die.her desires to die to see God were so ardent that they killed her in some way, and such is the subject of her loving elegy: I am dying of regret that I cannot die.


§ 4. God responds to the soul that speaks to him


In short, if you want to please the loving heart of your God, endeavor to entertain yourself with him as many times as you can, to speak to him even continuously and with all possible confidence; on his side, the Lord will not disdain to answer you and be entertained with you. He will not make you hear his voice in an outward and sensitive manner, but he will speak to you inwardly a language that your heart will understand well, if you know how to let go of the commerce of creatures to deal alone with your God: I will lead you to loneliness, he says, and then I will speak to your heart (Os2,14). Then he will speak to you through inspirations, interior lights, testimonies of his kindness, gentle touches that penetrate the heart, assurances of forgiveness, pledges of peace, hope of heavenly happiness, intimate joys, caresses of his grace,affectionate hugs and squeezes. In a word, the Lord will make you understand this language of love, perfectly intelligible to the souls he loves and who are content with him.


§ 5. Practical summary


In closing, I will briefly remind you of the sparse things in the preceding paragraphs, indicating a practical way of making all the actions of the day pleasing to God.



In the morning when you wake up, it will be your first thought to raise your heart to God and offer him everything you do and suffer during the day; ask him, behold, he helps you with his grace. Then do the other acts that every Christian should do in the morning, acts of thanks and love, supplication, good purpose, resolve to spend that day as if it were the last of your life. Following Father Saint-jure's advice, you will be able to make the following convention with God each morning, that at every repetition of a certain sign, such as reaching up to your heart, looking up at the sky, looking at the crucifix, express your love, your desire to see him loved by all men, the gift of yourself, and of others. After the aforementioned acts, having placed you in the Sacred Heart of Jesus and under the mantle of Mary,ask the eternal Father to keep you on this day for the love of Jesus and Mary, try, immediately and before all other actions, to do your prayer or meditation for at least half an hour. Preferably, it is your taste to meditate on the pain and contempt that Jesus Christ suffered in his Passion; it is the matter most dear to fervent souls and which better than any other, burns them with divine love. Three devotions must, among all, be more of your chest, if you want to progress on the spiritual path: devotion to the Passion of Jesus Christ, to the SS. Sacramento, and the SS. Virgin Mary. In prayer, I repeated many times the acts of contrition, love of God, and self-offering. The venerable Father Caraffa, founder of Pios Obreiros, said that a fervent act of God's love, done in the morning in prayer, is enough to keep the soul in fervor throughout the day.



Carefully practice your other exercises in piety, such as confession, communion, divine office, etc. When you have to surrender to outside occupations, to study, work, or other duties specific to your state, do not forget, at the beginning of each action, to offer it to God, asking for assistance to carry it out as it should. ; be sure to withdraw many times, following the example of Saint Catherine of Sena, to the depths of your heart to unite you with God. In a word, whatever you do, do it with God and for God. - When leaving your room or house, and entering those places, always recommend yourself to the Mother of God for a Hail Mary. Putting you at the table, offer to God whatever you experience with disgust and pleasure in drinking and eating; and at the end of the meal, give thanks, saying, Lord,how many benefits you give to those who have so often offended you! During the day, do not forget your spiritual reading or visit to the SS. Sacramento and Maria SS. In the afternoon, pray the Rosary and do the examination of conscience, followed by acts of faith, hope, charity, contrition, good purpose, with the intention of receiving the sacraments of the Church during your life and at the time of your death. the indulgences granted. In lying down, think that you should be in the fires of hell; fall asleep with the crucifix in your arms, and saying: With the protection of the Lord, I will sleep and rest in peace (SI 4, 9).charity, contrition, good purpose, with the intention of receiving during the course of your life and at the time of your death the sacraments of the Church, and gaining the indulgences granted. In lying down, think that you should be in the fires of hell; fall asleep with the crucifix in your arms, and saying: With the protection of the Lord, I will sleep and rest in peace (SI 4, 9).charity, contrition, good purpose, with the intention of receiving during the course of your life and at the time of your death the sacraments of the Church, and gaining the indulgences granted. In lying down, think that you should be in the fires of hell; fall asleep with the crucifix in your arms, and saying: With the protection of the Lord, I will sleep and rest in peace (SI 4, 9).



In order for your whole life to be spent in recollection and union with God, make an effort to take advantage of everything you see or hear, to lift your heart to God or to remind you of the things of eternity. you see, for example, a liquid running, imagine that your life flows likewise, and you approach death. you see a lamp that goes out for lack of oil, imagine that your life will have to end one day in the same way. When you see a tomb, a corpse, remember what your inanimate body will one day lie in. When you see the great people of the earth swimming in joy because of their dignities or riches, have compassion on their folly, and say, God is enough for me. They trust their cars and those on their horses; but us in the name of the Lord our God (Ps19,8). They boast of nothing but vanity;as for me, to enjoy the grace of God and to love him, that is the glory to which I aspire. When you attend pompous funerals, and consider the magnificent tombs of the princes, say to yourself: If they have condemned themselves, what use is this pomp to them? - The view of the calm or agitated sea will make you think of a soul in a state of grace or sin. A dry tree will offer you an image of a soul that is separate from God, and that only serves to be thrown into the fire. If you happen to find a person guilty of some serious fault, shaking with shame or fear before your judge, your father or another superior, represent yourself what the terror of the sinner will be in the court of Jesus Christ. If thunder inspires you to be terrified, think of the damned wretch who hear continually, in hell, the thunder of divine vengeance. If you see a condemned man grieve and say:There is then no way to escape death! Consider what the despair of a soul condemned to hell must be, and then exclaim: There is then no remedy for my eternal loss!



When you contemplate the fields, the beaches, the flowers, the fruits, the sight or odor of which you enjoy, say: What beautiful creatures the Lord has put for me on earth, that I may love him! and what delights he has for me in heaven! Seeing beautiful hills or plains, Santa Teresa said that they expressed her ingratitude towards God: Abbot Rancé, founder of Trapa, said that these admirable creatures reminded him of the obligation to love God. In the same way Saint Augustine: "Lord, he exclaimed, heaven, earth, and everything they contain, they tell me to love you" (Conf I, 10, c.6). It is told of a pious servant of God who, passing through the fields, smote flowers and plants with his staff, and said to them: "Shut up, do not express my ingratitude towards God; I understand you, shut up. you, is quite a lot ".When Santa Maria Madalena de Pazzi had a beautiful fruit, or flower, in her hands, she felt her heart penetrated by arrows of love towards God, to this reflection: "My God thought from all eternity to create this fruit, this flower, to give me a sign of your love ".



A river or stream should bring to your mind that, as its waters flow into the sea without ever stopping, you must also run to God, who is your only good. When it happens to you to travel in a carriage, notice how innocent animals struggle to serve you, and ask yourself what work you do to serve God and give him pleasure. Do your eyes fall on this other animal that pays the piece of bread it receives from its owner with such fidelity? Think that you must show yourselves much more faithful to God, who gave you existence, preserves it for you, provides for all your needs, and fills you with benefits. Hear the song of birds? Say to yourself: Listen, my heart, how these beings without reason praise the Creator: and you, what are you doing? and then praise him for an act of love. But, if it's the rooster crowing,remember that there was a time when; like St. Peter, you have denied your God; then renew your grief and your tears. By the same token, as soon as you perceive such a house, such a place, where you once sinned, turn to the Lord, saying to him: Reign, my God, that I no longer remember the sins of my youth, of my misdeeds ( Sl24,7).



In view of the valleys, fertilized by the waters that descend from the mountains, think that in this way the graces of heaven descend on the humble and separate themselves from the proud. The view of the sea, remember the greatness and immensity of God. A well-built and ornate church makes you think of the beauty of the true temple of the Lord, that is, the soul in a state of grace. If you see fire or candles burning on the altar, say: How many years ago should I burn in hell? Ah! since you have spared me this torment, Lord, make my heart ignite in your love, and be consumed like these candles, like this wood: - When you contemplate the starry sky, say with Santo André Avelino: "These stars will be one day under my feet! "



Remember also often the mysteries of love that concern our divine Savior, and when you see straw, manger, grotto, remember the Baby Jesus in the stable of Bethlehem. If it is a saw, a hammer, beams, ax, think in Jesus working as a simple worker in the Nazaré workshop. If they are cords, thorns, nails, a piece of wood, think of the pains and death of our Redeemer. Saint Francis of Assisi could not find a lamb without becoming tender to tears. "Alas! He sighed, my divine Master allowed himself to be led to death like a lamb for the love of me!" Finally, seeing an altar, a chalice, a chasuble, remember the great love that Jesus Christ witnessed to us, giving himself to us in the Sacrament of the Eucharist.



Following the example of Saint Teresa, offer yourself to God many times in the course of the day, saying to him: Lord, here I am, do with me as you please; should I do for your service? Tell me, I'm ready to obey you.



Multiply, as much as you can, God's acts of love. These acts, said Santa Teresa, are the wood that entertains in our hearts the fire of holy love. The venerable Sister Serafina of Capri, looking at the ass of her monastery one day, began to consider that he did not have the faculty to love God, and touched with compassion by this thought, exclaimed: "Poor animal, you do not know, you cannot love your God ". And soon, oh! prodigy, the animal began to shed tears to the point of seeing that they flowed in streams of his eyes. I followed the example of this religious saint; the sight of beings unable to know and love God excites you to take advantage of your intelligent nature to produce numerous acts of love.



When you fall short, do not delay in humiliating yourself, and try to lift yourself up by a more fervent act of love.



When something of disgust happens to you, immediately offer your pity to the Lord, and conform to his holy will; get used to repeating in all setbacks: God wants it that way, so I want it. Acts of resignation are acts of love that are most dear and pleasing to the heart of God.



Do you have to make a resolution, give advice of some importance? recommend yourselves to God first, and then act or respond. The imitation of Santa Rosa de Lima, I repeated, as many times as possible, during the day, the prayer: Lord, come to my aid (Ps 60,2), do not abandon me to my weakness.



To obtain God's help, often cast your eyes on the crucifix or the image of the Blessed Virgin, which you must have in your room; do not forget to invoke the names of Jesus and Mary frequently, especially in temptations. God, whose goodness is infinite, desires in extreme to accumulate us of his favors.



The venerable Father Baltasar Alvares once saw Jesus Christ with his hands full of graces, looking for whom to distribute them; but the Lord wants us to ask them: ask, he says, and you will receive (Jn 10, 16-24); lacking the petition, he withdraws his hand; on the contrary, he willingly opens it to those who invoke him. Did God ever despise the prayer of the one who invoked him? (Ecl2,12) asks the Ecclesiastical; have you ever refused to hear it? And according to David, God is not only merciful but very merciful to those who call on him: Lord, he says to you, you are full of sweetness, kindness and great mercy to all who call you to his aid (Ps 85,5).



Oh! how good the Lord is and liberal to the soul that seeks him (Lm 3,25) with love! If, as he declares through Isaiah's mouth, he gets to be found even for those who do not seek him (Rm 10,12), how much more diligent he will meet those who seek him in the attempt to serve and love him !



Finally, according to Santa Teresa, righteous souls must, in the practice of love, conform to this earth with the blessed souls who are already in heaven. In heaven, the saints deal only with God; all your thoughts refer to his glory, all your pleasure is to love him; so you must be. May God in this world be your only happiness, the only object of your fetuses, the only end of all your actions and desires, until you reach the eternal kingdom, where your love will be perfect and consummated in all, where your desires will be fully complete and satisfied.







Consecrated to the Holy Trinity and to our Holy Protector.


As you enter the holy place, take holy water piously; then after having deeply adored Jesus Christ in the Blessed Sacrament, I followed the priest, saying the following prayers:

In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.

I will go before the altar of God. To God who will give me the joy of my youth.

(Sl42). Judge me, O my God, and have decided my case against the enemies that persecute me; deliver me from these evil and deceitful enemies.

For you are my strength, O God, why have you repelled me? and why am I submerged in sadness, never ceasing to afflict the enemy of my soul?

Send me your light and your truth, direct them to me and lead me to your holy mountain and your tabernacle.

Yes, I will go before the altar of God, before God, who will give me the joy of my youth.

There, I will sing your praises on the harp, O God, my God! - Why then are you sad, O my soul, and why are you troubling me?

Wait on God, because I still want to praise him: he is my salvation and my God.

Glory to the Father, etc.

I will go before the altar of God. Before God, who will give me the joy of my youth.

Here the priest says the Confiteor, then the assistants answer:

Almighty God make you mercy; and after forgiving your sins, lead you into eternal life. - Amen.

I, a sinner, confess myself to Almighty God, to the always blessed Virgin Mary, to the blessed St. Michael the Archangel, to the blessed St. John the Baptist, to the Holy Apostles St. Peter and St. Paul, to all Saints, and you, Father, because I have sinned many times, for thoughts, words and deeds: for my fault, for my fault, for my very great fault. Therefore, I ask and pray for the Blessed Virgin Mary, Blessed St. Michael the Archangel, Blessed St. John the Baptist, the Holy Apostles St. Peter and St. Paul, all the Saints and you, Father, that you pray to God our Lord for me. Amen.

After the sinful self of the assistants, the priest says:

Almighty God make you mercy; and, after forgiving your sins, lead you to eternal life. - Amen.

The omnipotent and merciful Lord grant us forgiveness, absolution and remission of our sins. Amen.

My God, come back to us and give us life. And your people will rejoice in you.

Show us, Lord, your mercy. And give us your wholesome assistance.

Lord, answer my prayer. And my cry reaches you.

V. The Lord be with you.

 R. with your spirit.

The priest goes up to the altar, saying:

We beseech you, Lord, forgive us for our iniquities, so that we may enter the Holy of Holies with a pure spirit. Through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

We ask you, Lord, for the merits of your saints whose relics are here, and of all the other saints, deign to forgive me for all my sins. - Amen.


Lord, have compassion on us (3 times).

Jesus Christ, have compassion on us (3 times).

Lord, have compassion on us (3 times).


Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace to men of good will. We praise you, we bless you, we worship you, we glorify you, and we thank you for your great glory, Lord God, King of Heaven, God the Almighty Father. Lord, Jesus Christ, the only Son of God. Lord God, Lamb of God, Son of the Eternal Father. You who take away the sins of the world, have mercy on us. You who take away the sins of the world, receive our plea. You who are sitting at the right hand of the Father, have mercy on us; because only you, O Jesus Christ, are Holy, only you are the Lord, only you are the Most High, with the Holy Spirit in the glory of God the Father. So be it.


O eternal Father, supported by the promise that your divine Son made to us, when he said: "Truly, truly, I say to you, whatever you ask of my Father in my name, He will grant you" (Jn 16:23); I ask you, in the name of Jesus Christ, for the forgiveness of all my sins, the gift of your holy love; perseverance in your grace, the perfect fulfillment of your will, and the happiness of going to bless you forever in paradise. So be it.


If I speak all the languages ​​of men and angels, but I have no charity, I am nothing more than a sounding bronze and a resounding cymbal. If I have enough faith to transport mountains, but I have no charity, I am nothing. And if I distribute all my goods to the poor and hand my body over to the flames, but I have no charity, all this is of no use to me for eternity. Charity is suffering, gentle: it is not envious; does not proceed reckless or hasty; is not proud. It is not ambitious; does not seek convenience itself; it does not stick; don't judge badly; he is not happy with iniquity, but is pleased with the truth; everything supports; everything believes; everything waits; everything suffers. Charity never faints (Cor 13).


Jesus taught his disciples saying to them: Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the king in heaven. Blessed are the meek because they will possess the land. Blessed are those who mourn, for they will be comforted. Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for justice, because they will be satisfied with it. Blessed are those who use mercy, for they will achieve mercy. Blessed are the pure in heart, for they will see God; blessed are the peaceful, for they will be called children of God. Blessed are those who suffer persecution for the love of justice, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven. Blessed are you when men cover you with injury, persecute you, and because of me they speak false testimonies against you; rejoice then and rejoice, because a great reward is reserved for you in heaven (Mt5).

I believe

I believe in one God, omnipotent Father, Creator of heaven and earth, and of all things visible and invisible. And in one Jesus Christ our Lord, the only begotten Son of God, who was born of the Father before all ages: God of God, light of light, true God of true God. That it was not made, but generated, of the same substance with the Father, by which all things were made. Who for us other men and for our salvation came down from Heaven. And he incarnated; by the work of the Holy Spirit, in the bosom of Mary Virgin, and he was made Man. He was also crucified for the sake of us under Pontius Pilate: he suffered, and was buried. And he rose on the third day, according to the Scriptures. And he went up to Heaven, where he is seated at the right hand of the Father, from where he will come a second time to judge the living and the dead; and his kingdom will have no end. I believe in the Holy Spirit, who is also Lord,and gives life, and proceeds from the Father and the Son; with whom he is worshiped and glorified together, and is what he spoke for the Prophets. I believe in the Church, which is One, Holy, Catholic, and Apostolic. I confess a Baptism for the remission of sins. And I look forward to the Resurrection of the dead, and the life of the future century. So be it.


While the priest offers the host.

Receive, O holy Father, omnipotent and eternal God, this spotless host, which to you, my living and true God, I, your unworthy servant; I offer, for my sins, offenses and negligence, which are without number, by all the assistants, all the faithful living and dead Christians, so that they may benefit from them and me for the salvation of eternal life. Amen.

The priest puts the wine and water in the chalice.

O God, who by an admirable effect of your power, created man in a high degree of excellence, and by an even more admirable prodigy of goodness you deigned to repair that work of your hands, after his sin, give us, at mystery that this mixture of water and wine represents to us, the grace to participate in the divinity of Jesus Christ your Son, who wanted to put on our humanity, who, being God, lives and reigns with you in the unity of the Holy Spirit, through all the centuries. Amen.

While the priest offers the cup.

United with your minister, we offer you, Lord, the cup of salvation, asking you to bring it up, like a perfume with a mild odor, to the throne of your divine majesty, for our salvation and that of the whole world. So be it. We stand before you, Lord, with a humiliated spirit and a contrite heart; receive us, we ask of you, and make the sacrifice we make of ourselves, in union with that of Jesus Christ, be fulfilled today in a way that makes it pleasant for you, O Lord our God!

When the priest washes his fingers:

I will wash my hands among the innocent, and I will surround your altar, Lord, in order to hear your praises and publish your wonders. Lord, I loved the beauty of your home and the home of your glory. Do not lose my soul with the wicked, nor my life with the wicked. They have their hands full of iniquities and their right is full of gifts. As for me, I walked in innocence: get rid of me and have compassion for me. My feet were steady on the straight path; I will bless you, Lord, in the assemblies. Glory to the Father, etc.

When the priest bows down:

Receive, O Holy Trinity, this offering that we offer you in memory of the Passion, Resurrection and Ascension of Our Lord Jesus Christ, and in honor of the Blessed Virgin Mary and of all Saints, so that it may serve for your honor and our salvation, and those whose memory we do on earth may intercede for us in heaven. By the same Jesus Christ, our Lord. So be it.


The priest says:

Pray, brethren, that my sacrifice, which is also yours, may be pleasing to God.


May the Lord take this sacrifice into your hands for the glory of his name, our personal usefulness and the good of all his Holy Church.


It is truly worthy and just, convenient and salutary, that we give you thanks always and everywhere, O Holy Lord, Almighty Father, eternal God, through Jesus Christ Our Lord: for whom angels praise your majesty, dominations adore it, the powers fear it. The heavens, the virtues of the heavens, and the blessed seraphim, celebrate it together in the transports of holy joy. Do it, we ask you, that we may sing with them, prostrate before you: Holy, Holy, Holy, the Lord God of hosts. The heavens and the earth are full of your glory. Hosanna in the highest heaven! Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord! Hosanna in the highest of the heavens.


We ask you, in the name of Jesus Christ your Son and Our Lord, O infinitely merciful Father, to gladly receive and bless the offering that we present to you, so that it may please you to preserve, defend and govern your Holy Catholic Church, with all its members, our Holy Father the Pope, our Bishop, our superiors, and generally all those who profess your holy faith. In particular, we recommend you, Lord, those for whom justice, charity and recognition compel us to pray; all who are watching this lovely sacrifice, and particularly N. and N. And so that, O great God, our homage may be more pleasant to you, we join the glorious ever Virgin Mary, Mother of God Our Lord Jesus Christ, the all your Apostles, all the blessed martyrs, and all the Saints,that make up the same Church with us. I wish I had at this moment, O my God, the burning desires with which the holy patriarchs desired the coming of the Messiah! I hope I have your faith and your love! Come, Lord Jesus, come, loving Redeemer of the world, come to realize a mystery that is the summary of all your wonders. Behold, the lamb of God is coming; behold the lovely victim who blots out all the sins of the world.


O eternal Father, I offer you all the virtues, all the acts, all the affections of the Heart of your most beloved Jesus. Accept them for me; and because of his merits, which belong to me, because he gave them to me, grant me the graces that Jesus asks of you in my name. I offer you these merits to thank you for the many mercies you have done for me. I offer them to you also to satisfy all that I owe you for my sins. Finally, for these merits, I expect from you all your graces, forgiveness, perseverance, paradise, and above all the supreme gift of your pure love.


Precious blood of Jesus, wash my soul from its stains. Pure heart of Jesus, purify me. Most humble heart, teach me your humility. Sweetest heart, communicate your sweetness to me. Most merciful heart, have compassion on me. Loving heart, open me.


What then would my malice and ingratitude be, if, after having seen what I saw, I consented to your offense! No, my God, I will never forget what you represent to me for this august ceremony, the sufferings of your Passion, the glory of your resurrection, your body all lacerated, your blood shed for us, really present on this altar. It is now, eternal Majesty, that we offer you, out of your kindness, the true and properly pure, holy and spotless victim, of whom all others were but a figure. Yes, great God, we dare to tell you, there is more here than all the sacrifices of Abel, Abraham and Melchisedec: here is the only victim worthy of your altar, Our Lord Jesus Christ, your Son, the only object of your eternal complacencies . Grant that everyone who participates, mouth or heart,this holy victim, be filled with his blessing! Expand this blessing, O my God, on the souls of the faithful who died in the peace of the Church, and particularly on the souls of N. and N. Grant them, Lord, in view of this sacrifice; the entire deliverance from their feathers. Deign to grant us this grace one day too. Infinitely good father; and make us enter into partnership with the holy apostles, martyrs and all the saints, so that we can love and glorify you eternally with them.and make us enter into partnership with the holy apostles, martyrs and all the saints, so that we can love and glorify you eternally with them.and make us enter into partnership with the holy apostles, martyrs and all the saints, so that we can love and glorify you eternally with them.


Our Father, who art in heaven, hallowed be your name, your kingdom come, your will be done, on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread, and forgive us our trespasses, just as we forgive our debts, and do not let us fall into temptation, but deliver us from evil. Amen.

Deliver us, Lord, if you like, from all past, present and future evils, and give us peace in your day through your goodness, through the intercession of the Blessed Virgin Mary, Mother of God, of the adventured apostles, Peter, Paul and Andrew, and of all the saints, so that assisted by the help of your mercy, we may always be free from the bondage of sin and safe from all disturbance. Through the same Jesus Christ, our Lord, your Son, who, being God, lives and reigns with you in the unity of the Holy Spirit, for all the centuries. Amen.

This mixture and consecration of the body and blood of Our Lord Jesus Christ, which we are going to receive, reach us for eternal life.


Lamb the sins of God, who take away the sins of the world: have compassion on us. Lamb of God, who takes away the sins of the world: have compassion on us. Lamb of God, who takes away the sins of the world: give us peace. Lord Jesus Christ, who said to your apostles: "I leave you my peace, I give you my peace", do not consider my sins, but the faith of your Church, and give him the peace and unity that you desire that she, you who, being God, live and reign forever with God the Father in the unity of the Holy Spirit. So be it. Lord Jesus Christ, Son of the Living God, who, by the will of the Father and the cooperation of the Holy Spirit, gave you by your death life to the world, deliver me, by your most holy body and the most precious blood present here, from all my sins and all the other evils. Do that,docile to your commandments, always practice them, and never separate me from you who, being God, live and reign forever with the Father and the Holy Spirit. Amen.


Lord, I am not worthy to enter my soul, but say one word and I will be saved (three times).


Sweetest Jesus of mine, since I cannot receive you sacramentally, come at least spiritually to my heart. I embrace you as if I really possessed you, I join you entirely; do not allow me to ever separate from you. How sweet it would be, O my lovely Savior, to be among the number of happy Christians, to whom purity of conscience and tender piety allow you to approach your holy table every day! What an advantage for me if I could now possess you in my heart, render you my homage to you, expose my needs to you, and share in the graces you give to those who really receive you! But since I am very unworthy, I have suppressed, my God, the indisposition of my soul. Forgive me all my sins: I hate them with all my heart, because they displease you.Receive the sincere desire that I have to join you. Purify me with a single glance of yours and put me in a state of being able to receive you as soon as possible, with the necessary provisions. Expecting this happy day, I call you, Lord, make me a participant in the fruits that the priest's communion must produce in all the faithful people, present to this sacrifice. Increase my faith by virtue of this divine Sacrament; strengthen my hope; perfect charity in me; fill my heart with your love, so that only you can love and breathe only for you. So be it.Increase my faith by virtue of this divine Sacrament; strengthen my hope; perfect charity in me; fill my heart with your love, so that only you can love and breathe only for you. So be it.Increase my faith by virtue of this divine Sacrament; strengthen my hope; perfect charity in me; fill my heart with your love, so that only you can love and breathe only for you. So be it.


You have finished, O my God, to sacrifice yourself for my salvation; I want to sacrifice myself for your glory. I am your victim, do not spare me. I willingly accept any crosses that you choose to send me; I bless them, I take them from your hand, and I join them with yours. I retire purified by the virtue of your holy mysteries: I will flee in horror from the smallest stains of sin, especially from the one to which my inclination drags me with more violence. I will be faithful to your law, and resolved I am losing everything, and suffering everything rather than violating it.


Bless, O my God, these holy resolutions; bless us all by the hand of your minister, and the effects of your blessing remain on us forever. In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.


Prayer to Our Lady of Perpetual Help.


We praise you, Almighty God! We confess to you as Lord of the universe. The whole earth reveres you as the Father and eternal Source of all beings. Before you, all the Angels and celestial powers, The Cherubim and Seraphim sing without ceasing to pay homage to you: Holy, Holy, Holy, O Lord God of hosts! The heavens and the earth are filled with the majesty of your glory: And the illustrious chorus of the apostles, And the glorious phalanx of the prophets, And the brilliant army of the martyrs, celebrate your praises; And the holy Church glorifies you, throughout the whole earth, To you, eternal Father, whose majesty is infinite, So to your true and only Son, worthy of the same homage. And to the consoling Holy Spirit. You are the king of glory, O Christ! You are the Father's eternal Son, Who, in order to redeem the lost man, had no horror at the bosom of a Virgin!You have broken the sting of death, and you have opened the kingdom of heaven to the faithful. Sitting at the right hand of God, in the glory of the Father, And we believe that you will one day come as our Judge. We beseech you, then help your servants, whom you have redeemed for the price of your blood. Make them admitted, with your saints, to eternal glory. Save your people, Lord, and bless your inheritance. Lead your servants yourself and lift them up to happy eternity. Every day we bless you; And we want to praise your name forever, forever and ever. Deign yourselves, Lord, to preserve us today from all sin. Have pity on us, Lord, have pity on us. Lord, let your mercy descend upon us, as we have hoped. In you, Lord, I put my hope; do not allow me to be confused forever.

(Ind. 5a .; on the last day of the year, 10 a.) 684.


Magnify my soul to the Lord; And my spirit rejoiced in God my Savior. He tilted his eyes to the nullity of his servant; and it follows that all generations will call me blessed. The Almighty did great things in me, and his name is holy. And his mercy extends from generation to generation to those who fear him. He used the strength of his arm; he dissipated the proud with the designs of his heart. He overthrew the mighty from their thrones, and raised the little ones. He filled the hungry with goods, and those who were rich he sent with empty hands. He took Israel, his servant, under his protection, remembering his holy covenant. As our fathers, Abraham and his posterity promised for all centuries.

(Ind. 3 a., On Saturdays, 5 a.) 320.


From Advent to Purification.

Augusta Mother of our Redeemer, happy Heaven's door, brilliant starfish! Extend your hand to those who lie down and want to get up. You who, by an amazing miracle in nature, gave birth to your divine Creator, becoming Virgin before and after childbirth! you who, through the mystery of the Angel Gabriel, received that glorious greeting for you and salutary for mankind! Have compassion for poor sinners.

Ind. Of 5 a .; IP (323).

From Purification to Easter.

We salute you, O Queen of heaven! We salute you, O Sovereign of the Angels! Hail, blessed rod; Hail, Holy Door, through which light entered the world! Glorious Virgin, raised above all creatures by the brilliance of your prerogatives and the excellence of your virtues! enjoy your happiness, receive our homage and ask Jesus Christ for us.

Ind. Of 5 a .; IP (324).

From Easter to the Trinity.

Queen of heaven, rejoice. Hallelujah. Because the one you brought in the breast. Hallelujah. He is risen as I said. Hallelujah. I asked God for us. Hallelujah.

From Trinity to Advent.

From the Trinity Hail, Queen, Mother of mercy, life, sweetness, our hope, Hail: we cry out to you the exiled children of Eve: to you we sigh moaning and weeping in this valley of tears. Therefore, our lawyer, your merciful eyes returned to us, and after this exile, show us Jesus, the blessed fruit of your womb. O merciful, pious, sweet, always Virgin Mary.


Ind. Of 5 a .; 7th. In may; IP (332).


Three Hail Marys and a Hail Queen.

V. Pray for us, Holy Mother of God.

A. That we may be worthy of Christ's promises.

Let us pray.

God, refuge and strength to ours, take care of the cries of your people and, through the intercession of the glorious and immaculate Virgin Mary, Mother of your Son, and of her husband, the blessed Saint Joseph, of your blessed apostles Peter and Paul and all the saints, I listened benignly and mercifully to the pleas that we send from the depths of the soul, for the conversion of sinners, and for the freedom and exaltation of the Holy Mother Church. Through Christ, our Lord. Amen.

S. Miguel Arcanjo, protect us in combat; cover us with your shield against the devil's hoaxes and snares. Subdue it; God, we immediately ask you: and you, prince of the heavenly militia, by divine power, precipitate Satan and the other evil spirits into hell, who walk the world to lose souls. Amen.

V. Sacred Heart of Jesus.

A. Have mercy on us (Three times).

Ind. 7 a. (675).

Prayer to Mary To obtain the forgiveness of sins. 1

1) 3-year indulgence for each prayer. Ind. Plenary, in the month, under the usual conditions. 334.

You are prostrate at your feet, O Mother of God, a miserable sinner, who turns to you and puts his trust in you. I do not even deserve a glance from you, but I do know that, out of consideration for your dead Son to save sinners, you fervently desire to help them. O Mother of mercy, see my misery and have compassion on me. I hear the whole world proclaiming you a refuge for sinners, hope for those who do not have it, help for the helpless: you are then my refuge, my hope, my help; it is up to you to save me through your intercession. Help me for the love of Jesus Christ; extend your hand to a wretch who, after his fall, is recommended to you. I know that you are happy to help a sinner when you can: help me now that you can. For my sins I have lost divine grace and my soul;I put myself between your hands now; tell me what I must do to enter the grace of my God, and I will do it without delay. He is the one who sends me to you to assist me; he wants me to resort to your mercy in order to be helped in the search for my salvation, not only for the merits of your Son, but also for your prayers. Well then! I turn to you; pray to Jesus for me. Make the world know the good you know how to do to everyone who trusts in you. I hope so, so be it. *pray to Jesus for me. Make the world know the good you know how to do to everyone who trusts in you. I hope so, so be it. *pray to Jesus for me. Make the world know the good you know how to do to everyone who trusts in you. I hope so, so be it. *

*) These Prayers (one for each day of the week) are from S. Afonso. To profit from the indulgences, it is necessary to pray at the end of each one, 3 Ave-Marias in reparation for the blasphemies against Our Lady.

Prayer to our Patron Saint

O great saint, my glorious patron, I give thanks to the Lord for crowning you with so much glory and happiness in the middle of his court. But in your greatness, do not forget me, I am so miserable; have compassion on me, who, still traveling in this world, go through this valley of tears moaning where I run a thousand dangers of losing my God. Out of pity, help me and ask Jesus to forgive me for the numberless faults I have committed to this day. I asked him to free me from all attachment to the things of this world, so that nothing would stop me from going to love him one day with you in paradise.


Consecrated to the Holy Spirit and to the memory of the dead


For the souls in purgatory

From the beginning to the Epistol

Heavenly Father, prostrate at the feet of the throne of your infinite majesty, I offer you, for the refreshment of the souls who suffer in purgatory, this sacrifice of the true body and blood of your only son; I also offer you all the pains and pains he suffered in his passion for our salvation. And you, loving Savior of our souls, remember all that you suffered for us in the garden of olive trees. There, in view of all the punishment and ignominious death that awaited you on the cross, in view of the sins and monstrous ingratitude of all men, especially in view of the condemnation of so many souls that rush into hell for their malice, and refuse to take advantage if you have the fruit of your passion, you have deigned, by an excess of love, to suffer humiliations, fears, sorrows that have reduced you to a deadly agony,and they brought you a bloody sweat that bathed the earth. all these penalties, therefore, and this sacrifice of your divine body and precious blood, I humbly beg you to present to the justice of your eternal Father, in favor of the souls who groan in the flames of purgatory and sigh for the happiness of seeing and possessing you in heaven with the Father and the Holy Spirit. So be it.

Give, Lord, eternal rest to these poor souls; and for them perpetual light may shine.

From the Epistle to the Offeror

Father of mercies, receive today, and deign to apply to the captive souls in purgatory, the sacrifice of the true body and blood of your divine Son, with all the pains and pains he suffered for our salvation during his passion. Behold it before your eyes like a King of sorrows, and it offers you the extreme penalty that caused Judas' betrayal to his heart, and the inexpressible confusion he experienced seeing himself bound with ropes and chains, dragged before a court, then before another, in which his sacred face was indignantly covered with sputum and cruelly slapped; there he was wounded, despised, trampled underfoot, like an earthworm, and he heard him proclaimed worthy of death as a heretic and blasphemous. Here he is, as our mediator, he presents you with all these penalties; and I, the most miserable sinner that I am, join with him,and I beg you to grant rest and peace to the souls in purgatory.

Give, Lord, eternal rest to these poor souls; and for them perpetual light may shine.

From the Offeror to the Sanctus

Omnipotent Father, you earnestly desire the salvation of men, you sincerely want everyone to be saved and no one to perish; ah! then look at your Son. Victim of his charity, on this altar he renews the sacrifice of the cross, and sacrifices himself for the living and dead, so that all may share in the treasures of your mercies. Heavenly Father, today I received the sacrifice of your body and blood for the souls of purgatory, and, through the merits of your Passion, deliver them from their sufferings. He, who is your eternal strength and wisdom, did not refuse, to atone for our true follies, that is, our sins, to be treated like a fool in Herod's court, and as such, dressed in a white robe, mocked , mocked and despised by this wicked king and all his vassals. This profound humility of your Son,in whom all the treasures of divinity are enclosed, I offer it to you, with the present sacrifice of his body and blood, for the liberation of souls from purgatory, and I ask you to grant them rest and peace.

Give, Lord, eternal rest to these poor souls; and for them perpetual light may shine.

From the Sanctus to the Elevation

Omnipotent God, Father of mercies and source of all consolations, today relieve the souls of the dead, through the merits of the sacrifice of your Son's true body and blood; I offer it to you in union with the triumphant and militant Church; deliver these poor captives from their sentences and imprisonment. Jesus, your Son, offers you, in satisfaction for them, his body and blood. This body is the same one that, in excess of his love, he left tied to a column, where he received scourges, not by hundreds, but by thousands, in order to satisfy your righteousness for our sins committed in the flesh; this blood is the same that, shed like rain in this atrocious scourging, washed the Church, his wife, of all the stains that Satan had printed on him. Ah! take a look at this innocent body and divine blood,and break the chains that hold your children's souls in purgatory. O merciful Father, for the merit of this great sacrifice, and of all the wounds that your only Son received in his cruel scourging, deign to grant me, my miserable sinner, your grace, and to the faithful dead rest and peace.

Give, Lord, eternal rest to these poor souls; and for them perpetual light may shine.

From Elevation to Pater

Humbly prostrate before the throne of your infinite majesty, O God, Father of Our Lord Jesus Christ and our Father in Heaven, I offer you today, for the satisfaction of the prisoner souls in purgatory, the sacrifice of your Son's body and blood; and with this sacrifice, I present to you the pains, pains, irritations, outrages and bad treatments, which Jesus deigned to suffer for the salvation of all men, when, after being cruelly lacerated by the scourges, he was still crowned with thorns. This horrible crown he wanted to receive it to satisfy your righteousness for all, our sins of thought; for the same purpose he refused neither the blindfold with which his eyes were covered, nor the piece of purple that was thrown at his shoulders, nor the cane that he put in his hand as a scepter, as if he were a theater king;finally he did not turn his face to those who slapped and smeared him with hideous sputum. For these sufferings, he overpaid all our debts, and obtained our forgiveness. Look at your humiliated Son, O Father of mercy, and deliver these souls, who are your dear wives, out of their ardent prison; deign to grant them rest and peace.

Give, Lord, eternal rest to these poor souls; and for them perpetual light may shine.

From Pater to Communion

Omnipotent, eternal, immutable, invisible and infinite Father in all perfections, all the choirs of angels sing without ceasing in your presence: "Holy, Holy, Holy!" We who are on earth offer you the sublime sacrifice of our altars, and through Jesus Christ, with Jesus Christ, and in Jesus Christ, we give you all the glory and honor that are due to your infinite majesty, and we intercede for you for the liberation of souls from purgatory. Therefore, today, O heavenly Father, I received the sacrifice of your Son's body and blood, with the penalty that he suffered seeing himself being insulted so wickedly by the Jews. From his court, Pilate presented him crowned with thorns, with a piece of purple on his back, and a reed in his hand; then showing them the blood that flowed from the innocent Victim's innumerable wounds, he said: "Here is the Man! "And then the Jews proclaimed Jesus worthy of death, preferred Barabbas to him, an evil and homicidal man, and uttered these inhuman cries against him:" Not this one, but Barabbas. Crucify him, crucify him! "And Jesus, condemned to death, and like a meek lamb, embraced his cross and took it to Calvary, place of sacrifice. It was an act of charity on the part of your divine Son to want so to be put down for our salvation, but it is an act of justice on your part to accept such a profound dejection to lift us up, and to free the souls that groan in purgatory. your Son practiced in his Passion, to grant rest and peace to these poor souls.evil and homicidal man, and these inhuman cries screamed at him: "Not this one, but Barabbas. Crucify him, crucify him!" And Jesus, condemned to death, and like a meek lamb, embraced his cross and carried it to Calvary, the place of sacrifice. It was an act of charity on the part of your divine Son to want to be so cast down for our salvation; but it is an act of justice on your part to accept such a profound depression to lift us up, and to free the souls who groan in purgatory. I ask you, then, for the merits of this sacrifice and the profound humility that your Son practiced in his Passion, to grant rest and peace to these poor souls.evil and homicidal man, and these inhuman cries screamed at him: "Not this one, but Barabbas. Crucify him, crucify him!" And Jesus, condemned to death, and like a meek lamb, embraced his cross and carried it to Calvary, the place of sacrifice. It was an act of charity on the part of your divine Son to want to be so cast down for our salvation; but it is an act of justice on your part to accept such a profound depression to lift us up, and to free the souls who groan in purgatory. I ask you, then, for the merits of this sacrifice and the profound humility that your Son practiced in his Passion, to grant rest and peace to these poor souls.and like a meek lamb, he embraced his cross and carried it to Calvary, the place of sacrifice. It was an act of charity on the part of your divine Son to want to be so cast down for our salvation; but it is an act of justice on your part to accept such a profound depression to lift us up, and to free the souls who groan in purgatory. I ask you, then, for the merits of this sacrifice and the profound humility that your Son practiced in his Passion, to grant rest and peace to these poor souls.and like a meek lamb, he embraced his cross and carried it to Calvary, the place of sacrifice. It was an act of charity on the part of your divine Son to want to be so cast down for our salvation; but it is an act of justice on your part to accept such a profound depression to lift us up, and to free the souls who groan in purgatory. I ask you, then, for the merits of this sacrifice and the profound humility that your Son practiced in his Passion, to grant rest and peace to these poor souls.for the merits of this sacrifice and the profound humility that your Son practiced in his Passion, to grant rest and peace to these poor souls.for the merits of this sacrifice and the profound humility that your Son practiced in his Passion, to grant rest and peace to these poor souls.

Give, Lord, eternal rest to these poor souls; and for them perpetual light may shine.

From Communion to the end

O God of love, Father of Our Lord Jesus Christ, look upon this altar today on the sacrifice of your Son's body and blood, renewal and memorial of his most holy Passion and death. This painful sacrifice he offered to you at Calvary in his capacity as high priest, spilling all the blood from his veins. Stripped of his garments, he stretched out on the cross, was nailed to it, and, after an agony of three hours, in the midst of irritations and contempt, after drinking gall and vinegar, and being obedient to death, he handed over his soul between your hands. In consideration of this pleasant-smelling holocaust, open the bowels of your mercies in favor of the souls in purgatory, free them from the chains that hold them back and prevent them from taking off to praise and love you in heaven with perfect and eternal love.With the pains of your divine Son, I also offer you those of his blessed Mother, who was crucified in her maternal heart at the foot of the cross. The spear that opened the side and heart of Jesus, your Son and hers, pierced Mary's soul, according to Simeon's prophecy, and made her Queen of all martyrs. Look, then, O heavenly Father, at the disfigured face of your Son on the cross and the crucified heart of your Mother at the foot of the same cross; and for the merits of all the pains of this Son and this Mother, grant rest and peace to the souls of the your Son's disfigured face on the cross and his Mother's crucified heart at the foot of the same cross; and for the merits of all the pains of this Son and this Mother, grant rest and peace to the souls of the your Son's disfigured face on the cross and his Mother's crucified heart at the foot of the same cross; and for the merits of all the pains of this Son and this Mother, grant rest and peace to the souls of the dead.

Give, Lord, eternal rest to these poor souls; and for them perpetual light may shine.

Prayer to Mary to obtain holy perseverance

Most Holy Virgin Mary, Queen of Heaven, I, who was once a slave of Lucifer, dedicate myself now and forever to your service, offering myself to you to honor and serve you for the rest of my life. Receive me, then, as your servant; deign not to reject me as you have deserved. O my Mother, I have placed all my hopes in you. I bless and thank God who, through his mercy, gave me this confidence in you. It is true that, in the past, I have fallen miserably into sin; but I am confident that I have obtained my forgiveness for the merits of Jesus and for your prayers. However, this is not enough, O my tender Mother, a thought afflicts me: I can again lose the grace of God. The dangers are continuous, the enemies do not sleep, new temptations will come to assail me. Ah! My sovereign, protect me, help me in the assaults of hell;and do not allow me to happen yet in the future to commit sin and to offend your divine Son Jesus. No, no, do not lose my soul, paradise and God again. I ask you for this grace, O Mary, do not refuse me, but rather reach out to me through your intercession. I hope so.

Three Hail Marys. See the note on p. 89.


Consecrated to the Holy Angels

see Dev. to S. Anjos, Part IV,


In order to listen to the Mass with devotion, it is important to remember that the sacrifice of the altar is the same as that offered on Calvary in the past; the only difference is that the divine blood that was actually shed on the cross, is only mystically shed on the altar. If you had been on Calvary at that time, with what devotion and warmth you would have seen this great sacrifice! So revive your faith, and think that what was done then on Calvary is now done on the altar; also think that this divine sacrifice is offered not only by the priest, but also by all the assistants. In this way, everyone in a certain way does the office of a priest attending Mass, for which the merits of the Savior's passion are applied to each of us in particular.

It is also necessary to remember that the sacrifice of the Mass was instituted for four purposes:

1. the to honor God;

2. the to expiate our sins;

3. the to thank God for their benefits;

4. the to achieve thanks.

Hence the following considerations are born, which will help us to hear Mass with great fruit:

1. the For the Mass, in which it offers to the Eternal Father the person of Jesus Christ, Man and God, give to God an infinitely greater honor than if you were offered the lives of all men and angels.

2. o Through this offering of Jesus Christ, which is made at Mass, God is given complete satisfaction for all the sins of men, and especially of assistants, to whom the same divine blood that was shed on Calvary is applied for. redemption of mankind. Thus, by a mass, we satisfy divine justice for our faults more effectively than any other atoning work. However, even though the Mass is of infinite value, God receives it only in a finite way, according to the dispositions of those who hear it; this is why it is useful to hear many.

3. The Mass is for us the means of giving worthy thanksgiving for all the benefits we receive from Him.

4. o During Mass we can obtain all the favors we wish for ourselves and for others. We are unworthy of receiving benefits; but our Savior has given us the means to deserve and attain all graces: it is to ask for them in his name, offering our Eucharistic sacrifice to the eternal Father, where Jesus joins his prayer with ours. If you knew that when you pray, the Mother of God and all paradise join you in supporting your prayer, with what confidence you would not do it! Well, when he attended Mass, to ask God for some grace, Our Lord Jesus Christ, whose prayers are worth infinitely more than those of the whole paradise, he himself prays for you, and offers in your favor the merits of his Passion.

It is therefore an excellent method to divide the mass into four parts, as follows:

From the beginning to the Gospel

Offer the holy sacrifice to God to honor him, saying:

I love, my God, your infinite majesty. Honoring you willed as you deserve; but what honor can you receive from a miserable sinner like me? I offer you the infinite honor that Jesus Christ gives you on this altar.

From the Gospel to the Elevation

Offer the holy sacrifice to atone for your sins, saying:

I hate it, Lord, and I very much regret all the grief I have given you. In reparation for my offenses, I offer you your divine Son, who again sacrifices himself for me on this altar, and for his merits I ask you to grant me forgiveness and perseverance in your holy grace.

From Elevation to Communion

Offer Jesus Christ to the eternal Father, to give him thanks for all the benefits he has done for you, saying:

Lord, I myself am unable to thank you with dignity for all the benefits you have done to me; but in thanksgiving I offer you the blood of Jesus Christ in this Mass and in all that are celebrated on earth today.

From Communion to the end

I asked with great confidence the graces you need, and especially the pain of your sins, perseverance and divine love. Recommend to God in particular the people you live with, your relatives, sinners, the souls in purgatory, etc.

I don't think it's bad that you recite vocal prayers during Mass; but I wish that at the same time you will not fail to release yourselves to God from the four duties that I have pointed out to you: honor, atonement, thanksgiving and prayer. I advise you to hear as many Masses as possible; each time you attend Mass in the way I have indicated, you will achieve a treasure of merit.

Prayer to Mary For a good death

see the note on p. 89.

Blessed Virgin Mary, Mother of kindness and mercy, when I consider my sins and think about the moment of my death, I shudder in amazement. O most tender mother, all my hopes are founded on the merits of Jesus Christ and on your intercession. O Consoler of the afflicted, do not abandon me then, be sure to console me in this extreme affliction. If I am now so tormented by the remorse for my sins, the uncertainty of forgiveness, the danger of falling and the rigor of divine justice, what will become of me at that moment? Ah! My sovereignty, before death arrives, obtains me a living pain of my sins, a true amendment, and fidelity to God for the rest of my life. And when my last hour sounds, O Mary, my hope, assist me in the cruel agonies in which I find myself;support me so that I do not despair at the sight of the sins that the devil will put before my eyes. obtain me the grace to invoke you more often then, so that it expires with your sweetest name and that of your divine Son on your lips. You have done this grace to so many souls who were dedicated to you; I want it and I hope for myself too.

Three Hail Marys.


Consecrated to Saint Joseph

see Dev. to S. José, IV Part, art. V.


To pray to God for his graces


To pray to God for his graces After having gathered you in the presence of God, recite the following prayers slowly and piously:


Before Mass

Eternal Father, in this sacrifice I offer you Jesus Christ with all the merits of his passion:

1. the in honor of Thy majesty;

2. the to thank you for the benefits that you have me aggregate;

3. the to expiate my sins and those of all the living and the dead;

4. to obtain the necessary graces for my salvation.

From the beginning of the Mass to the Offeror

Acts for every day

Acts for every day

I adore you, O my God, Holy Trinity, Father, Son and Holy Spirit, three persons and one God!

I humble myself in the abyss of my nothingness, under the eyes of your infinite majesty.

I firmly believe everything you deigned to teach through Sacred Scripture and your holy Church; I believe because you have revealed it, and I am ready to give, a thousand times my life for this belief.

I place all my hope in you: whatever good there is in me, whether spiritual or temporal, in this as in the other life, it is only from you that I hope, for the merits of Jesus Christ, my God, my life, my only hope!

I love you, infinite goodness, with all the tenderness of my heart, because you deserve all my love. I wish I could love you as angels, saints and all the righteous love you; I unite my love, albeit very weak, with the love that all the saints consecrate to you, and Mary and Jesus.

O my God, sovereign well, infinitely worthy of being loved and served, I am extremely sorry to have offended you; I repent of all my sins; I hate them with all my strength and more than all evils. I am resolved hereafter to die rather than consent to the least thing that displeases you.

In your hands, today and forever, I surrender my body and my soul, all my senses and faculties, my memory, understanding and will: Lord, dispose of me and all that is mine as you please. Give me your love and the final perseverance; and do that, in all my temptations, never fail to turn to you.

I form the good purpose of employing myself without reserve in what is pleasing to you; ready to suffer all the pains and hardships to satisfy you, I will always say: Lord, your will be done!

I wish that everyone loves you and serves you; I would like to consecrate myself to make all the inhabitants of the earth love and serve you.

Your majesty I offer forever my works watered with the blood of Jesus, my Redeemer.

I intend to win today, all the indulgences I can, and I want to apply them as a suffrage for the souls of purgatory; I recommend them to your mercy.

I also commend you all sinners; enlighten and fortify these wretches, so that all may reach to know and love you.

I experience, O my God, extreme joy, knowing that your happiness is infinite and will never end. I thank you for all the gifts and benefits that you have lavished on all men, and especially on me, the most ungrateful of them all.

O my most beloved Jesus, in your sacred wounds I welcome you: let them be my asylum in the hour of temptation, now and forever, until you grant me the fortune to see and love you forever in paradise. So be it.

From the Offertory to the Elevation

Eternal Father, I offer you this sacrifice in thanksgiving for all the gifts you have made to Jesus Christ as a man to the Blessed Virgin Mary and to all my holy protectors. I commend you the Sovereign Pontiff, the magistrate who governs us, my relatives, benefactors, friends and enemies. I also recommend the infidels, heretics and all sinners who live outside of your grace: give them the light and help needed to get out of such a miserable state.

Prayer to obtain the grace to pray always

I already understand, O God of my soul, the cause of my falls: it is my neglect to implore your help in temptations, and to ask you for holy perseverance. For the future, I take the firm resolve to invoke you without ceasing, particularly when I find myself in danger of falling into sin; I propose to always resort to your mercy, invoking the holy names of Jesus and Mary. For once I turn to you, I am sure that you will not fail to grant me the strength necessary to resist my enemies. This is my resolution, and I promise you to be faithful. But, my God, what good are all these promises if you don't help me keep them? Help me, therefore, for the love of Jesus Christ, and let me never neglect to turn to you when I am tempted. I am sure of your help every time I beg you;but I still have a fear: it is possible that I will be neglected for the future to recommend me to you when there is a need; this neglect would be my misfortune, it would bring me the loss of your grace, the greatest of the misfortunes that can happen to me. Ah! Lord, I beg you, on the merits of Jesus Christ, give me the grace of prayer, but an abundant grace, a grace that will make me pray always, and pray as it should.

O Mary, my Mother, whenever I have appealed to you, you have always obtained the assistance I need not to succumb; I address you even now, in order to obtain the greatest grace, that of recommending me in my needs to your divine Son and to you. O my Queen, whatever you ask of God, you obtain; then reach out to me, I conjure you for your incomparable love for Jesus Christ, obtain the grace to pray and never stop doing it until death. So be it.

During Elevation

Petitions to the Heart of Jesus

Merciful heart of Jesus, have compassion on me. Heart deeply penetrated by pain on the cross because of the sins of the world, give me real pain from my sins. Pure heart, purify my heart from all attachment to creatures. Open heart to be the refuge of souls, I received myself. Heart full of meekness, communicate your sweetness to me. Most humble heart, teach me your humility. Loving heart, scorching fire, I have consumed myself entirely, and give me a new life of love and grace. Most holy heart, engrave in my heart the bitter feathers you suffered for my love, so that, having them continually before your eyes, bear with patience for your love all the feathers of this life. Lovely heart, clarify those who do not know you. Most compassionate heart, deliver or at least relieve the souls of purgatory,who are your wives forever.

From the Elevation to the end

Prayer to obtain the necessary graces for salvation

Eternal Father, your Son has promised us that you will answer the prayers made in his name; therefore, in the name and on the merits of Jesus Christ, I ask you, for me and for all men, the following graces:

First, the grace to believe with living faith everything that the Holy Roman Church teaches. Enlighten me at the same time with your holy light, so that you may know the vanity of earthly goods and the greatness of the infinite good that is possessed in you; the ugliness of my sins, to humble myself and detest them as I should; the excellence of your goodness, to love you with all my heart; finally the love you have for me; so that I never cease to testify to you of my profound recognition.

Secondly, give me the firm confidence to reach out from your infinite mercy, for the merits of Jesus Christ and the intercession of Mary, the forgiveness of my sins, the holy perseverance and the glory of paradise.

Thirdly, give me great love for you, love that detaches me from all worldly affections and myself, in order to love you, only you, and to seek and desire nothing but your glory.

Fourthly, I ask you to grant me perfect resignation to your holy will, resignation that will henceforth withstand with pleasure all sufferings, infirmities, contempt, persecution, spiritual dryness, loss of my assets, my reputation, my relatives, and all the other crosses that come from your hand. I offer myself entirely to you, so that you can dispose of me and everything that belongs to me as your will; deign, on your part, to grant me the light and strength I need so that each week will fulfill all the provisions of your will; and when the hour of my death comes, help me to make with all my heart the sacrifice of my life, in union with the great sacrifice that your divine son, Jesus Christ, made at Calvary when he suffered the torment of the cross.

Fifth, I ask you for a living pain of my sins, a pain that has me ceaselessly and even death in repentance and tears, for the remembrance of the grievances with which I have embittered you, very sovereign and worthy of love without limits, because you have loved me so much.

Sixth, I ask you to give me a true spirit of humility and sweetness, so that I can calmly and even happily embrace all the contempt, ingratitude and bad treatment that come to me from men; I also ask of you the perfect charity, which I need to wish well to those who have done me wrong and to strive to be useful to the extent of my strength, by my prayers at least, to those who have done me any offense.

Seventhly, I ask you to make me attractive to the life of mortification, and strength to punish my rebellious senses and to contradict my self-love; grant me with this gift the holy purity of the body, helping me to suppress all dishonest temptations, and never fail to invoke the dangers on you and your divine Mother. Give me the grace to obey orders on time my spiritual father and all my superiors. Give me a right intention, so that all my actions and all my desires have your glory and will as their sole object. Give me complete confidence in the Passion of Jesus Christ and the intercession of Mary immaculate. Give me great love for the Blessed Virgin. Above all, give me, I beg you, holy perseverance and the grace to ask for it without ceasing, especially in temptations and in approaching death.

I commend you my relatives, my benefactors as well as the souls in purgatory. I personally entrust you to those who hate me or have offended me; I beg you to return to them the good that they have done or wish me for. Finally, I commend you to the infidels, heretics and all the poor sinners; give them the light and strength they need to get out of sin. O sovereignly kind God, make all men know and love you, but particularly me, who have shown you more ingratitude than all the others, so that, by your goodness, one day you will sing your mercies in paradise forever. This grace awaits the merits of the blood of Jesus and the protection of Mary.

O Mother of God, pray to Jesus for me. You will do it, it is my hope. So be it.

Prayer to Mary

To be preserved from hell

See the note on p. 89.

O Mother of God, Most Holy Virgin Mary, how many times have I deserved hell for my sins! Perhaps if I had carried out the sentence since my first sin, if, in your mercy towards me, you had not suspended the action of divine justice; triumphing after the hardness of my heart, you have reduced me to putting my trust in you. There! how many other faults I would not have fallen after, if, in the midst of the dangers that surrounded me, you had not, O Holy Mother, preserved by the graces that you have reached me! O my Queen, what good will your mercy and the favors with which you have warned me, if you come to condemn me! Ah! if there was a time when I did not love you, I love you as a present, right after God, above all things. Do not allow, I conjure you, to separate me from you and from God, who, through you,filled me with so many mercies. Kindest Sovereign of mine, do not suffer that I will hate and curse you forever in hell. Can you suffer if one of your servants who loves you is condemned? O Mary, what do you say to me? Will I condemn myself? If I leave you, I will certainly be condemned; but who would have the heart to abandon you! How could I forget the love you have consecrated to me? No, no, the one who faithfully commends you will not be lost, and your goodness appeals. O my Mother, do not abandon me, on the contrary, I will lose myself; make it always turn to you. Save me, my hope, preserve me from hell and, in order not to be hasty, deliver me from sin.Can you suffer if one of your servants who loves you is condemned? O Mary, what do you say to me? Will I condemn myself? If I leave you, I will certainly be condemned; but who would have the heart to abandon you! How could I forget the love you have consecrated to me? No, no, the one who faithfully commends you will not be lost, and your goodness appeals. O my Mother, do not abandon me, on the contrary, I will lose myself; make it always turn to you. Save me, my hope, preserve me from hell and, in order not to be hasty, deliver me from sin.Can you suffer if one of your servants who loves you is condemned? O Mary, what do you say to me? Will I condemn myself? If I leave you, I will certainly be condemned; but who would have the heart to abandon you! How could I forget the love you have consecrated to me? No, no, the one who faithfully commends you will not be lost, and your goodness appeals. O my Mother, do not abandon me, on the contrary, I will lose myself; make it always turn to you. Save me, my hope, preserve me from hell and, in order not to be hasty, deliver me from not abandon me, on the contrary, I will lose myself; make it always turn to you. Save me, my hope, preserve me from hell and, in order not to be hasty, deliver me from not abandon me, on the contrary, I will lose myself; make it always turn to you. Save me, my hope, preserve me from hell and, in order not to be hasty, deliver me from sin.


Consecrated to the SS. sacrament

See Dev. To the SS. Sacramento, Part IV, art.II. § 4.


lntroibo ad altare Dei

How many graces, O my God, have I lost by being negligent in asking you during the holy sacrifice of the Mass! But, since you deigned to clarify me, I no longer want to be negligent on this point. O eternal Father, I unite my prayers with those of Jesus, and for the love of that adorable Son, who will offer himself in sacrifice, I ask you to make me know the infinite rights you have to my love and the immense obligation that I have to love you, because of your kindness and love for me. At the same time give me the strength to let go of all earthly affections, and to use all my heart. in loving you, you only, O Supreme Good, tender friend of my soul. I also ask you to clarify those who do not know you and live deprived of your friendship: grant to everyone the gift of your grace; the gift of your holy fear to all.O infinite love of my God, make yourself known, make yourself love. O Mary, my hope, Mother of beautiful love, help me to love my God, who is infinitely kind, always and always.

Kyrie Eleison

Forgive me, O my Jesus, forgive me the great fault that I committed for not loving you, for you who are so kind, have loved me so much and done so much to make me love you.

Gloria in excelsis Deo

O my Jesus, I praise your immense mercy, your infinite charity, which you honor in heaven and on earth and I unite my voice with that of angels to exalt your glory: Gloria in altissimis Deo! (Lk 2,14). I thank you for all men and especially for myself, the wretched sinner that I am. What would become of me, what hope of forgiveness and salvation would I have, O my Redeemer, if you had not come from heaven to save me? I praise you because I give thanks and love. Lover Heart of Jesus, ignite me with your love, making me know the immense good that I possess in you.


Dearest Jesus, who, foreseeing my ingratitude, did not fail to grant me so many graces, especially the vocation to true faith; you who have not endeavored to give yourself to me so often and with such tender love, in your divine Sacrament: ah! deign to burn my heart in such a way that all my actions are now in conformity with my faith. O lovely, O true, the only lover of my soul, when will the day finally come when I will begin to love you with all my heart? Ah! be this happy day today.

During the Epistle

God is the fullness of all graces, all goods, all perfections. God is infinite, eternal, immense, immutable. God is powerful, wise, prudent, just. God is merciful, holy, beautiful, resplendent, rich, God is everything. It is worthy of love, and what love! Ah! God is so worthy of love, that all the angels and saints of heaven do not and will not do anything else in heaven, for all eternity, that they love him; and for this same love for their God, they are and will always be happy.

During the Gospel and I Believe

God so loved the world that he gave his only Son (Jn 3,16). Let us meditate well on these words of our Savior: God so loved the world. The word so expresses the greatness of God's love. What! a God is worthy to love men, miserable worms of the earth who revolted against him with such ingratitude, and loves them to the point of giving his only Son! It is not one of his servants that God wanted to give for them; he is not an angel, nor an archangel, but his own Son, his only Son, whom he loves as much as himself. This Son, he gave it! It is like? handing him over, humiliated, poor, abandoned, to the hands of the executioners, in charge of treating him as an evildoer and making him die in an infamous scaffold. O grace, O strength of God's love!

To the Offeror

Eternal Father, even though I am a miserable sinner, worthy of a thousand hells, I present myself today before you, who are God of infinite majesty, to offer you my poor heart. Ah! Lord, what heart is this that I dare to offer you? It is a heart that has not known how to love you, but has offended and betrayed you countless times. Now, however, I offer you penetrated with repentance, resolved to love you at all costs and obey you in everything. Forgive me, O my God, and draw me completely to your love. I do not deserve to be attended to, however, my divine Son who offers himself to you in sacrifice for my salvation deserves it; I present you, therefore, this Son you love and the sacrifice he makes to you; in him I place all my hopes, and I thank you, my Father, for having sent into this world to sacrifice for me. Thanks also I give you,O Incarnate Word, Lamb of God, for having offered You for my soul. I love you, my dear Redeemer, and I only want to love you; because you only sacrificed your life to save me. It worries me that, always full of recognition for others, I only dared to show myself ungrateful. But you do not want me to lose, but to repent and live; yes, my Jesus, I turn to you; it weighs me wholeheartedly to have offended a God who sacrificed himself for me. Give me my life, and it is all about loving you, sovereign well; make him love you, I ask nothing more.only with you I dared to show myself ungrateful. But you do not want me to lose, but to repent and live; yes, my Jesus, I turn to you; it weighs me wholeheartedly to have offended a God who sacrificed himself for me. Give me my life, and it is all about loving you, sovereign well; make him love you, I ask nothing more.only with you I dared to show myself ungrateful. But you do not want me to lose, but to repent and live; yes, my Jesus, I turn to you; it weighs me wholeheartedly to have offended a God who sacrificed himself for me. Give me my life, and it is all about loving you, sovereign well; make him love you, I ask nothing more.

To the Preface

What! my sweet Redeemer, you wanted our love so hard! and there will be men who believe in you and do not love you! What consoles me is that you are the love of all the saints, the love of Mary, the love of God your Father. But, alas! how many there are who refuse to know you! and among those who know you, how many refuse to love you! O infinite love, make yourself known and loved. Ah! I wish I could, at the cost of my blood and life, love the world in full.

During the Canon

Eternal Father, do not look at my sins, but at the wounds of Jesus Christ, that beloved Son who begs grace for me. I repent, O my Creator, that I have offended you; I am greatly distressed by this. You created me to love you, and I have lived as if I were created to offend you. For the love of Jesus Christ forgive me, and give me the grace to love you. So far I have resisted your holy will, from now on I want to do everything you tell me to do. You order me to detest all the outrages that I have done to you: well! I hate them with all my soul. Order me to resolve not to displease you any more: resolved, I am losing my life a thousand times rather than losing your holy grace. Ordinarily love you with all my heart: oh! yes, I love you with all my heart and I only want to love you; from now on you will be my only beloved, my only love.I ask you for holy perseverance and I hope you will grant it to me. For the love of Jesus Christ make me faithful so that I can say to you with Saint Bonaventure: You are my beloved, the only object of my affections.

The Elevation

I beg you, eternal Father, for the merits of Jesus Christ, to grant me final perseverance in your grace and love. I know well that you will not refuse me at any time, if I am faithful to ask you; but who assures me that I will never leave this important petition? That is why, O my God, I ask you for perseverance and the grace of always asking you. Infinite goodness, I adore you for all those who do not love you, and I love you for those who do not love you.

After Elevation

Most lovable Redeemer of mine, I wish I had the hearts of all men, and with them I love you as you deserve it! Why, O God of love, in this land where you shed your blood and gave your life for the love of men, are so few that are burning with love for you? You have come to the world to cast the fire of that love in our hearts, and you only wish to see it light up; I say to you, therefore, with the Holy Church, for me and all the men who are in the world: Burn, burn, consume our hearts with the fire of your love. O God, that you are all kindness, all love, O supreme kindness, O infinite love, make yourself known and loved by all men. I am not ashamed to speak to you like this, despite having disdained your love more than others in the past.Now that I am enlightened by your light and pierced by the numerous arrows of love launched by your heart burning with tenderness, I no longer want to pay you with ingratitude as before; on the contrary, I want to love you with all my strength, to be ablaze with love towards you, and you cannot refuse this grace. What I look for in your love, are neither consolations nor sweetness, I am not worthy or require them; it is enough for me only to love you. Oh! I love you, my sovereign Good; I love you, my God, my is enough for me only to love you. Oh! I love you, my sovereign Good; I love you, my God, my is enough for me only to love you. Oh! I love you, my sovereign Good; I love you, my God, my everything.

To the Pater

Adveniat regnum tuum: Reign, O my Jesus, reign as sovereign in my soul. Make it only for you to obey and only for you to sigh. I left my heart, earthly appetites. Come, O flames of divine love, come, live in me, possess me without sharing, and have consumed me with love for a God who deigned to die consumed with love for me.

To Agnus Dei

My Savior and my God, always remember how much you suffered for me, so that I never forget to love you. Sacred ropes that you tied to Jesus, connect me with him. Thorns that formed the crown of Jesus, I wounded myself with love for him. Nails that pierced Jesus' limbs, nail me to his cross, that I may live and die together with him. O blood of Jesus, intoxicate me with holy love. O death of Jesus, make me die to all earthly affection. O wounded feet of my divine Master. I embrace you; deliver me from the hell I have deserved. O burning heart of Jesus, ignite my poor heart.

Spiritual communion

Come, O my Jesus, come; I fervently desire to receive you in myself so that you may be the God of my heart and my will. Eternal Father, for the love of your divine Son, grant me the grace to love you always and very much. I love you, my Father, who gave me your only Son. I love you, O Son of God, who died for me. I love you, O Mother of Jesus, who, through your intercession, has given me the time to do penance. Still reach me, O my Sovereign, the pain of my sins, love for God and holy perseverance.

The last prayers

O my God, you have given me the most precious thing, your own Son; Can I, after this, fear that you will refuse the forgiveness of my sins, perseverance, your love, your paradise and all other graces? Further. I know a sure way of obtaining from you all kinds of goods: it is asking you in the name and for the love of Jesus Christ. I therefore ask you, in the name of Jesus Christ, give me holy perseverance until death; give me perfect and pure love to you; give me complete conformity to your holy will; give me paradise at last. I ask all of these favors and hope to obtain them for the merits of Jesus Christ.


Pour out your blessings on me, that is, your favors, O God of love, and the favor that I implore is that you draw me entirely to your love. Make love, which you have given me so much evidence, burn me with love for your goodness. Infinite love you deserve: I love you with all the love that I am capable of, I love you above all things, I love you more than myself. I give you all my will, Lord, and I ask you for the grace and strength to live from now on and act in everything according to your divine will, always inclined to want my good and my eternal salvation.

During the last Gospel

I feel a great desire to love you, O my Love! you inspire me, I thank you. Continue, continue to help me as you deigned to begin; I hope to be your dora onward, and all yours. I renounce all the pleasures in the world. Ah! what greater pleasure can I enjoy than to please you, O my Lord, so kind and so loving! Love, love, and still love, that is all I beg of you, my God; love, love, this is what I hope to ask of you always until, dying in your holy love, I reach the king of love, where, without having to ask him, I will be full of love and I will love you with all my strength, without any interruption for all eternity. O Mary, my tender Mother, who are all love for your God, and who desire so much to see you loved, make me love you very much in this life, in order to love you very much and without end in the future life.

Prayer to Mary

To get to paradise

O Queen of Paradise, who, seated above all the angelic choirs, occupies the first place next to the throne of God, from the bottom of this valley of tears, I, miserable sinner, greet you, and I ask you to deign to turn your eyes towards me full of mercy. see, O Mary, what dangers I find myself and I will find while I live in this land, of losing my soul, paradise and my God. In you, my Queen, I have placed all my hopes. I love you and sigh for the moment to come and see you and praise you in paradise. Ah! Mary, when will the day come when I will come at your feet, in possession of my salvation? When will I kiss those hands that have given me so many graces? It is true, my mother, that I have been very ungrateful to you during my life; but if I get to paradise, I will love you there every moment for all eternity,and I will repair my ingratitude passed by endless blessings and thanksgiving. I thank God for giving me this confidence in the blood of Jesus Christ and in your powerful intercession. So did your true servants wait and not one was frustrated in their hope. I won't be either. O Mary, supplicate Jesus, your divine Son, just as I also do for the merits of your Passion, to confirm and increase these hopes ever more in me. Amen.confirm and raise these hopes ever more in me. Amen.confirm and raise these hopes ever more in me. Amen.


Consecrated to the Passion and Sacred Heart of Jesus

See these devotions in P. IV, art. II, § 3 and 5.


To obtain the remission of our sins

lntroibo ad altare Dei

It is not in this blessed place that I should be, Lord, but in the hell that I so often deserved. However, St. Peter consoles me, assuring me that you use patience with the sinner, so that he may be converted: The Lord, he says, waits patiently, not wanting any to perish, but all to turn to Him for penance (2Ped3,9). With such long-suffering you have waited for me, O my God, because you want, not that I lose myself, but come to amend me; well! here I am, I come to you and at your feet I launch myself asking your forgiveness: Have mercy on me, my God, according to your great mercy (Ps 50). Great mercy is needed to forgive me, Lord, even extraordinary, because I have offended you with full knowledge of the evil I was doing. Other sinners offended you, but did not have the lights you gave me. Despite all this,O ineffable goodness, you still command me to repent of my sins and to expect forgiveness from you.


O eternal Father, cast your eyes upon the face of your Christ (Ps 83,10). Keep your eyes on the face of your divine crucified Son, whose wounds all ask you for mercy for me, and deign to forgive me for all the offenses that I have done to you.

Kyrie Eleison

O God infinitely kind, O true friend of my soul, for the love of this Son who is so dear to you, use me with mercy. What I implore you is the gift of your holy love. Ah! take me out of the mire of my iniquities, and make it all yours. O scorching fire, I have consumed everything that is impure in my soul, everything that prevents it from being entirely yours.

Gloria in excelsis

O my God, I unite my poor heart to the Sacred Heart of Jesus Christ, and I offer you this great sacrifice in his name to confess your sovereign dominion. I would like to see your infinite majesty adored and loved by all men; the honor that I pay you today for offering the sacrifice of your divine Son makes amends for all the dishonor that men have caused you and will cause in the future for your sins.


Come to my rescue, my dear Savior, do not abandon me. I see my soul covered with all the wounds of your sins; passions make me violent, bad habits overwhelm me. I throw myself at your feet, have compassion on me, and deliver me from so many evils! Do not let a soul that trusts in you perish.

During the Epistle

Does the sight of our sins make us tremble about our salvation? let us follow the Apostle's counsel: Let us come confidently to the throne of grace, in order to obtain mercy (Heb 4,16). Yes, we will throw ourselves at the feet of Jesus Christ and there we will find our forgiveness. Let us not expect, to invoke his clemency, that he be seated as a judge on his throne of justice, but let us be quick to turn to him while he is on his throne of grace. And let us remember the encouraging words of St. John Chrysostom: Our divine Savior, he says, wishes more fervently to grant forgiveness than to receive it.

During the Gospel and the Creed

My Father, forgive them because they do not know what they are doing (Lk 23,24). O tenderness of Jesus Christ's love for men! According to St. Augustine's note, the Savior asked his enemies for forgiveness even when he was mistreated by them; Jesus considered the injuries and death he received from them less than the love that led him to die for them. But, it will be said, why did Jesus ask his Father to forgive his enemies the outrages that he himself could remit to them? It was, replies Saint Bernard, to teach us to pray for those who persecute us. Then contemplate a God nailed to the cross, exclaims Saint Augustine; listen to how he prays for his executioners, and then dare to refuse your brother's forgiveness for the offenses he has done to you!

During the Offer

O my Father in heaven, Father of mercy and God of all consolation, who comforts us in all our sorrows, accept, I beg you, this sacrifice of the body and blood of your only Son, who today I offer you with the militant Church and triumphant, in memory of the passion, resurrection and ascension of my Savior, and in honor of the Blessed Virgin and Mary. the entire heavenly court, in order to satisfy for my sins and for all men. see, O my God, on this altar your most beloved Son, the sole object of your complacencies; listen to the voice of his wounds, consider the precious tears that he shed from the top of his cross, praying so humbly for me, that I was then his perfidious executioner, but today I sincerely regret it; see his fiery Heart of love so pure and burning for us, and, in consideration of its merits,deliver us from all the evils we have deserved for our sins. Yes, merciful Father, forgive us for the love of Jesus Christ, who is our advocate and mediator, who satisfies us, and gives you and your Holy Spirit all the glory and honor for ever and ever. So be it.

For this Mass, O my God, I also intend to give you thanks for all the benefits that you have given to the world and above all for those that you have deigned to grant me, my miserable sinner, who, for my ingratitude, deserved to be abandoned, multiplying you thanks to the step that I multiplied sins. I thank you, O infinite goodness, or rather, thank you for me my Lord Jesus Christ.

To the Preface

Ah! my divine Shepherd, from heaven I saw these to look for me, stray sheep, and every day I descend on the altar for my good; you gave your life to save me, do not abandon me; I put my soul in your hands: by mercy receive it and make sure it does not separate from you. Now that you are my lawyer and judge, obtain the light and strength I need to love you with all my soul; obtain the grace for me to spend so holy the rest of my days, that I will be placated when you come to judge me.

During the Canon

O my God, you are irritated against sinners and you have more than enough reasons for this, because it is with ingratitude that you pay your immense love towards them. But, however great the sins of the world may be, they disappear in the presence of the offering and gift that I have just presented to you. Today I offer you your own Son in sacrifice; this victim, who is so dear to you, appease and reduce you to use mercy towards all the poor sinners, towards those who do not know you, and towards those who know you, but refuse to love you and are deprived of your saint grace; give them the necessary help to get out of the miserable state in which they blindly live.

I implore you for all men, but particularly for me, the most ungrateful of all, as I have responded to your privileged favors with added affront and contempt. Ah! for the love of Jesus Christ, O my God, forgive me all my sins, mortal and venial, my impatience, lies, intemperance, distraction and above all my negligence in Mass and prayer; I repent of all these faults, because they have offended you, O infinite goodness, which you deserve from all men infinite love.

During Elevation

I hate and hate, O eternal Father, the injuries that I have done to you. Have compassion on me, for the love of Jesus Christ. Tender and affectionate Heart of my Jesus, have compassion on me; I utterly detest the offenses of which I have made myself guilty against you, and I resolve not to love but you.

After Elevation

Yes, my dear Redeemer, I wish I would have died of grief when I remembered that your heart was so sad that you love me so much! Deign to forget all the sorrows with which I have satisfied you, and to cast upon my soul the look of love with which you favored Saint Peter after having denied you, and made him continually weep over his sin for the rest of his life. Eternal Father, forgive me for the love of Jesus Christ; answer your prayers; behold, he intercedes for me, and my advocate is with you. But forgiveness is not enough for me, O God worthy of infinite love, I still want the grace to love you. I love you, O my sovereign Well, and I offer you my body, my soul, my will, my freedom forever. I now wish to avoid not only serious offenses, but also minor faults. I want to escape all bad times;preserve me for the sake of Jesus Christ, from the dangers to which I would be exposed to offend you. Deliver me from sin, and then punish me as you please. I accept all infirmities, pains, setbacks that you want to send me; I do not lose your grace and love, and I am satisfied.

To the Pater

At your feet, Lord, is an ungrateful man who asks you for mercy: Pater, dimitte! I dare to give you the sweet name of Father, because you command me to call you thus: My Father, forgive me. I, who took advantage of your kindness to encourage me more in ingratitude, do not deserve any compassion. Ah! welcome me now, that I become to you, that same kindness that prevented you from abandoning me when I fled from you!

To Agnus Dei

Ah! God of my soul, give me peace, I conjure you, not for my own merits, since I am only worthy of hell, but for the merits of your divine Son, my Redeemer, in whom I place all my hope. For the love of Jesus Christ, receive me in your grace, and give me perseverance in your love. Detach me from unclean affections, and draw me all to you. I love you, O God, great and tender lover of souls, who are worthy of infinite love. There! why didn't I love you always?

The Communion

When the priest communes, make spiritual communion, saying:

O my Jesus, I love you and desire in my soul; I embrace you and I do not want to be separated from you anymore. For your love I presently renounce all the enjoyments that the world could offer me; I resolve to lose my life rather than your grace. What should I do to make you pleasant? Tell me, because I'm ready for everything. Pleasures, honors, riches, what are all these things? I aspire no more than to possess you, O God, my joy, my treasure, my life, my love, my everything! Help me, Lord, help me to be faithful to you. Make me love you, and then have me to please you.

The last prayers

O my Savior, I hope you will receive me among your children. I am not even worthy of this name, because I have so often insulted you on the face; but from you I learned, it is a sweet occupation for you to run after the trampled sheep, and pleasure to embrace a prodigal son who returns to your bosom. Beloved Father, I am sorry to have offended you; I throw myself at your feet, behold, I embrace them and I will not leave them before you grant me forgiveness and blessing.

The blessing

Bless me, O my Father, and the blessing that begged you is a deep pain of my sins and great love for you. I love you with all my heart, O my Father. Do not consent to separate me more from you. Deprive me of everything, but not of your love.

O Mary, if God is my Father, you are my Mother, bless me also. I do not deserve to be your son, I have been received by your servant; but make me a servant who will always love you dearly, and always trust in your protection.

O my most afflicted Mother, for the merit of the pains that you suffered at the foot of the cross, reach for me true pain of my sins and ardent love for Jesus, my Redeemer. Ah! by the sword that pierced your heart, when you saw him bow his head and surrender his spirit, I beg you to assist me at the moment of my death and to reach out to me to love you forever in heaven, with your adorable Son Jesus.

Passion Steps

Most sweet Jesus, who, delivered in the Garden of Olives to a mortal sadness, prayed to your Father in the very painful agony that made you sweat blood, have compassion on us.

Have compassion on us, Lord, have compassion on us.

Most sweet Jesus, who, betrayed by the kiss of Judas, was given into the hands of your enemies, arrested and bound by them, and abandoned by your disciples, have compassion on us.

Have compassion on us, Lord, have compassion on us.

Most sweet Jesus, who was declared worthy of death by the assembly of the Jews, and then in the house of Caiaphas, blindfolded, slapped, covered in sputum and mocked, have compassion on us.

Have compassion on us, Lord, have compassion on us.

Most sweet Jesus, who was led as a malefactor into the presence of Pilate, and then despised and treated like a fool by Herod, have compassion on us.

Have compassion on us, Lord, have compassion on us.

Most sweet Jesus, who was stripped of your clothes, tied to a column and savagely flogged, have compassion on us.

Have compassion on us, Lord, have compassion on us.

Most sweet Jesus, who was crowned with thorns, covered with a piece of purple, wounded and hailed with mockery as King of the Jews, have compassion on us.

Have compassion on us, Lord, have compassion on us.

Most sweet Jesus, who was rejected by the Jews, postponed to Barabbas, and then unjustly condemned by Pilate to the torment of the cross, have compassion on us.

Have compassion on us, Lord, have compassion on us.

Most sweet Jesus, who was carried with the wood of the cross, and led to death like an innocent lamb, have compassion on us.

Have compassion on us, Lord, have compassion on us.

Most sweet Jesus, who was nailed to the cross, placed between two thieves, mocked and outraged, and agonized for three hours in the midst of the most horrible torments, have compassion on us.

Have compassion on us, Lord, have compassion on us.

Most sweet Jesus, who, after your death on the cross, had the side opened by a spear in the presence of your Blessed Mother, and you shed blood and water through the sore, have compassion on us.

Have compassion on us, Lord, have compassion on us.

Most sweet Jesus, who was deposed from the cross and placed in the arms of your afflicted Mother, have compassion on us.

Have compassion on us, Lord, have compassion on us.

Most sweet Jesus, who, covered with wounds and with the signs of your five wounds, were deposited in the tomb, has compassion on us.

Have compassion on us, Lord, have compassion on us.

V. He truly took our weaknesses upon himself.

A. And we were burdened with our pains.

Let us pray.

O my God, to rescue the world, you wanted to be born, to receive circumcision, to be condemned by the Jews, betrayed by a kiss of the perfidious Judas, chained, taken to sacrifice like an innocent lamb, dragged with such ignominy before Annas, Caiaphas, Pilate , Herod, accused by false witnesses, scourged, slapped, laden with reproach, covered with sputum, crowned with thorns, wounded with a cane with his eyes blindfolded, stripped of your garments, nailed to a gallows, raised between thieves, watered with gall and vinegar, and pierced with a spear. O Lord, in the name of those holy pains that I venerate, albeit unworthy, I beg you for your holy cross and death, deliver me from hell and deign to take me to where you took the good crucified thief with you. You who live and reign with the Father and the Holy Spirit,through the centuries. Amen.

By adding 5 of our fathers, ave-marias, glory to the father in this last prayer, you can gain an indulgence of 300 days once a day. (August 25, 1820).

Prayer to Mary To obtain love for Jesus and his Mother

To obtain love for Jesus and his Mother

You are, O Mary, of all creatures the most noble, sublime, pure, beautiful and holy. Oh! if all men knew you, my Queen, and loved you as you deserve! But I console myself with the thought that so many blessed souls in heaven and just on earth are all consumed with love for your goodness and beauty. I am especially delighted that God alone loves you immensely more than all men and angels combined. Most lovable Sovereign of mine, even though a miserable sinner, I love you too, but very little is the love I have for you; I wish to love you more and with greater tenderness; and it is yours to obtain this love for me; because loving you is a great sign of predestination, and grace with which God favors those who will be saved. On the other hand, I see, O my Mother, how immense obligations I owe to your divine Son;I see that he is worthy of infinite love. You, whose only desire is to see him loved, you must reach me mainly by the grace of an ardent love for Jesus Christ. Therefore, I beg you for this grace, make it granted to me, you who obtain from God everything you desire. I do not ask for the least part of the goods of the land, neither honors nor wealth; I only ask you for the grace to do what your heart desires most: to love my God without sharing. Would it be possible not to want to favor my desire, a desire that is so pleasant to you? No, I am sure, you are already supporting him, you are already praying for me. I asked, O Mary, I asked, and never cease to ask until you see me in paradise, where I will have the security of possessing and loving my God with you forever, O dear Mother. Amen.above all you must reach me with the grace of an ardent love for Jesus Christ. Therefore, I beg you for this grace, make it granted to me, you who obtain from God everything you desire. I do not ask for the least part of the goods of the land, neither honors nor wealth; I only ask you for the grace to do what your heart desires most: to love my God without sharing. Would it be possible not to want to favor my desire, a desire that is so pleasant to you? No, I am sure, you are already supporting him, you are already praying for me. I asked, O Mary, I asked, and never cease to ask until you see me in paradise, where I will have the security of possessing and loving my God with you forever, O dear Mother. Amen.above all you must reach me with the grace of an ardent love for Jesus Christ. Therefore, I beg you for this grace, make it granted to me, you who obtain from God everything you desire. I do not ask for the least part of the goods of the land, neither honors nor wealth; I only ask you for the grace to do what your heart desires most: to love my God without sharing. Would it be possible not to want to favor my desire, a desire that is so pleasant to you? No, I am sure, you are already supporting him, you are already praying for me. I asked, O Mary, I asked, and never cease to ask until you see me in paradise, where I will have the security of possessing and loving my God with you forever, O dear Mother. Amen.I do not ask for the least part of the goods of the land, neither honors nor wealth; I only ask you for the grace to do what your heart desires most: to love my God without sharing. Would it be possible not to want to favor my desire, a desire that is so pleasant to you? No, I am sure, you are already supporting him, you are already praying for me. I asked, O Mary, I asked, and never cease to ask until you see me in paradise, where I will have the security of possessing and loving my God with you forever, O dear Mother. Amen.I do not ask for the least part of the goods of the land, neither honors nor wealth; I only ask you for the grace to do what your heart desires most: to love my God without sharing. Would it be possible not to want to favor my desire, a desire that is so pleasant to you? No, I am sure, you are already supporting him, you are already praying for me. I asked, O Mary, I asked, and never cease to ask until you see me in paradise, where I will have the security of possessing and loving my God with you forever, O dear Mother. Amen.and never cease to ask until you see me in paradise, where I will have the security of possessing and loving my God eternally with you, dear Mother. Amen.and never cease to ask until you see me in paradise, where I will have the security of possessing and loving my God eternally with you, dear Mother. Amen.


Consecrated to Our Lady of Perpetual Help

See devotion to the SS. Virgo, Part IV, art. IV, § 5.


In 1866, Pius IX, of holy memory, wanted to replace the ancient image of Our Lady of Perpetual Help, hidden since the French Revolution, on the altars, and went to the Redemptorist Church in Rome, dedicated to Saint Afonso de Ligório, which he I wanted to entrust this precious treasure. Since then, thousands of conversions and wonderful healings have been performed, not only in this privileged sanctuary, but also in all places where copies of the original panel are venerated. Faithful soul, I got one for You; it will be a pledge to you of heavenly favors. In all your needs, invoke the sweet Virgin represented in her, who is happy to confirm, her so consoling title of Mother of Perpetual Help.



To get a good death

Introibo ad altare Dei

O infinite goodness, O infinite mercy, O infinite love, O God of my soul, since you wanted to deliver to death for my sake the most dear object to your heart, your divine Son Jesus, I offer you this great sacrifice that he he made himself on the cross, and he is going to renew this moment on this holy altar; for your merits I ask you to grant me the forgiveness of my sins, your holy love, a good death and the glory of paradise. Great are these graces that I dare to ask of you; how much higher, however, is the price I present to you! O my God, for the love of Jesus Christ, forgive me and save me.

Kyrie Eleison

Eternal Father, do not look at my sins, I turned your gaze to your most beloved Son who asks you for mercy on my behalf; heed his pleas and forgive me. At this hour I should have been in hell for many years, with no hope of still being able to love you or recover your lost grace. The injury I have done to you, by renouncing your friendship and exchanging your love for the unworthy pleasures of the earth, I detest it more than all evils, O my God. Yes, he had died a thousand times before!

Gloria in excelsis Deo

This body for which I have offended you so much, O my God. it will one day be a pasture of worms and turn to rot! This does not distress me, Lord; I rather rejoice in the knowledge that it is destined to corrupt and thus consume this miserable flesh that has made me lose my sovereign Good; what afflicts me is that I have caused you so much sorrow, to obtain miserable pleasures.


For your merits and those of Mary's pains, have compassion on me, O my Jesus, and grant me the grace to die for you as you died for me. With Saint Francis of Assisi, I say to you, Lord: "I die for the love of your love, O you who have deigned to die for the love of my love".

During the Epistle

My brother, if you want to live Christianly, try to continually bring the thought of death to your mind. O death, says the Holy Spirit, how healthy is your remembrance! (Ecle41,3). Oh! how he appreciates things and directs his actions well, who appreciates and directs them with his eyes on death! The memory of death detaches the heart from all earthly objects. All the goods in the world are reduced to sensual pleasures, riches and honors; Ah! very despicable is all this in the eyes of those who reflect that it will soon be nothing more than dust, after having served as a pasture for worms in the tomb.

During the Gospel and the Creed

It is about eternity: On the side on which the tree falls, whether north or south, it will remain there forever (Ecle11,3). If death finds us in grace with God, oh! what a joy, then, for our soul to be able to say to itself: Everything is safe, I can no longer lose God, here I am happy forever! But if death takes the soul in a state of sin, with what desperation will it exclaim: Ergo erravimus: I have deceived myself, and my mistake is and will be forever without remedy! Taken by terror in the face of such great disgrace, the blessed Father Avila, apostle of Spain, exclaimed when his end was announced: "Oh! Who had given me a little time to prepare myself for death ! "

To the Offeror

I unite in intention with the ministers of your altars, O my God, to offer you the spotless Lamb, in atonement for my sins and those of all men. Here is the divine Lamb, which you once immolated, for your glory and our salvation, on the altar of the cross. For the love of this victim who is so dear to you, apply his merits to my soul, and forgive me for all my past offenses, both serious and minor; I weigh them with my heart, because they have outraged your infinite goodness.

O my God, behold, I am about to receive the death that you assign to me. I already accept it; I sacrifice my life in honor of your majesty and atonement for my sins; I voluntarily consent that this flesh, for which I have offended you so much, should be devoured by the worms and reduced to dust.

One, my Jesus, unite my last sufferings and my agony to the sufferings and agony that you suffered for me on the cross. I accept death with all the circumstances you want; I accept the season, be it near or remote; in short, I want to die in whatever way you please, either in my bed or out of it, whether from an unforeseen death or after a painful or little painful illness. In everything I submit to your holy will. Give me the strength to endure everything with patience.

To the Preface

What will I give the Lord in return for the good he has done to me? I will take the cup of salvation (Ps 115,12). What benefits I am not indebted to you, my God! I especially thank you for the precious gift of faith and I protest that I want to die a child of the Holy Catholic Church. I thank you for not having taken my life when I was in sin, and for having forgiven me so many times and with so much mercy. I thank you for the lights and thanks that you have showered me, to attract me to your love.

During the Canon

Ah! My Jesus! if you wanted to pay me right now according to my works, my salary would be hell! There! that sometimes I even wrote my condemnation to that place of torments! I thank you for having endured me with such patience. O my God, if I had to appear before your court today, what account could I give you of my life? Deign to wait a little longer for me and extend this tremendous hour for me; why, what would become of me if you came to judge me now? Grant me some more time, O my God; add this mercy to the many others that you have already lavished on me, and give me a living pain of my sins. O Supreme Good, I regret having despised you so much; I love you about all things. Eternal Father, forgive me for the love of Jesus Christ, and, in consideration of his merits,grant me holy perseverance. From your blood, O my Jesus, I expect everything.

The Elevation

Eternal Father, for the merits of obedience of Jesus Christ, who died to obey you, cause me to obey your commandments until death. I love you, sovereign Well, and I want to obey you in everything for love. Give me holy perseverance, give me your love; I ask nothing more of you.

After Elevation

Ah! Jesus my and my Redeemer, who will one day be my judge, forgive me before that day arrives. Today you are still my Father, show that you are receiving him at your grace a son who, penetrated with repentance, becomes for you and prostrates at your feet. Sorry, my Father, I did wrong to offend you; I was wrong to separate myself from you; you did not deserve to be treated as I treated you; I repent of this and afflict my whole heart; forgive me. Ah! do not turn my face away from me, nor repel me as I would deserve: remember the blood you have shed for me, and have compassion on me. I do not want, O my Jesus, another judge but you, I say with confidence, because you only died for me. I willingly submit myself to the judgment of the One who, in order not to condemn me to hell, let himself be condemned to the torment of the cross.

To the Father

I ask you, Lord, to grant me the favor of receiving you in viaticum before I die, to be united with you when I come before your court. I do not deserve to hear from your mouth the compliments you will give to your faithful servants: Very well! good and faithful servant, because you were faithful in small things, I will establish you in great things; enter into the joy of your Lord (Mt 25,21). No, I don't deserve it because I was never perfectly faithful to you; but your death gives me hope of being admitted to heaven to love you eternally with all my strength.

Agnus Dei

Do not separate me from you on the day of judgment, O my Jesus. For you, O agony of Jesus, I hope to endure my last agony with resignation. Give me, O wounds of Jesus, the hope of loving you forever. For you, O blood of Jesus, I hope that my sins will be forgiven. Preserve me from eternal despair, O whips of Jesus. For you, O death of Jesus, I hope for a good death. O tears of Mary, obtain me the grace to weep for my sins. O Saint Joseph, by your blessed death, make mine mine to be good. What can I desire in this or the other life, if not only you, my God!

Spiritual communion

Come, Lord, come, place yourselves in my heart: close the door to him forever, so that no more creature will enter him to share in the love I owe you. In your heart I received you, too, O my Jesus, and there burn me in your holy love. Ah! when the day will come when I will be free from the danger of losing you, and will be consumed with love for your infinite beauty, which I will see without a veil and will put me in need of loving you! O sweet need, O lovely, and desirable need, who will deliver me from all fear of displeasing my Beloved, and will compel me to love him with all my strength! The conscience scares me and says: "How dare you intend paradise?" But your merits, O my divine. Redeemer, they are my hope.

The last prayers

Beloved Jesus, give me the strength to do something in your service before I die. Strengthen me against temptations and bad inclinations, especially against what in the past was the cause of most of my offenses against you. Give me patience in the illnesses and injuries that men receive. From this moment on, I forgive your love for all who have offended me in any way, and I ask you to grant them the graces they desire. Give me strength to be more vigilant is to avoid venial faults about which I confess my carelessness. Help me, my Savior; I hope everything for your merits.

Ite Missa est

Sweet Jesus of mine, oh! if, like you, I could say when I died: Lord, everything is finished; everything you sent me, I did; I took my cross with patience, I made efforts to be pleasant in everything!

During the last Gospel

O Mary, for the merits of your precious death, obtain for me the detachment from earthly things, the forgiveness of my sins, the love of God and holy perseverance; and when the moment of my death comes, assist me from heaven with your prayers, and make me happy to go and kiss your feet in paradise. O blessed Virgin, I attended my last hour. Holy Mary, Mother of God, pray for me, poor sinner, now and at the time of my death.

My powerful protector, Saint Joseph, has achieved a good death for me. My holy guardian angel, Saint Michael the Archangel, defended me against hell in my last fight. My patron saints, all saints of Paradise, come to my rescue at the supreme moment.

Jesus, Mary, Joseph, give me your assistance at the time of my death. So be it.

Crown of the Immaculate Conception

This crown consists of three parts, and is recited as follows:

In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. Amen. First part. Blessed be the Holy and Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary, Mother of God.

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An Our Father, four Hail Marys, and a Glory to the Father are said. The same thing is done about the second and third parts.

Prayer to Mary

To get your protection

I see, O my Blessed Mother, the graces you have obtained for me, and the ingratitude with which I have answered you. The ungrateful is unworthy of new benefits; yet I do not therefore lose hope in your mercy. Mighty lawyer of mine, have compassion on me: you are the dispenser of all graces that the Lord grants us so miserable; and if he has made you so powerful, rich and good, it is for you to help us. I want to save myself. I surrender in your hands my eternal salvation, I entrust to you the care of my soul. I want to be enrolled in the number of your most dedicated servants; do not cast me away from you. You go looking for the bastards to help them; then do not abandon a poor sinner who turns to you. Speak for me: your Son does everything you ask. Become under your protection: this is enough for me; because if you protect me, I fear nothing:I do not fear my sins, for you will obtain their forgiveness, I hope so; I do not fear demons, because you are more powerful than all hell; in the end, I am not even afraid of Jesus, my sovereign Judge, because one prayer of yours is enough to appease him. Protect me, then, O my Mother, and obtain the forgiveness of my sins, the love of Jesus, holy perseverance, a good death and finally paradise. It is true that I do not deserve these graces; but if you ask them for me from the Lord, they will be granted to me. Pray therefore to Jesus for me. O Mary, my Queen, I trust in you, in this living hope, in her rest, with her I wish to die. Amen.because one prayer of yours is enough to appease him. Protect me, then, O my Mother, and obtain the forgiveness of my sins, the love of Jesus, holy perseverance, a good death and finally paradise. It is true that I do not deserve these graces; but if you ask them for me from the Lord, they will be granted to me. Pray therefore to Jesus for me. O Mary, my Queen, I trust in you, in this living hope, in her rest, with her I wish to die. Amen.because one prayer of yours is enough to appease him. Protect me, then, O my Mother, and obtain the forgiveness of my sins, the love of Jesus, holy perseverance, a good death and finally paradise. It is true that I do not deserve these graces; but if you ask them for me from the Lord, they will be granted to me. Pray therefore to Jesus for me. O Mary, my Queen, I trust in you, in this living hope, in her rest, with her I wish to die. Amen.

jaculatory prayers to Mary

O Mary, I give myself entirely to you; accept me as your servant and keep me.

Never, O Mary, cease my heart to love you, nor my tongue to praise you!

In the name of your love for Jesus, O my Sovereign, help me to love you.

O Mother of Jesus, grant me the grace of dying rather than losing the grace of God.

O Mary, Mother of God and my Mother, I venerate you and would like to see you venerated with all hearts in a way worthy of your greatness.

O my Queen and Mother, I hope that at the expense of all my blood, all nations on earth will honor and love you as you deserve.

O Mary, very beautiful and lovable are you, who knew how to win the heart of God! ah! also take my poor heart and make it holy.

O Mary, comfort me always, but especially at the time of my death. Then receive my soul, and deign to present it to your divine Son, who will judge me.

Prayer to ask Mary for her perpetual help in all things

O Mother of Perpetual Help, thanks to your name, my heart overflows with confidence in you. Here I am at your feet, I come to expose to you all the needs of my life and death; I come to call on all these miseries your maternal help; deign to listen to me from heaven, and give me a favorable dispatch, O my Mother!

In all my difficulties and pains, come to my aid, O dear Mother!

In the dangerous moment of temptation,

When I have the misfortune of falling into sin, so that you may rise,

If a disastrous bond ties me to the devil's service, so that I can break it,

If I live in lukewarmness, lest Jesus Christ spit me out of his mouth,

When he is negligent in calling upon you to immediately call upon you,

To receive the sacraments worthily,

In all the exercises of a fervent Christian, and above all in prayer and meditation,

For me to preserve or recover chastity,

In order to acquire humility,

So that I can love God with all my heart,

So that, out of love for God, I may conform myself to everything with his holy will,

In order to faithfully fulfill the duties of my state,

When illness afflicts my body and overwhelms my soul,

When anguish and sadness come over me,

If God subjects me to the torment of inner pains,

If Providence proves me by poverty or setbacks in fortune,

If I find pain in my own family,

When I am humiliated, contradicted, mistreated, So that I may obtain the conservation and comfort of those who are dear to me,

In order to achieve the liberation of souls from purgatory,

In order to cooperate in the salvation of sinners,

In order to obtain the grace of final perseverance,

When the last illness comes,

On my last breath,

When it appears before your Son that I will be my Judge,

When in purgatory,

In all time and place,

So that it may serve you, love and always invoke,

To make you love and serve for many Christians,

Praised, loved, invoked, blessed forever be, O Our Lady of Perpetual Help, my hope, my love, my Mother, my happiness and my life. So be it.




It is very important, Christian soul, to choose a good confessor, who will guide you in all your spiritual exercises, and do not leave him without serious cause. "Those who wish to make progress in the path of God, said S. Filipe Néri, must submit to their confessor, and obey him as to God himself; whoever does so can be sure that he will not give an account to God of what he does ". This is in line with the teaching of Jesus Christ, who says: whoever listens to my ministers listens to me (Lk 10,6). Make a general confession, if you have not already done so, because it is a very effective way to compose your conscience; and it is good to do it to your own director, so that he can better address you.


Before Confession


In order to prepare well for confession, it is necessary to withdraw separately, either in the church or in your oratory, put yourself seriously in the presence of God, and do the following act:


Act of worship

Supreme and lovely Majesty, I believe you are here, you see and hear me. I adore you from the depths of my heart, I recognize you by my God, Creator and sovereign Lord, who, being the only and true life, you are the only one who cannot cease to exist; that is why I give you the worship service that is due only to you, and I bow with all humility before the throne of your infinite greatness.

Examination of conscience


It is very appropriate, for the confession to be good, that the penitent consider it as the last of his life, and, taking care of this, prepare himself as if to die. Ask God for graces, to make a good examination of conscience and the necessary lights to know sins well.


Prayer for the exam

O God, Father of lights, whom you enlighten to every man who comes into this world, I have smitten my heart with a ray of light, love and pain, so that I may know well the sins that I have committed against you, have true repentance of them, and confess them as I must to obtain forgiveness. Augusta Mother of God, that you are all mercy towards sinners who wish to be converted, you, my dearest hope, have assisted me. My guardian angel, give me your help: help me to know the sins with which I have offended my God. Saints from heaven, pray for me to make worthy fruits of penance. So be it.

Exam offer

O sweet Jesus, my God and Savior, I offer you my examination to glorify your divine justice: I hope you will give me the grace to do it well, in order not to offend you any longer for the future: I undertake it, therefore, in a spirit of charity, to please you and to fulfill your holy will, and with all the intentions that can promote you more honor and glory.


Here is the examination of conscience. For the timorous people who attend the sacraments, this examination must be short and done without anxiety or scruple: it will be enough for them to take a look at the faults in which they ordinarily fall, in order to be able to apply themselves more, in receiving the sacrament of penance , to produce acts useful to their spiritual progress, acts that often distract them from fears and vain concerns. Those who confess from afar to afar should take the exam long enough to remind them, as much as possible, of the species and number of their sins; for this they will go through the commandments of God and the Church, the seven deadly sins, the duties of the state itself, and they will see those in which they sinned by thoughts, words and deeds. Otherwise, it is possible to determine the number of sins, just consider their frequency per day,week, etc., because divine Mercy does not demand what is morally impossible.



The penitent will take care to examine especially the defect to which he is most prone, and the means which must be employed for correction. When only venial faults are confessed, it will be useful to accuse yourself of some more serious sin in the past life.


Main examination points for people who rarely confess

Refuse to believe everything the Church teaches;

doubt, be ashamed to show that you believe it;

exposing oneself to the danger of losing faith by attending to the wicked or taking dangerous readings;

speak out against religion, the Church and its ministers.

Surrender to despair, discouragement, lack of confidence in God's providence or mercy.

To surrender to presumption, hoping to be saved without praying, or to reach mercy without leaving sin, using the mercy of God to do evil, defer conversion, or expose oneself recklessly at times of sin.

Be superstitious.

To sin by sacrilege, whether it be about a person consecrated to God, or about a holy place or thing;

confess to conceal mortal sin, without contrition or good purpose.

To neglect prayer, etc.

Swearing false, blaspheming, uttering curses, curses;

violate vows, oaths, etc.

Missing Mass or working on Sundays or feast days;

commit irreverence in the Church, etc.

Lacking the respect, love, obedience, assistance you owe to your parents.

Be careless in the education, correction and surveillance of your children;

don't make them pray;

put them in schools, workshops or homes where their faith and customs are in danger;

do not separate them from occasions of sin, such as: reading, companionship, evening parties, entertainment, dangerous friendships.

Sin, if he is married, for disunity, jealousy, infidelity, criminal actions against sanctity and the end of marriage.

Lacking the respect, obedience, fidelity, probity that is due to the masters.

Let subordinates do wrong, turn them on;

not paying due wages.

Failure to fulfill the duties of the state itself, etc.

Do or wish harm to others, yourself;

indulging in gluttony, drunkenness;

hurt someone;

beat him;

sin out of hatred, anger, resentment, revenge, desire to take revenge, envy, jealousy, scandal, etc.

Sin against purity by thoughts, desires, words, songs, readings, writings, pleasures, toys, familiarities, bad deeds.

The penitent must declare, when necessary, the circumstances that change the kind of sin.

Offend God by theft, fraud, usury;

not giving back what belongs to others;

do not repair the damage caused;

not paying debts when you can; spend what belongs to others;

cooperate in the injustices committed by others, etc.

To sin for false testimonies, lies, backbiting, slander, insulting words, malicious references;

evil interpretations of the actions and intentions of others;

reckless judgments;

unfair suspicions;

disclosure of entrusted secrets;

unrepaired damage done to the reputation or honor of others, etc.

Do not fulfill the paschal duty.

Violating fasting or abstinence for no legitimate reason, etc.

Reasons for contrition

1. God's greatness and holiness


We must consider that sins, however small they may be, are very displeasing to God, because they offend all his infinite perfections, whereas, because he is infinitely perfect, God deserves infinite love. And this God whom you offend loves you so dearly! Isn't this evil, nameless riot? Ah! only in the next life will we come to understand it; in this we will never know well how great evil is sin, nor will we evaluate the punishment that deserves those who commit it.


O infinitely kind God, I confess that my sins outnumber the hair on my head and grains of sea sand; and even if it was one, alas! it would still have offended your infinite perfections. Oh! as I am not penetrated by pain, infinite grief, since I have infinite reason to be! I have sinned against your kindness, which was my duty to love; I preferred a vile creature, a false honor, a miserable pleasure, a trifle to your majesty, and whom I should adore, serve and honor. Ah! Lord, for your sake, forgive me my sins. O infinite goodness and beauty, how could I hate and despise you? But I sincerely regret having outraged you in such a brutal and foolish way; I am firmly resolved not to offend you anymore; before a thousand times to lose property, honor and life,than to offend for the future a God so full of goodness.

2. God's benefits


Let us consider that God is our sovereign benefactor. He made us a multitude of general goods, and a greater number of private ones; he brought us out of nowhere and formed us in his image and likeness, without any need for us; it preserves our existence; rescued us at the price of the blood of his only Son; in preference to so many he left in infidelity he made us Christians; he has endured us until now, despite our sins; it has given us so many and easy ways to save ourselves; and it is with ingratitude that we pay you! he made all creatures for our good, and we use them to offend him!


Ah! how great is my ingratitude! no, there was not and will never be similar. Dearest Savior of mine, here, then, is all the recognition that I have shown you for taking me out of nowhere, where, without you, I would still be: this is the esteem I made of your precious blood, shed for me with so much love and pain! What an ingratitude for me! who will give my heart sighs and tears in my eyes, to mourn the death of my soul and the infidelities of which I have become a defendant to my God! O Lord full of goodness, use me with mercy; I have an extreme desire and I firmly resolve not to displease you anymore. There! come to the world and receive so many benefits from God, and in return to offend him so many times and so seriously ?! to receive hands, feet, ears, eyes, tongue, heart from him, to employ them against and outrage him ?! O wretched eyes,O criminal hands, O ungrateful heart, you were the cause of your sins, torments and cruel death of the Son of God on your cross for your sins.

3. The presence of God


It is important to consider that the Holy Trinity, the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, one omnipotent God, is everywhere, sees everything, listens and knows even the smallest of our thoughts. In the face of this supreme majesty, the sublime seraphim are filled with salutary fear; and we had the audacity to sin in his presence, to think, to say, to do such things that would make us blush before the last of men! It is also necessary to remember that God is our sovereign judge, who must undoubtedly give his sentence, at the time of our death, on all our actions, words and thoughts.


O supreme and just judge of the living and the dead, who see and know everything, even the deepest of my heart, I can dare to appear in your presence, after having been so unfaithful to you! But I cannot escape you, you are everywhere; impossible to hide, you see everything. Ah! what insolence, therefore, to have dared, in the presence of such high majesty, before which the seraphim cover themselves with wings of respect, to do what I would not be encouraged to perform before the last of men! Mercy, my God! with all my heart I detest my sins for your love. Lord, what a mess for me to have proceeded in your presence as I did, and to have so often failed to promise you not to offend you! That if I made all these promises to one of my fellow men, and I was missing, what would be my shame,and how upset he would be for this! But as for what touches them, O my God! I don't seem to make the slightest case, because every day I outrage you on the face. Oh! how good you are for suffering me so long! O God of my heart, that when I committed the most usable sins of mercy with me, do not reject me now that I regret having offended you.

After Confession

My sweet Jesus, what recognition I owe you! Thanks to the merits of your blood, I am confident that I have received forgiveness today. I give you many thanks for this. I hope to go to heaven to praise your mercies forever. If so many times until today I have lost you, my God, I no longer want to lose you for the future: I am sincerely resolved to change my life. You deserve all my love; I want to love you truly; I no longer want to live apart from you. I promised you already; and I promise you now again: I want to die rather than offend you again. I commit myself to flee from the occasions of sin, and to employ this means ... (I determine it) so as not to fall into sin. But, my Jesus, you know my weakness, give me the grace to be faithful to you until death, and to appeal to you in temptation.

Most Holy Virgin Mary, assist me, since you are the Mother of holy perseverance, I place all my hope in you.

Prayer to the Sacred Heart of Jesus

I, N., to testify to you of my recognition and to repair my infidelities, I give you my heart, and I consecrate myself whole to you, O my lovely Jesus, and with your help I propose not to sin anymore.

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Preparing for Communion


My Savior, said St. Francis de Sales, cannot be considered an action neither more loving nor more tender than this, in which it is annihilated, so to speak, and reduced to food, in order to penetrate our souls, and to unite it is intimately connected with the heart and body of its faithful ". That is why, according to the wise Gérson, there is no more effective way than communion to ignite in the souls the devotion and the holy love of God.



And indeed, if we want to do something that pleases the Lord, is there anything that is more pleasing to him than communion? Love, according to Saint Dionysus, tends mainly to perfect union; and what closer union can there be between a soul and Jesus Christ than that formed through this divine Sacrament: He who with and with my flesh, says the Savior, remains in me and I in him (Jn 6,57). Thus, concludes Saint Augustine, if you receive him every day, Jesus will always be in you, and then you will always progress in divine love.



And if we want to cure our spiritual illnesses, what better remedy than Holy Communion! The Council of Trent calls it a heavenly antidote, which purifies us from ordinary stains and preserves us from mortal sins.



But, Cardinal Bona asks, "where does it come from that so many souls derive so little fruit from frequent communion, and always show the same defects?" - "It is not a lack of virtue in Food, he replies, it is a lack of disposition in the recipient".



Is it possible, says Solomon, that fire be hidden in the breast without burning the garments? (Pv6,27). Now, God is consuming fire (Dt 4,24) ", He is the one who comes by holy communion to burn souls with this divine fire." As then, exclaims Guilherme de Paris, how can this diabolic miracle be accomplished, that in the middle from this fire do souls stay cold, without any feeling of love for God? "



All evil comes from a lack of willingness, and particularly a lack of preparation. The fire catches quickly on dry wood, and hardly on green, because it is not ready to burn. If the saints took great fruits from their communions, it is because they took great care in preparing themselves. São Luís Gonzaga used three days to equip himself to receive communion, and another three days to give thanks to the Lord.



The preparation for holy communion requires mainly two things: profound detachment from creatures, and a strong desire to progress in divine love.



1. Therefore, one must first detach from creatures and banish from the heart all that is not God. He who has been washed, says Jesus Christ, has no need but to have his feet washed (Jn 12,10); which means, as Saint Bernard explains, that in order to receive this divine Sacrament with great fruit, it is necessary not only to be cleansed from grave sins, but also to be exempt from all earthly appetites; because attachment to earthly things displeases God, stains the soul, and prevents holy communion from producing all its effects. Saint Gertrudes asked the Lord one day what preparation she needed to do to receive communion: "Only this one, Jesus replied, that you come to receive me very empty of yourself".



2. The second thing needed to commune with fruit is a great desire to receive Jesus Christ and his holy love. In this sacred banquet, says Gérson, no one is satisfied, except those who are very hungry, as the divine Mother proclaims in her Song. Just as Jesus did not come into the world before he was fervently desired, so, according to Blessed John d'Avila, he is repulsed to enter a soul that no desire has to receive; because such Food should not be used with little taste. The Lord used to say to Saint Matilde one day: "Bees do not throw themselves on flowers, to suck their honey, with the activity with which I hurry for your soul, when it longs to receive me". If, therefore, Jesus Christ desires so much to come to our souls, it is just that we also have a longing to receive him, and his holy love, because according to Saint Francis de Sales,the main intention of a soul that communes, must be to progress in the love of God, and it is important to receive for love the one to whom only love compels us to give ourselves.


Acts before Communion


Most of the prayers in this book can serve as preparation and thanksgiving for communion.


1. Act of faith

Here it is; jumping over the mountains, passing over the hills (Ct2.8). Ah! kindest Savior of mine, that you have had to pass through steep and rough mountains, to come and join me by your divine Sacrament ?! You are God, and you became man; you are immense, and became a boy; you are sovereign Lord, and you have become a slave; you have passed from the bosom of your eternal Father to the bosom of a Virgin, from heaven to a stable, from the throne of glory to an infamous gallows; today you are still going to descend from your heavenly abode to dwell in my poor heart!

Here you have it behind the wall, looking out the windows and through the bars (Cân2,9). O my soul, behold your beloved Jesus, the heart burned by the same love that consumed him on the cross when he died for you, is now hidden under the sacramental species; so, what does he do? Look through the bars. Like a friend full of tenderness, who wants to be returned, he stays in the Host as behind a fence, where he can see without being seen; then he considers you in that happy moment when his divine flesh will become your food; observe your thoughts, your affections, your desires and the offerings you are going to present to him. Come, my soul, prepare to receive Jesus; and first, revive your faith by saying,

So, my most beloved Redeemer, within a few moments you will come to me! O hidden and unknown God of most men, I believe that you are present in this Sacrament; I recognize and adore you in this mystery of love as my Lord and Savior, and, to confess this truth, I am ready to give my life. You have come to enrich me with your graces, to join me entirely: what confidence should not a visit so filled with love on your part inspire me?

2. Act of trust

O my soul, expand your heart. Here is your Jesus, who can fill you with all kinds of goods and loves you fervently. Expect, therefore, great favors from this good Lord; to you he comes, driven by his tenderness, and all burning with love.

Yes, beloved Jesus, my hope, of your infinite goodness I hope that, giving you to me today, you will light in my poor heart the beautiful flame of your holy love and a burning desire to please you, so that from now on I only want that that you want.

3. Act of love

Oh! my God, my God, true and only friend of my soul, what more could you do to deserve my love? It was not enough for you, my Lord, to die of love for me; you have also instituted this august sacrament to give yourselves all to me, and in this way to intimately unite your heart with mine, with a creature as despicable and ungrateful as I am. Even more: you fervently wish that I would receive you! O immense love! O incomprehensible love! O infinite love! a God wants to give himself to me! This miracle of love, O my soul, you believe; and what do you do? what do you say O God, O God, O Infinite loveliness, the only object worthy of all love, I love you with all my heart, I love you above all things, I love you more than myself, more than my own life. Oh! I hope to see you loved from all over the world!I wish they would love all your hearts as you deserve it! I love you, O heavenly Father, O God infinitely lovable, and I unite the love of my poor heart with the love of the seraphim, of the heart of Mary, of the Heart of Jesus, your most beloved and loving Son; yes, I love you, O infinite goodness, with the love in which the saints, Mary and Jesus, burn for you; I love you only to please you and because you deserve it. Away from my heart, earthly affections, which you are not to God. O Mother of beautiful love, Most Holy Virgin Mary, help me to love this God whom you so fervently desire to see loved.with the love in which the saints, Mary and Jesus, burn for you; I love you only to please you and because you deserve it. Away from my heart, earthly affections, which you are not to God. O Mother of beautiful love, Most Holy Virgin Mary, help me to love this God whom you so fervently desire to see loved.with the love in which the saints, Mary and Jesus, burn for you; I love you only to please you and because you deserve it. Away from my heart, earthly affections, which you are not to God. O Mother of beautiful love, Most Holy Virgin Mary, help me to love this God whom you so fervently desire to see loved.

4. Act of humility

You will then, O my soul, nourish yourself with the sacred flesh of Jesus Christ! are you worthy? O my God, who am I? and who are you? I know and recognize who you are, who are worthy to give to me; but do you know well who I will receive you? It is possible, O my Jesus, that you, infinite purity, wish to enter my soul, which was so often occupied by your enemy, and tainted with so many sins! I recognize, my Lord, your sovereign majesty, but I also recognize my deep misery; I am ashamed to appear in your presence; respect should move me away from your table; but if I separate from you, my life, where will I go? whom will I turn to? will I become? No, no, I don't want to be separated from you; on the contrary, I want to get closer and closer. You consent to give yourself to me as a support, you do not deign to call me to receive you;here I am, O my lovely Savior, today I come to welcome you completely humiliated and confused with the remembrance of my sins, but full of confidence in your mercy and love.

5. Act of contrition

O God of my soul, how much it weighs me that I have not loved you in the past! What do I say? instead of loving you, and to satisfy my passions, I have not ceased to offend and grieve your infinite goodness, I have turned my back on you, I have despised your grace. and friendship; in a word, my God, I wanted to lose you, and this was deliberate. I repent, Lord, and I grieve to the very heart; I hate the offenses, serious or minor, that I committed; I have extreme horror of them, because I have displeased you, O infinite goodness! I trust that you have forgiven me; but if you still haven't done me this grace, Ah! forgive me before I receive you; purify in your blood this soul that will soon become the home of your glory.

6. Act of desire

Rejoice, O my soul, the happy moment of Jesus has come to fix his dwelling on you; behold the King of heaven, behold your Redeemer and your God about to enter you; equip yourself to receive him with love, invite him with your wishes.

Come, O my Jesus, come to my soul, which sighs for you; but before you give yourself to me, allow me to offer you my miserable heart: hey, accept it and give yourself haste to take possession of it. Come, then, O my God, come quickly, come without delay. O infinite good, O my only good, my treasure, my life, my paradise, my love, my everything, I would like to receive you in a heart burning with love, as the most holy and fervent souls have received you, as your tender received you. Mother Mary; to your communions the one I am going to make.

Blessed Virgin Mary, my Mother, here I am on the point of receiving your divine Son: I would like to have your heart and love on fire with which you can share. Now give me your sweet Jesus, with the one you once gave to shepherds and magicians: from your very pure hands, I desire to receive you. Tell him that I am your dedicated servant and son; this title will make him put on me a more tender look, and unite me more closely with me at this moment when he is worthy to visit me.


There is no prayer more pleasing to God, nor more useful to souls, than thanksgiving after communion. While sacramental species last, holy communion produces ever more abundant graces, and proportionate to the dispositions that the soul makes in itself through continually renewed acts of virtue. So Suárez and many other serious theologians think. In fact, according to the Council of Florence, the Blessed Sacrament has the same effects on the soul as material food on the body, where it continues to operate at a rate that is more or less well disposed.

Fervent souls also seek to remain in prayer as long as possible after communion. Blessed Father Avila spent at least two hours on this, still on his missions. Father Baltasar Alvares used to say; "It is necessary to have a great appreciation for the time following communion, and to proceed as if people heard from the very mouth of Jesus Christ the word that he once said to his disciples:" You shall not always have me like this with you "(Mt 26, 11).

After having received communion, it is not advisable to start reading immediately, as some do; more it takes advantage then to spend some time in producing holy affections and to deal with an open heart with Jesus who is in him, and to repeat different times some pious feeling or affectionate prayer, although always the same. Jesus, in the garden of olive trees, did nothing more than repeat the same prayer (Mt 26,44).

It is, therefore, through affections and prayers that the soul, which has just received communion, must deal with Jesus; let it be well persuaded: at that moment the acts have more value and merit before God than if they were done in another time, whatever, because the presence of the divine Savior in the soul, which is so closely united, exalts the dignity of the acts .

Finally, let us note that, after Holy Communion, Jesus Christ is more willing to communicate his favors to us. He, observes Santa Teresa, then resides in our soul as on a throne of grace, and addresses these sweet words to him: "What favor do you wish?" (Mc10,51). As it was said: Dear soul, I came to you on purpose to do you good; ask me for what you want, and you will achieve.

Oh! what treasures of grace will you not receive, devout soul, if you get in the habit of occupying yourself with Jesus, after communion, for at least an hour or a half? For this purpose you will be able to read the following acts; and after your thanksgiving, you will be careful to preserve, throughout the day, through loving affection and frequent prayers, this happy union with the Lord to whom you have received.

Acts after Communion

1. Act of faith

Here I am then in the presence of my God who honors me with his visit, of my Savior who deigns to be a guest of my soul! ... Yes, my Jesus lives in me; He came to be mine and I was His. Therefore, Jesus belongs to me, and I belong to Jesus! Jesus is all mine, and I am all Jesus. O infinite goodness! O infinite mercy! O infinite love! a God deigns to join me! a God deigns to give himself all to me! O my soul,


Now that you have the happiness of being so united with Jesus, of being one with Jesus, what do you do? you have nothing to say to him? don't you speak to your God who lives in you? Hey, revive your faith; consider that angels surround you, worshiping your God who rests in your chest; worship your Lord within them with them. Collect yourself and expel all other thoughts; gather all your affections in your God, and say to him:


2. Wrap act

O my Jesus, my love, my supreme good, my everything, be welcome to the poor home of my soul. Ah! where do I see you, my Lord? where did you go down? Here you are in my heart, in a heart worse than the stable in which you were born, full of earthly affections, self-love, disordered appetites. How could you choose such an address? He had wanted to say to you with Saint Peter: Depart from me, Lord, because I am a sinner, unworthy to receive God, infinite goodness; go to rest in the pure souls that serve you with so much love. But what do I say, my Redeemer? do not separate from me; because if you separate, I'm lost. I embrace you, my life, I cling to you. Oh! how foolish I was when I left you for the sake of vile creatures! How ungrateful I was when I threw you away from me. Now I no longer want to abandon you, O my Treasure!I want to live and die in continuous union with you.

Blessed Virgin Mary, ardent Seraphim, blessed souls, all of you who are inflamed with love for God, communicate your loving affections to me, so that I may give my beloved Lord a good coat.

3. Acknowledgment

I thank you, Lord and my God, for the benefit that you have made me today to come and reside in my soul; I would like to thank you in a manner worthy of you and for the great finesse you have given me. But then! what worthy thanks a miserable like me can offer you!

The most natural feeling for the soul that communes is the astonishment at the following thought: A God gives himself to me! ... A God is mine! David exclaimed: What will I repay the Lord for all the good he has done to me? (Ps115,19). And I, who will give you, my Jesus, to you who, not content with lavishing your graces on me, wished to add the gift of your own person to them? Bless, therefore, my soul, to your God, give him all the thanksgiving that you are capable of. And you, O Mary, my tender Mother, my holy protectors, my guardian angel, all of you, O burning souls of divine love, come and bless and thank my God for me; come to admire and exalt the remarkable favors he has showered me with.

4. Offering act

My beloved is mine, and I am his (Cân2,16). If a king were to visit a poor little shepherd in his hut, what could the shepherd offer him, except his entire hut as he possessed it? Thus, O Jesus, my divine King, since you have deigned to visit the poor house of my soul, I offer you and consecrate my soul and all my being, my freedom and every week will. My Beloved gave himself all to me, I also give myself to him. O my Jesus, I no longer want to belong to me, I want to be yours, and all yours. Be my senses, and serve only to give you pleasure. "Ah! What pleasure, said São Pedro de Alcântara, is comparable to the happiness of giving it to you, who are such a kind, loving and benevolent God?" I also give you all the powers of my soul, I want them to belong to you without reservation:my memory will only serve me to remember your benefits and your love; my understanding, to think of you, who constantly think of my happiness; my will, to love you, my God, my everything, and to want what you want and nothing else.

Therefore, I consecrate to you today, O my sweet Savior, and I sacrifice all that I have and am, my senses, thoughts, affections, desires, satisfactions, inclinations, freedom; in short, in your hands I put all my body and all my soul.

Deign to accept, O infinite majesty, the sacrifice that the most ungrateful sinner that the earth has endured to this day makes of himself: he offers himself and gives himself all at this moment. Hereafter, Lord, make use of me as you please.

Come, O blazing fire, O divine Love, have consumed in me everything that belongs to me, everything that hurts the gaze of your infinite purity, so that in the future, employed entirely in your service, it will only live to fulfill not only your precepts and advice, but also all of your holy desires and everything that is to your greatest pleasure. So be it.

O Mary, of all creatures the holiest, present, with your own hands, to the Most Holy Trinity, the humble offering that I make to you, and I asked you to accept it and grant me the grace to be faithful to you until death. Amen.

5. Act of supplication

O my soul, what are you doing? If there is a precious moment, a moment in which you should not miss ceitil, it is this, in which you can obtain as many graces as you ask. Don't you know that the eternal Father looks at you with love, seeing in you his beloved Son, the most dear object to his tenderness? So drive out other thoughts, revive your faith, expand your heart by trust, and ask for everything you desire. Do you not hear that Jesus himself says to you: Dear soul, speak: what do you want from me? (Mc10,51). I came on purpose to enrich you with my gifts and make you happy; ask with confidence, you will achieve everything.

Ah! my sweetest Savior, for you have come to me to enrich me with favors, and you wish to ask them; I do not ask for any earthly goods, nor riches, nor honors, nor pleasures: grant me, I beg you, the real pain of the sorrows I have caused you; let me know clearly the vanity of this world and the rights you have to our love. Give me a new heart, exempt from all earthly affection, according entirely to your holy will, a heart that seeks nothing beyond what gives you pleasure and aspires only to your holy love: Create in me a pure heart, O my God (Ps 50,12).

In no way do I deserve these favors, but you, my Jesus, deserve them in my place, for you have come to reside in my soul; I ask you for your merits and those of your Most Holy Mother and in the name of your love for your eternal Father.

Pray to Jesus for some particular grace for you and your neighbor; do not forget to recommend sinners and souls in purgatory to him, and also the one who composed this little book for your good.

Eternal Father, Jesus Christ, your divine Son, made this beautiful promise to us: Truly, truly, I say to you: if you ask my Father anything in my name, he will give it to you (] o16,23). In the name and for the love of this Jesus, your only Son, who currently rests in my chest, listen to me and give me the graces I ask of you.

O Jesus and Mary, sweet objects of my tenderness, suffer me and die for you; let me be all yours and not of myself.

Sooner preparation for Communion

Act of faith

Lord my Jesus Christ, I firmly believe that you are truly and truly present in the Blessed Sacrament with your Body, Blood, Soul and Divinity.

Act of Worship

Lord, I adore you in this august Sacrament and I recognize you for my Creator, Redeemer and sovereign Lord, my only and highest good.

Act of Hope

Lord, I hope that, giving you to me in this divine Sacrament, you will use me with mercy and will grant me all the graces that are necessary for my eternal salvation.

Act of Humility

Lord, I am not worthy for you to come into my house, but say one word and my soul will be saved.

Act of Charity

Lord, you are infinitely lovable, you are my Father, my Redeemer and my God; and for this reason I love you with all my heart over all things, and, for your sake, I love my neighbor as myself, and I willingly forgive those who have offended me.

Act of Contrition

Lord, I detest all my sins, because they make me unworthy to receive you in my heart, and I propose with your grace never to commit them again, to avoid the occasions of sin, and to do penance.

Act of faith

Lord, I fervently wish you to visit my soul and remain there so that I will never be separated from you again, but always be enjoying your divine grace. Amen.

Brief Thanksgiving for after Communion

Act of faith

Lord my Jesus Christ, I believe that you are truly within my heart with your Body, Blood, Soul and Divinity; I believe it more firmly than if I saw it with my own eyes.

Act of Worship

O my Jesus, I adore you present within my heart, and I join Mary Most Holy, Angels and Saints to adore you as you deserve.

Acknowledgment Act

O Jesus, my Lord, I thank you with all my heart for wanting to come and live in my soul. Blessed Virgin, Guardian Angel, and you all Angels and Saints in Heaven, thank Jesus for me.

Act of Charity

O Jesus, my God and my Lord, I love you with all my heart and I want to love you as you deserve; make me love you above all things, now and for all eternity.

Act of Hope

O my Jesus, now that you are present within my soul, I hope that you will never part with me again, but you will always remain with me, communicating your divine grace to me.

Petition Act

O my Jesus, give me, I ask you, all the spiritual and temporal graces, which you know are necessary for my soul; I also entrust to you the needs of my superiors, relatives, friends, benefactors and those of the holy souls in Purgatory.

Prayer: Soul of Christ

Soul of Christ, sanctify me,

Body of Christ, save me,

Blood of Christ, Intoxicate me,

Water on the side of Christ, wash me,

Passion of Christ, comfort me,

O good Jesus, hear me,

I hid within your wounds,

Do not allow me to depart from you,

Defend me from the evil enemy,

At the time of my death call me,

And send me to go to you,

So that with your saints I may praise you

For all the centuries of the centuries. Amen.

300 days, after Communion 7 years (131).

Prayer: O my Good and Sweet Jesus

Here I am, prostrate in your presence, O good and sweetest Jesus, and I beseech you with the most lively ardor of my soul, impress on my heart deep feelings of faith, hope and charity, of the pain of my sins with the firm purpose of correcting myself; while I, with great love and living pain, go on considering with myself and contemplating your most sacred wounds, bearing in mind what I have already said, my good Jesus, said the Holy Prophet David: "They pierced my hands and feet, they counted all my bones ".

10 years; ind. plenary, reciting this prayer after Communion before the Crucifix and praying for the Holy Father's intention (201).


Before Communion

Beloved Jesus of mine, true Son of God, who died for me on the cross, in an ocean of pain and reproach, I firmly believe that you reside in the Blessed Sacrament, and I am ready to give my life for this article of faith.

My dear Redeemer, I hope for your goodness, and for the merits of your blood, that coming to me this morning, you will burn me in your holy love, and you will give me all the necessary graces to be obedient and faithful to you until death.

Ah! My God, true and only lover of my soul, what more could you do to compel me to love you? It was not enough for you to die for me, O my love: you also wanted to institute the Blessed Sacrament and make you my food, to give yourselves all to me, and hereby unite yourselves entirely with a creature as unworthy and ungrateful as I am. I. More: your charity rises to the point of inviting me to your holy table! oh! how earnestly you desire that I receive you! O immense love! A God give himself all to me! O my God, O infinite kindness, worthy of infinite love, I love you above all things, with all my heart, more than myself, more than my life; I love you because you deserve it, I love you to please you, since you love my love so much. I left my soul, earthly affections. For you alone, O my Jesus,that you are my treasure and my everything, to you only my whole heart. Today you give yourself the whole mini without reservation; it is also without reservation that I give myself to you all. Allow me to love you, because only you want to love, only what you want to do. Yes, I love you, my Savior, and I unite my poor love to which all the Angels and Saints consecrate to you, as well as Mary, your august Mother, and your eternal Father. Oh! I wish I could see you loved from all over the world! I wish I could get all men to love you, and how much you deserve it.your august Mother, and your eternal Father. Oh! I wish I could see you loved from all over the world! I wish I could get all men to love you, and how much you deserve it.your august Mother, and your eternal Father. Oh! I wish I could see you loved from all over the world! I wish I could get all men to love you, and how much you deserve it.

Behold, O my Jesus, I am already ready to feed myself with your sacred flesh. Ah! My God, who am I? and who are you? You are a Lord of infinite goodness, and I am an unclean worm, stained with all sins; so many times I threw you out of my soul! Lord, I know that I am not worthy to be in your presence; the place to which I am entitled is hell, where it should be left entirely by your hand and forever deprived of your presence; but your kindness is such that you invite me to receive you! I come to you, therefore; I come humbled and ashamed of the sorrows I have caused you, but full of confidence in your goodness and tenderness. O my dear Redeemer, how I deplore the misfortune of having outraged you in the past! To save me, you did not retreat at the sacrifice of your life;and I have so often despised your grace and love for a trifle! Oh! I repent from the bottom of my heart: I hate more than any other evil, all my sins, serious or light, because they have offended your infinite goodness; I am confident that you have forgiven me, but if you have not yet done me this favor, O my Jesus, forgive me before I dare to approach you. Ah! do not delay in receiving me in your grace, since it is your will to descend soon to the breasts of my soul.for it is your will to descend soon into the breasts of my soul.for it is your will to descend soon into the breasts of my soul.

Come, then, my Jesus, come to my soul: it sighs for you. I wish, O my only Good, my life, my love, my everything, to receive you today with as much love as the most ardent souls have with the same fervor that burns your Most Holy Mother. Your holy communions, the one that I will make, O Blessed Virgin Mary, my Mother! Give me your divine Son, I want to receive you from your own hands. Tell him that I am your servant, so that, coming to my soul, I will more tenderly close against his heart.

After Communion

Behold, O my Jesus, I already possess you; yes, it is you! ... Yes, you reside within me! Yes, you are all mine! Welcome, dearest Redeemer of mine; prostrate at your feet, I adore you; I tenderly embrace and hold you against my heart; thanks I give you for having deigned to descend into my chest. O Mary, my holy protectors, my custodial angel, thank Jesus for me.

Since you have come to visit me with such love, O my divine King, I give myself to you all, giving you my will and freedom. You gave yourselves all to me, I give myself all to you; I don't want to belong anymore; I will be yours without reservation from today on: for you all that belongs to me: my soul, my body, my faculties, my senses, I will use everything to serve and please you. I dedicate to you all my thoughts, desires, affections, my whole life. I have offended you very much, O my Jesus! I am determined to consecrate to the love of a God who has loved me so much the days that I still have life left.

Accept, O God of my soul, the humble sacrifice that a poor sinner makes of you, whose only desire is to love and please you. Make use of me and everything I have as your will. Destroy in my heart the fire of your love the feelings that do not please you. Be I entirely yours, and live only to satisfy you in all things! I do not ask you for goods, pleasures, honors of the earth: give me, O my Jesus, continuous pain of my sins, that only this I ask of you for the merits of your Passion. Enlighten me with your holy light; make me understand the vanity and vileness of the joys of this world, and your infinite kindnesses. Detach me from all earthly affections, unite myself entirely with your holy love, so that from now on your will will be the only object, the only rule of my will and desires.Give me patience and resignation to suffer from illness, poverty, and everything that is contrary to my self-love. Give me sweetness to those who despise me. Give me a holy death. Give me your holy love. Mainly give me, I beg you, perseverance in your holy grace until death; do not allow me to separate from you again. Grant me also, O my Jesus, the grace to never cease to appeal to you, and to invoke in all my temptations; I also implore the grace of always asking you for holy perseverance.O my Jesus, the grace to never cease to appeal to you, and to invoke in all my temptations; I also implore the grace of always asking you for holy perseverance.O my Jesus, the grace to never cease to appeal to you, and to invoke in all my temptations; I also implore the grace of always asking you for holy perseverance.

Eternal Father, Jesus, your divine Son, promised me that you would give a favorable order to everything that is asked of you in his name (Jn 16,23). In the name of this, and for the merits of Jesus, your beloved Son, I ask you for your love and holy perseverance, so that one day you will have the happiness of going to heaven. In that beautiful country I will love you with all my strength; there I will sing your mercies forever; there, I will no longer fear being separated from you forever.

O Mary, my Blessed Mother and my hope, obtain the graces I so fervently desire for your intercession; obtain me also to love you very much, O my Queen, and to always entrust myself to you in my needs.

O Jesus, who live in Mary, come and live in your servants with your spirit of holiness, the fullness of your power, the reality of your virtues, and the perfection of your ways, in the communion of your mysteries, and for the glory of your Father dominate, by your spirit, all enemy power. Amen.


Before Communion

A true and perfect friend of mine, what tenderness is this that drives you: to come to a wretch like me? Come, yes, come, O Desire of My Heart; my soul sighs for you. I offer you this communion to satisfy your desire to come to me and unite with you, my God and my everything. Oh! how wonderful! a God come down from heaven to me, and hide his majesty under the vile cloak of the species of bread and wine! Oh! how true, my Savior, that you, having loved yours, loved you to the end, instituting this divine Sacrament!

You are my goodness, O my God; how then do I love anything but you! Ah! draw me more and more into your heart. I put your love and your goodness before everything in the world. You are the only object of my affections. I only want to love you: I want to give everything to love you. Give me the grace to execute this resolution, because I can do nothing without your help.

O my Beloved, if you want me to be faithful to you, keep me first and draw me to you by your spirit; without him, I am nothing, I can do nothing, I am worthless. Do not allow me to fail with the recognition that is due to you for so many graces with which you have favored me. For your love, I accept all the penalties that you choose to impose on me in this and other lives and the deprivation of all sensitive consolation. I am yours and I will always be without reservation, and I dare to ask you, not only for your gifts, but also for yourselves, I wish to receive you to unite me more closely with you.

Eternal Father, I offer you the Passion of your divine Son for my salvation and for all men. Do not look at my sins; look at the love of your most beloved Son towards you, such a love that has reduced him to giving himself to us in this Sacrament. For this love, O my God, have compassion on me.

I acknowledge, O my Redeemer, that I am infinitely unworthy to approach you and receive you: my sins are many, and my purity is very little; that is why I say to you, Lord, I am not worthy. Although I had all the love of the seraphim, this preparation was not enough; I say to you again, Lord, I am not worthy.

Come, O my lovely Lord, and work in me that which makes you so unworthy a creature. I am most miserable, but your kindness overcomes my misery. Come to my soul and sanctify it; take possession of my heart, and purify it; enter my body and keep it, so that I never depart from your love. O scorching fire, consume in me everything that you find unworthy of your presence, everything that can hinder your grace and your love.

O Mother of my Redeemer, have compassion on me, poor sinner: pray for me, that, through your assistance, I may receive your divine son with perfect love and become my soul after his Heart.

After Communion and the visit to the Blessed Sacrament

O excess of love! ... Holy Host, I adore you within me. Little is a heart to love you, my Jesus, little is a tongue to praise your goodness. How much I owe you, O my Savior, for having deigned to visit such a poor creature! and in recognition of such a great benefit, I offer myself all to you.

No, I don't want to live in myself anymore; I want only Jesus to live in me. He's mine and I'm his, forever and ever. O my love, no longer sin! I will never forget the goodness and mercy of Jesus, my Savior and my Guest. I believe, O my God, yes, I believe that you are in body and soul in my chest, your divinity is now within me and united with me.

I adore you and revere you, like a miserable see me who crawls in the dust of your nothingness to testify to you in his own way the desire that he has to give you glory. But is it possible to have your infinite majesty if you deign to visit the last of your creatures? O my sweet Savior, I thank you with a tender heart; be blessed a thousand times; make my God raise my recognition as high as possible to the level of this immense benefit. I ask you to give thanks, your Most Holy Mother, to all angels and saints; in the same way I offer you all the praises and thanksgiving that have earned you and will always surrender all creatures.

O my God, deign to join me, to apply abundantly the merits of your Passion and to sanctify me; then carry out in me all of your charitable purposes. Lord infinitely wise and omnipotent, out of pity, do not let the fruit of your visit be lost; I unite with you through the indissoluble bonds of perfect love; unite the abyss of your mercies with the abyss of my miseries, and make me live a totally divine life.

You see, O my Jesus, the faults I suffer; you know that without you I can do nothing; you know my weakness, therefore, have pity on me: give me humility, purity of heart, perfect love and conformity with your holy will; strengthen me against bad habits; grant me the remission of my sins and the grace of not committing them anymore; I was filled with the utter dismay of all creatures, so that I had loved nothing else; give me the grace to suffer with patience, for your love, all the troubles that come to me. I expect everything from your kindness. - O Holy Virgin, my dear Mother, I asked your divine Son, in the name of the love he has for you, to grant me, in consideration of your merits, all that I ask of you.

O my God and my only good, I delight in your infinite perfections, I delight more than if they were my own, and I rejoice that nothing in the world can rob or diminish them. Be welcome, O you who are forever perfect and infinite in your greatness, my Jesus, my love and my God: make me all yours.

My sweet Savior, for this infinite goodness that compelled you to descend on earth, I conjure you, make my soul feel the effects of your love; light the flame in which you burn, and then, full of contempt for what belongs to the earth, it will not aspire or think except of you. Ah! may this love, which reduced you to die crucified for my salvation, make me die to the world and live forever for you.

O God of my soul, who deserve to be loved over all creatures, to you alone, and to nothing else, I want for my affections; I prefer you to all the goods in the world and to myself. I wish to be faithful to you, and I promise not to leave you anymore.

I give myself to you entirely, Lord, and I embrace with love and respect all your wills and just designs that you have concerning me; I ask you to fulfill all your dispositions towards me in time and in eternity; but one day I hope to see your divine face and infinite goodness. O my God, draw me all to you, that I may inflame myself in the sacred fire of your love. I wish I was completely consumed by this divine fire! I beg you, I hid in you so perfectly, that the creatures may never find me.

O eternal Father, for the love of your divine Son, fill my memory with holy thoughts and the continuous remembrance of you and your Son. Deign to do me the grace to know what you want from me and to do it without restriction. And you, Holy Spirit, fill my heart with holy affections, which produce in me all the fruits of your love. Enlighten me with your light, so that I always address you, and my will does not use its freedom except to give itself to you without reservation.

My God and my everything, I do not want to seek anything else outside of you, because in you I can find all things. O most kind Father, inspire me, for your service, as much concern as you have for my good. I would like to see all my thoughts applied in devising ways to please you and to avoid any offense against you in the future.

O Incarnate Word, make him love you only. Depart from me all occasions that may separate me from your love. Clean my heart from all care, except to consider and serve you as the supreme object of all love. You have come into the world to dwell in the hearts, which you have redeemed by your blood: therefore be my heart entirely; take possession of it, and provide for all my needs: enlighten me, ignite me, and become ready to carry out all your holy wills.

Omnipotent Jesus, take from me everything that prevents the effects of your power and kindness towards me. I dispose of my freedom and sacrifice it entirely to the dispositions of your will. Have compassion on me, heal me from all my iniquities and infidelities; be filled with your grace and wisdom. I surrender myself entirely to you, my Jesus, I want to be all yours; I want to employ myself fervently in promoting your glory; I want, for the sake of your sufferings, to take all tribulations with patience. Give me the grace to use only what you like.

Grant me, O my God, at the mercy of considering you with the eyes of a living faith, to know and love you; to know your will, to fulfill it; discover my defects, to bore and humiliate me; finally, to see you face to face in happy eternity.

Following the example of the prodigal son, I have dissipated all my goods, but I could not, Lord, exhaust the treasure of your mercies. Make your will alone, and not my senses, or human respect, the guide of my life. Engrave the law of your love in my heart and with indelible features.

Even if there was no torture for the guilty, I would not want to stop loving you, O my God, and suffering for you. Help me to fulfill your desires. From now on you will be everything to me. I submit with confidence, in time and in eternity, to whatever I choose to order about you. O Incarnate Word, wash my heart with your blood, and print the seal of your love on it, I mean your holy name Jesus.

Lord, do not abandon me to the tyranny of my vices. Remember that I am the work of your hands; do not allow me to become prey to the devil. I am a sinner, it is true; but I was rescued by your blood.

Eternal Father, cast your eyes on the Passion of your most beloved Son, whose merits ask you for mercy on my behalf; by these merits, which I offer you, purify me from the affections of the world, and be filled with your love; grant me the grace to die with resignation, faith, trust and perfect love.

For the love that you have for all eternity, O my Jesus, make me love you for the little time that remains of my life, so that I may later love you eternally in heaven. O God of love, make him alive for you from now on. When I will be all yours, how are you all mine? When will the hour come when I, dead to myself, live forever to love you? I do not know how to give myself to you; become me, O my God, and have mercy make it all yours. Lord, I want to have eyes only to see you, tongue but to speak in you, heart but to love you, body but to offer you, life but to sacrifice to you. O God of love, give me your love. O infinite fortress, help my weakness. O eternal wisdom, dispel my darkness. O immense mercy, forgive my malice. O infinite goodness, how late I was and


Before Communion

m to know and love you! ... Do what pleases me; I just want what you do.


I congratulate you, Blessed Virgin, for having won the heart of your God. Have the goodness to join me with your divine Son; speak to him for me to grant me the grace to follow his inspirations in everything. Teach me to practice the virtues you have exercised on earth, and let go of everything that does not refer to God, so that I may love him with all my strength.


Before Communion

Let us consider the great gift that Jesus Christ makes us, giving us his holy person as food through holy communion. Although God is omnipotent, says Saint Augustine, he cannot give us more. And indeed, adds Saint Bernardino, what greater treasure can a soul receive or desire than the lovely body of Jesus Christ? The Prophet Isaiah rightly exclaimed: Publish, O men, the loving inventions of our God (Is 12,4). Ah! if our Redeemer had not spontaneously made this gift to us, who could never ask for it? Whoever dared to say to him: "Lord, if you want to make your love known to us, give yourselves to us under the kinds of bread, and consent to make you our livelihood by this means". The thought of this alone would be called madness. When Jesus Christ announced to his disciples this great gift of the Eucharist,many refused to give him credit, and murmured away from him (Jn 6:21). But what men could never have imagined, the great love of Jesus Christ conceived and executed him.

The Lord left us this divine Sacrament as a reminder of the love that he witnessed to us in his Passion: Do this, he said, in remembrance of me (Lk 22,19). Our Savior had not exhausted his love by sacrificing his life for us; before he died, this same love forced him to make us the greatest of all gifts, the gift of himself in the form of food, Jesus Christ made in this Sacrament the supreme effort of love; what the Council of Trent expresses by saying that the divine Savior has placed in the Eucharist all the riches of his love for men.

"If a prince sent some delicacies from his table to a poor man, would this not be seen, says Saint Francis de Sales, a very distinct sign of affection? And what if he sent him all his dinner? What would it be like if he gave him to support something of its own substance? " Jesus Christ, in Holy Communion, gives us food, not some delicacies on your table, nor part of its substance, but your whole body! and with his body, he also gives us his soul and his divinity. Giving himself to us, in Holy Communion, he gives us everything he has and reserves nothing for himself. So, Saint Bonaventure exclaims in admiration: this great God that the world cannot contain, is made in the Most Holy Sacrament a prisoner of ours. Ah! if it is true that in the Eucharist the Lord gives himself entirely to us, as Saint Paul says,can we fear refusing the graces we ask of you?

Affections and Prayers

Lord, deign to clarify and increase my faith. Make me known who you are, who you want to give to me today, and who I am who will receive you. For the merits of your blood, give me the grace to purify my soul from its stains. Forgive me, O my Jesus, before you come to my heart. I have offended and displeased you, O sovereign Well, but I repent with all my soul.

I believe, my Redeemer, that you are the Son of God, you died for me and gave yourselves to the world in the Sacrament of the altar, to be offered as a sacrifice by the priests and to thereby make our livelihood. I hope that, on the merits of your Passion and because of your promises, you will grant me the grace to love you for the rest of my life and to possess you forever.

More than I love you, O my sweet Savior; and because I love you, I weigh you with all the offenses that I have done to you, with all my heart I regret having outraged your infinite goodness.

I love you, my God, but how little I love you! I wish that I received you as so many souls that in loving fire burn for you. Ignite me with your holy love and make me all yours. This I ask of you. I love you, O my Jesus, over all goods, and I wish to receive you to love you even more. Give yourselves all to me, and I also give myself all to you; you will forever be my everything, my only good, my only love.

Come, O my Jesus, and wash all my stains in your blood, before I approach you. I am not worthy to receive you, but you, O heavenly Physician, can with one word heal all my wounds; therefore come and heal me. I am a sheep who wanted to lose himself on his own motorbike, seeing how he separated from you, O my Redeemer; but you are the Good Shepherd who gave his life to save me. Seek me, my Jesus, do not abandon me; become me, squeeze me tightly on your shoulders, for resolved, I am serving and loving you with all my strength.

You said: My sheep hear my voice (Jn 10,27). You invite me to your love: here I am, my life, I want to obey you in everything. I renounce all the pleasures of the world, because on this day you deign to give me support for your lovely flesh.

Eternal Father, I offer you this communion in thanksgiving for all the benefits you have given to men, especially to the holy humanity of Jesus Christ, to the Blessed Virgin, to all predestined and to my patron saints; and for the merits of your divine Son, I ask you for holy perseverance, your love, and all the other graces that Jesus, Mary and my holy patrons beg you for.

O Mary, my Mother, obtain for me a part of the humility and fervor with which you received Jesus in your holy communions.

As for the next, it will be good to recommend in the communion those who are indicated in the following Mementos :

Mementos of the living

I. Lord, I recommend you the Sovereign Pontiff and all the prelates, confessors, preachers and priests: give them the zeal and spirit that they must be encouraged to work for the salvation of souls.

II. I commend you to my parents, friends and enemies, the dying, and all the faithful in a state of grace: I ask you to grant them perseverance and fervor in your love.

III. I recommend infidels, heretics and sinners to you; deign to enlighten and strengthen them, so that they all reach to know and love you.

Mementos of the dead

I. I commend you, Lord, the souls of my parents, benefactors, friends and enemies, and of those who are in purgatory because of me.

II. I commend to you the souls of the priests and evangelical workers, and particularly those who cared for my soul.

III. I commend to you the souls who had the most devotion to the Passion of Jesus Christ, the Blessed Sacrament and the Holy Virgin, the most forgotten souls, the ones who suffer the most and those who are closest to entering paradise.


It is good to renew these Mementos every time you share or at least try to recommend everyone who is assigned to them.


After Communion

Jesus, God and my Redeemer tender, I adore you in my heart where you have descended under the humble kinds of bread, to be the sustenance of my soul. Be welcome, Lord; warm thanks to you for visiting. I would like to thank you with dignity, but in what way could a poor countryman thank you, as befits your king, who personally came to visit you in his hut? There was only one thing he could do: throw himself at the king's feet, and thus lie prostrate in silence, admiring and praising such great kindness. Then I launch myself at your feet, O my Jesus, my divine King, and I adore you in the abyss of my misery; I join my adoration to that which Mary offered you, when she received you; loving you had wanted as she loved you.

O infinite goodness! O infinite love! a God gave himself to me and became all mine! ... O my soul, collect all your affections, and unite closely with your Lord, coming on purpose to unite with you and receive proof of your love .

My beloved Redeemer, I embrace you; O my treasure, O my Life, I cling to you, do not repulse me. I once had the misfortune of expelling you from my soul and separating myself from you: but resolved, I am rather losing a thousand times my life than leaving you from here on, O my sovereign Well. offenses, and forgive me: I repent wholeheartedly; I wish I had died of pain!

You order me to love you, despite so many of my sins: You will love, you say the Lord your God with all your heart (Dt6,5). Ah! my sweetest Lord, who am I that you so desire that I give you my love? However, since you desire it, I want to satisfy you: you died for me and gave me your lovely body as food; in return, I leave everything, renounce everything, and join you, O most beloved Savior. Who can separate me from your love?

And whom I will love, if I do not love you, O my Redeemer, infinite beauty, infinite goodness, friend worthy of infinite love! For where, O my God, can I find, in heaven or on earth, a good that is superior to you, or someone who has loved me more than you! For mercy, O mine, Jesus, make possession of my heart today; I give it to you without reservation: let it be your full, entire, perpetual possession, and all the affection that does not have for you flows out of it. I have chosen you and only you for my wealth and portion, O God of my heart. Let me always say this prayer and supplication of St. Ignatius: Give me your love and your grace; make yourself loved and loved by you; with this I become very rich and I no longer have to ask or desire you.

But you know, Lord, what my weakness is, you know my past infidelities; help me with your grace, and do not suffer more separate me from your holy love. I tell you, now, and I want to tell you always, grant me the grace to repeat it over and over: Do not suffer, separate me more from your holy love.

Give me, O my Jesus, humility, patience in the pains of this life, meekness in the midst of contempt, the mortification of my inclinations for earthly pleasures, and the detachment of creatures; help me with effective help to banish from my heart any foreign affection for your love. Whatever I ask of you I hope to achieve for the merits of your Passion. O my sweet Jesus, O my most beloved Jesus, O good Jesus, listen to me.

infinite love, since you have come to me, speak, say: what do you want from me? I will obey you in everything. I deserved not to hear your voice anymore, because I have so often closed my ears to you, and I have taken ingratitude to turn my back on you when you call me to your love. But I have already regretted having offended you; now I repent again, and I am encouraged by the confidence of your forgiveness; then say to me, What do you want from me, Lord? I'm done with everything.

I give myself to you, most lovely Savior; I sacrifice to you all my satisfactions, all the pleasures of the earth, my body, my soul, my will; I have nothing else to give you; if I had more, I would have given you more. Beloved Jesus, you only make me miserable.

God my omnipotent, make me holy; grant me the grace to love you very much, to omit nothing in which your glory may interest, and to do everything to give you pleasure. Oh! how happy I would be if I lost everything to possess you and your love! It was for this purpose that you gave me life; make me employ it all with you. Your graces do not deserve them, but punishments; I say to you therefore: Punish me as you wish, but nothing to deprive me of your love. You have loved me without reserve; without reservation I also want to love you, O infinite Good, infinite love! ... O will of God, you are my love.

I cannot die for you and thereby render all men to your love, O my Jesus, dead for me! O Infinite, and infinitely lovable, I cherish you, I love you more than all other goods.

O Mary, draw me all to God; give me trust in you and always resort to your kindness. It is yours to become holy through your intercession; know that you are my hope.

Prayer of Saint Ignatius

Lord, receive all my freedom. Accept my memory, my intelligence and all my will. Everything I have and possess, you gave it to me; I have come to restore it to you, and to hand it over entirely to your favor. Only give me your love with your grace, and I am quite rich, I ask nothing more.

Ind. 3 years; IP (52).


Before Communion

Let us consider the love that Jesus Christ gives us in the Holy Eucharist. This sacrament is a pure gift of love. The divine decree stipulated that the Redeemer should die to save us, and offer the sacrifice of his life in atonement for our sins; but having done this, who still compelled him to give us food? So did your love. If Jesus instituted the Eucharist, says S. Lourenço Justiniano, it is for the sole purpose of making us understand the immensity of his love for us.

Note, with the Apostle, that the moment chosen by Jesus Christ, to give us this precious gift, was that of his death: On the same night that He was betrayed, he took the bread, broke it giving thanks, and said: Receive and ate: this is my body (ICor11,23). Thus, when men were preparing azorragues, thorns and a cross, to supplicate the Savior, the divine lover of souls thought of giving us the Eucharist as the last pledge of his tenderness. But, why at the moment of your death, and not before? It is because the testimonies of friendship left to friends in that supreme moment are engraved more deeply in the memory and are preserved more precious. Jesus Christ had already given himself to us in many ways, he had become our friend, our teacher, our father, our light, our model, our victim; he only had one last degree of love,and it is that he could still leave us in support, in order to unite with us as the food with the one who takes it: Jesus executed it by giving himself to us in the Blessed Sacrament. Our Redeemer was not content to join us all and in general, that is, putting on human nature; he looked for a way to unite with each of us in particular, and the way he found was this mystery of love.

St. Francis de Sales said: "No, the Savior cannot be considered in a more loving or tender action than this one, in which he annihilates himself, so to speak, and reduces himself to vianda, in order to penetrate our souls and unite it is intimately connected with the heart and body of its faithful ". So that we are intimately united with this sovereign Lord, on whom the angels themselves do not dare to look into his eyes. "What is it, asks St. John Chrysostom, what is the shepherd who feeds the sheep he has with his own blood? But which one! Mothers are even seen to entrust their children to strange nurses, whereas in their Sacrament, Jesus feeds us with his same blood, and unites us. And why does he want to support us? Ah, because he loves us so fervently, he wants to join perfectly with us and do the same thing. with us".Jesus Christ then wanted to work the greatest of all miracles, to satisfy his desire to stay with us, and unite ours with his lovely heart. "O my Jesus, exclaims S. Lourenço Justinian, what charity is this that urges us? You unite us so closely, that with you we have from then on and forever but a heart and a soul!"

Here is the language of a great servant of God, Father La Colombiere: "If anything could shake my faith in the mystery of the Eucharist, it would not be the infinite power that God manifests in him, but rather the extreme love that he shows us. Does meat make meat without looking like bread? How is a man's body at the same time in many places? How can it be locked up in an almost indivisible space? To all this I answer that God can do everything! But if you ask me how it is It is possible that God loves such a miserable creature as man and loves him to such an extent, I confess that I find no answer, and it is a truth that exceeds my intellectual reach ". But, Lord, it seems that such an excess of tenderness does not suit your divine majesty. Ah! responds S ,. Bernardo: those who love do not think about their own dignity. Love does not take care of conveniences:he goes, not where it suits him, but where his desire takes him. St. Thomas was therefore right to call this mystery Sacrament of love and Pledge of love; S. Bernardo, the Love of loves; Santa Maria Madalena de Pazzi, day of love, Holy Thursday, day on which it was instituted.

Affections and Prayers

Come therefore, O my Jesus, come, my heart desires you. Come, O heavenly Physician, cast your eyes upon my poor soul, look at the many wounds that I have done for my sins, and I will have compassion on me. You can and want to heal me, I know, but in order to heal me, you demand that I repent of my sins; well! Weigh me, Lord, with all my heart; heal me now that you can.

Come, O Jesus, wealth of my soul, come. How unfortunate I am to have turned my back on you so many times, my infinite good, and this to cling to the things of the earth! I acknowledge my madness, for I have sought to earn a name and fortune in this world; I want all my fortune forward to consist of loving you and doing your will in everything. Take away, my Jesus, the desire to appear, and give me love for humiliations and the hidden life. Grant me the strength to renounce all that you dislike. Make me calmly embrace illnesses, persecutions, desolations and all the crosses you send me. Oh! I cannot die for your love, abandoned by the whole world, as you died for me!

Come, most lovable Jesus, come, because I love you. Yes, I love you more than all the honors in the world, more than all riches, more than all my relatives and friends; I love you more than health, more than glory, more than science, more than all consolations; I love you, in a word, more than everything that can belong to me and more than myself.

Come, my God, come; I greatly appreciate your graces and gifts, but I love you more than all your favors, since you are infinite goodness and infinitely kind good, which infinitely surpasses all other goods. Therefore, nothing you give me has the power to be content, unless you are yourself: but if you give yourself to me, I desire nothing more. Ask others what you want; I will not ask anything of you outside of you, my love, my everything. I only find in you all that I can wish for.

Come, then, O my God, my only good, come, be the only object of my affections, and as I love you above all things, make it your preference in all of them to my own satisfaction. I hope, my Jesus, for the merits of your blood, to love only you on earth for the rest of my life, in order to one day go to possess you forever in the kingdom of the blessed.

O eternal Father, I hope that, by the blood of Jesus Christ, your grace will bring to fruition in me the good desire I feel to love you: you favored me so much when I ran away from you! I must therefore expect much from you now that I seek you and your love is the only object of my desires.

O Mary, my Mother, you have so tenderly brought this God in your arms who wants to give himself to me! help my heart to receive you with humility and love.

After Communion

Since you have come to me, O my Jesus, true life, make that, dying to the world, and living only for you, yours be without reserve. By the flames of your love, O my Redeemer, destroy in me everything that does not please you, and give me a real desire to please you and satisfy you in everything.

Grant me true humility, so that I love contempt and my own despondency and strip myself of any desire to appear.

Give me the spirit of mortification, so that I refuse all things that do not concern your love, and embrace with affection what displeases the senses and self-love.

Give me perfect resignation with your will, so that I may receive in peace the pains, illnesses, loss of property or relatives, desolation, persecution and everything that comes to me. I offer my whole person to you, to dispose of her as you please; ah! give me the grace to renew this offering of myself without ceasing above all at the moment of my death: cause me to sacrifice my life to you with all my heart, in union with the sacrifice you made from yours to the eternal Father. me, O my Jesus: make me known your kindness and the obligation that I have to love you, especially in satisfaction of the love that you witnessed to me dying for me and giving yourself to me in the Blessed Sacrament.

I ask you to clarify the infidels who do not know you, the heretics who live outside the Church, the sinners who live deprived of your grace, whose number is astonishing. Make you known and loved, O my Jesus. I also recommend to you all the souls in purgatory, and in particular N. and N .: deign to console them in their feathers, and to shorten the time they have to spend in deprivation of the happiness of seeing you: I beg you for your merits, your Holy Mother and all the saints.

Embrace me entirely in your holy love, O my God, give me the grace to seek only your taste, to love only what you love, and to banish from my heart what you do not like. I want you only, my God, and I aspire to nothing else.

Give me, O my Jesus, a great devotion to your holy Passion, so that, always with your sufferings and your death before my eyes, I may inflame you with ever more ardent love, and do not cease to wish to witness my acknowledgment for all your benefits. Give me also great devotion to the Sacrament of the altar, by which you have manifested the immensity of your tenderness towards us. In addition, I ask you to give me filial devotion to your holy Mother. Grant me the grace to love and serve her always, to resort faithfully to her intercession, to excite others to also pay her homage, and trust your protection. Give us all invariable confidence, first in the merits of your Passion, and then in the intercession of Mary.

I ask you to grant me a holy death and the favor of receiving you in viaticum with ardent love, so that, thus united with you, all burned in holy flames and a great desire to see you, leaving this life may I embrace the your feet, appearing for the first time in your presence.

Above all, O my Jesus, I beg you to give me the grace of prayer, so that always, but especially in temptations, I may turn to you and your Blessed Mother, and never cease to ask you, for your merits, for holy perseverance and your holy love.

Bless me, O my Jesus, and bless me whole, body and soul, senses and powers. Bless my tongue in particular, that it may be used only for your glory. Bless my eyes, so that they never stop on an object capable of causing me to dislike you. Bless my mouth, lest I offend you by intemperance. Bless, in a word, all the members of my body, that they may serve you faithfully, and none of them offend you. Bless my memory, so that I will always remember your love and benefits. Bless my understanding, so that I may know your goodness, the obligation I have to love you, and what I must do and avoid to conform to your holy will. Bless above all my will, that I may love you only, O infinite good, and have only one desire, that of satisfying you, a joy,to see you glorified.

Come, O my King, and reign, you alone, in my soul, possess it all, that it may serve you with all its strength, and only your love obey. Oh! I cannot consume all of my love for you, who have consumed your whole life for me!

O Lamb of God, immolated on the cross, remember that I am one of the souls redeemed by you at the price of so many torments and pains; oh! I never lose you. You have all given yourselves to me; let me be all yours, and my only care is to please you. I love you, O infinite Good, because you want it; I love you, because you deserve it. But my biggest regret is that I lived so long without loving you.

Beloved Redeemer of mine, make me share in the pain you had for my sins in the garden of Gethsemane. O my Jesus, why didn't I die before I offended you? O love of my Jesus, you are my love and my hope! Rather I want to lose my life, and this a thousand times, than to lose your grace.

If I, my God, died when I was in sin, I could never love you again. Now you give me time to love you in the future, and you invite me to this; I thank you, and with all my soul I want to love you. So far you have suffered me to win my heart; that's why I want to love you. Ah! for this divine blood shed for me, do not allow me to betray you again. World, riches, pleasures, honors, what is all this? God! God alone! I want nothing but God. Yes, my God, you make me alone, you alone, because you are the infinite good.

O my Jesus. hold me entirely to your love, draw all my affections to you, so that I cannot love anything else outside of you. I wish I were, by your grace, all yours before I died!

Ah! my God, as long as I live on earth, I will always be in danger of losing you.

When will the day come when I will be able to say to you, Sweet Jesus of mine, can I no longer lose you?

Eternal Father, for the love of Jesus Christ, do not cast me away from you: allow me to love you, and give me your holy love; I want to love you very much in this life, to love you very much in the next.

O infinite Good, I love you; but make me known how great is the good that I love, and give me all the love that you desire from me. Oh! just to please you I work: it depends on you to do so.

O Mary, that you desire to see your beloved Son with all your hearts, here is the grace that I beseech you: make me love him for the rest of my life: I do not want anything else. My sovereign and my Mother, I trust in you: you obtain everything you ask of your God, and intercede for all your devout servants: pray also for me.

Prayer to ask for the grace to fulfill God's Will

Grant me, O sweetest Jesus, your grace, that she may be in me, work with me, and persevere with me to the end. Give me to always want and want what is most pleasant and pleasing to you. May your will be mine, and mine always follow yours, and be in all respects to him. May I have with you only to want and not to want, and I can neither want nor want but what you yourself want or do not want. So be it.

(Imit.III, 15). - Ind. 3a.; IP (98).


Before Communion

Let us consider how fervently Jesus Christ wants us to receive him in holy communion. Jesus, knowing that his hour was at hand, says St. John (13,1). But how could Jesus call his hour the night when his painful Passion should begin? Ah! it is because he was going to institute the divine Eucharist tonight, destined to consummate his intimate union with his dear souls. Then he also exclaimed: I very much wanted to eat this Easter with you (Lk 22,15). Through these ardent expressions, the Redeemer gave us to understand how much he wanted to be incorporated to each one of us through this Sacrament. I wished heartily! This is how he speaks of his immense love for us, says S. Lourenço justinian. In order to communicate, the Lord chose the bread species, in order to be accessible to everyone: if he had chosen some price food,the poor could not reach it for themselves; and although it was another matter of little value, it might perhaps not be easy to find everywhere on earth; the very good Jesus wanted to give himself to us under the kinds of bread, because bread costs little and is found everywhere, and thus, there is no one who cannot, wherever he is, find Jesus and receive him .

In his vivid desire to see us come to holy communion, the divine Redeemer makes us hear the most tender and urgent invitations: Come, he says, eat the bread and drink the wine I have prepared for you (Pv9,6). Eat, my friends; drink, intoxicate yourselves, my beloved ones (Ct5,1). Not satisfied with inviting us, he imposes a formal precept on us: Receive and eat, this is my body (Mt26,26). More: the promise of eternal life attracts us: He who eats my flesh will have eternal life ... He who eats this bread will live forever (Jn 6,55). He threatens us, even if we do not obey him, with the exclusion of us from paradise: If you do not eat the flesh of the Son of Man, you will not have life in you (Jn 6,54). These invitations, these promises, these threats, are all dictated by your desire to join us in the Holy Eucharist; and this desire is born out of his immense love. Indeed,love wants union with the loved object; now, in this Sacrament, Jesus Christ unites in the most perfect way to the soul that receives him. He who eats my flesh and drinks my blood remains in me, and I in him (Jn 6,57). That is why he desires so much that we attend Communion.

Oh! if the faithful understood the good that communion does to the soul! Jesus is the sovereign Lord of all riches: His Father has placed everything in his hands (Jn 13,3). Thus, when he comes to a soul through his Sacrament, he brings with him immense treasures of grace.

According to S. Dionísio, the Blessed Sacrament has a supreme virtue for the sanctification of souls; and according to S. Vicente Ferrer, the soul derives more from a communion than from a week of fasting on bread and water. Communion, as the Council of Trent teaches, is a powerful Antidote, which purifies us from venial faults and preserves us from mortal sins. Santo Inácio Mártir calls it a divine remedy that produces immortality. According to Innocent III, Jesus Christ, by his Passion, delivered us from the penalty of sin; but through the Eucharist, it frees us from sin itself.

What is more, this Sacrament ignites in us the fire of God's love: The king introduced me to his cellar; he ordered charity in me. Comfort me with flowers, surround me with fruit, because I love you (Ct2,4). Communion is the mysterious cellar in which the soul is so inebriated with divine love that the land and everything created are forgotten. God is love (1Jo4,8) and fire of love (Dt 4,24). In the Eucharist there is the divine fire that the eternal Word came to light on earth: I came, he says, to bring fire on earth (Lk 12,49). Oh! what beautiful flames of divine love Jesus ignites in the souls that receive him with living desire! The Blessed Sacrament is a burning fire; we should, therefore, return from the holy table so blazing with love, that the devil would not dare to approach us.

There are those who say: I do not share many times because I am very cold, I do not love God enough. - Yes, Gérson replies to them, as if someone does not want to approach the fire, because it is not very hot. As long as we have the desire to love God, we must go to the holy table the more often, the colder we feel. "If you are asked, says S. Francisco de Sales, why do you commune so often, say that two sorts of people must commune many times, the perfect and the imperfect: the first, to keep themselves perfect, and the second, to achieve -at". S. Boaventura also says in this matter, that one must commune with full confidence in the mercy of God, because the more sick one is, the more he needs a doctor.

Affections and prayers

This Sacrament, O Jesus, O divine friend of souls, is the most brilliant proof possible of your love for us; what expedient can you still resort to to win our hearts? Ah! Infinite kindness, make me love you from now on with all the strength and tenderness of my soul. Whom would I love more tenderly than you, my Redeemer, who, after having given your life for me, still give me your entire holy person in this Sacrament? Ah! my good Lord, remember me without ceasing your love, in order to forget about any other object and to love you only, without interruption and without reservation! I love you, my Jesus, I love you above all things, and I only want to love you. Cast out, I conjure you, cast out of my heart all affections of which you are not the object. I thank you for giving me time to love you.Return all my tenderness to you, O my Jesus. Help me, save me; and may my salvation consist in loving you with all my heart, in this and in another life.

O Mary, my tender Mother, help me to love Jesus; pray to him for me.

One can read here some of the Aspirations of love for Jesus, p. 201.

After Communion

My Beloved, my love, my life, my rest, my only love.


1. The grace that we must ask of God, above all graces, says St. Francis de Sales, is the gift of his love; thus, we must strive, for all our prayers, actions, sighs and intentions, to obtain from God this holy love, which is the gift of gifts.

2. There will be many aspirations here that the loving soul can make to God; but it should be noted, first, that the best are those that love itself inspires to the heart, and second, that when the soul feels united to God by any of the following aspirations, or any other, it must not go beyond, but stop, repeating the same thing, while you find in it Food and feeling.

O my God, prostrate at your feet, I ask of you, not pleasures, riches, honors, but only your love; and with every step I take, with every look, with every breath, I intend to ask you for your love.

Beloved Jesus of mine, do you find yourselves even those who do not seek you, as you have already said, and have you, in effect, been seeking me when I fled: fleeing me now that I seek you to the exclusion of every other object?

Deign to link me with the sweet bonds with which you bind those who love you; but call me in such a way that I will never part with you again.

Ignite me with your love. Ah! a single spark of this divine fire would be enough to make me forget everything; but I am not satisfied with a spark: I want a flame, I want a thousand, I want a fire, which destroys in me at a glance all the attachment to the creatures and makes me burn all for you alone, O unique and infinite Good!

I give myself to you all. Do you refuse to accept me? You said that you do not know how to reject a soul that welcomes you (Jn 6,37). Ah! my God, receive me, become me all, unite myself with you in such a way that, forgetting everything else, I seek and desire only you; be the sole object of all my thoughts, feelings of love, and desires.

O true friend of my soul, tell me: what do you claim from me for so many mercies that you do to me, calls and lights that you favor me? Do you want my poor heart? Behold, make it; I give it to you.

Vain creatures, leave me; you will not see me anymore. Do not ask me for my affection, because, on my side, I expect nothing more from you. Give those who ask for your pleasures, your goods, your honors; as for me, I found the One I love (Ct3,4), and I'm happy. The one who deserves my affections, took them all for himself.

O my beloved, detach me from everything that is not God. Comfort me myself when I am in distress; support me when I lose courage; and punish me too, when necessary. I will kiss your loving hand, which hurts me out of kindness. blame me for all your punishments at a good time, but do not deprive me of the happiness of loving you.

Blessed souls, who live in this beautiful country of love, where everything breathes love: What is your beloved, and we will seek you with you (Ct5,17). Ah! tell me something of this infinite beauty, which you already contemplate without a veil; burn us in your love, for us poor exiles in this world, so that through love we may seek you too.

But the best thing to say is with the holy wife: Come, Midday Wind, blow everywhere in my garden, and let your perfumes flow in abundance (Ct 4,16). Yes, come with your divine warmth, O breath of the Holy Spirit, come and make your powerful influence feel in the garden of my soul, and then your perfumes of love will spread in joy from the Heart of my God.

O Jesus, sweet object of my love, I wounded my heart with one of those arrows of fire that make souls die to all that is not you, to live only out of your love.

My beloved, since you invite me to your love again, enlightening me with your light and making me hear your sweet voice, I draw you to you out of pity, and do not cease to do it until you see me all Yours.

I already feel, O my God, a great desire to love you: very weak but I recognize myself to execute it. For you grant me this good wish, give me, Lord, the strength to put it into practice; give me all the love you ask of me. You who, by pure grace, make me know the riches of your goodness, lead me to love you as much as I can and desire.

Loving souls, who on earth do not seek anything outside of God, raise your voice and make understand to the poor fools who love the world how much more contentment Jesus gives, even in this very valley of tears, to his servants by the gift of his love, that world to their followers, pouring all their goods into them.

Lord, grant me your love, and I renounce all other goods that could come to me from your hand. Make me love you, and I consent to be deprived of everything, despised, abandoned from all the world, overwhelmed by all evils, because there is no pain that can afflict the soul that loves you with all its heart.

Invocations and Supplications

O Father, Son, and Holy Spirit! Most Holy Trinity, O Jesus and Mary, blessed, holy and holy angels of Paradise, grant me the following graces, which I ask for the most precious Blood of Jesus Christ:

1 • To always do God's will.

2 • To live always united with God.

3 • To think only of God.

4 • To love only God.

5 • To do everything for God.

6 • To seek only the glory of God.

7 • To sanctify myself by God alone.

8 • To know my nothingness well.

9 • To know more and more the will of my God.

10 • (A special grace is requested here).

Most Holy Virgin Mary, offer to the Eternal Father the most precious Blood of Jesus Christ, for my soul, for the holy souls in purgatory, for the needs of the holy Church, for the conversion of sinners and for the whole world.

Three times Glory to the Father in the Blood of Jesus, an Hail Mary to Our Lady of Sorrows, and a Requiem aeternam for the souls in purgatory.


Before Communion

Jesus, knowing that his hour was coming, in which he was to pass from this world to his Father, as he had loved his own, loved them to the end (Jn 13,1). On the last night of his life, our most loving Redeemer, seeing at last the time to die for men, a time for which he had longed so long, could not consent to leave us alone in this valley of tears: not to be separated from us, not even by death, wanted to leave us all in support in the Sacrament of the altar. By making this gift of infinite price to us, he gave us to understand that his will was to exhaust all means of proving his love to us. He loved them to the end! St. John Chrysostom says this expression: Until the end, it means extreme love. Santa Maria Madalena de Pazzi said that the soul who has just received communion can exclaim: Everything is finished! this is:After my God has given himself to me in this sacred mystery, he has nothing left to give me. One day this saint asked one of her novices that she had thought about after communion. "I thought of Jesus' love," replied the novice. "Yes, she became a saint, when people think about love, it is not possible to go further; it is necessary to stop in love".

O Savior of the world, what do you intend of men to take love to the extreme of giving yourselves to them in support? And what other gift do you have left that you can make us to compel us to love you, after the gift of this divine Sacrament? Ah! God of love, enlighten me; let me know why you have reduced your excess of kindness to making me my sustenance in holy communion. If therefore you gave yourself all to me, it is just that I give myself all to you. Yes, O my Jesus, I give myself to you all. I love you more than any other good, and I wish to receive you to love you even more; then come, come often to my soul, and make it all for you. Happy of those who could tell you in truth like Saint Philip Néri when he communed in Viaticum: "Here is my love! Here is my love! Give me my love".

We saw, exclaims Saint Lawrence Justinian, we saw a God, the very wisdom, so that he was driven mad by the excessive love he has for men. It does not seem, says Saint Augustine, that it is crazy for a God to say to his creature. Do you eat my flesh and drink my blood? What else could the creature say to its Creator?

According to Saint Dionysus, God, due to the greatness of his love, remained as outside himself, because, being God, he became man, and more, the sustenance of men. But, Lord, such excess is not appropriate for your majesty. Soul of my heart, responds Jesus Christ through the mouth of Saint Peter Crisologer, love does not look at what is appropriate; when he wants to do well and manifest himself to those who have love, he goes, not to where reason calls him, but to where his ardor carries him.

Ah! my Jesus, when I am ashamed of myself, when I think that you are an infinite good, the loveliest of all goods, the most tender of all friends, and I have always turned my back on you to cling to vile and despicable things ! I have discovered more and more, O my God, the greatness of your goodness, lest I cease to grow in your love, and make every effort to give you pleasure. Ah! my divine Lord, to what object more beautiful, excellent, holy and lovable than you can I give my heart? I love you, infinite goodness, I love you more than myself, and I want to live only to love you, because you are the ones who deserve all my love.

St. Paul draws our attention to the moment Jesus chose to give us the divine Eucharist, a gift superior to all who can come to us from an almighty God: The Lord Jesus, he says, on the night he was going to be delivered, he took the bread, and giving thanks, broke it and said: Return and eat: this is my body that will be delivered for your sake (1 Cor 11,24). It was then, at the very moment when men prepared torments for Jesus and plotted his death, that this tender Savior thought about giving himself to men in the Blessed Sacrament. It was to make them understand that, far from cooling in the face of such cruel injuries, his immense love for them was at that time more alive and generous than ever. Ah! Lord full of tenderness, how could you love men so much! What! these ungrateful people only think about making you disappear from the earth,and you form the design of being among them for their livelihood! Let us note, moreover, that the Savior had a lifelong desire to see that night come when he determined to leave us this pledge so precious of his love; because at the moment of instituting this ineffable Sacrament, he said: I wished with great desire to eat this Passover with you (Lk 22:15). These words show us the burning desire that his tenderness inspired him to join us in communion. This same desire Jesus still holds today towards all the souls of which he is loved. "Bees, he said to Saint Matilde one day, throw themselves at flowers, to suck their honey, less eagerly than I fly into your soul, when you want to receive me."that the Savior had a lifelong desire to see that night come when he determined to leave us this precious pledge of his love; because at the moment of instituting this ineffable Sacrament, he said: I wished with great desire to eat this Passover with you (Lk 22:15). These words show us the burning desire that his tenderness inspired him to join us in communion. This same desire Jesus still holds today towards all the souls of which he is loved. "Bees, he said to Saint Matilde one day, throw themselves at flowers, to suck their honey, less eagerly than I fly into your soul, when you want to receive me."that the Savior had a lifelong desire to see that night come when he determined to leave us this precious pledge of his love; because at the moment of instituting this ineffable Sacrament, he said: I wished with great desire to eat this Passover with you (Lk 22:15). These words show us the burning desire that his tenderness inspired him to join us in communion. This same desire Jesus still holds today towards all the souls of which he is loved. "Bees, he said to Saint Matilde one day, throw themselves at flowers, to suck their honey, less eagerly than I fly into your soul, when you want to receive me."I wished with great desire to eat this Easter with you (Lk 22,15). These words show us the burning desire that his tenderness inspired him to join us in communion. This same desire Jesus still holds today towards all the souls of which he is loved. "Bees, he said to Saint Matilde one day, throw themselves at flowers, to suck their honey, less eagerly than I fly into your soul, when you want to receive me."I wished with great desire to eat this Easter with you (Lk 22,15). These words show us the burning desire that his tenderness inspired him to join us in communion. This same desire Jesus still holds today towards all the souls of which he is loved. "Bees, he said to Saint Matilde one day, throw themselves at flowers, to suck their honey, less eagerly than I fly into your soul, when you want to receive me."

O most kind friend of mine, you cannot give me greater proof of your love than this divine Sacrament; blessed be your goodness! Ah! my Jesus, draw me to you all at all; make me love you from now on with all the tenderness of my heart. Let others be content with loving you only with appreciative and predominant love; I know that you are content with it; as for me, I will not be satisfied if I do not love you with all my strength, more than to a friend, more than to a brother, more than to a father, more than to a husband. And where can I ever find a friend, brother, father, husband, who equals you in love with me, my Creator, my Redeemer and my God? For my love you sacrificed your blood and your life, and on this you gave yourself all to me in this Sacrament of love! I love you, therefore, my Jesus, with all my heart;I love you more than I love myself. Help me to love you; that's how much I ask you.

After Communion

Whoever eats my flesh and drinks my blood remains in me and I in him (Jo6,57). Love, notes Saint Dionysus, always tends to unite with the loved object, and in the same way that food becomes the same thing with the one who eats it, Our Lord wanted to become our sustenance, so that, receiving it in holy communion, we would become one with him. Return and eat, Jesus tells us; this is my body. As it was said: Man, support yourself from me, so that from me and from you the same thing may be done. Like two melted pieces of wax, says St. Cyril of Alexandria, they are united together, so the soul that communes in such a way is united with Jesus, that he remains in her: and she in him.

"O most beloved Redeemer of mine, exclaims Saint Lawrence Justinian here, how could you love us up to this point? In such a way that we unite with you, that your heart and ours become one heart!"

O infinite love, worthy of infinite love, my Jesus, when will I love you as you have loved me? O divine food, O Sacrament of love, when will you attract me: totally to you? you have nothing but to add to your benefits to compel me to love you. I always want to start loving you; always promising, never starting. But resolved, I'm starting now; lend me your assistance: enlighten me, ignite me, detach me from the earth, and do not allow me to resist the efforts of your love any longer. Ah! I love you with all my heart; I renounce everything to please you, O my life, my love, my everything; I want to join you many times in this Sacrament, in order to detach myself from all things and to love only you. From your kindness I wait, my God, for the necessary help to fulfill my resolution.

According to Saint Bernard, God loves us just to be loved by us. Our Savior also protested that he had come down from heaven to make himself loved: I came, he says, to bring fire on earth (Lk 12,49). Oh! in what holy ardor does Jesus not ignite souls by his divine Sacrament? According to the venerable Father Francisco Olímpio, Teatino, nothing more than Holy Communion to burn our hearts in love for the sovereign Good. Hesychius called our Lord in this Sacrament the divine Fire (Ct 2,4).

O love of my heart, lovely Sacrament, I cannot continually think of you, forget everything else, and love you alone, without interruption and without reservation! Ah! my Jesus, you have knocked so hard at the door of my heart that you have finally entered, I have confidence; but since you have entered it, cast out, I ask of you, any affection that does not tend to you; become so lord of me that I can go on to say truthfully, like your prophet: O my God, what desire do I but you on earth and in heaven? you are, and always are, the only lord of my heart and my will; you must be all my inheritance, all my wealth, in this life and in eternity (Ps 72,25).

Go, said the prophet Isaiah, go and publish the loving inventions of our God everywhere to make yourself loved by men (Is12,3). What inventions, in fact, those of the Heart of Jesus to win our love! On the cross, he wanted to open us in his sacred wounds, sources of graces so abundant that to receive them, it is enough to ask for them with confidence; and not content with this, behold, he himself gives himself to us in the Blessed Sacrament.

O man, why are you so mean? why love with such restraint a God who gives himself to you without measure? For this is precisely what Jesus does in the sacrament of the altar; then he gives us everything he is and everything he has. Stunned to think of this excessive love, exclaimed Saint Bernard: My Jesus deigned to become a guest inseparable from my heart!

Ah! my sweet Jesus, tell me: what other means could you use to ensure the possession of our hearts? and I, will I continue to pay you with ingratitude as I have done so far? Do not allow me, Lord. According to your promises, he who feeds on your divine flesh must live by virtue of your grace: He who eats me will live for me (Jn c.58). For you are worthy to allow me to receive you at the sacred banquet, Ah! make my soul always live the true life of your grace. O my sovereign Well, I regret that I despised you in the past; I thank you for giving me yet to mourn the offenses that I have done to you, and to extend my life to love you on earth: for the rest of my life, I want to put all my affections in you and do all that is in my power to be pleasant to you. Help me, O my Jesus,do not abandon me. Save me for your merits; and my salvation consists in loving you always, in this life and in eternity. O Mary, my mother, help me also.

Prayer of St. Bonaventure

Most Holy Lord, omnipotent Father, eternal God, for your liberality and that of your Son, who suffered for me the Passion and death, for the eminent holiness of his Mother, for the merits of St. Francis and of all the saints, grant it! to me, poor sinner, unworthy of all your benefits, to love you alone, to always be insatiable with your love, to constantly bring in my heart the great benefit of your Passion, to recognize my miseries, to wish to be despised and trampled at the feet of all, and only one thing to afflict me: sin. So be it.

(Ind: 3 years; IP) - 66.



This exercise is suitable for people who like to reflect and pray mentally.


Preparing for communion

Two preparations are needed, one remote, the next.

1. Remote preparation consists of the creatures' apartment. If a great character, says Saint Augustine, were to come to your home, and you knew that certain things cause horror to you, would you not be careful to make them disappear before his arrival? When you then want to receive Jesus Christ, you must banish all earthly affections from your heart, for you know that you are displeased. Thus, the soul who wants to take communion is often obliged to let go of all creatures.

2. For the next preparation, it is advisable that, since the previous afternoon, you make your heart available for communion by acts of love and desire. In the morning, when you wake up, remember that you are going to receive Jesus Christ, and then, with a burning sigh, invite the divine husband to come promptly to your soul.

Immediately before receiving communion, even though you have prayed, you must revive faith, humility and desire in you.

To excite these acts before communion, ask: Who is coming? Who is it coming from? What is it for?


To awaken your faith, consider who the One you are going to receive is. If faith did not assure us, who could ever believe that God wants to become food for one of his creatures? But the Holy Church teaches us that Jesus Christ, our Redeemer, is really and substantially in the consecrated host. Saint Louis, king of France, gave a wonderful answer in this regard. They invited him to see, in his chapel, between the hands of the priest, a consecrated host in which Our Lord showed himself in the form of a boy: "Go and see him who has no faith, he said: as for me, I believe more firmly than if I saw it with my own eyes ". And stayed where he was.

Who is coming?

It's my god

my Redeemer

my dad

my brother

my friend

my doctor

my judge

my shepherd

my model

my king

my husband

my Beloved

my Light

my Master

my crucified and glorified Savior

my bread of life

my Pledge of the future life

my treasure

the infinite good

the divine fire

the prince of peace

the virgin creator wine

the most beautiful of the sons of men, etc., etc., etc.


To excite your humility, consider who you are, who will receive a God in your mouth and in your heart. Father Paulo Ségneri used to say that the most natural feeling for those who share must be to be astonished and exclaim: What! a god come to me! a God give himself to me! So say with true humility, Lord, I am not worthy for you to enter my house! to humility add an act of contrition, and then an act of hope, since Jesus Christ descends into your heart to enrich you with his graces.

Who does he come from?

Come to a vile creature

to a sinner

to a sick person

to a hungry

to a poor

to a blind man

to an afflicted

to a pilgrim

to a trampled sheep

to an impure being

to a cold, tibial, murky, tempted, timid, dumb soul

to a dry land

to a barren tree

to a devastated garden

to the same weakness, etc., etc.


Finally, it is necessary to conceive a living desire for holy communion. This heavenly bread demands that we receive it hungry. The greatest graces are for the one who receives him with the greatest just desire, said Saint Francis de Sales, to receive for love the one who gives himself for love. Our Lord deigned to say to Saint Matilde one day: "When you go to communion, wish all the love that all hearts consecrate to me at all times; I will accept your love, not as it really is in you, but as you have desired" .

What is he for?

Come to console me



to forgive

make you a participant in his divine nature;

to get up



to drive





to calm down


decorate with virtues

unite with God

consecrate to God

give victories, etc., etc.


After communing, try to entertain yourselves with Jesus as much as you can. According to the observation of Blessed João d'Ávila, it is necessary to take great account of the time following communion, because it is a favorable time to acquire treasures of grace. "The time that follows communion, also said Saint Mary Magdalene of Pazzi, is the most precious thing we have in this life; it is the most opportune moment to deal with God, and to ignite us in his holy love. So we have no need for teachers nor books; because Jesus Christ himself teaches us how to love him ".

What actions should we do?

You must do fervent deeds of good warmth, thanksgiving, love, contrition, your own offering and what belongs to you, but be especially concerned with asking for graces, especially perseverance and holy love; this is the good deal that Saint Teresa speaks of: "After communion, she says, let us not miss such a favorable occasion to negotiate ... His divine Majesty is not in the habit of paying badly for the accommodation we give him in our soul, when this welcomes you ".

What should you ask for?

The grace to avoid mortal sin,

venial sin and dangerous occasions

to escape from lukewarmness

tame the passions

overcome temptations

receive well and often the sacraments

practice the virtues:



Love of God

Charity to others

Detachment of creatures

Purity of spirit, heart and body






Love of silence

Hatred of the world

Spirit of prayer


Compliance with God's Will

Good intention

Holy perseverance

Finally, the grace of a good death and Paradise, etc., etc.

For whom is it to be asked?

For the Sovereign Pontiff

the church

the homeland

the relatives

the friends

the enemies

the priests

the missionaries

the sinners

the heretics

the infidels

the souls in purgatory, etc., etc.

If your spirit is arid and distracted, use a book to suggest devoted affection for God. Throughout the rest of the day, continue to be more withdrawn in God.


For Communion and visit to the Blessed Sacrament

Before Communion


I went out, daughters of Zion, and come and see King Solomon with the crown with which his mother crowned him on his wedding day (Cant 3,11). O daughters of grace, souls who love God, come out of the darkness of the earth, and consider Jesus your King, with his forehead girded with a crown of thorns, a crown of reproach and pain, with which the wicked Synagogue crowned him, his mother, on the day of her marriage, that is, on the day of her death, by which she espoused souls on the cross; I went out again to see him full of mercy and tenderness, since he comes to join you in this Sacrament of love.

Beloved Jesus of mine, therefore, it would cost you so much to come to our souls and unite with them through this sweet Sacrament: for this it was necessary for you to suffer such a cruel and ignominious death! Ah! come at once to join my soul. There was a time when she was your enemy for sin; but now, you want to make her your wife by grace. Come, O Jesus, my divine husband, determined that I will never betray you again, I want to remain faithful to you always; as a loving wife, I just want to think of pleasing you; I want to love you without reservation, I want to be all yours, O my Jesus, yes, all yours forever.


My Beloved is for me a bouquet of myrrh; it will rest in my heart (Ct1,12). The shrub that produces myrrh spills, in the form of tears, a healthy liquor for all the cuts that are made. Our Jesus wanted to shed his divine blood through the painful wounds he received in his Passion, so that he could give it to us entirely for our salvation in the bread of life.

Come then, O dear bundle of myrrh, my tender Jesus; you are an object of pain and compassion to me, when I consider you on the cross covered with wounds; but, when I receive you in this sweet Sacrament, become more pleasant to my heart than a bunch of grapes excellent to a thirsty one (Ct1,13). Come, therefore, to my soul, refresh me and be satisfied in your holy love. Oh! what a sweet experience, thinking that I will receive the same Lord within me, who, to save me, wanted to shed all his blood and die on the cross! It will rest in my heart! No, my Jesus, I will not expel you any more, there is no need for you to depart from me. I want to love you always and always remain closely united with you. I will always belong to Jesus, and Jesus will always be mine: always, always, always he will rest in my heart.


While the King rested, my nard exhaled its perfume (Ct1,11). When Jesus comes to dwell in a soul by holy communion, oh! how this soul, helped by the light that brings this King from heaven, sees and recognizes his lowliness! Just as nard is the most humble of plants, so the soul confesses itself to be the most vile of all creatures; and how pleasant is the odor of his humility to his beloved King! That is why he invites you to join him ever more intimately. If, then, my soul, you want Jesus to rest in you, consider your baseness; see what you are, what you deserve: humble yourself as much as you owe, expel from your heart all self-esteem, which alienates Jesus and prevents him from coming to reside in you.

Ah! come to me, my sweet Redeemer, come, and by your divine light, make me see my lowliness, my misery, my nothingness; so I will be a pleasant abode for you and you will never leave me again.


Have feelings of the Lord worthy of your goodness (Wis 1,1). O my soul, why are you so timid, so pusillanimous, even though you have before your eyes the kindness and love of your divine Lord? why do you faint in confidence? Now that grace makes you worthy to receive Jesus Christ, make your feelings respond to this happiness, trust in this immense goodness of God, which is given to you without reservation. It is true that their judgments are terrible for the proud and obstinate; but for sinners who humble themselves and repent with a desire to love and please him, the Lord's judgments are mercy and kindness, for they come from a heart full of compassion and love. The memory of God's judgments, David's heart overflowed with hope, joy and consolation (Ps118,39,43,52). Oh!what tenderness and sweetness this great God witnesses to those who seek with love! (Lm3,25). Oh! how good it is for those who strive to conform their will to the divine! (Sl72,1). O my God, my love, my hope, my everything, I wish you, and I only wish you to love you, please you, always do your will; grant me find you, content you, and leave you no more. Fiat! Fiat! So be it! So be it!


I hear the voice of my Beloved who knocks: Open me, my sister, my beloved, my columba, my immaculate (Ct5,2). Such are the words that Jesus, under the veil of his Sacrament of love, addresses the soul that loves and desires: Open your heart to me, so tell him, and I will enter him to join you; by virtue of this intimate union, you will become my sister for the likeness of me, my friend for the share of my goods, my columba for the gift of simplicity, my immaculate for the gift of purity that I will communicate to you. Hurry, therefore, to open it to me; because, gather the divine husband, my head is full of dew, the humidity of the night makes my hair drip. As it was said: Very dear, think about what I waited for you during the night of your bad life, when you lived in the midst of darkness and errors. Here I am:instead of coming with scourges to punish you, I come in this Sacrament, my hair laden with heavenly dew, to extinguish the impure ardor that impels you towards the creatures, and to ignite in you the happy flame of my love.

Ah! come, my sweet Jesus, work in my soul as you please. I renounce everything, to be all yours; become me as you wish me, I fully conform to your holy will.


My Beloved come to your garden and eat the fruit of your trees (Ct5,1). According to Cornelius to Lápide, this is the invitation that makes Jesus the soul that desires holy communion: Come, O my dear, she says to Jesus, come into my poor heart; there was a time, alas! when this heart had the misfortune of not belonging to you; but today because of your grace it has become all yours. Then come to me, and taste the fruit of the virtues that you bring into it with you. Ah! Lord, at least for the sake of your majesty's honor, purify my soul, decorate it, burn it in your love, and make it so beautiful in your eyes that it is worthy to dwell in it.


You will be suckled like children (Is66,12). Here is the language full of tenderness that Jesus uses towards souls from the altar where he resides in the lovely Eucharist: Come, come and suck the divine milk that I offer you in this Sacrament, where I give you to drink my own blood. Ah! which shepherd, exclaims St. John Chrysostom, who nourishes his sheep with his own blood? Mothers even exist who entrust their children to strange nannies. But you, O divine Shepherd, love our souls so much that you want to nourish them with Your precious blood! Santa Catarina de Sena was therefore right, when approaching communion to like this divine milk, to go with lively ardor, like a boy who eagerly hurries to suck his mother's life-giving milk. And the holy wife had no less reason to say to her Beloved: Your milk is better than wine (Ct1,1);words that mean, according to the interpreters, that this heavenly food is preferable to all the delights of the earth, which are vain and transitory as the pleasure that wine produces.

O my most beloved Jesus, since you deign to feed me with your divine blood today, it is just that I willingly renounce all the sweetness and pleasures of the world. Therefore, I renounce them all and completely, and I protest that before I want to suffer all evils, united with you, than to enjoy all the goods separated from you, my God. I have no other wish to please and please you, because you deserve to be content at all costs! I dare to say with Saint Ignatius of Loyola: Conceive me only your love and your grace; this is enough for me, I am satisfied.


Eat, my friends, and drink; intoxicate yourselves, my beloved ones (Ct5,1). Friends, that is, those who begin to enjoy the friendship of God, when they approach the holy table, nourish themselves with the flesh of Jesus Christ, but with some work. Those who are more advanced drink the blood of Jesus with less difficulty. The very beloved are the perfect ones, who, intoxicated with holy love and somehow absent from the world, live as if in forgetting all things and themselves, intent only on loving and contenting their God.

My lovely Jesus, I am not perfect, but it is in your hands that I am. If I am not your beloved, it is my fault, this is why my ingratitude and infidelities are the cause, but in the number of those who are, you can get me intoxicated today with your love. Your kingdom come to me! Come, my sweet Lord, come and take possession of my soul. Your law in me establishes that you are my only master, only your love dominates me, and only he obeys. Intoxicate me, completely intoxicate me; make me lose the memory of the creatures, of myself, of my interests, of all things, that I may love you only, O my God, my treasure, my only good, my everything. Be the sole object of all my aspirations, diligences and thoughts; you alone, and no one else, try to please me from now on, and don't be careful of anything else.Give me this grace for the merits of your Passion; that's all I ask of you, and I hope to get it.


Comfort me with flowers, fortify me with fruit, because I fail with love (Ct2,5). The soul faints with love, when, forgetting itself and all that belongs to it, it only thinks of seeking relief for its langores of love in the holy desires, which are the flowers, and in the good works, which are the fruits of divine love.

Ah! My God hidden in this Sacrament, since you want me all for you, fully execute your will in me; make me forget all that is foreign to your love: always increase in me the desire to please you; and then, give that these flowers not only become flowers, but become fruit, determining me to do and suffer everything for you, which you have done so much and suffered for me. O God, O God of my soul, grant me the grace to love you, not only in words, but in action, before death overtakes me.


My beloved shines for his candor and blush; is chosen from a thousand (Ct5,10). Jesus, our beloved, is completely candid for his purity, and flushed with the flames of his holy love.

O Lamb without blemish and burning with love for me, when will you become like me, pure like you, O Lily of all purity, and blazed with love for you as you are with me? Ah! I renounce any other love, to adhere to you alone, O my God, my everything! Go, creatures you expect from me? Go and make yourselves love those who seek you. As for me, I only want my God; I reserve all my heart for him, all my affections.


God, our Savior, made his goodness and love for men shine (Tt 3,4). Our Lord, becoming a man, showed the world how far his kindness towards him went; but closing himself in this divine Sacrament, he made known how far his tenderness goes for each particular soul. It does not seem, says Saint Augustine, that it is crazy in Jesus Christ to tell us as he said on that happy night when he gave us the Eucharist: Receive and eat: is this my body? (Mt26,26). Yes, to make you understand how much I love you, I want you to support yourself with my own flesh. O holy faith! who could ask for such a gift, and still have an idea of ​​it, if Jesus had not imagined and realized it! Some of the Savior's disciples, knowing from his mouth that he wanted to give them his body for food, said that this was a very hard thing to believe,they couldn't even hear about it (Jo6,61); and they even went so far as to part with him before they believed in such a prodigy. However, faith assures us of the reality of this portent. Listen to what the Lord asks of us in satisfaction of all the benefits that he has given us; He wants to be loved, as he once declared to his people: And now, O Israel, who the Lord your God asks of you, unless you love him and serve him with all your heart? (Dt10,12).

And then, O my tender Jesus, what is it that you fail to give and promise to those who love you? Give him your love: I love those who love me (Pv8,17). I promised you your hugs, even when he had betrayed and despised you: Become for me, and I will become for you (Zc 1,3). You promise to come, with the Father and the Holy Spirit, to always live in your soul: If someone loves me, my Father will also love him and we will come to him and make him our home (Jn 14:23). And what do you still have to promise or give to men in order to reduce them to love you? O my lovely Lord, I understand you, you want to be loved, even by me; ah! I love you with all my heart; and if I do not love you as I should, teach me to love you; make him love you very much.


Do not notice the change in my color; the sun crested me (Ct1,5). The fire of my passions, said the holy wife (and I have the greatest reason to say it, my beloved Jesus), disfigured and blackened me. But if I am denigrated by my works, I am beautiful for your merits, O my Redeemer! It was black when it lived apart from you; but today that I have reconciled with you, your grace, your beauty, your love, have made me beautiful in your eyes.

Yes, O my Jesus, I trust it to be so; be blessed forever. Do not allow yourself to get lost yet, and fall into my old ugliness. I love you, O infinite beauty, and I want my soul to be beautiful too, always beautiful, in order to always please your divine eyes, and to be able to love you always.

After Communion


Attract me: we run after the smell of your perfumes (Ct1,3). Seeing that I could not go to you, O my beloved Jesus, while I was on earth, you deigned to come down to me in order to unite with me in this Sacrament of love! Then draw me to you, Lord, draw me all. I do not want to attract you to me, so that you will carry out my desires, I want you, because of your sweet attractions, to be attracted to you all, in order to only desire and do your holy will. It is right that all my inclinations give way to your divine dispositions. I have therefore joined you entirely; and thus united, untied from earthly affections, I will run with you on the path of virtues, until I come to find my rest, in this life and the next, only in your divine will.


He made me enter his cellar, he ordered charity from me (Ct2,4). Through this mysterious cellar, São Bonaventure understands communion, where the soul tastes, uniting with its divine King, the wine of love that erases all creatures' desire, and penetrates the heart with well-ordered, that is, honest love for with himself, charitable to his neighbor, and sovereign to God, making him love more than all things the One who deserves to be loved over everything that exists.

O my King Jesus, the sole owner of my heart, you have deigned to introduce me into that happy cellar of your love, that is, in yourself, uniting with you through this Sacrament of love; and now, Lord, I feel my heart changed in another; I experience a holy desire that gives me peace, dislikes unruly affections, and ignites me with pure love for you, my God. Ah! because you gave me entry into this delicious cellar, O my Jesus, never leave it again; since you have joined with me, do not separate. Detach myself from all the objects created, and always unite myself more closely to you on earth, so that I may one day be able to join you perfectly in heaven, where I will love you with all my strength, without veil, without interruption and without imperfection for all eternity.


My Beloved went down to his garden to nourish himself and to collect lilies (Ct6,1). Sweet Savior of mine, since you come down from heaven to come and live in my soul, Ah! by your grace transform it into your garden, so that it produces lilies and fruits that are pleasing to you. If I have offended you, Lord, forgive me; if I left you, receive me now that repentance makes me come back to you. Give me the purity you demand of me, give me the strength to do what you want, grant me true love of yours, and then you will be happy with me. I sacrifice all my inclinations to you; everything I desire and want comes down to giving you pleasure.


My Beloved is all desirable (Ct5,16). That is how the sacred wife calls the object of her affections. Souls who love Jesus as true wives, always find him very kind, whether he afflicts them or consoles them, or approaches or is absent; because everything he does is out of love that he does it and to be loved.

Then treat me as you wish, O my Jesus, I will never cease to love you. Send me treats or tribulations, I know that everything will come to me from your heart full of tenderness, and everything will be for my greatest good. Yes, Lord, my will is fully willing to conform to whatever you command me. At all times, prosperous or adverse, I always want, O my Creator, to bless and love you (Ps33,2). I do not ask you for consolations, nor do I deserve them, since I have caused you so much sorrow for my sins; I seek only to satisfy you: as long as you are content with me, I submit to everything. O my Jesus, my sweet Jesus, from near or far, behold me always desirable, always dear; or console me or grieve me, I want to love you always, always give thanks to you.


Who is the one who rises from the desert, full of delights, supported by her Beloved? (Ct8.5). Ah! which are the souls who travel on earth look at it like a desert; the souls who, detached from visible things, live for God alone, as if there were only him in the universe, only loving him, not wishing to please but him alone, and who, in this way, leave this world, so to speak, rise from the land, and prelate the delicacies reserved to him who only wants God and supports all his hopes on him? what are these happy souls, if not those who unite frequently and with pure love for Jesus in the Eucharist?

I too, O my God, wish to be, by your grace, like these holy souls, detached from all things and united entirely with you: the world will henceforth be a desert for me, where, avoiding to be bound by creatures, I will think only of you, as if only you and I existed. Only in you I want to put all my trust, O God, O God, of my heart, my hope, my love, my everything!


If it is a wall, let us build silver bastions on it: if it is a door, we decorate it with cedar boards (Ct8,9). It is precisely what Jesus does in his soul when he visits her for holy communion; he sees that it is a very weak wall to withstand the assaults of hell, and, by virtue of the Sacrament, comes to equip it with silver defenses, that is, the aid of its divine light; he sees that it is a poorly closed door with wooden planks that easily corrupts, and he replaces these fragile planks with planks of cedar, hard and incorruptible wood; that is, it makes that soul strong and able to persevere, communicating to him the gifts of the fear of God, detachment from creatures, a taste for meditation, frequent prayers, holy desires, and above all divine love, gifts that are the supports of perseverance . The Eucharist is bread that strengthens the heart (Ps 103,13).The Savior assures us that as earthly bread preserves the life of the body, so this heavenly Bread preserves the life of the soul (Jn 6,58). By virtue of this divine food, the soul lives in it, and it lives in it (Jn 6,57). Here are the beautiful promises made by Jesus to those who receive him at the holy table.

Ah! my Jesus, who is weaker and more unfaithful than me? You know that sometimes I gave in to my enemies, that sometimes they conquered the pruning of my soul, that is, my will, where they entered to ruin me, making me lose your friendship! For pity's sake, help me with your light and strength, so that I can no longer separate myself from you and neither you from me. O my good Lord, O tender Redeemer, if I am yet to offend you, alas! rather, take my life away, now that I trust to be in a state of grace and union with you. Without you it is not possible for me to live any longer, O my most beloved Jesus, and I do not want it; but while I am on earth, I can change my will and still betray you, as I did in the past; Ah! Lord, help me.

And you too, Most Holy Virgin, come to my aid, and have mercy on my misery: O Mother of perseverance, obtain from me your grace to persevere; I ask this gift from you; I hope and want to receive it from you.


I found Him that my heart loves; I took it, I will not let it go anymore (Ct3,4). Such must be the language of the soul that is united to Jesus by his Sacrament of love. Far be it from me, vain creatures, she exclaims, all of you go from my heart! There was a time when I loved you; she was blind then; now, I don’t love you anymore, nor can I. I found a good infinitely more lovable than you; I have my Jesus in myself, I am completely ecstatic by his beauty, and I gave myself to him without reservation; he accepted me, I belong to him, I am no longer myself. Goodbye, creatures; I am no longer yours, nor will I ever be; of my Jesus is that I am and will always be, he is also mine and will not leave me anymore. Receiving him in holy communion, I united him to my heart; for my love I will have you arrested in the future; I will no longer let you be separated from me.

O my lovely Savior, allow me to embrace you so closely that I cannot separate myself from you any longer. Behold, I hold you on my heart, O my Jesus, I love you, I love you, I love you, and I would like to love you as much as you deserve. I wish for no other happiness than to love and please you. Send the creatures to withdraw and do not disturb me; tell them to let me settle down. Ah! if I don't want it, creatures will never have the power to disturb me and separate from you. Then fortify my will, unite my miserable heart to your divine Heart in such a way that I always want what you want, Lord, grant me this grace for your merits. I hope so; so be it.


Withdraw, Aquilean, come, O Midday Wind; it blows in my garden, and spreads its perfumes (Ct4,16). Yes, aquilus, cold and pernicious wind of earthly affections, flee away from me; on the contrary, you come, O sweet breath of the Holy Spirit, a burning breath of love, which comes out of the Heart of my Jesus, in the Blessed Sacrament, reigns only in my soul, which Jesus chose for his garden of delights; under your fruitful influence, that new and soft perfumes will exhale from my heart!

O my Jesus, sweet Jesus of mine, you can make it so; I expect this grace from your kindness.


, I collected my myrrh with my perfumes; I ate the honeycomb with my honey (Ct5,1). After receiving Jesus, the soul must be attentive in collecting myrrh so that it can always exhale the odor of the virtues that arise from mortification; and if God is the only object of her affections, she is not content with honey, she wants the honeycomb; this makes him say to Jesus:

Lord, your consolations are not enough for me, if you do not give yourselves to me, O source of all consolations; I cannot be content with the fruits of divine love, if I do not possess you, the only object of my love. I even tell you, O my Jesus, that you only make me strong; I will willingly renounce all your sweetness, as long as I own you, my God and all my good. I love you, not for my own pleasure, but to please you, because you want to be loved by me and you deserve all the love of souls, whether they console you or send you tribulations.


I can’t miss anything, he established me in a place of abundance (Ps22,1). Ah! my most loving Jesus, since you invited me to that table of love in order to feed me with your divine flesh, what can I still be precise about? You are my light and my salvation, O Almighty God: Whom shall I fear? (Ps26,1). I give myself to you all; accept me, and then treat me as you wish; punish me, be angry with me as you please; kill me, destroy me, but I will not stop waiting on you, like Job. Even when the blow of death came to me, said this holy man, I would still wait on you (Job 13.15). As long as I belong to you and love you, I consent to be treated with all rigor, even annihilated, if this is your will.


I recorded you on my hands; your walls are always before my eyes (Is49,16). Such are the cares full of tenderness that God takes from the soul that he wants to keep; bring it engraved on your hands, so as not to forget it. He states that it would be easier for the mother to forget her own son, than for him to lose sight of his soul in a state of grace (Is49,15). Keep a watchful eye on the defense of that soul, lest your enemies harm you: Your walls are always before my eyes. This God of goodness, who only wants our good, covers us with the shield of his love (Ps 5,12), and thus preserves us from all dangers.

Ah! my God, infinite goodness, that much more than any creature you love me and desire my happiness, I resign myself entirely in your hands; I renounce all hope, as long as you stay with me. I know that, on my part, I must strive to conform to your holy will, and I only ask you to know it: Lord, what do you want me to do? (At12,6). What else can I say, O my sweet Lord? Here I am ready and determined to do whatever pleases you, my only desire is to do your will. But help me, Lord, otherwise I will not do any good. Teach me not only to know, but also to do what is pleasing to you (Ps142,10). Eternal Father, make sure that I can say with truth, like your divine Jesus, when I was on earth: I always do what is pleasing to my Father (Jn 8,29). My God, here's what I want, I ask and I want,for the merits of your beloved Son and the Blessed Virgin Mary.


My Son, give me your heart (Pv123,26). Here, my soul, is everything the Lord asks of you, coming to visit you: he wants your heart, your will. He gives himself to you without reservation; it is right to make the sacrifice of yourself without reserve, applying yourself to execute all your wills. The Lord will come to rejoice in all the good you have done (Dt30,9). Proceed so that when Jesus comes to visit you again, he may rejoice in seeing all your wishes fulfilled in you.

I want, my Jesus, to please you; favor my desire, strengthen me and dispose of me according to your will.


What should I do to my vineyard and not do it? (Is5,4). O my soul, hear the voice of your God: What could I do for you that I would not do? For your love, I became a man; master, I became a slave; I came to the point of being born in a stable like an earthworm; I consented to die for you, and to die on an infamous gallows. What more could I do than give my life for you! this is the peak at which love can reach. In the meantime my love for you invented a way to go even further: Not content to die for your salvation, I wanted to institute the Blessed Sacrament, in order to give me all of you in support. Tell me. what else could you do to earn your love?

Ah! my Lord and my Redeemer, all of this is true; what can i claim? Nothing, nothing. You have been very good to me, and I am very ungrateful to you. I admire your immense kindness, I confess my ingratitude, and I throw myself at your feet saying, O my Jesus, have mercy on me, for I have so badly responded to your love. Take revenge then, I will add, take revenge on me, punish me, but do not abandon me, punish me, and change me into another. Do not allow me to live much longer in ingratitude towards you; make me love you at least in recognition, and before you die, offer some compensation to your love.


Improve me like a seal over your heart (Ct86). Yes, my Jesus, since I have consecrated my whole heart to you, it is right to place you in it as a signet of love, in order to close the entrance to all other affection, and to make known to all the world that my heart it belongs and you alone have dominion in it. But, Lord, what good can you expect from me, if you do not operate it yourself? I cannot do any other thing than to give you my poor heart, so that you may make it available to your favor; well! you have it here, I give it to you, I consecrate it to you. to you the whole sacrifice; I always have it, I don't want to have any more right in it. If you love it, you know how to keep it. For mercy, do not leave it in my power anymore, because I would still take it. O loving God, O infinite love, for you have revealed yourselves so much to win my love,make me your lover, I ask this; I want to live no more than to love you, and I want to love you just to please you. You, who work so many miracles to be able to enter my heart through communion, still perform the following: my heart be all yours, but whole, without reserve, without sharing, in such a way that I can say, in this life and in eternity, that you are the only lord of my heart and my unique wealth. Blessed Virgin Mary, my Mother and my hope, give me your support, and I will certainly be heard. This is my hope. So be it.without sharing, in such a way that I can say, in this life and in eternity, that you are the only master of my heart and my unique wealth. Blessed Virgin Mary, my Mother and my hope, give me your support, and I will certainly be heard. This is my hope. So be it.without sharing, in such a way that I can say, in this life and in eternity, that you are the only master of my heart and my unique wealth. Blessed Virgin Mary, my Mother and my hope, give me your support, and I will certainly be heard. This is my hope. So be it.


For Communion Prayer and Visit to the Blessed Sacrament.

These sighs must be read slowly and with the heart rather than the spirit.

What am I, Lord, that you love me so much and try to be loved by me?

O infinite kindness, I love you. But then! rather I should say: My God, I do not love you.

I love you above all things, more than my life, more than myself; and I see, with this being so, that I love you very little.

O King of heaven, be also the king of my heart, take possession of my whole being.

O my sovereign Well, I leave everything and I convert to you; I embrace you, I hold you over my heart; do not despise me, for I love you.

Now that you have joined me, O my Jesus, how could I still live far from you? I love you, and I will never stop loving you.

Unite with me, Lord; the horror of my sins should not separate from me.

O my God, whom I will love, if I do not love you, my life, my love, my everything!

I chose you, O my God; I only want to love you.

I desire nothing more, O my Redeemer, than you.

Oh! I cannot be consumed by you, that you have been consumed by me!

Lord, make all my will, and do with me as you please.

O God very little known, O God very little loved, foolish who does not love you.

For what! Lord, I knew that committing sin caused you great grief, and yet I did it! ... and I was able to do it! ...

If I then died, I could no longer love you. Ah! because whoever is still allowed to love you, I want to do it.

Lord, do not allow me, after so many graces, to betray you again; rather send me death.

You have endured me so long to win my love; said and done, I want to love you.

Yes, my God, you have overcome me, I cannot resist, I surrender to you.

There! Lord, how many years did I lose without loving you?

My God, I consecrate the rest of my days to you. And who knows how many I have left!

What! riches, honors, pleasures? No, no: God, only Jesus; I want nothing but God.

O King of hearts, reign in mine; draw it all to you.

Hold me so perfectly, O my God, that I can no longer be separated.

You will not abandon me, nor will I abandon you; then we will love each other, O my Jesus!

Ah! let me be all yours before death comes to me, O my Jesus, my love, my life, my treasure, my everything!

O my Savior and my Judge, grant that you be placated when I see you for the first time.

When will I be able to say: My God, I can't lose you anymore?

When, Lord, will I contemplate your lovely face without a veil?

When will I be sure to love you with all my strength for all eternity?

There! while I live here, O infinite Good, I shall always be in danger of losing you!

Ah! my Jesus, much is what you have done to entice me to love you; I want to give you all my affections: yes, I love you, I love you.

Eternal Father, for the love of Jesus, give me your love.

Allow me to love you, even though I am the most ungrateful of sinners.

My God, I want to love you very much in this life, to love you very much in the next.

You gave yourselves all to me, O my Jesus, I give myself all to you.

Ah! what greater pleasure can I have than to give you pleasure, O my God!

Beloved Jesus, when I offended you, I want to love you so much.

I love you, O infinite goodness, let me know the great good that I love.

You, my Jesus, are the vineyard, and I am one of its branches: keep me always united to you; do not allow yourselves to separate me in the future.

O my God, how happy I am to be infinitely happy!

Lord, where are you? are you with me or not? am I in grace or not?

Know that I love you and more than myself.

O my Jesus, give me the love you ask of me.

Oh! I have not always loved you!

If only I now love you, O my God! ... I love you, but I love you very little.

Lord, make him love you very much, and do everything to make you pleasant.

I give you my will: I want nothing outside of what you want.

I do not ask you to satisfy my desires; that you are contented is what I fervently desire, O my God, my love, my everything!

O infinite God, I am unworthy to love you; but suffer that I love you.

I hope to love you forever, O eternal God!

You have suffered so much for me, O my dear Jesus; I want to suffer for you whatever you want.

O God of my soul, I cannot live without loving you.

O will of God, you are all my love.

O omnipotent God, make me holy. It is your glory, Lord, to make one of your enemies become one of your most dedicated servants.

When I fled, you sought me, my God; you will not repel me now that I seek you.

In order to be able to forgive me, O tender Jesus, you have not forgiven yourself.

I thank you for giving me still time to love you; yea, I thank you, my God, and I love you, I love you, and I will always love you.

O God worthy of infinite love, may this day be that of my entire conversion for you, my love, my everything! Punish me as you please, but do not deprive me of the faculty to love you.

Eternal Father, you have given me your divine Son, in return, I give myself to you, even though of men the most miserable; accept me out of pity!

I want, Lord, to make up for the displeasures I have given you, doing what I can to please you.

O my God, I want to love you without interest, without interruption, without reservation.

O my Jesus despised for my sake, give me the grace to be despised for your sake.

O my Jesus, so mistreated by me, grant me the favor of enduring for your love the pains of this life.

I hope to die for you, my Redeemer, who died for me!

Today I resolve to give myself to you all.

Oh! if all men loved you as you deserve! ...

Do, Lord, that I never omit anything that you know is to your liking.

Happy of me, if everything loses to win you, my God, my everything!

O Jesus sacrificed for me, I sacrifice all my will to you.

O my God, when will I be all yours?

Tell me what you want, Lord, I am ready to obey you in everything.

O my God, I hope to give you thanks and celebrate your mercies in eternity.

There! who can separate me from the love of Jesus, my Savior?

Do not allow, my Jesus, that I depart from you.

You are the God of my heart, you all my joy, you all my happiness, on earth as it is in heaven.

Ah! I cannot die of love for you, who died of love for me!

You were crucified for me, Lord; how much I must love you!

Grant me your grace and your love, O my Jesus, and I desire nothing more.

Die, united with you, Lord, that I may have the fortune to see and love you forever.

No, my Jesus, he does not know you who does not love you. I prefer, Lord, your taste to all the pleasures of the world.

How is it possible, my Jesus, that the hearts of all the enchanted men of you are not.

You died for me; oh! I cannot die for you, my Jesus, my love, my treasure, my everything! What will I give you, Lord, in return for what you suffered for me?

Infinite goodness, I cherish you above all things, I love you with all my heart, I give myself to you without reservation: accept my love with a good shadow, and give me even more love.

Make me forget everything, just to think about you, my love, my everything!

I would like to love you as much as you deserve it; O my God, accept this desire, and give me your love.

I have offended you, Lord, but now I am resolved to love you: it is my decision.

O my God, I am yours, and you are mine!

There! rather to lose everything than to lose God!

Whatever God costs, it is never expensive.

You alone, O my Jesus, you only help me.

Look at me, O Mary, and draw me all to God.

Very kind mother, I love you very much.

O my tender Mother, give me great confidence in You, and always make use of your protection.

You can save me, O Mary, holy, I can become: I expect this grace from you, have compassion on me.





Preparatory prayer

Lord my Jesus Christ, who, for the love of men, remain, day and night, in this Sacrament, full of mercy and love, waiting, calling and welcoming all who come to visit you, I believe that you are present in the Sacrament of the altar . I adore you from the abyss of my nothingness and I thank you for all the graces that you have done to me, especially that you have given me this Sacrament, that you have given me by lawyer Mary, your Most Holy Mother, and, finally, the that you have called me to visit you in this church.

Today I greet your loving heart and I want to greet you for three purposes:

1 • in thanks for the great gift of yourselves;

2 • to repair the injuries that you have received, in that Sacrament, from all your enemies;

3 • with the intention of adoring you, for this visit, everywhere on earth where you, in that divine Sacrament, are less revered and more abandoned.

My Jesus, I love you with all my heart. I regret that in the past I have offended your infinite goodness so many times. I propose with your grace not to offend you in the future. And in this hour, although miserable as I am, I consecrate myself completely to you, and give and give you my will, my affections, my desires and everything that belongs to me. From now on, do with me, and all that is mine, whatever you like. I only ask and I want your holy love, the final perseverance and the perfect fulfillment of your will.

I commend you the souls in purgatory, especially the most devoted of the Blessed Sacrament and the Blessed Virgin Mary. I also commend you all the poor sinners. Finally, my beloved Savior, I unite all my affections to the affections of your loving heart and in this way I offer them to your eternal Father, asking him in your name and for your love's sake to accept and attend to them.

Now the day's visit is said and then there is spiritual communion.

Act for spiritual communion

I believe, O my Jesus, that you are present in the Blessed Sacrament. I love you above all things and I wish to possess you in my soul. But as I cannot receive you sacramentally now, come at least spiritually to my heart. And as if I had already received you, I join you entirely; do not consent, Lord, that I never depart from you.

Another more brief

My Jesus, I believe you are in the SS. Sacrament; I love and wish you; come to my heart. I hold you close to my heart; do not separate from me anymore. After spiritual communion, the visit to the Blessed Virgin is said and then the prayer below.

Prayer to Mary Most Holy


To implore your Almighty Sponsorship

Most Holy Immaculate Virgin, Mary, my Mother, to you who are the Mother of my Lord, the Queen of the world, the advocate, the hope and refuge of sinners, I appeal today, I who am the most miserable of all. At your feet I prostrate, O great Queen, and I thank you for all the benefits that you have done to me so far, especially for having saved me from hell, which I have so often earned. I love you, most lovable Lady, and for the love I have for you, I promise to always serve you and do my best so that you are served by all. In you, after Jesus, I place all my hopes, all my salvation. Accept me as your servant and shelter me under your cloak, O Mother of mercy. And since you are so powerful towards God, deliver me from all temptations or force me to overcome them to death.I beg of you true love for Jesus Christ; of you I hope to achieve a good death. My Mother, for the love you have for God, I beg you to help me always, especially in the last moment of my life. Do not forsake me until you see me saved in heaven already blessing you and singing your mercies for all eternity. I hope so. So be it.


Jesus in the sacrament, this is the source of all goods. He says: If someone is thirsty, come to me and drink (Jo7,37).

Oh! with what abundance the saints have always been drinking the waters of grace in this fountain of the SS. Sacramento, where Jesus shares all the merits of his passion, as the prophet foretold: You will, filled with joy, take the waters from the sources of the Savior (Is 12,3).

The countess of Feria, illustrious penitent of the blessed João d'Ávila, who became a religious of S. Clara, and who, because of her continuous and prolonged practices with Jesus in the sacrament, was called the wife of the SS. Sacramento, they once asked what he was doing during the long hours he spent at the foot of the altar. Ah! she replied, before the tabernacle I would remain for eternity. For is not there the divine essence, which is to be the sustenance of the blessed? My God! What is done before the Blessed Sacrament? for what is to be done? One loves, praises, thanks, asks. What does a poor man do in front of a rich man? What does the patient do before the doctor? a stranger in front of a crystalline source? a hungry person sitting at a large table?

O my most lovable, sweetest, most dear Jesus, life, hope, treasure and the only love of my soul; oh! how much it cost you to stay with us in this Sacrament! To stay on our altars, I had to die on the cross. And then, in this Sacrament, how many injuries do you suffer to be present among us! But your love has won, it has won your desire to be loved by us.

Come, then, Lord, come, lock yourselves in my heart and lock the door to him forever, so that no creature enters him to share the love I owe you and I want to give you without reservation. You alone, my beloved Redeemer, reign over me and possess me; and if I ever do not obey you perfectly, punish me rigorously so that in the future I will be more attentive in pleasing you and doing your will. Make it so that I do not want or seek any other pleasure than to be pleasant to you, to visit you often on the altars, to entertain you and to welcome you in holy communion. Other goods look for those who want them; I, however, only love and desire only the treasure of your love: this alone, and nothing more, I want to ask you at the altar. Make me forget myself, to remember only your kindness. O blessed seraphim,I am not jealous of your glory, but of the love that you consecrate to your God, who is also mine; teach me what I must do to love and be pleasant to you. Jaculatory - My Jesus, I only want to love you, only I want to please you.

Visit to the SS. Virgin

Another source of grace, extremely precious to us, is Mary, our Mother, so rich in goods, that there is not a single man in the world who does not participate in them. We all received from its fullness, says São Bernardo. Mary received from God all the abundance of grace, according to the angel's greeting: I greet you, full of grace. However, this abundance of graces she received not only for herself, but also for us. Mary, says St. Peter Crisologist, received this immense treasure of grace, to share with all her devoted servants.

Jaculatory - O Mary, cause of our joy, pray for us.

Pray the Prayer to Mary Most Holy, p. 227.

Visit to San José

God loves us with such tenderness and so ardently desires our salvation, that he has multiplied the means for us to achieve it. One of these means is devotion to the saints. As they are your friends, the Lord wants them to intercede for us and to get us for their prayers and merits the graces we do not deserve. Now, who does not know that among the chosen ones, Saint Joseph, after Mary, occupies the first place in the Heart of God, and can do much with the Lord in favor of those who honor him? So to him, let's say often:

Jaculatory: Give me, O Saint Joseph, complete confidence in your powerful intercession.

Prayer after the visit to St. Joseph

I rejoice in your happiness and glory, O my holy patriarch, for you have been considered worthy to govern Jesus as a father and to make you obey for him whom heaven and earth obey. Since, O great saint, a God wanted to serve you, I also want to place myself in the number of your servants. I choose you for my chief lawyer and protector, after Mary. I promise to honor you each day for some special tribute; every day I want to put myself under your sponsorship again. For the sweet company of Jesus and Mary, which you enjoyed so much during your life, always protect me throughout the course of mine. For the assistance that Jesus and Mary gave you in your death, protect me especially in my last hour; make that, dying assisted by you, Jesus and Mary, go to thank you in paradise, and may, in your company,praise and love God for ever and ever. Amen.


The pious Father Nieremberg says that bread is a food that is consumed when it is eaten and preserved when it is kept: reason why Jesus Christ wanted to stay on earth, hidden under the kind of bread, thus being able to join soul that loves him by holy communion, and furthermore to be kept in the tabernacle, to be present among us, and to remind us in this way of the love that consecrates us.

São Paulo says that Jesus Christ annihilated himself, taking the form of a servant (Fp2,7). But we, what should we say, seeing it take the form of bread? No language, says São Pedro de Alcântara, would be able to express the greatness of Jesus' love for a soul in a state of grace. That was the reason why, as the hour of leaving this world approached, this sweetest husband, fearing that his absence would make him forgotten, left in remembrance to his soul, his wife, this very August Sacrament, in which he himself resides. And so, he didn't want there to be between them, to keep his memory alive, another guarantee but himself.

O my Jesus, since you are locked up in that tabernacle to listen to the pleas of the miserable who come to ask for an audience with you, listen today to the prayer that addresses one sinner of all the most ungrateful.

At your feet I come to prostrate, repentant and confused, for I know the evil I have done, offending you. Ah! my God, I wish I had never offended you! And now you know what I want? Having known your infinite loveliness, I was inflated with love for you and I feel a great desire to love and please you; but if you do not help me, I can do nothing. Give, therefore, Lord, make known to your whole paradise your great power and your immense goodness; make me a slave, a rebel, to become a servant all burned with love for you. This you can and want to do. Make up for everything I lack so that I may come to love you very much, to love you at least as much, as I have offended you. O Jesus, I love you above all things; I love you more than my own life, O my God, my love, my everything.

Jaculatory - My God and my everything.

Visit to the SS. Virgin

Let us confidently approach the throne of grace in order to obtain mercy in due time (He-1.16). Saint Antonine says that this throne is Mary, for which God gives us all graces.

O very kind Queen, since you have such a great desire to help sinners, here is a great sinner who turns to you: help me powerfully, help me without delay.

Jaculatory - Only refuge for sinners, have pity on me (S. Agost.).

Visit to San José

We must love St. Joseph very much, because, as Origen notes, the same Son of God wanted to honor him as his father. This is the title that St. Luke gives him in the Gospel, and the Mother of God herself did not designate it in any other way: Your father and I, she said to Jesus, were looking for you in distress. If, therefore, King of kings, says Cardinal d'Ally, it deigned to elevate Joseph to such a high dignity, it is convenient and just that we strive to honor him as much as we can.

Jaculatory - At your service I consecrate myself forever, O Saint Joseph; protect me.


My delights are to be with the children of men (Pv8,31). Behold, our Jesus, not content to die for our love, still wanted, after his death, to stay with us in the SS. Sacramento, stating that it finds its delights in this. O men - exclaims Saint Teresa - how can you offend a God who puts his delights in you? Does Jesus find his delight in being with us and will we not find ours in being with him? do we especially have the honor of living in your palace? How honored are not the vassals whom the king hosts in his palace! Now the king's palace is this house where we live with Jesus Christ. Let us therefore know how to thank him and take advantage of his presence.

Here I am, my Lord and my God, before that altar, where you keep yourselves day and night for my love. You are the source of all goods, the doctor for all ills, the treasure of all the poor: at your feet today is a sinner, of all the poorest and most sick, who implores your piety; have compassion on me. Seeing you in this Sacrament, descended from heaven just to do me good, I do not want to be discouraged in the face of my misery. I praise, thank and love you; and if you want me to beg for alms, here is my plea: I ask you for the grace of no longer offending you and loving you with all my strength. Lord, I love you with all my soul; I love you with all my affections; make me say this with truth and repeat it always in this life and for all eternity. Most Holy Mary, my patron saints, and you, all blessed from heaven,help me to love my most lovable God.

Jaculatory - O Jesus, good shepherd and true bread of life, have mercy on us; be our sustenance and defense yourselves, and guide us to the abode of happiness, to the land of the living.

Visit to the SS. Virgin

Their bonds are chains of salvation (Ecl6,31). The pious Pelbarto says that devotion to Mary is a chain of predestination. Let us therefore ask Our Lady to bind us more and more with chains of love to trust in her protection.

Jaculatory - O clement, O pious, O sweet Virgin Mary.

Visit to San José

What saint, or even what angel, Saint Basil asks, deserved to never be called the father of the Son of God? Only Joseph had that honor. Therefore, we can apply the words of Saint Paul to him: He is so above the angels, that he deserved a more glorious name than theirs. By his title Saint Joseph was more honored by God than all patriarchs, prophets, apostles, pontiffs; all of these are called servants, only St. Joseph is called father.

Jaculatory - Saint Joseph, Jesus' nourishing father, pray to him for me.


There is nothing bitter about their conversation and their intimacy is not boring (Sb8,16). In the world, friends find so much pleasure in being together that they miss it for days. In the company of Jesus in the sacrament, only those who do not love him find boredom. The saints found their paradise with him. Saint Teresa appeared, after her death, to one of her nuns, and said to her: "Those in heaven and those who live on earth must be equal in purity and love: some enjoying and others suffering; we do it in heaven before the divine essence, you must do it on earth before the SS. Sacrament ". The SS. Sacramento is, therefore, our paradise on earth.

O Lamb without spot, sacrificed for us on the cross, remember that I am one of the souls you have redeemed with so much pain and death itself. Make yourselves all mine and that I never lose you again, since you gave yourselves all to me and give yourself each day, sacrificing yourselves for my love on the altars. I ask you for the grace to be all yours too. Yes, I give myself to you all, so that you may do with me as you please. I give you my will: secure it with the soft chains of your love, so that it may forever be a slave to your most holy will. I no longer want to live to satisfy my desires, but only to satisfy your will. Destroy in me everything that displeases you; give me the grace to think only of pleasing you, and of only wanting what you want. I love you, my dear Savior, with all my heart;I love you because you want to be loved by me; I love you because you are infinitely worthy of my love. I am sorry that I cannot love you as much as you deserve it. Ah! could I die for your love! Accept, Lord, this desire of mine and give me your love. Amen.

Jaculatory - O will of my God, I offer myself all to you.

Visit to the SS. Virgin

I am, says Maria, the Mother of beautiful love. (Eccle 24, 24), that is, of that love that makes our souls beautiful. S. Maria Madalena de Pazzi had a vision in which she seemed to see Mary Most Holy engaged in distributing a sweet liquor, which was none other than divine love. This gift is given to us only by Mary; let us therefore ask Maria.

Jaculatory - My Mother, my hope, make me all of Jesus.

Visit to San José

The Lord recommended S. Margarida de Cortona to be particularly devoted to Saint Joseph, and not to let a day pass without paying any homage to him, as to whom with all fidelity he sustained him on earth. Therefore, let us not stop recommending ourselves each day, and many times on the day to St. Joseph. Let us pray for his graces: he will obtain all of them from us, once they are useful to our soul.

Jaculatory - Saint Joseph, make me be faithful in invoking you every day.


The sparrow, says David, finds a home for himself, and the rooster a nest where his little children are wrapped up (SI 83, 4); but you, my King and my God, have made a retreat for you and chosen a dwelling here on earth, in order to be accessible to all and to live among us. Lord, it must be said that you love men very passionately, for you no longer know what else to do to make them love you. But, most kindly Jesus, also give us the grace to love you passionately, because it is not fair that we love coldly a God who loves us with such tenderness. Draw us with the sweet charms of your love; let us know the beautiful reasons you have to be loved.

O majesty and infinite goodness, you love men so much, and have done so much to be loved by them: how, then, can it be explained that so few of them love you? Ah! I no longer want for the future to be the number of those unfortunate and ungrateful; I am determined to love you as much as I can and to love only you. You deserve it so much and with such tenderness you order it: I want to be content. Do, O God of my soul, that you may be fully satisfied. For the merits of your passion, I ask and hope you. The goods of the land, give them to those who desire them; I only desire and seek the great treasure of your love. I love you, my Jesus; I love you, infinite goodness. You are all my wealth, all my consolation, all my love.

Jaculatory - My Jesus, you gave me all of you; I also give myself to you all.

Visit to the SS. Virgin

O my lady, Saint Bernard calls you a heart stealer. It says that you take hearts by your beauty and goodness; take away, I beg you, take away my heart and my will. I give it to you whole, offer it to God, united to yours.

Jaculatory - O kind Mother, pray for me.

Visit to San José

Saint Joseph was established as head of the Holy Family, of this very small family by number, but very large by the excellence of the two people who compose it, namely: the Mother of God and the only Son of God made man. God made him therefore master of his house. In this house, Joseph commands and the Son of God obeys.

Jaculatory - Saint Joseph, for the obedience that Jesus gave you, make me obedient to all the will of God.


Where your treasure is, there your heart will be (Lk 12,34). Jesus Christ says that where someone thinks he has his treasure, there is also his affection. This is the reason why the saints, who do not consider or love another treasure outside of Jesus Christ, deposit in the SS. Sacrament your heart and all your love. O my most lovable Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament, you who, for my love, remain enclosed in that tabernacle day and night, seize my heart, I beseech you, lest I think but you, do not love, do not seek, do not wait if not in you. Do it for the merits of your passion; it is for them that I ask for and hope for this grace. Ah! my sacrament Savior, divine lover of my soul, how lovely are the tender inventions of your love to make you love souls! O eternal Word,it was not enough for you to take our nature and die for us on the cross, you also wanted to give us this Sacrament to be our companion, our food and a pledge of heavenly glory. You appear among us, now as a boy in a crib, now as a poor craftsman in a workshop; here as a criminal on a gallows, there as bread on an altar. Tell me, O Jesus, what more can you invent to make them love you? O infinitely kind God, when will I begin in truth to respond to so many finances of love? Lord, I want to live no more than to love you only. And what is the use of my life, if I do not use it all in loving and pleasing you, my beloved Redeemer, who gave your whole life for me? And that I will love you, if I do not love you, who are all beautiful, all lovers, all loving? Let my soul therefore live only to love you;let my heart melt at the memory of your love; and just by hearing the words crib, cross, sacrament, may all of you ignite the desire to do great things for you, Jesus, that you have done and suffered so much for me!

Jaculatory - Allow me, Lord, that before I die, I do something for you.

Visit to the SS. Virgin

I am like the olive tree in the fields (Ecle 24,19). I am, says Maria, that beautiful olive tree from which the oil of mercy continually flows. And I'm in the fields, so that everyone can see me and turn to me. Let us say to him, then, with Saint Augustine: Remember, O most merciful Virgin Mary, who has never been heard to say that any of those who implored your help has been abandoned by you. Do not, therefore, allow me to be so unhappy that, turning to you, I will be abandoned by you.

Jaculatory - O Mary, grant me the grace to always appeal to you.

Visit to San José

Joshua marveled at the world when he told the sun to stop, to give him time to end the defeat of his enemies, and the sun obeyed. But what comparison between Joshua, obeyed by the sun, an inanimate creature, and Joseph, obeyed by Jesus Christ, the Son of God !?

Jaculatory - You, O Saint Joseph, who are so great and at the same time so humble, obtain true humility.


Behold, I am with you every day until the end of the age (Mt 28,20). This loving shepherd of ours, having given his life for us, his sheep, even dying, did not want to part with us. Here I am, he says, here I am, dear sheep, always with you; I stayed in this Sacrament for you. Here you will find me, whenever you want, to help and comfort you with my presence. I will not abandon you until the end of the world, while you are on earth. The celestial husband - said São Pedro de Alcântara - wanted, during such a long absence, to leave the soul. his wife, a company so that she would not be alone: ​​that's why she left this Sacramento, where he lives in person, because that was the best company he could leave him.

Lord full of goodness, most lovable Savior of mine, I am visiting you now at this altar; but with what love do you not repay me for this visit when, by holy communion, you come to my soul! Then not only are you present to me, but you even become my food, uniting yourselves and giving yourself all to me; and yet I am a worm and you are God! ...

O God of love, O love of my soul, when will I see all yours truly and not only in word? It is in you, Lord, to increase in me the confidence that, by the merits of your blood, I will reach the grace of being all yours and no longer of myself. O Jesus, do you or see the pleas of all men; I heard today the prayer of a soul that wants to love you truly. I want to love you with all my strength and obey you in everything, without interest, without consolation, without reward. I want to serve you only for love, just to give you pleasure, just to please your Heart that loves me so passionately. My reward will be to love you. O beloved Son of the Eternal Father, seize my freedom, my will, all that is mine, my own person and give yourselves to me. I love you, I seek you, I sigh for you and I only want you, yes, only you.

Jaculatory - My Jesus, make me all yours.

Visit to the SS. Virgin

Very kind lady, the whole Church calls and greets you: our hope. Therefore, you who are the hope of all, also be my hope. Saint Bernard called you the foundation of his hope, and added: He who despairs puts his hope in you. That is why I also want to say to you: O Mary, my Mother, you save even the desperate; I place all my hope in you.

Jaculatory - Mary, Mother of God, pray to Jesus for me.

Visit to San José

Let us listen to Saint Bernard speaking of Saint Joseph: this faithful servant was chosen to be not only the comforter of the Mother of God, in the midst of the tribulations she was to suffer, and the nourishing father of Jesus Christ, but also to cooperate in some way , in the redemption of the world, which was the work of the great council of the three divine persons.

Jaculatory - Saint Joseph, save us: our salvation is in your hands.


To every soul, who visits you in the SS. Sacrament, Jesus addresses the words he once said to his wife in Sacred Scripture: Arise, hurry up, my beloved, my all beautiful, and come (Ct2,10). Alma, who visits me, get up. Get out of your miseries, for I am here to enrich you with graces. Hurry up, approach me, do not fear my majesty who humbled himself in this Sacrament to take away your fear and inspire your confidence. My friend, yes, dear soul, you are no longer my enemy, but, yes, my friend, since you love me and I love you too. My all beautiful: my grace is what made you so beautiful. And come: therefore, come to me, throw yourself into my arms, and ask me with great confidence whatever you want.

Saint Teresa used to say that if this great King of glory hid himself under the species of bread and veiled his majesty in this Sacrament, it was to instill in us the courage to draw closer to his divine Heart. Let us therefore approach Jesus with great confidence and love; let us unite with him and ask him for thanks.

What should not be my joy, O eternal Word made man and sacramented by my love, when I know that I am before you, that you are my God, the infinite majesty and goodness, that you love my soul so much! Souls who love God, wherever you are, in heaven or on earth, love him also for me. Mary, my Mother, help me to love you. And you, dearest Lord, become the sole object of all my love. Take hold of my will and possess me completely. I consecrate my spirit to you, so that I may always think of your goodness; I consecrate my body to you, that it may help me to please you; I consecrate my soul to you, so that it may be all yours. I had wished, O beloved of my soul, that all men should know the tenderness of the love that you have for them, so that they would only live to honor and please you as you wish and deserve.May at least I always live enchanted by your infinite beauty! From now on, I want to do what I can to please you. I propose to leave everything you know not to be to your liking, no matter what the cost, although I would have to lose everything, even my own life. Happy of me, even if I lose everything, as long as I own you. my God, my treasure, my love, my everything!

Jaculatory - Jesus my love, take me, own me all.

Visit to the SS. Virgin

If someone is small, come to me (Pv9,1). Mary invites all little children, who need a mother, to turn to her as the most loving of all mothers. The love of all mothers - says the pious Nieremberg, is a shadow in comparison to the love that Mary has for each one of us. My Mother, Mother of my soul, who love me and desire my salvation more than anyone after God, show that you are my Mother.

Jaculatory - My Mother, make sure that I always remember you.

Visit to San José

According to Saint John Damascene, God the Father gave Saint Joseph, in relation to Jesus, love, care and authority as a father, in order to keep him with the greatest tenderness; the solicitude, to surround him with all possible care; finally, authority, so that the holy patriarch would be sure to be obeyed in everything he ordered regarding the person of the Savior.

Jaculatory - Saint Joseph, always be our father and grant us the grace to be true children of yours.


S. João says that he saw the Lord dressed in a long tunic and girded with a gold belt (Ap.1,13). That is how Jesus presents himself to us in the Sacrament of the altar, thereby meaning the multitude and the value of the graces that, in his mercy, he wishes to grant us. Similar to the mother, who runs to where her little boy is to feed him with her milk, Jesus tells us: As beloved children, I will press you against my chest.

The venerable Father Álvarez saw Jesus in the SS. Sacrament with hands full of graces, looking for who to distribute them. When S. Catarina de Sena approached the sacred table, she did, they say, with the tender avidity of a little child who seeks its food.

O only-begotten and beloved Son of the Eternal Father, I know that you are the most worthy object of our love. That is why I want to love you as much as you deserve; at least as much as a soul may want to love you. I understand very well that, having been quite a traitor and rebellious to your love, I do not deserve to love you or be close to you as I am in this church; yet I know that you want my love and I hear your voice that says to me: My son, give me your heart. You will love the Lord and read God with all your heart. I recognize that if you saved my life and did not rush me into hell, it was so that I would be converted entirely to your love. Since you still want to be loved by me, here I am, O my God, I give myself to you, I give myself to you. I love you, O God, all kindness, all love, and I choose you as the only King and Lord of my poor heart. You want it, I give it to you: it's cold,it is tainted, but if you accept it, you will transform it. Transform me, Lord, transform me; I dare not live more, as in the past, so ungrateful and so little lover of your infinite goodness that you love me so much and deserve infinite love. Make sure that from now on I notice the lack of love that I have treated you in the past.

Jaculatory - My God, my God, I want to love you; yes, I want to love you.

Visit to the SS. Virgin

In everything similar to her Son Jesus, Mary, the Mother of mercy, feels lively joy when she can help and comfort the miserable. Such is the desire of this good Mother to do good to all, which Saint Bernardino de Bustis says: The greater the desire she has to do us good and grant us grace, than what we have to receive her.

Jaculatory - Hail, O Mary, our hope!

Visit to San José

O holy patriarch, for the pity you suffered seeing the divine Word born in a stable, in such great poverty, without fire, without clothes, and weeping from the cold, I ask you to obtain true pain from my sins, which were the cause of my tears. Jesus. For the consolation that you had afterwards, when you contemplated the Baby Jesus in the lapa, so beautiful and attractive, that your heart has since started to burn in a more vivid love towards a God so kind and so loving, obtain the grace to Love Him also with great love on earth, in order to be able to have him one day in heaven.

Jaculatory - Saint Joseph, penetrate our hearts of contrition and make them more sensitive to the kindness of Jesus.


O fools of the world, says St. Augustine, unhappy, where are you going to please your heart? Come to Jesus, for only he will give you the contentment you seek. My soul, don't you also be so foolish, seek only God. He seeks that one true good, in which all goods are found (St. Augustine). And if you want to find him quickly, there he is with you: tell him what you want, because he is present in the tabernacle to hear and comfort you. S. Teresa used to say: No one is allowed to speak to the king in person: how much one can expect is to speak to him through a third person. But, to speak to you, O King of glory, no third person is required; there in the SS. Sacramento is always ready to give an audience to everyone. Everyone who seeks you, finds you there and speaks to you in all simplicity. From more to more,if anyone can speak to the king, how long is it not necessary to wait? Kings give audience few times a year; you, however, in this Sacrament, give us an audience to all, day and night, and whenever we want it.

O Sacrament of love, who, whether you give yourselves to holy communion or whether you stay on the altars, know with the loving attractions of your love to win so many hearts, which, burning with love for you and marveling at your great kindness, are happy in your love and think only of you: yes, take hold of my poor heart, which so desires to love you and always be a slave to your love. From now on I place in the hands of your kindness all my interests, all my hopes, all my affections, my body and my soul, everything at last. Accept me, Lord, and dispose of me as you see fit. I no longer want to complain about your holy dispositions, for I know that, proceeding from Your loving Heart, they will be loving dispositions and for my good. It is enough that you want them,for me to also want them in time and eternity. Do with me whatever you want; I join without reservation to your will, which is all holy, all good, all beautiful, all perfect, all loving. O will of my God, how dear you are to me! Together with you I want to live and die: your pleasure be my pleasure, your wishes be my wishes! My God, my God, help me: make me henceforth live only for you, to want only what you want, to love only your loving will. May I die for you, who for me have deigned to die and become my food. I hate the days when I did my will with so much disgust for you. I love you, O will of God, I love you as much as I love God, for you are one with God; I love you, therefore, with all my heart, and I give myself all to you.I join without reservation to your will, which is all holy, all good, all beautiful, all perfect, all loving. O will of my God, how dear you are to me! Together with you I want to live and die: your pleasure be my pleasure, your wishes be my wishes! My God, my God, help me: make me henceforth live only for you, to want only what you want, to love only your loving will. May I die for you, who for me have deigned to die and become my food. I hate the days when I did my will with so much disgust for you. I love you, O will of God, I love you as much as I love God, for you are one with God; I love you, therefore, with all my heart, and I give myself all to you.I join without reservation to your will, which is all holy, all good, all beautiful, all perfect, all loving. O will of my God, how dear you are to me! Together with you I want to live and die: your pleasure be my pleasure, your wishes be my wishes! My God, my God, help me: make me henceforth live only for you, to want only what you want, to love only your loving will. May I die for you, who for me have deigned to die and become my food. I hate the days when I did my will with so much disgust for you. I love you, O will of God, I love you as much as I love God, for you are one with God; I love you, therefore, with all my heart, and I give myself all to you.Together with you I want to live and die: your pleasure be my pleasure, your wishes be my wishes! My God, my God, help me: make me henceforth live only for you, to want only what you want, to love only your loving will. May I die for you, who for me have deigned to die and become my food. I hate the days when I did my will with so much disgust for you. I love you, O will of God, I love you as much as I love God, for you are one with God; I love you, therefore, with all my heart, and I give myself all to you.Together with you I want to live and die: your pleasure be my pleasure, your wishes be my wishes! My God, my God, help me: make me henceforth live only for you, to want only what you want, to love only your loving will. May I die for you, who for me have deigned to die and become my food. I hate the days when I did my will with so much disgust for you. I love you, O will of God, I love you as much as I love God, for you are one with God; I love you, therefore, with all my heart, and I give myself all to you.that you deigned me to die and become my food. I hate the days when I did my will with so much disgust for you. I love you, O will of God, I love you as much as I love God, for you are one with God; I love you, therefore, with all my heart, and I give myself all to you.that you deigned me to die and become my food. I hate the days when I did my will with so much disgust for you. I love you, O will of God, I love you as much as I love God, for you are one with God; I love you, therefore, with all my heart, and I give myself all to you.

Jaculatory - O will of God, you are my love.

Visit to the SS. Virgin

Our great Queen says: With me are the riches ... to enrich those who love me (Pv8,18). Let us therefore love Mary if we are to be rich in grace. The abbot of Céles says that Mary is the treasurer of graces. Happy is he who turns to Mary with love and confidence! My Mother, my hope, you can make me holy; I expect this grace from you.

Jaculatory - Very kind mother, pray for me.

Visit to San José

Holy protector of mine, by your prompt and continuous obedience to the will of God, grant me the grace of your Jesus to obey his divine precepts; reach me that, in the journey that I take to eternity, in the midst of so many enemies, never lose the company of Jesus and Mary until the last breath: in this company, all the pains of life and the same death will be for me sweet and precious.

Jaculatory - Saint Joseph, I want to be all yours, to persevere, through you, all of Jesus and Mary.


"Let us try not to go away - says Santa Teresa - nor lose sight of our beloved shepherd Jesus Christ, because the sheep that are kept with their shepherd are always the most cherished and favored, because he always gives them a little bit chosen than he himself And if it happens that the shepherd falls asleep, the little sheep will not leave the house until he wakes up or wakes him up, and then receives new favors and caresses from him ".

O my redeemed Redeemer, here I am with you; I expect only one gift from you, namely: fervor and perseverance in your love.

O holy faith, I thank you for teaching me and giving me the certainty that in the Sacrament of the altar, in that heavenly bread, there is no more bread, for in it is my Lord Jesus Christ and there it is all for my love. My Lord and everything, I believe you are present in the SS. Sacrament; and although hidden from mortal eyes, I recognize you, in the light of holy faith, in the consecrated host, by the Sovereign of heaven and earth and Savior of the world. Ah! my sweetest Jesus. as you are my hope, my salvation, my strength and my consolation, so I also want you to be all my love and the unique object of all my thoughts, desires and affections. I am more pleased with the supreme happiness that you will enjoy and enjoy forever, than if you possessed all possible goods in this and the next life.

My greatest happiness, my beloved Redeemer, is to know that you are fully happy and that your happiness is infinite. Reign therefore. Lord, reign only in my soul; I give it to you all, make possession of it forever. My will, my senses and all my powers are slaves to your love and serve this world only to give you taste and glory. That was your life, O first lover and Mother of my Jesus. Most Holy Mary, assist me and obtain the grace to live from now on as you have always lived happily, belonging entirely to God. Jaculatory O my Jesus be all yours and yours all mine. Visit to the SS. Blessed Virgin the man who watches every day at the entrance to my house, and keeps himself at my door (Pv8,34). Happy are those who, imitating the example of the poor at the gates of the rich,they do not cease to beg for some grace at the gates of Mary's mercy. Even happier is he who seeks to imitate the virtues he discovers in Mary, especially her purity and her humility.

Jaculatory - Oh! Mary, my hope, helped me.

Visit to San José

O great saint, for the merit of the anguish you suffered, when you lost Jesus in the temple, obtain tears for me with which to weep incessantly the injuries that I have done to my divine Lord; and for the joy you had, meeting him in the temple, I beg you to negotiate the happiness of finding him too, making him enter my soul by his grace, and never losing him again.

Jaculatory - Saint Joseph, make faith grow in us, especially the faith for which we believe in the presence of Jesus, in the Blessed Sacrament.


God is love, and the one who remains in love remains in God and God in him (IJo4,16).

Whoever loves Jesus is with Jesus and Jesus is with him. If anyone loves me, my Father will love him; and we will come to him, and in him we will make our home (Jo14,23). When São Filipe Néri received the Viatic Saint, when he saw the SS enter. Sacramento, he exclaimed: This is my love, this is my love! So say each one of us in the presence of Jesus in the sacrament: Here is my love, this is the object of my love in this life and for all eternity.

My Lord and my God, you said in the Gospel that whoever loves you will be loved by you and you will come to live in it so that you will no longer be separated; Lord, I love you more than all goods, love me also, for I want to be loved by you rather than possess all the kingdoms of the world. Come, therefore, and so fix your abode in the poor house of my soul, that you will no longer be separated from me, or, better to say, that I will no longer expel you from my heart; for you do not leave until I am expelled. And, as I expelled you in the past, so I could expel you again. Ah! Do not allow this new perfidy, this horrible ingratitude, to occur in the world, which I, particularly favored by you, after so many graces, still have the misfortune to expel from my soul. And yet it can happen; so, my God,I wish to die - if it pleases you - so that, dying together with you, I may have the fortune of living together with you forever. Yes, my Jesus, I hope so. I embrace you and hold you to my poor heart; make him always love you and always be loved by you. Yes, my most lovable Redeemer, I will always love you, and you always me. I hope that we will always love each other, O God of my soul, now and for all eternity. So be it.

Jaculatory - My Jesus, I want to love you always, and to be loved by you.

Visit to the SS. Virgin

Whoever dedicates himself to my service - says Maria - will have perseverance (Ecle24,30). And those who work to make me known and love others will be predestined. Therefore, make the resolution to speak, as often as you can, either in public or in private, of the glories of Mary and of the devotion that is due to her.

Jaculatory - Allow me, O Holy Virgin, to publish your praises.

Visit to San José

When God assigns a person to a certain function, says Saint Thomas, he gives him all the graces necessary to exercise it worthily. Since God destined Saint Joseph to do the office of father with the person of the Incarnate Word, we must take it for granted that he adorned him with all the gifts of wisdom and holiness that suited this position. Gérson says that São José received, among others, three special privileges: first, to be sanctified in the bosom of his mother, like Jeremiah and São João Batista; second, be confirmed at the same time in grace; third, to always be exempt from all movements of lust, a grace that, by virtue of its purity, he tends to make his devoted servants partakers, freeing them from carnal appetites.

Jaculatory - Saint Joseph, brilliant lily of chastity, preserve in us this virtue of angels.


My eyes and my heart will be there every day (Pv9,4). This magnificent promise Jesus fulfilled in the SS. Sacrament of the altar, where I wanted to be present day and night. My divine Savior, it would undoubtedly suffice for you to remain in this Sacrament only during the day, when you meet, to keep you company, worshipers of your divine presence. Why did you want to stay also at night, when the churches are closed, and the men retire to their homes, leaving you absolutely alone? Ah! I already understand you; love has made you our prisoner; the ardent love that you have in such a way has bound you to the land that it does not allow you to leave us, day or night. Ah! Very kind Savior, this only fineness of your love should compel all men to remain in your presence before the holy saints, and from there they will only come out by force. AND,moving away, they should leave their hearts and affections at the feet of the altar towards this God made man, who is alone and locked in a tabernacle, all eyes to see and provide for our needs, and every heart to love us, waiting anxiously the next day to receive visits from their much loved souls.

O my Jesus, I want to make you happy: I therefore devote all my will and all my affections to you. O infinite majesty of a God, you stayed in this divine Sacrament not only to be close to us, but mainly to communicate with the souls you love. But, Lord, who will dare to approach to feed on your flesh? But, on the other hand, who can get away from you? for it is precisely in order to unite with us and to possess our hearts, that you are hidden under the consecrated host. Yes, you burn with the desire to be received by us and your pleasure is to be united with us. Come, then, my Jesus, come; I wish to receive you in my chest so that you may be the God of my heart and my will. O my dear Redeemer, for your love I give everything I have: satisfactions, pleasures, will, I give you everything. O love, O God of love,reign over me, triumph over me; destroy and sacrifice in my being all that is mine and not yours. Do not consent, O my love, that my soul, filled with the majesty of a God, after having received you in holy communion, will come to cling still to creatures. I love you, my God, I love you, and I only want to love you forever.

Aspiration - Draw me, Lord; for the sweet bonds of your love.

Visit to the SS. Virgin

Saint Bernard exhorts us to seek grace and to seek it through Mary. It is, says São Pedro Damião, the treasure of divine graces. Mary can and wants to enrich us; that's why he invites and calls us, saying: If anyone is small (and poor) come to me (Pv9,4). O most loving Lady, O most sublime Lady, O most gracious Sovereign, cast your eyes on a poor sinner who is recommended to you and puts his trust in you.

Jaculatory - Under your protection we welcome you, O Holy Mother of God.

Visit to San José

Joseph, in the Gospel, is called righteous: Joseph, her husband, being a righteous man ... Why, what is a righteous man? According to St. John Chrysostom, he is a man who has all the virtues: "Note, he says, that Joseph is called just, because he had all the virtues to a perfect degree". Joseph was already a saint before his marriage, but his holiness grew a lot when he joined the Mother of God; only the examples of his holy wife were enough to sanctify him; and if Mary is, as Saint Bernardino of Sena says, the dispenser of all the graces that God gives to men, how profusely should we believe that she has enriched her husband, whom she loved and loved so much!

Jaculatory - Saint Joseph, increase my devotion to Mary.


Dearest Jesus, I hear you say from that tabernacle, where you reside: Here is the place of my everlasting rest; I want to live in it, because I chose it for that (SI131,14). If, therefore, you wanted to choose your address among us on the altars in the SS. Sacrament and the love you have for us makes you find your rest here, it is just that our hearts here always dwell with you through love, and here find your rest and all its delights. Happy are you, loving souls, who find no comfort in this world that is sweeter than being at the feet of Jesus in the sacrament! Ah! and how happy I, too, would be, Lord, if you were not to find any greater pleasure than that of always being before you or at least always thinking of you who, in that SS. Sacramento, you are continually thinking about me and my happiness!

Ah! Lord, why have I wasted so many years in which I have not loved you? Unhappy years, I detest you; and bless you, O infinite patience of my God, who have endured me for so many years, despite being so ungrateful, you are still waiting for me: why, my God, why? Ah! so that one day, overcome by your mercies and your love, I will give myself entirely to you. Lord, I don't want to resist anymore, I don't want to be ungrateful to you anymore. It is right that I consecrate the time to you, that I still have life left, little or much. I hope, O my Jesus, that you will help me to be all yours; for if you favored me so much, when I ran away from you and despised your love, how can I not expect you to favor me now that I seek you and desire to love you, O God worthy of infinite love? I love you with all my heart, I love you above all things,I love you more than myself, more than my own life. I regret that I have offended you, O infinite goodness; forgive me and, with forgiveness, grant me the grace to love you very much in this life until death and, in the next, for eternity. By your power, O almighty God, show this wonder to the world: a soul as ungrateful as mine, turned into one of the most fervent in your love. Do it for your merits, O my Jesus. This is what I desire, this is what I propose to do throughout my life; you who inspire this desire, give me the strength to put it into practice.O almighty God, show this wonder to the world: a soul as ungrateful as mine, turned into one of the most fervent in your love. Do it for your merits, O my Jesus. This is what I desire, this is what I propose to do throughout my life; you who inspire this desire, give me the strength to put it into practice.O almighty God, show this wonder to the world: a soul as ungrateful as mine, turned into one of the most fervent in your love. Do it for your merits, O my Jesus. This is what I desire, this is what I propose to do throughout my life; you who inspire this desire, give me the strength to put it into practice.

Jaculatory - I thank you, O my Jesus, for waiting for me until this hour.

Visit to the SS. Virgin

No one - says St. Germano, addressing Mary - no one is saved except by You; no one receives any divine favor except for you. So, my Lady and my hope, if you do not help me, I am lost, and I cannot go to bless you in paradise. But, my Lady, all the saints say that you do not abandon those who turn to you. Only those who are not recommended are lost. So I turn to you, miserable as I am, and I place all my hopes in you.

Jaculatory - Maria is all my confidence, and the whole foundation of my hope (S. Bem.).

Visit to San José

The two disciples who went to Emmaus felt burned with divine love, in the few moments that accompanied the Savior and heard his word: It is not true, they say among themselves, that our hearts burned within us, while he spoke to us on the way ? That we must think of the flames of holy charity that developed in the heart of St. Joseph, during the thirty years he spent in the company of the Son of God, studying the words of eternal life that came out of his mouth, observing the perfect examples of humility, patience and obedience that he gave, showing himself so ready to help him with his work and serve him in everything in the house?

Aspiration - Inflame us, O St. Joseph, the love of Jesus.


I have come to bring fire to the earth - says the Lord - and what do I wish if it does not light? (Lk 12,49). The venerable Fr. Francisco Olímpio, Teatino, used to say that there is nothing on earth that more vividly ignites the fire of divine love in the hearts of men than the SS. Sacrament of the altar. It is what the Lord made known to Santa Catarina de Sena, when he let himself be seen in the SS. Sacrament in the form of a furnace of love, from which torrents of divine flames came out, which spread throughout the land; In view of this, the saint, amazed, did not know how to explain how men could live without being consumed in the flames of divine love. O my Jesus, burn me with love for you; make me think only of you, do not sigh for you, do not desire and do not seek but for you. Oh! how happy I would be, if this sacred fire possessed me completely, and,when my years were spent, he happily consumed all earthly affections in me.

O divine Word, O my Jesus, I see you on the altar immolated, annihilated and destroyed by my love; it is, therefore, very just that, as you become a victim of love for me, so I consecrate myself and sacrifice all of you. Yes, my God and my sovereign Lord, today I sacrifice all my soul, all my being, all my will, all my life. I associate this poor sacrifice of mine, O eternal Father, with the infinite sacrifice that Jesus Christ, your Son and my Savior, made of himself formerly on the cross, and which he still renews, every day, so many times on the altars. Accept it, therefore, for the merits of Jesus, and grant me the grace to renew it every day of my life, and to die by sacrificing myself entirely in your honor. I wish the grace, so many martyrs granted, to die for your love. But if I'm not worthy of such grace,at least grant me, Lord, that of willingly sacrificing my life to you, already accepting the death that you choose to send me. Lord, this is the grace that I desire: to die to honor you and be pleasant to you. And therefore, from now on, I sacrifice my life to you and offer you my death, in any form and in any time that it comes.

Jaculatory - My Jesus, I want to die to be pleasant to you.

Visit to the SS. Virgin

O my sweetest lady, allow me, with Saint Bernard, to call you still the foundation of my hope; and let me say; with Saint John Damascene, who placed all my hope in you. You, therefore, will obtain the forgiveness of my sins, the perseverance to death and the grace to be free from purgatory. Those who are saved, all owe you salvation; you, then, O Mary, will save me. For that, it is enough that you want it. Therefore, be willing to save me and I will be saved. Now you save all who call on you. Well, I invoke you, saying:

Jaculatory - O salvation of those who invoke you, save me (S. Boav.).

Visit to San José

The apostle teaches us that, in the next life, the Lord will reward each one according to his works. What, then, should not be the glory bestowed on Saint Joseph, who loved him so much and rendered him so many services during his life here on earth! The Lord has promised a reward to everyone who gives to the poor, in his name, even if it is no more than a glass of water. What will be Joseph's reward that he can say to Jesus: not only did I give you sustenance, housing, clothing, but I saved your life by freeing you from Herod's hands?

Jaculatory - Saint Joseph, encourage our zeal to grow in virtue for the hope of eternal rewards.


Oh! if men always resorted to the SS. Sacramento, when looking for a remedy for their ills, they certainly wouldn't be as miserable as they are! Jeremiah sighed, saying, Is there no balm in Galahad? or is there no doctor there? (Jr 8.22). Galahad, mountain of Arabia, rich in aromatic ointments, is, in the words of Saint Beda Venerable, a figure of Jesus Christ, who prepared us in this Sacrament all the remedies for our ills. Why then - the Redeemer seems to say - why then do you complain about your ills, O children of Adam, since you have in this Sacrament the doctor and the remedy for all evil? Come all to me ... and I will encourage you.

So I want to tell you with the sisters of Lazarus: Lord, behold, the one you love is sick! (Jo11,3). Lord, I am that wretch whom you love; sins have opened sores on my soul; therefore, I come to you, my divine physician, that you may heal me; if you want it, you can heal me: yes, heal my soul, because I have sinned against you (SI 40,5).

Sweetest Jesus of mine, by the most loving bonds of your love, I draw you all to me. I prefer to live together with you, to be lord of the whole earth. I desire nothing in this world but to love you. I can give you little; but if I could have all the kingdoms in the world, I would have wanted them only to renounce them all for your love. For your love, therefore, I renounce all that I can: all my relatives, all comforts, all pleasures and even spiritual consolations: in a word, I sacrifice my freedom and my will. I want to give you all my affections. I love you, O infinite goodness, I love you, more than myself, and I hope to love you forever.

Jaculatory - My Jesus, I give myself to you; received me.

Visit to the SS. Virgin

O my lady, you said to Saint Bridget: As guilty as a man is, if he comes to me with sincere regret, I am always ready to receive him; I do not consider the number of your sins, but the dispositions of your heart; for I do not refuse to anoint and heal your wounds, because my name is and I am truly a Mother of mercy. Therefore, seeing that you can and want to heal me, O Mary, I turn to you, saying: heal all the wounds of my soul. Just say one word to your divine Son, and I will be healed.

Jaculatory - O Maria, have compassion on me!

Visit to San José

We must be certain that the life of Saint Joseph, in the presence and in the sight of Jesus and Mary, was a continuous prayer, fruitful in acts of faith and trust, love, resignation and offering. Now, if the reward corresponds to the merits of life, evaluate the greatness of Joseph's glory in paradise. Saint Augustine compares the other saints to stars, but Saint Joseph to the sun. Father Suárez considers the opinion that San José, after Mary, exceeds all other saints in merits and glory as very reasonable; whence the venerable Bernardino de Bustis concludes that, in heaven, Saint Joseph sends Jesus and Mary in a certain way, when he wants to obtain some grace from them for his devout servants.

Jaculatory - Saint Joseph, obtain a great spirit of vocal and mental prayer.


The greatest pleasure of loving souls is to be with the people they love. If, therefore, we love Jesus Christ very much, here we are in his presence. Jesus, in his Sacrament, sees and listens to us; then we have nothing to say to you? We take comfort in your company; let us rejoice in his glory and in the love that consecrate so many fervent souls to him. Let us hope that all men love Jesus in the sacrament and consecrate their hearts to him; let us consecrate all our affections to him; let it be all our love and the only object of our desires.

Father Salésio, from the Society of Jesus, just speaking in the SS. Sacramento, he felt very comforted. Nor was he satisfied with visiting him: if he was called to the concierge, if he returned to his room, if he walked around the house, he always used these occasions to repeat his visits to his beloved Lord. So it was observed that hardly an hour passed in the day without visiting him. Finally, he was fortunate to be killed by heretics, when he defended the real presence of Jesus in the Sacrament.

Oh! if I also had the happiness of dying for such a beautiful cause, defending the truth of this Sacrament, which makes us understand so well, O most lovable Jesus, the tenderness of your love for us! Lord, to so many miracles that you work in this Sacrament, add this one more: I draw you all. You want me to belong entirely to you, and you deserve it very much; give me the strength to love you with all my heart. Give the goods of this world to whomever you please; as for me, I renounce them completely: I do not want and I only want your love: this is the only good I seek and will always seek. I love you, my Jesus; make me always love you, and ask nothing more.

Jaculatory - O my Jesus, when will I truly love you?

Visit to the SS. Virgin

O my sweetest Queen, how pleased I am with the beautiful title of loving Mother, with which your pious servants invoke you! Yes, how lovely you are, O my Lady! Your beauty has snatched the Lord Himself. St. Bonaventure says that your name alone is so kind to those who love you, that when you pronounce it or hear it pronounced, you immediately feel inflamed and grow in the desire to love you. It is right, then, my most loving Mother, that I love you; but I am not content with just loving you; I wish, now on earth and then in heaven, to be the one who loves you most after God. If this desire of mine is very bold, the only cause of this is your kindness and the special love that you have witnessed to me. If you were less lovable, my desire to love you would be less. Accept, then, Madam, this desire of mine; and as proof that you have accepted it,obtain from me this love which I ask of you, and which is so pleasing to the Lord.

Jaculatory - My very kind Mother, I love you very much.

Visit to San José

To prove the power that St. Joseph has in paradise, St. Bernardino de Sena puts it this way: "We cannot doubt it, Jesus Christ always keeps in heaven towards St. Joseph the tenderness and respect that he once witnessed on earth, that is, tenderness and respect for a son. Far from being diminished, this filial piety is always growing ". Note these words well: tenderness and respect; they mean that this sovereign Lord, who deigned to venerate Saint Joseph here in the world as his father, does not deny him anything of what he asks of him. Full of confidence, let's say:

Jaculatory - Saint Joseph, powerful protector of our souls, deliver us from all sin.


One day, in the valley of Jehoshaphat, Jesus will sit on a throne of majesty; but now, in the SS. Sacramento, is seated on a throne of love. If, to testify to his love for a poor shepherd, the king came to live in the village where he lives, how great would be the ingratitude of that shepherd, if he did not go often to visit his king, knowing that he eagerly wishes to see him, and that it was only to have a more frequent occasion that he came to settle with him!

Ah! my Jesus, - now I understand it - it is for my love that you have come to reside in the Sacrament of the altar. For this reason, if the angels continually surround you, amazed at the love you have for us, it is just that, seeing you for my love at this altar, at least give you the pleasure of a visit and exalt the love and kindness you have for me. In the presence of angels I will sing your praises, in your holy temple I will worship you, and, in recognition of your mercy and benefits, I will glorify your name (SI137).

O God in the sacrament, O bread of angels, O divine food, I love you; but neither you nor I are satisfied with that love. I love you, yes. but I love you very little. Make yourselves, O Jesus, that I know the beauty and immense goodness that I love; make my heart expel all earthly affections and leave the whole place to your divine love. To win my heart, and to be united with me all, you descend every day from heaven to our altars; it is only right, then, that I also think only of loving you, of worshiping you, of pleasing you. I love you with all my soul, I love you with all my strength. If you want to reward me for this love, give me even more love, more fervor, so that I will grow without ceasing in your love and the desire to please you.

Jaculatory - O Jesus, my love, give me more love.

Visit to the SS. Virgin

Like the sick poor, who, because of their miseries, live abandoned by everyone and only find shelter in public hospitals; thus the most miserable sinners, although repelled by all, find refuge in Mary's mercy, which God placed in this world to be the refuge and public hospital for sinners, as Saint Basil expresses himself. This is also the reason why St. Efrem calls it the coat of sinners. So, my Queen, if I turn to you, you cannot repel me because of my sins; and the more miserable I am, the more reason I have to be welcomed under your protection, because God created you to be the refuge of the most miserable. Therefore, I appeal to you, O Mary, placing me under the cloak of your protection. You are the refuge of sinners; therefore be my refuge and the hope of my salvation.If you rejected me, who would I turn to?

Jaculatory - Maria, my refuge, save me.

Visit to San José

If Saint Joseph did not have the authority of a natural father over the humanity of Jesus Christ, he did however have a certain power as the husband of Mary, who, as Mother by nature of the Savior, enjoyed real authority over him. Whoever has dominion over the tree also has the fruit that the tree produces. This is why Jesus, on earth, respected Joseph and obeyed him as his superior; it follows that now, in heaven, the prayers of Saint Joseph are considered by Our Lord as orders, because the request of a father to his son, says Gérson, has the value of order.

Jaculatory - São José, be our defense in temptations and our strength in adversity.


If it is such a sweet thing to find us in the company of a dear friend, it is possible that we, in this valley of tears, will not feel any pleasure in the company of the best of friends, of a friend who can fill us with all things from a friend who loves us passionately and who therefore wants to be continually entertained with us?

Well then; here at SS. Sacrament we can entertain ourselves with Jesus at will, open our hearts to him, expose our needs to him, ask him for thanks; in a word, in this lovely Sacrament, we can deal with the King of heaven with all confidence and simplicity.

Sacred Scripture tells us that Joseph of Egypt felt extremely happy, when God deigned to go down to his prison to fortify him with his grace: Divine Wisdom went down with him into the pit, and did not leave him in chains (Sb10,13 ). But we are much happier because we always have in our midst, in this valley of tears, our God made man, who with so much love and compassion honors us continually with his real presence.

How much a tender friend who is going to be entertained with him, who consoles him, reassures his hope, seeks help from him and tries to relieve him in his misfortune when a poor prisoner is consoled! Now, here is what Jesus Christ is, our good friend, who from the tabernacle makes us hear these consoling words: I am with you every day (Mt 28,20). Here I am, he says, here I am all for you, coming from heaven to your prison to console, help and deliver. Take me in, stay with me, join me; in this way you will not feel your miseries; then you will come with me to my kingdom, where I will make you fully happy.

O God, O incomprehensible love, since you wanted to be so good to us that you came down from heaven to our altars to live among us, I propose to visit you many times; I want to enjoy as much as possible of your sweetest presence that makes the happiness of the blessed in paradise. Oh! if I could always stand before you to adore you and offer you acts of love! Awake my soul, I pray you, when, numb by lukewarmness or absorbed by the care of the land, I neglect to visit you. Ignite in me a great desire to always be close to you in this Sacrament. Ah! my loving Jesus, I have not always loved you! have not always tried to please you! I console myself by thinking that I still have time to do it not only in the hereafter, but in this one too. I want to love you, yes I want to truly love you,my juice well, my love, my treasure, my everything. I want to love you with all my strength.

Jaculatory - My God, help me to love you.

Visit to the SS. Virgin

O sinner - says the pious Bernardino de Bustis - do not lose confidence, but turn to this august Lady with the certainty of being helped; he will find her with his hands full of mercy and grace. And be very persuaded that this most charitable Queen wishes more to do you good than to obtain her assistance yourself. O my lady, I thank God incessantly for the outstanding mercy that made me know you. Unhappy with me if I forgot you! great danger would be in my salvation. But, my Mother, I bless you, I love you and I have so much confidence in you that I commit my soul into your hands.

Jaculatory - O Mary, happy of those who know you and trust in you!

Visit to San José

O great saint, since a God has deigned to serve you, I also want to serve, honor and love you as my lord. Receive me under your patronage, and send me whatever you like. O Saint Joseph, pray to Jesus for me; He will surely refuse you nothing who has obeyed all your commandments on earth. Tell him to forgive me of my sins, detach me from creatures and myself, ignite me with his holy love, and then do with me as you please.

Jaculatory - Saint Joseph, keep your children.


On that day there will be an open source for the house of David and for the inhabitants of Jerusalem, to wash away the stains of their sins (Zc 1,3). Jesus, in the SS. Sacrament, it is this source predicted by the prophet, a source open to all, in which we can, as many times as we want, go to cleanse our souls from all the stains that we contract daily from sin. When a person commits a fault, there is a better remedy than going to the SS immediately. Sacrament? Yes, my Jesus, I always propose to do so, because I know that the waters of this divine source serve not only to purify my soul, but also to light it up, strengthen it against relapses, sustain it in adversity and even scorch it. it in your love. I know that it is to cumulate me with these goods that you wait for my visit,for it is with numerous graces that you reward the visits of those who love you. O my Jesus, therefore, purify me from all the faults that I have committed today and which I regret, because they displeased you; and, with a burning desire to love you very much, also give me the strength not to fall back. Oh! if I could always be close to you like your faithful servant Maria Díaz, contemporary of Santa Teresa! She had obtained permission from the Bishop of Avila to live on the platform of a church and remained there almost continuously before the SS. Sacramento she called her neighbor; from there he left only to go to confession and receive communion. The venerable brother Francisco do Menino Jesus, barefoot Carmelite, passing in front of the churches, where the SS was. Sacramento could not fail to enter them to visit him,saying that it is not advisable for a friend to pass by your friend's house without entering at least to greet him and say a word to him. However, he was not content with a word, and always remained as long as he could before his beloved Lord.

O my only and infinite good, I see that you have instituted this Sacrament and reside on this altar so that I may love you, and for this purpose you have given me a heart capable of loving you very much. But then, why am I so ungrateful and don't love you, or do I love you so little? No, it is not fair that a kindness as kind as you are unloved; at least, for the love you have for me, you deserve to be loved in another way. You are an infinite God and I, a despicable little red. It is little that I die for you and consummate you. for you died for me, and each day you sacrifice yourself on the altars for my love. You deserve love without measure; and it is without measure that I want to love you. Help me, my Jesus, help me to love you, for this is so pleasant to you and you ask for it with such urgency.

Jaculatory - My beloved Jesus is mine and I am his.

Visit to the SS. Virgin

O my sweetest, most pious, most lovable Queen, what a beautiful confidence Saint Bernard gives me when I turn to you! You - he says - do not examine the merits of the one who appeals to your kindness, but gives your assistance to all who implore it. If therefore I invoke you, you will listen to me. Then I heard my plea: I am - a poor sinner, who the hell has deserved a thousand times; but I want to change my life, I want to love my God, whom I have so offended. I give myself to you as a slave, I give myself to you, miserable as I am. Save the one who is yours and no longer belongs to himself. O my lady, did you hear me? I hope you have not only heard me, but also attended.

Jaculatory - O Maria, I am yours, save me.

Visit to San José

O glorious patriarch, now that you are in heaven filled with joy, on a high throne, with your most beloved Jesus, who was submitted to you on earth, have compassion on me, obliged to live in the midst of so many enemies, evil spirits and bad passions , who give me continuous battles to make me lose the grace of God. Ah! for the happiness you had to enjoy on earth, without interruption, with the company of Jesus and Mary, grant me the grace to spend the rest of my life always united with God, resisting all the assaults of hell; obtain the grace for me to die in the love of Jesus and Mary, so that one day I may come to enjoy your company with you, in the kingdom of the blessed.

Jaculatory - Give me, Saint Joseph, the grace to overcome my passions and have a horror of sin.


Wherever the body is found, eagles will gather there (Mt24, 28). By this body the saints commonly understand that of Jesus Christ; and by eagles they understand detached souls, who rise, like these birds, above the things of the earth and fly to the sky, where they tend endlessly for their thoughts and affections, and where they have their continuous abode. These souls still on earth have their paradise, wherever they find the SS. Sacrament, and it seems that their desire to remain in your presence is never satisfied. When the eagles - says Saint Jerome - perceive the prey from afar, they immediately launch themselves to take it. And we, with the greatest fervor, should not run and fly to Jesus in the sacrament, as for the most precious food of our souls! So, in this valley of tears, the saints have always run eagerly, like thirsty deer,for this heavenly source. Fr. Baltasar Alvares, of the Society of Jesus, whatever his occupation, often directed his eyes to the place where the SS was. Sacrament; she visited him frequently, sometimes spending whole nights in his presence. I cried when I saw the palaces of the great crowds of people cutting a man, from whom they expect some miserable good, while the churches are abandoned, where he resides among us, as on a throne of love, the sovereign Lord of the world, rich immense and eternal goods. And he said that the religious are very happy because, without leaving their homes, they can visit this august Lord in the SS as many times as they want, day and night. Sacramento, what the people of the century cannot do.he often directed his eyes to the place where the SS was. Sacrament; she visited him frequently, sometimes spending whole nights in his presence. I cried when I saw the palaces of the great crowds of people cutting a man, from whom they expect some miserable good, while the churches are abandoned, where he resides among us, as on a throne of love, the sovereign Lord of the world, rich immense and eternal goods. And he said that the religious are very happy because, without leaving their homes, they can visit this august Lord in the SS as many times as they want, day and night. Sacramento, what the people of the century cannot do.he often directed his eyes to the place where the SS was. Sacrament; she visited him frequently, sometimes spending whole nights in his presence. I cried when I saw the palaces of the great crowds of people cutting a man, from whom they expect some miserable good, while the churches are abandoned, where he resides among us, as on a throne of love, the sovereign Lord of the world, rich immense and eternal goods. And he said that the religious are very happy because, without leaving their homes, they can visit this august Lord in the SS as many times as they want, day and night. Sacramento, what the people of the century cannot do.from which they expect some miserable good, while the churches are abandoned, where he resides among us, as on a throne of love, the sovereign Lord of the world, rich in immense and eternal goods. And he said that the religious are very happy because, without leaving their homes, they can visit this august Lord in the SS as many times as they want, day and night. Sacramento, what the people of the century cannot do.from which they expect some miserable good, while the churches are abandoned, where he resides among us, as on a throne of love, the sovereign Lord of the world, rich in immense and eternal goods. And he said that the religious are very happy because, without leaving their homes, they can visit this august Lord in the SS as many times as they want, day and night. Sacramento, what the people of the century cannot do.

Most loving Lord, since the sight of my stains and ingratitude does not prevent you from inviting me with such kindness to approach you, I do not want to be discouraged because of my miseries: for you I come, I approach you. You will change me completely into another, banishing from my heart all love that is not for you, all desire that is not pleasant for you, every thought that does not tend to you. My Jesus, my love, my treasure, my everything, I only want to please you. You alone deserve all my love, I just want to love you with all my heart. Detach me from everything, Lord, and bind me all to you; but connect me so well, that I can no longer separate myself from you in this or the next life.

Jaculatory - Most sweet Jesus, do not allow me to separate from you.

Visit to the SS. Virgin

Dionysus, a Carthusian, calls the SS. Virgin advocate of all sinners who turn to her. O great Mother of God, since your job is to defend the causes of the greatest criminals who turn to you, here I am at your feet: I turn to you and say with S. Tomás de Vila Nova: I beg you ,. O my lawyer, do your office., defend my cause. It is true that I have become guilty towards God, offending him so much after having received so many favors and graces from him; but the evil is done; but you can save me. Simply tell your God to embrace my defense, and he will forgive me, and I will be saved.

Jaculatory - O my beloved Mother, it is up to you to save me.

Visit to San José

Speaking of Saint Joseph's worth in favor of his devout servants, Saint Bernard says these remarkable words: What distinguishes him from other saints is that he can protect everyone who appeals to his intercession, and help them in all their needs. Certain saints were granted to defend us in some circumstances; St. Joseph was given the power to help us with all our needs, and to protect all those who take refuge with him. Therefore, many times, we repeat:

Jaculatory - São José, help us with all our needs.


The wife of the sacred Canticles was looking for her Dileto, and, not finding him, asked: Have you seen the one my heart loves? (Ct3,3). Jesus was not then on earth; but now every soul who loves Jesus and seeks him is sure to always find him in the SS. Sacrament. Blessed João de Ávila said that, among all the sanctuaries, one cannot find or desire any more lovable than a church, where the SS rests. Sacrament.

O infinite love of my God, worthy of infinite love! How could you, my Jesus, slaughter you so much? In order to be entertained by men and to be united with their hearts, you humbled yourself to the point that you hid yourself under the kinds of bread. O incarnate Word, your dejection has no limits, because your love has also no limits. How can I stop loving you with all my soul, when I know how much you have done to captivate my heart? I love you ardently and therefore I prefer your will to all my interests and my own satisfaction. all my happiness consists in being pleasant to you, my Jesus, my God, my love, my everything. Ignite my heart with a great desire to be continually before you in the sacrament, to receive you and to always keep you company. I would be ungrateful if I did not accept such a sweet and kind invitation. Ah!Lord, I destroyed all affection for creatures. You want, O my Creator, to be the sole object of my sighs, of all my affections; well, I love you. O infinitely lovable kindness of my God, and I desire only you. I do not seek my satisfaction, but yours; it is enough that I give you a taste. Accept, O Jesus, the desire of a sinner, who wants to love you. Help me with your grace; make me a miserable slave to hell, from now on, become a happy slave of your love.Help me with your grace; make me a miserable slave to hell, from now on, become a happy slave of your love.Help me with your grace; make me a miserable slave to hell, from now on, become a happy slave of your love.

Jaculatory - O Jesus, my supreme good, I love you above all goods.

Visit to the SS. Virgin

O my Lady and my sweetest Mother, I am a rebellious subject of your divine Son; however, repentant, I come to beg your mercy, that you may obtain forgiveness from me. Do not tell me that you cannot, because Saint Bernard calls you a dispenser of forgiveness. You must also help those who are threatened: for St. Efrem calls you to help those who are in danger. O my lady, who is more in danger than I am? I lost my God; it is true that I was condemned to hell; I don't know if God has already forgiven me, and I can still lose him again. But you can obtain all my goods and I hope for you: forgiveness, perseverance, heaven. I hope that, save for your intercession, O Mary, I will be, in the kingdom of the blessed, one of those who will most praise your mercies.

Jaculatory - Mercy of Mary, I will sing to you forever, yes, forever.

Visit to San José

“It would be a wonderful thing, says Santa Teresa in her life, written by herself, to recount the innumerable graces that God has made me, the dangers, both spiritual and bodily, that she delivered me through the mediation of this glorious saint. As for the other saints, it seems that God has given them the power to help us in some particular need only; on the contrary, experience proves that St. Joseph helps us in all our needs, and it is pleasing to Our Lord to bear witness in this way that, just as he wanted to be submitted on earth to the authority of this great saint, he also does everything in heaven that he asks ".

Jaculatory - Saint Joseph, always pray for me the perseverance in praying well.


Many Christians endure great fatigue and are exposed to countless dangers to visit the places of the Holy Land, where our most loving Savior was born, suffered and died. We, however, do not need to make such a long journey or expose ourselves to so many dangers, because the same Lord personally resides with us in the church just a few steps from our homes. Pilgrims think themselves to be very happy - says Saint Pauline - because they can bring from the holy places a little bit of land from the nativity scene or the tomb where Jesus was buried; and we, with what fervor, must not visit the SS. Sacramento, where is the same Jesus in person, and that without fatigue or danger to us?

A godly person, to whom God had given great love to the SS. Sacrament, expressed in a letter, among others, these thoughts: "I recognized (she says) that I owe all the good I possess to the Blessed Sacrament. I gave myself and consecrated myself entirely to Jesus in the sacrament. I see an immense multitude of graces they are not received, because there is no recourse to this divine Sacrament. And yet I see that Our Lord has a great desire to distribute his graces in this Sacrament. O divine mystery! O holy Host! Where does God best manifest His power? it closes all that God has done for us, let us not envy the blessed, because we have the same Lord here on earth with more wonders of his love. Make the people you deal with consecrate yourselves without reserve to the Blessed Sacrament.I speak this way because this divine mystery transports me and ecstasy. I can't help talking about him, because he deserves our love so much. I no longer know what to do for Jesus in the sacrament ". Thus ends the letter.

O seraphim, you are burning with love before Him who is yours and my Lord; and yet it is not for your sake that this King of heaven is under the species of the consecrated host, but for my sake. Let me therefore, loving angels, let me burn and consume the ardor that devours you so that we may live together in the same flames. My Jesus, let me know the greatness of your love for men, so that the vision of such great love may increase in me the desire to love and please you. I love you, most lovable Lord, and I want to love you always, and I love you only to please you.

Jaculatory - My Jesus, I believe in you, I hope in you, I love you, I give myself.

Visit to the SS. Virgin

O most kind Virgin, Saint Bonaventure gives you the name of Mother of the orphans and St. Efrem the asylum of the orphans. There! who are these poor orphans but sinners, who have lost God? Then I turn to you, O Mary; I lost my Father, but you are my Mother; it is up to you to make me find him again. In my extreme misfortune, I implore your help; I came to my aid: Leave me in desolation? No, Innocent III answers: Who has never called upon you, and has not been assisted and helped by you? Who has never been lost after coming to you? only those who do not turn to you are lost. So, my Queen, if you want my salvation, let me always call on you and trust in you.

Jaculatory - O Mary, my most holy Mother, fill me with confidence in you.

Visit to San José

Let us listen to Saint Teresa again: "Knowing from long experience the admirable power that St. Joseph enjoys with God, I would have wanted to persuade everyone to honor him with a particular cult. . I am content with asking, for the love of God, those who would not believe me, make this an experience ".

Jaculatory - Saint Joseph, patron of interior life, led me to the perfection that God wants from me.


You are truly a hidden God (Is43,18). In no other work of divine love are these words verified so well as in the lovely mystery of the SS. Sacramento, in which our God is kept all hidden. In incarnation, the eternal Word hid his divinity, and appeared on earth only as a man; but, while living among us in this Sacrament, Jesus also hides his humanity and only allows us to see the appearance of the bread to show us the tenderness of his love for us. His divinity is hidden - says Saint Bernard - his humanity is hidden; only the entrails of his charity are shown without a veil.

O my beloved Redeemer, when I consider the excess of your love for men, I am beside myself and do not know what else to say. For their sake, you have, in this Sacrament, hidden your majesty, obscured your glory, even consumed and abated your divine life. And while you are on the altars it seems that you have no other business than to love men, and to make your love shine to them. And what recognition do you bear, O august Son of God?

O Jesus, O lover (allow me to speak to you like this), O very passionate lover of men - since you prefer your interests to your own honor - did you not know to what contempt this invention of your love should expose you? I see, and you have seen it before me, that most men do not adore you or want to recognize you for what you are in this Sacrament. I know that more than once these same men dared to trample the consecrated hosts at their feet, to throw them on the ground, water and fire. I see with surprise that most of those who believe in you, instead of noticing so many outrages for their homage, come to the churches to aggravate you more for their irreverence, or leave you alone and abandoned on the altar, sometimes even without lamps and the necessary ornaments.

Oh! if I could, my sweetest Savior, wash with my tears and even my blood those unfortunate places where your love has been so unworthily outraged in that Sacrament! But, if I am not granted this happiness, at least, Lord, I propose to visit you many times to adore you, as I do at this moment, in atonement for the contempt you receive from men in this divine mystery. Accept, O Eternal Father, this weak tribute that the most miserable of creatures pays you today in reparation for the outrages done to your Son in the SS. Sacrament; accept it in union with the infinite honor that Jesus Christ has given you on the cross and every day he gives you on the altars. Ah! if I could, O my Jesus, inspire all men with a burning love for your lovely Sacrament!

Jaculatory - O my lovely Jesus, make yourself known, make yourself love.

Visit to the SS. Virgin

O my most powerful Lady, in the fears that my eternal salvation inspires me, when my confidence comforts me when I turn to you, and I think, O my Mother, of the treasures of grace and tenderness that are in you. On the one hand, St. John Damascene calls you an ocean of grace; St. Bonaventure, a vast reservoir where all graces are gathered; St. Efrem, source of grace and all consolation, and St. Bernard, fullness of all goods; and elsewhere, I see you so inclined to do well that, according to St. Bonaventure, you are offended when we do not ask you for thanks. O richest, most knowledgeable and most clement Queen, I know that you know the needs of my soul better than I do, and that the love you have for me is far superior to what I consecrate to you; do you know what grace I ask of you today? Oh! have the grace that you know is the most useful for my soul;pray to God to deign to grant it, and I am satisfied.

Jaculatory - Grant me, O my God, the graces that Mary implores you for me.

Visit to San José

Suppose the Lord, seeing that we are afflicted in the midst of the miseries of this life, addresses all of Pharaoh's words to his people, in the great famine that was plaguing Egypt: Ite ad Joseph: Go to Joseph, if you want to be comforted.

Jaculatory - Saint Joseph, comforter of afflicted souls, we will appeal to you in all our afflictions.


Saint Paul praises Jesus' obedience, saying that he obeyed his eternal Father until death: He became obedient until death (Fp2,8). But in this Sacrament he goes further: he wanted to be obedient not only to the Eternal Father, but also to man himself, and this not only until death, but until the end of the world. he, the King of heaven. he descends on the altar at the voice of man, and seems to remain there exclusively to obey men: As for me, he says, I cannot resist (Is50,5). There is no movement of its own; let it stay where you put it, be exposed in custody, be locked up in the ciborium; let yourself be taken where you are taken, to houses or through the streets; he lets himself be given in communion to all who want to receive him, the righteous as well as the sinner. While living here on earth, says Saint Luke, Jesus obeyed Mary Most Holy and Saint Joseph; but in this Sacrament, it obeys so many creatures,how many priests are in the world: As for me, I cannot resist.

Allow me to speak to you at this moment, O most loving Heart of my Jesus, from whence all the sacraments and in particular, this Sacrament of love. I would like to tax you so much glory and honor, how much you tax your Eternal Father in our churches. I know that, on this altar, you continue to love me with the same fervor with which on the cross you gave life for me, in the midst of horrible torments. Enlighten, O divine Heart, that they may know you, those who do not know you. For your merits, free yourself from purgatory or at least relieve the souls who suffer there and are your eternal wives. I adore you, I thank you and I love you with all the souls who at the moment love you on earth and in heaven. O Most pure heart, purify my heart from all attachment to creatures and fill it with your holy love. O sweetest heart, so take hold of my heart,may he be all yours and from now on I can say: Nothing can separate me from the love of God that is in Jesus Christ (Rm 8,38). O Most Holy Heart, engrave in my heart the feathers so bitter that you suffered for me during the years of your mortal life, so that I may come to desire or at least endure patiently, for your sake, all the feathers of this life. O humble heart of Jesus, teach me your humility; Heart full of meekness, communicate your sweetness to me. Take from my heart everything that you don't like; I have converted it entirely to you, so that it will neither desire nor desire but what you yourself desire. In a word, make me live just to love and please you. I recognize that I owe you a lot and I am obliged; it would be little if I sacrificed and consumed everything for you.Nothing is able to separate me from the love of God that is in Jesus Christ (Rm 8,38). O Most Holy Heart, engrave in my heart the feathers so bitter that you suffered for me during the years of your mortal life, so that I may come to desire or at least endure patiently, for your sake, all the feathers of this life. O humble heart of Jesus, teach me your humility; Heart full of meekness, communicate your sweetness to me. Take from my heart everything that you don't like; I have converted it entirely to you, so that it will neither desire nor desire but what you yourself desire. In a word, make me live just to love and please you. I recognize that I owe you a lot and I am obliged; it would be little if I sacrificed and consumed everything for you.Nothing is able to separate me from the love of God that is in Jesus Christ (Rm 8,38). O Most Holy Heart, engrave in my heart the feathers so bitter that you suffered for me during the years of your mortal life, so that I may come to desire or at least endure patiently, for your sake, all the feathers of this life. O humble heart of Jesus, teach me your humility; Heart full of meekness, communicate your sweetness to me. Take from my heart everything that you don't like; I have converted it entirely to you, so that it will neither desire nor desire but what you yourself desire. In a word, make me live just to love and please you. I recognize that I owe you a lot and I am obliged; it would be little if I sacrificed and consumed everything for you.engrave in my heart the feathers so bitter that you suffered for me during the years of your mortal life, so that I may desire or at least endure patiently, for your sake, all the feathers of this life. O humble heart of Jesus, teach me your humility; Heart full of meekness, communicate your sweetness to me. Take from my heart everything that you don't like; I have converted it entirely to you, so that it will neither desire nor desire but what you yourself desire. In a word, make me live just to love and please you. I recognize that I owe you a lot and I am obliged; it would be little if I sacrificed and consumed everything for you.engrave in my heart the feathers so bitter that you suffered for me during the years of your mortal life, so that I may desire or at least endure patiently, for your sake, all the feathers of this life. O humble heart of Jesus, teach me your humility; Heart full of meekness, communicate your sweetness to me. Take from my heart everything that you don't like; I have converted it entirely to you, so that it will neither desire nor desire but what you yourself desire. In a word, make me live just to love and please you. I recognize that I owe you a lot and I am obliged; it would be little if I sacrificed and consumed everything for you.teach me your humility; Heart full of meekness, communicate your sweetness to me. Take from my heart everything that you don't like; I have converted it entirely to you, so that it will neither desire nor desire but what you yourself desire. In a word, make me live just to love and please you. I recognize that I owe you a lot and I am obliged; it would be little if I sacrificed and consumed everything for you.teach me your humility; Heart full of meekness, communicate your sweetness to me. Take from my heart everything that you don't like; I have converted it entirely to you, so that it will neither desire nor desire but what you yourself desire. In a word, make me live just to love and please you. I recognize that I owe you a lot and I am obliged; it would be little if I sacrificed and consumed everything for you.

Jaculatory - O Heart of Jesus, you are the only lord of my heart.

Visit to the SS. Virgin

S. Bernardo says that Mary is the heavenly ark that will surely save us from the wreck of eternal damnation, if we take refuge in time. The ark that saved Noah from the universal shipwreck was a figure of Mary; but, says Hesychius, Mary is a larger, more powerful, more beneficial ark. Noah's ark received and saved only a small number of men and animals; but our Liberator receives all who seek shelter under her cloak and will surely save everyone. How unhappy we would be if we didn't have Maria! And yet, how many are still lost, O my Queen! it's because? Ah! because they don't turn to you. Who would ever be lost if I turned to you?

Jaculatory - Do, O Mary, that we all turn to you always.

Visit to San José

Saint Teresa did not understand how a person can have devotion to the Queen of angels, without having her, and very particular, to her chaste husband Saint Joseph, who was so dedicated on earth to the service of Mary and her dear Son Jesus. Let us therefore resort to Saint Teresa, so that devotion to the Blessed Virgin and Saint Joseph may reach us.

Jaculatory - Saint Joseph, for the love of your beloved servant, Santa Teresa, give us growth in devotion to you always.


Rejoice and praise the Lord, O House of Zion, because the Great One, the Holy One of Israel, is in your midst (1: 12,6). Holy God, what joy, what hopes, what affections should we not conceive of as men, considering that in the midst of our homeland, in our churches, close to our homes, he lives and lives in the SS. Sacrament of the altar the Holy of Holies, the true God, the one whose presence makes the happiness of the blessed in heaven, the one who is love! This Sacrament, says Saint Bernard, is not only love, but love itself; it is this God who, due to the immense love he has for creatures, is called and in effect is love in essence: God is love.

But I hear that you complain, O Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament, that you came to earth to be our guest and to fill us with goods, and you were not welcomed by us: I was among you and you did not receive me (Mt 25,43). There! it is true, Lord, you are right; I myself am one of those ungrateful people who have left you alone, who have not visited you. Punish me as you wish, but do not apply the penalty that I deserve, that is, that of being deprived of your presence, for I want to amend and repair my criminal indifference; I want, for the future, not only to visit you frequently, but also to entertain myself with you as much as I can. Most merciful Savior, make me faithful to you and with my example excite others to keep you company in the Blessed Sacrament. I hear the Eternal Father who says to us: Here is my beloved Son,in whom I put all my complacency (Mt 3,17). Oh! a God finds in you, O Jesus, all your complacencies, and I, a despicable little red, will I not find my happiness in being with you in this valley of tears !? O consuming fire, I have destroyed in me all attachment to created things, because only they can make me unfaithful and withdraw from you. You can do it if you want to: Lord, if you want, you can heal me (Mt 8,2). You have already done me so many favors, add this one more: banish from my heart all affections that do not tend to you. Here you have me, I give myself entirely to you; the rest of my life, today I dedicate it all to the love of the SS. Sacrament. And you, O Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament, be my love during life and at the hour of death, at that time when you will be my viaticum and my guide to the kingdom of your eternal happiness. I hope so,so be it. Amen.

Jaculatory - O my Jesus, when will I see the beauty of your face?

Visit to the SS. Virgin

In you, O Mary, our most holy Mother, we find a remedy for all our ills; in you, the protection of our weakness, as St. Germanus says; in you, the door to get out of the slavery of sin, according to St. Bonaventure; our sure peace in you, according to the same saint who proclaims to you the sweet rest of mortals; in you, consolation in the miseries of our life, according to Saint Lawrence Justinian. In you, at last, we find the grace of God and God Himself, for St. Bonaventure calls you the throne of divine grace, and St. Proculum: The bridge through which God descends to men, a healthy bridge by which God, separated from us because of our sins, come again with his grace to dwell in our souls.

Jaculatory - O Mary, you are my strength, my deliverance, my peace and my salvation.

Visit to San José

O great protector, Saint Joseph, do not endeavor to receive under your protection the most ungrateful sinner who lives in the world. Grant me this grace; I beg you, for the love of your beloved Jesus, for the love of Mary, your august wife, for the love of your beloved servant, St. Teresa, who has worked so hard on the earth to spread your glory. Make me die, like you, in the arms of Jesus and Mary.

Jaculatory - São José, I was helped in my agony.


The holy Church, in the Office of the SS. Sacramento, sing these beautiful words: No nation, however great, has its gods as close to them as our God is close to us (Dt4,7). When pagans heard about the works of love of our God, they exclaimed: Oh! how good is the God of Christians! And indeed, go through history and you will see that, although pagans invented deities according to their desires, they never came to imagine a God as full of love for men as our true God: To witness his love to those who worship him, and enriching them with his graces, this God so good deigned to become our perpetual companion and to remain with us day and night on our altars, as if he could not, even for an instant, separate himself from us. Such is the monument that he left us with his wonders (Ps 110.4). So, then,O sweetest Jesus of mine, you wanted to work the greatest of your miracles, in order to satisfy the excessive desire that you had to always dwell among us. And why do men, knowing this, flee from your presence? How can they live so long away from you, or visit you so rarely? As a century seems like the quarter of an hour they spend in your presence, so profound is the boredom they feel there! O my Jesus' patience, how great you are! Ah! I understand you, Lord; your patience is great, because your love for men has no limits; yes, it is this love that forces you to remain constantly in the midst of these ungrateful they flee from your presence? How can they live so long away from you, or visit you so rarely? As a century seems like the quarter of an hour they spend in your presence, so profound is the boredom they feel there! O my Jesus' patience, how great you are! Ah! I understand you, Lord; your patience is great, because your love for men has no limits; yes, it is this love that forces you to remain constantly in the midst of these ungrateful they flee from your presence? How can they live so long away from you, or visit you so rarely? As a century seems like the quarter of an hour they spend in your presence, so profound is the boredom they feel there! O my Jesus' patience, how great you are! Ah! I understand you, Lord; your patience is great, because your love for men has no limits; yes, it is this love that forces you to remain constantly in the midst of these ungrateful ones.

O infinite God in your love, as you are in all your perfections, make sure that in the future I do not belong. more to the number of those ungrateful, as in the past! Grant me a love given to what I owe you and what you deserve. There was a time when I was also bored in your presence, because I didn't love you, or I loved you very little; but if, with the help of your grace, I come to love you very much, oh! then I will make all my happiness consist of spending whole days and nights at the foot of your altars. O eternal Father, I offer you your divine Son, receive him for me; and for your merits give me such an ardent and tender love for the SS. Sacramento, who, always turned to a church where he lives, I never stop thinking about him and sighing for the moment when I can go and enjoy his presence.

Jaculatory - My God, for Jesus' sake give me great love to the SS. Sacrament!

Visit to the SS. Virgin

Mary is that tower of David, of which the Holy Spirit speaks in sacred songs: Fortresses rise around it, a thousand shields and all the weapons of the mighty are suspended there (Ct4,4). You are therefore, O Most Holy Virgin, - as Saint Ignatius Martyr says - an impregnable shield for those who are engaged in combat. Ah! how numerous are the assaults of my enemies, in order to deprive me of the grace of God and of your protection, O my most lovable Lady! But you are my strength; you do not deign to fight for those who put their trust in you, and that is why St. Efrem says that you are the safeguard of those who trust in you. Defend me, therefore, and fight for me, that I place in you all my trust and all my hope.

Jaculatory - Maria, Maria, your name is my defense.

Visit to San José

By the grace of God, there is now no one in the Christian world who has no devotion to St. Joseph; but, among all the others, those who invoke him more often and with more confidence certainly receive more thanks from him.

Jaculatory - Saint Joseph, make me invoke you always full of confidence.


If God gave us his own Son - says Saint Paul - what good could he still refuse us? Didn't He give us all the goods with Him? (Rm 8,32). We know, moreover, that the Eternal Father has put into the hands of Jesus Christ everything he has (John 13: 2). Let us therefore give thanks, without ceasing, for the kindness, the mercy, the liberality of our loving God, who wanted to enrich us with all good and all grace (ICor 1.5), giving us Jesus in the Sacrament of the altar.

So, O Savior of the world, O Incarnate Word, I can think that you are mine, and all mine, if I want to; but can I say in the same way that I am all yours, how do you want it? Ah! Lord, do not allow me to bring ingratitude to the point of refusing to surrender to you. May I not give the world such a spectacle! If I did it in the past, at least don't do it for the future. Today, I dedicate myself entirely to you. I dedicate to you, for time and for eternity, my life, my will, my thoughts, my actions, my sufferings. Here I am for you; as a victim, consecrated to you, I separate myself from the creatures, and I offer myself entirely to you; I was consumed with the flames of divine love. I no longer want creatures to have any part in my heart. Seeing the proofs of love that you lavished on me, when I did not yet love you,I have the firm confidence that you will accept me, now that I love you, and that for love I give myself to you.

Eternal Father, today I offer you all the virtues, all the acts, all the affections of the Heart of your beloved Jesus. Accept them for me and for your merits, which are all mine, because he gave it to me, grant me the graces that Jesus asks of you for me. I offer you these merits to thank you for the many mercies that you have done to me; I offer them to satisfy your righteousness for my sins; and for these merits, in short, I expect you all. graces, forgiveness, perseverance, paradise, and above all the supreme gift of your holy love. I know well that I am putting obstacles to your favors, but deign to remedy that too. I beseech you in the name of Jesus Christ who promised: If you ask my Father for anything in my name, he will give it to you (Jn 16:23). You cannot therefore reject my plea. Sir,I want nothing more than to love you, to give myself entirely to you, and to be no more ungrateful as I have been up to now. I looked at myself, Lord, and heard me; make me so attached to you this day that I never cease to love you. I love you, my God; I love you, O infinite goodness; I love you, my love, my paradise, my happiness, my life, my everything.

Jaculatory - My Jesus, my everything, you want me to be yours, I also want you to be mine.

Visit to the SS. Virgin

What a relief I feel in my sorrows, what a consolation in my tribulations, what strength in temptations, when I think of you, and I call on you for my help, O Mary, my most sweet and most holy Mother! Ah! great saints, what reason do you have to exalt this august Lady of mine, calling her with St. Efrem: the port of the afflicted; with St. Bonaventure: the reparation of our misfortunes and the consolation of the miserable; with São Germano: the end of our tears. O Mary, console me; I see that I am full of iniquities, surrounded by enemies, poor in virtues, cold in love for God. Comfort me, comfort me, but the comfort I want is to start a new life, a life truly pleasing to your Son and to you.

Jaculatory - Make me another, O Mary, my Mother, make me another, for you can do it.

Visit to San José

If a sinner had wished to obtain from Jesus the forgiveness of his faults when he lived in the house of St. Joseph, could he find a safer way of being attended to than this saint's intercession? If, therefore, we want to be reconciled to God, let us turn to St. Joseph, who, now in heaven, is even more loved by Jesus Christ than when he was on earth.

Jaculatory - Saint Joseph, always pray to Jesus to forgive me my sins.


I am at the door and knock (Ap3,20). O loving Shepherd, not content with sacrificing yourselves on the altar of the cross for the love of your sheep, you still wanted to stay in the churches, hidden under the veils of the Eucharist, in order to be closer to us and to always be able to knock on the door of our hearts and get entry. Ah! if I knew how to enjoy your presence, as your holy wife, who said to you in the songs, knew: I am seated in the shadow of the one for whom I had so longed (Ct2,3). Ah! if I loved you, if I truly loved you, O most lovable Jesus in the sacrament, then, yes, that all my desire would be to remain day and night without ceasing, at the foot of a dome; and there, very close to you and immobile in the presence of your majesty veiled under the sacred species,I would also enjoy these heavenly delights and that ineffable happiness that souls inflamed with love for you enjoy!

I appeal to you, I beseech you, for the odor of your perfections and for the immense love that you show in this Sacrament. I am attracted, in your follow-up we run to the odor of your perfumes (Ct.1,3). Yes, my Savior, I will abandon all creatures and all the pleasures of the earth, to run to the Sacrament that encloses you. Your children will be like new olive trees around your table (Ps127). Oh! what fruits of virtues do not give these happy souls to God, which like tender plants, surround your beloved tabernacles! But I, O my Jesus, am ashamed to appear before you, so naked and empty of virtues. You have ordered that no one approach the altar, with the intention of honoring you, without making you any offer: You will not appear before me empty-handed (Ex23,15). What should I do then? Stop visiting you? But not; that would displease you. I turned,for, poor as I am, and you yourself, Lord, will provide me with the gifts you want to receive from me. Because I know that you remain in this Sacrament not only to reward your friends, but also to share your goods with the poor. So start today.

I adore you, King of my heart and true lover of souls, Shepherd very tender to your sheep; and today I approach this throne of your love, and, having nothing else to offer you, I present my miserable heart to you, so that it may be devoted entirely to your love and to do your will. With this heart I can love you; with this heart I want to love you as much as possible. I therefore drew him to you, unite him so closely to your will, that from now on I can say with your dear disciple that I am bound by the bonds of your love: I, Paul, captive to Jesus Christ (Eph3 ,1). Unite me all, Lord, and make me forget myself, so that one day I may lose everything and myself, to find you alone, loving you without end. I love you, Lord my sacrament; I cling to you,I join you; make him find you and love you, and do not part with me any more.

Jaculatory - O my Jesus, you just make me happy.

Visit to the SS. Virgin

S. Bernardo says that Mary is the real road of the Savior, a safe road to find the Savior and salvation; and adds that it is the car that drives our souls to God. So, O august Queen, do not expect me to come to God, if you do not carry me in your arms. Take me, yes, take me; and if I resist, take me by force; use your power, and by the sweet attractions of your charity, subject my soul, compel my rebellious will to renounce creatures, and to seek only God and his holy will. Show the heavenly court the extent of your power. The multitude of your prodigies gather a new portent of your mercy, uniting closely with God a soul that was completely separate from him.

Jaculatory - O Maria, you can make me a saint; I expect this grace from you.

Visit to San José

Let us pray to Saint Joseph the love of Jesus Christ, because I am sure that the most unique grace that Saint Joseph has for his devout servants is a tender love for the incarnate Word; this privilege was granted to him in return for the extreme affection with which he loved Jesus in this world.

Jaculatory - Saint Joseph, make me love Jesus as he wants to be loved by me.


Why do you hide your face? (Job 13,24). It was a reason for Job to be afraid to see that God hid his face from him; but to hide Jesus from His majesty under the Eucharistic veils is not a cause for fear for us, but a reason for trust and love; because, as Novarino observes, it is precisely to increase our confidence and better show us his love, that our God hides himself under the kinds of bread. For if this King of heaven let the splendours of his glory shine on our altars, who would dare to approach him and express his affections and desires with confidence?

O my Jesus, what an invention full of love to the SS. Sacramento, where you hide under the appearance of bread, to be within reach of all who want to find you and love you on earth! The prophet had a very good reason to urge men to raise their voices and to publish all over the world the extent to which the inventions of our God 's love for us reached us: Make known their inventions to the people (Is 12,14). O loving heart of my Jesus, worthy to possess the hearts of all creatures. Heart always full of flames of the purest love, O burning fire, · I have consumed myself entirely and give me a new life, all of love and grace! I have joined you in such a way that I will never be separated from you again. O Heart open to be the refuge of souls, receive me. O Heart lacerated on the cross for the sins of the world, give me real pain from my sins.I know that in this divine Sacrament you retain the same feelings of love that you had when you died for me on Calvary; it is certain, therefore, that you earnestly desire to unite me all with you; then is it possible that I still resist and do not let myself be overcome by your love? Ah! on your merits, I ask you: O my beloved Jesus, wound me, bind me, hold me close to your heart. Today, with the help of your grace, I resolve to be content with everything from now on, to trample on human respect, inclinations, disgust, whims, interests, and finally everything that can prevent me from being completely content. Do, Lord; may I be faithful to my resolution and that from now on all my actions, all my thoughts and affections will be entirely in accordance with your will. O divine love, banish any other love from my heart.O Mary, my hope, you can do everything with God: obtain the grace of me to be, until death, a faithful servant of the pure love of Jesus. Amen. I hope so in time and in eternity.

Jaculatory - Who will separate me from the love of Jesus Christ?

Visit to the SS. Virgin

Saint Bernard says that Mary's love for us cannot be greater or more powerful; so that she is rich with tenderness to sympathize with our pains, and with the power to relieve them. He says: The powerful and compassionate charity of the Mother of God is distinguished at the same time by the tenderness of her compassion and the effectiveness of her protection; these two things are equally immense in it. It is therefore true, O most pure Queen, that you are as rich in power as in kindness: you can and wish to save all. Today, therefore, and every day of my life, I will invoke you with the pious Luís Blósio: Augusta Senhora, protect me in combat, fortify me in faintness. Yes, O Maria, in the great struggle that I maintain against hell, always help me; and when you see that I am about to succumb, make haste to extend your hand to me,and support me more strongly. O God! how many temptations I still have to overcome until death! But you, my hope, my refuge, my strength, O Mary, do not let me ever lose the grace of God. I am determined to always and promptly appeal to you in all my temptations, saying:

Jaculatory - Help me, O Maria! O Maria, help me.

Visit to San José

O holy patriarch, through the tears you shed, contemplating in advance the passion of your Jesus, reach out to me continually and tenderly in my Redeemer's torments; and by the holy flames of love that these thoughts and conversations ignited in your heart, obtain a spark from me for my soul, which, through your sins, contributed so much to Jesus' pains.

Jaculatory - Saint Joseph, make the cross of Jesus always in my spirit and in my heart.


Oh! how beautiful it was to contemplate our lovely Redeemer on the day when, tired from the journey, his face radiant with grace and tenderness, he sat at the edge of a well (Jn 4,6; 12,47), waiting for the Samaritan to convert and to save. For with that same sweetness, continued day by day, the same Jesus is preserved among us; descended from heaven to our altars, as well as to many other sources of graces, he awaits souls and invites them to keep him company, at least for a time, and this in order to attract them to his perfect love. From all the altars, where he is in the sacrament, Jesus seems to say to us: O men, why are you fleeing from my presence? why don't you come to me, don't come close to me, who love you so much, and for your sake, I remain in this state of despondency? What do you fear? It is not yet as a judge that I came into the world;in this Sacrament of love I hid myself only to do good and to save whoever comes to me: I did not come to judge the world, but to save it (Jn 12: 47).

Let us understand well that, like Jesus Christ, in heaven, he is always alive to intercede on our behalf (Hb7,25); thus, in the sacrament of the altar, he is busy, day and night, in exercising in our favor the charitable profession of lawyer, offering himself as a victim to his Eternal Father to obtain mercies and untold graces from him. This is the reason why the pious Tomás de Kempis said that we must approach Jesus in the SS. Sacramento and speak to him without apprehension or embarrassment, as a friend speaks to his friend.

Since it is so, O my King and Lord hidden here, let me open my heart full of confidence to you and tell you: O my Jesus, O tender friend of our souls, I know the ingratitude of men towards you. You love them, and they do not love you; you do them good and they despise you; you want them to hear your voice, and they do not listen to you; you offer them thanks, and they reject them ... Ah! my Jesus, and is it true that I once joined these ungrateful ones to offend you? There! it is unfortunately true; but I want to correct myself, I want, during the remaining days of my life, to repair past offenses, doing what I can to please and satisfy you. Say, Lord, what you want from me; I am willing to do whatever you order me to do; make your will known to me through holy obedience; I hope to carry it out faithfully. O my God,I am determined to do what I know you should like from now on, even though it is necessary to lose everything, relatives, friends, honor, health, and life itself. Lose everything, as long as you are satisfied. happy is the loss, when everything is lost and everything is sacrificed to please your Heart, O God of my soul! I love you, O supreme good, infinitely more loving than all other goods, and in loving you, I unite my poor heart with the burning hearts of the seraphim, with the Heart of Mary, with the Heart of Jesus. I love you with all my soul, and I only want to love you always.when everything is lost and everything is sacrificed to please your Heart, O God of my soul! I love you, O supreme good, infinitely more loving than all other goods, and in loving you, I unite my poor heart with the burning hearts of the seraphim, with the Heart of Mary, with the Heart of Jesus. I love you with all my soul, and I only want to love you always.when everything is lost and everything is sacrificed to please your Heart, O God of my soul! I love you, O supreme good, infinitely more loving than all other goods, and in loving you, I unite my poor heart with the burning hearts of the seraphim, with the Heart of Mary, with the Heart of Jesus. I love you with all my soul, and I only want to love you always.

Jaculatory - My God, my God, I am yours, and you are mine.

Visit to the SS. Virgin

Blessed Amadeu says that Mary, our most holy Queen, is continually before God, exercising the office of our lawyer and interposing in our favor the powerful credit of her prayers. Because, he adds, seeing our miseries and dangers, this most clement lady of ours cannot help but sympathize with our evils and help us with a truly maternal tenderness. Therefore, O my lawyer, O my most tender Mother, right now you see the miseries of my soul and the dangers that surround me, and pray for me. Ah! pray, yes, pray, and do not cease to do it until you see me in heaven to give you thanks forever. O most sweet Virgin Mary, the pious Luís Blósio tells me that, after Jesus, you are the sure salvation of those who serve you faithfully. Well then;the grace that I ask of you today is the happiness of being your faithful servant to death, so that when he leaves this world, he will bless you in heaven, sure that he will never be deprived of your presence, while God is God.

Jaculatory - O Mary, my Mother, make me belong to you always.

Visit to San José

We must be devotees of Saint Joseph, mainly so that he can reach us a good death. Because he saved the Child Jesus from the betrayals they were armed with, he has the very special privilege of freeing the dying from the wiles of the devil; and because he has assisted Jesus and Mary so long, earning them their home and support, his saint enjoys the privilege of obtaining for his servants, at the moment of death, the special assistance of Jesus and Mary. More: we all know that he is the patron of the good death, because he was fortunate enough to die in the arms of Jesus and Mary. Let us therefore invoke Saint Joseph many times in life, saying:

Jaculatory - Saint Joseph, make me die, like you, in the arms of Jesus and Mary.



The virtues designated by S. Afonso, for the twelve months of the year, are extensively developed in the book entitled: "School of Christian Perfection". - Editora Vozes Ltda. , Petrópolis.


Santa Teresa said that all sins are born out of lack of faith. The Saint was right, because it is impossible to live apart from God, when the truths of faith are continually before the eyes, the greatness of God, the love he has for us, the benefits of which he has filled us, and especially the work of Redemption, Passion of Jesus Christ and the gift of the Blessed Sacrament: the same happens when one often meditates on death, judgment, hell, eternity. Therefore, it is very important to revive each one of them in the spirit of faith, remembering the eternal maxims. So did the saints, and for that reason they attained the crown of glory.

Act of faith

I believe, O my God, in all the truths of faith that the Church proposes to me to believe, because you, infallible truth, have revealed them to me.

I mainly believe that you are my God, creator and lord of all things, and that, for eternity, you reward the righteous with heaven and punish sinners with hell.

I believe that you are one in substance and triune in people, Father, Son and Holy Spirit, three divine persons, but one God.

I believe that God the Son, the second person of the Most Holy Trinity, to save us and rescue us from our sins, became man, taking the name of Jesus Christ, and died on the cross.

I believe that the Blessed Virgin Mary was conceived without sin, she is truly Mother of God, and Virgin before childbirth, in childbirth and after childbirth.

I believe that Jesus Christ, on the third day after his death, was resurrected by his own virtue, and, after forty days, ascended to heaven, where he is seated at the right hand of his eternal Father, I mean, he is equal in majesty and glory .

I believe that Jesus Christ, on the last day, when all men are resurrected, will come to judge them. I believe that the Roman Catholic Church is the only true Church, out of which no one will be saved.

I believe in the supreme authority of the Roman Pontiff, the visible representative of Jesus Christ on earth.

I believe in the Communion of Saints, that is, that all the faithful in a state of grace participate in the. merits of all the just.

I believe in the seven sacraments, through which the grace of Jesus Christ is communicated to us, and especially in the sacrament of baptism, which washes the soul and frees it from sin, infusing it with the grace of God; in the sacrament of, penance for which sins are forgiven those who come to him repentant; and in the sacrament of the Eucharist, in which the body, blood, soul and divinity of Jesus Christ are really received.

I believe in the ten commandments of the Decalogue.

Finally, I believe everything that the Holy Church believes. I thank you, my God, for making me a Christian, and I protest that I want to live and die in this holy faith.

Shorter act of faith

O my God, I believe everything the Church tells me to believe, because you are what you have revealed. I do not pretend to understand the mysteries: they are above my intelligence; for me it is enough that you have revealed them. I ask you, Lord, to increase my faith.

Act of loving faith

Beloved Redeemer of mine, O life of my soul, I believe that you are the only good worthy of being loved.

I believe that you are the most faithful friend of my soul, because only you wanted, for my love, to die in pain. I believe that, in this life and the next, there is no happiness like that of loving you and doing your will. Yes, I firmly believe these truths, and, because I believe them and I want to be all yours and yours alone, I renounce everything that may displease you. For the merits of your Passion, help me and become just as you want it. O infallible truth, I believe in you. O infinite mercy, I hope in you. O infinite goodness, I love you. O infinite love, which you have given me all in your Passion and in the Sacrament of the altar, today I give myself all to you.

Prayer to thank God for the gift of faith

O Savior of the world, I thank you in my name and in that of all the faithful, my brothers, for having called us and admitted us to live in the true faith that the holy Roman Catholic Church teaches. "Very good God, I will tell you with Saint Francis de Sales, great and numerous are the benefits with which you have infinitely thanks me and for them I give you the most cordial thanksgiving; but how can I thank you sufficiently for having clarified me with the lights of holy faith? I tremble, Lord, comparing my ingratitude with such a great benefit ". O my Lord, I give you as many graces as I can for this great gift, and make all men know the beauty of your holy faith. A tended me.

Prayer to Mary

O Mother of God, increase our faith.


Our hope of obtaining salvation and the means necessary for this must be certain from God. The foundations of this certainty are the power, mercy and faithfulness of God: but of these three reasons for trust, the most sure and sure is God's unfailing faithfulness in the promise he made to us, because of the merits of Jesus Christ, to save us and grant us the necessary graces for salvation ... However, this promise is conditional, because it requires, on our part, that we respond to grace and pray. He who prays for sure is saved.

Prayer for confidence

Eternal Father, I thank you with all my heart, in my name and in the name of all men, that you have shown mercy to us to the point of sending your only Son to earth to become man and die for our salvation. I give thanks to you, O my God, and I wish that I could commit love provided with such a great benefit. For the merits of this divine Savior, who satisfied your righteousness and took the penalty that was due to us, is that you forgive us our sins; it is for these merits that you receive us in your grace, miserable sinners, worthy only of hatred and punishment; it is for these merits that you allow men to reign in paradise; finally for these merits it is that you are obliged not to refuse any gift, no grace, to anyone who invokes you in the name of Jesus Christ.

In order to increase our confidence, not satisfied with giving Jesus Christ to us the Redeemer, you also gave your beloved daughter, Mary, your advocate, so that with a heart full of mercy, which you endowed her with, never stop helping, for her intercession, to every sinner who invokes it; I thank you, O infinite goodness, for having given so much power to their prayers, that you can never reject one of their petitions.

You then want, O my God, to have great confidence in Jesus' merits and in Mary's intercession; but there is a gift, and very precious, that must come from you, for you give it only to whom you have determined to save. This gift is trust in the blood of Jesus and in the protection of Mary, which I now ask of you for the very merits of Jesus and Mary.

I also address you, I wanted my Redeemer. In order to gain confidence in your merits, you sacrificed your life on the cross; carry out, therefore, in me the end for which you died, with all the graces awaiting me with complete confidence in your Passion.

Prayer to Mary

O Mary, my Mother, and my hope shortly after Jesus, obtain firm confidence in me, first in the merits of your divine Son, and then in the help of your prayers, which are omnipotent before God.


To obtain the great treasure of love for Jesus Christ, it is necessary:

1. to desire it ardently;

2. to ask for it many times;

3. to give it a place, expelling all disordered appetites from our hearts;

4. the make frequent acts of love;

5. The meditate assiduously on the Passion of Jesus Christ. Charity is the queen of virtues, which follow her wherever she enters to form a showy court.

Prayer to Jesus Christ to obtain his holy love

O crucified love, most lovable Jesus of mine, I believe and confess that you are truly the Son of God and the Savior of the world; I adore you from the abyss of my miseries, and I thank you for having wanted to suffer death in order to earn me the life of divine grace. Oh! of all friends the most faithful, of all brothers the most tender, of all teachers the most loving, most beloved Redeemer of mine, to whom I owe my salvation; you have saved me from hell; you have forgiven my sins; you gave me the hope of paradise! But then! how ungrateful I am! for after so many mercies, after so many special pledges of your love, instead of loving you, I have offended you again. In punishment of so much ingratitude, I deserved to be condemned to not being able to love you ever again. But no, my Jesus, choose any other punishment for me, other than this one; if in the past I have outraged you,now I love you and I want to love with all my heart. You know, however, that without your assistance, I can do nothing. For you command me to love you, give me the gift of your holy love.

Deign yourselves, O my Jesus, my hope, my only love, my life, my treasure, my everything, deign to enlighten my soul with the light of truth and ignite it in the fire of love that you have come to bring to the world. . Let me know more and more the beautiful titles you have acquired to claim my love, because you wanted to suffer and die for me. Ah! give me this same love with which you love your eternal Father; and as he is in you and one with you, so be it in you for true love, and the same with you for the perfect union of my will with yours. O my Jesus, grant me, therefore, the grace to love you always with all my heart, and also at the mercy of asking you without ceasing the grace to love you, so that, ending my life in your love, have the happiness of going to heaven, loving you with the purest and most perfect love,without ever ceasing to do so, possessing you forever.

Complacency love act

Very much, and very much in my heart I rejoice, O my Jesus, that you are infinitely blissful, and that your Father loves you as much as he loves himself.

Act of love of benevolence

Wish; O my Jesus, that you are known and loved by everyone.

Love act of preference

O my Jesus, I love you above all things; but little is this. I love you more than myself; it is still little: I love you with all my heart, with all my soul; it is still little. O my Jesus, listen to me: give me more love, more love, more love!

Perfect charity act

My God, I love you above all things, and in all things, and with all my heart, because you deserve to be infinitely loved.

Prayer to Mary

O Mother of beautiful love, Blessed Virgin, my lawyer, my Mother, my hope after Jesus Christ, oh! of the creatures the most burned in divine love, your most ardent desire is to see the beloved Lord of all souls; well, for the love of this divine Son, who died under your eyes to save me, obtain me to love him always with all my heart. I ask you for this grace, I expect it from you.


He who loves God loves. also to your neighbor; He who does not love his neighbor does not love God. To practice the virtue of charity, you must:

1. the Love your neighbor as yourself from the heart;

2. the refrain of suspects or misjudge him without just .causa;

3. o avoid backbiting;

4. The caution not to tell others the evil that it spoke;

5. the avoid offending others;

6. the escape brawls;

7. the talk sweetly to all, even to the lower;

8. the rescue the next when you can;

9. to seek to save souls;

10. the watch the sick, especially if they are poor;

11. the forgive and do good to enemies;

12. the pray for sinners and the souls in purgatory.

Prayer to obtain the virtue of charity

My most loving Redeemer, how far I am from looking like you! you were nothing but charity for your persecutors, and I, resentful and hateful to my neighbor; you prayed with so much love for those who crucified you, and I only think of taking revenge on those who displeased me; forgive me, my Jesus, I no longer want to be what I was; give me the strength to love those who offend me and to do them good. Do not abandon me to the fury of my passions; do not allow it to happen to separate me from you yet. O heavenly Father, do not look at my sins, but look at Jesus Christ, my Savior, who offered his life to you in sacrifice for my salvation. For the love of Jesus, have compassion on me, and forgive me for having offended you so much, especially for my little charity towards others.

Prayer for the next

My God, I love my neighbor as myself for your sake. And because I love you, I recommend you the souls in purgatory, my parents, benefactors, friends, relatives, and all those from whom I received some affront or disgust; I ask you to fill them with all kinds of goods. I also recommend to you the infidels, heretics and all who are in sin. For you are worthy of infinite love, O my God, make yourself known and loved by the whole human race, and especially by me, who have shown you so much ingratitude; since I have offended you very, very much, I love you now, to go and sing your mercies in heaven forever.

Prayer to Mary

O Mother of mercy, full of charity with all men; do not forget my miseries; you know them; recommend me to God, who refuses you nothing. Grant me the grace to be able to imitate your holy charity towards the Lord and towards others. So be it.

MAY THE detachment

There are people who want to sanctify themselves, but in their own way; they want to love Jesus Christ, but following his inclinations, that is, without renouncing his amusements, the vanity of his clothes, the delights of the table; they love God, but if they do not get such a job, they live restlessly: if they touch their reputation, they get angry; if they do not heal from such a disease, they lose patience; they love God, but do not let go of the riches, honors of the world, vanity of passing for noble, wise, better than others. These people pray, attend the Sacraments, but, as their hearts are filled with earthly affections, they achieve little fruit from their devotions. The Lord does not even speak to them, because he sees that it would be in vain.

Prayer to achieve detachment from earthly affections

O my lovely Jesus, how are you not loved by all men? You are a God worthy of infinite love; but, my poor Lord, allow me thus to call you, - most lovable as you are, and after having suffered so much to be loved by men, how many are there who love you? I see them all applied to love their relatives, friends, riches, honors, pleasures and even animals; but to you, infinite kindness, where are those who love you? Ah! very few are they! However, I want to be this small in number, even though I am the most miserable of sinners. Yes, I also hurt you when I left you to adhere to vile creatures; but today I love and cherish you more than all goods; I do not want to love but you alone.

Prayer to achieve detachment from the goods of the earth

My Jesus, in the past, my heart was tied to the goods of the earth, but from now on you will be my only treasure. O God of my soul, you are a good infinitely superior to all goods, you deserve infinite love; I love and cherish you over all things and more than myself; you are the only object of all my affections. I want nothing from this world; but, if I had to form any desire, this would be to possess all the treasures and kingdoms of the earth, to renounce them and to deprive myself of them entirely for your love. Come, O my love, come and consume in me all affections that are not for you.

Prayer to achieve detachment from the world's esteem

Fill my heart, my Jesus, with the noble ambition to please you and inspire me to deeply forget all creatures and myself. What is the use of being loved and esteemed by the whole world, if I am not yours, the only love of my soul? O my sweetest Jesus, you have come to earth to win our hearts; Ah! if I do not know how to give you mine, make it yourselves, ignite it in your love, and do not consent to separate me more from you; my only desire is to love you and give you pleasure. This is my ambition. You infinitely deserve my love; and how can I stop loving you, if I owe you so many finances? Here I am, I want to be all yours and suffer for your love whatever you please, O you who, through my love, died of pain on a cross!

Prayer to achieve detachment from pleasures

O my Jesus, your love for me has made you so hungry for suffering that you wanted to suffer even before the time of your Passion: my pain, you said through the mouth of your prophet, my pain is always before my eyes (SI37, 18). And I am so hungry for earthly joys! How many sorrows I have not given you to be content with my body! Lord, for the merits of your sufferings, tear out of my heart the attachment to the pleasures of the earth. For your love, I resolve to abstain from this satisfaction ... (Designate it).

Prayer to Mary

Ah! my Blessed Mother, you had a very good reason to say that God was your joy, because on earth you never aspired or loved anything outside him: My spirit. my Savior exulted in God (LcI, 17). O Mary, untie me from the bonds of the world: Draw me in your following (CtI, 3); and therefore, in your example, love only the One who only deserves to be loved.


I ran away from idleness, bad company, free conversation, and times when purity is in danger. Keep your eyes well, so that they do not see dangerous objects. Whoever does not shy away from bad voluntary occasions, particularly when he usually succumbs, is morally impossible to keep himself in God's grace. There are two remedies against temptations, namely: resignation and prayer. Resignation, because although temptations do not come from God, the Lord nevertheless allows them for our good. Let us be aware, therefore, so as not to be impatient because of temptations, however uncomfortable they may be; let us submit ourselves to the will of God, who allows them, and seek to repel them through prayer, which is the strongest and safest of all weapons to overcome our enemies. Involuntary bad thoughts, however shameful and ungodly, are not sins;only consent makes them such. Let us invoke the most holy names of Jesus and Mary, and we will never be overcome. At the time of temptation, it is good to renew the firm purpose of dying rather than offending God, often making the sign of the cross with holy water and manifesting the temptation to the confessor: but of all remedies the most necessary is prayer, resort to Jesus and Mary to obtain the strength to resist.

Prayer for purity of heart

O Redeemer of the world, my only hope, for the merits of your Passion, deliver me from all impure affection and from everything that may hinder the love I owe you. Give me the grace to live entirely without worldly desires, and to aspire only to possess you, supreme good, the only one worthy of being loved. Through your sacred wounds, heal the ailments of my soul, and give me the strength to have separated from my heart any feeling foreign to your love; to you all my affections are due. Jesus, my love, you are my hope and sweet words! O sweet consolation! Jesus, my love, you are my hope.

Prayer to enter the purity of the body

Adorable Savior of mine, to atone for our offenses and especially unclean sins, you wanted your virgin flesh to be horribly torn apart. Ah! my divine Lord plagued by me, I thank you so much love, and I regret having contributed to your sufferings with my sins. I hate, O my Jesus, all those criminal pleasures that have caused you so much pain. There! how many years should you have been burning in hell! But why, Lord, have you waited for me so patiently today? You have endured me for so long that one day, overcome by all these testimonies of your tenderness, and leaving sin, I would make the decision to love you. My beloved Redeemer, I no longer want to resist your love: resolved, I am loving you in the future as much as I can. But you know my weakness, Lord,you know how many times I have been unfaithful to you! come. for with your own hands I extinguish the earthly appetites, which prevent me from being all yours; remind me often of the love in which you burn for me and the obligation that I have to love you; I place in you all my hopes, O my God, my love, my everything!

Prayer to Mary

O Mary, very pure columba, how many souls are burning in hell because of impurity! Make, my Sovereign, that, in temptations, I always take care to turn to you and invoke you, saying: "Mary, Mary, help me".

Fr. Zucchi's Prayer

I offer myself all to you, my Mother and my Sovereign; and to give you proof that you have your devotion to me, today I consecrate my eyes, my ears, my mouth, my heart, finally my whole being. For I belong to you, O good Mother, guard me, defend me as your own good and property.

Aspiration to Mary in temptations

O my Sovereign, O my Mother, remember that I belong to you. Guard me, defend me as your possession and property.


If there are few souls who give themselves entirely to God, it is because few are those who submit entirely to obedience. People who are so attached to their own will, that the very thing that, outside of obedience, would be of pleasure to be executed, bitter and difficult, is done to them when required by obedience, is only for this reason; such people take pleasure only in carrying out what their own will dictates. This is not the course of the saints, who are only at peace when they obey. St. Philip Néri said: "Those who wish to progress in the way of God must submit to an educated confessor, and give him obedience as to God himself; whoever does so, can be sure that he will not give an account to God for what he does ". One must have confidence in the confessor, added the Saint, and believe that God will not allow him to be deceived:there is no safer way to undo the enemy's devices than to follow someone else's will for good; on the contrary, nothing is more dangerous than wanting to be guided by your personal advice.

Promise of fidelity to Jesus our King

Adorable Jesus, I confess you for my King and my God; another does not want my heart but you, who are my Redeemer. In your presence the protest. For sin, alas! I suffered the sad yoke of my passions, and expelled you from my soul, O my divine King; now I want you to reign alone; command, and you will be obeyed. I will say to you with Saint Teresa: "O love, that you love me above what I could form an idea, make my soul serve you according to your good pleasure rather than willingly. Die this me now, and in me live another me! live him and give me life! reign him, and be his slave! my soul does not want another freedom ". Oh! blessed of the soul who can truly say: My Jesus, you are my only King, my only good, my only love!

To implore the grace to always do God's will

Have pity on me, O my God: I knew that by sinning I was condemned to an eternity of pains, and, in so doing, I wanted to oppose your will; it's because? for miserable satisfaction. Ah! my Lord, forgive me, with all my heart I repent. I no longer want to resist your holy will. What a disgrace for me if you had taken my life when I was in sin! I would be in hell today, condemned to perpetually hate your will. But now I love her, and I always want to love her. Let me know your will and strength to always follow you in my course. I do not want to resist you any longer, O infinite goodness, this is the only grace I ask of you: Your will be done on earth as it is in heaven. With your effective assistance, I do your will perfectly, and I wish nothing more. Ah! that you want, O my God,but my good and my salvation? Ah! Eternal Father, answer me for the love of Jesus Christ; he is the one who taught me to say the prayer that I address to you in my name at this moment: Let your will be done! Thy will be done! Thy will be done! What will my happiness be, if I spend the rest of my days, and end my life, fulfilling your will! O Mary, you were fortunate to always carry out the will of God perfectly: reach me, by your merits, to conform now with her until my last breath.fulfilling your will! O Mary, you were fortunate to always carry out the will of God perfectly: reach me, by your merits, to conform now with her until my last breath.fulfilling your will! O Mary, you were fortunate to always carry out the will of God perfectly: reach me, by your merits, to conform now with her until my last breath.

Obedient Jesus

Dearest Jesus, to atone for my disobedience, you wanted to humble yourself to the point of paying obedience to a man; Ah! for the merits of this obedience that you gave to St. Joseph on earth, give me the grace to obey from now on all the dispositions of your divine will; and in the name of the mutual love that always reigned between you and him, grant me great love towards you, O infinite goodness, worthy of all the affections of my heart; forget all the offenses that I have done to you and have compassion on me. I love you, O Jesus, my love; I love you, my God, and I want to love you forever.

In front of the Crucifix

O my crucified Redeemer, O King of love, most humiliated and tender, I come to osculate your sacred feet pierced by my love; I embrace this cross on which, victim of love, you sacrificed yourselves for me to divine justice, making you obedient to death, and the ignominious death of the cross. O happy obedience, which has obtained the forgiveness of our sins! There! what would become of me, O my Savior, if you had not been satisfied with me? I give you thanks, my love, and for the merits of this sublime obedience, I ask you to obtain the grace to obey the will of God in everything.

Before confession

O my God, teach me through my director's mouth what you demand of me; I am now resolved to obey you in everything, and I hope to do so with the help of your grace.

After confession and scruples

I obey your minister, my Jesus, and this gives me hope that, by virtue of your blood, I will be saved and never be separated from you.

Prayer to Mary

Ah! my Queen and my Mother, pray to Jesus for me: obtain for me, by deserving your obedience, the grace to be faithful in obeying the divine will and orders. of my spiritual director.


Without humility you cannot please God: God resists the proud, but He gives. his grace to the humble (Jas 4,6). Humility of spirit consists in being as miserable as we really are. In practice:

1. We are always suspicious of ourselves.

2. Let us not glory in anything; let us avoid even talking about ourselves.

3. Let us not be angry with ourselves after a fault, but let us get up, counting on God's help so that we do not fall any more.

4. Let us be compassionate towards others' downfalls.

5. Let us look at ourselves as the greatest sinners in the world, for so many graces we have received and so little we have used them.

Humility of heart demands that we rejoice in being despised by others. In practice:

1. Let us receive the admonitions calmly, and thank those who correct us.

2. When we receive an affront, let us endure it patiently, and try to love even more the one who despises us. What contempt did Jesus suffer for us?

Prayer for humility

Most humble Jesus, for my love you wanted to humble yourself and be obedient until the death of the cross: how dare I, therefore, appear before you and say to you that I am a disciple of yours, if, being borne of so many sins, I am nevertheless so proud, that I cannot suffer any contempt without resenting me? Where can such pride come from, that I have so often deserved to be trampled on by the feet of demons? Ah! my Jesus satiated with contempt, become like me. For my love you have suffered all reproach: I also want, for your love, to endure all injuries. O my divine Redeemer, embracing humiliations with such love during your life, you have made them so honorable and desirable, that I want to put forth all my glory in being humbled by you and with you: God forbid to glory. , if not on the cross of my Lord Jesus Christ (Gal 6,14). O most humble Mary,of all creatures most perfectly similar to your divine Son, obtain the grace for me to endure for the future with resignation all the outrages that have been done to me.

Prayer to Mary

Never, O my Queen, can I be of the number of your true children, if I am not humble; but, you see it, my sins, which have made me ungrateful to my God, have also made me proud. O my Mother, it is yours to remedy this disorder: by virtue of your humility, obtain this virtue for me, and by it the dignity of your true son.


Through inner mortification we apply ourselves to tame our passions, especially the one that predominates most in us. Not to overcome a dominant passion is to put yourself in great danger of losing yourself. By external mortification, we deny the senses the satisfactions they desire. It is therefore necessary to mortify:

1. The eyes, refraining from seeing dangerous objects.

2. The tongue, fleeing backbiting, hurtful or impure words.

3. The mouth, avoiding all excess eating and drinking, and even practicing some fasting and abstinence.

4. The ear, refusing to listen to speeches that hurt modesty or charity.

5. Tact, using caution both with us and in relationships with others.

Prayer to ask for the spirit of mortification

Beloved Redeemer of mine, I am ashamed to appear before you, seeing myself so caught up in earthly pleasures. In your whole life: you thought only of suffering for me; and I have not thought so far but to satisfy myself, forgetting your sufferings and the love you have for me. O my Jesus, grant me the gift of your holy love, so that I may decide to embrace all the pains to please you. Give me the strength to refuse myself all the things that are not to your liking, and accept everything that disgusts my self-love, the pains, persecutions, loss of my relatives, my health, my reputation, and all the crosses you send me. I accept everything that at present comes from your hand, all future evils, and above all the sufferings of my death. Grant me the grace to live solely to please you,and die making the sacrifice of my life to you with all my heart. I love you, my sovereign well, and I hope to love you forever.

Prayer to Mary

I love you, O Mother of Jesus, who obtained me, by your powerful intercession, time to do penance!


There are many people who cannot, however much they want to, retire to solitude and separate themselves from the creatures in order to occupy themselves with God alone; however, it should be noted that people can enjoy the benefits of solitude of the heart in places other than deserts and caves. Those who find themselves in need of living in the world can always preserve, even in the midst of the paths, public squares and occupations, the solitude of the heart and union with God, once they bring the heart free from worldly attachments. No occupation prevents the solitude of the heart, once it has as its object the fulfillment of God's will.

Prayer to achieve recollection

So far, O my Jesus, I have loved the withdrawn life very little, so I have loved you very little. I have been begging for pleasures and consolations among the creatures, and these have caused me to lose your grace, O infinite good. how unhappy I am for having kept my heart for so long spent in dissipation, occupied only in earthly pleasures, and living in the forgetfulness of my God! Ah! my Jesus, take hold of my heart, which you have redeemed at the cost of your blood; ignite it in your love, and possess it all, everything.

Prayer to Mary

O holy Virgin, obtain us the love of prayer and solitude, so that, detaching ourselves from creatures, we may aspire to God alone and to paradise, where we hope to see you one day, to stop praising and loving your Son Jesus, for ever and ever. So be it.


It is important to pray always (Lk18,1). Ask and you will receive. Truly, truly, I tell you, if you ask my Father for anything in my name, he will tell you. will give (Jo16,23-24). It is certain that anyone who prays is saved; it is certain that anyone who does not pray condemns himself. All who were saved were saved by prayer. All who condemned themselves were condemned for having neglected to pray; and the greatest cause of their despair in hell will be to see that they could easily be saved by prayer, and now there is no more time to do so.

Prayer for the grace to pray well

Most generous Redeemer of mine, ready ready to grant me all graces; for this you expected a prayer from me; but then! I only thought of contenting my senses, I soon had a living deprived of your love and your benefits. Lord, forget my ingratitude so many and have mercy on me: give me the grace to continually implore your help, so as not to offend you any more. O God of my soul, do not allow me to despise this duty in the future, as I have done until now. Enlighten me, give me the strength to always recommend you, especially when my enemies ask me to sin. O my God, grant me this grace, in consideration of the merits of Jesus Christ and the love you have for him.

Ah! I have offended you, my good Lord, in loving you I want to spend the rest of my life. Give me your holy love; and this inspires me to resort to your protection, whenever I find myself in danger of losing you by falling into sin.

Prayer to achieve fidelity to prayer

Lord, forgive my negligence. What treasures of grace I lost because I left prayer so often! Give me strength to be faithful from now on to deal incessantly with you in this world, sovereign Lord and my God, whom I hope to contemplate eternally in heaven. I do not wish to favor me with your sweet consolations! I don't deserve them at all; it is enough that you allow me to stand at your feet and recommend my poor soul to you. Ah! how can she stay away from you, if her poverty is so deep! Standing at your feet, O my crucified Jesus, the only remembrance of your Passion will keep me separated from the earth and united with you.

Prayer to Mary Most Holy

Most Holy Virgin Mary, I always assisted in prayer.


We are on earth to do penance and to deserve; it is not, therefore, a place of rest, but of work and suffering. Pain, adversity and other tribulations will be the most beautiful jewels of our crown in paradise. Let us practice patience:

1. when death takes away relatives or friends;

2. in poverty;

3. in contempt and persecution;

4. in spiritual desolations;

5. in temptations;

6. in diseases.

Resignation in death, to do God's will, is enough to ensure our eternal salvation.

Prayer for patience

I know, Lord, and I am persuaded, that without suffering, and suffering with patience, I cannot obtain the crown that you assign to me in paradise. But I say with David: It is from you that I expect the patience I need. I easily resolve to receive all tribulations in peace; but they just arrive, I become sad and discouraged; and if I suffer, it is without love and without merit, because I do not suffer with the intention of pleasing you. Ah! my Jesus, for the merits of your patience in suffering so much pain for me, grant me the grace to suffer all crosses for you. I love you with all my heart, O my tender Redeemer; I love you, my sovereign well, I love you, my love, worthy of infinite love. I deeply regret that I displeased you. I promise to receive with patience all the penalties you send me;but from you I hope to get the help needed to implement this resolution, especially to endure with calm and resignation all the pains of my agony and death.

Act of resignation

Here I am, O my God, here I am prepared to take on my shoulders all the crosses you give me. No, I do not want to enjoy sweetness or pleasure in this life: it is not worthy of favors who offended you so much and deserved hell. I am ready to suffer all the diseases and setbacks you send me; ready to embrace all the contempt of men, I consent, if this is your favor, to be deprived of all bodily and spiritual consolation, as long as I can always love you.

Prayer to Mary

Sweet sovereign, innocent creature, you suffered with so much patience; and I, who deserved hell, will I refuse to suffer? Not! my Mother, the grace that I ask of you today is not to be exempt from crosses, but to take them with patience. For the love of Jesus, obtain this grace from God, which I beg of you: I hope it from you.



Every Christian who wishes to call upon himself the blessings of the Heart of Jesus during his life and especially at the time of death, will celebrate the first Friday of the month, approaching the holy table, paying homage to the Blessed Sacrament and reciting one or the other consecration and prayer to the Sacred Heart (see 4oP. Art.2, §3).

Prayer to Christ the Universal King

O Christ Jesus, I recognize you as Universal King. Everything that has been done has been created for you. Exercise your rights in me.

I renew my baptismal promises, renouncing Satan, his pomp and his works, and I promise to live as a good Christian.

I am particularly committed to making the rights of God and your Church triumph, by whatever means I can.

Divine Heart of Jesus, I offer you my poor actions, so that all hearts may recognize your kingship and thus establish your Kingdom in the entire universe. So be it.

Full Pl. once a day. Conditions: Confession, communion and pray for the Pope's intentions (272).

Litany of the Sacred Heart of Jesus

Lord have mercy on us.

Jesus Christ, have mercy on us.

Lord have mercy on us.

Jesus Christ, listen to us.

Jesus Christ, listen to us.

Heavenly Father God, have mercy on us.

God the Son, Redeemer of the world,

God the Holy Spirit,

Most Holy Trinity, you are one God,

Jesus' heart,

Son of the Eternal Father,

Heart of Jesus, formed by the Holy Spirit in the bosom of the Virgin Mother.

Heart of Jesus, united substantially to the Word of God;

Heart of Jesus, of infinite majesty,

Heart of Jesus, holy temple of God,

Heart of Jesus, tabernacle of the Most High,

Heart of Jesus, house of God and gate of Heaven,

Heart of Jesus, burning furnace of charity,

Heart of Jesus, receptacle of justice and love,

Heart of Jesus, full of goodness and love,

Heart of Jesus, abyss of all virtues,

Heart of Jesus, most worthy of all praise,

Heart of Jesus, king and center of all hearts,

Heart of Jesus, in which all the treasures of wisdom and science are contained,

Heart of Jesus, where the fullness of divinity dwells,

Heart of Jesus, in which the Father has put all his complacency,

Heart of Jesus, from whose fullness we have all received,

Heart of Jesus, desire of the eternal hills,

Heart of Jesus, patient and very merciful,

Heart of Jesus, rich to all who call on you,

Heart of Jesus, source of life and holiness,

Heart of Jesus, propitiation, for our sins,

Heart of Jesus, saturated with reproach,

Heart of Jesus, crushed with pain because of our crimes,

Heart of Jesus, made obedient to death,

Heart of Jesus, pierced by the spear,

Heart of Jesus, source of all consolation,

Heart of Jesus, our life and resurrection,

Heart of Jesus, our peace and reconciliation,

Heart of Jesus, victim of sinners,

Heart of Jesus, salvation of those who hope in you,

Heart of Jesus, hope of those who die in you,

Heart of Jesus, delight of all Saints,

Lamb of God who takes away the sins of the world, forgive us, Lord.

Lamb of God who takes away the sins of the world, hear us, Lord.

Lamb of God who takes away the sins of the world, have mercy on us.

V. Jesus, meek and humble in heart,

A. Make our hearts similar to yours.

Let us pray

O omnipotent and eternal God, look at the heart of your most beloved Son and at the praises and the satisfactions that he offers you in the name of sinners, and allowing you to be placated, forgive those who implore your mercy, in the name of your very Son Jesus Christ, who lives with you and reigns forever and ever. Amen.

7-year indulgence each time. IP (245).

Consecration of the human race to the Sacred Heart of Jesus

Most sweet Jesus, Redeemer of mankind, cast your eyes upon us, humbly prostrated before your altar. We are and want to be yours; and, so that we can live more intimately united with you, each one of us on this day spontaneously consecrates himself to your Most Sacred Heart.

Many have never known you, many have despised your commandments and disowned you. Dearest Jesus, have mercy on each other and bring them all to your Sacred Heart.

Lord, be the King not only of the faithful, who never left you, but also of the prodigal children, who abandoned you; make them return to their father's home as soon as possible, so that they do not perish from misery and hunger.

Be the King of those who are deceived in error, or separated from you by discord, bring them to the port of truth and the unity of faith, so that soon there will be one flock and one shepherd.

Lord, keep your Church unscathed and give it a safe and unshakable freedom; grant order and peace to all peoples; make one voice resound from one pole to the other of the world: Praise be to the divine Heart, which has brought us salvation! Honor and glory to him for all centuries. Amen.

5 years. IP At the feast of Christ the King, 7 years old and full, communing and watching the consecration before the exposed Most Holy. (271).

Act of reparation for the feast of the Sacred Heart of Jesus

The Holy Father orders that, every year, on the feast of the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus in all the churches of the world, the following Act of Reparation should be solemnly recited, before the Most Holy exposed, and after the Litany of the Sacred Heart, granting an Indulgence of 7 years and plenary communion.

Most sweet Jesus, whose infinite charity towards men is so ungrateful to them with forgetfulness, coldness and contempt, here we are prostrate before your altar; to pay you a special tribute for your insensitive insensitivity, and for the nefarious injuries with which your loving heart is being targeted everywhere.

Recognizing, however, with the deepest pain, that we too, more than once, commit the same indignities, for us, in the first place, we implore your mercy, ready to atone not only for our own faults, but also for those who , erring out of the way of salvation, or stubbornly infidelity, not wanting you as a shepherd and guide, or, conculcating the promises of baptism, they shook off the soft yoke of your holy Law.

Of all these deplorable crimes, Lord, in particular, of the license of customs and immodesty in the garments, of so many ties of corruption armed to innocence, of the violation of the sanctified days, of the profane blasphemies against you and your Saints, of the insults to your Vicar and to all your clergy, of contempt and of the horrendous and sacrilegious profanations of the Sacrament of divine love, and, finally, of the official attacks and rebellions of the nations, against the rights and the teaching of your Church.

Oh! I wish we had washed so many iniquities with our own blood!

To repair the outraged divine honor, we offer you, together with the merits of the Virgin Mother, of all the saints and godly souls, that infinite satisfaction, which you offered to the eternal Father on the Cross, and which you never cease to renew, all. the days, on our altars.

Help us, Lord, with the help of your grace, that we may, as is our firm purpose, with the liveliness of faith, with the purity of customs, with the faithful observance of the gospel law and charity, atone for all sins committed for us and for our neighbors, to prevent, by all means, new injuries to your infinite majesty and to attract as many souls as possible to your service.

Receive, most gracious Jesus, through the hands of Mary Most Holy Reparator, the spontaneous homage of our displeasure, and grant us the great grace to persevere constantly, until death, in the faithful fulfillment of our duties and in your holy service, so that we may arrive all of you to the blessed country, where you live with the Father and the Holy Spirit and reign - God - for all the ages of the ages. So be it.

5 year. IP (256).

Promises made by Our Lord Jesus Christ to Saint Margaret Mary Alacoque on behalf of devotees of the Sacred Heart

1. I will grant you all the necessary graces for your condition.

2. I will put peace in your families.

3. I will comfort you in your afflictions.

4. I will be your safe haven during life and, above all, in death.

5. I will pour out abundant blessings on your companies.

6. Sinners will find in my heart the source and the ocean of mercy.

7. Tibia souls will become fervent.

8. Fervent souls will quickly rise to great perfection.

9. I will bless the houses myself where the Image of my Heart is exposed and venerated.

10. I will give priests the gift of touching the hardest hearts.

11. Those who propagate this devotion will have their names written on my Heart and will never be scratched from there.

12. I promise, in excess of my mercy, that I will grant the grace of final perseverance to all those who take Communion on the first Friday of nine months in a row.



Santo Afonso was, throughout his life, a very tender devotee of the Holy Childhood of Jesus. Considering this devotion as an effective means of igniting in the souls the fire of divine love, he sought to spread it as much as he could. For this Intent, he composed anointing speeches and meditations. Not content with attracting the attention of the faithful about the Child Jesus during Advent and in the octave of Christmas, he still wished. that the sweet mystery of divine Childhood be celebrated on the 25th of each month. Let us, therefore, meet the wishes of the Holy Doctor by placing the prayers for the 25th of each month here: we seek to bring them into harmony with the virtue of the month.

Steps of Divine Childhood of NS Jesus Christ

300 days of indulgence, for once each day win those who in particular devoutly and with a contrite heart recite these pleas. Plenary indulgences can be earned on the 25th of each month those who, in addition to saying the prayers in any church or public oratory, satisfy the other usual conditions. (Nov. 23, 1819). NT

1. Sweetest Child Jesus, who descended from your Father's bosom to save us, you were conceived of the Holy Spirit, without causing you horror the bosom of a Virgin, and you assumed, Word made flesh, the form of a servant, have compassion on us.

Have compassion on us, O Jesus Child, have compassion on us.

2. Sweetest Child Jesus, who, through the Holy Virgin, your Mother, visited Saint Elizabeth, filled your forerunner, John the Baptist, and sanctified him in the bosom of his mother, have compassion on us.

Have compassion on us, O Jesus Child, have compassion on us.

3. Sweetest Child Jesus, who, so fervently desired by Mary and St. Joseph before your birth, offered yourself as a victim to God your Father, for the salvation of the world, have compassion on us.

Have compassion on us, O Jesus Child, have compassion on us.

4. Sweetest Child Jesus, born of the Virgin Mary in Bethlehem, wrapped in cloth, lying in a manger, announced by the Angels and visited by the shepherds, have compassion on us.

Have compassion on us, O Jesus Child, have compassion on us.

5. Sweetest Child Jesus, who, circumcised on the eighth day after your birth, received the name of Jesus, and have shown yourselves since then our Savior, both by this glorious name and by the outpouring of your blood, have compassion on us.

Have compassion on us, O Jesus Child, have compassion on us.

6. Sweetest Child Jesus, who, revealed to the three magicians by a star, received in your Mother's arms his mysterious adorations and gifts, gold, incense and myrrh, have compassion on us.

Have compassion on us, O Jesus Child, have compassion on us.

7. Sweetest Child Jesus, presented in the temple by the Holy Virgin, your Mother, received in the arms of the holy old Simeon, and revealed to Israel by the prophetess Anne, have compassion on us.

Have compassion on us, O Jesus Child, have compassion on us.

8. Sweetest Child Jesus, persecuted to death by the wicked Herod, transported to Egypt by Saint Joseph and your Mother, hereby escape the cruel slaughter of the innocent, and glorified by his martyrdom, have compassion on us.

Have compassion on us, O Jesus Child, have compassion on us.

9. Sweetest Child Jesus, who, banished to Egypt with your Blessed Mother, the Virgin Mary, and the patriarch Saint Joseph, remained there until Herod's death, have compassion on us.

Have compassion on us, O Jesus Child, have compassion on us.

10. Sweetest Child Jesus, who, returned from Egypt to the land of Israel with Mary and Joseph, after having suffered a lot on this journey, you lived hidden in the city of Nazareth, have compassion on us.

Have compassion on us, O Jesus Child, have compassion on us.

11. Sweetest Child Jesus, who lived in the holy house of Nazareth, humbly submissive to Mary and Joseph, living in the midst of poverty and work, growing in wisdom, age and grace, have compassion on us.

Have compassion on us, O Jesus Child, have compassion on us.

12. Sweetest Child Jesus, lost in the city of Jerusalem at the age of twelve, sought with pain by Mary and Joseph, and, three days later, found by them with joy among the doctors, have compassion on us.

Have compassion on us, O Jesus Child, have compassion on us.

V. The Word became flesh.

A. And he dwelt among us.

Let us pray

Omnipotent and eternal God, Lord of heaven and earth, that you reveal yourselves to the humble, do, we ask you, that, meditating and dignifiedly honoring the mysteries of the holy childhood of Jesus, your divine Son, and applying us to imitate his virtues , as it is our duty, we may reach the kingdom of heaven, promised to the humble. By the same Jesus Christ, our Lord. So be it.



O holy faith, tell us who is Jesus Christ? what man is this who is born miserable like everyone else? Saint John testifies that he is the eternal Word, the only Son of God, clothed with our flesh: The Word became flesh.

Sweet and loving Boy, even though I see you so poor in this straw, I recognize and adore you as my Lord and Creator. I understand what reduced you to such a miserable state: it is your love for me. And then, O my Jesus, when I think of the way I have dealt with you, of the injuries, with which I have filled you, I am amazed that you have been able to endure me. Ah! damn sinners, what have you done? You have filled the heart of such a good lord with bitterness! Out of pity, tender Savior of mine, for the sufferings you suffered and the tears you shed in the stable of Bethlehem, give me tears to cry all my life over the sorrows I have caused you. Give me love to you, but love so ardent that it compensates for all the evils that I have done to you. I love you, O my tender Savior, I love you, God made a boy for me, I love you, my love, my life, my everything;I promise you not to love from now on but yourself. Help me with your grace, without which I can do nothing. O Mary, my hope, whatever you want from your divine Son you achieve; I asked you to grant me your holy love.

Recite the Steps of Divine Childhood, p.321.

February 25 JESUS ​​OUR HOPE


In Jesus we find everything we can desire: light, strength, peace, trust, love and eternal glory, for Jesus is a gift that encloses all gifts.

I would be very unfair to your mercy and love, O my Jesus, if, after having received so much evidence of your tenderness towards me and your willingness to save me, I doubted your love and mercy. Beloved Redeemer of mine, I am a poor sinner; but you said that you went down to earth to seek sinners (Mt 9,13). I am a poor patient; but you came to the world to heal the sick, because, you said, those who are well do not need a doctor (Lc 5,21). I lost myself for my sins; but you have come to save those who were lost (Mt 18,11). What, then, do I have to fear, since I want to correct myself and belong to you? I must not distrust myself but myself, my weakness; but my weakness and misery must increase my confidence in you, who, according to your same word, are the refuge of the poor (Ps 9,10),and you promised to listen to his wishes (SI9,10-17). Here, then, is the grace that I ask of you, O my Jesus: fill me with confidence in your merits and make sure that I never cease committing myself to God in your name. Eternal Father, for the love of Jesus Christ, save me from hell, or before sin; for the merits of Jesus, your Son and my Savior, enlighten me to do your will, fortify me against temptations, grant me the gift of your holy love; but the grace which, above all, I ask of you, is to always implore your help for the love of Jesus Christ: he promised that you would heed all the requests of anyone who did them in his name. If I continue to ask you like this, I will surely be saved; but if I don't, I will certainly get lost. O Mary, obtain for me this great grace of prayer, so that you may persevere in always recommending me to God,and also to you, because you obtain from God all that you desire.

Recite the Steps of Divine Childhood, p.321.



The Son of God wanted to show himself to men in the form of a graceful boy, in order to win their hearts more quickly and strongly. The boys are kind of themselves, they inspire feelings of tenderness to whoever looks at them. The divine Word was then seen in this sweet condition of a boy, to obtain the love of all men. Divine word, made man by my love, although I see you so humiliated and in the form of a boy, yet I confess you and recognize you by my Lord and my King, but King of love. My beloved Savior, for it is to reign in our hearts that you came into the world to put on our miserable flesh, Ah! come and establish your kingdom in my heart; it once belonged to your enemies, but it is yours now, I am confident of it; I want you to be my only lord forward.By the force of arms, other kings reign; but you only want to rule by love: this is why you do not come into the world with majestic pomp, dressed in purple and gold, decorated with a scepter and crown, nor surrounded by soldiers; you came to be born in a stable, poor, helpless, and you want to begin to reign like this in our hearts. Ah! my boy King, how have I been able to rebel against you so many times, have been your enemy for so long? O my King, my sweet Jesus, who you are so kind and loving, take possession of my soul: I give it to you without reservation. Deign to receive her forever at your service, and make her serve you only out of love: your majesty deserves to be feared, but your goodness still deserves to be loved more. O King of my heart, it is you, and be it always, my only love. Beloved Sovereign of mine, August Maria,it is up to you to obtain the grace to be faithful to this dear King of my soul.

Recite the Steps of Divine Childhood, p.321.



Doctors work as hard as they can to heal the patient they love; but what is the doctor who takes on himself, to cure it, his patient's illness? Jesus Christ is the only one who took our infirmities to heal them: He truly took all of our weaknesses, took our pains upon himself.

Blessed and praised be your charity forever, O my Redeemer! Ah! what would become of my weakened and sick soul, what would be of my soul riddled with so many mortal wounds, if I did not have you, my Jesus, who can and want to heal me? O blood of my Savior, I trust in you; wash me, heal me. I repent, my love, I am very sorry to have offended you. To show me your love, you embraced a life so afflicted and death so cruel! I would also like to testify to you of my love; but what can I do, so miserable, so sick, so weak? O God of my soul, you are omnipotent: you can heal and sanctify me; kindle a lively desire in me to be pleasant to you. I renounce all my satisfactions to please you, my divine Redeemer, who deserve to be content at all costs. To you, Sovereign Well, I cherish and love more than all goods;make my heart love you all, and ask your holy love without ceasing. In the past I have offended you, and I have not loved, because I have not asked for your love; today i ask you and beg the grace to always ask you: attend me for the merits of your passion. O Mary, my charitable Mother, you are always willing to listen to anyone who begs you, and to love those who love you: I love you, O my Queen, attain the grace of loving God; I don’t ask anything else.obtain the grace for me to love God; I don’t ask anything else.obtain the grace for me to love God; I don’t ask anything else.

Recite the Steps of Divine Childhood, p.321.



O happy straw, more beautiful than roses and lilies; what blessed land has produced you? what happiness is yours for having served as a bed for the King of heaven! Ah! you are too cold for Jesus; but for us you are fire and flame, for you kindle a fire of love in our hearts, which all the waters of the rivers could not extinguish.

You are, O my Jesus, the Son of the Lord of heaven and earth, and it is you who, in a cold cave, had only a manger for a cradle, a little straw for a bed, and miserable cloths for cover! The angels surround you and praise you, but no relief brings your poverty. O my Redeemer, the poorer you are, the more lovable we must find you, for you have embraced this great poverty to better attract our love. If you had been born in a palace, and, reclining immediately in a cradle of gold, you would have been served by the greatest princes on earth, you would inspire men with more respect, but less love; while this cave where you are, these coarse cloths that cover you, this straw on which you rest, this manger that serves as your cradle! oh! how this brings hearts to you! How much poorer you made me,you must be more dear to my heart, I will say with Saint Bernard: because you have made yourself poor to enrich us with your goods, that is, with your grace and glory and your poverty, O my Jesus, it has forced so many saints to leave everything, riches, honors, even crowns, to live poor with you poor. For mercy, O my Savior, let me go from all earthly goods, so that I may be worthy of obtaining your holy love, and by possessing you, who are the infinite good! I will say to you with Saint Ignatius of Loyola: "Give me your love, give me your grace, and I will be very rich". I want nothing more; you are only enough to me, my Jesus, my life, my everything. O Mary, loving Mother, obtain the grace of me to always love Jesus, and to always be loved by Jesus.because you have made yourself poor to enrich us with your goods, that is, with your grace and glory and your poverty, my Jesus, it has forced so many saints to leave everything, riches, honors, even crowns, to live poor with you poor. For mercy, O my Savior, let me go from all earthly goods, so that I may be worthy of obtaining your holy love, and by possessing you, who are the infinite good! I will say to you with Saint Ignatius of Loyola: "Give me your love, give me your grace, and I will be very rich". I want nothing more; you are only enough to me, my Jesus, my life, my everything. O Mary, loving Mother, obtain the grace of me to always love Jesus, and to always be loved by Jesus.because you have made yourself poor to enrich us with your goods, that is, with your grace and glory and your poverty, my Jesus, it has forced so many saints to leave everything, riches, honors, even crowns, to live poor with you poor. For mercy, O my Savior, let me go from all earthly goods, so that I may be worthy of obtaining your holy love, and by possessing you, who are the infinite good! I will say to you with Saint Ignatius of Loyola: "Give me your love, give me your grace, and I will be very rich". I want nothing more; you are only enough to me, my Jesus, my life, my everything. O Mary, loving Mother, obtain the grace of me to always love Jesus, and to always be loved by Jesus.riches, honors, even crowns, to live poor with you poor. For mercy, O my Savior, let me go from all earthly goods, so that I may be worthy of obtaining your holy love, and by possessing you, who are the infinite good! I will say to you with Saint Ignatius of Loyola: "Give me your love, give me your grace, and I will be very rich". I want nothing more; you are only enough to me, my Jesus, my life, my everything. O Mary, loving Mother, obtain the grace of me to always love Jesus, and to always be loved by Jesus.riches, honors, even crowns, to live poor with you poor. For mercy, O my Savior, let me go from all earthly goods, so that I may be worthy of obtaining your holy love, and by possessing you, who are the infinite good! I will say to you with Saint Ignatius of Loyola: "Give me your love, give me your grace, and I will be very rich". I want nothing more; you are only enough to me, my Jesus, my life, my everything. O Mary, loving Mother, obtain the grace of me to always love Jesus, and to always be loved by Jesus.and I will be very rich ". I want nothing more; you are only enough to me, my Jesus, my life, my everything. O Mary, the loving Mother, obtain the grace to always love Jesus, and always be loved by Jesus.and I will be very rich ". I want nothing more; you are only enough to me, my Jesus, my life, my everything. O Mary, the loving Mother, obtain the grace to always love Jesus, and always be loved by Jesus.

Recite the Steps of Divine Childhood, p.321.



All other boys come into the world with the stain of sin, but Jesus is born in perfect holiness. My beloved, said the Sacred Wife, is all red with love, and white all with Innocence and purity (Ct5,10). This heavenly boy is, with his Mother, the only one in whom the Father found his delight, because he is the only one entirely pure in his eyes.

O my innocent Lord, spotless mirror, love of the eternal Father, it is not to you that the punishments and curses are due, but to me, a miserable sinner. In order to show the world how far your love goes, you gave your life, you carried with the pen we owed, and it is at this price that you deserved the forgiveness of our faults. all creatures praise and bless your infinite mercy and goodness forever! I thank you for all men, but mainly for me: as I have offended you more than others, you must suffer more for me than for them. I curse my unworthy pleasures a thousand times, which have cost you so much pain. Oh! let not that divine blood shed for you be lost as a price for my deliverance. I love you, infinite goodness, but I want to love you even more; I wanted to love you as much as you deserve. Make you love, O my Jesus,make yourselves love me and the whole world: you are so worthy of love! ... Out of pity, enlighten sinners, who do not want to know you or refuse to love you: give them to understand what you have done for their love and how much you look forward to his salvation. O Mary, pray to Jesus for me and for all sinners: obtain the lights and graces that we need to love your divine Son.

Recite the Steps of Divine Childhood, p.321.



For thirty years the continuous occupation of the Savior was to obey Joseph for all his actions, his steps, his food, his rest, everything was regulated by José's orders; he was only attentive in listening to and executing everything that Joseph commanded him.

Beloved Jesus, you are the King of heaven and earth; but by my love you have become a servant, you have obeyed even the executioners, who tore your flesh, wounded your head, and finally nailed your hands and feet to the cross, to make you die of pain. I adore you like my Lord and my God, and I am ashamed to appear before you when I think about why miserable satisfactions I have so often broken your holy bonds, and I have brought ingratitude to say to you in the face: I will serve you no more! However, O my Savior, I still have a title for the forgiveness of my iniquities, and this title is your merits, it is your goodness, which does not despise, nor can, a contrite and humiliated heart. I confess, my Jesus, that I did wrong to displease you, and for my sins I deserve a thousand hells; Ah! punish me as you wish, but do not deprive me of your grace and love.I am extremely sorry that he despised you, and I love you with all my soul. I resolve to, in the future, serve and love only you. Ah! by your merits, Lord, attach me to you by the chains of your holy love and do not allow me to succeed in shaking them. I love you above all things, O my Deliverer; rather, I want to be your servant who owns the universe: of what use is the whole world to whom is deprived of your friendship? The grace that I ask of you and I always want to ask is to repeat this prayer over and over: My Jesus, do not allow me to separate yet from your love. This grace I also implore you, O Mary, my Mother; help me not to be separated from God anymore.hold me by the chains of your holy love and do not allow me to succeed in shaking them. I love you above all things, O my Deliverer; rather, I want to be your servant who owns the universe: of what use is the whole world to whom is deprived of your friendship? The grace that I ask of you and I always want to ask is to repeat this prayer over and over: My Jesus, do not allow me to separate yet from your love. This grace I also implore you, O Mary, my Mother; help me not to be separated from God anymore.hold me by the chains of your holy love and do not allow me to succeed in shaking them. I love you above all things, O my Deliverer; rather, I want to be your servant who owns the universe: of what use is the whole world to whom is deprived of your friendship? The grace that I ask of you and I always want to ask is to repeat this prayer without ceasing: My Jesus, do not allow me to separate yet from your love. help me not to be separated from God not allow me to separate yet from your love. This grace I also implore you, O Mary, my Mother; help me not to be separated from God not allow me to separate yet from your love. This grace I also implore you, O Mary, my Mother; help me not to be separated from God anymore.

Recite the Steps of Divine Childhood, p.32I.



When the Angel announced to the shepherds the birth of the Messiah, the signs he gave them to recognize him were only signs of weariness: You will find, said to them, in a stable a boy bandaged in cloths and lying in a manger on straws, your Savior.

My Jesus despised, oh! how much your example has made contempt pleasant and dear to those who love you! Why, then, instead of receiving them as you do with joy, I revolted so proudly against those who despised me, without even fearing to offend your infinite majesty? What a! I, a sinner, and proud! Ah! Lord, if I did not have the strength to endure insults with patience, it is because I did not know how to love you, now I understand you: if I had loved you, sweet and pleasant I would have found you. But you promise forgiveness to your repentant heart, I weigh with all my soul the disorders of my life, so different from yours. Having decided, I want to correct myself, and that is why I promise you to suffer from all resignation from now on with resignation. I will suffer them for your love, O my Jesus, who were so despised by the love of me! Humiliations, I know,they are precious mines, which you open to us, from which we can extract eternal treasures. Ah! other humiliations and contempt very different I deserve, who despised your grace: I deserve to be trampled at the feet of demons! But your blood, my Savior, is my hope. I want to change my life and put an end to my disorders; I am firmly intent on not looking for anything other than your blessing from now on. Yes, in the future you will be the only object of my love, the only owner of my heart; out of mercy, take possession of him, keep him forever, so that I may always be for you, and you always for me, always love you, and you also always love me. Yes, O infinitely kind God, I hope to love you always and always be loved by you. O Mary, help me to love God.other humiliations and contempt very different I deserve, who despised your grace: I deserve to be trampled at the feet of demons! But your blood, my Savior, is my hope. I want to change my life and put an end to my disorders; I am firmly intent on not looking for anything other than your blessing from now on. Yes, in the future you will be the only object of my love, the only owner of my heart; out of mercy, take possession of him, keep him forever, so that I may always be for you, and you always for me, always love you, and you also always love me. Yes, O infinitely kind God, I hope to love you always and always be loved by you. O Mary, help me to love God.other humiliations and contempt very different I deserve, who despised your grace: I deserve to be trampled at the feet of demons! But your blood, my Savior, is my hope. I want to change my life and put an end to my disorders; I am firmly intent on not looking for anything other than your blessing from now on. Yes, in the future you will be the only object of my love, the only owner of my heart; out of mercy, take possession of him, keep him forever, so that I may always be for you, and you always for me, always love you, and you also always love me. Yes, O infinitely kind God, I hope to love you always and always be loved by you. O Mary, help me to love is my hope. I want to change my life and put an end to my disorders; I am firmly intent on not looking for anything other than your blessing from now on. Yes, in the future you will be the only object of my love, the only owner of my heart; out of mercy, take possession of him, keep him forever, so that I may always be for you, and you always for me, always love you, and you also always love me. Yes, O infinitely kind God, I hope to love you always and always be loved by you. O Mary, help me to love is my hope. I want to change my life and put an end to my disorders; I am firmly intent on not looking for anything other than your blessing from now on. Yes, in the future you will be the only object of my love, the only owner of my heart; out of mercy, take possession of him, keep him forever, so that I may always be for you, and you always for me, always love you, and you also always love me. Yes, O infinitely kind God, I hope to love you always and always be loved by you. O Mary, help me to love God.and you always for me, love you always, and you also love me always. Yes, O infinitely kind God, I hope to love you always and always be loved by you. O Mary, help me to love God.and you always for me, love you always, and you also love me always. Yes, O infinitely kind God, I hope to love you always and always be loved by you. O Mary, help me to love God.

Recite the Steps of Divine Childhood, p.321.



Jesus, just born, wanted to lie on straws, to teach us the mortification of the senses. Therefore, the inspiration of her mother not to keep him in her very soft arms influenced her and determined her to lay him on that hard bed, to suffer more, to feel the cold of the cave and the roughness of the straws.

Eternal lover of souls, my dear Redeemer, I am not satisfied with the painful Passion that awaits you, and the cruel death of the cross that you are preparing; you want to start suffering from the first moment of your existence! Yes, because from your birth you want to start being our Redeemer and to satisfy divine Justice for my sins. You choose straw by bed, so that you can escape the fire of hell, where I so often deserved to be precipitated. You weep and groan in that straw, to obtain me from your Father, through your tears, the forgiveness of my faults. Ah! how much these tears afflict me, and they comfort me too! They afflict me: because how could I, without penetrating with compassion, see you, innocent child, suffer so much for crimes that you did not commit? They comfort me,because in your sufferings I see my salvation and your immense love for me. But, my Jesus, I don't want to let you cry and suffer alone; I want to cry with you. I therefore do not ask for any consolation in this life: it is unworthy of them who had the petulance to offend you, O infinite goodness! I am ready to suffer all the crosses you send me; but I want to love you, my Jesus. O Mary, faithful companion of the suffering Jesus, in whose sufferings you participated, obtain the strength to endure my pains with patience.faithful companion of the suffering Jesus, whose sufferings you participated in, obtain the strength to endure my pains with patience.faithful companion of the suffering Jesus, whose sufferings you participated in, obtain the strength to endure my pains with patience.

Recite the Steps of Divine Childhood, p.321.



Jesus wanted to be born outside the city, in a lonely cave, to teach us to love solitude and silence. Indeed, if we enter this cave, we find nothing but solitude and silence: Jesus keeps silence in the manger; Maria and José adore him and contemplate in silence. Blessed is the soul that withdraws from the solitude of Bethlehem to contemplate the love of a God there!

My dear Savior, you are the King of heaven, the King of kings, the Son of God; how, then, are you in that stable and helpless of everyone? With you I see only Joseph and your holy Mother! Ah! I wish to join them to keep you company; do not refuse me this grace. It is true that I am unworthy of it; but I feel that you invite me with your attractive sweets. Yes, I come to you, O Most Beloved Child; I leave everything to be alone with you, all my life, O divine Solitary, the only love of my soul! What a fool I am! in the past I abandoned you, my Jesus, I left you alone, I went to beg, with the creatures, miserable and poisonous pleasures; but now, enlightened by your grace, I have no other pleasure than to live alone with you, that you want to live alone here. Ah! who will give me wings like the dove? (SI54,7).Who will give me the strength to leave this world, where I have so often found my ruin, to flee from it, and always be with you, joy of paradise and a true friend of my soul? Lord, hold me close to your heart, lest it depart from you and enjoy the happiness of making you indefectible company. For the merits of your solitude in the Bethlehem grotto, grant me an uninterrupted recollection, create a solitary retreat in my soul, in which my · only occupation is to entertain you, submit all my actions and thoughts to you, consecrate myself all my affections to you, that I may love you always, and sigh without ceasing for the moment to leave the prison of my body, to go to love you without a veil in the homeland of the saints. I love you, O infinite goodness, and I hope to love you always, in time and in eternity. O Mary, omnipotent Mary,I asked Jesus to arrest me with the bonds of his love, and do not allow me to succeed in losing his grace again.

Recite the Steps of Divine Childhood, p.321.



Oh! how beautiful, perfect and pleasing to God were the baby Jesus' prayers. He prayed to his Father at all times, and his prayers were all on our behalf, and even for each of us in particular. All the graces that each of us received from the Lord are the result of Jesus' prayers.

Oh! how much I owe you, my sweet Redeemer! If you had not asked for me, what a desperate position you would find me in! Your prayers have obtained the forgiveness of my sins, and perseverance to death will also reach me, I hope, too. For having prayed for me, I give thanks with all my heart; but do not cease to pray for the same purpose, with all my prayers I ask you. I know that, in heaven, you still perform in our favor the office of lawyer (1Jo2,1) and intercessor (Rm 8,34). Therefore continue to pray, O my Jesus, but pray, more particularly for me, that of your prayers I have the greatest need. I trust that, in view of your merits, God has already forgiven me; but, as I know from a sad experience, I may fall again; hell will never tire of trying to rob me of your friendship again. Ah! my Jesus, my hope,I expect strength from you to resist; in this trust I ask you excitedly. But I am not satisfied with the grace of not falling anymore, I also ask you for the grace to love you very much for the rest of my life, to love you very much in eternity. O Mary, my tender Mother, pray also to Jesus for me: your prayers are omnipotent with this divine Son who loves you so much! Because you so fervently desire to see him loved, I asked him to give me great love, constant and eternal love.I asked you to give me great love, constant and eternal love.I asked you to give me great love, constant and eternal love.

Recite the Steps of Divine Childhood, p.321.


EXERCISE FOR THE FOURTH SUNDAY OF THE MONTH devoted to preparing for death

By a Rescript of the Supreme Pontiff Pius IX, of May 23, 1852, a Plenary Indulgence is granted to all the faithful who, on the fourth Sunday of each month, after having received the Sacraments of confession and communion, attend, in a church of the Reverend Redemptorist Fathers, to the pious exercise to obtain a good death, and to pray for the intention of the Supreme Pontiff.

1. He who loves God must not fear death

How can we be afraid of dying when we are in grace? The one who remains in love remains in God, and God in him (Jn 4:16). Whoever loves God is therefore sure of his grace, and, dying in this state, he is sure of going to enjoy the sovereign Well forever in the home of the elect; and is it possible to be afraid of death?

David said, it is true, that no living man is entirely pure in the eyes of God (Ps142,2). It follows from this that no one should have the presumption to be saved by his own merits; because, with the exception of Jesus and Mary, no one can claim to be absolutely exempt from sins in the course of life. But one should not fear death, when he truly regrets his faults, and puts his trust in the merits of Jesus Christ. It is to save sinners that he came to earth, died and shed all his blood, The blood of Jesus Christ, says the Apostle, speaks louder on behalf of sinners, than the blood of Abel against Cain, his murderer ( Hb12,22).

It is true that, unless there is a divine revelation, no man can be infallibly sure of his salvation; but the person who sincerely gave himself to God can have it, and is willing to sacrifice everything, even his life, rather than offend him. This certainty is based on the promises of God himself! No one was lost, says the Scripture, after having placed his trust in the Lord (Eccle 2,11). God protests in many places not to want the sinner's death, but his conversion and salvation. I live, says the Lord God; I do not want the death of the sinner, but, yes, he must leave his bad way and live (Ez33,11). Then he complains about obstinate sinners, who prefer to lose themselves than to leave sin; he invites them to penance, and he says to them tenderly: Woe to you, you who are my people, why do you want to perish? Anyway,to those who repent of their misdeeds, he promises to put all his faults into oblivion: If the sinner does penance, I will forget all the iniquities he has committed (Ez 18, 21).

Here are the right signs of the state of grace. It is certain that a sinner has received forgiveness when he detests his sins. According to São Basilio, one must be sure of the remission of faults, when it is said in truth: I hate iniquity. A sure sign of having regained grace is perseverance in the practice of virtue, for a considerable time after sin. They still have reason to believe that they are in good condition, that they are in a firm resolve to lose their life rather than the friendship of God, they have a strong desire to love him and see him loved by others, and feel sorry for seeing him offended. .

But like many saints, after having given themselves totally to God, and having spent a mortified life, pure from all attachment to earthly goods, they felt, upon arriving from death, amazed at the thought of appearing at the judgment seat of Jesus Christ. ? I reply that these examples are rare, and that God wanted, through these terrors, to purify these holy souls from some remains of sin, before making them enter happy eternity. Generally speaking, the saints died with great peace and a burning desire to leave this life to enjoy the sight of God. Even more: if the righteous experience some fear of salvation at the time of death, there is this difference between them and sinners, that they pass from fear to despair, and those from fear to trust, and placidly sleep in the Lord.

Those who can recognize by any of these signs the presence of divine grace in their souls, therefore, must wish for death and repeat the prayer that Jesus Christ taught us: Your kingdom come, and when death presents itself, they must make you a happy host. For they must rejoice in leaving this land to get rid of sin, from which a person cannot be completely exempt in this world, and go to see God face to face and love him with all his might in the kingdom of love. .

2. Protest for good death

O my God, since my death is certain, and its hour is uncertain, I want to prepare now. For this purpose:

I protest that I believe in everything that the Holy Church believes, especially in the mystery of the Holy Trinity, Incarnation and Death of Jesus Christ, in paradise and in hell, because all these points are so many other articles of faith revealed by you, that you are the same truth.

I deserve a thousand hells, but I hope to obtain from your mercy, for the merits of Jesus Christ, the forgiveness of my sins, the final perseverance and the glory of paradise.

I protest that I love you over all things, because you are the infinite good; and because I love you, I repent as much as I can of all my sins; resolved I am dying rather than offending you again.

I protest that for your love, O my Jesus, I forgive anyone who has offended me, and I ask you to do them well.

I protest that I wish to receive the holy sacraments during my life and at the time of my death; from now on, I intend to ask for the absolution of all my sins for the moment of death, if I cannot manifest my desire at that time.

I accept my death with all the sufferings that will accompany it, in union with the death and the sufferings that Jesus Christ deigned to suffer for me on the cross.

I also accept, O my God, all the pains and tribulations that come to me from your hand during my life. Make use of me, and all that is mine, according to your will. Give me your love and holy perseverance; I do not ask you for anything else.

O my tender Mother Mary, I have always been there, but above all at the time of death; help me to persevere in the grace of God: you are my hope; I want to live and die under your protection.

Saint Joseph, Saint Michael the Archangel, my holy guardian angel, I always helped myself, but especially in my last hour.

And you, my beloved Jesus, who, in order to reach me with a precious death, wanted to suffer it so bitterly, do not then abandon me: I embrace you now, in order to die embraced with you. I deserve hell, but I surrender to your mercy, and I hope, by virtue of your blood, to die in your friendship, and to receive your blessing the first time I see you as my Judge. I put my soul in your hands pierced with carnations for my love. May I breathe out in your love, and my last breath is an act of love that transports me from this land to paradise to love you there forever.

Jesus, Mary, Joseph, assisted me in my agony.

Jesus, Mary, Joseph, I give myself to you; deign to receive my soul at my last breath.

3. Conversations with the Crucifix

O Jesus, who are my Redeemer and soon you will be my Judge, have compassion on me before the time comes for you to judge me. I am confident that you will give me forgiveness. The sins I have committed, and the rigor of your judgments, no longer terrify me when I consider you dead on this cross to save me.

In the meantime, be sure to fortify me in the battles I have to sustain. My enemies try to discourage me, telling me that there is no salvation for me (Ps 3,3). But I do not want to stop trusting your kindness and telling you that I am counting on your protection (Ps 3,4). Ah! I rejoiced my soul, making sure that you are my salvation (Ps34,3).

May the sufferings and ignominies of your Passion and the sacrifice of your blood not be lost to me, Lord.

I ask you, Lord, above all for the pain you felt when your blessed soul separated from your lovely body, receive my soul in your mercy, when it leaves my body. Quite often, I confess it, offended and despised you; but today, I love you more than all things, more than myself; I regret all the disgust I have given you, more than all the evils I detest and hate. A thousand hells had deserved for the offenses of which I was accused against you, conscience tells me; but the cruel death that you wanted to suffer for me, and the mercy that you have so widely used about me, inspire me with the firm confidence that when I appear before you, you will give me the kiss of peace. Filled with confidence in your goodness, O my God, I abandon myself between your fatherly arms,and I hope to go to heaven to celebrate your mercies forever.

I voluntarily submit to all the penalties that await me in purgatory; it is just that the fire punishes in me all the outrages that I did to your divine Majesty. O holy prison, when I will find myself locked in your bosom, sure that I can no longer lose my God! O holy fire, when will you come to purify me of all my stains, and make it worthy to enter the homeland of the elect?

Eternal Father, for the merits of the death of Jesus Christ, make me die in your grace and in your love, to have the happiness of loving you forever. I thank you for all the benefits that you have lavished on me during my life, and particularly the great grace that you have done to me by calling me to the true faith, and preparing for my last battles the help of the holy Sacraments.

You want me to die; I also want it to please you. Ah! Jesus, my Savior, little is it that I die for you, that you died for me. Glad to die, I say to you with Saint Francis: "I die for the love of your love, O you who have deigned to die for the love of my love!"

I accept without complaint the death and the pains that I have to suffer until my last breath; help me to endure them with perfect resignation. I offer them all for your glory, uniting them to the sufferings you have suffered in your Passion.

Eternal Father, I make the sacrifice of my life and of all my person; deign to accept it, for the merits of the great sacrifice that Jesus made of himself on the cross.

O Mary, Mother of God and my Mother, you have obtained so many graces from God! recognized, I am very close to your soul. Ah! you will not forsake me at the time of my death, for then I will be in greater need of your assistance. Pray to Jesus for me, and multiply your prayers: bring me more pain from my sins and love to God, so that I may have the happiness of going to love him with you in heaven, always and with all my strength. O Mary, my hope, I trust in you.

4. Litany for the good death

Lord Jesus Christ, God of goodness, Father of mercy, I present myself to you with a humiliated, contrite and repentant heart. I recommend you my last hour and what will follow.

When my immobile feet warn me that my career in this world is close to ending; O merciful Jesus, have compassion on me.

When my trembling and numb hands can no longer squeeze your Image, know my heart; and, in spite of myself, to let fall on my bed of pain; O merciful Jesus, have compassion on me.

When my eyes, clouded and amazed by the horror of imminent death, cast a saber on You, looking uncertain and dying; O merciful Jesus, have compassion on me.

When my cold and trembling lips say your lovely Name for the last time; O merciful Jesus, have compassion on me.

When my pale, livid faces inspire compassion and terror to those around me, and my hair, bathed in the sweat of death, standing on my head, praise my end is near; O merciful Jesus, have compassion on me.

When my ears, close to closing, always stop at the speeches of men, they open to listen to your voice, which will then pronounce the irrevocable sentence, which will fix my luck for all eternity; O merciful Jesus, have compassion on me.

When my imagination, agitated by horrendous and fearful ghosts, is submerged in mortal sorrows, and my spirit, troubled by the memory of my iniquities, and by the fear of your justice, to fight against the angel of darkness, who will want to deprive give me the consoling sight of your mercies and plunge myself into the abyss of despair; O merciful Jesus, have compassion on me.

When my weak heart, oppressed by the pains of sickness, is overcome with the horrors of death, and exhausted by the battles against the enemies of my salvation; O merciful Jesus, have compassion on me.

When I shed my last tears, symptoms of my death, I received them as an atoning sacrifice, so that it expires as a victim of penance; and in that terrible moment, O merciful Jesus, have compassion on me.

When my relatives and close friends, being around me, become tender at the sight of my pitiful state, and call upon me; O merciful Jesus, have compassion on me.

When I have lost the use of all my senses, and the whole world has disappeared before me, and I groan in the anguish of extreme agony, and in the afflictions of death; O merciful Jesus, have compassion on me.

When the last cravings of the heart force my soul out of the body, accept them as born of a holy impatience to come to You; and you, O merciful Jesus, have compassion on me.

When my soul between my lips leaves the world forever, and leaves my body pale, cold and lifeless, accept the destruction of my being as a tribute that I pay to your divine Majesty; and then, merciful Jesus, have compassion on me.

Finally, when my soul appears before You, and sees your Majesty's immortal radiance for the first time, do not expel it from your presence; deign to receive me into your mercy, that I may sing your praises forever; merciful Jesus, have compassion on me.


O God, who, condemning us to death, hid her hour and moment from us, make sure that, while I live in justice and holiness all the days of my life, I can deserve the grace to leave this world in your holy love. For the merits of Our Lord Jesus Christ, who lives with you and reigns in unity with the Holy Spirit. Amen.

5. Acts to be done many times in life and at the moment of death

I offer my life to you, O my God, and I am ready to die when it is more to your liking. Your will be done!

If you please, Lord, leave me some more time in this world, blessed be your name! but I do not wish my life to be prolonged, if I do not have to use it solely in loving and pleasing you.

I protest that I want to die because this is your will.

I want to die to satisfy your divine justice and expiate, for the agonies and sufferings of my death, my sins, which have made me worthy of hell.

I want to die so that I am no longer in danger of offending and displeasing you on earth.

I want to die, to make the sacrifice of my life to you, in recognition of the benefits that you lavished on me despite my indignity.

I want to die in order to prove that I love your will more than my life.

I want, if you are happy to die in this moment in which I trust to be in grace, to be sure of praising and blessing you forever.

I want to die, above all to go to love you continually and with all my strength in heaven, where, due to the merits of your blood, O my Redeemer, I hope to arrive one day in the certainty of loving you forever.

You accepted, my Jesus, the death of the cross for my love; for your love I accept death and all the sufferings that await me.

O my Savior, my love, my only good; for your sacred wounds and very painful death, do, with fervor I ask of you, I die in your love and grace. After you have rescued me at the price of your blood, do not allow me to lose myself. Sweetest Jesus, do not consent to be separated from you in the Hereafter.

I adore you, O God, who created me; I believe in you, O eternal Truth; I hope in you, O infinite Mercy; I love you, O supreme goodness; I love you above all things, I love you more than myself, because you are worthy of infinite love. And because I love you, it weighs me with all my heart to have despised your grace; I promise you to suffer any death, and a thousand deaths, before I offend you again.

O Jesus, Son of God, who died for me, have mercy on my soul.

O my Savior, save me, and my salvation is to love you forever.

O Mother of God, tender Mary, I asked Jesus for me. Mother of grace, Mother of mercy, protect me from the enemy of salvation, and receive me into your motherly arms at the hour of my death. I shelter under your protection, O holy Mother of God; I asked for myself, for I am a sinner.

Saint Joseph, my protector and father, assisted me at the decisive moment of death.

Saint Michael the Archangel, deliver me from the demons, who forge bonds to my soul.

My patron saints, and all of you, O saints of paradise, I asked God for me.

And you, my crucified Jesus. in my last breath, I received my soul in your arms; I entrust it to you; remember that I was redeemed at the price of your blood.

My crucified Jesus, my love and my hope, alive or dead, I protest that I want nothing more than you, you alone, and nothing else. There! what can I desire, otherwise it is you, my God!

You are the love of my heart, you all my wealth.

6. wild prayers to prepare for a good death

The faithful who wish to safely reach a good death will do well to recite these beautiful aspirations many times during their lives and especially in their illnesses. As for the people who assist the sick, it is their duty to suggest to them acts of virtue, short prayers, which they will repeat as needed, but always with sweetness and discretion.

1. Trust in God.

In your hands I commit my soul; you redeem me, Lord, truly God.

We plead with you, Lord, help your servants, whom you have redeemed with your precious blood.

I have put my hope in you, Lord; do not allow me to be confused forever.

Jesus' passion, you are my hope.

Jesus' merits, you are my hope.

Jesus' wounds, you are my hope.

Blood of Jesus, you are my hope.

Death of Jesus, you are my hope.

The Lord's mercies will be the eternal object of my songs.

O Mary, my Mother, it is up to you to save me.

2. Contrition.

My Jesus, who are also my judge, forgive me before you come to judge me.

You will not despise, O my God, a contrite and humiliated heart!

Oh! happy of me, if I had never offended you!

I have offended you, O infinite goodness; I regret with all my heart, I weigh with all my soul.

To atone for the offenses I have done to you. O my God, I offer you my death and all the pains that I suffer until the end, in union with those of Jesus crucified for me.

O Mary, obtain for me true pain from my sins, O forgiveness and perseverance.

3. Love to God.

My God, because you are infinite goodness, worthy of infinite love, I love you more than anything, more than myself, I love you with all my heart.

Lord, I am not worthy to love you, because I have offended you; but for the love of Jesus, make him love you.

Oh! I hope to see you loved by all men!

I rejoice to think that you are infinitely happy.

When can I say: My God, can I no longer lose you?

I wish, O my God, to love you as you deserve.

O Mary, draw me entirely to God. My tender Mother, I love you very, very much; I want to go to love you forever in paradise.

4. Compliance with God's will.

Eternal Father, I unite my death to that of Jesus Christ, and I offer it to you to please you.

O will of God, you are my love.

O blessing of my God, I dedicate myself entirely to you.

5. Paraiso's desire.

When, O my God, will I see your infinite beauty?

I wish paradise to love you forever and with all my strength.

In paradise I will love you always, and you always love me; therefore we will love each other forever, O my God, my love, my everything!

When will I be prostrate at your feet, O Mary, my Mother, that you have loved and protected me so much?

6. When kissing the Crucifix.

My Jesus, do not look at my sins, but at what you have suffered for me.

My dear Savior, I kiss your sacred feet like Mary Magdalene; tell me and hear me a word of forgiveness.

My God, for the love of Jesus Christ, forgive me and grant me a good death.

O lovely Jesus, do not allow me to be more apart from you.

Lord my Jesus Christ, for the pity that your innocent and pure soul felt when separating from your holy body, have mercy on my criminal soul when you leave my body. So be it.

You died, my Jesus, for the love of me; I want to die for your sake.

7. Prayer to the Sacred Heart of Jesus for the dying

Most clement Jesus, who burn in love for souls, I beg you for the agony of your Most Sacred Heart, and for the pains of your Immaculate Mother, purify in your precious Blood all the sinners of the earth who are in agony and today must die. So be it.

Dying heart of Jesus, have compassion for the dying

(Ind.300 days; IP671).

8. Prayer to Saint Joseph on behalf of the dying

Eternal Father, for the love you have for Saint Joseph, whom you have chosen to do your times on earth, have compassion on us and the dying poor.

An Our Father, an Hail Mary and a Glory to the Father.

Eternal son of God, for the love you have for St. Joseph, your faithful guardian on earth, have compassion on us and the dying poor.

An Our Father, an Hail Mary and a Glory to the Father.

Eternal spirit of God, for the love you have for Saint Joseph, who with so much deviance kept the Virgin Mary, your most beloved wife, have compassion for us and the dying poor.

An Our Father, an Hail Mary and a Glory to the Father.

(Ind.500 days, once a day) 670.

9. Ordering the soul

There is no more healthy preparation for death than meditating on these beautiful prayers of the Church.

The priest says first:

Peace to this house. - And everyone who lives there.

Then, taking from the holy water, sprinkle the sick and the room with it, saying:

Behold me, Lord, with the hyssop and I will be purified; wash me, behold, and I will be whiter than snow.

The priest gives the sick man the crucifix to kiss, urging him to wait for salvation for the merits of the divine Savior; then he places the holy image so that the sick can see it, so that their hope can be revived. Then, when the holy candle is lit, the following litany is said with the assistants:

Lord, have compassion on us.

Jesus Christ, have compassion on us.

Lord, have compassion on us.

Holy Mary, pray for him (her).

All holy angels and archangels, pray for him (her).

Holy Abel, pray for him (her).

The whole choir of the Righteous, pray for him (her).

Holy Abraham, pray for him (her).

Saint John the Baptist, pray for him (her).

Saint Joseph, pray for him (her).

All the holy patriarchs and prophets, pray for him (her).

Saint Peter, pray for him (her).

São Paulo, pray for him (her).

Santo André, pray for him (her).

Saint John, pray for him (her).

All Holy Apostles and Evangelists, pray for him (her).

All the Holy Disciples of the Lord,

All the Innocent Saints,

Saint Stephen,

St. Lawrence,

All the Holy Martyrs,

Sao Silvestre,

St. Gregory,

Saint Augustine,

All the Holy Pontiffs and Confessors,

São Bento,

San Francisco,

São Camilo,

Saint John of God,

All the Holy Monks and Hermits,

Saint Mary Magdalene,

Santa Luzia,

All the holy virgins and widows,

All the Saints of God, intercede for him (her).

Be propitious, forgive him, Lord.

Be propitious, deliver him / her, Lord.

Be conducive,

Of your wrath,

From the danger of death,

Of bad death,

From the feathers of hell,

Of all evil,

Of the power of the devil,

By your birth,

Through your cross and Passion,

For your death and grave,

By your glorious resurrection,

By your admirable ascension, deliver him / her, Lord.

By the grace of the comforting Holy Spirit, deliver him / her, Lord.

On the day of judgment, deliver him / her, Lord,

Even though we are sinners, we ask you, listen to us, Lord.

In order that you may forgive him, we ask you, listen to us,

Sir. Lord, have compassion on us. Jesus Christ, have compassion on us.

Lord, have compassion on us.

When the patient is in the last fight, almost expiring, the priest says:

I left this world, a Christian soul, in the name of Almighty Father God, who created you: in the name of Jesus Christ, Son of the living God, who suffered for you: in the name of the Holy Spirit, who was spread in you: in the name of the Angels and Archangels: in the name of Thrones and Dominations: in the name of Principalities and Powers: in the name of Cherubim and Seraphim: in the name of Patriarchs and Prophets: in the name of Holy Apostles and Evangelists: in the name of Holy Martyrs and Confessors: in the name of Holy Monks and Hermits: in the name of the Virgin Saints and of all the Saints and Saints of God. Today be your place in peace, and your habitation in holy Zion. For the same Jesus Christ, Our Lord. So be it.

Merciful God, merciful God, God who, according to the multitude of your mercies, blot out the sins of penitents, and make the stains of their past faults disappear through your forgiveness, cast a favorable eye on your servant (servant) N., and answer the prayer that he (she) makes to you to obtain the remission of all your sins, confessing them from the bottom of your heart. Renew in him (her), O Father full of goodness, everything that human frailty has corrupted or the devil's malice has violated, and I have gathered this member who belongs to him through redemption to the body of the Church. Lord, have mercy on your groans, have mercy on your tears; and since he only trusts in your mercy, deign to admit him to the sacrament of your reconciliation. Through Jesus Christ, our Lord. So be it.

I commend you, my dear brother (my dear sister), to the omnipotent God, and I give you the One of whom you are a creature, so that, after you have paid the debt of humanity with death, you may return to the author of your being , for the One who formed you out of the clay of the earth. Come to your soul, leaving the body, the radiant crowd of the Holy Angels: come also the Senate of the Apostles, who must judge the world: accompany the triumphant army of the Martyrs: surround the procession of the illustrious Confessors : welcome the choir of the Virgins with joyful songs: at last, the august Patriarchs hold you in their arms, in heavenly rest: and Jesus Christ, casting you a look full of sweetness and tenderness, declare in the number of who are with him forever. So the horror of darkness is forever unknown to you,the burning of the flames, the rigor of the torments. Flee before you the abominable Satan with his satellites: tremble in the sight of the angels that surround you, and be awed in the horrible chaos of eternal night. God arise, and let your enemies be scattered: those who hate you flee from your face; as the smoke clears, they dissipate: as the wax melts with fire, so sinners perish before the Lord's face: and the righteous rejoice, in the presence of their God, sated with delight and transported with joy. Therefore, let all the legions of hell be confused, and the ministers of Satan do not dare to oppose your passage. May Christ preserve you from torments, Christ who was crucified for your sake. May Christ preserve you from eternal death, who has deigned to die for you. Settle in the midst of the unalterable beauties of your paradise Christ,Son of the living God, and, as a true shepherd, recognize you by one of his sheep. Let him deign to forgive you all your sins, and place you at his right hand, in the company of the elect. Grant him to see your Redeemer face to face, so that, always in his presence, you will be happy to contemplate the truth without veil and thus enjoy the sweetness of the sight of God, in the society of the blessed, in the centuries of the centuries. So be the centuries of the centuries. So be the centuries of the centuries. So be it.

Lord, receive your servant (servant) in the place of salvation that he (she) must expect from your mercy. So be it.

Deliver, Lord, the soul of your servant (servant), from all the dangers of hell, and from the penalties that threaten it, and from all tribulations. So be it.

Deliver, Lord, the soul of your servant (servant), as you delivered Henoc and Elijah from the death common to men. So be it. Deliver, Lord, the soul of your servant (servant), as you delivered Noah from the flood. So be it.

Deliver, Lord, the soul of your servant (servant), as you delivered Abraham from the land of the Chaldeans. So be it. Deliver, Lord, the soul of your servant (servant), as you delivered Job from his sufferings. So be it.

Deliver, Lord, the soul of your servant (servant), as you delivered Isac from the hands of his father Abraham, who was going to kill him. So be it.

Deliver, Lord, the soul of your servant (servant), as you delivered Lot of Sodom and the flames that consumed it, So be it.

Deliver, Lord, the soul of your servant (handmaid), as you delivered Moses from the hands of Pharaoh, king of the Egyptians. So be it.

Deliver, Lord, the soul of your servant (servant), as you delivered Daniel from the pit of lions. So be it.

Deliver, Lord, the soul of your servant (servant), as you delivered the three young men from the fiery furnace and from the hands of a wicked king. So be it.

Deliver, Lord, the soul of your servant (servant), as you delivered Susana from a false accusation. So be it.

Deliver, Lord, the soul of your servant (handmaid), as you delivered David from the hands of King Saul and from Goliath. So be it.

Deliver, Lord, the soul of your servant (servant), as you delivered St. Peter and St. Paul from prison. So be it.

And as you delivered the blessed Tecla, your virgin and martyr, from three horrible torments, so deign yourself to free the soul of your servant (servant), and make her enjoy the heavenly goods with you. So be it.

We commend you, Lord, the soul of your servant (servant) N., and we ask you, O Lord Jesus Christ, Savior of the world, not to refuse to place within your Patriarchs a soul for whose salvation, by your mercy, you have descended on Earth. Acknowledge, Lord, your creature, who was not created by strange gods, but by you, who are the only living and true God; for there is no other God but you, and there is nothing to compare with your works. Rejoice her, Lord, by admitting her in your presence, and do not remember her former iniquities, nor the ravages in which a violent passion or the burning of evil desires dragged her. For although she committed a crime, she did not deny the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, but she believed, she had the zeal of God within her, and she faithfully worshiped the Lord who did all things.

We beseech you, Lord, do not remember the faults of your youth and your ignorance: but, according to your great mercy, remember it in the splendor of your glory. Heaven open for her, and angels share in her joy. Lord, receive your servant's soul (servant) in your kingdom. Be introduced in it by the archangel Saint Michael, who deserved the principality of the heavenly militia. May the Holy Angels of God meet you and lead you to heavenly Jerusalem. Be welcomed by Blessed Peter, Apostle, to whom- God entrusted the keys of the kingdom of heaven. Give him your assistance the apostle São Paulo, who was deemed worthy to be the vessel of choice. St. John, the chosen apostle of God, intercedes through her, to whom the secrets of heaven have been revealed. Strengthened by the prayers of all the Holy Apostles,the Lord has given the power to turn on and off. Finally, have all the saints and elect of God as intercessors; who suffered in this world by the name of Jesus Christ, so that, freed from the bonds of the flesh, she may reach the glory of the heavenly kingdom, by the grace of Our Lord Jesus Christ, who with the Father and Holy Spirit lives and reigns forever and ever . Amen.



Take care, faithful soul, to choose, each month, a day to collect you. On this day, read your Life Regulations; examine yourself regarding the Resolutions and practices of godliness that you have chosen, and nourish your soul with some affectionate aspiration.

1. Life regulation

1. In the morning, get up at a fixed time, and immediately pray the morning prayer. During the day, do half an hour of mental prayer and a quarter of an hour of spiritual reading; hear the mass; visit the SS. Sacramento and the Virgin Mary; pray the Rosary. In the evening, do your conscience exam and say the evening prayer.

2. Confess and receive communion at least once a week and more times, if possible, according to the director's advice.

3. Choose a good confessor for yourself; address him for his advice, and don't leave him without serious cause.

4. Escape from idleness, bad company, free conversation, and especially dangerous occasions.

5. In temptations, immediately put on the sign of the cross and call on the holy names of Jesus and Mary for as long as the temptation lasts.

6. When you fall into any fault, repent immediately, and make a resolution to correct yourself, and if it is a serious sin, confess as soon as possible.

7. Go to the sermon whenever you can, and attend a congregation.

8. In the face of setbacks, diseases, setbacks, persecutions, to say: God wants it that way I want it that way too.

9. Do some corporal mortification in honor of Mary, on the Sabbath and on the vigils of her seven feasts.

10. Do a few days of spiritual exercises every year.

11. Take part, in proportion to their own resources, in the good works established for the good of the Church and souls.

NB It will be very useful to do, at the time of the retreat, a spiritual reading about the Way to talk continuously with God, p.48.

2. Practices and resolutions of a soul that wants to love Jesus Christ perfectly

1. Desire ceaselessly to grow in love for Jesus Christ.

2. Often do acts of love for Jesus Christ, starting from the moment you wake up to falling asleep, and always try to unite your will with that of Jesus.

3. Meditate often on the Passion of Jesus Christ.

4. Asking Jesus continually for your love.

5. Communion often, and make spiritual communion many times a day.

6. Visiting Our Lord in the Blessed Sacrament many times.

7. Receive each day from the hand of Jesus the cross that must be carried.

8. Desire paradise and death, to love Jesus Christ perfectly and eternally.

9. Talk often about the love of Jesus Christ.

10. Accept the setbacks for Jesus Christ.

11. Rejoice in God's happiness.

12. Practice what is most pleasing to Jesus Christ, and refuse nothing that is pleasing to you.

13. Wish everyone to love Jesus Christ and work for it by the means available to each one.

14. Always pray for sinners and the souls in purgatory.

15. To pour from the heart all the affection that is not for Jesus Christ.

16. To turn frequently to Mary, to obtain love through Jesus through her intercession.

17. Honor it to please Jesus.

18. Have in all actions the purpose of pleasing Jesus.

19. Offer yourself to Jesus Christ to suffer all sorts of penalties for your love.

20. Be determined to die rather than commit a venial sin of deliberate purpose.

21. Carefully carry the crosses, saying: This is what Jesus Christ wants.

22. To deny yourself, renouncing your own will for the love of Jesus Christ.

23. Give yourself to prayer as much as you can.

24. Practice all the mortifications that obedience allows.

25. Do each exercise as if it were the last time.

26. Persevere in good works in the dry season.

27. Do nothing and omit nothing for the sake of human respect.

28. Do not complain about illnesses.

29. Loving loneliness to deal only with Jesus Christ.

30. Banish melancholy.

31. Recommend yourself often to people who love Jesus Christ.

32. In temptations, turn to Jesus crucified and Mary, Mother of sorrows.

33. Have great confidence in the passion of Jesus Christ.

34. Do not fade after a fault; repent and make the resolution to amend.

35. Paying back evil for good.

36. Speak well of everyone; excuse the intention, when the act cannot be justified.

37. To help others in proportion to their possessions.

38. Do nothing or say anything that causes disgust to others; and if charity was lacking, asking for forgiveness or speaking sweetly.

39. Always speak with meekness and a submissive voice.

40. Offer Jesus Christ every humiliation or persecution you find yourself in.

41. Consider in your superiors the person of Jesus Christ.

42. Obey without reply and without disgust.

43. Loving low jobs.

44. Love the poor.

45. Do not talk about yourself, either good or bad.

46. ​​Like to humble yourself.

47. Don't apologize when you get scolded.

48. Don't defend yourself when you are blamed.

49. Don't talk when you are agitated.

50. To continually renew the resolve to sanctify oneself.

3. jaculatory prayers.

I love you, O my Jesus, dead for the love of me.

Oh! do not die before I offend you!

Better to die than to lose God!

Jesus and Mary, you are my hope.

You alone, O my Jesus, make me stand.

Do not allow me to be apart from you.

Give me your love, and do what you want with me.

Whom then I will love, if I do not love you, O my God!

Eternal Father, help me for the love of Jesus.

In you I believe, in you I hope, in you I gather all my love.

Here I am, Lord, make use of me as you see fit.

When will I be all yours, O my God!

When can I say to you: My God, now I cannot lose you anymore!

O Mary, my hope, have compassion for me.

O Mother of God, I asked Jesus for me.

There! Who am I, Lord, to want to be loved by me?

My God, I only want you, only you, and nothing more.

I want everything you want and only what you want.

Oh! I wish I had consumed myself completely for you, that you have consumed yourselves for me!

I am recognized with men; only with you, O my God, I have been ungrateful!

I have offended you very much; now, I will no longer sin.

If I had already died, I could no longer love you.

Rather to die than to offend you again: give me this grace.

You have expected me to love you: oh! yes, I want to love you.

I dedicate the rest of my life to you.

O my Jesus, take me all for you.

You will never, of course, abandon me; I too will not leave you.

I hope that we will always love each other, O God of my soul!

Make, O my Jesus, that I still be all yours before my death.

I find you placated, when you come to judge me.

I owe you much in points of love; I love you, my Savior, I love you.

Deign to admit to your friendship a sinner who has offended you so much!

You have all given yourselves to me; I give myself to you all.

I want to love you very much in this life to love you very much in the next.

Let me know how much juice you are, so that I love you most.

You love those who love you; I love you: therefore love me also. Give me all the love you want from me.

I enjoy, my God, that you are infinitely happy.

Oh! that I have not always loved you, and that I have not died before I offend you!

To satisfy you, I will run over and win everything: let your grace execute me.

I give you all my will, make me available at your pleasure.

My contentment is to please you, O infinite goodness!

I hope to love you forever, O eternal God!

You can do everything; well then, make me a saint.

When I fled you sought me; do not be repelled now that I seek you.

I thank you for giving me time to love you; I thank you, and I love you.

May this be the day when he gives me all of you! I have inflicted all punishments, but do not deprive me of the grace to love you.

I want to love you, my God, and this without restrictions.

I accept all penalties, all contempt as long as I love you.

I wanted to die for you, who died for me.

I wish that everyone loves you as you deserve it.

O will of God, you are my love.

O Mary, draw me all to God.





The sign of the cross

In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit.

(Ind. 3 years; with holy water, 7 years) 678.

Praises in honor of the Holy Trinity

Glory to the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Just as it was in the beginning, and now, and forever, and forever and ever.

We call upon you, praise you, adore you, O Blessed Trinity! Deliver us, save us, quicken us, O Blessed Trinity! We bless the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit; let us praise and exalt them throughout the centuries.

Angelic Trisagio

Holy, holy, holy, is the Lord God of hosts. The heavens and the earth are full of your glory.

(lnd. 500d. IP) 2.

Praise and reparation act called the golden arrow

Praised, blessed, loved, glorified, always be the most holy, sacred, adorable, unknown, ineffable Name of God, in heaven, on earth and in hell, for all creatures that came out of the hands of God, and for the sacred Heart of Our Lord. Lord Jesus Christ in the Blessed Sacrament of the altar. So be it.

Small crown of the Holy Trinity in honor of Mary

I thank you, O Eternal Father, for the power you have given to Mary, your Daughter.

Our Father, Hail Mary, Glory to the Father.

I thank you, O Eternal Son, for the wisdom you gave to Mary, your Mother.

Our Father, Hail Mary, Glory to the Father.

I thank you, O Eternal Spirit, for the love you have given to Mary, your wife.

Our Father, Hail Mary, Glory to the Father.

God save you, Daughter of God the Father. God save you, Mother of God the Son, God save you, wife of the Holy Spirit. God save you, living temple of the Holy Trinity.

Be everything for the eternal glory of the Holy Trinity and Mary Immaculate!

Thanks to God and Mary.

Prayer to the Holy Trinity

Omnipotence of the Father, come to the aid of my fragility, take me out of the abyss of my miseries.

Wisdom of the Son, I directed all my thoughts, my actions and my words.

Love of the Holy Spirit, be the beginning of all the operations of my soul, so that they may be in accordance with your will in everything.

(Ind. 500 days) 53.

Litany of God's love

Composed by the Holy Father Pius VI

To you who are infinite love, I love you, my God.

To you, who have warned me for your love.

To you who send me love you,

From all my heart,

In all my soul,

In all my understanding,

With all my strength,

About all goods and honors,

Above all pleasures and enjoyments,

More than myself and everything that belongs to me,

More than all my relatives and friends,

More than all men and angels,

More than all things created in heaven and on earth, solely for your sake,

Because you are the sovereign well,

Because you are infinitely worthy of being loved,

Because you are infinitely perfect,

Even if you had not promised me heaven,

Even if you threatened me with hell,

Even if you proved me by misery and misfortune,

In abundance and poverty,

In prosperity and adversity,

In dignities and contempt,

In pleasures and sufferings,

In health and disease,

In life and death,

In time and eternity,

In union with the love with which all angels and saints love you in heaven,

In union with the love with which the Blessed Virgin Mary loves you,

In union of infinite love with which you love each other forever,


O my God, who possess in incomprehensible abundance everything that can be perfect and worthy of love, extinguish in me all criminal, sensual and disorderly love for creatures, and kindle in my heart the most pure fire of your love, lest it love if not to you and for you, until finally being consumed by your most holy love, he will love you eternally with the elect in heaven, country of love. So be it.

Third of acts of love


1. My God, my sovereign well, I would like to see you loved always.

2. My God, I hate the time I didn't love you.

3. How could I live so long without your holy love?

4. And you, my God, how could you endure me?

5. I thank you, my God, for so much patience.

6. But as a gift I want to love you always.

7. I want to die rather than not love you.

8. Take my life, O my God, if I am to stop loving you.

9. The grace that I ask of you is to love you always.

10. With your love I will be happy.

Glory to the Father, etc.


1. I wish, O my God, to see you loved by all.

2. How happy I would be if I could give my blood so that everyone loves you!

3. Whoever does not love you is truly blind.

4. You, my God, enlighten him.

5. True disgrace is not to love you, O sovereign well.

6. As for me, O my God, I do not want to be among the number of blind wretches who do not love you.

7. You are, my God, my joy and all my good.

8. I want to be all yours forever.

9. And who can ever separate me from your holy love!

10. Come, all creatures, to love my God.

Glory to the Father, etc.


1. Whoever gave me a thousand hearts to love you all, O my God!

2. I hope to possess the hearts of all men, stop. love you.

3. I hope there are a thousand worlds, for everyone to love you.

4. Blessed is he who could love you with the hearts of all possible creatures!

5. You deserve it, my God!

6. My heart is too poor and too cold to love you.

7. O ominous coldness of men in love for the sovereign as well!

8. O deplorable blindness of the worldly, who do not know true love!

9. How happy you are, inhabitants of heaven, who know and love you!

10. O happy need to love God!

Glory to the Father, etc.


1. When, my God, will I burn in your love?

2. Oh! What precious and happy luck would be mine then!

3. But since I do not know how to love you, I am glad that there are so many others who certainly love you with all my heart.

4. I am particularly pleased that you are loved by all the angels and blessed in heaven.

5. I unite my poor heart to theirs.

6. In particular, I intend to love you with the love with which the most fervent saints loved you.

7. I intend to love you with the love with which Santa Maria Madalena, Santa Catarina and Santa Teresa loved you;

8. With the love with which Saint Augustine, São Domingos, São Francisco Xavier, São Filipe Néri and São Luís Gonzaga loved you;

9. With the same love with which the Holy Apostles loved you, especially Saint Peter, Saint Paul, and the beloved disciple;

10. With the same love with which the great patriarch Saint Joseph loved you.

Glory to the Father, etc.


1. I intend to love you with the love with which the Blessed Virgin Mary loved you on earth;

2. With the love, in particular, with which she loved you when she conceived your divine Son in her virgin bosom, when she gave birth to him, when she fed him with her milk, when she saw him die.

3. I also intend to love you with the love with which she loves you and will always love you in heaven.

4. But to love you, O God of infinite goodness, this love, however great, is not enough.

5. This is why I wanted to love you as the divine Word made man loved you;

6. How he loved you when he was born;

7. How he loved you when he expired on the cross;

8. How he loves you continually in the sacred tabernacles where he is hiding;

9. With the same love with which he loves you and will love you in heaven for all eternity.

10. Finally, I intend to love you with the love with which you love yourself; but since such love is impossible, do it, O my God, out of mercy, that I love you with all my mind, with all my strength, and as much as you want.

So be it. Glory to the Father, etc.

Let us pray.

God, who has prepared goods invisible to those who love you, pour your love into our hearts, so that by loving you in everything and above all, we obtain the effect of your promises that overcome all desire. Through our Lord Jesus Christ. So be it.

Prayer of St. John Vianney Cura d'Ars

I love you, O my God, and my only desire is to love you, until the last breath of my life.

I love you, O God infinitely lovable, and I would rather die in love with you than live for a moment without loving you.

I love you, Lord, and the only grace I ask of you is to love you forever.

I love you, O my God, and I only desire heaven to have the happiness of loving you perfectly.

I love you, my infinitely good God, and I fear nothing but hell, because there will never be the sweet consolation of loving you.

I love you, O my God, and if my tongue cannot say at all times that I love you, I want my heart to repeat it to you as many times as I breathe.

I love you, O my God, and give me the grace to suffer by loving you and to love you in suffering.

I love you, O my divine Savior, because you were crucified for me.

I love you, my God, because you have crucified me here for you.

Love a God-man crucified for us, love of recognition!

Loving a God who crucifies us, generous love.

My God, as I approach death, give me the grace to increase my love and perfect it. So be it.




Christmas Novena

Recite the Steps of the Divine Childhood of Our Lord, p.321, with the following jaculatory prayer:

My Jesus, I was born in my heart.


Jesus on the eve of being born

Let us join Mary and Joseph, and let them accompany the King of heaven, who will be born in a cave, and make his first appearance in the world as a boy, and as poor and helpless as any other man was born.

My dear Redeemer, the angels of heaven in multitude accompany you on this journey, I know it well: but among the inhabitants of the earth who are those who follow you? I see only Joseph and Mary with you. Allow me, my Jesus, to join me to follow you. Ah! I have been very ungrateful against you. Now I understand the greatness of my lack: you descended from heaven to keep me company on earth, and I have so often brought ingratitude to the point of leaving you and offending you. O my divine Lord, when I think that, in order to follow my evil inclinations, I have departed from you, I have often renounced your friendship, I would have wanted to die of pain. But you came to forgive me; Forgive me, therefore, now that I regret my whole soul for having despised and abandoned you; I am resolved and I hope, with your grace, that I will not stretch or withdraw from you, O my only love! Yes,my soul is captive in love for you, O lovely God-Child.

I love you, my sweet Savior, and because you came to earth to save me and to communicate your graces, here is the only one that I implore you: do not separate me from you anymore; captivate me by connecting closely with you through the gentle chains of your holy love. Ah! my Redeemer and my God, who could still leave you and live without you, deprived of your grace? O Maria, I am coming to keep you company on your trip to Bethlehem; on your side, O my Mother, do not cease to help me on the journey I take for eternity; always assist me, but especially at the end of my life, when that last moment arrives that will decide whether I will be, or always with you to love Jesus in heaven, or always far from you to hate Jesus in hell. O my Queen, save me by your intercession. You are my hope; I expect everything from you.

Jesus at birth

Arise, faithful soul; Jesus invites you tonight to come and kiss his feet. The shepherds who came to visit him at the lapa de Belém brought him gifts; it is necessary that you also offer yours. But what will you offer? The most pleasant gift you can offer Jesus is a repentant and loving heart. Here are the feelings you must express to him:

Stained with so many sins, I would not have the audacity to approach you, Lord, if you yourself would not invite me with such kindness; but, since you call me so lovingly, I do not want to refuse the favor with which you honor me: In the meantime I am extremely poor; I have nothing else to offer you my miserable heart: I present it to you. Indeed, this heart once offended you; but today he is in pain, and I offer him repentance. Yes, lovely boy, I regret having saddened you. I am the barbarian, the traitor, the ungrateful, who caused you so much suffering, and made you shed so many tears in the stable of Bethlehem; but your tears are my hope. I am a sinner unworthy of forgiveness. But I come to you who, being God, made yourself a boy to forgive me. O eternal Father, if I deserve hell,look at the tears that your innocent Son sheds, to obtain mercy for me. You refuse anything to the prayers of Jesus Christ; send him his supplications, which in order to obtain the forgiveness of my sins he does this night, which is a night of joy, salvation and forgiveness. Ah! beloved Child, my Jesus, I await the forgiveness of my sins; but this forgiveness is not enough: during this night you grant souls great graces, I also wish one, and great, which is to love you. Embrace me completely in your holy love, and hold fast to you; but hold me in such a way that I can no longer depart from you. I love you, O my God made a boy for me, but very much. little is what I love you; I want to love you very much, and it's up to you to make it so. I come to kiss your feet and bring you my heart. Change it and keep it forever. I don't show rituals anymore;because if you give it to me again, I am very afraid that you will miss it again. O Mary, Mother of the divine Child, and also my Mother, I place my poor heart in your hands, present it to Jesus. If you present it yourself, he will not refuse it. Then present my heart to Jesus, O my Mother, and ask him to accept it.

To Jesus made boy for our love

O man, see with what love this tender Savior came down from heaven to seek you! Don't you hear their childish screams? he was just born to you; listen to what he calls you by his vagaries: Soul, soul, O soul whom I love, it seems to tell you, I seek you; it is for you, it is to obtain your love, which I came from heaven to earth.

O my Jesus, my sovereign Lord and true God, who determined you to come down from heaven and be born in a cave, if not your love for men? who snatched you from the bosom of your eternal Father and put you on a limb? who has reduced you to leaving your throne high above all thrones, to be lying on straw? who drew you from among the choirs of angels, to put you between two animals? In holy ardor you burn the seraphim, and behold, you tremble in the cold in this nativity scene! You give movement to the heavens and the sun, and behold, you cannot move without help from a strange arm! You provide food for men and animals, and behold, you need a little milk to sustain your life! You are the joy of heaven, and behold, I hear you cry and groan! Tell me: why all these miseries? Ah! it is because you love men. O sweet boy,what have you come to do on earth? what are you here for? Ah! I understand you: you came to die for me, to get rid of hell; you have come to fetch me a lost sheep, so that in the future I will no longer separate from you and love you.

O my Jesus, my treasure, my life, my love, my everything, if I do not love you, whom shall I want to love! where can I find a Father, a friend, a husband, more lovable than you, and who loves me more than you? I love you, my God, I love you, my only good. I am sorry to have lived so many years, not only without loving you, but offending and despising you. Forgive me, O my most beloved Redeemer, I regret having treated you like this, I repent with all my soul. Forgive me and give me the grace not to be separated from you anymore. O tender Mary, my lawyer, beg your divine Son to forgive me and grant holy perseverance until death.

To the Child Jesus, who asks us for the heart

There are people who would like to receive the Baby Jesus in their arms, like the holy old Simeon: why, faith teaches us that when we receive communion, we have not only in our arms, but still in our breast this same Jesus who was in the manger of Bethlehem.

Sir, what do I have to fear? Should I not trust myself entirely in you, who were born on purpose to save me? Oh! yes, I put all my trust in you, my God and my Savior. And what greater proof of mercy could you give me, my sweet Redeemer, to compel me to trust you, than to give you to me? O tender Child, how much I weigh to have offended you. I made you cry in the lapa de Belém; but, knowing that you have come to fetch me, I launch myself at your feet; and although I see you so afflicted and humiliated in that manger where you rest on straw, I recognize you by my king and sovereign lord. I hear that, through your vague suits, you invite me to love you, and ask for my heart: here it is, my Jesus, here I am at your feet to offer it to you; change it, ignite it, because I saw these into the world to kindle your holy love in their hearts. I hear that,out of this manger, you command me to love you: you will love the Lord your God with all your heart (Mt2,2,37). And I answer: Ah! my Jesus, if I do not love you, who are my Lord and my God, whom will I love? You declare yourselves to me, because you are born to give me all of me; and I would refuse to be all for you! No, my beloved Lord, I give myself to you all, and I love you with all my heart. Yes, I love you, I love you, I love you, O Supreme Good, my soul's only love! Receive me today, I beg you, and do not cease to love you for the future. O Mary, my Sovereign, I ask you for the joy with which you were flooded the first time that your eyes saw your divine Son at his birth, and your arms tightened around your motherly heart, ask him to accept the offering that I make you of myself,and hold me forever for the gift of your holy love.

Offering the merits of the Child Jesus

Because we have offended God, we deserve to be condemned to eternal death; divine justice rightly wants to be satisfied; what should we do? despair? Oh! not; let us offer to God this tender Child, who is His Son, and say to him full of confidence:

Heavenly Father, I am a miserable sinner, worthy of hell; there! I have nothing to offer you in atonement for my sins; but I offer you the tears, the feathers, the blood, the death of the innocent Jesus, your Son, and I ask you for mercy for your merits. If I didn't have this divine Child to offer you, I would be lost, there would be no hope for me; but you have given it to me so that, by offering you your merits, I may hope for my salvation. Lord, my ingratitude has been cleared, but your mercy is greater. And what greater mercy could I expect from you than to give your divine Son to me as Redeemer and victim of atonement for my sins? For the love, therefore, of Jesus Christ, forgive me; I regret with all my heart that I have displeased you, O infinite goodness! For the love of Jesus Christ,grant me also holy perseverance. Ah! My God, if I offended you even after you had waited for me with so much patience, and enlightened with so many lights and forgiven with so much love, wouldn't a hell of purpose be necessary just for me? For mercy, my Father, do not allow me to be apart from you. I repeat this prayer, and I want to repeat it until the last day of my life: Do not allow me to separate more from you. My Jesus, O sweet Child, hold me close by the bonds of your love; I love you, and I love you forever. Do not allow me to separate more from you. I love you too, O my Mother Mary; deign also to love me, and as a pledge of this love obtain me the grace of never ceasing to love my God.and enlightened with so many lights and forgiven with so much love, wouldn't a hell of purpose be necessary just for me? For mercy, my Father, do not allow me to be apart from you. I repeat this prayer, and I want to repeat it until the last day of my life: Do not allow me to separate more from you. My Jesus, O sweet Child, hold me close by the bonds of your love; I love you, and I love you forever. Do not allow me to separate more from you. I love you too, O my Mother Mary; deign also to love me, and as a pledge of this love obtain me the grace of never ceasing to love my God.and enlightened with so many lights and forgiven with so much love, wouldn't a hell of purpose be necessary just for me? For mercy, my Father, do not allow me to be apart from you. I repeat this prayer, and I want to repeat it until the last day of my life: Do not allow me to separate more from you. My Jesus, O sweet Child, hold me close by the bonds of your love; I love you, and I love you forever. Do not allow me to separate more from you. I love you too, O my Mother Mary; deign also to love me, and as a pledge of this love obtain me the grace of never ceasing to love my God.hold me to you by the bonds of your love; I love you, and I love you forever. Do not allow me to separate more from you. I love you too, O my Mother Mary; deign also to love me, and as a pledge of this love obtain me the grace of never ceasing to love my God.hold me to you by the bonds of your love; I love you, and I love you forever. Do not allow me to separate more from you. I love you too, O my Mother Mary; deign also to love me, and as a pledge of this love obtain me the grace of never ceasing to love my God.

Jesus wrapped in cloths

Behold the boy Jesus who, obedient in everything, offers his little hands, extends his little feet, and lets himself be wrapped in cloths, to atone for the abuse we have made of our freedom. Our ligatures must be a firm resolve to be held together with Jesus by the bonds of love.

Beloved Child, how to fear your punishments, if I see you wrapped in cloths, as if depriving yourself, let us say, the power to raise your hand to punish me? In this way you make me understand that you have no intention of punishing me, if I want to shake off the yoke of my passions and unite with you. Yes, my Jesus, I want to get rid of them; I regret the inner soul of having separated from you, abusing the freedom you have given me. Offer me another, more beautiful freedom, which must free me from the chains of the devil and put me in the number of the children of God. You have become a prisoner in these humble headdresses for my love; I also want to be a prisoner of your great love. O happy chains, beautiful bonds of salvation, which unite hearts with God, also link my poor heart; tie it so tightly,that it is never possible to separate from the love of this supreme good. I love you, my Jesus, I join you, I give you all my heart, all my will. Decided, resolved, I am no longer leaving you, my most beloved Lord. O Mary, who once bandaged your innocent Son in the mantles, Ah! bind me, poor sinner, lest I move your feet further; live and die I always united with Jesus, to have the happiness of entering a happy country one day, where I will no longer be able to separate myself from his holy and die I always united with Jesus, to have the happiness of entering a happy country one day, where I will no longer be able to separate myself from his holy and die I always united with Jesus, to have the happiness of entering a happy country one day, where I will no longer be able to separate myself from his holy love.

Jesus nourishing milk

Oh! how precious that virgin milk was to us! Converted to blood in the veins of our Redeemer, it then becomes a salvation for our stained souls. In addition, Jesus drank this milk to feed the body that he wanted to support us in holy communion.

Dear Child, O my sweet Jesus, you are the bread of heaven and the food of angels; you support all creatures; how then did you reduce yourself to begging for some milk from a virgin to sustain your life? O divine love, how could you make God so poor that he needed earthly food? Ah! I understand, my Jesus; you receive Mary's milk in that stable, to make the precious blood that you wanted to offer to your eternal Father on the cross, as a sacrifice of atonement for our sins. Give, O Mary, give all the milk you can to your divine Son Jesus; because every drop of that milk must be used to wash the stains from my soul and then nourish it in holy communion. Beloved Redeemer of mine, grant me a tender devotion to your holy childhood, as you deigned to grant to so many souls who,in remembrance of your childhood, you seem to forget everything and be able to think no more than to love you. They are innocent, I sincerely acknowledge him, and I am a sinner! but you became a boy to win the hearts of sinners themselves. It is true that I have offended you, my God; but now, I love you with all my heart, and I only desire your love. O child of my heart, O my Jesus, suffer my voice with that of the woman of the Gospel: Blessed are the entrails that brought you, and the breast that you created (Lk 11:27). Yes, blessed are you, O Mother of God, who have fed the Incarnate Word with your milk! Ah! allow me to join your divine Son to receive from you the milk of a tender and affectionate devotion to you, my dear mother.I sincerely acknowledge him, and I am a sinner! but you became a boy to win the hearts of sinners themselves. It is true that I have offended you, my God; but now, I love you with all my heart, and I only desire your love. O child of my heart, O my Jesus, suffer my voice with that of the woman of the Gospel: Blessed are the entrails that brought you, and the breast that you created (Lk 11:27). Yes, blessed are you, O Mother of God, who have fed the Incarnate Word with your milk! Ah! allow me to join your divine Son to receive from you the milk of a tender and affectionate devotion to you, my dear mother.I sincerely acknowledge him, and I am a sinner! but you became a boy to win the hearts of sinners themselves. It is true that I have offended you, my God; but now, I love you with all my heart, and I only desire your love. O child of my heart, O my Jesus, suffer my voice with that of the woman of the Gospel: Blessed are the entrails that brought you, and the breast that you created (Lk 11:27). Yes, blessed are you, O Mother of God, who have fed the Incarnate Word with your milk! Ah! allow me to join your divine Son to receive from you the milk of a tender and affectionate devotion to you, my dear mother.O my Jesus, suffer my voice to that of the woman of the Gospel: Happy are the entrails that have brought you, and the breast that you have created (Lk 11:27). Yes, blessed are you, O Mother of God, who have fed the Incarnate Word with your milk! Ah! allow me to join your divine Son to receive from you the milk of a tender and affectionate devotion to you, my dear mother.O my Jesus, suffer my voice to that of the woman of the Gospel: Happy are the entrails that have brought you, and the breast that you have created (Lk 11:27). Yes, blessed are you, O Mother of God, who have fed the Incarnate Word with your milk! Ah! allow me to join your divine Son to receive from you the milk of a tender and affectionate devotion to you, my dear mother.

Jesus asleep

I sleep, and my heart watches (Ct5,2). While Jesus' body rested, his soul watched. Jesus then thought of all the pains that he would have to suffer, and offered them to his Father to achieve forgiveness of sins and salvation.

Suit and holy Child, you sleep, Ah! how much your sleep attracts me! In others, sleep is the image of death; but in you it is a sign of eternal life, because you deserve it for me with your rest. You sleep, but your heart does not sleep; think of suffering and dying for me. Sleep as you pray for me and obtain from your heavenly Father the eternal rest of paradise. But before you bring me into heaven as I hope, to rest with you there, I want you to rest always in my soul. O my God, I cast you away from me before; but, you have knocked so much at the door of my heart, already for fears, already for lights, already for calls full of tenderness, which now filled you in. Indeed, I believe so, because I feel great confidence that I have received forgiveness from you; I feel a deep horror and sincere regret for my offenses against you;and if this repentance causes me great pain, it is pain without disturbance, pain that consoles me and gives me confidence that I have achieved forgiveness of your goodness. I thank you, O my Jesus, and I ask you not to be absent from my soul. I am sure that you will not leave unless I expel you; but this is exactly the grace that I implore you, and I ask you to help me to intercede for it always: do not allow me to succeed in banishing you yet from my heart; I forget everything else, and think only of you, who have always thought of me and my happiness; never cease to love you in this life, until my soul, always united with you, flies into your arms to rest forever in them, without fearing ever losing you. O Mary, assist me during my life and at the time of my death, so that Jesus may always rest in me, and I always in him.pain that consoles me and gives confidence that I have achieved forgiveness of your goodness. I thank you, O my Jesus, and I ask you not to be absent from my soul. I am sure that you will not leave unless I expel you; but this is exactly the grace that I implore you, and I ask you to help me to intercede for it always: do not allow me to succeed in banishing you yet from my heart; I forget everything else, and think only of you, who have always thought of me and my happiness; never cease to love you in this life, until my soul, always united with you, flies into your arms to rest forever in them, without fearing ever losing you. O Mary, assist me during my life and at the time of my death, so that Jesus may always rest in me, and I always in him.pain that consoles me and gives confidence that I have achieved forgiveness of your goodness. I thank you, O my Jesus, and I ask you not to be absent from my soul. I am sure that you will not leave unless I expel you; but this is exactly the grace that I implore you, and I ask you to help me to intercede for it always: do not allow me to succeed in banishing you yet from my heart; I forget everything else, and think only of you, who have always thought of me and my happiness; never cease to love you in this life, until my soul, always united with you, flies into your arms to rest forever in them, without fearing ever losing you. O Mary, assist me during my life and at the time of my death, so that Jesus may always rest in me, and I always in him.and I ask you not to be absent from my soul. I am sure that you will not leave unless I expel you; but this is exactly the grace that I implore you, and I ask you to help me to intercede for it always: do not allow me to succeed in banishing you yet from my heart; I forget everything else, and think only of you, who have always thought of me and my happiness; never cease to love you in this life, until my soul, always united with you, flies into your arms to rest forever in them, without fearing ever losing you. O Mary, assist me during my life and at the time of my death, so that Jesus may always rest in me, and I always in him.and I ask you not to be absent from my soul. I am sure that you will not leave unless I expel you; but this is exactly the grace that I implore you, and I ask you to help me to intercede for it always: do not allow me to succeed in banishing you yet from my heart; I forget everything else, and think only of you, who have always thought of me and my happiness; never cease to love you in this life, until my soul, always united with you, flies into your arms to rest forever in them, without fearing ever losing you. O Mary, assist me during my life and at the time of my death, so that Jesus may always rest in me, and I always in not allow me to succeed in banishing you from my heart yet; I forget everything else, and think only of you, who have always thought of me and my happiness; never cease to love you in this life, until my soul, always united with you, flies into your arms to rest forever in them, without fearing ever losing you. O Mary, assist me during my life and at the time of my death, so that Jesus may always rest in me, and I always in not allow me to succeed in banishing you from my heart yet; I forget everything else, and think only of you, who have always thought of me and my happiness; never cease to love you in this life, until my soul, always united with you, flies into your arms to rest forever in them, without fearing ever losing you. O Mary, assist me during my life and at the time of my death, so that Jesus may always rest in me, and I always in that Jesus always rests in me, and I always in that Jesus always rests in me, and I always in him.

Jesus crying in the crib

Crying is a great sign of love: this is why the Jews, seeing the Savior weeping at the death of Lazarus, said among themselves: see how he loved him! ... In the same way the angels, seeing the tears of the Child Jesus, could say: see how our God loves men! Jesus wept with love, but he also wept with pain, seeing so many sinners despise his graces.

So, beloved Child, when you cry in the cave of Bethlehem, you think of me; you had all my sins before your eyes; they were the cause of your tears. And I, O beloved Jesus, instead of comforting you for my love and recognition, knowing how much you have suffered for saving me, have increased your pain and the cause of your tears! If there had been less sin, the less you would have wept. Ah! cry, yes, cry; You have reason for this, for you see how men ungratefully pay for the love you have witnessed to them. But since you cry, Lord, weep for me too; your tears are my hope. I also weep over the sorrows with which I bitterly bitter you, O my Redeemer; I hate them, I hate them, and I regret them wholeheartedly. I cry the wretched days and sad nights that I lived in your enmity,in the deprivation of your divine grace; but of what use would all my tears be, without yours, however much they were, O my Jesus? Eternal Father, I offer you tears, grant me forgiveness. And you, sweetest Savior of mine, offer for me all the tears that you have shed in your life, and thereby appease divine justice. In the name of these tears, I also ask you, O my Love, to soften my heart and ignite it in your holy love. Ah! who would have given me power in the future to console you both for my love and for your offenses! Strive, Lord, that I no longer use the rest of my days to displease you, but only to weep over the sorrows I have given you, and to love you with all the affections of my soul. O Mary, for the tender compassion you have so often experienced watching the baby Jesus cry,I ask you to put me in constant pain of the offenses that I had the ingratitude to do to you.

Jesus Adored by the Magi

The holy Magi worship the Child Jesus, pay homage to him as their God, kiss his feet, and offer him gold, incense and myrrh. Let us adore our baby King Jesus with them and offer him our whole heart.

Beloved Child, even though I see you, in this cave, lying on straw, so poor and despised, faith teaches me that you are my God, descended from heaven for my salvation. I therefore recognize you by my supreme Lord and Savior; but I have nothing to offer you. I do not have the gold of love, for I have only loved creatures and my whims, but not you, who are infinitely lovable. I don't have the prayer incense, because unfortunately I have lived without thinking about you. I don't have the myrrh of mortification, because, alas! I have often preferred to displease your infinite goodness than to deprive myself of my miserable pleasures. What, then, shall I offer you? I offer you, Jesus, my heart, stained and poor as it is; accept it and exchange it in another, O you who came to this world to wash the stains of our hearts in your blood,and thus make us holy sinners. Give me this gold, this incense, this myrrh, which I lack; give me the gold of your holy love; give me the spirit of prayer; give me the desire and the strength to mortify myself, renouncing all that you dislike. I am resolved to obey and love you; but you know my weakness, grant me the grace to be faithful to you. O Virgin, who welcomed the pious Magi with so much love and consoled them, also deign to welcome and comfort me, for, following their example, I come to visit your divine Son and offer myself at your service. Dear Mother, I have great confidence in your intercession, recommend me to Jesus. I give you my will; hold it forever to the love of Jesus.give me the spirit of prayer; give me the desire and the strength to mortify myself, renouncing all that you dislike. I am resolved to obey and love you; but you know my weakness, grant me the grace to be faithful to you. O Virgin, who welcomed the pious Magi with so much love and consoled them, also deign to welcome and comfort me, for, following their example, I come to visit your divine Son and offer myself at your service. Dear Mother, I have great confidence in your intercession, recommend me to Jesus. I give you my will; hold it forever to the love of Jesus.give me the spirit of prayer; give me the desire and the strength to mortify myself, renouncing all that you dislike. I am resolved to obey and love you; but you know my weakness, grant me the grace to be faithful to you. O Virgin, who welcomed the pious Magi with so much love and consoled them, also deign to welcome and comfort me, for, following their example, I come to visit your divine Son and offer myself at your service. Dear Mother, I have great confidence in your intercession, recommend me to Jesus. I give you my will; hold it forever to the love of Jesus.that you have welcomed the pious Magi with so much love and consoled them, also deign to welcome and comfort me, for, like their example, I come to visit your divine Son and offer myself at his service. Dear Mother, I have great confidence in your intercession, recommend me to Jesus. I give you my will; hold it forever to the love of Jesus.that you have welcomed the pious Magi with so much love and consoled them, also deign to welcome and comfort me, for, like their example, I come to visit your divine Son and offer myself at his service. Dear Mother, I have great confidence in your intercession, recommend me to Jesus. I give you my will; hold it forever to the love of Jesus.

Jesus fleeing to Egypt

Herod is the figure of the unfortunate sinners who, seeing Jesus only entered into their hearts by grace, set out to persecute him to kill him by falling into sin.

Sweetest Jesus of mine, you are the King of heaven, and I see you, in the form of a boy, erring on earth; tell me: Whom do you seek? I have compassion on you, seeing you so poor and humiliated; but what afflicts me even more is to see you treated with such ingratitude by the same men whom you have come to save. You cry, and I also cry, thinking that I am of the number of those who have so despised and persecuted you; but know that now I prefer your grace to all the kingdoms of the world. Forgive me, my Jesus, all my sins, and as your Mother took you in her arms when it was necessary for you to flee to Egypt, allow me to bring you also without ceasing right into my heart, on my journey from this life to eternity. Beloved Redeemer of mine, I have often expelled you from my soul; but I am encouraged by the confidence that you have now taken possession of it: tie me up,out of pity, close to you with the sweet chains of your love; I am determined not to be separated from you anymore. I love you, O Finite Kindness, and I always want to repeat: I love you, I love you, I love you. O my Jesus, you are so good and so worthy of love! then make yourselves love; make yourselves love so many sinners who persecute you: enlighten them, and let them know the love you have for them and what you deserve from them, you who, poor boy, runaway, weeping, shivering in the cold, err on the earth in search of souls who want to love you. O Mary, who made you so much a part of all the sufferings of Jesus, your divine Son, help me to bring him and to keep him always in my heart.I love you. O my Jesus, you are so good and so worthy of love! then make yourselves love; make yourselves love so many sinners who persecute you: enlighten them, and let them know the love you have for them and what you deserve from them, you who, poor boy, runaway, weeping, shivering in the cold, err on the earth in search of souls who want to love you. O Mary, who made you so much a part of all the sufferings of Jesus, your divine Son, help me to bring him and to keep him always in my heart.I love you. O my Jesus, you are so good and so worthy of love! then make yourselves love; make yourselves love so many sinners who persecute you: enlighten them, and let them know the love you have for them and what you deserve from them, you who, poor boy, runaway, weeping, shivering in the cold, err on the earth in search of souls who want to love you. O Mary, who made you so much a part of all the sufferings of Jesus, your divine Son, help me to bring him and to keep him always in my heart.that you have become so much a part of all the sufferings of Jesus, your divine Son, help me to bring him and to keep him always in my heart.that you have become so much a part of all the sufferings of Jesus, your divine Son, help me to bring him and to keep him always in my heart.

Jesus in exile

Jesus wanted to spend his early childhood in Egypt in order to lead a harder and lesser life.

To you, Holy Child, who live poor, unknown, despised, in that barbaric country, I confess to God and my Savior, and I thank you for having endured in Egypt for my love, so much humiliation and pain. Your life teaches me to pass through the land as a pilgrim, whose homeland is not down here, but in the beautiful sky, which your love has come to conquer for me. Ah! my Jesus, I have been ungrateful for the reason that I have little thought about how much you have done and suffered for me. When I think that you, Son of God, have lived on earth so bitter, poor and humble, how can I go after the pleasures and goods of this world? O sweetest Redeemer of mine, I have received you in your company; grant me effective help so that I may live on earth closely united with you, in order to achieve the happiness of being united with you in heaven,love you and enjoy your presence forever. Enlighten me and increase my faith. What are the goods, the pleasures, the dignities, the honors of this world? everything is vanity and madness: the only wealth, the only true treasure, is to possess you, who are infinite good. Happy those who love you! I love you, my Jesus, and I only wish you. If he had a thousand worlds, he would renounce them all to please you, because you are my God and my everything. If in the past I ran after the vanities and joys of this life, I regret it bitterly today and hate it. Henceforth, sweetest Savior of mine, you will be my only contentment, you my only love, you my only treasure. O Mary, pray Jesus to enrich me with his holy love.the honors of this world? everything is vanity and madness: the only wealth, the only true treasure, is to possess you, who are infinite good. Happy those who love you! I love you, my Jesus, and I only wish you. If he had a thousand worlds, he would renounce them all to please you, because you are my God and my everything. If in the past I ran after the vanities and joys of this life, I regret it bitterly today and hate it. Henceforth, sweetest Savior of mine, you will be my only contentment, you my only love, you my only treasure. O Mary, pray Jesus to enrich me with his holy love.the honors of this world? everything is vanity and madness: the only wealth, the only true treasure, is to possess you, who are infinite good. Happy those who love you! I love you, my Jesus, and I only wish you. If he had a thousand worlds, he would renounce them all to please you, because you are my God and my everything. If in the past I ran after the vanities and joys of this life, I regret it bitterly today and hate it. Henceforth, sweetest Savior of mine, you will be my only contentment, you my only love, you my only treasure. O Mary, pray Jesus to enrich me with his holy love.If in the past I ran after the vanities and joys of this life, I regret it bitterly today and hate it. Henceforth, sweetest Savior of mine, you will be my only contentment, you my only love, you my only treasure. O Mary, pray Jesus to enrich me with his holy love.If in the past I ran after the vanities and joys of this life, I regret it bitterly today and hate it. Henceforth, sweetest Savior of mine, you will be my only contentment, you my only love, you my only treasure. O Mary, pray Jesus to enrich me with his holy love.

Jesus back to Palestine

Poor soul, says Jesus, break these horrible fetters that chain you to hell; allow me to bind you to me by my chains of gold, chains of love, peace, and salvation.

O divine Infant, alas! where are you going back for your country, that is, for a country where a life full of contempt awaits you, and azorragues, thorns, ignominy and cross are being prepared. for your death. All this is present before the eyes of your divinity, O my Jesus, and you want to run towards the Passion that men have in store for you. Ah! My Redeemer, if you did not come to die for me, I would not love you in paradise; my luck would be to be forever separated from you; your death was my salvation. But, Lord, how could I, through the contempt of your grace, condemn me to hell again, after being free of it by your death! Ah! I confess that hell is only a little for me. But you have waited for me to forgive me, my Savior; thanks I give you, and, penetrated with repentance, I detest all the sorrows I have caused you.I beg of you, Lord, deliver me from hell. If I had the misfortune to condemn myself, the cruelest penalty for me would be the remorse of having lost myself after having known, during my life, your love for me. No, my Jesus, not so much the eternal fire, but much more the memory of your love, would constitute my hell. Ah! you have come to earth to kindle the fire of your holy love; in this sweet fire I want to burn, and not in what, far from you, would be my eternal punishment. I repeat, then, O my Jesus, deliver me from hell, because in hell one cannot love you. Mary, my Mother, I hear and say everywhere that hell is not for those who, determined to correct themselves, love you and trust you: O my Sovereign, I love you, I trust in you, and I want to correct you me; then save me from hell.If I had the misfortune to condemn myself, the cruelest penalty for me would be the remorse of having lost myself after having known, during my life, your love for me. No, my Jesus, not so much the eternal fire, but much more the memory of your love, would constitute my hell. Ah! you have come to earth to kindle the fire of your holy love; in this sweet fire I want to burn, and not in what, far from you, would be my eternal punishment. I repeat, then, O my Jesus, deliver me from hell, because in hell one cannot love you. Mary, my Mother, I hear and say everywhere that hell is not for those who, determined to correct themselves, love you and trust you: O my Sovereign, I love you, I trust in you, and I want to correct you me; then save me from hell.If I had the misfortune to condemn myself, the cruelest penalty for me would be the remorse of having lost myself after having known, during my life, your love for me. No, my Jesus, not so much the eternal fire, but much more the memory of your love, would constitute my hell. Ah! you have come to earth to kindle the fire of your holy love; in this sweet fire I want to burn, and not in what, far from you, would be my eternal punishment. I repeat, then, O my Jesus, deliver me from hell, because in hell one cannot love you. Mary, my Mother, I hear and say everywhere that hell is not for those who, determined to correct themselves, love you and trust you: O my Sovereign, I love you, I trust in you, and I want to correct you me; then save me from hell.during life, your love for me. No, my Jesus, not so much the eternal fire, but much more the memory of your love, would constitute my hell. Ah! you have come to earth to kindle the fire of your holy love; in this sweet fire I want to burn, and not in what, far from you, would be my eternal punishment. I repeat, then, O my Jesus, deliver me from hell, because in hell one cannot love you. Mary, my Mother, I hear and say everywhere that hell is not for those who, determined to correct themselves, love you and trust you: O my Sovereign, I love you, I trust in you, and I want to correct you me; then save me from hell.during life, your love for me. No, my Jesus, not so much the eternal fire, but much more the memory of your love, would constitute my hell. Ah! you have come to earth to kindle the fire of your holy love; in this sweet fire I want to burn, and not in what, far from you, would be my eternal punishment. I repeat, then, O my Jesus, deliver me from hell, because in hell one cannot love you. Mary, my Mother, I hear and say everywhere that hell is not for those who, determined to correct themselves, love you and trust you: O my Sovereign, I love you, I trust in you, and I want to correct you me; then save me from this sweet fire I want to burn, and not in what, far from you, would be my eternal punishment. I repeat, then, O my Jesus, deliver me from hell, because in hell one cannot love you. Mary, my Mother, I hear and say everywhere that hell is not for those who, determined to correct themselves, love you and trust you: O my Sovereign, I love you, I trust in you, and I want to correct you me; then save me from this sweet fire I want to burn, and not in what, far from you, would be my eternal punishment. I repeat, then, O my Jesus, deliver me from hell, because in hell one cannot love you. Mary, my Mother, I hear and say everywhere that hell is not for those who, determined to correct themselves, love you and trust you: O my Sovereign, I love you, I trust in you, and I want to correct you me; then save me from hell.

Jesus growing in age

Jesus grew in wisdom, age and grace before God and men (Lc 2, 52). Oh! yes, as he grew older, Jesus became more and more expensive and loving, as he made known the beautiful titles he had to demand our love.

Grow up, loving Jesus, grow up for me: grow up to teach me by your divine examples, all your beautiful virtues, grow up to consummate the great sacrifice of the cross, on which my eternal salvation depends. O my sweetest Lord, make me also to grow; yes, grow more and more in your love and grace. In the past, alas! I had the misfortune to grow only in ingratitude towards you, who have loved me so much; so it will not be in the future, but quite the opposite, O my Jesus; you who know my weakness, with your light and strength, carry out this desire in me. Make me understand how much you deserve to be loved! God you are, O my Jesus; your beauty and majesty are infinite; and yet you consent to descend from heaven to become a man and lead a life full of sorrows and sorrows for our love,ended by the cruelest of deaths! Where would we be able to find a friend more loving and loving? What a fool I am! I didn't want to know you, and that's why I lost you; with my soul all penetrated with repentance, I ask your forgiveness, and I am determined to be yours from now on. But, O my God, help me; keep reminding me of the painful life and painful death that you deigned to suffer for my love. Grant me the light and strength that I need; when the devil presents me with some sealed fruit, give me enough strength to despise him; do not allow me, through vile and fleeting enjoyments, to consent to losing you, who are the infinite good. I love you, O my Jesus, dead for me; I love you, O infinite goodness; I love you, O Lover of my soul.and that is why I lost you; with my soul all penetrated with repentance, I ask your forgiveness, and I am determined to be yours from now on. But, O my God, help me; keep reminding me of the painful life and painful death that you deigned to suffer for my love. Grant me the light and strength that I need; when the devil presents me with some sealed fruit, give me enough strength to despise him; do not allow me, through vile and fleeting enjoyments, to consent to losing you, who are the infinite good. I love you, O my Jesus, dead for me; I love you, O infinite goodness; I love you, O Lover of my soul.and that is why I lost you; with my soul all penetrated with repentance, I ask your forgiveness, and I am determined to be yours from now on. But, O my God, help me; keep reminding me of the painful life and painful death that you deigned to suffer for my love. Grant me the light and strength that I need; when the devil presents me with some sealed fruit, give me enough strength to despise him; do not allow me, through vile and fleeting enjoyments, to consent to losing you, who are the infinite good. I love you, O my Jesus, dead for me; I love you, O infinite goodness; I love you, O Lover of my soul.Grant me the light and strength that I need; when the devil presents me with some sealed fruit, give me enough strength to despise him; do not allow me, through vile and fleeting enjoyments, to consent to losing you, who are the infinite good. I love you, O my Jesus, dead for me; I love you, O infinite goodness; I love you, O Lover of my soul.Grant me the light and strength that I need; when the devil presents me with some sealed fruit, give me enough strength to despise him; do not allow me, through vile and fleeting enjoyments, to consent to losing you, who are the infinite good. I love you, O my Jesus, dead for me; I love you, O infinite goodness; I love you, O Lover of my soul.

Jesus earning his living through work

Until the age of thirty, Jesus did no other business than that of a simple worker in a workshop; he obeyed Joseph and Mary. Jesus was going to get water; opened and closed carpentry; he swept the house, collected wood for the fire, and worked hard during the day to help Joseph with his work. O amazing spectacle! a God who acts as a servant! a God that sweeps the house! a God who works and sweats to chop a piece of wood!

Adorable Jesus, working and sweating, I see you in a poor workshop, as if you were the most humble of workers. And it is for me, I know, that you fall and weary of this fate. For you have spent your whole life for my love, do, O my tender Lord, occupy me also in your love the days that you still give me on earth. Do not consider my past years; years, ouch! of disorders, years of sins, reasons for pain and tears for me as for you. Leave me, O my Jesus, let me work and suffer with you in the Nazareth workshop, and do not allow me to leave your company again, but go and die with you on Calvary, embracing the death you have destined for me. Beloved Jesus, O my love, do not allow me to leave you any more, as I once did. You, my God, have lived hidden, unknown, despised in a humble workshop, in the midst of the greatest poverty! and I,despicable worm of the earth, I went after honors and pleasures, and for these vanities, alas! I parted with you, supreme! Ah! this no longer happens, O my Jesus, I love you, and because I love you, I no longer want to live far from you. I renounce everything else to join you, my hidden and humiliated Savior for me! By your grace you give me much more contentment than I will ever find in all the earthly vanities and joys, for which I had the misfortune to leave you. O Blessed Virgin, how blessed you were to have lived with Jesus a poor and hidden life, and to have become similar to this divine model; give me, O my Mother, effective help with taking advantage of the rest of the days, spending those in the effort to become like you and my Redeemer.I parted with you, supreme! Ah! this no longer happens, O my Jesus, I love you, and because I love you, I no longer want to live far from you. I renounce everything else to join you, my hidden and humiliated Savior for me! By your grace you give me much more contentment than I will ever find in all the earthly vanities and joys, for which I had the misfortune to leave you. O Blessed Virgin, how blessed you were to have lived with Jesus a poor and hidden life, and to have become similar to this divine model; give me, O my Mother, effective help with taking advantage of the rest of the days, spending those in the effort to become like you and my Redeemer.I parted with you, supreme! Ah! this no longer happens, O my Jesus, I love you, and because I love you, I no longer want to live far from you. I renounce everything else to join you, my hidden and humiliated Savior for me! By your grace you give me much more contentment than I will ever find in all the earthly vanities and joys, for which I had the misfortune to leave you. O Blessed Virgin, how blessed you were to have lived with Jesus a poor and hidden life, and to have become similar to this divine model; give me, O my Mother, effective help with taking advantage of the rest of the days, spending those in the effort to become like you and my Redeemer.O my Savior, hidden and humiliated by me! By your grace you give me much more contentment than I will ever find in all the earthly vanities and joys, for which I had the misfortune to leave you. O Blessed Virgin, how blessed you were to have lived with Jesus a poor and hidden life, and to have become similar to this divine model; give me, O my Mother, effective help with taking advantage of the rest of the days, spending those in the effort to become like you and my Redeemer.O my Savior, hidden and humiliated by me! By your grace you give me much more contentment than I will ever find in all the earthly vanities and joys, for which I had the misfortune to leave you. O Blessed Virgin, how blessed you were to have lived with Jesus a poor and hidden life, and to have become similar to this divine model; give me, O my Mother, effective help with taking advantage of the rest of the days, spending those in the effort to become like you and my Redeemer.effective help with taking advantage of the rest of the days, spending them in the diligence of becoming like you and my Redeemer.effective help with taking advantage of the rest of the days, spending them in the diligence of becoming like you and my Redeemer.

Jesus lost in the temple

There is no suffering on earth comparable to that of the soul who loves Jesus, and fears that he will separate from her because of some fault. Such was the extreme affliction of Mary and Joseph during the three days that they were deprived of the presence of Jesus; their humility undoubtedly, as the devout Lansperge says, made them fear that they had become unworthy to keep such a precious treasure.

You cry, O Mary, because you have lost your divine Son for a few days. He has been absent from your eyes, but not from your heart: do you not see that the pure love in which you burn for him has been closely linked to you? you know that it is not possible to stop God from loving him who loves him. I love, he says, those who love me (Pv8,17). Whoever remains in love will remain in God and God in him (1 John 4:16). Where does your fear come from then? why do you cry? Ah! yes, I must tear myself apart: how many times have I lost God through my fault, driving him out of my soul! O my Jesus, how was I able to offend you deliberately, knowing that I had lost you through sin? But do not want to despair a heart that seeks you; on the contrary, your will is to rejoice. If in the past I departed from you, my love, now I seek you and only you.As long as I have your grace, I give up all the goods and pleasures of the earth, I renounce even life itself. You love those who love you, we assure you: well! I love you; love me therefore. I prefer your love to possession of the whole world. I no longer want to lose you, Jesus of my heart; but since I cannot rely on my own strength, I place my trust in you. I conjure you, Lord, tie me with you out of love, and do not allow me to separate more from you. O Mary, dear Mother, you have made me find Jesus, whom I had lost because of my fault: obtain now my holy perseverance.Jesus from my heart; but since I cannot rely on my own strength, I place my trust in you. I conjure you, Lord, tie me with you out of love, and do not allow me to separate more from you. O Mary, dear Mother, you have made me find Jesus, whom I had lost because of my fault: obtain now my holy perseverance.Jesus from my heart; but since I cannot rely on my own strength, I place my trust in you. I conjure you, Lord, tie me with you out of love, and do not allow me to separate more from you. O Mary, dear Mother, you have made me find Jesus, whom I had lost because of my fault: obtain now my holy perseverance.

Prayer to the Holy Child Jesus of Prague

Revealed, it is said, by the Blessed Virgin to Father Cyril, Carmelite.

I appeal to you, O Baby Jesus. I ask you, through your holy Mother, to assist me in this need (the object of the supplication is exposed here), because I firmly believe that your divinity can help me. Full of confidence, I hope to reach your holy grace. I love you with all my heart and with all the strength of my soul. I sincerely repent of my sins; and I beg of you, O good Jesus, to give me the strength to triumph over them. I resolve not to offend you anymore; and I come to you, willing to suffer first of all that I dislike. From now on, I want to serve you faithfully. For your love, O Child God, I will love my neighbor as myself. Most powerful Child, O Jesus, again I ask, assist me in this circumstance (name it), grant me the grace to possess you eternally with Mary and Joseph in heaven, and to adore you with the holy Angels.So be it.

The Holy Christmas Time

This time goes from December 16, the day the Novena of the Festival begins, until January 13, the day the Octave of Epiphany ends.


If we are afflicted, let us call on Jesus, and he will comfort us; if we are tempted, let us call on Jesus, and he will give us the strength to resist all our enemies; if, at last, we are dry in spirit and cold in divine love, let us call on Jesus, and he will burn us. Happy are the souls who always bring this name so holy and lovely in their mouths!

O my Jesus, for you are my Savior and, in order to redeem me, you have given blood and life, deign to engrave your lovely name on my poor heart, so that love will continually remember me , and keep it continually on your lips and invoke it in all my needs. If the devil tempts me, your name will give me the strength to resist him; if I lack confidence, your name will revive me; if I am afflicted, your name will strengthen me, reminding me of how much you have suffered for me; if I am cold in your love, your name will ignite me, reminding me of the love you have witnessed to me. In the past, I often fell into sin, because I did not call upon you; but in the future, your name will be my defense, my refuge, my hope, my only consolation, my only love. During life, at the time of death,I will have your holy name in my mouth at all times; this is my hope. Immaculate me, O Immaculate Virgin, the grace to always invoke in my needs the name of your divine Son, Jesus, and yours, my sweet Mother; so I always invoke them with love and trust. O most beloved Jesus of mine, O most beloved Queen of mine, Mary, I have given me the grace to suffer and die for your love: I no longer want to belong, I want to be yours, and all yours, during my life, yours at the time of my death; With your help, I hope to deliver the spirit, repeating: Jesus and Mary, help me; Jesus and Mary, I recommend you; Jesus and Mary, I love you; I trust you, I give you my whole soul.the grace to always invoke in my needs the name of your divine Son, Jesus, and yours, my sweet Mother; so I always invoke them with love and trust. O most beloved Jesus of mine, O most beloved Queen of mine, Mary, I have given me the grace to suffer and die for your love: I no longer want to belong, I want to be yours, and all yours, during my life, yours at the time of my death; With your help, I hope to deliver the spirit, repeating: Jesus and Mary, help me; Jesus and Mary, I recommend you; Jesus and Mary, I love you; I trust you, I give you my whole soul.the grace to always invoke in my needs the name of your divine Son, Jesus, and yours, my sweet Mother; so I always invoke them with love and trust. O most beloved Jesus of mine, O most beloved Queen of mine, Mary, I have given me the grace to suffer and die for your love: I no longer want to belong, I want to be yours, and all yours, during my life, yours at the time of my death; With your help, I hope to deliver the spirit, repeating: Jesus and Mary, help me; Jesus and Mary, I recommend you; Jesus and Mary, I love you; I trust you, I give you my whole soul.yours during life, yours at the moment of my death; With your help, I hope to deliver the spirit, repeating: Jesus and Mary, help me; Jesus and Mary, I recommend you; Jesus and Mary, I love you; I trust you, I give you my whole soul.yours during life, yours at the moment of my death; With your help, I hope to deliver the spirit, repeating: Jesus and Mary, help me; Jesus and Mary, I recommend you; Jesus and Mary, I love you; I trust you, I give you my whole soul.


Prayer to Jesus for the particular merit of each of the penalties he suffered in his Passion

My Jesus, for the humiliation that you deigned to indulge in washing the feet of your disciples, grant me true humility, so that it overwhelms me before the whole world, and particularly before those who despise me.

My Jesus, for the mortal sadness for which you were overwhelmed in the garden of olive trees, preserve me from the sadness of hell, where I should be forever far from you and unable to love you.

My Jesus, for the holy horror that you had of my sins, always present in your eyes, give me real pain for all the offenses that I have committed against you.

My Jesus, for the pity that caused you to betray Judas and his perfidious kiss, give me be faithful and do not betray me as I did in the past.

My Jesus, for the pain that you felt seeing yourself connected as a malefactor to be led into the presence of the judges, tie me with the sweet prisons of your love, so that I will no longer separate from you, that you are my only good.

My Jesus, for the contempt, sputum, which you received all night in the house of Caiaphas, give me the strength to suffer with patience, for your love, all the affronts that I receive from men.

My Jesus, for the irritation that Herod made you suffer, treating you like a madman, give me the grace to bear with patience all the injuries that come to me from men, even when they treat me as vile, crazy and evil.

My Jesus, for the outrage that the Jews did to you when you preferred Barabbas, grant me the grace to suffer with patience that others are unjustly preferred to me.

My Jesus, for the pain you suffered in your holy body, when it was so cruelly scourged, give me the strength to bear with patience whatever I have to suffer in sickness and especially in death.

My Jesus, for the pain caused by the thorns that pierced your lovely head, grant me the grace to never give consent to thoughts that displease you.

My Jesus, for the kindness with which you accepted the death on the cross, to which you were condemned by Pilate, make me accept with resignation the death that awaits me, and all the penalties that have to accompany it.

My Jesus, for the pain you suffered in carrying the cross on the way to Calvary, give me the grace to suffer with patience all the crosses of my life.

My Jesus, for the pain you felt when you put your hands and feet on the cross, I beg you, stick my will to your feet, so that I want nothing more than you want.

My Jesus, for the inner bitterness with which you consented to be watered with gall, grant me the grace to no longer offend you by intemperance in eating and drinking.

My Jesus, for the pity you suffered when you said goodbye to your Blessed Mother, from the top of the tree of the cross, deliver me from the disorderly affections towards my relatives, or other creatures whatever, so that my heart is whole and yours forever.

My Jesus, for the desolation of your last hour, when you saw yourself abandoned even by your eternal Father, give me the grace to suffer patiently all my afflictions without ever losing confidence in your goodness.

My Jesus, for the three hours of torment and agony that preceded your death on the cross, grant me the grace to endure with resignation, and through your love, the pains of my last agony ...

My Jesus, for the extreme pain you felt, when your holy soul separated from your lovely body, make that, at the moment of my death, surrender the spirit of my sufferings with an act of perfect love, to go immediately to heaven to see you face to face and love with all my strength for all eternity. And to you, O Mary, my Mother, by the sword of pain that pierced your heart when you saw your Son. Beloved, bow your head and breathe out, I ask you to assist me at the time of my death, so that I may bless you and give thanks in paradise for all the goods that you have obtained from God.

To Jesus our Good Shepherd

Where can you find another example of such devotion? the Shepherd dying for his sheep, the Creator for his creatures.

O my Jesus, what shepherd never gave his life for his sheep? only you, because you are an infinitely loving God: you could only say in all truth: I give my life for my old ones (Jn 10.15). You have only been able to give the world the spectacle of such excessive love; you alone, God and our Sovereign Lord, have consented to die for us. Remember, then, my Jesus, that I am one of the sheep for whom you gave your life. Ah! I turned my merciful eyes to you with that love with which you favored my soul when, raised on the cross, you died for my salvation; look at me, transform me, save me. According to your own words, you are that tender Shepherd who, finding his lost sheep, takes it with joy, puts it on his shoulders, and invites his friends to rejoice with him (Lk 15,6). Well then! I am this lost sheep,O my Savior, seek me (Ps118,176), and find me. If, due to my lack, you have not yet found me, here I am, become me, fasten me well, hold on to me, so that I do not stray further. The bond, however, must be your love; if you do not tie me with this sweet tie, you will lose me again. Ah! you have spared nothing to connect me with the knots of holy love; I always ran away from you; how ungrateful I am! But now, I beg of you for the infinite mercy that made you go down to earth in my search, call me and let this be with a double bond of love, so that you do not lose me from now on, nor I to you. Beloved Redeemer of mine, resolved, I am no longer separated from you. I love you, O Good Shepherd, killed by your lost sheep; know, this sheep loves you now more than itself, and has only one desire, that of loving you and sacrificing itself for your love.Have a passion for it, love it, and make it never part of you.

Jesus in the Garden of Olives

There in the Garden, our Savior in agony of sadness, he said: O man, is this what you have for me to give for my immense love for you?

Eternal Father, do not look at my iniquities, but at your Beloved Son, who trembles, agonizes, his blood, in order to obtain your forgiveness for me: consider him, and have mercy on me. What! My Jesus, there is no one in this garden to beg you for tormentors, whips, thorns, or nails; how is it that your blood flows? Ah! I understand now: it was not the prediction of your torments that caused this agony, because you spontaneously offered to suffer them; it was the sight of my sins; they were the cruel winepress that made the blood flow from your sacred veins. So, what afflicted you so horribly in the Garden of Olives, O most sweet Savior of mine, were not the executioners, nor the whips, nor the thorns, nor the cross; but my sins: I contributed to your affliction myself;I have increased your sufferings with all the weight of my faults; if I had sinned less, you would have suffered less. This is how I responded to the love that brought you to die for me: I did nothing but add new feathers to so many others that you had to suffer. O dearest Lord, I am sorry to have offended you, I am in pain, but not enough: I would like to conceive of a pain capable of taking my life. Ah! for the cruel agony you suffered for me, give me a part of the horror you had of my sins; if I afflicted you once for my ingratitude, please from now on please for my love. Yes, my Jesus, I love you with all my heart and more than myself; you are and will always be my only treasure and my only love.This is how I responded to the love that brought you to die for me: I did nothing but add new feathers to so many others that you had to suffer. O dearest Lord, I am sorry to have offended you, I am in pain, but not enough: I would like to conceive of a pain capable of taking my life. Ah! for the cruel agony you suffered for me, give me a part of the horror you had of my sins; if I afflicted you once for my ingratitude, please from now on please for my love. Yes, my Jesus, I love you with all my heart and more than myself; you are and will always be my only treasure and my only love.This is how I responded to the love that brought you to die for me: I did nothing but add new feathers to so many others that you had to suffer. O dearest Lord, I am sorry to have offended you, I am in pain, but not enough: I would like to conceive of a pain capable of taking my life. Ah! for the cruel agony you suffered for me, give me a part of the horror you had of my sins; if I afflicted you once for my ingratitude, please from now on please for my love. Yes, my Jesus, I love you with all my heart and more than myself; you are and will always be my only treasure and my only love.for the cruel agony you suffered for me, give me a part of the horror you had of my sins; if I afflicted you once for my ingratitude, please from now on please for my love. Yes, my Jesus, I love you with all my heart and more than myself; you are and will always be my only treasure and my only love.for the cruel agony you suffered for me, give me a part of the horror you had of my sins; if I afflicted you once for my ingratitude, please from now on please for my love. Yes, my Jesus, I love you with all my heart and more than myself; you are and will always be my only treasure and my only love.

The scourged Jesus

Ah! let us love this divine Spouse of our souls, Saint Augustine exclaims lovingly; the more disfigured, the more amiable he must appear.

Most sweet Lord of mine, scourged for my salvation, you are a living wound before my eyes; I look at your beautiful face, but, alas! it has lost its beauty, it is horrible to see itself, stained, as it is, with blood, bruises and sputum. The more disfigured I see you, my Savior, the more beautiful I find you and worthy of love! What are these wounds and bruises, if not signs of your tenderness towards me? I love you, O my Jesus, wounded and torn by me! I would also like to see myself all sore for you like so many martyrs. But if I cannot offer you wounds and blood now, I offer at least all the penalties I have to suffer; I offer my heart, and I want to love you as tenderly as possible. Ah! to whom, then, should my soul have more tender love than to a God plagued and drained of blood for her? I love you, O God of love,I love you, O infinite goodness; I love you, my love, my everything; I love you, and I want to repeat over and over in this life and the next: I love you, I love you.

Jesus crowned with thorns

Our sins, our evil thoughts, these are the accursed thorns that wounded the head of Jesus Christ.

My Jesus, we are the ones who, through our perverse and voluntary thoughts, weave your crown of thorns. Now I hate and hate you more than death and any other evil. Humiliated and contrite, I address you, O Thorns consecrated by the blood of the Son of God; by mercy, I hurt my soul and penetrate it forever in pain for offending such a good God. O my afflicted Savior, O King of the universe, what do I see you reduced to? to appear like a king of derision and pain, to be a scorn to the whole city of Jerusalem! From your wounded head everywhere, I see your lovely blood running over your face and chest! My Jesus, how cruel these barbarians are! not happy to see that you are lacerated from the head to the feet, work to suffer yet new tortures and new outrages! Ah!I admire your sweetness and love, in the midst of all these sufferings; how patiently you endure them for us, without responding to the unprecedented injuries that pay your benefits! Yes, my Jesus, love has made you the same sweetness for us, showing the tenderness that you are filled with for our souls; but cruel it turns you against yourself, making you suffer such horrible torments. You wanted to be crowned with thorns, to get us a crown in paradise. Most sweet Savior of mine, I hope to be your crown in paradise, saving me by the merits of your torments; there I will forever bless your love and your mercies.showing the tenderness that you are filled with our souls; but cruel it turns you against yourself, making you suffer such horrible torments. You wanted to be crowned with thorns, to get us a crown in paradise. Most sweet Savior of mine, I hope to be your crown in paradise, saving me by the merits of your torments; there I will forever bless your love and your mercies.showing the tenderness that you are filled with our souls; but cruel it turns you against yourself, making you suffer such horrible torments. You wanted to be crowned with thorns, to get us a crown in paradise. Most sweet Savior of mine, I hope to be your crown in paradise, saving me by the merits of your torments; there I will forever bless your love and your mercies.

Jesus carrying his cross

Jesus goes ahead, like our chief, with his cross; under this banner, we must follow him, carrying each one to our cross.

My Jesus, since God has carried you with all the sins of men, I have increased the weight of the cross that you brought to Calvary with my sins! Ah! sweetest Savior of mine, since then you have seen the injuries that I would do to you, and in spite of this, you have not stopped loving me and preparing me for the great mercies that you have showered me with. If therefore I have been dear to you, even though the most vile and ungrateful of sinners, who have offended you so much, it is only right that you, my God, are infinite beauty and goodness, who have loved me so much. Ah! I wish I had never been sad! O cursed sins, you have filled the heart so tender and loving of my Redeemer with bitterness! innocent as you are, O my Jesus, you want to walk forward with your cross, and invite me to follow you with mine: well, go, my good Lord, I will not separate myself from you. If,in the past I refused to follow you, I confess that I did wrong; now give me the cross you want, I embrace it and want to accompany you to death with it. And how could we, Lord, not love your sufferings and humiliations for your love, after loving us so much for our salvation? Ah! if you call us in your follow-up, we certainly want to die with you; but give us the strength we need; for your merits we asked for it, and we hope to achieve it. To you, O lovely Jesus of mine, I love you with all my soul, and I never want to abandon you. Too long, alas! I walked away from you; bind me now to your cross. If I have despised your love, I repent wholeheartedly, and now I esteem you more than all goods. Help me, my Jesus, to continually perform acts of love, and to leave this life for an act of love, to come and see you face to face in paradise;there I will love you without sharing, without interruption, with all my strength, for all eternity. O Mother of my God, pray for me. So be it.

Jesus nailed to the cross

Jesus' wounds are wounds that bleed the hardest hearts, and ignite the coldest souls.

Who nailed you hand and foot in this tree, O my Jesus? It is love, the love in which you burn for men. For the pain of your pierced hands, you wanted to atone for all the sins we have committed by touch, and for the pain of your feet, all the steps we have taken to offend you. O my crucified Love, deign to bless me with those hands pierced by me: put this ungrateful heart at your feet, lest it depart from you any more, and make this will, which has so often revolted against you, stay forever fixed on your love: nothing touches me but your love and the desire to please you. To you, although suspended on this gallows, I acknowledge the sovereign Lord of the world, true Son of God and Savior of men. Do not abandon me for a moment, my Jesus, during my life,but above all, at the hour of my death I was present in the last battles against hell, so that I may die in your love. I love you, O my crucified Love,. I love you with all my heart.

The dead Jesus on the cross

If he hadn't loved me, he wouldn't have died!

O Savior of the world, O my Jesus, this is where your love for men has led you. I thank you that you, our God, wanted to lose your life so that our souls are not lost; I thank you on behalf of all men, but I particularly do it for me. Ah! who more than I enjoyed the fruit of your death? Because of your merits, I became, without knowing it, a son of the Church, through baptism; because of you, how many times have I received the forgiveness of my sins and special graces! for you, I have the hope of dying in the friendship of God, and going to love him forever in paradise. O my most beloved Redeemer, how much I owe you! I place my poor soul in your pierced hands. Do me well to understand this excess of love: a God who died for me! ... Ah! I wish I had also died for you, my Jesus:but what would be the death of a criminal slave in exchange for the death of his Lord and his God? I wish I could love you with all my strength; but without your help, I can do nothing. Help me, then, my divine Lord, and, on the merits of your death, make me die to every earthly appetite, that I may love only you, for you deserve all my love. I love you, O infinite goodness, I love you, my sovereign good! O Mary, my Mother, intercede for me.intercede for me.intercede for me.

Supplications to Jesus crucified

My crucified Jesus, grant me one of the views of love that you once cast upon my soul from the cross, sacrificing your life for my salvation; look at me and have compassion on me: give me the general forgiveness of all my faults, give me holy perseverance, give me your holy love, give me a perfect conformity with your will, give me paradise, so that I can love you forever. I deserve nothing, but your wounds cheer me up and make you wait for all of your kindness. O Savior of my soul, for the love that made you die for me, grant me your love. Detach me from creatures, become resigned to tribulations, and also draw all my affections to you, who from now on love nothing outside of you.

Honorary reparation before the Santa Face

Heavenly Father, we beseech you, "look at the Face of your Christ". He sees the tears that escape his extinct eyes, the sweats and blood that run down his desecrated and deadened countenance. also see his invincible patience, unalterable sweetness and merciful kindness to the sinner. This holy Face turns to us, and begs for those who curse and outrage it. O Father, hear this pleading cry; let yourselves be moved, have compassion on us and forgive us.

Prayer of Pius IX to the Holy Face

O my Jesus, cast a look of mercy upon us; turn your face towards each one of us as you did it for Veronica, not to see it with the eyes of the body, we do not deserve it; but return it to our hearts, so that, remembering you, we can always sip from this source of strength the strength necessary to give the battles that we have to fight.

M. Dupont's prayer to the Holy Face

O Divine Savior, whose adorable Face bent so mercifully on the tree of the cross, on the day of the Passion, for the salvation of the world, today, out of pity, bend it to us, poor sinners; let a look of compassion fall on us, and admit us to the kiss of peace.

Litany of the Precious Blood

Lord have mercy on us.

Jesus Christ, have mercy on us.

Lord have mercy on us.

Jesus Christ, listen to us.

Jesus Christ, listen to us.

God, Father in heaven, have mercy on us.

God the Son, Redeemer of the world,

God the Holy Spirit,

Most Holy Trinity, that you are one God,

Blood of Christ, Only Begotten of the Eternal Father, save us.

Blood of Christ, Word of God Incarnate,

Blood of Christ, New and Eternal Testament,

Blood of Christ, running, in agony, over the earth,

Blood of Christ, pouring on the flagellation,

Blood of Christ, flowing at the crowning of thorns,

Blood of Christ, shed on the Cross,

Blood of Christ, price of our salvation,

Blood of Christ, without which there is no remission,

Blood of Christ, drink and washing of souls in the Eucharist,

Blood of Christ, river of mercy,

Blood of Christ, winner of demons,

Blood of Christ, stronghold of the martyrs,

Blood of Christ, virtue of confessors,

Blood of Christ, germ of virgins,

Blood of Christ, spirit of the perilous,

Blood of Christ, relief for those who work,

Blood of Christ, soothing to tears,

Blood of Christ, hope of penitents,

Blood of Christ, consolation of the dying,

Blood of Christ, peace and sweetness of hearts,

Blood of Christ, pledge of eternal life,

Blood of Christ, who frees souls from Purgatory,

Blood of Christ, most worthy of all glory and honor,

Lamb of God, who takes away the sins of the world, forgive us, Lord.

Lamb of God, who takes away the sins of the world, hear us,

Sir. Lamb of God, who takes away the sins of the world, have mercy on us.

V. Remitted us, Lord, in your Blood.

A. And for our God you have won us over.

Let us pray

Omnipotent and everlasting God, who constituted your only-begotten Son, the Redeemer of the world, and wanted to be appeased by his Blood, grant - we ask you - that in such a way we will venerate the price of our salvation, and by his virtue be defended on earth, against the evils of the present life, let us be perpetually enjoying heavenly joys. By the same Christ, our Lord. Amen.

Prayer in honor of the precious Blood

What! my Jesus, to save my soul, did you want to prepare a bath of your own blood, and thus purify it from the stains of your sins? Ah! if you have redeemed our souls at such a great price, it is proof that you love them dearly; and because you have so much love for me, allow me, Lord, to address this prayer to you: It is true that by sinning I wanted to separate myself from you, I volumetrically consented to lose you; but remember, my Jesus, that you have redeemed me at the price of your blood; ah! let not this precious blood be lost to me, shed with so much pain and love!

Aspirations to the precious Blood

Long live, long live Jesus, who, for my sake, shed all the blood in your veins!

The blood of Jesus is my life; blessed be his infinite goodness.

Praise always be this blood, which saved the world from hell.

The blood of Jesus was made for us to drink, and a bath for our souls.

The blood of Jesus appeases the wrath of the eternal Father and introduces us into his kingdom.

Abel's blood cried out for revenge; Jesus' asks for forgiveness for us.

If this blood waters our hearts, immediately the minister of heavenly cholera will flee.

When the divine blood of Jesus is exalted, heaven exults, hell trembles and loses strength.

Let us say, therefore, all together and with energy: glory to the blood of Jesus.

Prayer in honor of the five Wounds

O my Jesus, for the pain you felt when your left hand was nailed to the cross, give me real pain from my sins.

O my Jesus, for the pain you felt when your right hand was nailed to the cross, grant me perseverance in your grace.

O my Jesus, for the pain you felt when your left foot was nailed to the cross, preserve me from the feathers of hell.

O my Jesus, for the pain you felt when your right foot was nailed to the cross, grant me the grace to love you forever in heaven.

O my Jesus, for the pain caused by the wound of your lovely Heart, grant me the happiness of loving you always in this life and in the next.

Prayer to be done before the Crucifix

Wounds of Jesus, you are my hope: in the despair of the forgiveness of my sins and eternal salvation, I would enter, if I did not bring my eyes on you, O sources of mercy and thanks, through which a God shed all his blood to wash the stains from my soul! I adore you and trust you, O holy wounds. A thousand times I hate and curse the unworthy pleasures for which I have had the misfortune of displeasing my Redeemer and losing his friendship. Putting my eyes on you, hope is reborn in me and my affections are turned to you. O painful wounds of my Jesus, there are so many other signs of the love of my tender Redeemer. The very tender language you speak to me forces me not to stop loving you. Eternal Father, cast your eyes on the wounds of your divine Son: these wounds ask you for all mercies for me; forgive me thereforethe offenses that I have done to you; take hold of my whole heart, lest it love, seek, or desire anything outside of you. O wounds of my Redeemer, who in love you burn so many souls, ignite mine also. O wounds of Jesus, how you urge me to love Jesus! O wounds of my Jesus, beautiful furnaces of love, receive me and make me inflame, not with the fire of hell that I deserve, but with the holy flame of love to this God who wanted to die for me, by the force of torments.not with the hellfire I deserve, but with the holy flame of love for this God who wanted to die for me, through torments.not with the hellfire I deserve, but with the holy flame of love for this God who wanted to die for me, through torments.

Small crown in honor of the five Wounds of Jesus crucified

O my Lord Jesus Christ, I adore the wound on your left foot; I thank you for having received it for me with so much pain and love; I sympathize with your sorrow and that of your distressed Mother. For the merits of this holy wound, I ask you to grant me the forgiveness of my sins; I deeply and deeply regret them because they have offended your infinite goodness.

O Mary, Mother of sorrows, pray to Jesus for me.

An Our Father, an Hail Mary, a Glory to the Father.

O my Lord Jesus Christ, I adore the wound on your right foot; I thank you for having received it for me with so much pain and love; I sympathize with your sorrow and that of your grieving Mother. For the merits of this holy wound, I ask you to grant me the strength to prevent from now on all mortal sin and to persevere in your grace until death.

O Mary, Mother of sorrows, pray to Jesus for me.

An Our Father, an Hail Mary, a Glory to the Father.

O my Lord Jesus Christ, I adore the wound on your left hand; I thank you for having received it for me with so much pain and love; I sympathize with your pain and that of your distressed Mother. For the merits of this holy wound, I ask you to get rid of hell, which I have so often deserved and where I could not love you.

O Mary, Mother of sorrows, pray to Jesus for me.

An Our Father, an Hail Mary, a Glory to the Father.

O my Lord Jesus Christ, I adore the wound on your right hand; I thank you for having received it for me with so much pain and love; I sympathize with your sorrow and that of your distressed Mother. For the merits of this holy wound, I ask you to grant me the glory of Paradise, where I will love you with all my strength.

O Mary, Mother of sorrows, pray to Jesus for me.

An Our Father, an Hail Mary, a Glory to the Father.

O my Lord Jesus Christ, I adore the wound on your side; I thank you for having received it for me with so much pain and love; I sympathize with your sorrow and that of your distressed Mother. For the merits of this holy wound, I ask you to grant me the gift of your holy love, so that, never ceasing to love you in this life, have the happiness of going one day behold you without a veil and love forever in paradise.

O Mary, Mother of sorrows, pray to Jesus for me.

An Our Father, an Hail Mary, a Glory to the Father.

Indulgent offer

Eternal Father, we offer you the blood, the Passion and the death of Jesus Christ, the sorrows of the Blessed Virgin, and those of Saint Joseph, for the remission of our sins, the deliverance of souls from purgatory, the needs of our mother and saint Church, and conversion of sinners.

Litany of Passion

Lord, have compassion on us.

Jesus, King of glory, who made your entry into Jerusalem to carry out the work of our redemption,

Jesus, prostrate in the Garden of Olives, before your Father, and charged with the crimes of the whole world,

Jesus, overwhelmed with sadness, reduced to agony and overwhelmed in a sea of ​​pain,

Jesus, who sweated blood from all parts of your body,

Jesus, betrayed by a perfidious apostle and sold at a low price like a slave,

Jesus, who embraced the traitor Judas with love,

Jesus, dragged by a rope around his neck through the streets of Jerusalem and covered with curses,

Jesus, unjustly accused and condemned,

Jesus, sated with reproach, covered with sputum and bruised with slaps,

Jesus, dressed in a robe of ignominy and treated like a fool in Herod's court,

Jesus, scourged, torn by blows and flooded in your blood,

Jesus, crowned with sharp thorns,

Jesus, treated like a comedy king,

Jesus, that you were compared with Barabbas and postponed to him,

Jesus, delivered by Pilate to the anger of your enemies,

Jesus, exhausted from suffering and succumbed under the weight of your cross,

Jesus, nailed to the cross between two evildoers,

Jesus, man of pain,

Jesus, obedient to death, and oppressive death on the cross,

Jesus, full of sweetness for those who gave you to drink gall and vinegar,

Jesus, who asked for forgiveness for your executioners, taking their defense before your Father,

Jesus, who for our redemption sacrificed honor and life,

Jesus, who expired on the cross for our sake,

Be favorable to us,

forgive us, Lord.

Be favorable to us,

listen to us, Lord.

From all evil, deliver us, Lord.

Of all sin,

From death in bad condition,

Of eternal damnation,

Because of your agony and blood sweat,

For your cruel scourging,

By your crown of thorns,

Through your cross and suffering,

Because of your thirst and sighs,

For your five wounds,

By your death,

By your resurrection,

On the day of judgment,

Although very sinful,

we ask you, listen to us.

May we learn through your Passion to know the enormity of sin for which you suffered,

That, by remembering your pains and sufferings, we can bear with patience all the penalties, adversities and diseases,

May we, in all our afflictions, sorrows and tribulations, turn to you for patience,

May we receive from your hand without murmuring humiliations, scorns, outrages, persecutions,

May we bear with your example false accusations and unfair judgments,

May you deign to become partakers of the fruits of your cross,

May we, by virtue of your cross, triumph over the devil, world and flesh,

May we be cleansed from all sin in your blood,

May we each day carry our cross and follow you,

May we often think with love and recognition of your Passion,

That, remembering that you died for our love, we love you with all our hearts, and live only for you,

May you, at the time of our death, deign to strengthen us by your cross and death,

May you, by your cross, deign yourself to lead us to eternal glory,

Lamb of God, etc.

Let us pray.

Lord Jesus, who, descended from heaven and from the bosom of your Father, have shed your precious blood for the remission of our sins, we humbly ask you to be placed at your right on the day of judgment and deserve to hear these words from your mouth: Come, blessed of my Father! So be it.


Prayer for the hour of worship

For the day of perpetual worship prayers of the 40 Hours.

Night Worship, the Guardian Hour, Sunday Vespers, the Blessing or any other circumstance.

Revive your faith and confidence, O my soul: here you are in the presence of God's infinite majesty; it is he who, for your love, descended from heaven to earth, became man, and wanted to die on a cross to save you; and now here he is in the Blessed Sacrament to listen to you and grant the graces you ask of him; then speak to him and say:

Act of faith and worship.

My God, I believe everything that the Holy Church teaches me to believe, because you, infallible truth, have revealed it to me. I believe that you are the Creator and Lord of heaven and earth. I believe that in eternity you reward the righteous in paradise, and punish sinners in hell. I believe that you are three persons, Father, Son and Holy Spirit, but one God in essence. I believe, O eternal Son of God, that you became incarnate and made man by taking Mary as Mother, you died crucified for our salvation; I believe that you are continually in the Blessed Sacrament, to give us your flesh in support of Holy Communion, and to hear our prayers when we are going to offer them before the holy altars. Prostrate at your feet, I, the most miserable sinner, unworthy to appear in your presence, after having deserved hell so many times, I adore you, O infinite majesty,uniting with the adorations that tax you in heaven all the angels, all the saints and the blessed Virgin.

Act of hope.

My Redeemer Suit, trusting in your promises, because you are faithful, powerful and full of mercy, I hope you will grant me, for the merits of your Passion, the forgiveness of my sins, the perseverance in your grace until death, and finally the happiness of going you see and love forever in paradise.

Act of love.

To you, Lord and my God, I love you with all my heart, above all goods, because you are the Infinite Well, worthy of infinite love, and I would like to see you loved by all men as you deserve it. I am glad that you are and will always be infinitely happy.

Act of contrition and good purpose.

Beloved Redeemer of mine, if I had abandoned everything for you, going to spend my life in a desert, and then be killed by the violence of the torments suffered by your love, certainly, nothing would be this in compensation for the cruel death that you, my God, you wanted to suffer for me. But, how have I treated you in the past? I paid you with so much ingratitude: instead of loving you, I sometimes offended you, despising you, repelling your grace and love! I repent, O my Jesus, condolence with all my heart that I have offended you, O infinite goodness. Ah! I didn't die before I gave you heartbreak! I hate and hate the outrages that I made you more than any evil. Lord, I resolved to die rather than offend you again in the future. I also resolve to receive the Sacraments during my life and death.I want to occupy the rest of my days in loving you, O infinite Majesty, my only good, the loveliest of all goods! But what good will all my promises do if you do not come to my aid, O God of my soul; helpless of your grace, I would betray you again, and with more malice than ever. This is the grace that I ask of you and I await you for the merits of your Passion: give me holy perseverance, and do not allow it to happen yet to separate me from you; make me die before I have the misfortune to fall into your loveliness.This is the grace that I ask of you and I await you for the merits of your Passion: give me holy perseverance, and do not allow it to happen yet to separate me from you; make me die before I have the misfortune to fall into your loveliness.This is the grace that I ask of you and I await you for the merits of your Passion: give me holy perseverance, and do not allow it to happen yet to separate me from you; make me die before I have the misfortune to fall into your loveliness.

Act of thanks.

My Jesus, I thank you for the countless benefits that you have done to me, for you created and redeemed me by your blood, you made me a Christian by the sacrament of baptism, and you endured me so long when I was out of your grace. What a wretch I had been if I died in that state! I would now be in hell, lost forever, O my God, and I could no longer love you. I give thanks to you because you waited so patiently and mercifully forgave my crimes, as I happily trust. I especially thank you because you are in the Blessed Sacrament, you have given yourself to me so many times in holy communion, becoming my food, and you have deigned at this very moment to admit me to your presence. Thanks to you for all these benefits,and I hope to go and thank You for a more perfect day in paradise, where I will never stop singing your ineffable mercies forever.

Offering act.

For my love, O my Jesus, you wanted to die in torment and reproach in an infamous scaffold; that I will give you in return for so much kindness? I have nothing to offer you but my poor person; well, Lord my God, I offer myself and consecrate myself entirely; accept my body, my soul, my will, for I submit myself in everything and forever to your holy will; do with me your favor. Help me to love you always in this life and the next, and then dispose of me and everything that belongs to me as you please. Tell me what you wish, I am ready to do it with the help of your grace.

Supplication for the next and for yourself.

To you, my Lord, I recommend the Sovereign Pontiff, as well as all the prelates and priests all: fill them with your Spirit, so that they sanctify the whole world. I commend the infidels, the heretics and all sinners to you: give them the light and strength they need to get out of sin and use themselves only to love you, O sovereign well. I recommend you all the dying, all my relatives, benefactors and friends; I also recommend you my enemies in a special way, because you command me: make them happy and holy. I commend the poor souls of purgatory to you: relieve them in their sorrows, and shorten the time of their exile, so that they may rise as soon as possible to enjoy your presence in heaven.

Finally, I ask you for myself, O my Blessed Jesus! From this altar, the throne of your house, grant me, through your merits, great pain and the forgiveness of my sins. Give me holy humility and sweetness, in order to bear with patience all contempt and persecution. Give me the grace to mortify myself, abstaining from everything that you don't like. Give me perfect resignation to your will, so that I can peacefully embrace all the crosses that come from your hand. Give me the light to know the dispositions of your will and the strength to carry them out. Give me great confidence in your holy Passion and in the protection of Mary, your Mother. Give me the supreme gift of your holy love, with a great desire to love and please you, so that from now on I can always tell you what I say to you now: O my God, I only want you and nothing more.Give me perseverance in your love until death, lest I lose your holy grace. Above all, I beg you to help me to always ask you for this holy perseverance, never ceasing to recommend me to you and your holy Mother, especially when I am tempted to offend you: make me always repeat: Jesus, Mary, help me; Jesus, Mary, help me. Eternal Father, for the love of Jesus, your Son, grant me all these graces.

Spiritual Communion and Prayer to Mary, pp. 82 and 89.

Considerations for the hour of worship


Jesus makes himself accessible to everyone.

Our good Savior before leaving the earth, after having accomplished the work of our redemption by his death, did not want to leave us alone in this valley of tears. "No language, said S. Pedro de Alcântara, can express the greatness of the love that Jesus has for all souls: at the end of his life, fearing that his apartment would make him forget, this tender husband of our souls left us as a reminder the Blessed Sacrament, where he resides in person, because he did not want there to be between him and us, to keep his memory alive, another pledge than himself ". This great tear of love on the part of Jesus Christ deserves great love on our part. I also wanted that in recent times. a special feast was instituted in honor of his sacred Heart. Her intention is that we give her testimonies of our respect and affection,in return for his loving residence on our altars, and at the same time let us notice, as much as possible, the outrages that are incessantly done to him in this Sacrament of love for heretics and bad Christians.

Jesus wanted to reside on so many different altars to be accessible to all who wish to find him. On the painful night when the Redeemer took leave of his disciples to go to his death, they started to cry thinking that they would be separated from their dear Master; but; Jesus comforted them with these words, which are also addressed to us: My children, to prove my love to you, I will die for you; but still dying, I do not want to leave you alone: ​​while you are on earth, I want to live with you in the Sacrament of the altar. I leave you my body, my soul, my divinity, my whole being: Here I am with you every day, until the end of the age (Mt 28,20). "The divine husband wanted, says São Pedro de Alcântara, to leave his wife, during such a long absence, some company, so that she would not be alone;and instituted this Sacrament, in which he himself resides; it was the best company he could give us ". The Gentiles dreamed of many gods;

So here is Jesus Christ on the altars, as in many other prisons of love. The priests make him leave the tabernacle for the exhibition or for communion, and then close him again Jesus consents to stay there day and night. But, my Redeemer, what is the use of staying in so many churches, even at night, because the doors are closed and you are alone? Enough outside that you only stayed there during the day. No, he wants to stay overnight, so that in the morning, whoever wants it, will soon find him. The holy wife was looking everywhere, her Beloved went to everyone she met so she said: Did you not see the one my heart loves? (Ct3,3). Not finding him, he raised his voice and cried out: My dear husband, let me know where you are (Ct1,6). Then, the wife could not find the celestial husband, because there was still no Blessed Sacrament; but as a gift,when a soul wants to find Jesus Christ, it is enough to go to the parish church or to a convent, and he will find his Beloved, who is waiting for him. There is no village, poor as it may be, there is no religious house, which does not have the happiness of possessing the Blessed Sacrament; and in all these places, the King of heaven wants to allow himself to be locked up in a small tabernacle of wood or stone, where he is often alone, with only a lighted lamp in front of him, without any worshiper. But, Lord, exclaims S. Bernardo, this does not suit your majesty! It matters little, says Jesus, that it does not suit my dignity, since it suits my love.who does not have the happiness of possessing the Blessed Sacrament; and in all these places, the King of heaven wants to allow himself to be locked up in a small tabernacle of wood or stone, where he is often alone, with only a lighted lamp in front of him, without any worshiper. But, Lord, exclaims S. Bernardo, this does not suit your majesty! It matters little, says Jesus, that it does not suit my dignity, since it suits my love.who does not have the happiness of possessing the Blessed Sacrament; and in all these places, the King of heaven wants to allow himself to be locked up in a small tabernacle of wood or stone, where he is often alone, with only a lighted lamp in front of him, without any worshiper. But, Lord, exclaims S. Bernardo, this does not suit your majesty! It matters little, says Jesus, that it does not suit my dignity, since it suits my love.

What tender feelings of pity pilgrims experience when visiting Loreto's house and Holy Places, such as Lapa de Belém, Calvário, the Holy Sepulcher, where Jesus Christ was born, lived, died, was buried! But how much greater our devotion must be, when we find ourselves in a church in the presence of the same Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament! Blessed João d'Avila said that it was not possible for him to find a sanctuary more touching or consoling than a church in which the Sacrament Jesus resides; Father Baltasar Alvarez was moved to tears, seeing the princes' palaces filled with courtiers, while the churches, where Jesus Christ lives, are abandoned and deserted. If the Lord had not granted the privilege of his presence except to one church in the world, for example, that of Saint Peter in Rome,and be there only one day of the year, oh heavens! that of pilgrims, that of noble characters, even monarchs, would try to be there in time to cut the King of heaven down on earth! Oh! what a magnificent tabernacle, sparkling with gold and stones, would be prepared for him! What pomp, what torches would that day adorn the home chosen by Jesus Christ! But no, says the Redeemer, I do not want to limit my address to one church or one day of the year; I don't demand so much wealth and brilliance; I want to live continuously, in all times and places, wherever my faithful servants live, so that everyone can easily find me and this always, whenever they want.what a magnificent tabernacle, sparkling with gold and stones, would be prepared for him! What pomp, what torches would that day adorn the home chosen by Jesus Christ! But no, says the Redeemer, I do not want to limit my address to one church or one day of the year; I don't demand so much wealth and brilliance; I want to live continuously, in all times and places, wherever my faithful servants live, so that everyone can easily find me and this always, whenever they want.what a magnificent tabernacle, sparkling with gold and stones, would be prepared for him! What pomp, what torches would that day adorn the home chosen by Jesus Christ! But no, says the Redeemer, I do not want to limit my address to one church or one day of the year; I don't demand so much wealth and brilliance; I want to live continuously, in all times and places, wherever my faithful servants live, so that everyone can easily find me and this always, whenever they want.wherever my faithful servants live, so that everyone can easily find me, and this always, whenever they wish.wherever my faithful servants live, so that everyone can easily find me, and this always, whenever they wish.

Ah! if Jesus Christ himself had not invented this mystery of love, who could have imagined it? If someone had said to you at the time of your Ascension into Heaven: Lord, if you want to prove your love to us, stay with us on the altars under the kinds of bread, so that we can find you when we want it; what temerity would not this petition seem to everyone! Well then! what no man could have even imagined, our Savior conceived and executed it. But then! where our recognition for such a great benefit? Given that a king would deign to come from afar to a country, on purpose to receive the visit of a poor peasant, how great would be this peasant's ingratitude, if he refused to see his prince, or did not bother to see him unless passing!

Affections and Prayers.

O Jesus, my Redeemer, O love of my soul, how much it cost you to live with us in the Eucharist! First it was necessary for you to suffer death, before you could reside on our altars; then you should suffer so many outrages in that Sacrament, to give us the advantages of your presence! And we, however, are so in no hurry to come and worship you, even though we know very well that you are eagerly awaiting our visits, to be filled with goods!

I, myself, am from the number of those ungrateful; Ah! forgive me, Lord, from now on I am resolved to visit you often and stay in your presence as long as I can, to offer you my thanks, to testify to my love, and to ask for your graces, for this is what you reside in. tabernacle as our prisoner of love. I love you, O infinite goodness; I love you, O God of love; I love you, O supreme good, the loveliest of all goods! Make me forget myself, forget everything, to think only of loving you, pleasing and consecrating the rest of my life. My dearest delights in the future are to be at your feet: give me this purpose. Embrace me completely in your holy love! O Mary, my Mother, obtain me a great devotion to the Blessed Sacrament; and when you see me falling into neglect,remind me of the promise I make now, to visit you every day.


Jesus gives audience to everyone and at all times.

Jesus Christ, in the Eucharist, gives an audience to all who come before him. As Santa Teresa points out, everyone is not allowed to approach the princes of the land; the poor cannot wait to make them speak by a third person; but to the King of heaven, he does not act as an intermediary: everyone, large and small, can talk to him face to face in his Sacrament. Jesus too calls himself the Flower of the fields (Ct2,1).

The flowers in the gardens are closed and reserved; but the flowers of the fields are available to everyone. Jesus Christ, in the Eucharist, is then accessible to everyone at all hours of the day. Speaking of the birth of the Redeemer in Lapa de Belém, São João Crisóstomo makes this reflection: the kings of the earth do not always give an audience; often when they go to talk to them, they are the suitors dismissed by the guards on the pretext that it is not time for an audience and should come later. The divine Savior, on the contrary, wanted to be born in an open cave, without doors or guards, to be accessible to everyone and at all times. This is what our Savior does in the Blessed Sacrament: churches are continually open; each one can, when he likes to be entertained by the King of heaven. And there, Jesus wants us to speak with confidence:for this reason it is preserved under the species of bread. If the Lord appeared on our altars with the brilliance of his glory, as in the final judgment, who would dare to approach him? But, reflects St. Teresa, as he wishes to speak to him and ask for his graces, full of confidence and without fear, he watched over his majesty under the kinds of bread. He also wishes, says Tomás de Kempis, that we speak to him as a friend speaks to his friend (Imit.1.4, c.13). What would not be your joy, dear reader, if the king called you and said: "Tell me what you want and can it be useful to you? I love you and I wish you well!" For this is what Jesus Christ, King of heaven, says to anyone who visits him: Come to me, all of you who are poor, sick, afflicted: I can and I want to enrich, heal and console you;this is what I keep on the altars for.

Affections and Prayers.

Beloved Jesus of mine, since you reside on the altars to hear the prayers of the unfortunate people who turn to you, listen today to the voice of this poor sinner. O Lamb of God, sacrificed and killed on the cross, I am a soul redeemed at the price of your blood: forgive me all my sins, and assist me with your grace, that I may never lose you. Through the efficacy of your power, O my Jesus, feel part of the pain you had from my sins in the garden of Gethsemane. O my God, how I wish I had never offended you! Most sweet Lord, if I died in sin, I would be deprived of loving you forever; but you have waited for me to love you. I thank you for giving me this precious time; and because I am still allowed to love you, I want to love you. Give me the grace of your holy love, but such a strong love,that makes me forget everything to think only of satisfying your loving heart. Ah! my Jesus, you have consumed your whole life for me; I also consume for you what is left of mine. Draw me all to your love, make me all yours before my death. This grace I hope for the merits of your Passion. In your intercession too, O Mary, I have put all my hope; you know that I love you, have compassion on me.


Jesus only seeks to pour out his graces.

Jesus, in the Eucharist, gives an audience to everyone, to do everyone good. According to Saint Augustine, the Lord wants to give us his graces more than we receive them. The reason is that God is infinitely good, and goodness, being of its nature, expansive, tends to communicate its goods to the whole world. God complains about those who will not ask for thanks. Why, he says, don't you want to come to me anymore? Have I been barren or late land for you (Jr2,31), when you asked me for favors?

Our Lord one day complained to his faithful servant, Sister Margarida Maria, of the ingratitude that men show him in this mystery of love: then he made him see his lovely Heart, surrounded by thorns and with a cross on top of a throne of flames, wanting to understand the love that holds him in the Blessed Sacrament; then he said to him: Here is the heart that loved men so much, spared nothing, until it was exhausted and consumed to bear witness to their love; and in recognition, I receive nothing but ingratitude from the majority for their irreverence, sacrilege, coldness and contempt with which they treat me in this Sacrament of love. "But what is even more sensitive to me is that it is hearts that are consecrated to me that do so." Men will not entertain themselves with Jesus Christ, because they do not love him. They enjoy spending whole hours with a friend;but half an hour of entertainment with Jesus Christ is boring! - But, they will say, why doesn't the Lord give me his love? To this I reply: if you do not banish the earthly appetites that fill you from your heart, how can divine love penetrate it? - Ah! if you could say from the heart with Saint Philip Néri at the sight of the holy host: "Here is my love! here is my love!" it would no longer bore you to spend hours and days in front of the Blessed would no longer bore you to spend hours and days in front of the Blessed would no longer bore you to spend hours and days in front of the Blessed Sacrament.

For those who love God, the hours spent in the presence of Jesus, hidden under his veil of love, are light moments. St. Francis Xavier worked all day for the salvation of souls; and at night, what was your rest? it was to be entertained with Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament. Saint Francis Regis, this great French missionary, after having spent all day in confessing and preaching, retired at night to the church; finding it sometimes closed, he was near the door exposed to the cold and wind, so as to cut, at least from a distance, his beloved Lord. The great desire of St. Louis Gonzaga was to be continually at the foot of the Blessed Sacrament. to the point that his superiors felt obliged to moderate his devotion: when later he happened to pass before the altar, feeling, on one side, attracted by Jesus to stop, on the other,forced by obedience to separate, the holy man said to him with a sigh: Lord, do not stop me, let me go; so obedience wants. - And you, my brother, if you do not experience this love for Jesus Christ, take care to visit him every day, and he will know how to inflame your heart very well. Are you cold? approach the fire, said Santa Catarina de Sena. Oh! how happy you would be if Jesus made you grace to burn you in his love! Then you would certainly not love any more, but rather despise, all things on earth: "When the fire catches a house, says São Francisco de Sales, all the furniture is thrown out of its windows".take care to visit him every day, and he will know how to inflame your heart very well. Are you cold? approach the fire, said Santa Catarina de Sena. Oh! how happy you would be if Jesus made you grace to burn you in his love! Then you would certainly not love any more, but rather despise, all things on earth: "When the fire catches a house, says São Francisco de Sales, all the furniture is thrown out of its windows".take care to visit him every day, and he will know how to inflame your heart very well. Are you cold? approach the fire, said Santa Catarina de Sena. Oh! how happy you would be if Jesus made you grace to burn you in his love! Then you would certainly not love any more, but rather despise, all things on earth: "When the fire catches a house, says São Francisco de Sales, all the furniture is thrown out of its windows".all furniture is thrown out of its windows ".all furniture is thrown out of its windows ".

Affections and Prayers.

Ah! my Jesus, make yourself known and loved. You are so kind! You have exhausted everything to make you love men; how, then, among them are so few who love you? There! I had the misfortune of being among the number of those ungrateful! I still have thanks to any creature from whom I have received any favor; but for you who have given yourselves to me, I have taken ingratitude to the point of displeasing you in serious matters, and outraging you for my sins. However, I see that instead of abandoning me, you persist in looking for me and asking for my heart. Well then! since despite my ingratitude, you still want to be loved by me, I resolve to love you. You desire my love, and I too, for the sake of your grace, do not wish for anything other than to love you. Yes, I love you, my love, my everything: help me to love you, by the blood you have shed for me.Beloved Redeemer of mine, it is in this precious blood that I place all my hopes, and also in the intercession of your Blessed Mother, whose prayers you want to contribute to our salvation. O Mary, my Mother, pray to Jesus for me: inflame all those who love you with divine love, then burn me with this sweet fire: I ardently love you!

Repair to the SS. sacrament

I. I deeply adore you, O my Jesus, in the Blessed Sacrament of the altar; I confess that you are true God and true man, and by this act of adoration, I propose to supply the coldness of so many Christians, who do not deign to greet you passing by your temples, and often even before the holy ciborium, where you have the goodness of living constantly, in loving impatience to communicate to those who are faithful to you. By their indifference, they are, like the Jews of the desert, bored with this heavenly manna. In reparation for such repulsive boredom, I offer you the most precious blood that you have shed from the wound on your left foot, and hidden in spirit in this sacred wound, I repeat a thousand and thousand times:

Praised and grateful at all times be the Most Holy and Divine Sacrament. PAG

II. I deeply adore you; O my Jesus, I confess that you are present in the Blessed Sacrament of the altar; and, by this act of adoration, I propose to supply the ingratitude of so many Christians, who, seeing that you are going to the home of the sick sick to be a support for them on the great journey of eternity, not only fail to accompany you, but still with difficulty is that they give you an outward act of worship. In reparation for such coldness, I offer you the most precious blood that you have shed from the wound on your right foot, and hidden in spirit in this sacred wound, I repeat a thousand and thousand times:

Praised and grateful at all times be the Most Holy and Divine Sacrament. - PAG

III. I deeply adore you, O my Jesus, true bread of eternal life, and with this adoration I propose to repair the many wounds opened in your Heart by the desecration of the Churches, where you deign to be under the sacramental species, to be adored and loved by your faithful. In reparation for so many irreverences, I offer you the most precious blood that you have shed from the wound of your left hand, and hidden in spirit in this sacred wound, I repeat a thousand and thousand times:

Praised and grateful at all times be the Most Holy and Divine Sacrament. - PAG

IV. I deeply adore you, O my Jesus, living bread descended from Heaven, and with this act of adoration I propose to supply so many and so many irreverences, that your faithful commit themselves every day when they attend Holy Mass, in which you renew your love for excess. same Sacrifice, since I believe it, which you have completed on Calvary for our salvation. In reparation for so much ingratitude, I offer you the most precious blood from the wound on your right hand, and hidden in spirit in this sacred wound, I repeat a thousand and thousand times:

Praised and grateful at all times be the Most Holy and Divine Sacrament. - PAG

V. I deeply adore you, O my Jesus, the true victim of the atonement for our sins, and I offer you this act of worship in compensation for the sacrilegious outrages you receive from so many ungrateful Christians who dare to come to receive you in Communion, being with the soul in mortal sin. In reparation for such horrible profanations, I offer you the last drops of the most precious blood that you shed from the wound on the side, and hidden in spirit in this sacred wound, I repeat a thousand and thousand times:

Praised and grateful at all times be the Most Holy and Divine Sacrament. - PAG

(lnd. 7 years; IP) -178.

Feelings of love towards Jesus Christ in the Eucharist


I You alone and abandoned!

Beloved Jesus, my God, burning with love for men, who can you still invent to make you love? Oh! surely, if men loved you, all the churches would be continually filled with people. Lying prostrate on the face of the earth, the faithful would adore you and give thanks, with a burning heart of love, considering you with the eyes of faith hidden in a tabernacle. But no, they forget you and your love, to go and cut a man from whom they expect some miserable favor; and you, Lord, remain there alone and forsaken! ... Oh! I cannot repair my ingratitude by my homage! I regret that I was once like them, indifferent and ungrateful; but I don’t want to be like that in the future anymore, so I’m keeping you company as long as I can. Ignite me in your holy love,so that from now on, she will only live to love and please you. You deserve the love of all hearts; if I once despised you, now I have no other desire than to love you. My Jesus, you are my love and all my good. O Most Holy Virgin Mary, reach me with a great love for the Most Blessed Sacrament.


II Here is my love!

My Jesus, every time I come from now on to visit you at the altar, I hope to tell you sincerely: Here is my love, here is all my love! Yes, my beloved Redeemer, I wish you, I only want to love you; I want you to be my soul's only love. I feel myself dying in pain, at the memory of having once loved creatures and my own satisfactions more than you, and having despised you for them, O infinite Good. But with what patience you have endured me until now, lest you perish me! instead of punishing me, as I deserved, you hurt my heart with so many arrows of love, so that, being unable to resist any longer, I finally gave myself to you. I see that you want me entirely for you; but, for this is your will, do not forget, Lord, that it is yours to do so: release me from all attachment to the earth and to myself,and I reduced myself to seek you only, to think only of you, to speak only of you. The only desire of my heart, the only sigh of my soul, is to burn with love for you, to live and die for you! O love of my Jesus, come, take hold of my whole heart, and cast out all love that is not for God. I love you, O Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament, I love you, my life, my treasure, my love, my everything! O Mary, my hope, pray for me and give me all to be hope, pray for me and give me all to be hope, pray for me and give me all to be Jesus.


III Come Lord!

Jesus, what more can you do to attract us to your love? Ah! give me to know why excess love has reduced you to a state of food, to unite you to the poor and vile sinners as we are. My sweetest Redeemer, your tenderness towards me has been so great that you have not refused to give yourself all to me in holy communion many times; and I, how many times have I had the ingratitude to expel you from my soul! But it is not possible for you to despise a contrite and humiliated heart. You became a man for me, you died for me, and you came to make my food for you; after that, what remains for you to do in order to win my love? Ah! I cannot die of pain every time I remember your contempt for your grace! O my love, I regret with all my heart that I have offended you. I love you, O infinite goodness, I love you,O infinite love! My whole desire is to love you, and my only fear is to live without loving you. Beloved Jesus, do not refuse to come to my soul: Come, Lord! Resolved, I am dying a thousand times before I repel you again, and I want to do everything I can to please you; come and burn me in the fire of your love; forget all things to me, to think only of you and only to seek you, my only and Sovereign Good! O Mary, my tender Mother, pray for me, and, through your prayers, make me known to Jesus, who loves me so much.forget all things to me, to think only of you and only to seek you, my only and Sovereign Good! O Mary, my tender Mother, pray for me, and, through your prayers, make me known to Jesus, who loves me so much.forget all things to me, to think only of you and only to seek you, my only and Sovereign Good! O Mary, my tender Mother, pray for me, and, through your prayers, make me known to Jesus, who loves me so much.


IV I want to join you many times!

O infinite love of Jesus, infinitely worthy of love! When then will I love you, my Jesus, as you do to me? You saved nothing to earn my love and I had the courage to leave an infinite good to run after vile and despicable objects! Enlighten me, O my God; show me more and more the extent of your goodness, so that I may be inflamed with love for you, and commit myself with an ever new effort to please you. I love you, my Jesus, my love, my everything, I want to join you many times in the Blessed Sacrament, to detach myself from everything else and to love only you, who are my life. My Redeemer, help me for the merits of your Passion. O Mother of Jesus and my Mother, assist me too, and I asked your divine Son to burn me in his holy love.


V O beloved of my soul!

O infinite love of Jesus, worthy of being loved with another infinite love! You are so ardent in love for men, O my divine Savior; how then does it happen that they love you so little? what more could you do to win their hearts? Since you are, my Jesus, so kind and loving, then make yourselves love. O most beloved of my soul, why have I not always loved you! There! there was a time when I did not love you, I even despised your grace and your love. The pain I feel consoles me; it makes me wait for forgiveness, because you promised to forgive everyone who repents. For you, O my Savior, I now return my affections; for the merits of your Passion, help me to love you with all my strength. Oh! not being able to die for you, as you died for me! O Mary, Mother of God, obtain for me the grace of loving in the future only to God alone.


VI United always stay and never part!

Ah! my Jesus, this is what I ask of you and I will always ask for Holy Communion: United be always, and never part. I know that you will not separate from me, if I am not the first to separate from you; there! all my fear is that in the future I will separate from you for sin, as I did before. By mercy, do not allow it, O my most beloved Redeemer! Until death, I will always be exposed to this danger; ah! I conjure you up for the merits of your death, rather cut off the thread of life than let me fall into this disgrace. I repeat, and I ask you for the grace to repeat it always: Do not allow me to separate more from you. O God of my soul, I love you, I love you; I want to love you always, and love you only. I protest, in the face of heaven and earth, only I want you, and nothing more. My Jesus, listen to me, I repeat: I only want you, and nothing else. O Mother of mercy, tender Mary,intercede at this moment for, me; obtain the grace of me to be no more separated from Jesus, and to love only Jesus.


VII Far be it from me, earthly affections!

Adorable Jesus, you did not despise anything to make us understand how much you love us: you gave your life for us; you stayed in the Blessed Sacrament, so that we can come and feed on your sacred flesh; and how much desire you have to join us! How, then, can we see all these ineffable inventions of your tenderness without being totally burned in your love? Far from me, earthly affections, I left my heart; you prevent me from burning for Jesus as he burns for me. O my Redeemer, what other testimonies of affection can I still expect, after those you have given me? for my love you sacrificed your whole life; for my love you embraced a most painful and opprobrious death; for my sake you have come, as it were, to annihilate yourselves, reducing yourselves in the Eucharist to a state of food, to give yourselves all to me. Ah!Lord, do not allow me to resist all these tests of your love. I thank you for the time you give me to cry my ingratitude and love you. I regret, O sovereign Well, that I have so often despised your love. I love you, O infinite goodness; I love you, O infinite treasure; I love you, O infinite love, worthy of infinite love! Out of mercy, help me, O my Jesus, to banish from my heart all affections that are not for you, lest henceforth I desire, seek and love but you. Beloved Lord, make me love you always; take hold of all my will, that I may only want your good pleasure. My God, my God, whom will I love then, if I do not love you in whom all goods are found? I only want you, and nothing more. O Mary, my Mother, make my heart and fill it with perfect love for Jesus.


VIII You will become strong!

How badly I did, Lord, to complain about my weakness, when considering the numerous falls I took! how could I have resisted the assaults of hell, separating me from you, who are our strength? if I had come closer to holy communion many times, I had not been so often overcome by my enemies. In the future it will no longer be like this: I waited on you, Lord, I will not be injured (Ps30,2). I no longer want to trust my resolutions, but you, O my Jesus; I will come with you to seek the strength not to fall into sin. I am weak: but, by holy communion, you will make me strong against all temptations, and I will be able to say with Saint Paul: I can do everything in the One who comforts me (Fp4,13). Sweetest Jesus of mine, forgive me all my coldness towards you; I regret my whole soul:I am determined to die before I despise you again; for the merits of your Passion, I hope the strength to persevere in your grace until death: in you I waited, Lord, I will not be confused. I also address this cry of hope, O Mary, my Mother, and I say to you with St. Bonaventure: I have waited in you, O great Queen, I will not be confused.


IX Oh! what treasures of grace are lost by those who do little to pray to God after holy communion!

O God of love, how great is your desire to give us your graces! and we, others, are so little attentive to asking them! Ah! what is our anguish at the time of death when we think of a neglect so harmful to us! O my Lord, deign to forget the offenses I have committed against you; from now on, I want, with your help, to equip myself more carefully to receive you, banishing from my heart any attachment capable of obstructing your graces. I also want, after communion, to entertain myself with you as much as possible, in order to obtain the grace to progress in your love. Grant me to be faithful to this resolution. Ah! my Jesus, how much I have neglected to love you in the past! If your mercy still leaves me for a while on earth, it is so that I may prepare myself for death, and repair my offenses for my love;so I want to live only to mourn my sins and to love you. I love you, O Jesus, my love; I love you, O my only good; have mercy on me, you will not forsake me. O Mary, my hope, always help me through your intercession.

Feelings of a religious soul towards the Blessed Sacrament

So where does this happiness come from!

Here I am in your presence, O my Blessed Jesus! I recognize you for that same Savior who loved me until he sacrificed himself for me on the cross in the past and ended up in this prison of love. What! among so many others who used less ingratitude and more love with you than I did, you were kind enough to choose me to keep you company in this holy asylum. Pulling me out of the middle of the world, you destined me to live here in a continuous union with you, to keep me more on the insurance of going to love you one day in your eternal kingdom. Dear Lord, I thank you for all these favors. So where does this tenderness come from? ... Oh! how happy of me for leaving the world! yes, rather, I want to exercise the last of the jobs in your house that live in the most superb palaces of men. Receive me, therefore, among your servants, O my good Lord;I have allowed myself to remain with you all my life, and do not be repulsed as I deserved it; suffer that, in the midst of so many virtuous souls who faithfully serve you in this home, may I also serve you, the most miserable of sinners. I spent many years away from you; but now that you have opened my eyes to see the vanity of the world and my folly, I no longer want to be separated from you, my Jesus; your sacramental presence will encourage me to fight temptations; close to you, I will not forget the obligation to love you and to appeal to you in my struggles against hell. I wish to remain always at your feet, to unite myself ever more closely with you. I love you, O my God hidden in this lovely Sacrament. It is for my love that you remain continually on this altar; for your love, I want to stay in your presence as long as I can. Closed here,love me without ceasing; closed here with you, I always want to love you; so, my Jesus, my love, my everything, we will always be together, now in this house, and for eternity in paradise. This is my hope. So be it. Most Holy Virgin, I have a great love for the Blessed Sacrament.

Prayer to the SS. sacrament

This is how far your excessive charity has come, O most loving Jesus of mine! You have prepared me a divine table of your flesh and the most precious Blood, to give yourselves all to me. Who was able to propel you to such transports of love? It was only your most loving Heart. O lovely Heart of my Jesus, the most ardent furnace of divine Love, I received my soul in your most sacred Chaga, so that, in this school of charity, I may learn to pay with love that love, of which God has given me so admirable proofs; and so be it.

(lnd. 500 days; IP) -181.

Litany of the Blessed Sacrament

Lord, have compassion on us.

Jesus Christ, have compassion on us.

Lord, have compassion on us.

Jesus Christ, listen to us.

Jesus Christ, listen to us.

God the Father, Creator of Heaven, have compassion on us.

God the Son, Redeemer of the world,

God the Holy Spirit,

Most Holy Trinity, that you are one God,

Living bread, which you have descended from Heaven,

Hidden God and Savior, Bread of the Chosen,

Wine that you create the Virgins,

Perennial Sacrifice,

Pure oblation,

Spotless lamb,

Table, where we are given the same purity,

Food of Angels,

Hidden manna,

Summary of God's Wonders,

Outstanding bread,

Word made flesh, God with us,

Holy Host,

Chalice of Blessing,

Mystery of Faith,

Sublime and venerating Sacramento,

Sacrifice the holiest of all,

True mercy seat for the living and dead,

Heavenly antidote, which preserves us from sins,

Stupendous miracle over all miracles,

Commemoration of the Most Sacred Passion of the Lord,

Precious gift, that you transcend the fullness of all gifts,

The most touching testimony of the love of our God,

Sacred and august mystery,

Source of life and immortality,

Tremendous and life-giving sacrament,

Bread made flesh by the power of the Incarnate Word,

Bloodless Sacrifice,

Life food presented by the same life,

Sacrament of love,

Charity Link,

Oblation of a God, priest and victim,

Spiritual sweetness, drunk at the very source,

Meal of holy souls,

Viaticum of those who die in the Lord,

Secure pledge of our future glory,

From the unworthy reception of your body and blood, deliver us, Lord.

Concupiscence of the flesh;

Of the lust of the eyes,

Of the pride of life,

Of every occasion to sin,

For the ardent desire with which you wished to eat Easter with your apostles,

For the ardent charity with which you instituted this Divine Sacrament,

For the precious blood that you left us in the Sacrament of the altar,

Even though we are sinners, I heard our pleas.

Deign to increase and preserve in us the faith, reverence and devotion to this admirable Sacrament,

Deign to make ourselves available for a holy and frequent use of the Eucharist for the sincere confession of our sins,

Deign to get rid of all heresy, perfidy and spiritual blindness,

Deign to make us reap the heavenly and precious fruits that this Sacrament works in the well disposed souls, which contains the same Holiness,

At the time of our death, deign to support and strengthen us with this viable heavenly,

Eternal son of the true God,

Lamb of God, etc.

V. You gave them a bread from heaven.

R. Bread that contains all the delights.

Let us pray.

O God, who, in this admirable Sacrament, have preserved the memory of your Passion, give us the grace to revere the sacred mystery of your body and blood in such a way, that we may constantly experience in our souls the precious fruits of your Redemption : you who live and reign for centuries. centuries. So be it.

Saint Thomas Aquinas Prayer for Visits to the Blessed Sacrament

O you who love me so much, O Jesus, true God hidden here, listen to me, I implore you.

Your taste be my taste, my passion, my love! Give me to pick it up, find it, stick to it! Show me your ways, show me your paths. You have designs on me, declare them to my soul and give him the effective grace to carry them out until I finally reach salvation. Regardless of me, whatever happens, and only wanting to see you, love what belongs to you, but above all to you, O my God! Bitter be all the joy that is not yours, all desire outside of you impossible, delicious all the work done for your love, unbearable all the rest that is not in you. My soul is constantly renewing its flights for you, O my Jesus; my life be a continuous act of love! The feeling penetrates my soul that all work that does not honor you is dead.Let my pity be a continuous fervor of the heart rather than contracted.

O Jesus, my delight and my life, grant me to be unaffected in my humility, without dissipation in my joys, without abasement in my sorrows, without rudeness in my austerity. Give me to speak without courage, to fear without despair, to wait without presumption, to be pure and without blemish, to rebuke without anger, to love without pretense, to build without ostentation, to obey without reply, to suffer without murmuring.

Supreme goodness, O Jesus, I ask you for a heart entranced in your love, so that no spectacle, no noise can distract me; a faithful and elevated heart, which does not change, never goes down; an indomitable heart, always ready to fight after every storm; a free heart, never seduced, never a slave; a straight heart, which never gets in tortuous ways.

And my spirit, Lord, my spirit! Powerless to ignore you, ardent to seek you, know how to find you, O supreme wisdom! Never dislike your entertainment! Trusted and calm, wait for your answers, and in your word rest! Make penance feel the thorns of your crown! Grace bestow your gifts on my path of exile! May the glory make me happy with your joys at home! So be it.


To the Heart of Jesus Christ

Oh! what bitterness the Heart of the Child Jesus must have felt, at the moment when his Father put before him the long series of contempt, pain and agony, which he would have to suffer during his life to free men from their evils.

O sweet, O lovable, O Heart of Jesus lover, you were from childhood full of bitterness and agony, without any relief, and without anyone seeing your pity, or at least comforting you, sympathizing with you. You have suffered all this, my Jesus, to satisfy for my sins and to free me from the eternal agony that I must suffer in hell. Hard abandonment of suffering, deprivation of all help, to save me, me who had the audacity to abandon God, to satisfy my disordered appetites. I thank you, O my Lord's afflicted and most loving Heart; thanks I give you, and I sympathize with your pains, especially seeing that you suffer so much for the love of men, and they are numb. O divine love! ... O human ingratitude! ... O men, o men, look, I beg you, for this innocent Lamb, dying for you,to satisfy the justice of God for the injuries you have done to him; see him praying and interceding for your eternal Father on your behalf; behold it, and love it! ... Ah! My sweetest Redeemer, how small is the number of those who think about your pains and your love! The sky! how few those who love you! I myself had the misfortune to live a long time without thinking about you! you have suffered so much to earn my love, and I have loved you nothing! Forgive me, O my Jesus, forgive me; I want to correct myself and love you. Do not allow any more to respond with ingratitude to your love. Attend me, I beg you, for the merits of your Passion; I put all my trust in her. O Mary, my tender Mother, help me: it is you who have obtained all the graces that have come from God to me; I thank you from the heart; but if you don't continue to protect me,I will always be unfaithful as in the past.

To the Heart of Jesus in the Passion The greater pleasure I had in sin, the more I afflicted the Heart of Jesus.

Adorable and most beloved Jesus, at your feet is the one who so saddened your lovely Heart. The sky! how could I fill this Heart with so much bitterness that so much love has me and has spared nothing to deserve that I love it! But console yourselves, I dare tell you, O my Savior; know that my heart, wounded uncle of your holy love, now experiences alive regret of its faults, and, I had wanted to die of it. Could I, O my Jesus, be in so much pain of my sins, how many of them you had during your life! To you, Eternal Father, I offer the penalty and horror that your divine Son felt from my faults, and I ask you, for your merits, give me such repentance of sins, that I live from now on in a state of continuous pain, thinking of the contempt that I made of your friendship. And you, my Jesus, give me in the future such a great horror of sin,to avoid even the slightest faults, because they displease you; you deserve that we never offend you, for you are worthy of infinite love. I detest, O my beloved Lord, everything that displeases you, and I only want to love you and what you love. Deign to help and fortify me; grant me the grace to invoke you always, repeating over and over: My Jesus, give me your love. And you, O Mary, the holiest of virgins, obtain the grace of me never to stop saying to you: My tender Mother, make me love Jesus Christ.give me your love. And you, O Mary, the holiest of virgins, obtain the grace of me never to stop saying to you: My tender Mother, make me love Jesus Christ.give me your love. And you, O Mary, the holiest of virgins, obtain the grace of me never to stop saying to you: My tender Mother, make me love Jesus Christ.

To the Heart of Jesus in the Eucharist

Ah! shall we not seek to repay the immense love of this divine Heart that resides in the sacrament of the altar? ...

Heart of my Jesus, abyss of mercy and love, in view of your kindness to me and my ingratitude against you, how can I not die of pain? O my Savior, after giving me life, you still gave me your blood and your life, you gave yourself, for my sake, to reproaches and death! and not content with this, you invented the means of sacrificing yourselves every day for me in the holy Eucharist, not refusing to expose yourself to the injuries you should receive, as you knew beforehand, in this Sacrament of love. The sky! how can I see myself so ungrateful in your respect; without exhaling from confusion! Ah! Lord, put an end to my ingratitude, I hurt my heart with your holy love, and make it all yours. Remember the tears and the blood you shed for my love, and forgive me. Do not let so much pain be lost to me, I ask this.Despite the knowledge that you had of my ingratitude, you did not stop loving me even when I did not love you and in no way wanted to be loved by you; how much, then, should I not count on your love, now that I only want to love you and be loved by you? Out of mercy, please my desire, or rather, yours, because you are the ones who inspire me: this is the day of my entire conversion, starting now to love you never to stop doing it again. Sovereign Well mine, make me die completely to myself, and live only for you and always burn in your holy love. O Mary, your heart was the happy altar on which the fire of divine love continually burned; my tender Mother, become like me; get me this grace from your adorable Son, who is pleased to honor you by refusing nothing that you ask of him.

To the Merciful Heart of Jesus

Where could a more merciful and loving heart be found than yours, O most beloved Savior of my soul!

O merciful heart of my Jesus, have compassion on me. Give me, O Jesus, the grace to always repeat this plea to you: O Merciful Heart of my Jesus, have compassion on me. Before I offend you, I certainly did not deserve any of the great and very numerous graces you gave me. However, after I have sinned, not only am I not worthy of favors, but I deserve to be abandoned by you and precipitated in hell. Your mercy is what made you wait for me and preserve my life when I was in your misfortune: she then clarified me by inviting me to penance, and gave me the pain of sins with the desire to love you; by virtue of this sweet mercy I have the confidence to be in your grace. O my Jesus, do not cease to exercise mercy on me; the grace that I implore you is not to fall into my former ingratitude. Ah!what mercy could I still expect from you if I came to despise your friendship again, separating me from you? O my love, O sweetest Jesus, I love you, I want to love you always. The mercy that I beg of you and I hope is that you will not allow me to separate more from you. O Mary, my Mother, do not consent, I beg of you, succeed me in separating myself still from my God.

To the lovely Heart of Jesus

It would be possible to find yourself, among all hearts, one more lovable than Jesus!

Dearest Heart of my Jesus, you deserve the love of all hearts. Very poor and unhappy is the heart that does not love you. My heart, ouch! made this a sad experience all the time that he didn't love you! But I do not want to continue to be so miserable, because I love you, O Jesus, and I always want to love you. What! sweetest Savior of mine, are you the love of a God, and would you not be a miserable sinner whom you have so loved and benefited from? O beautiful flames, which burn in the loving Heart of my Jesus, kindle in my heart this sacred and blessed fire that Jesus came to bring from heaven to earth; I consumed and destroyed all the impure appetites that reign in my heart and prevent it from being all of God. Make me, O my Jesus, that I live only to love you. If I once offended you, know that today you are my only love. I love you, yes, I love you,and I only want to love you. I beg you, O Most Beloved Lord, do not refuse the love of a heart that has afflicted you for so long; glorify yourselves by showing the angels a changed and burning heart in you, after having fled and despised you. O Mary, pray to Jesus, make me as your Heart desires me.

To the most faithful Heart of Jesus

Oh! how faithful the Heart of Jesus is to those he calls his holy love! It is impossible for him to fail to fulfill all that he promised!

Beloved Redeemer of mine, I was not as faithful to you as you were to me! Every time I opened the door of my heart to you, you entered it to forgive me and receive your grace; every time I called on you, you ran to my rescue. You have always shown me the same fidelity, whereas I have often been unfaithful to you! I promised to serve you, and then I despised you a thousand times; I promised to love you, and then a thousand times I refused you my love, as if you, my Creator and my Redeemer, were less worthy of being loved than the creatures and miserable satisfactions for which I abandoned you! Forgive me, O my Jesus; my ingratitude terrifies me; I recognize that you are infinite goodness, worthy of being infinitely loved by all men and especially by me whom you have loved so much after so many offenses on my part. Damn me if you condemned me!the graces and signs of love that you lavished on me would be the hell of my hell. Do not be so, O my Love; do not allow yourselves to be abandoned again, and that, by a just punishment, be precipitated in hell to continue to pay with hate and injury your love for me. O tender and faithful heart of Jesus, ignite my poor heart, that it may burn with love for you, as you do for me. It seems to me that I love you, O my Jesus, but I love you very little; give me to love you very much, and to be faithful to you until death. O Mary, my Mother, come to my aid to be faithful to your divine precipitated in hell to continue to pay with hate and injury your love for me. O tender and faithful heart of Jesus, ignite my poor heart, that it may burn with love for you, as you do for me. It seems to me that I love you, O my Jesus, but I love you very little; give me to love you very much, and to be faithful to you until death. O Mary, my Mother, come to my aid to be faithful to your divine precipitated in hell to continue to pay with hate and injury your love for me. O tender and faithful heart of Jesus, ignite my poor heart, that it may burn with love for you, as you do for me. It seems to me that I love you, O my Jesus, but I love you very little; give me to love you very much, and to be faithful to you until death. O Mary, my Mother, come to my aid to be faithful to your divine Son.

Consecration to the Heart of Jesus

Loving Redeemer, what more lovable object could your eternal Father send me to love? you are the beauty of paradise; you, the love of your Father; your heart is the seat of all virtues. O loving Heart of Jesus, you deserve the love of all hearts; and would I refuse to give you mine, which is so miserable? No, my Redeemer suit, I offer it to you in one piece; I consecrate all my will to you; deign to accept it, and have it willingly. I have nothing, I can do nothing; but I have a heart that I received from you and whose possession no one can deprive me of; I can lose my property, my blood, my life, but no one could deprive me of my heart. With this heart I can love you; with this heart I want to love you. It is up to you, O loving heart of Jesus, to make this poor heart all yours, even though, in the past,I had the ingratitude of displeasing you and being voluntarily deprived of your love. I entreat you, open my heart towards you as yours is towards me; make my will be wholly united with yours, so that you will only want what you want, and in the future your holy will be the rule of all my actions, thoughts and desires. Lord, in this I trust, you will not refuse me your grace to carry out the resolution that I take today at your feet, to receive in peace all the provisions of your providence regarding me during my life and in death. Immaculate Virgin Mary, how happy you are to have always had the most perfect heartfelt conformity to the Heart of Jesus! My tender Mother, reach out to me, I conjure you, the grace of not wanting anything from now on but what you want, Jesus and you.

Another Consecration to the Sacred Heart

O divine Heart of Jesus, Heart full of love for us, Heart created on purpose to love us, today I approach the throne of your love, and I present my miserable heart to you, to consecrate it entirely to your favor. I also consecrate my body to you, so that it may help me to please you; I consecrate my spirit to you, lest I cease to think of you; I consecrate my soul to you, so that it may be all yours. I choose you as the only King of my heart. O loving heart, to your kindness I entrust all my interests, hopes, affections, and my whole life; accept me, and dispose of me as you please. In exchange for your love, I have everything in me: satisfactions, pleasures, self-will, all of this belongs to you. I prefer your love to all the kingdoms of the world. Dearest of my heart,may all men know the tenderness of your love, that they may all live only to honor you. Beautiful flames, which you raise from the burning heart of Jesus, ignite me and destroy in my heart all affections that are not for him. May I live only for this lovely Savior, who wanted to give his life to be loved by me. Do not cease to say in all truth: O Heart of Jesus, you are the only Sovereign of my heart. O Mary, Mother of God, my Queen and Mother, it is you who have drawn my heart to the Heart of Jesus: help me always, to remain faithful to him in life and death.who wanted to give his life to be loved by me. Do not cease to say in all truth: O Heart of Jesus, you are the only Sovereign of my heart. O Mary, Mother of God, my Queen and Mother, it is you who have drawn my heart to the Heart of Jesus: help me always, to remain faithful to him in life and death.who wanted to give his life to be loved by me. Do not cease to say in all truth: O Heart of Jesus, you are the only Sovereign of my heart. O Mary, Mother of God, my Queen and Mother, it is you who have drawn my heart to the Heart of Jesus: help me always, to remain faithful to him in life and death.

Reparation to the Heart of Jesus

See 24. Visit, p. 274. See also the feelings of love for the Eucharist, p. 418, I.

Litany repair

Sweetest Savior Jesus, who in the Eucharist never ceases to pour the ineffable treasures of your Heart on souls, and for these continued benefits you receive more often than not coldness, indifference or criminal ingratitude, see at your feet hearts that in your meetings and you have filled your benefits. O sweetest Jesus, penetrated with gratitude for so many graces and grief for so many ingratitude, we would now like to make an act of solemn reparation. Answer, therefore, O lovely Savior of our souls, heed these accents of our faith and very legitimate pain:

For our irreverence in the holy place, forgiveness and honorific reparation. By the dissipation of our spirit and heart during the holy mysteries,

For our little preparation for receiving the Sacrament of your love,

For our very poor thanksgiving,

For our little correspondence to your continued favors,

For our sins of sensuality and pride,

For all our neglect and lukewarmness towards your lover Heart,

For the bad examples that we have given,

For the sins of which we have been a cause or occasion,

For our unworthy coldness at the foot of your altars,

For all the sins of our past life,

For the blasphemies spoken against you and your august Mother,

For the deplorable lies of heresy,

For the criminal defectors of your cult,

For the unworthy profaners of your holy day and your holy Name,

For the audacious spoilers of your temples and altars,

For all the revolting sacrilegies and unworthy and tepid communions of the land,

For all the other desecrations of your sacrament of love,

For the unfortunate instruments of hell in the propaganda of evil,

For the outrages that have made you the hearts that should most comfort your Heart,

For the barbaric persecutors of your Church and saints worldwide,

O abandoned love, our wish is, if possible, to offer you a reparation that would equal all these outrages, and actions of grace in relation to your benefits.

You, who read in our hearts, see our desires and insufficiency, and welcome, in compensation for all the bitterness that sated your lovely Heart, all the transports of your angels, all the atonements of your martyrs, all the groans of souls fervent, all the tears of your saints and particularly all the prayers of your august Mother. Be yourselves, O Sacred Heart of. Jesus, our omnipotent healer at the Holy Trinity, the light, strength, asylum of our hearts in this world, and, after the painful battles of the earth, our ineffable treasure and our eternal happiness in heaven. So be it.

Prayer to be done in feathers

Only you, Most Clement Jesus, are our salvation, our life and our resurrection. We beg you not to abandon us in our agonies and tribulations, but because of the agony of your most holy Heart and the pains of your Immaculate Mother, come to the aid of your servants whom you have redeemed with your precious blood. Omnipotent God, who allows evil to take good from him, listen to the humble pleas for which we ask you for the grace to be faithful to death. And give us, through the intercession of the Blessed Virgin Mary, the strength to be able to always conform to your most holy will.

Suits Affected to the Heart of Jesus

Loving Heart of my Savior, you are the seat of all virtues, source of all graces, a fiery furnace in which all holy souls are burned with divine love; you, the object of all the complacencies of God; you, the refuge of the afflicted and home of the souls who love you. O Heart worthy to reign over all hearts and to possess their love, O Heart wounded on the cross by the spear of my sins, and ever since present continually on our altars always wounded, but by the spear of love that you have for me: O Heart, that you love men so dearly and are so little loved of them, make up for yourselves so great ingratitude, inflaming our hearts with burning love for you. Ah! I cannot travel the world to publish the graces, sweets, treasures that you lavish on those who really love you!Accept my desire to see all hearts ignited in love for you. O divine Heart, be my consolation in pain, my rest in my work, my relief in anguish, my port in storms. I consecrate my body and soul to you, my heart, will, life, and all that I am. I unite all my thoughts, affections and desires with yours. Eternal Father, I offer you the most pure affections of the Heart of Jesus: if my rejects, those of your Son you cannot reject, for he is the very holiness; supply them with what I lack, and make them pleasant in your eyes.and everything I am. I unite all my thoughts, affections and desires with yours. Eternal Father, I offer you the most pure affections of the Heart of Jesus: if my rejects, those of your Son you cannot reject, for he is the very holiness; supply them with what I lack, and make them pleasant in your eyes.and everything I am. I unite all my thoughts, affections and desires with yours. Eternal Father, I offer you the most pure affections of the Heart of Jesus: if my rejects, those of your Son you cannot reject, for he is the very holiness; supply them with what I lack, and make them pleasant in your eyes.

Litany of the Heart of Jesus.



Humble supplication to the Divine Holy Spirit

Holy Spirit, divine paraclitus, father of the poor, comforter of the afflicted, sanctifier of souls, here I am prostrate in your presence; I adore you with the deepest submission, and I repeat a thousand times with the Seraphim who are before your throne: "Holy! Holy! Holy!" I firmly believe that you are eternal, of the same substance as the Father and the Son. I hope that by your kindness you will sanctify and save my soul. I love you, O God of love; I love you more than all things, with all my affections, because you are the infinite, unique goodness worthy of all my love. Insensitive to your holy inspirations, how many times, alas! I had the ingratitude to offend you: I ask you a thousand times for forgiveness and I am extremely sorry to have displeased you, O supreme Good! I offer my heart to you, cold as it is, and I beg you to make a ray of your light enter it,a spark of your love, to melt the ice so hard from my iniquities. You, who have filled Mary's soul with immense thanks, and have burned the hearts of the apostles with holy zeal, deign also to burn my heart in your love. You are a divine Spirit, strengthen me against evil spirits; you are Fire, kindle the fire of · your love in me; you are Light, clarify me by making me know eternal things; you are a dove, give me pure customs; you are a breath full of sweetness, dispel the storms that passions raise in me; you are a language, teach me how to praise you without ceasing; you are a Cloud, I covered myself with the shadow of your protection. Finally, you are the Author of all heavenly gifts: ah! I conjure you, quicken me by your grace; sanctify me by your charity, govern me by your wisdom,adopt me as a son by your kindness, and save me by your infinite mercy, so that I never cease to bless, praise and love you, first on earth during my life, and then in heaven for all eternity. So be it.

Jaculatory Prayer.

Come, O Holy Spirit, fill the hearts of your faithful, and kindle in them the sacred fire of your love.

Veni Creator

Come, O Creator Spirit!

The souls of your visitors!

The hearts you created,

Fill with infinite grace!

Tu Paráclito, you are called,

Heavenly Father's Gift,

Fire, Charity, Living Source and Spiritual Anointing.

You give grace,

You are the father's right hand,

Father's solemn promise

You give supernal eloquence.

Our reason clarifies!

Your love to the chest lights up!

From our body the weakness

Defend with your strength!

Take the enemy away from us!

Give us peace without delay!

Guide us! and we will avoid everything that is deplored!

May God the Father and his Son know you well,

And in You Spirit of both

At all times we believe.

To God the Father be glory And to the risen Son

And the Divine Parclito

With eternal praise.


Meditations on the Holy Spirit

These meditations can be done: 1. At any time of the year to obtain divine love; 2. for preparation before communion and thanksgiving after it; 3. in the form of a Novena to obtain the detachment of the creatures.

1. Love is a Burning Fire

In the Old Law, God ordered the fire to burn continuously on his altar (Lv 6, 12). St. Gregory says that the altars of God are our hearts, where he wants the fire of his holy love to burn endlessly. Also, not satisfied with having given us Jesus Christ, his only Son, to save us by his death, the eternal Father also wanted to give us the Holy Spirit, so that he would dwell in our souls and keep them continually ablaze with love.

Our own Savior declared that he had come down to earth to inflame our hearts with this sacred fire, and that his only desire was to see it lit (Lk 12,49). This is why, forgetting the injuries and ingratitude of men, as soon as he ascended to Heaven, he sent us the Holy Spirit. So, O Most Redeemer, in your glory, as in your sufferings and humiliations, you love us always. The Holy Spirit wanted to appear in the Upper Room in the form of tongues of fire, a symbol of divine love (At2,5). Hence this prayer of the holy Church: "O Lord, cause your divine Spirit to ignite us with the fire that Jesus Christ came to bring on earth, and that he so fervently desired to see shine in it".

The saints burned in the holy flames of this fire, when they worked things so great for the glory of God, they loved their enemies, they desired the reproaches, they stripped themselves of all earthly goods, they even suffered with torment and death with joy. Love is not idle; he never says: Enough. The more the soul that loves God, does for his Beloved, the more he wants to do even more, to please him more and gain more and more his affection. this divine fire is kindled in mental prayer. If then we want to burn in love with God, we love prayer; it is the happy furnace in which the heart burns in this heavenly ardor.

Affections and prayers.

My God, until now I have done nothing for you, what great things you have done for me. Ah! how much my coldness must move you to reject me! I ask you, O Holy Spirit, sanctify me. Warm my cold heart, and ignite me with the desire to please you. I renounce all my satisfactions, and I want to die rather than give you even the slightest disgust. You deigned to appear in the form of tongues of fire; I consecrate my tongue to you, so that I no longer offend you. This tongue has given me, O my God, to praise you, and I have used it to insult you, and to cause others to offend you too! I regret my whole soul. Ah! for the love of Jesus Christ, who in your life has honored you so much for his language, make it impossible from now on to honor you, celebrating your praises, invoking you many times,talking about your kindness and the love you deserve. I love you, my sovereign Well, I love you, O God of love! O Mary, dearest wife of the Holy Spirit, obtain this divine fire for me.

2. Love is a Light that Enlightens

One of the greatest damages that Adam's sin caused us is the obscuration of our reason by the effect of passions, which overshadow our spirit. Very unhappy is the soul that allows itself to be dominated by some passion. Passion is a cloud, a veil, that prevents us from seeing the truth. How to escape from evil, if we do not know it? And this obscuration of our reason is increased in proportion to the number of our sins. Now, the Holy Spirit is not content with burning our hearts in his holy love: justifying his name as benevolent Light, he still dispels our darkness and discovers in our eyes the vanity of earthly goods, the value of the eternal, the importance of salvation, the price of grace, the goodness of God, the infinite love he deserves, and the immense love he has for us.

The man wallowed in the mire of worldly pleasures little realizes these truths: The animal man does not perceive the things that are of the spirit of God (1 Cor 2, 14). That is why the wretched soul has love for what it should hate, and it hates what it should love. Hence the following exclamation of Saint Mary Magdalene of Pazzi: "O love not known! O love not loved!" Saint Teresa also said that God is not known. The saints also constantly asked the Lord for light and more light. Send your light (Ps 42,3); Dispel my darkness (Ps17,29); I opened my eyes (Ps118,18); because without being enlightened, we cannot avoid the precipices or find God.

Affections and Prayers.

Holy and divine Spirit, I believe that you are truly God, and one God with the Father and the Son. I adore you and acknowledge you for the author of all heavenly gifts; from you I received the lights by which I recognized the evil I did offending you, and how much I am obliged to love you; I thank you, and I very much regret that I have offended you. I deserved to be abandoned in my darkness, but I see that you have not yet abandoned me. O eternal Spirit, continue to enlighten me; let me know your infinite goodness more and more, and give me the strength to love you, in the future, with all my heart; gather grace to grace, so that, yielding to your victorious power, I feel gently obliged to love you to the exclusion of every other object. I beg you for the merits of Jesus Christ. I love you, O my sovereign. Well, I love you more than I love myself. I want to be all yours;receive me and do not allow me to depart further from you. O Mary, my Mother, I have always been assisted by your intercession.

3. Love is water that quenches thirst

Love is also called Fountain of living water. Our Redeemer said to Samaritana: Whoever drinks the water I give him will never be thirsty (] o4,13). Love is, therefore, a water that quenches thirst; he who loves God sincerely, does not seek and desire anything outside of God; because in God he finds all goods. So, content to have God alone, he repeated his joyful refrain without ceasing: O my God, you all to me. God complains about the very numerous souls that go to beg some creatures for short and miserable pleasures, and abandon him, infinite and source of all joys: they abandoned me, says the Lord, to me that I am the source of living water, and dug cisterns for themselves, which cannot retain water (Jr2,13). That is why the Lord, who loves us and wants to see us happy, calls us all:If anyone is thirsty for true happiness, he will come to me; I will give you the Holy Spirit, who will make you happy in this life and the next; he will feel rivers of living water flowing from his bosom, as the prophets announced (Jn 7,37). He, therefore, who believes in Jesus Christ, and loves him, will be enriched with so many graces, that from his heart, or from his will, which is like the bosom of the soul, fountains of holy virtues will flow; for them he will put himself in the state, not only to preserve the life of grace in himself, but also to communicate it to others. The mysterious water, which Our Lord speaks of, is precisely the Holy Spirit, a substantial love, who promised to send us from heaven after his ascension.He, therefore, who believes in Jesus Christ, and loves him, will be enriched with so many graces, that from his heart, or from his will, which is like the bosom of the soul, fountains of holy virtues will flow; for them he will put himself in the state, not only to preserve the life of grace in himself, but also to communicate it to others. The mysterious water, which Our Lord speaks of, is precisely the Holy Spirit, a substantial love, who promised to send us from heaven after his ascension.He, therefore, who believes in Jesus Christ, and loves him, will be enriched with so many graces, that from his heart, or from his will, which is like the bosom of the soul, fountains of holy virtues will flow; for them he will put himself in the state, not only to preserve the life of grace in himself, but also to communicate it to others. The mysterious water, which Our Lord speaks of, is precisely the Holy Spirit, a substantial love, who promised to send us from heaven after his ascension.who promised to send us from heaven after his ascension.who promised to send us from heaven after his ascension.

The key that opens the channels of this desirable water is prayer, through which we obtain all goods, by virtue of the divine promise: Ask and you will receive. We are blind, weak and poor; but prayer gives us the light, the strength and the richness of grace. With prayer we can do everything, said Teodoreto. He who prays receives everything he desires. God wants to give us his graces, but He wants us to ask for them.

Affections and Prayers

My Jesus, I will say to you with the Samaritan: Give me this water (Jn 4,15) of your love, so that, forgetting the land, from now on I will live for you alone, O lovely Infinite. Water what is dry. My soul is a dry land, which produces nothing but thistles and thorns of sin; Ah! deign to flood it with the waters of your grace, that it may bear fruit for your glory, before death snatches me from this world. O fountain of living water, O Supreme Good, how many times have I left you for the muddy waters that deprived me of your grace! Ah! I didn't die before I offended you! but in the future, I no longer want to seek anything outside of you. O my God, help me and make me faithful to you. O Mary, my hope, I always covered myself with your cloak.

4. Mor is a Dew that Fertilizes

The Church commands us to ask the Holy Spirit to purify our hearts and make them fruitful by his healthy dew. Love gives souls the strength to produce pious desires, holy resolutions and good works: such are the flowers and fruits of the grace of the Holy Spirit. Love is also called Dew, because it tempers the ardor of evil inclinations and temptations; it is also said of the Holy Spirit, that he moderates the heat and cools.

This healthy dew descends on our hearts during prayer. A quarter of an hour of prayer is enough to put out the fire of hatred or disorderly love, however ardent. Holy meditation is the mysterious cellar that the wife of the Cantares speaks of: He introduced me to his cellar; he ordered charity in me (Ct2,4). This is where we are filled with well-ordered charity, by which we love our neighbors as ourselves, and God above all things. Whoever loves God loves prayer; and he who does not love prayer is morally impossible to overcome his own passions.

Affections and Prayers

I no longer want to live for myself, O holy and divine Spirit; in loving and pleasing you I want to use all that is left of my life. To this end, I ask you to grant me the gift of holy prayer: come to my heart, and you yourself teach me to practice it as it matters; give me the strength not to. leaving her out of boredom in the dry season; ah! give me the spirit of prayer, or the grace of always praying and offering prayers that are most pleasing to your divine Heart. For my sins I had been lost; but by so many signs of your tenderness, I acknowledge that you want my salvation and sanctification; yes, I want to sanctify myself in order to please you and love your infinite goodness more. I love you, O my sovereign Well, my love, my everything, and because I love you, I give myself all to you. O Mary, my hope, protect me.

5. Love is a Rest that Restores Strength

Love is still called: Relief in feathers, consolation in tears. It is a rest that restores strength; a relief that recreates; because the main effect of love is to unite the will of the person who loves to that of the loved object. To console himself with all the humiliations he receives, the pain he suffers, the losses he suffers, a soul who loves God only needs to know the will of his beloved, who wants to see her endure this penalty. Just saying, "So my God wants"; she finds peace and contentment in the midst of all tribulations. This is the divine peace that transcends all the pleasures of the senses (Fp4,7). Santa Maria Madalena de Pazzi felt overwhelmed with joy just by saying the words: "God's will".

In this life each one must carry his cross; but, says Santa Teresa: The cross is hard for those who drag it, but I mean for those who embrace it. This is how the Lord knows how to hurt and heal, according to Job's expression (Job 5,18). By his gentle anointing the Holy Spirit makes even reproaches and torments smooth and loving. Yes, my Father, so be it, for it is your will (Mt 11,26). It is very important to repeat these words of the Savior whenever adversity visits us. And when we tremble under the threat of some temporal misfortune, we always repeat: "Do, O my God; I accept everything you do now". It is also very useful to offer yourself to God many times during the day, as St. Teresa did.

Affections and Prayers.

Oh! my God, how many times have I done my will to the detriment and contempt of yours! I worry about this more than all the evils. Hereafter I want to love you and obey you with all my heart: Speak, Lord, your servant listens to you (IR3,10). Your will will always be my only desire, my only love. Help my weakness, O Holy Spirit! You are the same kindness; how, therefore, can I love anything other than you! I call you, my God, to bind you, by the bonds of your holy love, all my affections: I renounce everything to give myself to you without reservation. Accept me and help me. O Mary, my Mother, I trust in you.

6. Love is a Strengthening Virtue

Love is as strong as death (Ct8,6). Just as there is no created force that resists death, so there is no difficulty that does not yield to the ardor of a loving soul. When it comes to pleasing the loved object, love overcomes everything, losses, contempt, pain: Nothing is hard enough to resist the fire of love, says Saint Augustine.

The surest sign to know if a person truly loves God is his faithfulness in adversity as well as in prosperity. According to the thought of St. Francis de Sales, God is as kind when he afflicts us as when he consoles us, because he does everything out of love, and even the more he afflicts us in this life, the more he shows us love. São João Chrysostom thought São Paulo was happier in the irons than São Paulo was taken to the third heaven. Also, the holy martyrs rejoiced in the midst of torments, thanking the Lord as a great favor to have to suffer for his love. And the other saints, who found no tyrants to torment them, became executioners of themselves for the penances with which they punished themselves, in order to make themselves pleasing to God. He who loves, says Saint Augustine, does not feel suffering, or if he does, he loves him.

Affections and Prayers.

O God of my soul, I say that I love you; but what do i do for your love? nothing. It is then a sign that I do not love you, or love you very little. My Jesus, send me the Holy Spirit, who will give me the strength to suffer and to do something for your love before my death. Ah! beloved Redeemer of mine, do not allow me to die in this state of coldness and ingratitude in which I have lived until today: grant me the grace to love suffering, after so many sins that have made me worthy of hell. O my God, all love, you desire to dwell in my soul from which I have so often expelled you; come, establish your dwelling there, dominate it and make it all yours. I love you, my Savior! and since I love you, you are with me, as Saint John tells me: He who remains in love remains in God and God in him (Jn 4:16). If then you are with me,increase the flames of your love in me, strengthen the happy chains that bind me to you, so that you may be the only object of my desires, my endeavors, my love, and, thus united with you, never separate me from your love . O my Jesus, I want to be yours, and all yours. O Mary, my Queen and my lawyer, attain holy love and perseverance.

7. Through Love the Soul Becomes God's Home

The Holy Spirit is called the Guest of souls. It is the effect of the magnificent promise of Jesus Christ for the one who loves him. If you love me, I will pray to my Father, and he will send you the Holy Spirit, so that he may live with you always (Jn 14:15). Yes, always, because the Holy Spirit never forsakes a soul, unless it is expelled by it. God, therefore, dwells in every soul of which he is loved; but he declares not to be satisfied if we do not love him with all our heart. According to Saint Augustine, the Roman Senate refused to admit Jesus Christ to the number of gods in the empire: "Christ, said the senators, is a superb god, who wants to be worshiped alone". This is true: Our Lord does not suffer a rival in a heart that wants to love him: he wants to dwell in him alone, and be loved alone. If he does not see himself loved to the exclusion of every other object,he has zeal (forgive us for the expression) of the creatures with whom that heart is divided. Do you think, says St. James (4,5), that the Scripture says in vain: the Holy Spirit who lives in you loves you and covets you with zeal? Ah! indeed, as St. Jerome says, Jesus is a God full of zeal. This is the reason why the celestial husband praises the soul that, similar to the swallow, lives in solitude and hides from the world (Ct 1,9), because it does not want the world to have a part in the love of this soul: it wants to have it whole whole to itself. If he calls his wife a closed garden (Ct4,12), it is because he does not let any earthly affection enter his heart. Ah! Doesn't Jesus deserve all our love? He gave us everything, his blood and his life; more than this could not give us.Does the Holy Spirit who dwells in you love and covet you with zeal? Ah! indeed, as St. Jerome says, Jesus is a God full of zeal. This is the reason why the celestial husband praises the soul that, similar to the swallow, lives in solitude and hides from the world (Ct 1,9), because it does not want the world to have a part in the love of this soul: it wants to have it whole whole to itself. If he calls his wife a closed garden (Ct4,12), it is because he does not let any earthly affection enter his heart. Ah! Doesn't Jesus deserve all our love? He gave us everything, his blood and his life; more than this could not give us.Does the Holy Spirit who dwells in you love and covet you with zeal? Ah! indeed, as St. Jerome says, Jesus is a God full of zeal. This is the reason why the celestial husband praises the soul that, similar to the swallow, lives in solitude and hides from the world (Ct 1,9), because it does not want the world to have a part in the love of this soul: it wants to have it whole whole to itself. If he calls his wife a closed garden (Ct4,12), it is because he does not let any earthly affection enter his heart. Ah! Doesn't Jesus deserve all our love? He gave us everything, his blood and his life; more than this could not give us.he lives in solitude and hides from the world (Ct 1,9), because he does not want the world to have a share in the love of this soul: he wants to have it all for himself. If he calls his wife a closed garden (Ct4,12), it is because he does not let any earthly affection enter his heart. Ah! Doesn't Jesus deserve all our love? He gave us everything, his blood and his life; more than this could not give us.he lives in solitude and hides from the world (Ct 1,9), because he does not want the world to have a share in the love of this soul: he wants to have it all for himself. If he calls his wife a closed garden (Ct4,12), it is because he does not let any earthly affection enter his heart. Ah! Doesn't Jesus deserve all our love? He gave us everything, his blood and his life; more than this could not give us.

Affections and Prayers.

You want me all for you, my God, I see you well. I have driven you out of my soul so many times, and you do not deign to enter it and join me. Ah! now take possession of my whole being; I give myself entirely to you; accept me, O my Jesus, and do not allow me to live from here on for an instant without your love. You seek me, and I seek only you; you want my soul, and it wants you only; you have love for me, and I also have you; ah! for it is so, hold me so perfectly with you, that I no longer depart from you. O Queen of heaven, I place my trust in you.

8. Love is a Link

The Holy Spirit, uncreated love, is the indissoluble bond that unites the Father and the eternal Word, this same Spirit that unites our souls to God; such is, according to Saint Augustine, that of divine love. Hence this cry of joy from São Lourenço Justinian: O Love, you are a bond so strong that you were able to chain a God and unite him with our souls. The bonds of the world are bonds of death, but those of God are bonds of life and salvation (Eccle 6,31). Because they are bonds of love, and love unites us to God, our one true life. Before the coming of Jesus Christ, men were separated from God; clinging to the earth, they refused to unite with their Creator; but the Lord, full of tenderness, drew them to him by the bonds of love (Os11,4), as he had promised. These bonds are your benefits: lights, appeals to your love, promises of paradise;but it is above all the gift that Jesus Christ gave us in the sacrifice of the cross and in the sacrament of the altar, and finally the gift of the Holy Spirit. Then break the chains on your neck, captive daughter of Zion (Is52,2); O soul created for heaven, loosen the bonds of the earth to unite yourself with God through the bond of holy love. Love, says the Apostle, is a bond that brings together all virtues, and makes the soul perfect (Co13,14). Hence the following word of Saint Augustine: Love God: and do what you want, because whoever loves God is careful to avoid everything that causes disgust to the object of his tenderness, and tries to please him in everything.let go of the bonds of the earth to unite yourself with God through the bond of holy love. Love, says the Apostle, is a bond that brings together all virtues, and makes the soul perfect (Co13,14). Hence the following word of Saint Augustine: Love God: and do what you want, because whoever loves God is careful to avoid everything that causes disgust to the object of his tenderness, and tries to please him in everything.let go of the bonds of the earth to unite yourself with God through the bond of holy love. Love, says the Apostle, is a bond that brings together all virtues, and makes the soul perfect (Co13,14). Hence the following word of Saint Augustine: Love God: and do what you want, because whoever loves God is careful to avoid everything that causes disgust to the object of his tenderness, and tries to please him in everything.

Affections and Prayers.

Sweetest Jesus, you have forced me to love you a lot, it cost you a lot to obtain my love: I would be very ingratissimo, for it would be me, if I loved you little, or divided my heart between you and the creatures, after you shed your blood for me. and you sacrificed your life! I want to let go of everything, and put only my affections in you; but I am too weak to execute this resolution; you, who inspire me, give me the strength to carry it out. Beloved Jesus of mine, I wound my poor heart with the soft arrow of your love, lest it cease to burn with the desire to possess you and consume me with love for you. Always seek you, only wish you, always find you. O my Jesus, I only want you, and nothing more. Make me repeat over and over during my life, and especially at the time of my death: My Jesus, I only want you and nothing more. O Maria,my Mother, grant me to be God from now on the only object of my desires.

9. Mor is a treasure that closes all assets

Love · is the treasure of which the Gospel speaks, which we must acquire at the expense of everything else. The reason is that it is really of infinite value, according to the word of the Sage, because it makes us partakers of the friendship of God (Sb 7,14). He who possesses God possesses all things: "Why, then, O man, exclaims Saint Augustine, why seek anything else? Search the only good, the one that contains them all together". But we cannot find God without renouncing creatures, as Saint Teresa teaches: Detach your heart from all things, and then seek God; then you will find it ".

He who finds God finds the rest of all his desires. Put your delights in the Lord, and he will give you what your heart asks for (SI 36,4). The human heart is always looking for goods capable of making you happy; while he goes to the creatures to obtain them, he is never satisfied no matter how much he receives; but when you turn to God alone, then the Lord fills all your desires. What are the happiest men on earth if not the saints? it's because? because to God they only limit all their desires and diligences. While a prince was hunting, he saw a loner walking through the forest, and asked him what he was doing in that desert. "But you, sir, immediately retorted the anchorite, what are you going to get here? - I, the prince helped, I am looking for game. - And I, became the loner, I seek God". The tyrant who martyred São Clemente,Bishop d'Ancira, offered him gold and precious stones to get him to disown Jesus Christ; but the Saint, giving a deep sigh, exclaimed: "Well, what a God put in parallel with a little mud!"

Happy those who know the price of divine love and strive to reach this treasure! if he succeeds, he will divest himself of everything, in order to have nothing but God: "When the fire starts in the house," said San Francisco de Sales, all utensils are thrown out the window ". Father Ségneri, the moco, great servant of God, used to say: "Divine love is a robber who takes away all earthly affections to the point of exclaiming then: Lord, what do I wish but you alone?"

Affections and Prayers

My God, in the past, not to you, but to myself that I sought, and to satisfy myself, I departed from you, who are the supreme good. But Jeremiah consoles me by assuring me that you are only kindness to those who seek you (Lm 3,22). My beloved Lord, I understand the evil I have done by leaving you, and I repent with all my heart. I see that you are an infinite treasure; not wanting to leave this light useless, I renounce everything, and choose you as the only object. of my affections. O my God, my love, my everything, I long for you. Come, O Holy Spirit, and your divine fire in me consumes all the affection that you are not the object; make me all yours, and win everything to please you. O Mary, my lawyer and Mother, help me with your prayers.

10. Means to Love God and Sanctify Yourself

Holiness in the soul grows in proportion to its love for God. Now, according to Saint Francis of Surja, prayer is what introduces divine love into the heart of man, and mortification is what takes away his earthly affections and makes him capable of receiving this sacred fire. The more place the earth occupies in a heart, the less it remains for holy love. Divine wisdom is not found in those who live in delight (Job 28, 13). This is the reason why the saints have always endeavored to mortify, as much as they could, their senses and self-love. The saints are few in number; that is why we must live like the small number, if we want to save ourselves with the small number, says St. John Climax. And St. Bernard ensures that you cannot achieve perfection without adopting a unique life.

To become saints, we must first of all desire for this, and desire accompanied by firm resolve. There are people who always want, but never get down to work. The devil, says Santa Teresa, is not afraid of irresolute souls; and the saint added: But God loves courageous souls. The devil tries to persuade us that pride is the thought of doing great things for God: pride would be, without a doubt, if we wanted to do these things, trusting in our own strength; but there is no pride in taking the resolution to sanctify ourselves, putting trust in God and saying with the Apostle: I can do everything in the One who comforts me (Fp4,8). It is very important, therefore, to arm ourselves with courage and resolve and get to work. Prayer can do anything; what we can’t just by our strength, we can do with the help of God,who promised to grant us everything we ask.

Affections and Prayers

My Redeeming Suit, you desire my love, and command me to love you with all my heart; yes, my Jesus, it is with all my heart that I want to love you. Trusting in your mercy, O my God, I dare say that my sins do not frighten me, because I hate and hate them most, and I know that you forget the faults of those who repent and love you; as I have offended you more than others, I want to love you more than they do, with the help of your holy grace. Most sweet Lord, you love me; well! I want to sanctify myself to give you a taste. I love you, O infinite goodness, I give myself all to you; you are my only good, my only love; accept me, O my love, make me be yours without reservation, and do not allow me to happen to offend you yet; cause me to consume myself entirely for you, as you have consumed me entirely for me. O Maria,Beloved and most loving wife of the Holy Spirit, attain to me holy love and faithfulness in keeping it.

Prayer to the Holy Spirit for the Holy Church

Creator Holy Spirit, deign to assist the entire Catholic Church; sustain it, strengthen it by your heavenly power against the attacks of its enemies. Also renew, by your love and grace, the spirit of your servants, who have received your holy anointing, so that in you they may glorify the Father and his only Son, Jesus Christ our Lord. So be it.

(Ind. 500 days) 288.

Novena of the Holy Spirit to prepare the Feast of Pentecostesa Meditations on the Holy Spirit.

Starts the day after Ascension

Among all the Novenas, the Holy Spirit has the first place, because it was celebrated by the Apostles and the Blessed Virgin in the Upper Room, and enriched the faithful with the most precious gifts, above all the same gift of the Holy Spirit, which Jesus Christ deserved for his Passion. This was what our Savior taught us when he told his disciples that if he did not die, he would not be able to send us the Holy Spirit (John 16: 7). On the other hand, we know by faith that the Holy Spirit is the love that God the Father and the eternal Word consecrate to each other; this is the reason why the gift of love, which the Lord bestows on our souls, is the greatest of all gifts, and in a special way attributed to the Holy Spirit, according to what the Apostle says: The love of God was spread in our souls by the Holy Spirit, who has been given to us (Rm 5.5). It is thereforethat in this Novena we consider mainly the great price of divine love, in order to conceive a living desire for it, and strive to obtain it through pious exercises and above all fervent prayers, because God has promised it to those who humbly ask: Your heavenly Pat will give the Good Spirit who asks him (Lk 11:13).

NB - During this Novena we will use Meditations on the Holy Spirit, p. 441.



If we want to be blessed by the Blessed Virgin, let us proceed with her with the tenderness of a son towards his Mother.

I. The son likes to greet his Mother. Let us greet Mary, often saying the angelic greeting. The ordinary practice of this devotion consists of: 1.0 praying three Hail Marys every day, morning and night, in honor of the Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin, to be preserved from all sin, especially that of impurity; 2.0 pray the Angelus in the morning, at noon, and in the evening; 3.0 to greet Maria for an Ave Maria every time the clock is ticked; 4.0 in repelling all temptations, which arise, by a Ave Maria; this prayer takes the devil away; 5.0 pray the rosary every day. Oh! how much this exercise pleases Maria, especially when it is practiced in common, in the family!

II. The son is happy to visit his Mother. All the servants of Mary are also in the habit of visiting the images and churches dedicated to her honor frequently and with great piety.

III. The son is happy to pronounce his mother's name. Mary's name is, for her faithful servants, joy for the heart, honey for the mouth, melody for the ear. One day Saint Brígida heard the Lord promise his Blessed Mother that whoever invoked his name, penetrated with confidence and with the purpose of amending himself, would receive three special graces, namely: perfect repentance of sins, means to satisfy divine justice, and strength to reach perfection, and beyond that, the glory of paradise.

IV. The well-formed son is not ashamed of his Mother; he is proud to bring her livery on him. Now the Queen of Heaven's liveries are her scapular saints.

V. Such a son takes pleasure in the habit of remembering the work that his Mother suffered to save his life. Jesus promises four special graces to those who invoke this divine Mother for her pain:

1. 0 will grant them to do, before death, a sincere penance of their sins;

2. 0 will protect them in their tribulations, especially at the time of death;

3. 0 will imprint on them the memory of their Passion, and will give them the reward in heaven;

4. 0 with their own hands the · place in Mary, so that they become available to his pleasure and reach them many thanks want.

SAW. It makes the son worthy of the name more: he chooses certain days to give his Mother more remarkable proof of his love. Maria's son will choose especially the Saturday of each week, the seven annual feasts of the Lady, and the month of May. VII. He loves family gatherings that take place around a dear Mother. Such are the Congregations of the Holy Virgin and Associations of Our Lady of Perpetual Help.

VIII. Finally, it is natural to imitate the son to his Mother. Therefore, if we love Mary, we must try to imitate her, as this is the most glorious tribute we can offer her (cf. Saint-Omer, The Son of Mary).


Maria, the most merciful of queens

Mary is Queen, not of justice to punish the wicked, but of mercy, whose only job is to pity sinners and give them forgiveness.

O Mary, Mother of my God and my Sovereign, who is presented to a great queen with a miserable rash, so I present myself to you, that you are the Queen of heaven and earth; from the top of the glorious throne on which you are seated, do not plead yourselves, I beg you, to bow your eyes to me, poor sinner. If God has made you so rich, it is to help the poor, and if He has made you a Queen of mercy, it is to put you in a state to help the miserable; therefore turn to me with your merciful eyes, and do not leave me without changing me from a sinner to a saint. I deserve nothing, I well recognize it, or rather I deserved, by my ingratitude, to be stripped of all the graces that I received from the Lord through your meditation, but, as Queen of mercy, you are not looking for merits, but miseries, in order to help the needy; there!who is poorer and needed than me? O glorious Virgin, I know that you are the Queen of the world, and therefore my Queen; I want to dedicate myself to your service in an entirely special way, so that you will have me as you are served. Govern me, O my Queen, and do not abandon me; send me, dispose of me willingly, and still punish me, when I do not obey you: oh! how much the punishments that come from your hand will benefit me! I appreciate the happiness of being your servant more than that of being lord of the whole world. O Mary, accept me for yours, and in this regard take care to save me. I don't want to belong anymore; I give myself to you. If in the past I have served you so badly and I have missed a thousand favorable occasions to honor you, I want from this day on to join your most affectionate and faithful servants. No, from this day on,I do not want anyone to honor you and have more love than me, O my most lovely Queen; this I promise and I hope to work with your help. So be it.

Maria the most tender of mothers

Jesus Christ wanted to die alone for the redemption of mankind; but considering Mary's ardent desire to dedicate herself also to the Salvation of men, the Lord allowed her to cooperate in sacrificing and offering the life of her divine Son, and thus to become Mother of our souls.

How is it possible, O Mary, my Blessed Mother, that, having such a holy Mother, may I be so wicked; having a Mother so blazing in the love of God, be so inclined to love creatures; having a Mother so rich in merit, am I so poor in virtue? O most loving Mother, I no longer deserve it, it is true, to be your son, unworthy of such I have done for my sins! I need only be admitted to the number of your servants; to be the last of your subjects, you would be ready to renounce all kingdoms on earth. Yes, with this favor I am satisfied; however, do not refuse me to call you my Mother too; this name comforts me, moves my heart, and reminds me of how much I am obliged to love you; this name inspires great confidence in you; when the memory of my sins and divine justice fills me with terror, I am refreshed by the thought of calling you:My Mother, my most loving Mother! - is the name I am happy to give you, and I will give it to you always. After God, you will be my hope, my refuge and my love, while you are in this valley of tears. I hope to die in these feelings by handing my soul between your blessed hands on the last breath, and saying to you: O my Mother, O Mary, my Mother, assist me, have compassion on me. So be it.

The overwhelming Mary of hearts

The Lord deigned to declare to Santa Catarina de Sena that he had created Mary, his daughter of preference, as a sweet attraction to call and arrest men, and particularly sinners.

O sweet sovereign, you, according to the expression of Saint Bonaventure, take the hearts of those who serve you, filling them with your tenderness and liberality: I beseech you, also make my miserable heart that burns with the desire to love you very much. What! by your beauty, my Mother, you have drawn your God to the point of making him descend from heaven to earth; and would i live without loving you? No, certainly; I will not rest until I have obtained tender and constant love for you, O my Mother, who were so good about me, even when I was ungrateful! There! what would become of me now, O Mary, if you had not loved me and obtained so many mercies? Ah! if you loved me so much when I didn't love you, what should I expect from your kindness now that I love you! Yes, I love you, O my Mother, and I would like to have a heart capable of loving you for all the unfortunates who do not love you;I would like to have a language capable of praising you with a thousand languages, to make known to everyone your greatness, your holiness, your mercy, and the love with which you love those who love you. If you had wealth, all of you wanted to use it to honor you; if he had subjects, they would all want to be filled with love for you; at last I would like to sacrifice for your love and glory, if I were a master, even my life. I love you, therefore, my Mother, but at the same time, alas! I am afraid I will not love you, because I hear that love makes those who love like the loved one. I must then believe that I love you very little, seeing myself so far from being like you: you, so pure, I, so stained; you, so humble, I, so proud; you, so holy, I, so criminal! But, O Mary, here is what you must do: since you have love for me, become like me.To change hearts you have superabundant power; then make mine mine, and change it; know the world what you can for those you love: make me holy, and let me be a worthy son of you. I hope so, so be it.

Mary Mother of Mercy

Mary is a Mother of mercy; now, mercy can only be exercised where there are miseries to be relieved.

Most dignified mother of my God and my Sovereign, Maria. Seeing me so despicable and tainted, I could not see having the pride to come to you and call you my Mother; however, I do not want my miseries to deprive me of the consolation and confidence that I am penetrated, giving you this sweet name. It is true that I deserve to reject me, but I ask you to consider what your divine Son Jesus did and suffered for me; then, reject me, if you can. I am a miserable sinner; more than others, I have outraged the divine Majesty; there! the evil is done; to you, who can remedy it, I implore you now: come to my aid, O my Mother. do not claim that you cannot help me, because I know that you are omnipotent and your God has obtained everything you desire. If you answer me that you do not want to help me,at least indicate me to whom I must turn to be comforted in the excess of my anguish. Sponsoring me with Saint Anselm, I dare say to you and to your divine Son: "Or have mercy on me, my sweetest Redeemer, forgiving me, and you also, my Mother, interceding on my behalf; me in whom I can find more mercy and have more confidence than in you ". Ah! certainly, no one could find, on earth or in heaven, that he has more commiseration than the poor on you, and that he can better help me: because you, Jesus, are my Father, and you, Mary, are my Mother; you love those who are most miserable, and you go in search of them to save them. I am worthy of hell, for I am the most miserable of men; but it is not necessary for you to go looking for me, I do not intend you to do it:I present myself spontaneously to you in the firm hope that you will not abandon me. Here I am at your feet: O my Jesus, forgive me; O Mary, my Mother, help me.

Mary's refuge for sinners

Mary is the only refuge for those who have had the misfortune of offending God. It is all kindness, all sweetness, even to the most desperate sinners. Since they send him to the ears to the request for help, there is a hurry to help them and reconcile them with his divine Son.

Here it is, O Mother of my God and my only hope, here is at your feet a miserable sinner who implores your piety. the whole Church and all the faithful proclaim to you the refuge of sinners; therefore you are my refuge, it is up to you to save me. You know how much your Son wants our salvation; you know how much he suffered to save me; O my Mother, I present to you the sufferings of Jesus; the cold he suffered in the Bethlehem of Bethlehem, the steps he took on the trip to Egypt, his fatigue, his sweats, the blood he shed, the pain that made him breathe out in your eyes on the cross. Show me by helping me that you love this adorable Son, for it is in the name of your love for him that I ask you to come to my aid; extend your hand to a wretch who begs you from the bottom of the abyss to have mercy on him. If I had been a saint, I had not asked for mercy;because I am a sinner, I turn to you, Mother of mercies. I know that your compassionate heart receives consolation from helping the miserable, when their obstinacy does not hinder your favors; so comfort your compassionate heart, and comfort me today that you have the opportunity to save a bastard condemned to hell, today that you can help me, because I don't want to be obstinate. I surrender myself to your hands: tell me what to do, and obtain the strength to execute it; I am determined to do everything I can to enter into the friendship of God. I take refuge under your cloak; Jesus wants me to turn to you, so that, for your glory and Him (for you are his Mother), I owe my salvation, not only to his blood, but also to your prayers; he sends me to you to help me. O Maria, here I am,I put my trust in you; you ask for so many others, ask, also say a word for me; tell God that you want my salvation, and God will surely save me. Tell him that I am yours, I ask you nothing else.

Mary our only hope after God

Ah! if all men resorted to Mary ... Fall and those who do not resort to Mary are lost.

O Mother of holy love, O you, our life, our refuge, and our hope, you know that, not content to make ourselves our perpetual advocate with the Eternal Father, Jesus Christ your Son still wants you to intercede together yourself from him to obtain divine mercies for us: he decreed that your prayers would help us to save, and he gave them such effectiveness that they are always answered. Miserable sinner as I am, then I turn to you, O Hope of the miserable; for the merits of Jesus Christ and your intercession, I hope to save my soul. Such is my confidence, and it goes so far that, if my eternal salvation were in my hands, I would soon put it in yours, because I am more attached to your mercy and protection than in all my works. O my Mother, O my hope, do not forsake me, as I deserved it;consider my deep misery, and let yourselves be touched with compassion; Ah! help me; save me. I confess that, quite often, my sins have hindered the lights and the help that you obtained from God; but your compassion for the miserable and your power with the Lord transcend the number and the malice of my iniquities. Heaven and earth know that it is not possible to lose who your protégé is. Forget all creatures for me, but you never, O Mother of Omnipotent; tell God that I am your servant, tell him that you become my defense, and I will be saved. O Mary, I entrust myself to you; and in life and death, I will always proclaim that you are all my hope after sins have hindered the lights and the help you obtained from God; but your compassion for the miserable and your power with the Lord transcend the number and the malice of my iniquities. Heaven and earth know that it is not possible to lose who your protégé is. Forget all creatures for me, but you never, O Mother of Omnipotent; tell God that I am your servant, tell him that you become my defense, and I will be saved. O Mary, I entrust myself to you; and in life and death, I will always proclaim that you are all my hope after sins have hindered the lights and the help you obtained from God; but your compassion for the miserable and your power with the Lord transcend the number and the malice of my iniquities. Heaven and earth know that it is not possible to lose who your protégé is. Forget all creatures for me, but you never, O Mother of Omnipotent; tell God that I am your servant, tell him that you become my defense, and I will be saved. O Mary, I entrust myself to you; and in life and death, I will always proclaim that you are all my hope after Jesus.all creatures from me, but you never, O Mother of Omnipotence; tell God that I am your servant, tell him that you become my defense, and I will be saved. O Mary, I entrust myself to you; and in life and death, I will always proclaim that you are all my hope after Jesus.all creatures from me, but you never, O Mother of Omnipotence; tell God that I am your servant, tell him that you become my defense, and I will be saved. O Mary, I entrust myself to you; and in life and death, I will always proclaim that you are all my hope after Jesus.

Mary our kind benefactor

All graces, all virtues, all gifts, are dispensed by the hands of Mary.

O my tender Mother, I thank you for all the good you have done to a bastard worthy of hell. How many dangers have you saved me, O mighty Queen; how many lights and mercies have not reached me from God! What great good, or what great honor have you received from me, in order to lavish your benefits on me? Your goodness is that I owe all this. Ah! although I had shed my blood and given my life for you, there was little to satisfy my obligations to you: from eternal death you have delivered me; you have made me recover, as I trust, the grace of God; in a word, I owe everything to you. Kindest Sovereign of mine, all I can do in return, miserable as I am, is to praise and love you forever; Ah! do not reject the homage of a poor sinner, captive of love for your goodness. If my heart is unworthy to love you,because it is full of earthly stains and affections, it is in your hands to change it; through the bowels of your mercy, change it therefore: connect me to my God, and this through bonds so strong that I can never again separate myself from your love. What you demand of me is to love your God: well! I ask you this favor; yes, get me to love you and always love you. This is what my desires are limited to.

Maria distributor of graces

Mary is the Lord's treasure and the treasurer of his graces! it enriches its servants exceedingly with spiritual gifts.

O Queen and Mother of mercy, it is really with the liberality of a Queen and the love of the loveliest of mothers that you give thanks to all who turn to you. Today, then, I commend myself to you, stripped of what I have of merits and virtues, and therefore insolvent towards divine justice. O Mary, you have the key to the treasure of divine mercies: remember my poverty, and do not abandon me in such a great famine. You are so liberal with everyone, and used to giving more than they ask of you: show the same generosity about me. O Mother of mercy, I know, it is for you pleasure and glory to help the most miserable, and you can help them as long as they are not stubborn in evil; a sinner I confess, but, far from obstinating, I want to change my life; then you can help me; ah! help me and save me. Today I place myself entirely in your hands:tell me what I must do to please God, I want to do it, and I hope to do it with your help, O Mary, my Mother, my light, my consolation, my refuge, my hope.

Mary our Almighty Lawyer

O ineffable mercy of our God! not wanting us to fear in excess the sentence that will be plotted in our cause, he assigned us as a lawyer to his own Mother and Lady of Grace!

Sweetest Sovereign, if it is your office to interpose yourself as a mediator between God and sinners, deign to exercise it in my favor. Do not tell me that my cause is very difficult to win; because I know, and the whole world tells me, never a cause, desperate as it seemed, was lost when I had you as a defender: and only my would be at risk? No, I don't fear him. Without a doubt, if I considered only the multitude of my sins, I should be afraid to refuse to defend myself; but when I think of your immense mercy, and the extreme desire that animates your maternal heart, to help the most hopeless sinners, all my fear is gone. Who is it that has already lost itself, after going to you? I call you therefore to my help, O Mary, my powerful lawyer, my refuge, my hope and my Mother,into your hands I commit the cause of my eternal salvation; I entrust my soul to you: if it is lost, it is up to you to save it. I never cease to give thanks to the Lord for the boundless trust that inspires me in you, which, despite my unworthiness, gives me assurance of salvation. a single fear afflicts me, O my most beloved Queen: it is losing my confidence in you one day through my negligence. I beg you, therefore, O Mary, in the name of the love you have for your sweetest Jesus, keep, increase in me this sweet confidence in your intercession more and more; it will surely make me regain the friendship of God, which I so madly despised and lost in the past. Once this friendship is recovered, I hope to preserve it for your help, and preserving it, to reach paradise,where I will have the happiness of giving you thanks and singing the mercies of God and yours throughout eternity.

Mary help those who invoke her

We ask many things of God, and we do not get them; we ask Maria, and soon we are attended to. Is it because she has more power than God? No, but it is that God is pleased to honor his Mother in this way. O Mother of God, Queen of angels and hope of men, listen to a supplicating soul that begs you. Prostrate today at your feet, I dedicate myself forever to you as a servant, and I oblige myself to serve and honor you as much as I can for the rest of my life. You are little honored, I know, for the homage of a person as vile and perverse as I am, unfortunate that I have offended Jesus Christ, your Son and my Redeemer; but if, despite my indignity, you receive me as a servant, and, through your intercession, make me worthy of being, this very act of mercy will earn you the honor that a wretch like me could not give you.Therefore, receive me at your service, O my Mother, do not reject me. In order to seek the lost sheep, the eternal Word came down from heaven; to save them. is that he became your Son; and you would repel a poor son who comes to you to find Jesus! Paid is already the price of my salvation; my Savior has already shed his divine blood for me, blood that would be enough to save thousands of worlds; all that remains is for me to apply his merit, and this depends on you, O Blessed Virgin, because, says St. Bonaventure, you can save whomever you want. Help me then, O my Queen! Sweet Sovereign of mine, save me. I entrust my soul to you; try to save her. O salvation of those who call on you, I will say, ending with the same saint, save that he became your Son; and you would repel a poor son who comes to you to find Jesus! Paid is already the price of my salvation; my Savior has already shed his divine blood for me, blood that would be enough to save thousands of worlds; all that remains is for me to apply his merit, and this depends on you, O Blessed Virgin, because, says St. Bonaventure, you can save whomever you want. Help me then, O my Queen! Sweet Sovereign of mine, save me. I entrust my soul to you; try to save her. O salvation of those who call on you, I will say, ending with the same saint, save that he became your Son; and you would repel a poor son who comes to you to find Jesus! Paid is already the price of my salvation; my Savior has already shed his divine blood for me, blood that would be enough to save thousands of worlds; all that remains is for me to apply his merit, and this depends on you, O Blessed Virgin, because, says St. Bonaventure, you can save whomever you want. Help me then, O my Queen! Sweet Sovereign of mine, save me. I entrust my soul to you; try to save her. O salvation of those who call on you, I will say, ending with the same saint, save me.all that remains is for me to apply his merit, and this depends on you, O Blessed Virgin, because, says St. Bonaventure, you can save whomever you want. Help me then, O my Queen! Sweet Sovereign of mine, save me. I entrust my soul to you; try to save her. O salvation of those who call on you, I will say, ending with the same saint, save me.all that remains is for me to apply his merit, and this depends on you, O Blessed Virgin, because, says St. Bonaventure, you can save whomever you want. Help me then, O my Queen! Sweet Sovereign of mine, save me. I entrust my soul to you; try to save her. O salvation of those who call on you, I will say, ending with the same saint, save me.

The mediatrix of sinners Mary

The Son likes his Mother to ask him, because he wants to grant him everything he asks, in order to show himself recognized for that from whom he received human nature.

Speak, O my Sovereign, I will tell you with Saint Bernard, yes, speak, because your divine Son listens to you, and whatever you ask him will grant you. O Mary, advocate of sinners, then speak on my behalf. Remember that it is for our happiness too, and not just yours, that you have received the great power and dignity that you are clothed with. If a God has deigned to make you your debtor by the human nature that he assumed from you, it is so that you may willingly spend the treasures of divine mercy. We are your servants, dedicated in a special way to your service, and we glory in living under your protection. If you do good to all men, even to those who do not know you or neglect to honor you, as well as to those who insult and blaspheme you,that we shouldn't expect the great kindness that seeks the wretched to help them, we who honor you, love you and put all our trust in you? We are great sinners, but God has given you a mercy and power that surpasses our iniquities. You have the power and the will to save us, and the more we want to wait for our salvation, the more unworthy of it we are, to glorify you more in heaven, when we enter there through your intercession. O Mother of mercy, we present our souls to you, that the blood of Jesus Christ had once washed and fortified, but that sin later stained horribly; it is yours to purify them. Achieve us a sincere conversion, the love of God, perseverance, paradise. We ask you for great graces;but can't you get everything? Would it be too much for the love that God has for you? It is enough for you to open your mouth and ask your Son: he refuses you nothing. Pray then, O Mary, pray for us: you will certainly be attended to, and we will be infallibly saved.

Maria our safe defense

Far be it from us to think that this divine Mother, who gave the world the source of mercy, may refuse her from the sinner who invokes her.

Mother of my Savior, the ingratitude with which I have paid for so many years the mercies of God and yours, sincerely deserves to confess that, by a just punishment, deprive me of your care; because the ungrateful is not worthy of further benefits. But, my sweet Sovereign, I have a great idea of ​​your kindness: I am sure that it is much superior to my ingratitude. Do not cease to help a poor sinner who trusts in you. O refuge of sinners, O Mother of mercy, deign to reach out to a wretch who begs you to rise from his falls. O Maria, either defend me, or tell me who to turn to, to use someone who can defend me better than you. But, where will I find a more compassionate and powerful lawyer with God than you, who are his Mother? Raised to the dignity of Mother of the Savior,you were given the mission to save sinners and you were given to me for my salvation. O Mary, save him who begs you. I do not deserve your love; but your desire to save the guilty makes me hope that you have love for me: why, if so, is it possible that you will lose me? My beloved Mother, if I am saved by your help, as I hope, I will no longer be ungrateful; I will compensate, for eternal praise and for the most tender tenderness, my past ingratitude and your love for me. In heaven, where you will reign forever, I will sing your mercies forever and I will not cease to kiss this sweet hand, which has saved me from hell as many times as I have deserved for my sins. O Mary, O my deliverer, my hope, my Queen, my lawyer, my Mother, I love you and I want to always love. This is my dearest hope. So be it.

The reconciling Mary of sinners

Generous depository of divine graces, this Mother of mercy profusely pours the treasures of her liberalities over her servants.

Holy Virgin, the highest of all creatures, from this land of exile, I greet you, though a miserable rebel to my God, worthy of punishment rather than grace, of severity rather than mercy. If I speak like this, O my Queen, it is not because I mistrust your kindness. I know that you are glorified in being the more beneficial you are the greater you are; I know that if you rejoice in your wealth, it is because you can communicate it to wretched people like us. I know that the more guilty are those who plead with you, the more at heart you become to protect and save them. O my Mother, offer to God, I ask you, the precious tears that you once shed for me in the death of your Son, and for the merit of them obtains me a real pain of my sins. How much sinners afflicted you then, so much my iniquities afflict you! still at this moment: O Maria,make dora onwards watch over me so as not to afflict you again for my ingratitude. What good would the tears you shed for me, if I persisted in sinning? of what use would your mercy be if, reiterating my infidelities, you condemned me? oh! no, O my Queen, do not allow it. O you, who obtain from God everything you ask for, and answer all who ask you, here are two graces that I ask of you, I hope, and I even dare to demand of you: to be faithful to God, not to offend him anymore, and to love him. the rest of my life as much as I offended him.O my Queen, do not allow it. O you, who obtain from God everything you ask for, and answer all who ask you, here are two graces that I ask of you, I hope, and I even dare to demand of you: to be faithful to God, not to offend him anymore, and to love him. the rest of my life as much as I offended him.O my Queen, do not allow it. O you, who obtain from God everything you ask for, and answer all who ask you, here are two graces that I ask of you, I hope, and I even dare to demand of you: to be faithful to God, not to offend him anymore, and to love him. the rest of my life as much as I offended him.

Mary the loveliest of creatures

Although this Sovereign full of love loves all men as her children, yet she knows how to recognize those who love her most, and has the greatest tenderness towards them. O Mary, Queen of heaven and earth, Mother of the Sovereign of the universe, the greatest, highest and most lovable of creatures, it is true that, on earth, many are not fortunate enough to know and love you; but in heaven millions of angels and blessed ones love and praise you without ceasing! and still here on earth, how many happy souls live ablaze with love for you, and ecstatic with your kindness! Ah! could I love you like this, O my most lovable Sovereign, could I continually think of serving you, praising, honoring, and making you love the whole world! By the attractions of your beauty you have snatched a God, and uprooted him, so to speak, from the bosom of his eternal Father to descend on earth,and become your man and son; and I, a despicable worm, would I not love you? It will not be like this, my sweetest Mother: I want to love you, yes, I want to love you ardently, and do everything I can to make you love others too. Accept, therefore, O Mary, my desire to love you, and help me to carry it out. I know that your God looks with complacency on those who love you; after his own glory, he desires nothing as much as yours, because he wants you to be honored and loved by all. From you it is, O my Queen, that I expect all goods: it is yours to obtain the forgiveness of my sins and perseverance; you, take me out of purgatory; finally, to introduce me to paradise. Here is how far the hope of those who love you extends, and this hope is not in vain; this is also mine, for I love you with all my heart and above all things, right after God.

Maria Queen of Paradise

The servants of Mary will bring, in the sky, different ornaments for their brightness and richness, for which they will be recognized by family members of this august Queen and characters of her court.

O Queen of paradise, Mother of holy love, for of all creatures you are the most lovable, the most dear to God, and your chief lover, accept the love of the most ungrateful and miserable sinner on earth, who, seeing himself for your intercession, preserved from hell and filled with undeserved benefits, was captivated by your love. I wish it were possible for me to make all men who do not know you understand, how worthy you are to be loved, to win them over to your love and honor; I would even like to give my life defending your virginity, your dignity as Mother of God, your immaculate Conception, if, in order to defend these glorious prerogatives, my death was necessary. O dearest Mother, accept this expression of my feelings, and do not suffer from becoming an enemy of your most beloved Lord, one of your dedicated servants. Once, alas!when he offended my divine Lord, he was your enemy! ... But then, O Mary, I did not love you, and gave me little to be loved by you; at this time, on the contrary, what I most desire, after the grace of God, is to love you and to be loved by you. My past faults do not prevent me from expecting this favor, because I know that, being Sovereign incomparable in kindness and generosity, you do not neglect to love the most miserable sinners who love you, and never let yourself be overcome in love by anyone. O of the loveliest of queens, I want to go to paradise in order to love you; there, prostrate at your feet, I will see how much better you are, and all that you have done for my salvation; then I will also love you with the most ardent love, eternal love, without fear of ever ceasing to love you.I did not love you, and I gave little to be loved by you; at this time, on the contrary, what I most desire, after the grace of God, is to love you and to be loved by you. My past faults do not prevent me from expecting this favor, because I know that, being Sovereign incomparable in kindness and generosity, you do not neglect to love the most miserable sinners who love you, and never let yourself be overcome in love by anyone. O of the loveliest of queens, I want to go to paradise in order to love you; there, prostrate at your feet, I will see how much better you are, and all that you have done for my salvation; then I will also love you with the most ardent love, eternal love, without fear of ever ceasing to love you.I did not love you, and I gave little to be loved by you; at this time, on the contrary, what I most desire, after the grace of God, is to love you and to be loved by you. My past faults do not prevent me from expecting this favor, because I know that, being Sovereign incomparable in kindness and generosity, you do not neglect to love the most miserable sinners who love you, and never let yourself be overcome in love by anyone. O of the loveliest of queens, I want to go to paradise in order to love you; there, prostrate at your feet, I will see how much better you are, and all that you have done for my salvation; then I will also love you with the most ardent love, eternal love, without fear of ever ceasing to love you.My past faults do not prevent me from expecting this favor, because I know that, being Sovereign incomparable in kindness and generosity, you do not neglect to love the most miserable sinners who love you, and never let yourself be overcome in love by anyone. O of the loveliest of queens, I want to go to paradise in order to love you; there, prostrate at your feet, I will see how much better you are, and all that you have done for my salvation; then I will also love you with the most ardent love, eternal love, without fear of ever ceasing to love you.My past faults do not prevent me from expecting this favor, because I know that, being Sovereign incomparable in kindness and generosity, you do not neglect to love the most miserable sinners who love you, and never let yourself be overcome in love by anyone. O of the loveliest of queens, I want to go to paradise in order to love you; there, prostrate at your feet, I will see how much better you are, and all that you have done for my salvation; then I will also love you with the most ardent love, eternal love, without fear of ever ceasing to love you.I want to go to paradise to love you; there, prostrate at your feet, I will see how much better you are, and all that you have done for my salvation; then I will also love you with the most ardent love, eternal love, without fear of ever ceasing to love you.I want to go to paradise to love you; there, prostrate at your feet, I will see how much better you are, and all that you have done for my salvation; then I will also love you with the most ardent love, eternal love, without fear of ever ceasing to love you.

Prayer to Mary for the virtues

Others ask you, O Mother, for mercy, whatever you want, health, goods and temporal benefits; as for me, O Mary, I have come to ask you for things more in keeping with your desires and more pleasing to your most holy Heart. You were so humble on this earth, then reach for me the humility and the love of contempt. You were so patient in your feathers; get me patience in the setbacks. You were such a lover of God; attain to me the gift of holy and pure love. You were all charity towards others; give me charity towards all, especially towards my enemies. You were always united to the will of God; achieve complete conformity with the provisions of providence. In a word, you who are the holiest of creatures, O Mary, make me holy. It is not the love that you lack: you can and already want to negotiate all my goods;only one thing can prevent me from receiving your graces: it is either my neglect to invoke you, or my little trust in your intercession; but it is up to you to obtain me fidelity in imploring you and confidence in your prayers. There are two graces that I ask of you above all, and I firmly hope to obtain them from you, O Mary, my Mother, my hope, my love, my life, my refuge, my help, and my consolation! So be it.

Prayer to the sweetest Heart of Mary

O Heart of Mary, Mother of God and Our Mother; Very kind heart, object of complacency of the adorable Trinity, and worthy of all the veneration and tenderness of Angels and men; Heart most similar to that of Jesus, of whom you are the most perfect image; Heart full of goodness, and so compassionate towards our miseries; deign to melt the ice of our hearts, and make yourselves turn and give yourselves entirely to the divine Savior.

Infuse them with the love of your virtues, ignite them in that blessed fire in which you perpetually burn. Collect the holy Church in you, keep it and always be your safe asylum and its impregnable tower against all incursions by your enemies. Be our way to reach Jesus Christ, and the channel through which we receive all the graces necessary for our salvation. Be our help in need, our relief in afflictions, our strength during the Year in temptations, our refuge in persecution, our help in all dangers, but especially in the last battles of life, at the time of our death, when all hell is unleashed against us to snatch our souls, in that terrible moment on which our eternity depends. Ah! yes then, O most pure Virgin,make us taste the sweetness of your power with Jesus, your Son, opening us in that same source of mercy a safe haven, from where we can come to bless you with paradise in all ages. So be it.

500 days of indulg. IP (393).

Your protection

We seek your protection, O Holy Mother of God; do not despise our pleas, do not abandon us in our needs, but always deliver us from all dangers, O glorious and blessed Virgin. Amen.

Indulg. 5 years. IP (333).


Remember, O Most Holy Virgin Mary, that it has never been heard that any of those who have resorted to your protection, implored your help, and claimed your help, were forsaken by you. So excited, with equal confidence, to you, Virgin of Virgins, as I turn to the Mother, I welcome you, and, groaning under the weight of my sins, I bow at your feet; do not despise my supplications, O Mother of the Son of God, but rather listen to them and listen to them. Amen.

3 years.IP (339).

Another prayer to the Heart of Mary

O Heart of Mary, Heart the most like that of Jesus, Heart full of goodness and compassion for our miseries, be our way to reach Jesus Christ, and the channel through which we receive all the graces necessary for our salvation. Be our help in need, our relief in afflictions, our strength in temptations, our refuge in persecution, our help in all dangers, but especially at the time of death, when all hell is unleashed against us, to snatch our souls. Ah! Compassionate Virgin, then make us taste the sweetness of your Heart and the strength of your power over that of Jesus, opening us, in that same source of mercy, a safe haven, so that we can join with you to bless Him in paradise for centuries. So be it.

Praises to the Sacred Hearts of Jesus and Mary

Known, praised, blessed, loved, served and glorified, always and everywhere, be the most divine Heart of Jesus and the most pure Heart of Mary. So be it.

O Remember

Remember, O Most Merciful Virgin Mary, who has never been heard to be forsaken by you, any of those who have resorted to your protection, begged for your help, and expressed your validity. I am therefore excited with equal confidence, O Virgin of Virgins, O my Mother, I turn to you; I accept you; and groaning under the weight of my sins, I bow at your feet. Do not try to despise my supplications, O Mother of the Incarnate Word, but listen to them favorably and deign to answer them. Amen.

Ind. 3 years; IP (339).

Prayer to Our Lady of the Rosary

O Queen of the Most Holy Rosary, in these days when wickedness proudly raises its head, you appear to us adorned with the trophies of your ancient glories; from the height of heaven, from where seated on your throne pour out more forgiveness and thanks, in these times of painful trials, deign yourselves to turn eyes of goodness to the Church of your divine Son, his representative on earth, his clergy and the faithful.

O most powerful exterminator of heresies, hasten the hour of mercy, even though our innumerable faults cause God to hasten the hour of justice every day.

As for me, the most miserable of all men, I bow at your feet; obtain me, I ask you, the graces that I need most to live holy on earth and reign one day with the chosen ones in paradise. Until this day arrives, I greet you with all the faithful from all over the world, saying: O Queen of the Most Holy Rosary, pray for us.

Ind. 500 days (399).

Prayer to Our Lady of Mount Carmel

Blessed and Immaculate Virgin Mary, beauty and glory of Carmel, you, who treat with utterly special kindness those who dress in your most beloved habit, also turned a favorable look upon me, and covered myself with the cloak of your maternal protection. By your power strengthen my weakness by your wisdom, clarify the darkness of my spirit, in me increase faith, hope and charity. Ornate my soul with graces and virtues that make it dear to your divine Son and to you. Assist me throughout my life, comfort me in death by your kind presence, and present me to the august Trinity as your son and dedicated servant, to praise and bless you forever in paradise. So be it.

Prayer to Our Lady of Good Counsel

Most glorious Virgin, chosen by the eternal Council to be Mother of the Incarnate Word, treasurer of divine graces and advocate of sinners, I, the most unworthy of your servants, appeal to you, that you may deign to be my guide and counsel in this valley of tears. Through the most precious blood of your divine Son, the forgiveness of my sins, the salvation of my soul and the means necessary to work it, reach for me the triumph over your enemies and the spread of the kingdom of Jesus for the holy Church. Christ throughout the land. So be it.

Ind. 500 days (429).

Reminders to NS do S. Coração

Remember, O Lady of the Sacred Heart, of the ineffable power that your divine Son has given over your lovely Heart. Filled with confidence in your merits, we have come to implore your protection. O heavenly Treasurer of the Heart of Jesus, of that Heart which is an inexhaustible source of all graces and which you can open at will to pour upon all men the treasures of love and mercy, light and salvation enclosed in it, grant us, we will we conjure it, the favors we ask for ... (indicate them). No, it is not possible to refuse them; and for you are our Mother, O Lady of the Sacred Heart, please accept our prayers and deign to grant them. So be it.

500 days; IP (439).

Offering to NS Aparecida

O Most Holy Mary, who in your miraculous image of Aparecida spreads countless benefits over this whole country, I N ..., although unworthy of belonging to the number of your servants, but full of desire to participate in the benefits of your mercy, prostrate to yours. feet, I dedicate my understanding to you so that I always think of the love you deserve; I consecrate my tongue to you so that I may always praise and spread your devotion; I dedicate my heart to you so that, after God, I may love you above all things.

Receive me, O incomparable Queen, in the blessed number of your servants, take me under your protection, help me in all my spiritual and temporal needs, and especially at the time of my death.

Receive me, O heavenly Mother, and with your powerful intercession strengthen my weakness, so that, serving you faithfully in this life, I may praise you, love you and give you thanks in Heaven for all eternity. So be it.

Act of consecration to NS Aparecida solemnly crowned

O Mary, Mother and Our Queen, allow this day to solemnly consecrate my heart, my soul and all my life.

I am all yours, Blessed Mother, I belong to you as the son belongs to his mother; accept, therefore, the homage of my veneration and my confidence; accept the sincere promise that I make of you to always and in all circumstances defend your honor, your immaculate Conception, your glory, and to always uphold, as your faithful servant and loving son of yours, the glorious privileges with which God distinguished you among all creatures.

Bless, Virgin without spot, the Head of the Catholic Church, the Pope; bless our Bishops and all the faithful entrusted to their pastoral care, so that not one will stray from the right path and be lost. Achieve conversion for sinners, perseverance for the righteous, for the afflicted, poor, sick, finally, for all the unfortunate, patience. Be for the children and young men of the morning star, who will direct their first steps to God; for starfish men, to serve as the north in crossing the ocean of spiritual dangers; for the old, star of hope, to comfort and attract them to the greatest perfection; for the dying, star of the night, to illuminate their entry into the port of salvation; finally, for all, the gate of Heaven, so that in eternity we may all be gathered around the throne of your glory,to bless you and love you for endless centuries. Amen.

Prayer to NS Aparecida to ask for his protection

O incomparable Lady of the Conception Aparecida, Mother of my God, Queen of Angels, Advocate of sinners, Refuge and Consolation of the afflicted and afflicted, O Most Holy Virgin, full of power and kindness, cast a favorable look upon us so that we may be helped in all the needs we find ourselves in.

Remember, most gracious Mother Aparecida, that there is no evidence that of all those who have appealed to you, invoked your most holy Name and implored your unique protection, some were abandoned by you.

Excited by this confidence, I turn to you; taking you from today forever for my Mother, my Protector, my consolation and guide, my hope and my light at the time of death. So, Madam ... deliver me from anything that might offend you and your Most Holy Son, my Redeemer and my Lord Jesus Christ. Blessed Virgin, preserve this unworthy servant of yours, this house and its inhabitants, from the plague, famine, war, thunder, lightning, storms and other dangers and evils that may plague us. Sovereign Lady, deign to address us in all spiritual and temporal affairs. Deliver us from the temptation of the devil, so that, walking the path of virtue, for the merits of your purest Virginity and the most precious Blood of your Son, we can see, love and enjoy you in eternal glory for all the centuries. Amen.

Invocation to Nossa Senhora Aparecida Senhora Aparecida Brazil is yours!

Mrs. Aparecida, Brazil is yours!

Queen of Brazil, bless our people!

Have compassion on your people!

Help the poor!

Comfort the afflicted!

Enlighten those who have no faith!

I converted sinners!

Heal our sick!

Protect the little children!

Remember our relatives and benefactors!

Guide the youth!

Guard the family!

Visit the prisoners!

Guide the navigators!

Help the worker!

Sanctify our Clergy!

I assisted the Bishops!

Keep the Holy Father!

Defend the Holy Church!

Enlighten our Government!

Bless the President of the Republic!

I heard those present!

Do not forget those who are absent!

Peace to our people!

Tranquility for our land!

Prosperity for Brazil!

Salvation for our homeland!

Mrs. Aparecida, Brazil loves you!

Mrs. Aparecida, Brazil expects everything from you!

Mrs. Aparecida, Brazil acclaims you!

Save the queen!

Prayer to Our Lady of Lourdes

O Immaculate Virgin, Mother of mercy, health of the sick, refuge of sinners, consoler of the afflicted, you know my needs, pains and sufferings; deign to cast favorable eyes upon me. Full of confidence, I implore your maternal favors; I have heard, O tender Mary, my humble request. So be it.

Religious prayer to Mary, to obtain holy perseverance

If Mary loves men in general so much, how much more will she love religious, who consecrate their freedom, their life, everything at last to the love of Jesus Christ!

O Most Holy and Immaculate Virgin Mary, my good Mother, I give you continuous thanksgiving, because you have preserved me from hell, you have escaped the snares of this deceptive world, and you have called me, despite my unworthiness, to this holy institute, where it is invoked your sweet name with filial affection and devotion, and where it proposes, by constant cooperation with grace, to imitate the most holy life of Jesus Christ as well as yours. O Mother of beautiful love, receive me forever at your service, and suffer that I may serve you in the number of your privileged children. After God, you are my only refuge, my only hope, my only love. I want to appeal to you in all my needs, in all my trials. It is yours to console me in my pains, to protect me from my dangers. You alone, O Mary, will be my lady,my guide and my lawyer. I alone want God and you, O of virgins, the holiest, to strengthen me in the battles against the flesh and the devil, to sustain me in my sorrows and boredom. It is up to you to address me on the paths of salvation and perfection; instruct me and always enlighten me; I obtain from you the gift of perseverance and the grace of a good death. My glory in this life is to serve my Jesus and you; O of virgins the most beautiful. I dedicate myself without reservation to your service. Since you are the Mother of perseverance, make my life faithful to you. I await all graces from you, especially that of one day your kingdom entering heaven. There prostrate at the foot of your throne, I will not cease to sing your mercies and to bless you for all eternity. O Jesus and Mary, sweet objects of my tenderness, I suffer for you,die for you, be all yours and not of me at all. So be it.

Ave Maris Stella

Hail, clear sea star!

Hail, O Mother of Almighty,

Always Virgin and beautiful,

Heavenly door sparkling.

O you who heard from the mouth

From Gabriel greeting,

In Ave the name Eva changes!

Give us peace and quiet!

The fetters shackles off,

These blind enlighten!

Defend us from all evil!

Rain goods the divine Hand!

It shows Mother beings, making the pleas of their people hear those who were born for us, wanted to be your Son.

Unique, sublime virgin among all in clemency!

Our sins suppresses!

Give us purity and patience!

Make the pure live,

Put us on the safe path,

So that Jesus can see

In heavenly bliss.

To God the Father we always adore,

Jesus Christ too

And to the Holy Spirit:

Praise the three. Amen.

(Ind. 3 years; IP) - 321.


Mary's servants are fervent in celebrating their feasts; and in return, the Holy Virgin is also full of tenderness towards them, pouring out thanks without number.

To make the Novena with fruit, you can:

1. Do the mental prayer.

2. Visit Mary before any of her images, praying nine Ave-Marias and the prayer proper to the feast, as indicated elsewhere.

3. Do many acts of love for Jesus and Mary.

4. Read, every day, for a quarter of an hour writings that deal with Mary's glories.

5. Practice some mortification.

6. Communion on the day of the party.

7. On that day, consecrate yourself to Mary.

Novena of the Immaculate Conception

Starts November 29th.

Virtue to be asked for: The purity of intention.

Pray nine Hail Marys each day, and the following prayer:

I rejoice, O Immaculate Queen, to see you enriched with such great purity. I thank you and I intend to always thank our common creator for having preserved you from every stain of sin. I would like everyone to recognize you for this beautiful Aurora, always adorned with divine light; for this Ark of salvation, preserved from the universal sinking of sin; for this perfect and spotless Dove, as your divine husband called you; through this enclosed garden, delights of God! through this sealed Fountain, where the enemy could never penetrate to muddy the waters; and finally, for this bright lily of whiteness that should be born among the thorns of the children of Adam: all come into the world tainted with original sin and enemies of God; you, on the contrary, were born entirely pure and pleasant in the eyes of the creator. Let me celebrate your praises,crying out with your own Lord: You are all beautiful, there is no spot in you, O spotless Dove, O creature so dear to God! How beautiful you are, O my beloved; how beautiful you are, O Immaculate Virgin, sweetest and most lovable Mary! Ah! do not despise yourself to take a look at the wounds of my soul: yes, I have eyes of compassion on me, and heal me. O sweet lover of hearts, I draw my miserable heart to you. From the first moment of your existence, you appeared pure and beautiful before God: Have compassion on me, therefore, that I was not only born in sin, but that, after my baptism, I again stained my soul. This God who chose you for his Daughter, his Mother and wife, and for this reason, has preserved you from every stain and has preferred you in his love to all creatures, who could refuse you? O Immaculate Virgin,it is yours to save me; make me always remember you, and do not forget me. It seems that a thousand years separate me from the happy day when I will go to paradise to contemplate your beauty, sing your praises and love you with a more ardent love, O my Mother, my Queen, my most beloved, most beautiful, sweetest, most pure and all immaculate Mary!

two . Purification Novena

It starts on January 24th.

Virtue: Obedience.

Pray nine Hail Marys each day, and the following prayer:

O holy Mother of God, O Mary my Mother, so seriously do you then make the business of my salvation that you go to the extreme of delivering to death the most dear object to your heart, your most beloved Jesus! For you desire my happiness so much, it is just that after God I place all my hopes in you. Yes, Blessed Virgin, I entrust myself entirely to you: ah! for the merit of the great sacrifice you have made by offering the life of your Son to God, pray him to have mercy on my soul for which this spotless Lamb has not refused to die on the Cross. On this day, my Queen, I would like to imitate you by offering my poor heart to God; but I fear that he will refuse me, seeing it so corrupted and tainted; but if you offer it to yourself, you will certainly not reject it; all the offers made to him by your very pure hands, he welcomes them.I come to you today, O Mary, and most miserable as I am, I give myself without reservation; offer me with Jesus to the eternal Father as something that belongs to you, and I asked him, in consideration of the merits of my Savior and yours, to take possession of me. Ah! my sweetest Mother, for the love of this Son sacrificed for me, do not cease to help me, and do not allow my sins to make me lose this most lovely Redeemer, who you have so painfully offered this day to the death of the cross. Tell him that I am your servant; tell him that I have put all my hope in you; tell him, in a word, that you want my salvation; and he will not fail to hear you. So be consideration of the merits of my Savior and yours, take possession of me. Ah! my sweetest Mother, for the love of this Son sacrificed for me, do not cease to help me, and do not allow my sins to make me lose this most lovely Redeemer, who you have so painfully offered this day to the death of the cross. Tell him that I am your servant; tell him that I have put all my hope in you; tell him, in a word, that you want my salvation; and he will not fail to hear you. So be consideration of the merits of my Savior and yours, take possession of me. Ah! my sweetest Mother, for the love of this Son sacrificed for me, do not cease to help me, and do not allow my sins to make me lose this most lovely Redeemer, who you have so painfully offered this day to the death of the cross. Tell him that I am your servant; tell him that I have put all my hope in you; tell him, in a word, that you want my salvation; and he will not fail to hear you. So be it.tell him, in a word, that you want my salvation; and he will not fail to hear you. So be it.tell him, in a word, that you want my salvation; and he will not fail to hear you. So be it.

3. Novena of the Annunciation

Starts March 16.

Virtue: Humility.

Pray nine Hail Marys each day, and the following prayer:

Immaculate and Most Holy Virgin, of the creatures the most humble and greatest before God, you were very small in your own eyes, but in the eyes of your Lord, you were so great that he raised you up to the point of choosing you for his Mother and then Queen of heaven and earth. I give thanks to God for having honored you so much, and I am delighted to see you so perfectly united with him, that I could not be more than a simple creature. Seeing that you add such humility to so many perfections, I am ashamed to appear before you, proud as I am, despite so many sins. Nevertheless, I dare to greet you: Ave Maria, full spelling: O you who have the fullness of grace, obtain a part of me. Dominus tecum: The Lord has always been with you from the first moment of your existence,but he joined you much more closely in becoming your Son. Benedicta tu in mulieribus: O Woman blessed among all women, obtain also divine blessings. Et benedictus Fructus ventris I was: O happy Plant, how noble and holy is the fruit you have given to the world! Saneia Maria, Mater Dei: O Mary, I recognize that you are truly Mother of God; and in defense of this truth, I am ready to give a thousand times my life during the Year. Ora pro nobis peccatoribus: But if you are the Mother of God, you are also the Mother of our salvation, the Mother of the poor sinners, because to save sinners is that God became man, and if he made you his Mother, it is so that your prayers have the virtue of saving them all. Pray then for us, O Maria. Nunc et in h ora mortis n ostrae: Always pray; pray now that we are exposed to a thousand temptations and dangers of losing God;but pray above all at the hour of our death, that, saved by the merits of Jesus Christ and your intercession, we may come to greet you, and praise your divine Son and you, in heaven, for all eternity. So be it.

4. Novena of Visitation

Starts June 23.

Virtue: Charity towards others.

Pray nine Hail Marys each day, and the following prayer:

Immaculate and blessed Virgin, since you are the universal dispenser of all the graces of God, then you are the hope of all men and mine in particular. I continually thank the Lord for making me know the way I must take to obtain his favors and save me: this means you are yourself, august Mother of my God, because I know that the merits of Jesus Christ are needed first , and then your intercession to save me. Ah! my Queen, you who were so quick to go and sanctify your visit to Elizabeth's house, deign to hurry to visit the poor house of my soul; better than I know how miserable she is, full of disorderly affections, bad habits and sins committed, as many other pestilential diseases that would lead her to eternal death.From all these evils you can heal it and make it rich, O Treasurer of God! I visited then during my life, but above all I visited at the time of my death, because then your assistance will be more necessary to me. I do not intend that you come to visit me here on earth for your visible presence, as you have granted to so many of your servants; they were not ungrateful and unworthy like me; I am content with the happiness of going one day to contemplate your face in your heavenly kingdom, where I will know how to love you better, and thank you for all the good things you have done to me. In this life, I think I am quite happy that you visit me for your mercy, if only you intercede for me. O my Sovereign, let us both make this contract: on my part, I place my trust in you; of yours, I watched over my salvation.I visited then during my life, but above all I visited at the time of my death, because then your assistance will be more necessary to me. I do not intend that you come to visit me here on earth for your visible presence, as you have granted to so many of your servants; they were not ungrateful and unworthy like me; I am content with the happiness of going one day to contemplate your face in your heavenly kingdom, where I will know how to love you better, and thank you for all the good things you have done to me. In this life, I think I am quite happy that you visit me for your mercy, if only you intercede for me. O my Sovereign, let us both make this contract: on my part, I place my trust in you; of yours, I watched over my salvation.I visited then during my life, but above all I visited at the time of my death, because then your assistance will be more necessary to me. I do not intend that you come to visit me here on earth for your visible presence, as you have granted to so many of your servants; they were not ungrateful and unworthy like me; I am content with the happiness of going one day to contemplate your face in your heavenly kingdom, where I will know how to love you better, and thank you for all the good things you have done to me. In this life, I think I am quite happy that you visit me for your mercy, if only you intercede for me. O my Sovereign, let us both make this contract: on my part, I place my trust in you; of yours, I watched over my salvation.I do not intend that you come to visit me here on earth for your visible presence, as you have granted to so many of your servants; they were not ungrateful and unworthy like me; I am content with the happiness of going one day to contemplate your face in your heavenly kingdom, where I will know how to love you better, and thank you for all the good things you have done to me. In this life, I think I am quite happy that you visit me for your mercy, if only you intercede for me. O my Sovereign, let us both make this contract: on my part, I place my trust in you; of yours, I watched over my salvation.I do not intend that you come to visit me here on earth for your visible presence, as you have granted to so many of your servants; they were not ungrateful and unworthy like me; I am content with the happiness of going one day to contemplate your face in your heavenly kingdom, where I will know how to love you better, and thank you for all the good things you have done to me. In this life, I think I am quite happy that you visit me for your mercy, if only you intercede for me. O my Sovereign, let us both make this contract: on my part, I place my trust in you; of yours, I watched over my salvation.and thank you for all the good you have done to me. In this life, I think I am quite happy that you visit me for your mercy, if only you intercede for me. O my Sovereign, let us both make this contract: on my part, I place my trust in you; of yours, I watched over my salvation.and thank you for all the good you have done to me. In this life, I think I am quite happy that you visit me for your mercy, if only you intercede for me. O my Sovereign, let us both make this contract: on my part, I place my trust in you; of yours, I watched over my salvation.

5. Novena of the Assumption

It starts on August 6th.

Virtue: The general detachment, in order to prepare for death.

Pray nine Hail Marys each day, and the following prayer:

Sweetest Sovereign, dear Mother, then you have left the land! ... you are already in your kingdom, where you dominate as Queen over all the choirs of angels. We know well that miserable sinners, as we are, were not worthy to possess you in this valley of darkness; but we also know that your greatness does not make you forget our misery, and in the midst of so much glory, your compassion, far from diminishing, increases for us, poor children of Adam. From the height of that sublime throne on which you reign, O your merciful eyes, Mary, return to us, and have compassion on us; remember that, leaving this world, you promised to remember us. Ah! look at us and come to our rescue, see how many storms and dangers we will be constantly exposed until the end of our lives. For the merits of your blessed death,obtain us the holy perseverance in the friendship of God, that we may one day go to kiss your feet in paradise, and unite our voices with that of the heavenly spirits to praise you and sing your glories as you deserve. So be it.

6. Novena of the Nativity

It starts on August 30th.

Virtue: The beginning of a more fervent life.

Pray nine Hail Marys each day, and the following prayer:

Holy and heavenly Girl, who already overcome in grace all the saints and angels gathered together, O you who are the Mother destined for my Redeemer and the great mediatrix of the miserable sinners, have compassion on me. It is true that, because of my ingratitude against God and against you, I deserved to be abandoned by one and another; but I hear it said, and I believe it because I know how great your mercy is, that you never refuse to help those who recommend you with confidence. O most sublime creature in the universe, O saint of saints, O abyss, O fullness of grace, help a wretch who has lost grace through your fault. I know that you are very dear to God, who does not deny you anything; I also know that you are pleased to use your power in favor of the poor sinners; ah! deign to show the greatness of your credit to God,obtaining me a light and a flame so powerful that they change me from sinner to saint, and, detaching myself from all earthly affection, they burn me with love for God. Do it, for you can, O my Sovereign, do it, for the love of this God who made you so great, powerful and merciful. So be it.

Presentation Novena

Starts November 12th.

Virtue: The sacrifice of an object for which you have particular affection and attachment

Pray nine Hail Marys each day, and the following prayer:

O Mary, most beloved daughter of God, O most lovable girl, you present yourself to the Temple to consecrate yourself without delay and without reserve to the glory and love of your Lord; oh! May I not be able to offer you the first fruits of my life on this day and dedicate myself entirely to your service, O my holy and sweet Sovereign. There! it is no longer time for this; how many years I have unfortunately lost, serving the world and my whims, without thinking of you or my God! I curse those sad years, but, since it is better to start late than never, here I am, O Maria; I present myself to you today, and I offer myself entirely at your service, for the rest of my life; like you, I renounce all creatures, and dedicate myself without reservation to the love of my Creator. Therefore, I consecrate you, my Queen, my spirit to always think of the love you deserve,my tongue to praise you, my heart, to love you. Receive, Holy Virgin, the offering that makes you a miserable sinner; welcome her, I beseech you for the consolation that your heart has experienced, the moment you give yourself to God in the Temple. If I start to serve you late, it is just that I make up for lost time by redoubling zeal and love. O Mother of mercy, in the aid of my weakness, may your mighty intercession come, obtaining from me your perseverance and the strength to be faithful to you until death, so that, serving you continually in this life, I deserve to go and praise you forever in sky. So be is just that you make up for lost time by redoubling zeal and love. O Mother of mercy, in the aid of my weakness, may your mighty intercession come, obtaining from me your perseverance and the strength to be faithful to you until death, so that, serving you continually in this life, I deserve to go and praise you forever in sky. So be is just that you make up for lost time by redoubling zeal and love. O Mother of mercy, in the aid of my weakness, may your mighty intercession come, obtaining from me your perseverance and the strength to be faithful to you until death, so that, serving you continually in this life, I deserve to go and praise you forever in sky. So be it.


The month of Mary can be celebrated by the same exercises indicated above, p. 482, for the Novenas. In addition, it will be good to raise a small altar at home where the image of Mary, decorated with flowers, is placed, and in front of her the Litany, the rosary, etc. If the exercises of the month of Mary are done in the local church, care will be taken to attend them both to set a good example and to satisfy personal piety. Care will also be taken to contribute with a donation for the ornamentation of the altar of the month of Mary.

prayers to Mary for each day of May and other months of the year

1. Mary, conceived. Without sin.

2. Mary, most holy since her birth.

3. Mary, consecrating herself in the temple.

4. Mary, elevated to the dignity of Mother of God.

5. To Mary, offering her Son in the temple.

6. Mary, sanctifying Isabel's house.

7. Mary, model of all virtues.

8. Maria, mother of pain.

9. Maria, leaving this land of exile.

10. Mary, Queen of mercy.

11. Maria, the most tender of mothers.

12. Mary, Heartbreaker.

13. Mary, Mother of mercy.

14. To Mary, Refuge of sinners.

15. Mary, our only hope after God.

16. Maria, our kind benefactor.

17. Maria, Distributor of all graces.

18. Maria, our all-powerful Lawyer.

19. To Mary, Help of those who invoke her.

20. Mary, Mediatrix of sinners.

21. Maria, our .defensive Defense.

22. Mary, Reconciler of sinners with God.

23. Maria, the loveliest of creatures.

24. To the Most Sweet Heart of Mary.

25. To the Most Holy Name of Mary.

26. The NS of Perpetual Socorro.

27. The NS do Santíssimo Rosário.

28. NS do Carmo.

29. The NS do Bom Conselho.

30. The NS of the Sacred Heart.

31. Consecration to Mary.


Prayer to Our Lady of Sorrows

O Mother of sorrows, Queen of martyrs, you have so mourned your Son, who died for my salvation! but of what use will your tears be if I have the misfortune to condemn me? Ah! for the merits of your pains, obtain for me a true contrition of my sins and a sincere change of life, with a continuous and tender compassion for the sufferings of Jesus and yours. If Jesus and you, though innocent, suffered so much for me, obtain me, for I deserved to be in hell, to suffer also for your love. O my Sovereign, I will tell you with Saint Bonaventure, if I have offended you, justice demands that you break my heart; if I serve you, I ask you for the same wounds as a reward. For it would be shameful for me not to have to suffer, seeing Jesus and you pierced by the sword of pain. Anyway, O my Mother,for the pity you experienced when your divine Son, victim of so much suffering, bowed his head and expired before your eyes on the cross, I beg you to get me a good death. For mercy, O Advocate of sinners, be sure to assist my soul in the affliction and struggle of the terrible passage of this life into eternity; and as the word and voice will perhaps lack me then to pronounce your name, as well as that of Jesus, names that are all my hopes, I ask, now, your Son and you, come to help me in that last hour, and I say: Jesus and Mary, I recommend my soul to you. So be sure to assist my soul in the affliction and struggle of the terrible passage of this life into eternity; and as the word and voice will perhaps lack me then to pronounce your name, as well as that of Jesus, names that are all my hopes, I ask, now, your Son and you, come to help me in that last hour, and I say: Jesus and Mary, I recommend my soul to you. So be sure to assist my soul in the affliction and struggle of the terrible passage of this life into eternity; and as the word and voice will perhaps lack me then to pronounce your name, as well as that of Jesus, names that are all my hopes, I ask, now, your Son and you, come to help me in that last hour, and I say: Jesus and Mary, I recommend my soul to you. So be it.

Pray seven Hail Marys, and after each of them the following prayer: "Most Holy Mother, make the wounds of Jesus crucified to be deeply imprinted on my heart".

500 days; IP (375).

The Mater Stabat

The Mother was painful at the Cross and tearful,

While the Son hung.

There your soul mourns,

Upset and condoling,

The sword of pain has gone!

Oh! how sad how distressed

That blessed one was,

Mother of the only begotten one!

Penava and was sorry

Godly mother when she saw

The feathers of the acclaimed Son.

What man, then, would not cry

If I saw the Virgin Mary

Suffer such a great torment?

And who would not be sorry If the Mother Pia contemplated

Suffering with your Son?

Because of the guilt of your people,

He saw Jesus cruelly

Plagued with torments.

She saw her beloved Son dying, helpless

Even when it yielded the spirit.

Hey, Mother, source of love,

Make me feel such pain

May I also cry with you.

Make my soul ignite,

Christ my God only love

In order to please you.

Holy Mother, make these Divine Wounds printed F

get in my heart.

Your wounded Son,

What for me has deigned to Suffer, quinhoai with me.

In all my existence,

Of sincere condolence

For Jesus, weep with you.

With the Cross with you be

And I associate with you

It is in tears that I desire.

Glorious Virgin of the Virgins,

Do not be strict with me,

Make me cry with you.

I remember death from Christ,

The holy wounds adore E da Paixão participate!

Do them good to make me vulnerable,

And of love to inebriate me The Cross,

the Blood of the Son.

To fall into the eternal fire Free me,

O Virgin, your plea There on the day of Judgment.

O Jesus! in the last trance,

Through your Mother I reach

Beautiful victory palm.

When death comes,

To my soul be given

From your Paradise to glory. Amen.

(Ind. 7 years; IP) - 378.

Crown in honor of the seven pains.

My God, come to my rescue. - Lord, hurry to help me.

Glory to the Father, etc.

O distressed Mother, I am sorry for the pain that caused you the first sword that pierced your heart, when in the Temple, at the voice of St. Simeon, you were represented all the torments that men should make your beloved Jesus suffer, which you already knew from the divine Scriptures, torments that would make you die before your eyes, stuck in an infamous tree, drained of blood and abandoned from all over the world, without being able to defend and console him. For this bitternessful memory, which has afflicted your soul for so many years, O my Queen, I beg you to obtain the grace to have the Passion of Jesus Christ engraved in my heart, throughout my life and at the time of my death. and your pains.

Our Father, Hail Mary, Glory to the Father.

O distressed Mother, I am sorry for the pain that caused you the second sword that pierced your heart, when you saw your innocent Son, just born, persecuted to death by the same men for whose salvation he came into the world, so that you were then forced to flee to Egypt at night and in secret. For all that you suffered, young and delicate Virgin, with your divine Son in exile, during this long and painful journey through abrupt and deserted places, and during your stay in Egypt, where, foreigners and strangers, you lived so many years, poor and despised , I beg you, O my most beloved Sovereign, obtain me the grace to endure with patience in your company, until death, the pains of this miserable life, in order to escape in the other to the eternal pains that I deserved.

Our Father, Hail Mary, Glory to the Father.

O grieving Mother, I sympathize with the pain that caused you the third sword that pierced your heart, when you lost your dear Son Jesus in Jerusalem, where three days he was absent from you: certainly, during those cruel nights, that you had to spend without seeing at your side the object of your love and without knowing the cause of its absence, you could not find rest, and you did nothing but sigh for the One who was all your good. For these sighs, for this long and bitter separation, O my most loving Queen, I beg you to obtain the grace of never losing my God, so that, constantly united with him during my life, I may have the happiness of leaving of this world in this holy union.

Our Father, Hail Mary, Glory to the Father.

O grieving Mother, I am sorry for the pain that caused you the fourth sword that pierced your heart, when you saw your divine Son condemned to death, bound, covered with blood and wounds, crowned - with thorns, falling in the way under the weight from the cross he had carried on his bruised shoulders, going like an innocent lamb to die for our love: his eyes and yours met then, and your eyes were just as many cruel darts that wounded your burning hearts with love. For this great pain, O my generous Lawyer, I beg you to obtain the grace of me to live in perfect resignation with the will of my God, carrying my cross with joy after Jesus until my last breath.

Our Father, Hail Mary, Glory to the Father.

I am sorry for the pain that caused you the fifth sword that pierced your heart when, on Calvary, you saw with your own eyes dying little by little, in the midst of suffering and humiliation, on the hard bed of the cross , your beloved Jesus, without being able to come to him with the least relief, which in a death article is not denied to the greatest thugs. For the agony you then suffered with your dying divine Son; for the commotion that you experienced hearing the last words that he addressed to you from the altar of the cross, saying goodbye to you and leaving you as children all men in the person of Saint John; for the courage that you had to see them after hanging their heads and taking the last breath, O tender Mother, I beg you to obtain from your crucified love the grace to live and die crucified to all things in this world,in order to live only for my God, until death, and to come to see him face to face in paradise one day.

Our Father, Hail Mary, Glory to the Father.

Afflicted Mother, I am sorry for the pain that caused you the sixth sword that pierced your heart, when you launched the sweet Heart of your Son, already dead, and killed by those ungrateful people who, after taking his life, still tried to torment him . For this cruel treatment, the penalty of which only you felt, O Mother of pains, I beg you to obtain the grace to dwell in the Heart of Jesus, wounded and open to me, in this Heart, I say, which is the beautiful asylum, a retreat of love , in which all loving souls seek and find rest, and where God alone, while I rest there, will be the object of my thoughts and affections. O Most Holy Virgin, you can achieve this happiness for me, I hope to achieve it.

Our Father, Hail Mary, Glory to the Father.

Afflicted mother, I am sorry for the pain that caused you the seventh sword that pierced your heart, when you saw the body of your Son between your arms, no longer in the brilliance of its beauty, as you had once received in the cave of Bethlehem, but bloody, livid, and torn all over from wounds that had penetrated to the bones. O my Son, then you would say, O my Son, to what state love has reduced you! And when you were taken to the tomb, you wanted to accompany and compose it with your own hands; and finally constrained to say his last goodbye, you left your burning heart of love with him. For all these martyrdoms suffered by your beautiful soul, O Mother of holy love, obtain for me the forgiveness of the sins of which I have been accused against my God; weigh me with all my heart, protect me from temptations,and helped me at the hour of my death, so that, save for the merits of Jesus Christ and yours, may one day, thanks to your assistance, after this miserable exile, sing your praises and those of Jesus in paradise , throughout eternity.

Our Father, Hail Mary, Glory to the Father.

V. Pray for us, O most afflicted Virgin!

A. So that we can become worthy of Christ's promises.

Let us pray.

Lord, be favorable to us, and grant us the grace to experience the happy effect of your Passion, in which, as Simeon had prophesied, a sword of pain pierced the very tender soul of the glorious Virgin Mary, your Mother, whose pain we celebrate and honor. O you who live and reign for ever and ever. So be it.

Crown of NS of the Seven Sorrows

This crown consists of seven mysteries, each of which comprises an Our Father and seven Hail Marys, accompanied by meditation on the seven pains; in the end, three Hail Marys gather to honor the tears of the Blessed Virgin. Mary's seven pains are:

1 the Prophecy of old Simeon, announcing to Mary that his heart would be pierced with a sword of pain.

2 o Escape and exile to Egypt.

3 o Loss of Jesus in the temple.

4 the meeting of Jesus carrying the cross.

5 the Crucifixion and death of Jesus.

6 o Launched that opened Jesus' side, and deposited his inanimate body in Mary's arms.

7 the grave of Jesus.

To win the indulgences of this crown, it is necessary:

1 the help yourself of a seven mysteries crown, blessed by a priest who has power to it;

2 to enunciate and meditate on the pains of the Blessed Virgin.

(In 1886 it was declared that many of the indulgences of this crown can be profited by those who for any reason are prevented from reading and meditating on the 7 pains, as long as they fulfill the other prescribed conditions.

Novena to Our Lady of Sorrows

It starts on September 6th.

Virtue to be asked for: Courage and patience in afflictions.

Pray each day the prayer: O Mother of sorrows, etc., as well as the seven Hail Mary s forgiven, p. 491.


see the news on p. 126.

Prayer to the Holy Name of Mary

By a rescript of May 17, 1866, a hundred-day indulgence is granted to all the faithful who say this prayer, which can be earned once a day, as long as it is prayed with devotion and a contrite heart.

O Mother of Perpetual Help, grant me the grace to always invoke your omnipotent name; because your name is our help during life and our salvation at the time of death. O pure Mary, sweet Mary, make your name now the breath of my life. Sovereign mine, do not bother to help me every time I invoke you; because in all the temptations that come to assail me, in all the needs that I experience, I will never cease to invoke you, always repeating: Mary! Maria! What strength, what sweetness, what confidence, what tenderness brings your name, my only thought, into my soul! I give thanks to the Lord who, for my sake, has given you such a sweet, loving and powerful name. But I will not be content with pronouncing your name, I want to pronounce it with love,I want love to keep reminding me that I must call on you, O Mele of Perpetual Help!

Consecration of himself to Maria Santissima

Most Holy Virgin Mary, Mother of God, whom I am so pleased to honor under the beautiful title of Mother of Perpetual Help, I N .., although unworthy to be .. your servant, animated however by your admirable kindness, excited by the desire to serve you, I choose you today, in the presence of my guardian angel and the entire heavenly court for my special sovereign, my lawyer and my mother; I make a firm determination to love and serve you from now on, and to do everything possible to make you loved and served by others. O Mother of God, my good and very loving Mother, by the blood of your divine Son shed for my love, I beg you to receive me forever in the number of your dedicated children and servants. I assisted myself in all my thoughts, words and actions, until the end of my life,so that all my steps and sighs have the sole purpose of giving greater glory to God; do, by your mighty intercession, that I never offend my most beloved Jesus, but glorify and love him. Make me love you too, my dearest Mother, so that I may one day have the happiness of seeing and loving you in the holy paradise for ever and ever. So be it.

O Mary, my Mother, I commend my soul to you, especially at the time of my death.

Consecration of a family to Mary

O Lady of Perpetual Help, blessed and immaculate Virgin, our Queen and Mother, refuge and consolation for all the unfortunate, prostrate before your throne with all my family, I choose you for my Sovereign, my Mother and lawyer before God . I consecrate myself forever at your service, with all who belong to me: and I ask you, O Mother of God, to receive us in the number of your servants, taking us under your protection, helping us throughout our lives, and even more so at the moment of our death. O Mother of mercy, I make you Lady and governor of all my house, (of my children), of my interests, and of all my affairs; do not refuse to take care of them, and dispose of everything as you are served. Bless me, then, with all my family, and do not allow any of us to offend your divine Son in the future.Defend us in temptations, deliver us from dangers, provide for our needs, advise us in doubts, comfort us in afflictions, assist us in sickness and especially in the agonies of death. Do not suffer that the devil will never boast of having us under his bondage, for from now on we are consecrated to you; but do that we will thank, praise and love our Redeemer Jesus and you in happy eternity. So be it.So be it.So be it.

Novena to Our Lady of Perpetual Help

To obtain a favor, spiritual or temporal.

Pray nine Hail Marys each day, followed by the following prayers:

O Lady of Perpetual Help, show us that you are truly our Mother, and obtain me ... (Here determine grace or desire: the restoration of health, the healing of a son, the conversion of a husband, son, father, good business success, victory over such addiction, etc., etc.), and the grace to use it for the glory of God and the salvation of my soul.

O glorious Saint Alfonso, who, by your confidence in the Blessed Virgin, have obtained so many favors, and have proved so perfectly, in your admirable writings, that all graces come to us from God through the intercession of Mary, reach me with the most tender confidence. to our good Mother of Perpetual Help, and pray with her Instance, grant me the favor that I claim of your maternal power and kindness.

Eternal Father, in the name of Jesus, and through the intercession of our Mother of Perpetual Help and of Saint Alfonso, I ask you to assist me for your greatest glory and the greatest good of my soul. So be it.

It is very useful that many people get together to celebrate the novena, and end it with Holy Communion, preceded by a good confession. It could also be promised to Mary that if she is worthy of listening to us, we will make Holy Communion in thanksgiving for seven consecutive Saturdays or seven Sundays, or the daily prayer of the Rosary will be established in the family, etc.

Sancta Maria, succúrre missiles

Holy Mary, help the miserable, strengthen the weak, console the afflicted, pray for the people, recommend.! the clergy, intercede! by the devout female sex; let your assistance experience all who implore your perpetual help.

Indulgent Sub Tuum

Under your protection we take refuge, holy Mother of God; do not despise the prayers that we address to you in your needs, but always deliver us from all dangers, Virgin filled with glory and blessing.

(lnd. 5 years; IP) - 333.

Pious invocations to Our Mother of Perpetual Help

Our Mother of Perpetual Help, Blessed woman, who found grace before God, help us.

Our Mother of Perpetual Help,

Spiritual mother of our souls, help us.

Our Mother of Perpetual Help,

Mother of beautiful love, help us.

Our Mother of Perpetual Help, Who loved us to the point of sacrificing your only Son for us, help us.

Our Mother of Perpetual Help, Who cooperated for our salvation by deserving your pains, help us.

Our Mother of Perpetual Help, in whose hands God has put all the price of redemption, help us.

We could never call too much Our Mother,

Whom God created as an attraction to win sinners,

That you are the stealer of hearts,

That you overcome in love all mothers together,

That you are the mediator of peace between God and men,

That you are omnipotent because of your Son's omnipotence,

That you are the dispenser of the treasures of the Heart of Jesus,

That you cannot see our miseries without pitying them,

That you are immensely rich in mercy,

May you never repel those who beg you,

That you continually pray for your divine Son,

That you enjoy the privilege of always being attended to by your Son,

That you obtain forgiveness for every sinner who turns to you,

Mother of Perpetual Help, whose invocation is a sure means of overcoming all the assaults of hell,

Who console your afflictions to all who trust in you,

That you are our safe haven in all the dangers of life,

That you are our relief in all pains,

That you have special favors for the faithful imitators of your chastity,

You burn in divine love all who love you,

That you never cease to deal with the great business of our salvation,

That you are my only hope after God,

In whom to be expected even when there is no hope,

That you promise perseverance to all who serve you faithfully,

That you are the comforter of the dying,

May you relieve and free the souls in purgatory,

That you promise eternal life to those who make you know and love others,

Great Sovereign of heaven and earth,


The congregations, says Santo Afonso, are like so many other Noah's arks, where the people of the world find refuge from the flood of temptations and sins that flood the earth. It can be prayed to the Holy Name of Mariae to say that they are the Tower of David where one can see a thousand shields and all the armor of the forts (Ct4,4).

Advantages of Congregations according to Saint Bernard:

1. You live more purely.

2. It falls more rarely.

3. Get up faster.

4. Take more precautions.

5. More often the soul is flooded with waters of grace.

6. Sleep more safely.

7. You die with more confidence.

8. Purgatory is shortened.

9. More beautiful crown is obtained.

Means of Salvation found in the Congregations:

1. Prayer, and especially prayer in common.

2. The word of God.

3. The holy readings.

4. Good examples.

5. The frequency of the Sacraments.

Treasures found in the Congregations:

1. Good company.

2. Honest recreation.

3. Appreciation of good people.

4. SS protection. Virgin.

5. Numerous indulgences.

Congregate practices:

1. Fidelity to the regulation.

2. Attendance at meetings.

3. Solemnization of the feasts of Mary.

4. Recitation of the rosary, litany, etc.

5. Zeal for the development of the Congregation.

6. Visit to sick congregants.

7. Frequent consecration of yourself to Mary.

Act of consecration

Holy Mary, Virgin Mother of God, I NN, I choose you today for my Sovereign, my Patroness and my Lawyer; I form a firm resolve to never abandon you, never say or do anything against you, and never suffer that those who depend on me do anything against your honor. I therefore ask you to receive me as your perpetual servant; assisted me in all my actions, and you will not forsake me at the time of my death. So be it.

Another act of consecration

Most Holy Virgin Mary, Mother of God, I NN, even though I am unworthy to belong to the number of your children, trusting nevertheless in your admirable kindness and urged by the desire to serve you, I choose you today, in the presence of my guardian angel and all heavenly court, for my Sovereign, Lawyer and Mother. I take the firm resolve, to always serve you in the future and to do everything in my power so that all may serve you faithfully.

I beg you, therefore, and I call, my good Mother, by the blood of Jesus Christ, shed for me, deign yourselves to admit me to the number of your protégés and to your perpetual servant. Assist me in all my actions, obtain the grace to order my words, actions and thoughts so well, that in no time and place it will offend your eyes and those of your most holy Son. Remember me and do not abandon me at the time of my death, So be it.




Saint Joseph's seven pains and seven joys

I. Most pure husband of Mary SS., Glorious St. Joseph, just as the bitterness and anguish of your heart was great in the perplexity of abandoning your most chaste wife, so was your joy inexplicable, when the sovereign Mystery was revealed to you. of the Incarnation.

For your pain and joy, we ask you for the grace to console, now and in extreme pain, our soul with the joy of a good life and a holy death, similar to yours between Jesus and Mary.

Our Father, Hail Mary, Glory to the Father.

II. O most blessed Patriarch, glorious Saint Joseph, who you were chosen for the post of putative Father of the humanized Word, the pain you felt when you saw the Child God born in such poverty, you were exchanged in heavenly joy when you heard the angelic harmony, and the greens the wonders of that brilliant night. For your pain and joy, we beg you for the grace to reach out to us, that after the journey of this life, let us begin to hear the angelic praises and to enjoy the shining of heavenly glory.

Our Father, Hail Mary, Glory to the Father.

III. O most obedient executor of the divine laws, glorious St. Joseph, the most precious Blood, who in the Circumcision shed the Redeemer Child, made your heart bitter, but the Name of Jesus, which he then received, revived you, filling you with contentment. For this pain and joy, reach out to us that, having all the vices in this life removed from us, with the Most Holy Name of Jesus, in our hearts and mouths, let us breathe out with joy.

Our Father, Hail Mary, Glory to the Father.

IV. O most faithful Saint, who also took part in the Mysteries of our Redemption, glorious Saint Joseph, if Simeon's prophecy about what Jesus and Mary had to suffer caused you mortal anguish, it also filled you with sovereign joy for salvation and glorious resurrection, which also, he predicted, would have to work for innumerable souls. For this pain and joy, obtain us to be among the number of those who, through the merits of Jesus and the intercession of the Virgin his Mother, have to be gloriously resurrected.

Our Father, Hail Mary, Glory to the Father.

V. O most vigilant Guard, close and familiar friend of the incarnate Son of God, glorious Saint Joseph, how much you struggled to feed and serve the Son of the Most High, particularly in the flight, which you had done with Him to Egypt; but what was your joy also because you always had the same God with you, and that the Egyptian idols fell to the ground! For this pain and joy, reach out to us that, by expelling the infernal tyrant away from us, especially with the escape of dangerous occasions, all the idols of earthly affections are thrown from our hearts, and wholly employed in the service of Jesus and Mary, for them we only live and in the joy of their love we expire.

Our Father, Hail Mary, Glory to the Father.

SAW. O Angel of the Earth, glorious St. Joseph, who, in awe, saw the King of Heaven submissive to your orders, if your consolation, when you brought him out of Egypt, was troubled by the fear of Archelaus, yet, stilled by the Angel, you remained joyful in Nazareth with Jesus and Mary. Because of this pain and joy, reach out to us that, emptying our hearts of harmful fears, we enjoy peace of conscience, live safe with Jesus and Mary, and also die among them.

Our Father, Hail Mary, Glory to the Father.

VII. O example of all holiness, glorious Saint Joseph, you lost the Child Jesus without guilt, and for greater anguish you had to seek him for three days, until with great joy you enjoyed what was your life, finding him in Temple among doctors. For your pain and joy, we beg you, with our hearts on your lips, to interpose your validity so that we do not succeed in losing Jesus at any time through grave guilt; but if, unfortunately, we lose him, with such continuous pain we seek him, that we find him favorable, especially in our death, so that we may come to enjoy him in Heaven, and sing his divine Mercies with you eternally.

Our Father, Hail Mary, Glory to the Father.

Antif .: The same Jesus had just entered his thirties, and everyone considered him to be Son of Joseph.

V. Pray for us, Saint Joseph.

A. That we may be worthy of Christ's promises.

Let us pray.

O God, who, with ineffable providence, have deigned to choose Blessed Joseph for the husband of your Most Holy Mother, grant that we deserve to have as protector there in Heaven the one we venerate here on earth. We ask of you, who live and reign for centuries upon centuries.

(Ind. 5 years; IP) 470.

The seven Sundays dedicated to St. Joseph

Pray the preceding exercise, p. 505

Litany of St. Joseph

Lord have mercy on us.

Jesus Christ, have mercy on us.

Lord have mercy on us.

Jesus Christ, listen to us.

Jesus Christ, listen to us.

Heavenly Father God, have mercy on us.

God the Son, Redeemer of the world,

God the Holy Spirit,

Most Holy Trinity, that you are one God.

Holy Mary, pray for us.

Saint Joseph, the descendant of David,

Light of the patriarchs,

husband of the Mother of God,

Chaste guard of the Virgin,

Sustainer of the Son of God,

Head of the Holy Family,

Joseph very right, Joseph very right,

José very prudent,

José very strong,

Joseph most obedient,

Jose most faithful,

Mirror of patience,

Lover of poverty,

model of the workers,

Honor of domestic life,

Guard of virgins,

Support from families,

Comfort of the miserable,

Hope of the sick,

Patron of the dying,

Terror of demons,

Protector of the Holy Church,

Lamb of God, who takes away the sins of the world, forgive us, Lord.

Lamb of God who takes away the sins of the world, hear us, Lord.

Lamb of God who takes away the sins of the world, have mercy on us.

V. He was made lord of his house.

A. And prince of all your possessions.

Let us pray.

O God, who for an ineffable providence, you have deigned to choose the blessed Saint Joseph for the spouse of your Blessed Mother, grant us that the one that on earth we venerate as protector, we deserve to have him in Heaven through our intercessor. You who live and reign for all centuries. Amen.

(lnd. 5 years; IP) - 462.

Prayer to Saint Joseph

Remember, O most pure husband of the Virgin Mary, O my loving protector, St. Joseph, who has never been heard to be left without comfort who invokes your protection and asks for your support. Full of this confidence, I present myself before you, and excitedly with fervor I recommend you. Ah! do not despise my supplication, O nutritional father of the Redeemer, but deign to receive it piously. So be it.

(500 days) - 472.

Another prayer to Saint Joseph 473.

Saint Joseph, protector of virgins, faithful guardian, to whom God entrusted Jesus, who is innocence himself, and Mary, the Virgin of virgins, I ask you and I pray for Jesus and Mary, that dear double deposit, make me keep my heart is free from all impurity, and how pure. chaste and constantly serve Jesus and Mary in perfect chastity. Amen

(3-year indulgence; each day of March (every Wednesday) 7 years. IP) - 473.

Prayer to Saint Joseph for the workers

Glorious Saint Joseph, model of all those who dedicate themselves to work, obtain the grace of me to work with a spirit of penance to atone for my numerous sins; to work with conscience, putting the cult of duty above my inclinations; to work with recognition and joy, considering it an honor to employ and develop, through work, the gifts received from God; to work with order, peace, moderation and patience, without ever retreating in the face of tiredness and difficulties; to work above all with purity of intention and detachment from myself, always bearing in mind death and the account that I must give to the lost time of unused talents, God.

(Ind. 500 d. 478).

Prayer to Saint Joseph

We appeal to you, St. Joseph. our tribulation, and after the assistance of your most holy wife was implored, we are also full of confidence and we ask for your sponsorship. For that sacred bond of charity, which united you with the Immaculate Virgin, Mother of God, and for the paternal love you had for the Child Jesus, we fervently beg you to cast a benign look on the inheritance that Jesus Christ conquered with his blood, and help our needs with your help and power. Protect, O provident Guard of the divine Family, the chosen people of Jesus Christ. Keep the plague of error and vice away from us, O most loving Father. Assist us from heaven, our strongest support, in the struggle against the power of darkness, and just as you once saved the endangered life of the Child Jesus from death,so also now defend the Holy Church of God from the snares of your enemies and from all adversity. Support each one of us with your constant patronage, so that, following your example and supported with your help, we can live virtuously, die piously, and obtain eternal bliss in Heaven. Amen.

(3 years of ind. 7 years during the month of October, after the third. IP 476).

Prayer of Saint Clement Hofbauer

Saint Joseph, O my tender father, I am forever under your protection; consider me as your son, and preserve me from all sin. I throw myself into your arms, that you may accompany me on the path of virtue, and assist me at the time of my death.



Prayer to St. Michael the Archangel

São Miguel is specially commissioned by the Lord to assist us at the time of death.

Glorious archangel Saint Michael, for your protection, make my soul, on the day of my death, clothed in the grace of God, and worthy to be presented by your hands to Jesus Christ, my sovereign Judge. Ah! holy archangel, hell has a lot of air but with which it can invest against me at that time: these weapons are my sins, whose enormity he will then represent to me, to precipitate me into despair; they are all the horrible temptations with which I will be assaulted to reduce myself to fall into sin. O you who conquered and expelled this terrible adversary from heaven, come and conquer it again and expel it away from me at the moment of my death; I beg you for the great love that God has for you, and you for him. O Mary, Queen of heaven, order St. Michael to assist me at the hour of my death.

Piety practices in honor of St. Michael

1. Greet you morning and evening for this Church prayer. Saint Michael the Archangel, defend us in the battle so that we do not perish in tremendous judgment.

(ind. 300 d .; IP) - 442.

2. Celebrate your Novena each year, praying nine Ave Marias, then prayer:

Glorious archangel, etc.

3. Immediately implore your help in temptations, and offer him a special prayer each day to obtain your protection during your life, and especially at the time of death, for example:

Glorious prince, Saint Michael the Archangel, remember us; here and everywhere, always pray for the Son of God for us.

V. I will sing your glory in the presence of angels, O my God!

A. I will worship you in your holy temple, and I will bless your name.

Let us pray.

O God, who regulate the ministries of angels and men with admirable order, deign to allow those who continually offer their services to you in heaven to protect our lives on earth. Through Jesus Christ, our Lord. So be it.

Prayer to Saint Raphael Archangel Glorious

Archangel Saint Raphael, great Prince of the heavenly court, renowned for the gifts of wisdom and grace, guide for those who travel by land and sea, consolation of the miserable and refuge of sinners, I beg you to assist me in all my needs and sorrows in this life, how you helped young Tobias on his pilgrimages. For you are God's remedy, I humbly ask you to heal my soul from its many infirmities, and my body from the evils that afflict it, if this grace befits me. I ask you in particular for angelic purity, so that you deserve to be the living temple of the Holy Spirit.

Prayer to our Guardian Angel

God sent his angels to guard you in all your ways (Ps9). How much I owe you, my good angel, for the lights you have communicated to me! and I did not always obey you. Ah! continue to enlighten me, rebuke me when I fall, and do not abandon me until the last moment of my life. There! Holy angel, how many times have I forced you, for my sins, to cover your face! I beg your pardon, and I beg you to intercede for me with the Lord, because I am determined not to displease either God or you for my faults. I thank you, O prince of paradise, for having assisted me for so many years. I forgot you, but you never stopped thinking about me. I ignore the path that I still have to travel before entering eternity; ah! my charitable guard, keep me on the road of heaven,and do not cease to assist me until you see me as your companion in the kingdom of the chosen. Amen.

Indulgent prayer

Angel of God, who for the benefit of divine providence you are my guard, enlighten me, protect me, address me and govern me. So be it.

(Ind. 300 days; IP at the Feast of the Holy Angels custodians; IP in mortis artículo) - 452.



The Lord wants the saints, like his friends, to intercede for us and to reach us, by their merits and prayers, for the graces we do not deserve. It is not that the merits of Jesus Christ are not superabundant to enrich us with goods, but God hereby wants to honor his faithful servants, admitting them to cooperate in our salvation, and to inspire us with a greater confidence to obtain his graces when we ask them. through the saints.

Ladainha dos Santos

Lord have mercy on us.

Jesus Christ, have mercy on us.

Lord have mercy on us.

Jesus Christ, listen to us.

Jesus Christ, listen to us.

Heavenly Father, who are God, have mercy on us.

Son, Redeemer of the world, who are God, have mercy on us.

Holy Spirit, who are God, have mercy on us.

SS. Trinity, who are one God, have mercy on us.

Holy Mary, pray for us.

Holy Mother of God,

Holy Virgin of Virgins,

Sao Miguel,

Saint Gabriel,

San Rafael,

Holy Angels and Archangels,

Holy Orders of the Blessed Spirits,

Saint John the Baptist,

St. Joseph,

Holy Patriarchs and Prophets,

Saint Peter,

Sao Paulo,

Saint Andrew,

São Tiago Maior,

Saint John,

Saint Thomas,

Saint James the Minor,

San Felipe,

Saint Barthélemy,


St. Simon,

São Tadeu,

São Matias,

Saint Barnabas,

St. Luke,

San Marcos,

Holy Apostles and Evangelists,

Holy Disciples of the Lord,

Innocent Saints,

Saint Stephen,

St. Lawrence,

Saint Vincent,

São Fabiano and S. Sebastião,

São João and São Paulo,

São Cosme and São Damião,

São Gervásio and S. Protásio,

Holy Martyrs,

Sao Silvestre,

St. Gregory,

Saint Ambrose,

Saint Augustine,

St. Jerome,

Saint Martin,

Saint Nicholas,

Holy Pontiffs and Confessors,

Santos Doctors,

Santo Antão,

São Bento,

St Bernard,

Saint Domingos,

Saint Francis, Holy Priests and Levites,

Holy Monks and Hermits,

Santa Maria Madalena;

Santa Águeda,

Santa Luzia,

Santa Inês,

Santa Cecilia,

Santa Catarina,

Saint Anastasia,

Saints Virgins and Widows, T

All the Saints of God, intercede! for us.

O God, be merciful, forgive us,

Sir. Be favorable to us, hear us, Lord.

From all evil, deliver us, Lord.

From every sin,

Of your wrath,

From sudden and improvised death,

Of the devil's betrayals,

Of anger, hatred and all ill will,

From the spirit of impurity,

From lightning and storms,


Of plague, famine and war,

Of eternal death,

Through the mystery of your holy Incarnation,

For your coming from heaven to earth,

By your birth,

By your baptism and holy fasting,

Through your Cross and Passion,

For your death and grave,

Through your holy Resurrection,

For your admirable Ascension,

By the coming of the Holy Spirit, our Comforter,

On the day of judgment, Even though we are sinners, I heard our pleas.

To forgive us, I heard our pleas.

So that you favor us,

That you may deign to lead us to true penance,

That you should deign to govern and preserve your holy Church,

That you should deign to keep the Supreme Pontiff in holy religion, and all the orders of the Ecclesiastical hierarchy,

That you should deign to send workers to your mess,

So that you deign to humiliate the enemies of the Holy Church,

In order that you deign to establish peace and true harmony between the Christian Kings and Princes,

That you deign to grant peace and unity to all the Christian people,

That you should deign to bring all wanderers back to the union of the Church and to call all infidels into the light of the Gospel,

That you may deign to comfort and conserve ourselves in your holy service,

So that you can raise our minds to heavenly desires,

So that you reward all our benefactors with eternal goods,

That you may deliver from our eternal condemnation our souls, and those of our brothers, of our neighbors and benefactors,

That you should deign to give and conserve the fruits of the earth,

That you may deign to grant eternal rest to all the faithful,

That you may deign to attend us, O Son of God,

Lamb of God, who takes away the sins of the world, forgive us, Lord.

Lamb of God, who takes away the sins of the world, hear us, Lord.

Lamb of God, who takes away the sins of the world, have mercy on us.

Jesus Christ, listen to us.

Jesus Christ, listen to us. Lord, have mercy on us.

Jesus Christ, have mercy on us!

Lord, have mercy on us.

Our Father, etc.


Lord, come to my aid;

Lord, hurry to help me.

Let those who seek my soul be confused and ashamed.

May those who wish me harm be repelled and covered with shame.

Humiliated and confused flee those who laugh at me.

Let all who seek you rejoice in you, and those who love your salvation always say: May the Lord be magnified.

But I am needy and poor: O God, help me.

You are my support and liberator; Lord, do not delay.

Glory to the Father, etc.

Save your servants.

That wait on you, my God.

Lord, be a strong tower against the enemy.

Do not reach the enemy against us any advantage.

And may the son of iniquity not harm us.

Lord, do not treat us according to our offenses.

And do not punish us according to our iniquities.

Let us pray for our Pontiff, Pope Francis.

The Lord preserve and quicken it; make him happy on earth, and do not abandon him to the power of his enemies.

Let us pray for our benefactors.

Deign, Lord, to reward all those who do us good, by your name, by giving them eternal life. So be it.

Let us pray for all the faithful dead.

Give them, Lord, eternal rest; and the perpetual light shines on them. Rest in peace. - So be it.

For our absent brothers.

Save your servants, who wait on you, my God. Send them, Lord, help from your sanctuary.

And protect them from the top of Zion. Lord, answer my prayer.

And my cries come to you.

Let us pray.

O God, of whom it is proper to always be merciful and ready to forgive, accept our humble prayer, and deliver us and all your servants from the bonds of sin, by virtue of your gracious goodness.

Deign yourselves, Lord, to hear our pleas, and to forgive the sins of those who confess to you, so that we may receive from your indulgence, with the forgiveness of our sins, the happiness of peace. Show us your ineffable mercy, Lord, so that we may be freed not only from all our sins, but also from the penalties we deserve.

Merciful God, whom sin offends, but repentance appeases, look favorably on your supplicant people, and withhold the scourges of your wrath, which we deserve for our sins.

Omnipotent and eternal God, have compassion on our Pontiff, Pope Francis, your servant, and lead him according to your mercy on the road to eternal salvation, so that by your grace you may desire what you please, and work with all your might. to fulfill your will.

O God, who is the source of holy desires, good designs and righteous deeds, grant your servants that peace which the world cannot give, that our hearts may cleave to your commandments, and the fear of enemies be removed, let us spend peaceful days under your protection.

Embrace our kidneys and hearts with the fire of the Holy Spirit, Lord, so that we may serve you with a chaste body, and be pleasant to you for the purity of our souls.

O God, Creator and Redeemer of all the faithful, grant the souls of your men and women servants the forgiveness of all their sins, so that they may obtain, through our humble prayers, the indulgence they have always desired.

We ask you, Lord, to anticipate our actions by inspiring them, and help us to fulfill them, so that you may always be the beginning and the end of all our prayers and works.

Omnipotent and eternal God, sovereign Lord of the living and the dead, whom you use in mercy with all you know will be yours for their "faith and works, answer our humble prayers so that those for whom we offer them, whether they still belong to the present century, whether, having deposited their bodies, have passed on to another life, obtain from your goodness, through the intercession of all your saints, the forgiveness of all your sins.

The omnipotent and merciful Lord answer us. So be it.

And the souls of the faithful, by the mercy of God, rest in peace. Amen.

Prayer to Saint Joaquim

O God, who, out of all the saints, you have chosen Blessed Joaquim to be the father of the Mother of your divine Son, grant us, we ask you, that, devoutly honoring him on earth, we feel the effect of his intercession in the sky. By the same Jesus Christ, our Lord.

Prayer to Sant'Ana

O God, who deigned to give Sant'Ana the outstanding favor of being the mother of the Mother of your only Son, be favorable to us and grant us to be helped to you by the one whose memory we honor. Through Jesus Christ, our Lord.

Prayer to Saint Mary Magdalene

O blessed penitent, who, after washing the faults of your youth in the waters of the most living contrition, you followed Our Lord Jesus Christ with an almost seraphic love; make me not cease to weep bitterly for the sins of my life, and cling to me with a sincere heart who deserves to be infinitely loved. Amen.

Prayer to the Holy Apostles Peter and Paul

O Holy Apostles Peter and Paul, Prayer to the Holy Apostles, Peter and Paul I N., I choose you today and forever for my special Protectors and Lawyers; and I humbly rejoice with you this way, O glorious Saint Peter, Prince of the Apostles, for being that Stone, on which God built his Church; as with you, O Blessed Saint Paul, chosen by God for the vessel of choice and Preacher of truth in the universe world. I beg you to reach me alive Faith, firm Hope and perfect Charity, total detachment from myself, contempt for the world, patience in adversity and humility in prosperity, attention to prayer, purity of heart, right intention in works, diligence in the fulfillment of obligations of the state itself, constancy in the purposes, resignation in the will of God, and perseverance in the divine Grace until death, so that,through your intercession and glorious merits, overcoming the temptations of the world of the devil and the flesh, I become worthy to appear in the presence of the supreme and eternal Shepherd of Souls, Jesus Christ, who lives with the Father and the Holy Spirit and he reigns forever and ever, to enjoy and love him forever. Amen.

Our Father, Hail Mary and Glory.

Prayer to Saint John the Evangelist

O glorious Apostle, who, because of your virginal purity, were so dear to Jesus, that you deserved to rest your head on his chest and replace him as a son with his Blessed Mother, I beg you to ignite me in the most vivid love of Jesus and Mary. obtain me, from the Lord, I ask you, that free my heart from all earthly appetite, make me worthy to be here on earth always united to Jesus as a faithful disciple and to Mary as a loving son, in order to give them to be eternally united in heaven. Amen.

(lnd. 300 days; IP) - 487.

Prayer to Saint Judas Thaddeus

O sweetest Jesus, who you gave to your glorious Apostle, Saint Judas, one of the first places in your Sacred Heart, have compassion on us in consideration of the virtues and merits that have made you so lovely and dear. Saint Judas, our Lord's most beloved apostle, pray for us that we turn to you.

Prayer to the Good Thief

Omnipotent and merciful God, who justify sinners, humbly beg you to excite us to true penance, letting the look of kindness fall upon us with which your only begotten Son attracted the happy Thief, and grant us the eternal glory that he promised. We ask you for Jesus Christ, our Lord. Amen.

Prayer to Santa Barbara to be preserved from sudden or unforeseen death

Lord, that you have chosen Santa Barbara to comfort the living and the dying, grant us that we always live in your divine love and put all our hope in the merits of your Son's most painful Passion, so that death does not overtake us in a state mortal sin, but which, armed with the holy sacraments of penance, eucharist and extreme unction, we can walk without fear towards eternal glory. We ask you for the same Jesus Christ, our Lord. So be it.

Prayer to Saint Francis of Assisi

Great Saint Francis, happy poor of Jesus Christ, who did not want any other wealth than God alone, teach me to let go of the deceitful goods of this world, so that, not knowing any other science here except Jesus and Jesus crucified, may go with you to enjoy eternally the One who, being infinitely rich and happy, wanted to live and die in poverty and suffering for our love. Amen.

Prayer to Saint Anthony of Padua

O great friend of God, consoler of the afflicted, who helps us to find things lost, make me diligently seek the grace of God, so that I may find the supreme good for you and be preserved from the misfortune of losing it eternally. So be it.

Prayer to Saint Roque

O God, which you have granted to Saint Roque, your faithful servant, the grace to heal by the sign of the cross all who were contaminated by the plague, by their merits and intercession, we ask you to preserve us, by your mercy, of all contagious and a sudden and unforeseen death. Through Jesus Christ, our Lord. So be it.

Prayer to Saint Vincent de Paul

O glorious Saint Vincent, protector of all works of charity and Father of all the unfortunate, you who have never in your life abandoned any of those who begged you, consider the multitude of the evils that weigh on us and come to our aid: reach the Lord's help for the poor, relief for the sick, consolation for the afflicted, protection for the helpless, charity for the rich, conversion for priests, peace for the Church, tranquility for the nations, and salvation for all.

Make us all experience the effects of your charitable intercession, and, thus helped by you in the miseries of this life, may we be reunited with you in heaven, where there will be neither sadness nor tears nor pain, but only joy, bliss and eternal bliss. . So be it.

(Ind. 300 days; IP) - 513.

Prayer to Saint Francis de Sales

My God, who for the edification and salvation of souls, you presented us in São Francisco de Sales with a perfect model of sweetness and piety, put in our souls all the anointing of his religious kindness, all the ardor of his charity, all the depth of his humility, so that we may one day share his glory in heaven, and love you with him for all ages. Amen.

Prayer to Saint Luis Gonzaga

O God, distributor of the heavenly gifts, which you have granted to the blessed Luís Gonzaga the grace to add to the admirable innocence of life all the rigors of penance, do that, by your merits and prayers, that we who had the misfortune of not imitating the his innocence, let us imitate his penance. We ask you for Jesus Christ, our Lord. Amen.

Prayer to Saint Stanislaus Kostka

O my most pure Protector, Saint Stanislaus, Angel of purity, I rejoice with you for that singular gift of virginal purity, which has adorned your unblemished heart, and humbly beseech you to value me against impure temptations, and to inspire me with a continuous watch keep the holy virtue of purity.

Prayer to St. John Berchmans

O God, who led your confessor Saint John to admirable holiness by perfect observance of religious regularity and innocence of life, grant us for your merits and intercession the grace to faithfully observe your laws and acquire the purity of soul and body . So be it.

Prayer to Santo Afonso de Ligorio

Doctor of the Catholic Church and Founder of the Congregation of the Most Holy Redeemer.

O glorious and much-loved protector of mine, Saint Afonso, you who have worked so hard and suffered to assure men of the fruit of redemption, see to the needs of my poor soul. Through your so powerful intercession with Jesus and Mary, obtain for me the true contrition and forgiveness of my past faults, a profound horror of sin and sufficient strength to resist temptations. Communicate to me, I beg you, a spark of that charity in which your heart has always been inflamed. Make that, in your Imitation, the will of God is the only rule of my life. Achieve me an ardent and constant love for Jesus, a tender and filial devotion to Mary; the grace to pray always and to persevere in your service until the day comes a thousand happy times when I can come and join you to praise them for all eternity. Amen.

(300 days of ind .; IPJ - 521.

Nine invocations to Santo Afonso

I. O most zealous Doctor of the Church, Santo Afonso, reach for me a living faith in everything that the holy Roman Church teaches me, and also a divine light that makes me know the vanity of earthly goods and the ugliness of my sins.

Glory to the Father.

II. O most zealous Doctor Santo Afonso, grant me a firm hope of obtaining from God, for the merits of Jesus Christ, for the intercession of Mary and for yours, the forgiveness of my sins, the final perseverance and eternal glory.

Glory to the Father.

III. O most zealous Doctor Santo Afonso, grant me an ardent charity towards God, which detaches me from created things and myself, so that I love him alone and employ me all in his glory.

Glory to the Father.

IV. O most zealous Doctor Santo Afonso, reach me in perfect conformity to the divine will, so that I will accept with resignation the pain, contempt, persecution, loss of property, honor and relatives, and finally death.

Glory to the Father.

V. O most zealous Doctor Santo Afonso, reach me with a great pain of my sins, such that it makes me weep incessantly the grievances done to my God.

Glory to the Father.

SAW. O most zealous Doctor Santo Afonso, grant me a sincere charity towards others, that moves me to do good even to those who have offended me.

Glory to the Father.

VII. O most zealous Doctor Santo Afonso, attain to me holy purity and the grace to resist impure temptations, invoking the most holy names of Jesus and Mary.

Glory to the Father.

VIII. O most zealous Doctor Santo Afonso, reach out to me with a tender devotion to the Passion of Jesus Christ, to the Blessed Sacrament and to my dear Mother Mary.

Glory to the Father.

IX. O most zealous Doctor Santo Afonso, reach me above all with the final perseverance and the grace to always ask, especially in the hour of temptation and death.

Glory to the Father.

11- Pray for us, Santo Afonso Maria. So that we are worthy of Christ's promises.


O God, that through the blessed Afonso Maria, your confessor and pontiff, inflamed in zeal for souls, you have fertilized your Church with a new religious order, we pray that, illustrated by your salutary advice and comforted by your examples, we can happily arrive to make fun of you. Through Christ, our Lord. Amen.

Prayer to Saint Clement Mary

O God, who adorned your herb St. Clement Mary with the firmness of an admirable faith and with the virtue of an invincible constancy: do, we beseech you, that by your merits we be so strong in faith and so fervent in charity, that we come to get the eternal reward. Through Jesus Christ, our Lord. Amen.

Our Father, Hail Mary.

Another prayer to Saint Clement

O Saint Clement, an excellent model of true Catholic, Roman faith, also reach for me the living faith and unwavering fidelity to the Chief of the Holy Church, who distinguished you, and obtaining me the strength to faithfully comply with the laws of the Holy Religion . O Saint Clement, light of faith, pray for me; pray for me to always walk in the light of faith and do works of faith! Pray for me that nothing can separate me from the Head of the Church; Pray for me to live and die in communication and union with you and with all the Saints.

Prayer to Saint Geraldo

O Saint Geraldo, angel of purity, martyr of penance, seraph of love and prayer, tender son of Mary Most Holy, admirable amateur of the Cross, assiduous adorer of the Eucharist, perfect imitator of the obedient Jesus, I ask you to communicate these divine virtues to our poor soul. By your spirit of humility and sweetness, by your complete union with the lovely will of God, by your predilection for the afflicted, small and poor, by your insatiable zeal, make our hearts similar to yours. O humble brother, in a few years you have become such a great Saint, O thaumaturge of your century, terror of demons, miraculous protector of Christian families, legitimate model of youth, we place our trust in you. Pray for the Holy Church, for our trust. Pray for the Holy Church, for our families; pray for us, that everyone,imitating your virtues in this world, we may one day with you sing eternally the glory of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. So be it.

Another prayer to São Geraldo

São Geraldo, we rejoice in your happiness and your glory; we bless the Lord who has showered you with the rarest gifts of his grace; and we congratulate you for having faithfully responded to. so much happiness. Although from a distance, we want to look like you, it is not your ecstasies or your miracles that we wish to imitate, but that purity that made you an earthly angel; that seraphic love that made you run to Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament; that spirit of penance that made you in a high degree similar to Jesus Crucified; that inviolable fidelity to the divine will; that filial love for Mary immaculate; that fraternal charity that made you religious, comforter of the afflicted, powerful apostle of abandoned souls.

O São Geraldo, admirable for so many wonders performed in favor of those who invoke you, help us in our illnesses, infirmities, misfortunes, battles of spirit and heart, and in all the afflictions that fill this miserable life with bitterness. Furthermore, defend us from all sins; obtain, through the intercession of the divine Mother, the grace to conform ourselves to the Image of Jesus Christ, as you do, so that, after this life, we may have the joy of enjoying and praising him eternally with you. Amen.

Novena to São Geraldo

Pray, each day of the Novena, nine Ave-Marias to obtain the favor you desire, and add three Glories to the Father to thank the Most Holy Trinity for the privileges he has granted to his faithful servant. Be sure to make a fervent communion on any of the days of the Novena, whenever this is possible for you.

Prayer to Saint Benedict

O my glorious protector, Saint Benedict, who is now in heaven enjoying the prize of your sincere love for God and constant fidelity to the Holy Catholic Church, I have turned your eyes of protection on your faithful devotees, so that we may always follow the path of good and faith. virtue.

Infuse us with sincere love and respect for the Church and all its ministers and deliver us from the hidden superstition and error of Protestantism, which seek to turn our souls away from the Church and its ministers and thus lead us astray from the path of heaven and of eternal salvation. So be it.

You will make a pleasant gift to São Benedito if you pray 3 Ave-Marias to Our Lady every night. - With this practice, you will obtain the protection of the Blessed Virgin, which will provide you with true happiness in this life and in the hereafter.


Prayer to Saint Teresa

O seraphic Teresa, now that you enjoy that God whom you loved so much during your life, have compassion on us, who are still here in the midst of so many dangers of losing him. Obtain for us through your prayers the grace to go with you to love your God forever in paradise. Amen.

Crown in honor of Santa Teresa

Kindest Lord Jesus Christ, we give you thanks for the imminent gift of faith and devotion to the Blessed Sacrament, which you have given to your much beloved Teresa. For your merits and for that of this great saint, your faithful wife, we beg you for a living faith and fervent devotion to the Sacrament of the altar, where your infinite majesty forced itself to stay with us until the end of the centuries, and in which you give yourself to us. with so much love. - Our Father, Hail Mary, Glory to the Father.

Most merciful Lord Jesus Christ, we give you thanks for the imminent gift of hope that you have given to your beloved Teresa. For your merits and for the sake of this great saint, your chaste wife, we beg you for complete confidence in your goodness, in the name of your precious blood, which you have shed to the last straw for our salvation.

Our Father, Hail Mary, Glory to the Father.

Most loving Lord Jesus Christ, we thank you for the imminent gift of love that you have given to your beloved Teresa. For your merits and for the sake of this great saint, your most loving wife, we implore you the greatest, the first of all your gifts, - your perfect love.

Our Father, Hail Mary, Glory to the Father.

Most sweet Lord Jesus Christ, we give you thanks for the imminent gift of desire and resolution that you gave to your beloved Teresa to reach your perfect love. For your merits and for that of this great saint, your generous wife, we beg you for a true desire and a true resolution to please you as much as we can.

Our Father, Hail Mary, Glory to the Father.

Very good Lord Jesus Christ, we give you thanks for the imminent gift of humility that you have given to your beloved Teresa. For your merits and for that of this great saint, your most humble wife, we beg you for the grace of true humility, which will always make us find our happiness in humiliations and prefer contempt to all honors.

Our Father, Hail Mary, Glory to the Father.

Most generous Lord Jesus Christ, we thank you for the gift of loving devotion to Mary, your sweetest Mother, and her chaste husband, Joseph, whom you have given to your much beloved Teresa. For your merits and for that of this great saint, your dearest wife, we implore you for the grace of a special and tender devotion to your Most Holy Mother, the Virgin Mary, and your very beloved putative Father Saint Joseph.

Our Father, Hail Mary, Glory to the Father.

Most loving Lord Jesus Christ, we give you thanks for the very special gift of the heart sore that you have given to your beloved Teresa. For your merits and for the sake of this great saint, your seraphic wife, we beg you for a similar wound of love, so that in the future we will not love or think about loving any more than you alone.

Our Father, Hail Mary, Glory to the Father.

Dearest Lord Jesus Christ, we thank you for the gift of this living desire for death, which you have granted to your much beloved Teresa. For your merits and for the sake of this great saint, your inseparable wife, we beg you for a good death, so that we may possess you forever in our happy homeland.

Our Father, Hail Mary, Glory to the Father.

Most faithful Lord Jesus Christ, we give you thanks for the gift of that precious death, which you have granted to your beloved Teresa, making it expire sweetly by the force of her love. For your merits and for that of this great saint, your most affectionate wife, we beg you to give us a good death: cause us to breathe out, if not by the force of your love, at least burning in love with you, so that, dying so we can go on loving you forever with a more perfect love in heaven.

Our Father, Hail Mary, Glory to the Father.

V. Pray for us, Saint Teresa, etc.

Let us pray.

Pay attention to us, O God, that you are our salvation, so that, as we delight in celebrating the memory of your blessed virgin St. Teresa, we may be nourished by the bread of her heavenly doctrine and penetrated by the feelings of tender devotion. Through Jesus Christ, our Lord. Amen.



Let us think that probably in Purgatory, souls awaiting our help with a special right, such as that of our father, mother, brothers, other relatives and friends. Let us add that, these holy souls cannot help themselves, for they are there to pay for their faults; this consideration, more than anything, should make us very excited to go to his rescue with as many forces as we can. In this, not only will we be very pleasing to God, but we will acquire great merits; and these blessed souls will not fail to obtain many graces from the Lord, especially eternal salvation.

Month of Purgatory (November)

Pope Leo XIII (January 17, 1888), granted all the faithful who, each day of November, in public or in private, apply themselves to help the souls of Purgatory by piety exercises, the following indulgences that are applicable to the same souls:

7 years and 7 quarantines, once each day of November; plenary session, fulfilling the usual conditions, on a day of said month, at the person's choice.

prayers to Jesus Christ

To get through the pains of your Passion, deign to have pity on the souls of Purgatorio.

1. Say this prayer;

2. Meditate on one of the following points;

3. Finally, say the prayer on page 531

Sweetest Jesus, because of the blood sweat you poured in the garden of D Gethsemane, have compassion for these blessed souls. Have compassion on them. Lord, have compassion on them.

Sweetest Jesus, for the pains you suffered in your cruel scourging, have compassion on those blessed souls. Have compassion on them, Lord, have compassion on them.

Sweetest Jesus, for the pains you suffered in your painful crowning of thorns, have compassion for these blessed souls. Have compassion on them, Lord, have compassion on them.

Sweetest Jesus, for the pains you suffered while carrying your cross to Calvary, have compassion on those blessed souls. Have compassion on them, Lord, have compassion on them.

Sweetest Jesus, for the pains you suffered in your most cruel crucifixion, have compassion for these blessed souls. Have compassion on them, Lord, have compassion on them.

Sweetest Jesus, for the pains you suffered in your most bitter agony on the cross, have compassion for these blessed souls. Have compassion on them, Lord, have compassion on them.

Sweetest Jesus, for the immense pain you have suffered yielding your blessed soul, have compassion for these blessed souls. Have compassion on them, Lord, have compassion on them.

Novena of souls


The pains suffered by these blessed souls are numerous; but one of the greatest is to think that, for the sins they committed during their life, they are themselves the cause of their sufferings. O Jesus, my Savior, how many times have I deserved hell! ah! what a pity I would experience now, if I were in hell, thinking that I myself was the cause of my condemnation! I thank you for the patience with which you have suffered me.

O my God, for you are infinite goodness, I love you above all things, and it weighs me with all my heart to have offended you. I promise you to die rather than to offend you again; give me holy perseverance. Have compassion on me, and also have compassion on those blessed souls who burn in purgatory. O Mary, Mother of God, help them by your mighty prayers.

Our Father, Hail Mary.


A second penalty, which afflicts these blessed souls very much, is the memory of the time they lost during their life, a time when they could treasure great merits for heaven, and the thought that this loss is forever irreparable, because with life the time to deserve is over. What a pity, Lord, that I lived so many years on earth, without deserving anything other than eternal punishment! I thank you for the time you still give me to remedy the evil I did. O my God, etc.

Our Father, Hail Mary.


Another penalty that torments these blessed souls is the astonishing view of the sins whose debts they have to pay. In the present life, not all the blackness of sin is known; but it is well understood in the hereafter, and this is one of the greatest pains of souls in purgatory. O my God, etc.

Our Father, Hail Mary.


The pity that most afflicts these tender wives of Jesus Christ is to think that, for the faults of their lives, they have caused this God whom they so tenderly love. Penitents have been seen to die of pain, thinking that they have offended such a good Lord. The souls in purgatory know much better than we do how loving God is, and they love him with all their strength; also, in view of the offenses that have caused him to land, they suffer a pain that overcomes all other pains. O my God, etc.

Our Father, Hail Mary.


Another great penalty for these afflicted souls is to suffer in the fire, without knowing when their torments will end. In fact, they are sure that they will come out of it one day; but ignorance, in which they find themselves regarding the end of their ills, is a great torment for them. Damn me, if better, if you had thrown me into hell! In this cruel prison they all know that there will never be deliverance for them. O my God, etc.

Our Father, Hail Mary.


Both these blessed souls are comforted by the remembrance of the Passion of Jesus Christ and the Sacrament from the altar, because they are saved by the Passion, and through communions and masses they never cease to receive great favors, as they are tormented by the thought of having been ungrateful. to these two great benefits of the love of Jesus Christ. O my supreme Good, you also died for me, and many times you gave yourself to me in holy communion: woe! I have always paid you with ingratitude. O my God, etc.

Our Father, Hail Mary.


What further increases the pain of these good souls is the remembrance of all the particular benefits they have received from God, such as the Christian faith, the birth of Catholic parents, the time to do penance, the forgiveness of their sins; because all these graces give them a better understanding of their ingratitude towards the Lord. But, O infinite goodness, who is more ungrateful than I am? how patiently have you been waiting for me? how many times and with what love have you forgiven me? and I always repeat offenses against you! Through the bowels of your mercy, do not send me to hell; because I want to love you, and in that place of horror I cannot do it. O my God, etc.

Our Father, Hail Mary.


Besides these, an extremely bitter penalty for these blessed souls is to think that, during his life, God was so many times more merciful to them than to the others, and that, for their sins, they forced him to hate and condemn them. them to hell, although he later wanted to forgive and save them by the mere effect of his mercy. Ah! Infinite goodness, at your feet is one of the ungrateful creatures, who, after having received so many graces from you, despised your love, and forced you to condemn them to hell. O my God, etc.

Our Father, Hail Mary.


In a word, all the penalties that these blessed souls suffer, the fire, the boredom, the obscurity, the uncertainty of the moment when they will be released from their prison, are very great penalties, but the greatest of all for these holy wives of Jesus Christ , is to be separated from your divine husband and deprived of the happiness of seeing him. And I, O infinite goodness, how I have been able to live so many years away from you and deprived of your grace! O my God, etc.

Our Father, Hail Mary.

Holy souls, we have just prayed for you; but you, who are so dear to God and are sure not to lose him anymore, pray also for us, unfortunates, exposed to the danger of condemning ourselves and losing God forever.

Let us pray.

O God, who rejoice to forgive sinners and save men, we beg your clemency, through the intercession of the blessed Mary, always Virgin and of all the Saints, to grant that our confreres, relatives and benefactors, who have left this world, come. to the abode of eternal happiness. Through Jesus Christ, our Lord. So be it.

Act of resignation

Lord, my God, I accept from your hand, resigned and content, as you please, any and all kinds of death, with all their anguish, pain and pain.

(7 years old and plenary at the time of death for all who, once in life, after confession and communion, recite this act). - 638.

Prayer for the dying

O most gracious Jesus, lover of souls, I beseech you for the agony of your most holy Heart, and for the pains of your immaculate Mother, that you purify in your precious Blood all the sinners of the earth who are now in agony and today must die. Amen. Jesus' dying heart, have mercy on the dying!

(Ind. Of 300 days and plenary, under common conditions, if it is recited for a month, three times a day, with a certain interval of time). - 671.

Prayer for the souls of Purgatory

O God, Creator and Redeemer of all the faithful, grant the souls of your servants the remission of all their sins, so that they obtain the forgiveness they have always desired: you who live and reign for ever and ever. Grant them, Lord, eternal rest and perpetual light shine for them. Rest in peace. Amen.

(300 days). - 582.

Prayer for deceased parents

O God, who sent us to honor father and mother, be merciful and merciful to the souls of my father and mother. Forgive their sins, and make it possible that I may one day see them in the joy of eternal light. Amen.

(3 years). - 398.

Heroic act in favor of the souls of Purgatory

God of mercy, Creator and my Savior! prostrate at your feet, in the presence of the entire celestial court, wishing to help as much as possible the souls who suffer in purgatory and who are your very beloved wives, I offer and give in your favor, without obliging myself however under penalty of sin my good works, as well as those that apply for me in life and after death. I put them all in the hands of Mary, our tender Mother, so that she can distribute them as she sees fit. I beg of you, my God, that you deign to accept and rectify this offer and my donation, which I renew and confirm for your glory and the salvation of my soul. Amen. Merciful Lord Jesus! give them eternal rest.

(300 days). -583.

jaculatorias and pious practices enriched with indulgences

The frequent use of short prayers, called juculatory, is of great benefit to the soul. Through them the memory of the presence of God is preserved, fervor is renewed, progress is made in the love of God and new graces and new merits are always gained.

And these prayers can be recited easily, anytime and anywhere, at work, on the way, at the table, at recess. That is why the saints always recommended these prayers and the holy Church, to the greatest encouragement of the faithful, enriched many of them with indulgences. We then give some of them, with IPs being marked for those whose daily recitation earns a Plenary Indulgence once a month, making Confession and Communion and praying at the Pope's intention. The faithful who confess at least twice a month and receive five times a week all the indulgences can be applied to the souls in purgatory fulfill the condition of Confession and Communion for all Plenary Indulgences.

1. By making the sign of the cross and saying: In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, 100 days of indulgence are gained. Doing it with holy water (300 days). - 678.

2. To the King of the centuries, immortal and invisible, the only God, honor and glory for centuries. Amen! (500 days; IP). - 1.

3. Holy, holy, holy are you, Lord God of hosts. The heavens and the earth are full of your glory. (300 days). - two.

4. May the most just, highest and most loving kindness of God be made, praised and exalted eternally in all things! (500 days; IP). - 4.

5. My God, I thank you for what you give and what you take. Your will be done! (300 days). - 9.

6. My God and my everything! (300 days). - 5.

7. My God, have mercy on me, a sinner! (500 days). - 14.

8. O God, you are all-powerful, make me holy! (Santo Afonso). (500 days). - 15.

9. Blessing and clarity and wisdom and thanksgiving, honor, virtue and strength to our God for ever and ever! Amen. (500 days; IP). - 17.

10. In your hands, Lord, I commend my spirit. (500 days; IP). - 19.

11. O God, come to my aid; Lord, hurry to help me! (500 days; IP). - 20.

12. Lord, increase our faith! (500 days; IP). - 38.

13. Lord, do not remember our former wickedness, and forgive our sins for your name's sake! (500 days). - 24.

14. Eternal Father, I offer you the most precious blood of Jesus Christ as a discount for my sins, for the suffrage of the holy souls in purgatory and for the needs of the holy Church. (500 days; IP). - 219.

15. My Jesus, mercy! (300 days; IP). - 70.

16. Most sweet Jesus, do not be a judge, but a savior. (300 days; IP). - 71.

17. Jesus, my God, I love you above all things. (300 days). - 72.

18. Jesus, friend of children, bless children all over the world! (300 days). - 78,538

19. O Jesus, make me yours, all yours, always yours! (300 days). - 87.

20. Christian greeting: - Praise be to our Lord Jesus Christ. A. Forever be praised. (300 days; I. P.). - 697.

21. My Lord and my God! (7 years, when this chant is said at the Elevation or before the exposed Santíssimo). - IP (133).

22. Praise and thanks be at all times the Most Holy and Divine Sacrament! (300 days; IP) - 136.

23. I adore you every moment, O living bread from heaven, great Sacrament. (300 days; IP). - 137.

24. By genuflecting before the tabernacle, making an act of worship ... (300 days). For the double kneeling before the exposed Blessed ... (500 days). For an outward sign of reverence when passing in front of a church ... (300 days). - 146.

25. For participating in the Eucharistic processions, inside or outside the church ... (5 years, and having received communion, Ind. Plen.). - 150.

26. Lord, I am not worthy to enter my home, but say a word and my soul will be saved. (500 days; I. P.). - 156.

27. In each visit on the days of the Adoration of the 40 Hours, and of the monthly Exposition, praying 6 Our Father, 6 Hail Marys and 6 Glory to the Father. (15 years and IP on each day that he takes communion). During visits and during Holy Hour ... (10 years and I. P. having communed that day). - 148.

28. We adore you, O Christ, and we bless you, because by your holy cross you have redeemed the world. (3 years; I. P.). - 191.

29. I thank you, Lord, for dying on the cross for my sins. (300 days; IP). - 192.

30. O good Jesus, in your wounds I hid myself. (300 days). - 199.

31. Sweet Heart of my Jesus, make me love you more and more! (300 days; I. P.). - 224.

32. Heart of Jesus, I trust you. (300 days; IP). - 226.

33. Jesus, meek and lowly in heart, make our hearts like yours! (500 days; IP). - 227.

34. Sacred Heart of Jesus, your kingdom come to us! (300 days). - 228.

35. Divine Heart of Jesus, convert sinners, save the dying, free the holy souls from purgatory! (300 days). - 229.

36. Sacred Heart of Jesus, I believe in your love for me. (300 days). - 230.

37. O loving heart, I place all my trust in you, for I fear everything from my weakness, but I expect everything from your goodness. (300 days; IP). - 232.

38. All for you, Most Sacred Heart of Jesus! (300 days). - 234.

39. Sacred Heart of Jesus, be my love! (300 days). - 237.

40. Most Sacred Heart of Jesus, have mercy on us! (500 days; IP At the end of the Mass, praying three times with the priest, 7 years old). - 242 and 675.

41. Jesus' Eucharistic heart, burning with love for us, ignite our hearts of love for you!

42. Eucharistic heart of Jesus, model of the priestly heart, have mercy on us!

43. Eucharistic heart of Jesus, increase our faith, hope and charity!

44. Praise, adore, love and thanks be at all times the Eucharistic Heart of Jesus, in all the tabernacles of the world, until the end of the age! So be it.

45. Eucharistic heart of Jesus, make peace prevail in the world, the fruit of justice and charity.

46. ​​Jesus, Mary, Joseph! (7 years; IP). - 274.

47. Jesus, Mary, Joseph, I give you my heart and my soul. Jesus, Mary, Joseph, assisted me in the last agony! Jesus, Mary, Joseph, exhale my soul in peace in your company. (7 years for each of these invocations; IP). - 639.

48. Devoutly invoking the name of Mary. (90 days; IP). - 292.

49. Nossa Senhora da Conceição Aparecida (or Lourdes or another title approved by the Church), pray for us! (300 days). - 296.

50. My Mother, deliver me from mortal sin! Three Ave-Marias ... (300 days). - 297.

51. O Mother of love, pain and mercy, pray for us! (300 days). - 300.

52. Mary Most Holy, deliver us from the feathers of hell! (300 days). - 301.

53. My Mother, my hope. (300 days). 302.

54. Mary, Mother of grace, Mother of mercy, protect us from the enemy and receive us at the hour of death! (300 days; IP). - 307.

55. With your merciful Son, bless us, Virgin Mary! (300 days). - 309.

56. Blessed be the holy and Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary, Mother of God! (300 days; IP). - 356.

57. O Mary, conceived without sin, pray for us that we turn to you! (300 days; IP). - 357.

58. Holy Mother, this I ask of you, impress the wounds of the Crucified on my chest! (300 days; IP). - 375.

59. Most painful Virgin, pray for us! (300 days. Seven Hail Mary's praying to Our Lady of Sorrows and once this jaculatory, 5 years). - 377.

60. Sweet Heart of Mary, be my salvation. (300 days; IP). - 386.

61. Immaculate Queen of Peace, pray for us! (300 days). - 430.

62. Mother of orphans, pray for us! (300 days). - 432.

63. Queen of the Apostles, pray for us! (300 days). - 437.

64. O Mary, Queen of the clergy, pray for us, obtain for us many and holy priests! (300 days). - 604.

65. Mother of Perpetual Help, pray for us! (300 days). - 426.

66. Santa Maria Libertadora, pray for us and for the souls in purgatory! (300 days). - 425.

67. Make us, Saint Joseph, that we spend our lives in innocence and always cover ourselves with your sponsorship. (300 days; IP). - 458.

68. Saint Joseph, nourishing Father of Our Lord Jesus Christ and true husband of the Virgin Mary, pray for us! (300 days, once a day). - 459.

69. Saint Michael the Archangel, defend us in the struggle so that we do not perish in tremendous judgment! (300 days; IP). - 442.

70. Angel of God that for the benefit of divine goodness you are my guard, enlighten me, protect me, address me and govern me on this day (tonight)! Amen. (300 days; IP). - 452.

71. Saint Joaquim, husband of Sant'Ana, and father of the Blessed Virgin, grant your servants your help for their salvation! (300 days). - 490.

72. Jesus, Savior of the world, sanctify your priests and Levites! (300 days). - 656.

73. Send, Lord, workers to your harvest! (500 days; IP). - 606.

74. Sweet Heart of Jesus, have mercy on us and on our brothers who live in error! (300 days). - 233.

75. May you deign to call the unity of the Church to all who live in error and to lead all infidels to the light of the Gospel: we ask you, listen to us, Lord! (300 days). - 621.

76. May you deign to humiliate the enemies of the Holy Church: we ask you, listen to us, Lord (300 days). - 717.

77. Deign, Lord, to give eternal life back to all who do us good for your love. (300 days). - 666.

78. We give you thanks, O Almighty God, for all your benefits: you who live and reign for ever and ever. Amen. (300 days). - 683.

79. From sudden and unforeseen death deliver us, Lord. (300 days). - 637.

80. I beg you, Lord, grant that at the time of our death we deserve to be comforted with the Sacraments, cleansed from all guilt and to be received joyfully in the bosom of your mercy! Through Christ, our Lord. So be it. (3 years; IP). - 649.

Indulgences granted to those who teach or learn the Catechism

Holy Father Pius XI granted a plenary indulgence to those who devote about half an hour, two or more times a month, to teach or learn Christian doctrine.

The said indulgence can be won twice a month, on any day, by those who, truly contrite, receive the sacraments of Penance and the Eucharist and visit any church or public oratory, praying according to the intentions of the Supreme Pontiff.

In addition, the Holy Father grants the faithful who consecrate the aforementioned period of time to teach or learn Christian doctrine, a partial indulgence of 3 years. (693).

Other indulgences

Month of March

The faithful who, in the month of March, or, in the event of impediment, in any other month, do pious exercises, in praise of St. Joseph, can profit 7 years of indulgence each day and plenary for ten days, if they do it publicly; 6 years each day and plenary for the entire month, if you do it privately. (466).


The faithful who attend the May exercises in the church can profit ind. 7 years in each day and plenary if attended at least ten times. Those who, being unable to go to church, do these exercises at home, can gain ind. 5 years each day, and plenary for the entire month. (325).


Those who attend the June exercises in the church are granted ind. 10 years each day, and plenary, if they watch at least ten times. Those who are prevented from attending church and who do it privately, 7 years each day and plenary for the entire month. (253).


The faithful who during the month of October pray the rosary, either in public or in private, can profit ind. 7 years each day, plenary if they pray on the feast day (October 7) and during the octave, and another plenary if after the octave they pray the rosary for at least ten days, as long as they share and visit a church. (398).


The faithful who during the month of November practice devotions or other works of piety can earn 3 years each day, and for the whole month, ind. plenary session. (589).

January July and Eucharistic Month

The faithful who do some devotion or other work of piety in the month of January in praise of the Most Holy Name of Jesus, in the month of July in praise of the Most Precious Blood of Jesus, or in some other month in praise of the Blessed Sacrament, can profit in each day 7 years of ind., And for the entire month, ind. plenary session. (118, 217 and 175).

August September and December

The faithful who make prayers or other exercises of piety in the month of August in praise of the Most Pure Heart of Mary, in the month of September in praise of the sorrows of Our Lady, or in the month of December in praise of the Immaculate Conception of Mary, can profit in every 5 years, and for the entire month, plenary indulgence. (389, 381 and 364).

First Friday

Plenary indulgence to those who take communion and attend church a pious exercise in praise of the Sacred Heart and pray for the Holy Father's intention. If the public exercise is not possible, indulgence is gained by Communion, reparative prayer in particular, visit to a church and prayer by the intention of the Holy Father. (252).

First Saturday

Plenary indulgence to those who take communion and pray in praise of the Immaculate Conception of Mary and in reparation for the blasphemies that the wicked harm against her. (367).

Souls Day

On the day of souls, from the midday of the feast of All Saints, plenary indulgence can be gained by souls, whenever a public church or chapel is visited and six Our Father, Ave Marias and Glória are prayed according to intention of the Holy Father, as long as Communion has been made. (590).

First Communion

The faithful who make the First Communion or who attend the First Communion ceremonies, can gain plenary indulgence. (151).



Prayer of a boy who wants to make a good first communion and Prayer for student use

Most loving Jesus, who said: Let the little ones come to me (Mt 19,14), ah! when the beautiful day will come when I will be allowed to come to you; when will the blessed hour come when I will receive your most holy Body sacramentally, and with it your blood, your soul, your divinity? O lovely Redeemer, I wish you, because you are my only and sovereign good, I wish you, because you are all my love, I wish you, because in you are all the graces I need. Come, most merciful Lord, come to a soul that is hungry and thirsty for you; come, that he may worship you in me; come, that I may press you tenderly over my heart; come, that it may be all yours, and you all mine; come, that my heart and my flesh may rejoice in you, O living God; come, and I will tell you everything my soul needs.I'm just a boy, and very light-hearted, I know it: I have a thousand defects, I don't ignore him; but I hope you will transform me for your visit. Looking forward to this happy day, I ask you to prepare me with your own hands in order to receive you. Make me a child after your divine Heart: pure, humble, pious, obedient to my parents, respectful to my shepherd, docile to my teachers, gentle towards my peers, in everything and for everything enemy of sin and of bad companies. O Mary, Mother of Jesus, you are also my Mother: deign to prepare me to receive your dear Son Jesus worthily.Make me a child after your divine Heart: pure, humble, pious, obedient to my parents, respectful to my shepherd, docile to my teachers, gentle towards my peers, in everything and for everything enemy of sin and of bad companies. O Mary, Mother of Jesus, you are also my Mother: deign to prepare me to receive your dear Son Jesus worthily.Make me a child after your divine Heart: pure, humble, pious, obedient to my parents, respectful to my shepherd, docile to my teachers, gentle towards my peers, in everything and for everything enemy of sin and of bad companies. O Mary, Mother of Jesus, you are also my Mother: deign to prepare me to receive your dear Son Jesus worthily.

Prayer for student use

Most sweet Lord Jesus Christ, you are the ones who, in a fatherly kindness, inspired my parents to put me in this house where I can acquire virtue at the same time as science; grant me the grace to live here as a true disciple of your Sacred Heart. Give me ready intelligence, happy memory, easy speech. Make me humble in triumphs, resigned to trials, applied to work, strong in the difficulties of study. I protest that I desire science only as long as it can be useful for my salvation and the state of life for which you are destining me. I want to study with a pure heart, boyish simplicity, inviolable grip on everything that the Holy Church teaches. I was filled with true charity towards my companions, looking at them all as brothers who are much loved in Jesus Christ. Know that I endure the rude ways of some,and the unpleasant ways of others. Give me the serpent's prudence to flee from those who tie my innocence, and the apostle's zeal to invite those who live with less edification to good. Finally, my God, make sure that, out of my respect, docility, application and piety, it does not cease to be the joy and hope of my teachers and parents. Deign to bless the sacrifices, labors and vigils that you take on yourself to make me happy. One day be your eternal reward, and grant me to be one of the most beautiful jewels in your crown. O Mary, you are the seat of wisdom, and my good Mother, I dedicate my studies to you; I ask you to bless them and accept my offer of all the affections of my heart. So be it.and the zeal of an apostle to invite those who live with less edification to good. Finally, my God, make sure that, out of my respect, docility, application and piety, it does not cease to be the joy and hope of my teachers and parents. Deign to bless the sacrifices, labors and vigils that you take on yourself to make me happy. One day be your eternal reward, and grant me to be one of the most beautiful jewels in your crown. O Mary, you are the seat of wisdom, and my good Mother, I dedicate my studies to you; I ask you to bless them and accept my offer of all the affections of my heart. So be it.and the zeal of an apostle to invite those who live with less edification to good. Finally, my God, make sure that, out of my respect, docility, application and piety, it does not cease to be the joy and hope of my teachers and parents. Deign to bless the sacrifices, labors and vigils that you take on yourself to make me happy. One day be your eternal reward, and grant me to be one of the most beautiful jewels in your crown. O Mary, you are the seat of wisdom, and my good Mother, I dedicate my studies to you; I ask you to bless them and accept my offer of all the affections of my heart. So be it.Deign to bless the sacrifices, labors and vigils that you take on yourself to make me happy. One day be your eternal reward, and grant me to be one of the most beautiful jewels in your crown. O Mary, you are the seat of wisdom, and my good Mother, I dedicate my studies to you; I ask you to bless them and accept my offer of all the affections of my heart. So be it.Deign to bless the sacrifices, labors and vigils that you take on yourself to make me happy. One day be your eternal reward, and grant me to be one of the most beautiful jewels in your crown. O Mary, you are the seat of wisdom, and my good Mother, I dedicate my studies to you; I ask you to bless them and accept my offer of all the affections of my heart. So be it.

Prayer before study or lesson

We ask of you, O God of mercy, grant us the grace to fervently desire what is according to your wishes, to seek it with prudence, to recognize it with sincerity and to fulfill it with perfect fidelity, for the honor and glory of the your name. So be it.

Prayer to know the vocation

In order to enter any state of life, it is absolutely necessary to be called God, because without this vocation, it is, if not impossible, at least difficult, to fulfill the obligations of giving yourself status and saving yourself.

Lord Jesus, dead for my salvation, for the merits of your blood, I ask you to give me the light and strength that I need to choose the state in which I can most surely save myself. Speak, Lord, because your servant listens (IR3,10). Make me known what you require of me; resolved I am conforming to everything with your holy will. So I ask you to let me know the state in which you want to serve yourself: Indicate the path in which I must walk (Ps142,8), to reach heaven. And you, O my tender Mother Mary, bring this grace to me through your powerful intercession.

Prayer to Mary to know her vocation

O Maria, Mother of the Good Council, so honored under this beautiful title by Santo Afonso de Ligório, here I am at your feet to ask you for the grace to know my vocation: speak very clearly to my heart so that there is no uncertainty in this point . Bright Morning Star, dispel my darkness, preserve me from all the bonds sown under my steps, show me the way of eternal life, and attain the grace to walk on it full of courage and perseverance until my last Sigh. Fulfill in me the following words of the Holy Spirit that the Church applies to you: In me is found all the grace of the way and of the truth; in me all hope of life and virtue (Ecle24).

Prayer when the vocation is decided

When the vocation is decided, it will no longer be said: "Lord, enlighten me on what I must do"; but care will be taken to repeat this chant many times:

Lord, since you deigned to let me know of your holy will, now give me the strength to carry it out: Sign, O my God, what you have done in us (Ps 67, 26).

In the case of a religious vocation, the following will be added:

Here I am, Lord, I am no longer mine, I am yours; today I renew to you the donation of my whole being. Deign to accept my offer, granting me the strength to be faithful and to withdraw as soon as possible from your holy home.

Prayer of a soul called to religious life

Lord, you were too kind to choose me among so many others to live in your holy home with the privileged souls of your heart. I know the price of this grace, and how unworthy it was. Here I am ready to respond to so much love; I want to obey you. You have shown yourself so good to me, calling me when I did not seek you and even despised your benefits; Ah! do not allow me to fall into a new excess of ingratitude now, abandoning you to follow the world, this cruel enemy that, in the past, has made me lose your grace so many times! For you have deigned to call me, give me the strength to respond to your voice. I leave everything, and I wish I had more, just to have more to leave behind in your steps, O my King and my God,that you have chosen such a poor and laborious life to prove your love to me and to encourage me by your example! Deign to go ahead, Lord, who will follow you. Choose the cross you want for me, and help me: resolved, I am carrying it with love and constancy. I regret that I once abandoned you to follow my tastes and the vanities of the world; from now on, I don't want to leave you anymore. Attach yourself to your cross; and if by weakness I ever resist, drag me by the gentle chains of your love, and do not allow yourself to be abandoned any more. Yes, my Jesus, I renounce all the joys in the world; my only pleasure will be to continue loving and suffering everything that you like. I hope that one day I will reach your kingdom, where I will be united with you by a bond of eternal love, and I will no longer fear being separated from you. I love you,O my God and my all, and I will love you always. Such is my hope, O Maria! No one on this earth has better than you imitated the virtues of Jesus: that is why you enjoy an unparalleled authority in heaven, in order to reach our graces; I wait for you.

Proper prayer for priests and those aspiring to the priesthood

My God, it is a great honor for a man to be a priest, to be able to bring the Incarnate Word down from heaven, to free souls from sin and hell, to be the vicar of Jesus Christ, the light of the world and the mediator between God. and men, to be greater and more noble than all monarchs on earth, to have a power greater than that of angels, to be, in a word, an earthly god, according to the expression of Saint Clement. Yes, this is a great honor, and you deigned to call me, O my God! Nothing happier for me, but, on the other hand, nothing more shaking; because if Jesus Christ wants to come down into my hands to be my sustenance, it is necessary for me to become eminent in purity; if I am to be with your majesty mediator in favor of men, I must present myself before her without sin; to be the vicar of the Redeemer,it is necessary to resemble him for my life; to be the light of the world, I must be shining with virtue. In short, it is necessary for me to be holy in order to be a worthy minister of yours, O God of holiness! Grant me, therefore, Lord, the dispositions proper to this sublime state, so that it is worth it with zeal with regard to your glory, mortifying my senses, suffering with patience the sufferings and persecutions, preserving the purity of body, giving study me in an attempt to be useful to souls, practicing sweetness and true charity towards others, and living away from the pleasures of the world. In short, O my most beloved Lord, grant me the grace to remain in perfect union with you, and make my heart, through prayer, the altar on which the fire of divine love continually burns, so that,after I have loved you and made you love on earth, have the happiness of loving you forever in paradise. O Queen of heaven, I want from today on to do everything I can to make you worship and love the world. Accept my desire, and help me to fulfill it. In this trust, deign to register with the number of your servants and do not allow me to be a slave of Lucifer at any time.

Prayer of a soul in a state of sin

When my soul had the fortune to possess your grace, O my God, it was your friend, your daughter, your wife, and your temple; but when he sinned, everything was lost, he became an enemy and a slave to hell. I thank you for the time you still give me to regain your grace, O my God! I am extremely sorry to have offended you, O infinite goodness; I love you about all things. Deign to receive me today in your friendship. Out of compassion, do not reject me! I deserved to be released from Your presence, I know it; but Jesus Christ deserves that you accept my repentance again, in consideration of the sacrifice he made of himself on Calvary. Your kingdom come: My Father, (this is how your divine Son taught me to call you) My Father, come and reign in my heart by your grace; serve him alone; live only for you, and only love you: do this to me!And do not let us fall into temptation: Ah! do not allow my enemies to tempt me to the point of overcoming me! But deliver us from evil: Deliver me from hell, or before sin, which alone can lead me to hell. O Mary, pray for me: remove from me the great misfortune of living in sin, deprived of the grace and love of my God.

Feelings of trust in God

(From Beato Cláudio de la Colombiére)

Lord, here is a soul who is in the world to exercise your admirable mercy and make it shine in the face of heaven and earth. Others glorify you by showing you the strength of your grace, by their faithfulness and constancy; how sweet and liberal you are towards those who are faithful to you: as for me, I will glorify you by making known how good you are towards sinners and how above all malice is your mercy, which nothing is capable of wearing out; as no relapse, however shameful and criminal, may lead the sinner to the despair of forgiveness. I have seriously offended you, O my dear Redeemer; but it would be even worse if it made you horrible to think that you are not so good that you forgive me. Your vain and my enemy in vain arm me with new bonds every day; everything will make me lose,but not the hope that I have in your mercy; given that I had fallen a hundred times and my crimes were a hundred times more horrible than they are, I would still wait on you. So be it.

Feelings of a repentant soul

O my Redeemer, who shed all the blood and gave your life to save my soul, how many times have I lost it by abusing your mercy! So I leaned on your kindness to offend you even more! In punishment, he deserved to be suddenly jumped by death and precipitated in hell: you and I have been competing in persistence: you in making me mercy, and I in offending you; you, in seeking me, and I, in running away from you; you, in giving me time to repair my sins, I, in using him to add injury to injury! Lord, help me effectively to know the greatness of my offenses to you, and the obligation that I have to love you. Ah! my Jesus, was it so dear to you to seek me out when I fled? how could you give so much thanks to the one who caused you so much heartache? In all of this I see how much you wish not to lose me.I repent with all my heart that I have offended you, O infinite goodness! Ah! receive this ungrateful sheep that, moved by repentance, comes at your feet; turn it and bind it on your shoulders, so that it will no longer depart from you. No, I don't want to be separated from you; I want to love you and belong to you; once it is yours, I accept all penalties. There! what greater penalty could it hurt me than to live without your grace, separated from you, my God, my Creator and my Redeemer. O cursed sins, what have you done? you have made me displease my most loving Savior. Ah! my Jesus, I should die for you as you did for me, but your death was a death of love, whereas mine must be a death of pain for having despised you. I accept it in time and in the way you are served to send it. There! I have not yet loved you, or I have loved you very little;I don't want to die like that. Give me a little more life, so that I can love you before I die: then deign to change my heart, hurt it, ignite it with your holy love; I ask this for the feeling of charity that made you die for me. My soul is overwhelmed with love for you.

Prayer of a soul that returns to his God

There! Eternal God, how many times have I dishonored you, preferring my will to yours, and my vile and miserable satisfactions to your holy grace! What hope of forgiveness would there be for me if you had not given me Jesus Christ, determinedly to be our hope for the poor sinners? He became a victim of atonement for our sins. Also, by offering you the sacrifice of his life to atone for our outrages, he has earned you more honor than was the dishonor we caused you for our sins. Receive me, then, Father of infinite goodness, welcome me for the love of Jesus Christ: I am sorry to have outraged you. Like the prodigal son, I have sinned against heaven and against you, I am not worthy of forgiveness, but Jesus deserves to be heard. he asked for me on the cross when he said: My Father, forgive them (Lk 23,34). And now, in heaven,he intercedes for us (Rm 8,34), and asks you to receive me in the number of your children. Receive an ungrateful son who becomes for you, determined to love you. Yes, my Father, I love you and I want to love you always. Ah! my Father, now that I know the love that you have for me and the patience that you have used with me for so many years, I could no longer come without loving you. Give me a great love, which will make me cry constantly for my offenses against such a good Father; make me burn with love for such a loving Father. O my Father, I love you, I love you. O Mary, God is my Father, and you are my Mother; everything is possible with you; get me your love and perseverance.Now that I know the love you have for me and the patience you have used with me for so many years, I could not come without loving you. Give me a great love, which will make me cry constantly for my offenses against such a good Father; make me burn with love for such a loving Father. O my Father, I love you, I love you. O Mary, God is my Father, and you are my Mother; everything is possible with you; get me your love and perseverance.Now that I know the love you have for me and the patience you have used with me for so many years, I could not come without loving you. Give me a great love, which will make me cry constantly for my offenses against such a good Father; make me burn with love for such a loving Father. O my Father, I love you, I love you. O Mary, God is my Father, and you are my Mother; everything is possible with you; get me your love and perseverance.

Feelings of a heart recognized in remembrance of the Lord's mercies

Who am I, O my Redeemer and my God, who am I, that you have loved me so much, and continue with such perseverance? What law compels you to have so much love for me? that you have received from me, if not contempt and disgust, which should have forced you to abandon me and expel your presence forever. Ah! Sir, I accept any other punishment, but not this one. If you abandoned me and deprived me of your grace, I could no longer love you. I do not intend to escape the pain I deserved, but I want to love you and love you fervently. I want to love you as an unfortunate sin is obliged, a pain that, after receiving so many special favors from you, so many signs of love, has so often committed the ingratitude of turning its back on you and preferring your grace and love to miserable pleasures, passengers and poisonous. I want to make up for as much as I can, by the ardor of my love,the ingratitude that I showed you in the past. An innocent soul loves you as such, thanks to you for preserving it from the death of sin; I must love you as a sinner, that is, as a rebellious servant, condemned to hell as many times as I have sinned, and then as often graced by your mercy, put back in a state of saving me, enriched even with lights, aid and heavenly inspirations to sanctify me. O Redeemer, who has so often redeemed my soul, my heart was captivated with love for you. Yes, you have loved me excessively: your love has overcome me for its irresistible attractions: victory at last for you, and I absorb all my love in you. I love you therefore, O infinite goodness, I love you, O infinitely kind God; increase your flames more and more,multiply your traits of love without ceasing to captivate my heart; let your glory be in making you love this heart that has greatly offended you. O Mary, my Mother, hope and refuge for sinners, help a miserable person who wishes to become pleasing to God; make me love my Savior, and love him with fervor.

Feelings of a soul resolved not to leave his God anymore

Ah! my God, I no longer want the devil to reign in my soul; I want you to be its sole lord and owner. I want to renounce everything to gain your grace: a thousand crowns and many other kingdoms I prefer. There! to whom he must love but you, infinite kindness, infinite good, beauty, goodness, infinite love! In the past, I left you for the creatures; the memory of offending you, who have loved me so much, will be a sword that will always pierce my heart. Since you imprisoned me for so many benefits, my God, I can no longer be deprived of your love. Beloved mine, make all my will, everything that belongs to me, and do with me what you are served. If I once gave myself to opposing feelings, I beg your pardon for this. Most sweet Lord, I no longer want to complain about the provisions of your providence;I know that they are all holy and advantageous to me. do what you want, O my God; I promise to declare myself always happy, and I thank you without ceasing. Make me love you, and my desires will be complete. No more riches! no more honors! no more world! God, God, I want nothing but God. How blessed you are, O Mary, that you have loved only God on earth! get me the grace to love you with the rest of my days.get me the grace to love you with the rest of my days.get me the grace to love you with the rest of my days.

Prayer to avoid hell

Beloved Jesus, my Savior and Judge, when you come to judge me, ah! out of pity do not condemn me to hell. In this black prison, I could not love you, but always hate you; but how can I hate you if you are so kind and have loved me so much? If you want to condemn me to hell, grant me at least the grace to love you with all my heart. I do not deserve this grace because of my sins; but if I don't deserve it, for me you deserved it, for the blood you shed with such pain on the cross. In a word, O my divine Judge, inflict all the penalties you want on me, but do not deprive me of the faculty to love you. Mother of my God, see the danger that I run from being condemned to not being able to love your adorable Son, who deserves infinite love: ah! come to my rescue, have compassion on me.

Prayer to obtain paradise

My crucified Jesus, let me know the magnificent rewards you have prepared for the souls who love you. Give me such a desire for paradise, that, forgetting the land, make it my permanent home, and for the rest of my life I only aspire to leave this exile, to see you face to face and love you perfectly in your eternal kingdom. . I do not deserve this happiness, I even know that my name was once written in the book of those condemned to hell; but today I have the confidence to be in grace, Ah! I conjure you by the blood you shed for me on the cross, I inscribed myself in the Book of life. You died to make me acquire paradise; I want it, ardently desire it, and I hope to obtain it for your merits, O my Savior; yes, I hope to love you one day with all my strength, It is to consume me all of love towards you:there forgetting myself, forgetting everything that is not you, I will only think of loving you, I will only want to love you, and I will do nothing but love you. O my Jesus, when will this happy day come? ... O Mary, Mother of God, your prayers must open up paradise for me: since you are my lawyer, I have fulfilled your office, taken me out of this exile, and led turn to Jesus, the blessed fruit of your entrails.

Sighs through the sky

When, Lord, will I be free from so much anguish, and will I only think of loving you and singing your praises? When will I enjoy this solid peace, free from afflictions and all the danger of losing myself? O my God, when will I see myself absorbed in you, contemplating your infinite beauty face to face and without veil? When at last, my Creator, when will I have the happiness of possessing you, and being able to tell you: My God, am I no longer afraid of losing you? Lord, while I live in this retribution, I am continually at war with my inner enemies; help me with your graces: without your help, I fear that earthly pleasures and my illicit propensities will drag me down a precipice. Retained at the bottom of this sad valley, I would at least want, O my God, to occupy myself without ceasing with you and rejoice in your infinite happiness;but the disordered desires of my senses make so much noise in me that they disturb me. I would like to use all the faculties of my soul to love you and to give thanks; but the flesh asks me for the enjoyment of earthly pleasures, and I find myself obliged to cry out to São Paulo: Unhappy with me, who will deliver me from this body of death (Rm 7,24). I have to fight without ceasing, not only against my enemies from outside, but also against my own inclinations, to the point that I feel tired of living and am heavy with myself. Who then will deliver me from this death, that is, from the danger of falling into sin, a danger that in itself is continuous death for me, a torment that will end only with my last breath? My God, do not part with me, because if you part, I am afraid to offend you; ah! rather, stay close to me for your powerful help,do not cease to sustain me, so that I can withstand the attacks of my enemies. Your prophet assures us that you are close to those with afflicted hearts (Ps33,19), and those with patience. Then be constantly by my side, O most beloved Lord, and give me the patience I need to triumph over all the boredom that overwhelms me.

O palace of my God, an abode prepared for those who love him, from this miserable land I sigh without ceasing for you. Beloved Shepherd of mine, descended from heaven to save the lost sheep, here I am, one of those sheep who had the misfortune to turn their backs on you and get lost. Lord, seek me, return and put me on your shoulders, so that I cannot separate myself from you any more. As I aspire to Heaven, the enemy of my soul strives to terrify me for the remembrance of my faults, but, O my crucified Jesus, your sight reassures me and makes me hope that one day I will love you, without veil, in your happy kingdom . Augusta Queen of Paradise, continue to be my lawyer: thanks to the blood of Jesus Christ and your intercession, I have the firm confidence to save myself.

Prayer to get out of lukewarmness

I acknowledge, O my God, that a life full of neglect, like the one I lead, cannot satisfy you; I myself, I know, because of my lukewarmness, I close the door on the graces that you will want to grant me. Lord, do not abandon me yet; continue to show mercy to me, because I want to rise from such a miserable state; I will henceforth be more diligent in taming my passions; follow your inspirations and fulfill all my duties; in short, I want to do in the future as much as it is up to me to please you, and leave nothing out of what I know is pleasant to you. O my Jesus, you were prodigal of thanks with me, prodigal until I gave your blood and life for my salvation, it is not just that I am so mean with you. You are worthy of all honor, of all love; you deserve that we endure with joy all work, all pains, to please you. But,my divine Redeemer, you know my weakness; help me with your mighty hand; I put my trust in you. O Mary, Immaculate Virgin, help me to overcome and become a saint.

Prayer to gain victory over temptations and Prayer to use time well

My God, do not cast me out of your presence (SL50,13). I know perfectly well that you will never abandon me, if I am the first to abandon you, alas! what makes me fear this misfortune is the experience I have in my weakness. Lord, it is yours to give me the strength that I need against hell, which seeks to reduce me still under its bondage; for the love of Jesus Christ I ask you. O my Savior, establish with me a perpetual peace, an eternally indissoluble union. This effect, give me your holy love. He who does not love you is killed (1jo3,14); it is up to you to deliver me from this wretched death, O God of my soul! Ah! for the bitter death that you suffered for me, do not allow it, I beg you, my Jesus, consent to me to lose your friendship. I love you above all things; I hope to always remain in the bonds of your holy love; die in them one day,and live in them forever. O Mary, you are the Mother and dispenser of perseverance, so I demand and expect this great gift from you.

Prayer to use time well

Blessed be the patience with which you have endured me, O my God! To love you you have given me the time, and in offending and displeasing you I have employed it! If I were to die now, what would my pain be, thinking that I lived in this world for so many years, doing nothing; Lord, I thank you for the time you still give me, to repair the loss of so many years. My Jesus, for the merits of your Passion, deign to help me to live no longer for me, but only for you and your love. I do not know how much time I have left in life, whether it is too little or too much; but if you give me a thousand years to live, I would only use them to love and please you, my sovereign Well, and I hope to love you forever. I no longer want to be ungrateful to you; I no longer want to resist your love, which has been inviting me for so long to give myself all to you. There!to dilate it more? would such an expansion not compel you to abandon me definitively, and would it not prevent you from calling me again? I thank you, O Mary, for the precious time I enjoy; I owe it to your intercession; make him use it all to love your divine Son, my Redeemer, and to you also, my Queen and my Mother.

Prayer for the grace to rule the language well

O my God, I consecrate my tongue to you so that it no longer offends you. To praise you more than these, and I have used it to outrage you and impel others to offend you; I regret all my soul. Ah! for the love of Jesus Christ, who in your life honored you so much for his language, grant that from now on I will always honor you for mine, celebrating your praises, invoking you many times, and speaking of your goodness and the love you deserve.

Prayer of a soul that wants to sanctify itself

O Jesus, my love, I definitely want to love you with all my heart and sanctify myself; yes, I want to sanctify myself to please and love you very much in this life and the next. I know that you want my sanctification. My soul, on account of your grace, sighs for you and seeks only you. I no longer want to live for myself: you want me to be all yours, and I want you too; then come, Lord, unite with you, and unite with me. You have loved me very much; you are too amiable: how could I love anything else outside of you? I prefer your love to all the goods in the world. You are the only object of my affections! I renounce everything else, to give myself without reserve to your love, O my Creator, my Redeemer, my comforter, my hope, my love, my everything! Whatever sins I have committed, I do not despair of my sanctification,for I know that you died to forgive the one who repents. I accept to please you all the tribulations that you have been served to send me, the diseases, pains, anguish, ignominy, poverty, persecution, desolation; I also accept the death that you prepare for me, with all the sufferings and crosses that will accompany it; it is enough that you grant me the grace to love you fervently. May the strength of my love be able to compensate, for the rest of my life, the disgust that I caused you once, the only love in my soul! Queen of heaven, Mother of God, powerful advocate of sinners, I trust in you.with all the sufferings and crosses that will accompany it; it is enough that you grant me the grace to love you fervently. May the strength of my love be able to compensate, for the rest of my life, the disgust that I caused you once, the only love in my soul! Queen of heaven, Mother of God, powerful advocate of sinners, I trust in you.with all the sufferings and crosses that will accompany it; it is enough that you grant me the grace to love you fervently. May the strength of my love be able to compensate, for the rest of my life, the disgust that I caused you once, the only love in my soul! Queen of heaven, Mother of God, powerful advocate of sinners, I trust in you.

Prayer to obtain the science of the saints

O sincere and perfect lover of my soul, where will I find a friend who has loved me as much as you? In the past I lost time in learning many things that are of no use to my soul, and I thought little of learning the science of loving you; Ah! I acknowledge the wrong I did. But I hear that you still call me to your love; here I am, Lord; from now on my only study will be to please you, O my supreme Good!

Prayer to obtain the grace to act with good intention

When will I begin to love you sincerely, my Jesus? Damn that I am! if I examine my works, which are still good, and I look for one made solely to please you, alas! Sir, I can't find it. Out of pity, have mercy on me; do not consent to serve yourselves so badly until death. Give me your assistance, and consecrate without reservation the rest of my days in serving and loving you. Operate your aid in me effectively so that I overcome all obstacles in order to please you, and refer everything to this one end; for the merits of your Passion I ask you. O Mary, my powerful advocate, obtain this grace for your prayers.

Prayer to obtain the holy virtues

My Lord and my God, for the merits of Jesus Christ, I ask you first of all your holy light, so that I understand that earthly goods are nothing but vanity, and the only good is to love you, O supreme and infinite Good, and also evaluate how much you deserve to be loved by everyone, and especially by me, to whom you have witnessed so much love. Give me holy humility to embrace with joy all the contempt I receive from men. Inspire me great pain from my sins. I reduced myself to loving holy mortification, fighting my passions and taming my rebellious senses. Make me love obedience to my superiors. Grant me the grace of having no purpose in my actions other than to please you. Give me the holy purity of body and spirit, and letting go of everything that does not tend to your love.Give me great confidence in the Passion of Jesus Christ and in the intercession of the Blessed Virgin Mary. Above all, give me great love and perfect conformity to your divine will.

Prayer for purity

S. Luís Gonzaga

O São Luís, decorated with angelic purity, in a special way I recommend the purity of my soul and my body. Do not allow me to fall short against chastity, but when you are tempted, take away all impure thought and affection. This grace I beseech you for your innocence and for the love you have for the spotless Lamb and his Mother, the Blessed Virgin Mary.

The Blessed Virgin

Through your most holy virginity and immaculate conception, the pure purity of the soul, impure me, the purity of soul and body.

Prayer for Obedience

O Jesus, who were obedient to death and death on the cross, make me willingly obey my parents and superiors. I want to obey you in everything to please you and imitate your admirable obedience to Mary, to Joseph and even to your executioners.

Consecration of yourself to the Lord

My beloved is mine and I am his (Ct2,16). Yes, my God, because you gave me all of you, I would be very ungrateful if I did not give all to you. You all want me: here I am, Lord; accept the gift I give you of myself: I beg you for your mercy, do not reject it. Make my heart, so long clinging to creatures, now give itself without reservation to the love of your infinite goodness. "Die this me now, I will say with Santa Teresa, and live God in me! Live, yes, and give me life! Reign, and be me your slave! My soul does not want another freedom". Kindest Lord, my heart is too small to love a God worthy of infinite love! I would therefore do injustice if I wanted to divide it between you and the creatures. I love you, my God, I love you above all things; I love only you; I give myself to you all, O Jesus, my Savior, my love,my everything! In this life and in the next, I desire nothing but the treasure of your love. You are the God of my heart (Ps 72,25); I no longer want any creature to find a place in my heart. you must be its sole dominator, it is only that it must belong from now on; you will be all my happiness, you, my rest, you, my desire, you, all my love. All I ask and expect of you is your love and grace; grant me this gift, and my desires are complete. O Most Holy Virgin Mary, make me faithful to God, and never revoke this donation from myself to this lovely is only yours that it must belong from now on; you will be all my happiness, you, my rest, you, my desire, you, all my love. All I ask and expect of you is your love and grace; grant me this gift, and my desires are complete. O Most Holy Virgin Mary, make me faithful to God, and never revoke this donation from myself to this lovely is only yours that it must belong from now on; you will be all my happiness, you, my rest, you, my desire, you, all my love. All I ask and expect of you is your love and grace; grant me this gift, and my desires are complete. O Most Holy Virgin Mary, make me faithful to God, and never revoke this donation from myself to this lovely Lord.

Shorter consecration

God and my Lord, I consecrate myself completely to you. Therefore, take possession of my soul, my body, my senses, my faculties, my will, my freedom, in short, my whole being. You are the only good, the only kind; therefore be my only love.

Prayer to love God perfectly

O my God and my all, I prefer you to all the riches, honors, sciences, glories, hopes and gifts that you can bestow on me. You are my happiness; I want you and nothing more: because you alone are infinitely beautiful, infinitely good, infinitely lovable; you are in a word the only good. So nothing can settle me but you. I repeat, Lord, and I will always repeat: You alone, and nothing more; all that is less than you, I declare, is unable to satisfy me. Ah! when will it be given to me to concern myself only with praising, loving and pleasing you, thinking neither of the creatures nor of myself ?! Beloved Lord, when you see me cool in your love, in danger of clinging to creatures, earthly pleasures, help me and pull me out of the misfortune of separating from you. Seek others in other places and things you want; about me,I do not love or desire but you, my God, my love and my hope.

Prayer to fulfill God's will

Grant me, O good Jesus, your grace; in me be, in me operate, live with me until the end. Make me want and always want what is more to your liking and love. May your will be mine, and mine always be yours, and conform to it very perfectly. I have nothing but to want and not to want with you, and I cannot want or want nothing but what you either want or do not want. So be it.

(lnd. 3 years; IP). - 98.

Feelings of conformity to God's will

My Jesus, every time I say: Praise be to God! or: God's will be done! I intend to accept all the provisions of your providence regarding me, in time and in eternity. I just want the state of life, the housing, the clothes, the food, the health that you have been given to grant me.

I don't want another job, another talent, another fortune, than the ones you have assigned me.

If you want my business to be unsuccessful, my projects are gone, my processes are lost, everything I own is stolen, I want it too.

If you want me to be despised, hated, forsaken, defamed, mistreated, even by those I love most, I want it too.

If you want me to be deprived of everything, banished from my homeland, locked up in prison and living in continuous pain and distress, I want it too.

If you want me to be always sick, covered with sores, crippled, stretched out on a bed, abandoned by everyone, I want you too.

Everything is as you please and for as long as you want. I put my own life in your hands, and I accept the death that you assign to me: I also resign myself to the death of my parents and friends, and to everything you want.

I also want everything you want with regard to my spiritual good. I want to love you with all my strength in this life and go to love you in paradise as seraphim love you; but I am happy with whatever you want to give me. If you want to give me only one degree of love, grace and glory, I want nothing more than this, because this is what you want. I prefer the fulfillment of your will to all goods.

In a word, O my God, of me and of everything that belongs to me, dispose as your will be; with mine you have no consideration, for I only want what you want. Whatever treatment you give me, bitter or sweet, pleasant or painful, I gladly accept it, because it will always come from your hand.

I accept, my Jesus, in a special way the death that awaits me and all the penalties that must accompany it, in the place and time that is your will. Uniting them to your holy death, O my Savior, I offer them to you in testimony of my love for you. I want to die to please you and fulfill your divine will.

Prayer to be done in feathers

Oh! divine gift, gift above all gifts: to love in suffering, and to suffer in love! Only you, O my Jesus, have been able to teach us this maxim of salvation, which is so contrary to all the maxims of the world, and only you can give us the strength to bear the crosses with patience; I do not ask you to exempt me from suffering, but rather give me the grace to suffer with patience and resignation. O eternal Father, your divine Son has promised us all the graces we ask of you in his name; here is what I ask of you: grant me the grace to endure patiently the penalties of this life; answer me for the love of Jesus Christ. And you, my Jesus, forgive me all the offenses that I have done to you, when I refused to be patient in the afflictions you sent me. Give me your love, and he will give me the strength to suffer for your love. Deprive me of all things, of earthly goods, of my relatives,of my friends, of the health of the body, of all consolations, of the same life, but do not deprive me of your love. Be mine, and I ask no more of you. O holy Virgin, obtain for me the grace to love Jesus Christ constantly until death.

Prayer to obtain the grace to endure humiliations resignedly

See pp. 309 and 330.

Prayer of a virgin who lives in the world or in the cloister

God and my Redeemer, O Jesus who died for me, forgive me if I dare to call you the most beloved husband of my soul: I dare to do this, because I see that you are worthy to invite me to this honor; it is a grace that I am unable to thank you worthily. At this hour I should be in hell, and yet, instead of punishing me, you want my soul to become your wife: oh! yes, my divine husband, I renounce the world, I renounce everything for your love, and I give myself to you all. There! is the world to me? the world! ... My Jesus, from now on you will be my only good, my only love. You want my whole heart, without reservation I want to give it to you; accept, I beg you, this offering, and do not reject it as you deserved it. Forget all the sorrows I have given you, I regret them with all my soul: Ah! I didn't die before I offended you! Forgive me,burn me with your holy love, and grant me the grace to never leave you again. O tender husband of my soul, you have given yourselves entirely to me; here I am, I give myself to you all. And you, O Mary, my Queen and Mother, bind, link my heart to Jesus Christ, and bind him so tightly that there is no place to separate from you ever.

Prayer for final perseverance

I adore you, O eternal God, and I give you grace because you created me, redeemed me through Jesus Christ, you made me a son of the holy Church, you waited for me when I was in sin, you forgave me so many times, and you preserved me from so many faults in which I would have fallen without the help of your grace. There! my enemies will not cease to tempt me to death; if you do not support me, I will offend you even more than before. For the love of Jesus Christ, give me holy perseverance. This good Savior promised us all the graces as long as we asked them in his name; I therefore ask you, for the merits of your most beloved Son, for the grace of not separating me from you anymore, I also beseech you for all those who enjoy your friendship. I am certain, O my God, that if I continue to ask you for perseverance, I will obtain it, for you have promised to listen to him who asks of you; behold, however,what I fear: is that, on dangerous occasions, do not take care to recommend me to you, and so it will succumb. The grace, therefore, that I ask of you, in the name of Jesus and Mary, is not to leave prayer. Make sure that, in temptations, he never ceases to appeal to you, invoking the holy names of Jesus and Mary. Hereby, O my God, I have the firm hope of dying in your grace and going to love you in paradise, where I will live assured that I will not be separated from you anymore and that I will love you for eternal centuries. So be it.I have the firm hope of dying in your grace and going to love you in paradise, where I will be sure that I will not be separated from you anymore and that I will love you for eternal centuries. So be it.I have the firm hope of dying in your grace and going to love you in paradise, where I will be sure that I will not be separated from you anymore and that I will love you for eternal centuries. So be it.

Prayer with the same intention to be repeated frequently

Eternal Father, supported by the promise of your divine Son: Truly I say to you, if you ask my Father anything in my name, he will give it to you; I ask you, in the name of Jesus, for holy perseverance and the grace to love you with all my heart, perfectly fulfilling your holy will in the future.

Prayer to be preserved from unforeseen death

Finally cease to sin, O my soul; think of the sudden passage of life to eternal torments: there, all penance is useless, and tears without fruit. While it's time, it changes your life; cry to the Lord, saying, My God, have mercy on me. Most merciful Lord Jesus, for your agony, for your blood sweat, for yours. death, deliver me, I summon you from sudden and unforeseen death. O sweetest Jesus, I humbly beg you, for your cruel and ignominious scourging, for your crowning of thorns, for your Cross, for your Passion, and for your kindness, do not allow me to die suddenly and pass without the help of the sacraments , to the other life. O most beloved Lord Jesus, I am fervently calling you for your labors and pains, for your precious blood and holy wounds, and for these last words spoken on the cross: My God,my God, why have you forsaken me? and for these others: My Father, in your hands my spirit resigns, deliver me from sudden and unforeseen death. O God, in whose eyes all the angelic choirs tremble, and all consciences are appalled, grant us, we beseech you, the abundance of your mercy, for we are suspicious of the quality of our merits, lest your justice may hurt from sudden death, but on the contrary let us experience the effects of your mercy. Through Jesus Christ, our Lord.for we suspect the quality of our merits, so that your justice does not hurt us to sudden death, but on the contrary we experience the effects of your mercy. Through Jesus Christ, our Lord.for we suspect the quality of our merits, so that your justice does not hurt us to sudden death, but on the contrary we experience the effects of your mercy. Through Jesus Christ, our Lord.

Renewal of baptism vows

In the name of the Most Holy Trinity, God the Father who created me,

God the Son who redeemed me,

God the Holy Spirit who wants to sanctify me;

in the hands of the Virgin Mary,

Mother of God and my Mother;

in the presence of São José,

of my guardian angel,

of my holy protectors and of the entire heavenly court;

in the face of the holy Roman Catholic Church,

I renew and ratify the sacred and inviolable obligations, which were made by me on the holy day of my baptism.

I protest, therefore, that I wholeheartedly renounce Satan, his pomps and works, determined to remain faithful to God until death.

Yes, anathema to Satan, lying spirit, propagator of evil, enemy of the Church;

anathema to its pomp, which is the corrupting world, its vanities, its pernicious maxims, its seductive pleasures;

anathema to his works, which are sin and the evil propensities of the heart.

Yes, before everything loses that the faith of my baptism,

rather to die than to live as an enemy of my God.

Eternal Father, in the name of Jesus, grant me fidelity to my messages.

O Mary, Mother of perseverance, you will never forsake me.

Prayer for our Most Holy Father the Pope

Let us pray for our Holy Father Pope Francis. The Lord preserve and quicken it; make him happy on earth, and do not abandon him to the power of his enemies.

An Our Father and an Hail Mary.

(Ind. 3 years; IP). - 652.

Prayer for the Holy Church

Lord, God of virtues, return your benevolent face to us, and save us. You banished idolatry from the world, and planted the vineyard of your holy Church with such care that the revealed truths were embraced everywhere. Adored was the cross of Jesus Christ seen everywhere; the prophecy that announced that true faith would one day fill the whole earth was fulfilled. But then heresy, that fierce beast from the forest of hell, came to destroy this vineyard to the point of error reigning today in many countries in Europe. And what is even more to deplore, faith, in the countries that remained faithful, has today become the object of persecution on the part of unbelievers. Ah! my God, we conjured you, turn to us, and consider how vast your vineyard is. Look at it, visit it,and repair the damage your enemies have done to you; your Church, your Scriptures, your commandments, your maxims, but in a word, all your holy truths are despised and scorned by them. Remember, O Eternal Father, that in order to obey and cultivate this vineyard according to your divine will, your Son Jesus became son of man; remember that planting it consecrated the sweats and fatigue of your whole life. We beseech you then, for the love of that beloved Son, deign to attend us; direct and preserve the holy Church, humiliate its enemies; listen to us, obey you and cultivate this vineyard according to your divine will, your Son Jesus became son of man; remember that planting it consecrated the sweats and fatigue of your whole life. We beseech you then, for the love of that beloved Son, deign to attend us; direct and preserve the holy Church, humiliate its enemies; listen to us, obey you and cultivate this vineyard according to your divine will, your Son Jesus became son of man; remember that planting it consecrated the sweats and fatigue of your whole life. We beseech you then, for the love of that beloved Son, deign to attend us; direct and preserve the holy Church, humiliate its enemies; listen to us, Lord.

Shorter prayer for the Church

O Lord, your Church, that vineyard that your divine son planted, watering it with his blood, is devastated everywhere; come, visit it, and restore it! only you can.

Prayer to Mary for the Holy Church

O Queen of heaven, Mary, your immense love for God leads you to love his Church immensely. Ah! we beseech you, come and help her, freeing her from the evils in which she is currently overwhelmed, fought as she is by her own children. Your prayers, being from the Mother, obtain everything from God, who so tenderly loves you. Pray then, pray for the Church: shed light on so many unbelievers who follow it, and obtain for the faithful souls the strength necessary not to be caught in the wiles of the wicked, who would drag them into eternal ruin.

Prayer for the homeland

Lord, save your people and bless your inheritance. God arise, and let your enemies be defeated. O Jesus, arise, come to our aid, and deliver us for the glory of your name. Lord, save the king, and deign to hear the prayers that we address to you. Have compassion on us, Lord, have compassion on us.

Prayer for peace

Lord, give us peace during our days, because there is no one who fights for us but you who are our God.

V. Peace be made by your power;

A. And for the abundance of your help.

Let us pray.

O God, from whom come holy desires, good advice and works of justice, give your servants the peace that the world cannot give, so that, subjecting our hearts to your commandments and free from the fear of our enemies, let us enjoy, for your protection, peaceful days. Through Jesus Christ, our Lord. So be it.

(lnd. 3 years; IP). - 701.

Prayer for Religious Orders

Lord, make it to your glory that all the subjects of your religious institutes are entirely yours, so that, until the day of judgment, they will have the happiness of pleasing you in all things and winning you a great number of souls.

Hail Mary and Glory to the Father.

Prayer for priests

My God, I believe in the sublime dignity conferred on your ministers by the priesthood, supreme dignity among all created dignities, says Saint Ignatius Martyr, divine dignity, says Saint Dionysus, a dignity that surpasses that of kings and angels, says Saint Ambrose. Your priests are, in fact, my God, the leaders of your people (SP Dam.), Guards of your Church (St. Bern.), Light of the world (Mt 5:14), dispensers of the sacraments (St. P. Dam.), Vicars of Jesus Christ (St. Augustine), and their co-workers in the work of the salvation of souls (ICor3,9). I believe, Lord, that the moment the priest consecrates, your Incarnate Word obeys his voice, descending into his hands under the sacramental species; I also believe that in the very moment when the priest gives absolution to the willing sinner, he makes him an enemy of God his friend,and as a slave to hell, he changes him into an heir of heaven, and so he can be called with full truth, a porter of heaven (S. Pros.). Grant, therefore, Lord, to me and to all the faithful that we have to the person, word and warnings of your ministers the same respect and submission as yourselves, for you said to them: He who listens to me listens to me, and he who despises you despises me (Lk 10,6). Finally, my God, I ask you for all the priests of the world, and especially for those who have done some good to my soul and seek to sanctify it, the grace to love you very much and effectively to work to be loved by men, in order that they deserve for their piety, virtues and ardor of their zeal, to find a place among your apostles and your most faithful servants. O Mary, Mother of Jesus, favor and sanctify the priests of Jesus. So be it.

Prayer for the conversion of unbelievers

O Incarnate Word, O Savior of the world, who through your death have brought about eternal salvation for men, why will you receive so great ingratitude from them that they not only refuse to obey and love you, but even deny the death and suffering that did you suffer for them? You do not cease to watch over your good; and they intend, ungrateful! that you do not even deign to think of them. You created them immortal to make them one day eternally happy; and they strive to persuade themselves that they are mortal, in order to be able to surrender to all vices, and thus work to be eternally wretched. Ah! for the merits of your life and death, come to the aid of your servants; and do not allow wickedness to sing victory, reaching to lose so many souls redeemed at the price of your blood. Reign, Lord,reign as sovereign in the midst of your enemies.

Prayer for the conversion of heretics and schismatics.

O Most Holy Mary, Mother of Mercy and refuge for sinners, we beg you to deign to look compassionately at heretical and schismatic peoples. You, who are the throne of wisdom, enlighten your understanding miserably shrouded in the darkness of ignorance and sin, so that you may clearly know that the holy Catholic, Apostolic, Roman Church is the only true Church of Jesus Christ, outside of which there can be neither holiness nor salvation. Ending their conversion, obtaining the grace for them to embrace all the truths of our faith, and to submit to the Roman Pontiff, Vicar of Jesus Christ on earth, so that, closely united to us by the sweetest bonds of divine charity, no let there be but one flock and one shepherd, and we may all, O most glorious Virgin, sing forever, carried away with joy: Rejoice,Virgin Mary, you have exterminated all heresies. Amen.

(Ind. 500 days). - 626.

Prayer for the conversion of infidels

(By São Francisco Xavier)

O eternal God, creator of all things, remember that the souls of the infidels were created by you in your image and likeness. Behold, to dishonor you, my God, hell is filled. Do not forget that Jesus your Son suffered the most painful death for his salvation. I beg of you, Lord, do not allow any more time for your Son to be despised from the infidels; but, appeased by the prayers of your saints and the holy Church, the wife of your divine Son, remember your mercy, forget your idolatry and infidelity, and let them also know at last who you sent, Jesus Christ, our Lord , which is our salvation, our life, our resurrection, for whom we were saved and free, and to whom be the glory for ever and ever. So be it.

Prayer for the preservation of faith

(By St. Clement Maria Hofbauer)

O my Redeemer, will the terrible moment then come when there will be no more than a few Christians animated by the spirit of faith? the moment when, caused by our crimes, you will remove your protection from us? Have your children's faults and criminal lives finally irrevocably impelled your justice to take revenge? Author and finisher of our faith, we conjure you in the bitterness of our contrite and humiliated hearts, do not allow the beautiful light of faith to be extinguished in us. Remember your old mercies; cast a look of compassion on the vine that was planted on your right, watered with the sweat of your apostles, flooded with the blood of thousands of martyrs, tears from so many generous penitents, and fertilized by the prayers of so many innocent confessors and virgins. O divine Mediator, look at these fervent souls who,in a continuous abduction for your mercy, they exhort you to preserve the most precious of all treasures. Differentiate, O most just God, the decree of our reprobation, turn your eyes from our sins, and fix them on the lovely blood that, shed on the cross, has purchased our salvation and intercedes daily for us on our altars. Ah! preserve us the true Roman Catholic faith. They afflict us even though illnesses, griefs consume us, wipe out our misfortunes; but keep us our holy faith, because, rich with this precious gift, we will willingly endure all pains, and nothing can cloud our happiness. On the contrary, without the sovereign treasure of faith, our misfortune will be unspeakable and immense. O good Jesus, author of our faith, keep it pure; keep us firmly in Peter's boat,faithful and obedient to his successor, your Vicar on earth, so that the unity of the holy Church may be maintained, holiness animated, the Apostolic See free and protected, and the universal Church expanded for the good of souls. O Jesus, author of our faith, humble and convert the enemies of your Church; grant all Christian kings and princes and all faithful people peace and true unity; strengthen us and keep us all in your holy service, so that, living for you, we may also die in you. O Jesus, author of our faith, live for you and die for you. So be it.humiliate and convert the enemies of your Church; grant all Christian kings and princes and all faithful people peace and true unity; strengthen us and keep us all in your holy service, so that, living for you, we may also die in you. O Jesus, author of our faith, live for you and die for you. So be it.humiliate and convert the enemies of your Church; grant all Christian kings and princes and all faithful people peace and true unity; strengthen us and keep us all in your holy service, so that, living for you, we may also die in you. O Jesus, author of our faith, live for you and die for you. So be it.

(lnd. 500 d. once a day). - 699.

Prayer to Mary for extirpation of bad readings

Augusta Mother of God, universal protector of mankind, consider the immense and ever-growing ruin that hell causes today in souls, spreading everywhere poisonous writings. Ah! out of pity, pray to God, who loves you so much, that you can remedy so great evil. Yes, pray, pray; your prayers are omnipotent with Jesus, your Son, who is pleased to answer you in everything you ask of him.

Prayer for parents

O God, who imposed the precept on us to honor our father and mother, keep me these parents who are so dear to me and to whom, after you, I owe my life and all the advantages I enjoy on earth. Pour out all kinds of spiritual and temporal blessings; preserve them from all harm and preserve them for a long time in my affection. Let me find you, O my God, in your watchfulness. It is care, advice, resources, support throughout the course of my life, as I hope to grant them by my perfect obedience all the consolation they are entitled to expect from me. Above all, regulate your tenderness and sanctify the projects you form for my future, so that my temporal interests can never harm my eternal happiness. Crown your gifts at last, Lord,bringing together one day in heaven those that so many bonds unite so closely on earth. O Mary, I appeal to you, and I expect the same favors from you. So be it.

Prayer of spouses and parents

My Savior Jesus, who united us in an indissoluble way through a great sacrament, keep the spirit of unity and harmony among us to love one another as you love the Church; give us the spirit of patience and sweetness, to bear our defects peacefully; arm us with the spirit of prudence and holiness, so that we are always within the limits of our duties, and practice nothing that offends your eyes, nothing that stands in the way of profound respect due to your sacrament. Send us the spirit of wise solicitude and foresight, to assist, according to the rules of justice and charity, the needs of our family. Preserve us from the spirit of the world and from the love of its vanities, so that we may only seek to please you, our God, our love, the true bond of our hearts.Inspire us the true spirit of faith, which makes our home a school of piety and a sanctuary of all virtues. Far be it from us, O my God, the misfortune of being,. for our tolerance or uneducating life, cause of ruin for our children. Far from our home, far, far from it, everything that would be a stone of scandal, an occasion for sin. O Mary, I recommend my poor children to your motherly heart: be their mother, form your hearts in virtue. Tender Mother, be they pious, charitable, always Christian; his life, full of good works, be crowned by a holy death. May we, O Mary, find us all together in heaven, to contemplate your glory, to celebrate your benefits and love and to bless you eternally with your dear Son, Our Lord Jesus Christ. Amen!that makes our home a school of piety and a sanctuary of all virtues. Far be it from us, O my God, the misfortune of being,. for our tolerance or uneducating life, cause of ruin for our children. Far from our home, far, far from it, everything that would be a stone of scandal, an occasion for sin. O Mary, I recommend my poor children to your motherly heart: be their mother, form your hearts in virtue. Tender Mother, be they pious, charitable, always Christian; his life, full of good works, be crowned by a holy death. May we, O Mary, find us all together in heaven, to contemplate your glory, to celebrate your benefits and love and to bless you eternally with your dear Son, Our Lord Jesus Christ. Amen!that makes our home a school of piety and a sanctuary of all virtues. Far be it from us, O my God, the misfortune of being,. for our tolerance or uneducating life, cause of ruin for our children. Far from our home, far, far from it, everything that would be a stone of scandal, an occasion for sin. O Mary, I recommend my poor children to your motherly heart: be their mother, form your hearts in virtue. Tender Mother, be they pious, charitable, always Christian; his life, full of good works, be crowned by a holy death. May we, O Mary, find us all together in heaven, to contemplate your glory, to celebrate your benefits and love and to bless you eternally with your dear Son, Our Lord Jesus Christ. Amen!the misfortune of being,. for our tolerance or uneducating life, cause of ruin for our children. Far from our home, far, far from it, everything that would be a stone of scandal, an occasion for sin. O Mary, I recommend my poor children to your motherly heart: be their mother, form your hearts in virtue. Tender Mother, be they pious, charitable, always Christian; his life, full of good works, be crowned by a holy death. May we, O Mary, find us all together in heaven, to contemplate your glory, to celebrate your benefits and love and to bless you eternally with your dear Son, Our Lord Jesus Christ. Amen!the misfortune of being,. for our tolerance or uneducating life, cause of ruin for our children. Far from our home, far, far from it, everything that would be a stone of scandal, an occasion for sin. O Mary, I recommend my poor children to your motherly heart: be their mother, form your hearts in virtue. Tender Mother, be they pious, charitable, always Christian; his life, full of good works, be crowned by a holy death. May we, O Mary, find us all together in heaven, to contemplate your glory, to celebrate your benefits and love and to bless you eternally with your dear Son, Our Lord Jesus Christ. Amen!everything that would laugh at scandal, an occasion for sin. O Mary, I recommend my poor children to your motherly heart: be their mother, form your hearts in virtue. Tender Mother, be they pious, charitable, always Christian; his life, full of good works, be crowned by a holy death. May we, O Mary, find us all together in heaven, to contemplate your glory, to celebrate your benefits and love and to bless you eternally with your dear Son, Our Lord Jesus Christ. Amen!everything that would laugh at scandal, an occasion for sin. O Mary, I recommend my poor children to your motherly heart: be their mother, form your hearts in virtue. Tender Mother, be they pious, charitable, always Christian; his life, full of good works, be crowned by a holy death. May we, O Mary, find us all together in heaven, to contemplate your glory, to celebrate your benefits and love and to bless you eternally with your dear Son, Our Lord Jesus Christ. Amen!to contemplate your glory, celebrate your benefits and love and bless you eternally with your dear Son, Our Lord Jesus Christ. Amen!to contemplate your glory, celebrate your benefits and love and bless you eternally with your dear Son, Our Lord Jesus Christ. Amen!

Prayer for use by the people in charge of the education of young people

Lord, you have said that those who have guided others in the ways of true wisdom will shine like stars in perpetual eternity (Dt 12,3); to encourage me even more to perform my duties well, you said: Let the little ones come to me (Mt 19,14); those who welcome them and do them well, welcome me, do me well (Mt 10,40). What good reasons for me to estimate my position! Lord Jesus, then give me patience to endure the defects of those you have entrusted to me: be a reason for me, not out of anger, but out of compassion. Give me the necessary prudence to discern the characters, and the proper means to reform and instruct them. Give me that kindness full of sweetness, which is no respecter of people, and only prefers the poorest and least gifted. Give me that gravity passed on from sweetness,that inspires respect while instilling confidence in hearts and opening them up. Let me be firm without harshness with the disobedient, indulgent without weakness with everyone. Above all, Lord, do not forget to form hearts in virtue and in your love by forming spirits in the human sciences, so that I may prepare you as many elect as the disciples you have given me. O Mary, my tender Mother and of these children, Saint Joseph, our protector, all the holy educators of childhood and youth, and finally, holy angels custodians of these dear souls, obtain me the grace to show myself worthy of my sublime vocation and to sanctify myself for the glory of Our Lord Jesus Christ. So be it.Lord, who, forming spirits in the human sciences, do not forget to form hearts in virtue and in your love, so that I may prepare you as many elect as the disciples you have given me. O Mary, my tender Mother and of these children, Saint Joseph, our protector, all the holy educators of childhood and youth, and finally, holy angels custodians of these dear souls, obtain me the grace to show myself worthy of my sublime vocation and to sanctify myself for the glory of Our Lord Jesus Christ. So be it.Lord, who, forming spirits in the human sciences, do not forget to form hearts in virtue and in your love, so that I may prepare you as many elect as the disciples you have given me. O Mary, my tender Mother and of these children, Saint Joseph, our protector, all the holy educators of childhood and youth, and finally, holy angels custodians of these dear souls, obtain me the grace to show myself worthy of my sublime vocation and to sanctify myself for the glory of Our Lord Jesus Christ. So be it.holy guardian angels of these dear souls, obtain me the grace to show myself worthy of my sublime vocation and to sanctify myself for the glory of Our Lord Jesus Christ. So be it.holy guardian angels of these dear souls, obtain me the grace to show myself worthy of my sublime vocation and to sanctify myself for the glory of Our Lord Jesus Christ. So be it.

Prayer for our benefactors

Deign, Lord, to grant the reward of eternal life to all those who do us good by your name. Amen.

(Ind. 300 days). - 666.

prayers in the setbacks calamities and misfortunes

My God, when you are more willing to save us, then you seem to be more embarrassed against us; but your threats only tend to give us repentance for our sins. With holy King David we say to you: Help us in our tribulations. Lord, make the misfortune that afflicts us today open our eyes and make sin leave, for if we do not leave it, it will bring us an endless punishment, eternal condemnation. I beg of you, O my God, I have punished myself in this life, because if you spare me, I will be punished in the next. My Father, I confess my guilt; I did more offending a Father who has so much love for me, I no longer deserve to call myself your son; forgive me, and received me as a servant; give me your friendship and then punish me as you are served. The punishment I suffer, my God, is very little for my sins;he must have been in hell, abandoned from all over the world, in despair. I thank you, Lord, for calling me to you for the distress you send me. You are just, Lord, and rightly so in punishments. We accept the afflictions you send us; give us the strength to endure them with patience. O Mother of God, since you are the protector of the miserable, exercise your job, help me, because in my misfortune I am lost if you do not reach out to me.

Prayer for a sick person

V. Lord, the one you love is sick.

A. I will go and heal you.

Let us pray.

Lord, omnipotent and merciful God, eternal salvation of those who believe in you, hear the prayers that we address to you by your servant N ..., who is sick. To him we implore the help of your mercy, so that, restored, he may come again to your temple to render his thanks to you. Through Jesus Christ, our Lord. Amen.

Prayers for the dying

see p. 347.

Prayer to obtain various graces

Santo Afonso took part of this prayer in Santo Tomás

Grant me, O my God, the grace to know your will and do it perfectly for your glory. Give me the strength not to fall short, either in prosperity, filling me with pride, or in adversity, letting me down. Make me not to rejoice or distress anything, except that which takes me away from you; do not wish to please or fear to displease but yourself alone; all goods seem despicable to me, your gifts are dear to me for your love, and I love you above all things; find all joy without you tasteless, and all the pain you endure so pleasant, so that it wants nothing outside of you. Make me always direct all my thoughts and affections to you. Lord, make me obedient without reply, poor without greed, chaste without blemish, patient without murmuring, humble without pretense, cheerful without dissipation, timorious without distrust,diligent without haste, prudent without artifice. Offer me to do good to others without presumption, to warn them without vanity, to build them up by my example without dissimulation. Give me a watchful heart that will not be separated from you by vain thoughts; an elevated heart that is not accessible to low feelings; a straight heart that is not moved by evil intentions; a firm heart in tribulations, free from earthly attachments. May I be enlightened to know you, ready to seek you, skilled in finding you, persevering in pleasing you, faithful in giving you thanks for your benefits. Finally, grant me the courage to embrace the sufferings in atonement for my sins in this life, and the happiness of seeing you face to face, possessing you and loving you eternally in the next.Offer me to do good to others without presumption, to warn them without vanity, to build them up by my example without dissimulation. Give me a watchful heart that will not be separated from you by vain thoughts; an elevated heart that is not accessible to low feelings; a straight heart that is not moved by evil intentions; a firm heart in tribulations, free from earthly attachments. May I be enlightened to know you, ready to seek you, skilled in finding you, persevering in pleasing you, faithful in giving you thanks for your benefits. Finally, grant me the courage to embrace the sufferings in atonement for my sins in this life, and the happiness of seeing you face to face, possessing you and loving you eternally in the next.Offer me to do good to others without presumption, to warn them without vanity, to build them up by my example without dissimulation. Give me a watchful heart that will not be separated from you by vain thoughts; an elevated heart that is not accessible to low feelings; a straight heart that is not moved by evil intentions; a firm heart in tribulations, free from earthly attachments. May I be enlightened to know you, ready to seek you, skilled in finding you, persevering in pleasing you, faithful in giving you thanks for your benefits. Finally, grant me the courage to embrace the sufferings in atonement for my sins in this life, and the happiness of seeing you face to face, possessing you and loving you eternally in the next.let him not be separated from you by vain thoughts; an elevated heart that is not accessible to low feelings; a straight heart that is not moved by evil intentions; a firm heart in tribulations, free from earthly attachments. May I be enlightened to know you, ready to seek you, skilled in finding you, persevering in pleasing you, faithful in giving you thanks for your benefits. Finally, grant me the courage to embrace the sufferings in atonement for my sins in this life, and the happiness of seeing you face to face, possessing you and loving you eternally in the next.let him not be separated from you by vain thoughts; an elevated heart that is not accessible to low feelings; a straight heart that is not moved by evil intentions; a firm heart in tribulations, free from earthly attachments. May I be enlightened to know you, ready to seek you, skilled in finding you, persevering in pleasing you, faithful in giving you thanks for your benefits. Finally, grant me the courage to embrace the sufferings in atonement for my sins in this life, and the happiness of seeing you face to face, possessing you and loving you eternally in the next.persevering in pleasing you, faithful in giving you thanks for your benefits. Finally, grant me the courage to embrace the sufferings in atonement for my sins in this life, and the happiness of seeing you face to face, possessing you and loving you eternally in the next.persevering in pleasing you, faithful in giving you thanks for your benefits. Finally, grant me the courage to embrace the sufferings in atonement for my sins in this life, and the happiness of seeing you face to face, possessing you and loving you eternally in the next.

O Mary, my Queen, my hope and my Mother, I love you and trust you. I conjure you for the love you have for Jesus, for the joy you felt, becoming your Mother, and for the pain you experienced in his death, let the Lord reach me with a living grief and the forgiveness of my sins, perseverance in the good, the holy love of God with perfect conformity to his will. You are the refuge of sinners, and therefore my refuge; I commend my soul and my eternal salvation to you. I received me as a servant, and as such, I always protected myself, and especially at the time of death; it is up to you to save me by your mighty intercession. Such is my hope. So be it.

Universal prayer for all that concerns salvation

My God, I believe in you, but strengthen my faith; I hope in you, but firm my hope; I love you, but double my love; I repent of having sinned, but increase my repentance.

I love you as my first principle, I wish you as my last end, I thank you as my perpetual benefactor, I invoke you as my sovereign defender.

My God, deign to direct me by your wisdom, to contain by your justice, to console by your mercy, to protect by your power.

I consecrate my thoughts, words, actions, sufferings to you, so that from now on I will think only as you want, and suffer only for you.

Lord, I want what you want, because you want it, how you want it, and when you want it. I ask you to clarify my understanding, inflame my will, purify my body and sanctify my soul.

My God, help me to atone for my past sins, to overcome temptations in the future, to correct the passions that dominate me, and to practice the virtues of my state.

I have filled my heart with tenderness for your kindness, aversion to my vices, zeal for the salvation of my neighbor, and contempt for the world.

Remind me, Lord, to be submissive to my superiors, charitable to my inferiors, faithful to my friends, indulgent towards my enemies.

Come to my rescue to overcome sensuality by mortification, greed by alms, anger by sweetness, lukewarmness by devotion.

My God, become prudent in business, courageous in dangers, patient in difficulties, humble in good successes.

Do not let me ever forget to pay attention to my prayers, temperance in my meals, accuracy in my duties, constancy in my solutions.

Lord, inspire me to be careful to always have a straight conscience, a modest exterior, uplifting conversation and regular procedure.

Make me apply myself without ceasing to tame nature, favor grace, keep the law and deserve salvation.

My God, I discovered the smallness of the earth, the greatness of the sky, the brevity of time, the perpetual duration of eternity.

Grant me the grace to prepare for death, to fear your judgment, to avoid hell, and at last to reach paradise. Through our Lord Jesus Christ. So be it.

Prayer of Saint Clement Maria Hofbauer


I offer you, O Jesus, your own blood in atonement for my sins; I place all my hopes on your infinite merits. Remember me, Lord, now and at the time of my death.


Praised and glorified be the hour when my Savior was incarnated, the hour he was born, the hour he instituted the SS. Sacramento, the time he died and the time he was buried.

Prayer to the wounds of Jesus

I greet you, O precious wounds of my Savior Jesus Christ; I greet you in the omnipotence of the Father who allowed you; in the wisdom of the Son, who suffered you; in the mercy of the Holy Spirit, who has done in you and for you the work of our redemption. O holy wounds, I commend you, I hide in you, I launch myself in you, so that, for you and in you, may I be preserved from all evil.

Prayer for a good death

O Lord Jesus, have compassion on my poor soul that you have redeemed at the price of your precious blood, and save it at the time of my death. Say to your Father when I am in agony: Father, forgive him. Say to your Mother: Here is your son. Say to Sant'Ana: Here is an orphan. Say to my poor soul: Today you will be with me in paradise. My God, my God, do not abandon me, grant me the only thing necessary, piously consummate the course of my life, die of a holy death, and rest in peace. I place my soul in your hands, for you are our salvation, our redemption and resurrection; in you and for you we will be saved. To you only forever, glory, honor, thanksgiving and adoration for ever and ever.

Prayer for purity

Holy Mary, by your immaculate conception, purify my heart, my soul and my body, in the name of God the Father of whom you are Daughter, in the name of God the Son of whom you are Mother, in the name of the Holy Spirit of whom you are wife , in the name of the Holy Trinity, of whom you are and forever will be a chosen temple.

Prayer for perseverance in the faith

O Father of mercies, behold the face of your Christ, who raises a powerful cry for you and asks you with tears for his wife, our mother, the Holy Church. O my Father, see this bloody sweat, this horrible crown of thorns, these hands and feet pierced by nails, all the wounds of our brother Jesus Christ. O my Father, hear the groans of your most beloved Son exhaling on the cross. What! the skies are shaken, the rocks are broken in this view, and would not your mercy be doubled? Keep in holy faith those who have confessed you with a sincere heart: protect them from false prophets, who present themselves under sheep's skin, while they are voracious wolves. I have confused the projects of wickedness, O God of mercy.Grant to all believers the grace to love you with perfect love and keep your commandments constantly until death, so that they may praise and glorify you in eternity.

For the wishes of São Geraldo Majella

My God, I intend to offer you so many acts of love, how many the Blessed Virgin and all the blessed spirits have produced at all times, as well as all the faithful on earth. He wanted to love you as much as Jesus Christ loves you. I wanted to renew these acts with every breath in my heart. I offer my Mother Mary the same aspirations. O my God, I wish I could win you so many hearts, how many grains of sand are in the sea and on the earth, leaves on the trees, plants in the fields, atoms in the air, stars in the sky, rays in the sun and moon. O my God, I wish I could bring you all the sinners of the world.