The Purgatory Manuscript

Purgatory spirituality

Here is a revealing document about Purgatory!

The Purgatory Manuscript


Extracted from the original 1953 published by the Edições Paulinas.

The original is very old and has to be retyped and spellchecked.

Impressive and profitable revelation of a Purgatory Soul

Translated from French By




Paul, Auxiliary Bishop

Sao Paulo, September 24, 1953

By the Pia Sociedade de São Paulo, one can print

Sao Paulo, February 19, 1953

Father Celeste Slow SSP



Expensive Readers

A booklet came to my hands: Le Manuscrit du Purgatorie.

I confess, I received it at first with some suspicion. There are so many suspicious revelations about purgatory! ... Yet, in the very first pages I come across the names of two respectable authorities, two theologians whose works I had so often read and admired. They are: R. Con. Paul Contier and R. Con. Dubosq.

The first author of several very scholarly works, among them the Explication du Pontifical and Reglement de vie sacerdotal, now known worldwide. And the second, former Superior of the Bayeux Major Seminary, a secure theologian, whom he had long been used to reading and consulting, for he was the promoter of faith in the canonical process of the Beatification and Canonization of Santa Terezinha.

These men of God carefully examined the Purgatory Manuscript and found it to be free from error. They knew very closely the story of this wonderful and impressive revelation of purgatory. What more would it take to dispel all suspicion? I continued reading the pamphlet, after studying for several months the theology of purgatory in a few dozen good theologians and excellent authors.

For, I can assure you, dear readers, I have had a profound and edifying impression from these revelations. Not one point at odds with the doctrine and opinions of the Holy Doctors and the most secure theologians! Not a suspicious note of enlightenment or quietism, or any other choice in spirituality. A fraud, suggestion, or anything revealing an imbalance of mind could hardly be suspected here.

What a wonderful doctrine! Only this safe, balanced doctrine, so full of anointing, and according to the best learned in the treatises of spirituality and the life of the saints, is this doctrine enough to make the Purgatory Manuscript a work worth reading and meditating on. by all, regardless of any act of faith in particular revelation.

Read and meditate on all these beautiful and impressive pages. They contain the safest and most beautiful doctrine, and they are destined to do very well.

Mons. Ascanio Brandão


The Appearances of Souls of the Purgatory

What are the apparitions?

There are prodigious facts and many apparitions of souls from purgatory. This might perhaps impress some and think that we may wish or seek, with some curiosity, to inquire into the fate of the dead or easily to communicate with the souls of purgatory.

What a dangerous illusion and how much superstition and belief around it!

It is necessary to discern well the true of the false apparitions, and to show the thought of the Church and the Holy Doctors to avoid confusion and illusions in such a grave and delicate matter, because it is subject to deception and error.

What is an apparition? It is a manifestation of the other world, someone who comes to tell us what is going on there. Can we believe in the judgments?

There are two equally harmful extremes. One who easily threatens all sorts of unexamined appearances and is not wise to study and expect the opinion of discerning persons, theologians, or superior ecclesiastical authorities who can safely discern the truth of such appearances. It is a levity. Thus says the Scripture: qui cito credit, levis est corde, who easily believes in everything, is light-hearted, is a light-hearted spirit. However, to systematically and stubbornly reject every apparition, all supernatural facts, even if they have the signs of truth, is proof of much skepticism and pride, and may lead to unfaithfulness to grace, as Scripture implies: qui incredulus est infideliter agit He who is hard to believe proceeds against godliness.

A balance is needed here between the two extremes. A truly humble and obedient soul can never be mistaken. Another question is whether souls from another world can communicate with the living.

Can they come back to earth whenever they want or when they want the living?

We respond without hesitation, with the good doctrine of the Church and theologians:

- No, it is not! This is only by very special permission of God, rarely, and miraculously, for teaching and confirming the immortality of the soul, for the lesson of the living, or for the help of exhaustion.

Since our soul was separated from the body by death, it no longer has organs to communicate with men, it is pure spirit, and only by miracle can it become sensitive. Moreover, when the soul has left the body, it has already been delivered to divine justice, and it is in the place it deserved: heaven, hell or purgatory. It cannot without miracle come into communication with men. This miracle of the apparitions we find in Holy Scripture. Samuel appeared to the Pythoness of Endor and rebuked Saul for disturbing the rest of the dead. He showed the punishment reserved for them for this vain curiosity. In the death of Our Lord, St. Matthew tells us that the tombs opened and many dead appeared and were seen in Jerusalem.

In the lives of the saints we find countless apparitions, and the Holy Church, by elevating the servants of God to the honor of the altars, submits to a rigorous process all the facts and wonders which they have narrated, though it does not pronounce upon them. Therefore, there are true apparitions.

True and false appearances

There are true and false appearances. These are much more frequent than those. How to distinguish them? There are signs by which we can easily get rid of mistakes and ward off the danger of diabolical illusion. We must always imitate the prudent reserve of the Holy Church in this matter. The Church admits of no revelation if it is not properly substantiated, yet it does not compel the faithful to believe it. No one is obliged to believe a particular revelation however proven it may have been. Nevertheless, once well-proven, it would be foolhardy to abuse with a systematic attitude of skepticism, before which saints and wise and balanced men accepted and proved no delusions.

Benedict XIV says that the faithful can believe and private revelations for the edification of the faithful can be published, as long as they are approved by ecclesiastical authority. Pope Urban VIII states that when published, the author declares that he is unwilling to advance the judgments of the Church, and that these facts deserve only a human faith and do not matter in the definition of the Holy Mother Church.

These are the cautions with which the Church surrounds apparitions. There are also sure rules for discerning revelation according to the good authors of spirituality and the best theologians. Some refer to the people who receive the revelations, and others to the matter of the revelations and their effects. As for people, it is necessary to inquire about natural gifts. Is it a balanced temperament? Isn't this a psycho neurosis or hysterism? In these cases, how many dangerous and difficult hallucinations to discern right from the start! As for the mental state, are you a discreet person, of right judgment, or of exalted imagination and of excessive sensitivity? Are you educated or ignorant? Where did you learn what you know? Would not his spirit be weakened by fasting or disease? As for morals, it is necessary to know if it is a sincere person or used to exaggerating and lying. Is it a calm temperament, or passionate and unbalanced? The answer to this question will certainly not provide a solution to the proof of whether or not a true revelation exists, but it will greatly help to judge the value of the seers' testimony.

As for the matter of apparitions, much attention is needed to judge them.

According to the unanimous doctrine of the Doctors, no revelation can contradict dogma and what was taught by the Gospel. St. Paul says: Though an angel from heaven preaches to you a different gospel than we preach, let him be anathema. God does not contradict himself. In false apparitions there are lies, theological errors, grave contradictions, and often things contrary to the Laws of morality and decency.

Many people of very vivid imagination take their own thoughts for inner visions and utterances. Saint Teresa said: It happens to certain people of such poor imagination that they are so drenched in their imagination that everything they think clearly seems to them to be seeing.

Appearances of Purgatory Souls

After we have shown the true doctrine of the Church about revelations or apparitions, let us discuss the apparitions of holy souls. Can they appear to men? Yes, rarely and by God's permission. It is a grace to the one who has received the apparition and a grace to the poor soul, especially when God allows it to obtain help to get rid of the atoning flames. God enables him to excite our faith in the immortality of the soul and to better understand the fate of poor souls and to endeavor them with more zeal and charity. How to distinguish the true from the false apparitions of souls in purgatory? We have already given the main rules of this discernment according to church doctrine and theology. Let's add some more. In the seventeenth century the wise Cardinal Bonn severely criticized the ease and levity with which many believed in supernatural revelations and gave some rules that can shed much light on the subject. Let's comment on them:

1st - Every desired or provoked appearance is suspect. No one should desire to see or talk to the dead, to inquire into the fate of the dead, even for charity and to pray for them. No soul apparition of purgatory should be desired. It would be recklessness and presumption.

2nd - If the apparition reveals hidden things it would be better to be silent about them. the faults of others, teaches things contrary to dogma and the gospel, is horrible to the crucifix, etc., it is proved that it is the devil.

3st - The souls of purgatory usually appear to request prayers, recommend restitution, etc. And once this is done, they will not come back except to thank them. If an apparition becomes annoying day and night, threatens, disturbs the peace of a man or a family or community, it is a sure sign of the devil.

4rt - No one should accept services rendered by the souls of purgatory who come to us, live with us, etc. It is pure illusion this or devilish thing.

All good mystical theologians teach that true apparitions at first disturb and frighten, but then they cast the soul into sweet peace, increase humility, incite the love of God and neighbor, and produce a great desire for perfection. When one begins to brag about apparitions, to be worthy of them, to be vainly disturbed, to be filled with presumption, to irritate when superiors disregard their views and disobey, is a very sure sign of deception.

6xt - It is necessary that the apparitions be exposed simply to a good director, without exaggeration or reticence, nor diminution of the truth. And then stick to what he decides and blindly obey him!

With these sure rules of good theologians and mystical authors, there will be no danger of delusion, God Our Lord in His mercy has allowed many revelations of the souls of purgatory. They really seem to be more numerous than any other. How much light on purgatory has not given us, for example, the revelations of a Saint Catherine of Genoa! In this matter, let us be very prudent and careful and do not depart from the thought of the Holy Church and from the norms set forth above.

Purgatory in the visions of a Canadian mystic

On March 14, 1910, died in the city of Pointe Claire, Canada, an extraordinary woman, holy mother, a model wife and true Christian, Madame Brault, Maria Luiza Richard. The publication of the extraordinary and marvelous life of this great mystic recently caused sensations all over the world, such as the recounted and proven wonders of this woman who can stand next to Ana Taigi and the great mystics of the Church. Endowed with a great simplicity, a well-balanced and sensible spirit, a very proven and sincere piety, today it is perfectly verified that it was not mystifying spirit or any visionary lack.

Illustrious theologians and prelates examined the facts, learned and enlightened confessors testified as reliable witnesses in examining the striking facts of the wonderful life of this great mystic of our century. Madame Brault had contact with the souls of purgatory and how the Holy Cure d'Ars could bear witness to the fate of poor souls. She said weeping on a dead day: The selfish of the earth forget the dead. How cruel to the poor souls of purgatory is the abandonment of men! They say they love deceased parents and relatives!

What a lie! We who love God must love our friends in purgatory every day of our lives. I had wanted to be able to suffer all the souls of purgatory alone in order to free them!

Madame Brault had many visions of the souls of purgatory. They asked him for prayers, Masses and sacrifices. The people she saw were sometimes unknown and made rigorous inquiries of dates, places, and circumstances, and found that mystification was impossible. The revelations of this mystic were striking.

In 1905, a religious accompanied by another went to visit Madame Brault.

"I don't want to visit this madwoman," said the novice master.

"O my sister, do not say so, Madame is so balanced and holy, so discreet and humble!"

After all they had an interview with her. It was a kind and simple talk. After a moment Madame Brault called her sister and said:

"My sister, do you no longer pray for your dead relatives?"

"My relatives died long ago and were very good, they must be in heaven."

- Yes, your father and mother are in heaven. A brother, however, died suddenly at such a place and such a date, and a nephew. And you never prayed for them again. You need to tell your nephew that you are going to be ordained, to say a few masses for your uncle.

The nun was amazed at what she had heard. It was impossible that Madame had had such faithful information from her relatives. Another sister had lost her father on July 31, 1903. Madame Brault said to her, "Have confidence, Sister, your father is in heaven." He had a great devotion to the Blessed Virgin, liked to pray the rosary and died on a Saturday. That same Saturday Our Lady brought him into heaven.

She had never heard of this man, and she could not know such a person.

"Let us be liberators from the souls of purgatory," she repeated after the ecstasies. Our Lord has given us the keys to the prison of purgatory, prayer, suffering, sacrifice.

On December 21, 1907, in the relationship she was required to make in writing to her spiritual director, she saw a priest in purgatory. It was clothed with priestly ornaments and with a chalice all on fire. The hands looked gnawed and appeared to the bone. Whole body ulcers and horrible tortures. At the sight of this torment, Madame Brault groaned, "O my Beloved, my Jesus, I want to suffer for this soul; Why not give me the grace to suffer more to relieve it? Then I saw Jesus approach the Priest and pour his precious Blood on those wounds. The wounds healed and the poor priest's chains fell. Then my Jesus told me that He would set that soul free through my prayers. The priest's face was clear of ulcers, a beautiful purple stole adorned his neck, and the vestments would look brighter and more beautiful to me. Jesus told me that He would set the priest's soul free.

On the late day of 1908, he went to the cemetery to pray for the dead and saw, Madame Brault, many of the dead who appeared to him coming out of the graves in aching heartbreaking complaints: We have forgotten our relatives! Do not pray for us! Our friends have forgotten us, abandoned us !!!

She made a Way of the Cross for the dead and withdrew very bitterly from the oblivion of the poor dead.

I understand, she told the confessor, the martyrdom of the poor souls in the flames of purgatory! He saw a well-known priest in purgatory who said to him, "I suffer so much for praying my breviary so often, almost without thinking that I spoke to God and routinely, and also for my little preparation and very quick thanksgiving after Holy Mass."

Finally, it would be long to narrate the impressive visions of Madame Brault's purgatory, the great mystique of our day. The biography of this extraordinary woman was published by Fr. Louis Bouher, SS, former parish priest of the seer. It is the work Une mystique canadienne - Vie extraordinaire by Madame Brault - Edition Beauchemin, 1941.




No one can immediately a priori refuse the possibility of purgatory souls appearing to the living on earth. These kinds of apparitions are not rare and are not lacking in the life of the saints. There are well documented and proven facts, with the testimony of theologians. Suffice it to quote us: Canon Ribet, in his Mystique Divine, T. II, Cp. VIII. God allows these appearances to comfort the living and to excite compassion, instruct, and arouse the idea of ​​the severity of God's judgments against faults that we find very light. A collection of various apparitions published by the Bishop of Osma in Spain, Mons. Parafox, brings this title: Light to the living by the experience of the dead.

The providential reason for the manifestations of suffering souls who turn to the living to plead for their piety and intercession could not be better justified.

Authenticity of the manuscript

The authenticity of the Purgatory Manuscript cannot be doubted. He had certain witnesses in full agreement and the facts were well examined. A Nunnery of Your Convent, Sr. M. d. IC, who died on May 2, 1917, suddenly heard from her in November 1873 very long moans. Startled, she exclaimed: Who makes me so afraid? that doesn't show up, but tell me who it is! No answer. And the moans came closer and closer. The poor sister multiplied prayers, Sacred ways, Communions, rosaries; and the moans did not cease, and increasingly mysterious. Finally, on February 15, 1874, a well-known voice was heard: Do not be afraid! I am Sister MG (a 36-year-old nun deceased in X on February 22, 1871, victim of her dedication). And the suffering soul made known to her former companion, whose counsels she had once despised, that she would multiply visits to sanctify her, and thus would sanctify her former companion in purgatory. Sister M. d. IC asked the visitor to disappear and not come back. But it was in vain. He was told that he must endure as long as God wanted what he was so afraid of. And that was how, for several years, they settled between the soul of Sister MG and Sister M. d. IC Relations that were written in precious Purgatory Manuscript, which were written in precious manuscript thoroughly from 1874 to 1890. This is the origin of the Purgatory Manuscript.

Value of this manuscript

This amount is deducted:

1st - From the person of Sister M. d. IC Everyone who has known her without a dissenting note attests that she has never ceased to practice all Christian virtues to heroism many times. It was great religious. As director of a boarding school, she had a great supernatural influence on the students, and they all called her a true saint. All the witnesses unanimously testify that she was very right in judgment, very balanced, and very common sense. Moreover, he never wanted extraordinary ways, and instead tried to convince himself that what he was forced to hear was doubtful, and claimed to be a devilish thing, declaring that he did not want to go out of the ordinary, wanted to be like everyone else and pass on. unnoticed. In short, she has enjoyed so much in her spiritual life and everyone witnesses how much she has sanctified herself with these visits to purgatory.

2nd - Testimonials from authorities. First, we declare that Sister M. d. IC had a spiritual director, RP Prevel, of the Pontigny Fathers, who was later Superior General of the Congregation. This priest was aware of all events. Canon Canon Dubosq, former Superior of the Major Seminary of Bayeux and author of several works, and promoter of faith in the process of Canonization of Saint Teresa of the Child Jesus. The Rev. Canon Contier, official censor of the books of the Diocese of Bayeux and author of many works, among them Explication du Pontifical. Reglement de vie sacerdotale, etc. A great teacher of spirituality, whose name is mister, should remain anonymous and deserved this praise from Pius X: Enlightened man for his science and experience.

Upon mature examination of these manuscripts, these masters did not hesitate to declare that the manuscript contained nothing against the teachings of faith and was in perfect accord with the principles of spiritual life, and could build much to souls. In addition, they noted that Sister M. d. IC lacked a vivid and dangerous imagination to deceive easily.

She considered these apparitions a real punishment, and was not pleased with them; She asked Our Lord to set her free from these annoying visits. Everyone is impressed:

1st - the great lesson of Christian charity it contains. The late Sister had made Sister M. d. IC and her rightly came for help after she died to get rid of purgatory.

2nd - The more vivid were the lights acquired by the M, DC The more the deceased sister was purified and progressed in IMDC sanctification.

Finally, the theologians who were consulted gave their opinion that the Manuscript had the seal of perfect authenticity and therefore had full value both in authenticity and in origin.

Manuscript text

(What Sister MG's soul said to Sister MDC)

Mother Superior has been in heaven since she died because she suffered greatly and was very charitable.

If you were perfect as God wants, how many graces He would not give you!

God wants you to be holier than the others. Father L. is in purgatory because he was very fond of preaching retreats and preaching everywhere.

- And this is missing ?!

Yes, it is true, but he was careless of the parish.

God will accept what you do for all souls in purgatory as if you did for one.

The Way of the Cross is the best prayer after Holy Mass. Observe the great silence well, because it is so lacking.

I can not give outside signal. God does not allow it. I am very guilty.

Because I made you suffer, God wants you to pray for me. You may also say to Sister S ..., whom I have greatly annoyed, and to Mother Superior, whom I have suffered so much, that if she can, she may say some Masses for me.

Your rosaries for me and well done meditations, because I didn't do them very well. Your office well prayed for me, because I did not pray well.

Your very modesty everywhere, because I always had my eyes raised to see what I didn't need to see.

Much elevation and great submission to the Mother Superior whom I have made so much suffer ... poor Mother Superior! (This was repeated ten or fifteen times).

There! if they only knew what I suffer! Pray for me. I suffer everywhere, and a lot.

O my God, how merciful you are! There! No one can imagine what purgatory is! You must be very good and have compassion for souls!

There is a large gap between purgatory and the sky! Sometimes we hear an echo of the joys enjoyed by the blessed in heaven! However, it is a punishment for us, because it gives us a great desire to see God. In the sky the pure light .. in purgatory, deep darkness ...

God loves you more than others. Hasn't He given you so much proof of this?

Mother E. is in heaven. He was a hidden person and very inner.

No, I am not the devil! I am Sister MG; I will torment you until you are in heaven. Then I will pray for you.

Yes, I can pray right now and I will do it every day. You will see if the souls in purgatory are ungrateful!

The very guilty souls do not see in the Blessed Virgin.

When a soul is released from purgatory it is a great joy for God. What you read in the books about this is quite true.

I will have some relief on Easter day.

If you take good care of me, God will give you graces as He has not given to anyone.

You may say your Psalter for several souls at a time, but before reciting it be careful to direct the intention as if you could pray for the intention of each, and all will enjoy it as if it were recited one for each. .

There is a special penance in purgatory for the nuns who have suffered their superiors. For these purgatory is terrible.


(March 24, 2nd Easter Sunday) - Go as many times as possible, tomorrow before the Blessed Sacrament. As I accompany you, I will have to be close to the good God, and this relieves me.

(Annunciation) - I am now in the second purgatory. Since my death I was in the first, where I suffer very great pain. You also suffer a lot in the second, but less than in the first.

Always be a support of your Superior.

(May) - I am in the second purgatory since the day of the Annunciation of the Blessed Virgin. On this day I first saw the Blessed Virgin, because in the first purgatory we do not see her. Mary's visit cheers us up, and then this good Mother speaks to us from heaven. As we see it, our sufferings seem diminished.

There! How I wish to see the sky! O what martyrdom we have suffered since we know the good God!

What I think ... God allows you for your good and for my relief.

Listen well to what I will say to you: God has great designs, thanks to give you. He wants you to save a large number of souls. If by your course you hinder this, one day you will answer for all the souls you might have saved.

True, you are not worthy, but God has allowed it all ... He is the Lord and bestows His graces on those who please Him.

You do very well to pray and have prayers for St. Michael. We are very happy at the time of death to have confidence in some Saints, so that they may be our protectors with God at that terrible time.

Remind your daughters of the great eternal truths. Souls must be shaken from time to time with these truths.

You must live but for God. Seek everywhere and always the glory of God.

How well you cannot do to souls!

You must do nothing but to please God. Before each action, take a moment and see if it is pleasing to God. All for your Jesus. Oh, love him so much!

Yes, I suffer. but my greatest torment is not seeing God. It is a continuous martyrdom that makes me suffer more than the fire of purgatory. If you later come to love God as He wills, you will feel a little of this languor that makes you desire union with the object of His love: the good Jesus.

Yes, we see St. Joseph sometimes, but not as often as Our Lady.

You must be indifferent to everything except God. This is how you will reach the summit of perfection that Jesus calls you.

Mother I. did not have the Masses that she said for her. Women religious do not have the right to dispose of their property. It is against poverty.

God never refuses the graces that are asked of Him in a well-prayed prayer.

The purgatory of the nuns is tougher and more rigorous than that of the people of the world, because they abused the graces more.

Yes, God loves Mother Superior very much. See that He gives you a good cross to carry. Here's the best proof of your love for her.

No one can imagine the suffering in purgatory!

No one thinks of this in this world. Religious communities also forget this. This is why God wants us to pray here, especially for the souls in purgatory, and to inspire this devotion to the students, so that they in turn may speak of it in the world.

Do not be afraid of fatigue. As long as they are for God, sacrifice everything for Him.

Obey your Superior promptly. May she turn you around as you please. Always be humble. Always humble yourselves to the center of the earth if this were possible.

M. is in purgatory; She is in purgatory because she has paralyzed the good that the Superiors could have done by her cunning words.

Take as practice the presence of God and the purity of intention.

God seeks devoted souls who love Him only for Him. There are so few!

He wants you to be the number of his true friends. Few people love God, many think they love Him, but in reality they only love themselves. This is the truth ...

No, we can't see God in purgatory ... Then it would be heaven already!

When a soul seeks God sincerely. out of love and truly in your heart, He never allows it to be deceived.

Deliver yourselves, sacrifice yourselves, immolate yourselves for God. You can never do too much for Him.

Think well that it is only after we have been filled with pity that you can spread it to others.

Do not have human respect even for the older sisters. Always say something when it comes to defending the Superior.

No, I do not see the good God when He is exposed.

I feel your presence. I see as you do with the eyes of faith, but our faith is much more alive than yours. We know, yes, we know well what the good God is!

Always have God with you: Say everything to him as a friend, and watch your insides very much.

Preparing well for Holy Communion requires love before, during, and after during Thanksgiving. Love, always love.

God wants you to think only of him, to live only for him, and to dream only of him, to turn only to him.

Mortify your spirit, your tongue, this will be far more pleasing to God than the mortifications of the body that often come of our own accord.

It is necessary to proceed with God as with a father, a friend full of tenderness, a dear husband.

It is necessary to shed all the tenderness of your heart upon Jesus, upon Him alone, and to give everything, everything entirely!

Yes, you will sing for eternity God's infinite mercies to you.

You must love Jesus so much, and in such a way that He will find in your heart a sweet mansion where He can rest (if I may say so) the offenses He receives everywhere. It is necessary that you love him for the indifferent, the relaxed and cowardly souls and for you in the first place. You need to love him so much that your example will touch.

(December 12) - If you love God, he will not refuse you anything.

When a person really loves another, you know very well how she turns and turns around to get a yes, so she can ask for something and get what she wants right away. So God does to you. He will give you whatever you ask him.

God wants you to concern yourselves only with Him, with His love, and in always fulfilling His Most Holy Will.

When we are concerned with God, we must also concern ourselves with the salvation of souls. There would be no great merit in saving yourself.


(February) - Watch your very interior. Your life must be a life of continual inner acts of love, of mortification. Do nothing extraordinary. Life well hidden, closely united with Jesus.

God wants you to love Him only. If you do not obstruct his graces, He has some extraordinary things to bestow upon you, which He has not yet given to anyone. He loves you in a special way. Haven't you realized that yet? Let us seek to adore their designs without deepening them. He is the Lord and does to souls as He pleases. Be always very humble, well hidden. Do not worry about anyone. Take care only of your own sanctification.

Love the good God. O how happy are the souls who possess this treasure!

Your great penance in this life must not only be the absence of Jesus, but a great pain for all the grief you have caused Him in the past, for the excess of the graces He has bestowed upon you, and the impotence in which you meet to repay all the love you wish to give Him.

(May 14) As you make your retreat, make sure that you do not lose any of the graces God bestows on you, and always follow the appeal of His graces, have a great spirit of faith, and a great recollection. I have been chasing you for a long time.

One must always be as reckless in all actions as when one is in thanksgiving after Holy Communion.

You must do nothing without withdrawing for a moment, and without consulting Jesus who is in your heart. Do you understand?

Oh yes, I love the Good God, but as a soul purifies itself, that is, approaches heaven, its love grows more and more.

Many times think of the love he has for you. Be very faithful to all inspirations of grace.

Recommend each day as if you have done nothing and never get discouraged.

(May 18th) - Oh! The number of true religious, those who have the true spirit, is very small! Almost one for fifty! You must be, whatever the cost, the number of these privileged.

To the extent, and as I break free, you will hear me more clearly, and when I am free I will immediately be a Guardian Angel to you. but an angel you will not see.

(June 20) - God asks but does not force, does not force. Offers. He only wants the whole heart for Him.

It is necessary to obtain the graces of God, both for you and for the Community, that you renounce yourselves morning and evening, so that you seek nothing, and everything is well hidden in the eyes of creatures, and only God knows. of all and see your little sacrifices each day.

You experience a loathing for several things. God allows it so that you may deserve more. Pay attention and don't miss any of this.

Do you want to know why God does not hide from you now the graces you ask of them? That's because you don't have enough confidence in him.

You must love God so much that He will find in your heart a sweet mansion where He can rest. It is necessary for Jesus to tell you of his sufferings, the annoyances that cause the world all day long, for your part, to witness to him so much love that he is comforted.

(August 14) - Do not listen to yourselves. Trust him, haven't I told you so many times? Will He not want to give you all the strength you need to serve Him?

(August 15) - Yes, we have seen the Blessed Virgin. She ascended to heaven with many souls, but I ... I stayed! ...

Do you feel hot? There! if you only knew the heat of purgatory compared to yours! A little prayer is so good for us! It cools us like a glass of cold water given to a very thirsty person.

Do all your actions with an eye on God. I tell you, consult him first of all that you have to do or say. O how many graces will be bestowed upon you! May your life be a life of faith and love, and if you do so, you already know what I said to you ...

Take care of the one object that will be the furniture of your whole life: Jesus. Yes, Jesus in the morning, Jesus at night, Jesus in the morning at night.

(August 20) - do all your actions under God's eyes simply, and in this world, seek not to please Him but until you come to this stripping of all things to attend to nothing but Him, He will not either. will leave you alone.

(September 8) God allows certain souls to have a great tenderness of heart, while others are less sensitive. Everything is in its design. Those who have a more loving heart, this heart He made it that way just for Him, that they might pour all this love into their lovely Heart. He is the Lord, and gives to each one what He pleases.

I suffer more at night when you rest. It is true that I always bring my purgatory with me, but by day I am allowed to accompany you everywhere, and I suffer a little less. This is all God's permission.

(December 8) - Love the good God very much. Do not be afraid of suffering. Trust him a lot and never you. Do not breathe, but live only for Jesus Christ!

(December 12) - God Our Lord desires that before perpetual worship you should do it first in your heart. You understand well ... You also need to become accustomed to making spiritual communion many times. You shall bring forth abundant and wholesome fruits from it, if you do it with good disposition.


Not only must you prepare an address for Jesus, but invite him as well. What good would it be to prepare a nice room for a friend if they weren't invited in?

(February) - Yes, it is true that in heaven God receives infinite worship; but as he is outraged on earth, so he wants reparation from the earth. And he expects this reparation from you, that you may love him, that he may displease him by your tenderness, of the abandonment which he feels everywhere.

(Annunciation) - When God wants a soul of His own, He begins by squeezing it like grapes in the winepress to extract the juice. Then, when this soul so crushed has conquered its passions, the defects, searching for itself, then disposes of it as it pleases, and if it is faithful it will soon be completely transformed, and then Jesus fills it with chosen graces and floods with its love.

(July 16) - The Eucharist must be for you a magnet that always attracts you more and more. The Eucharist, in a word, must be the motive of all your life.

(August 28) Have no desire other than to love God ever more, and to unite yourselves more and more with him. You must seek each day to be more united with Jesus. Your life must be an inner life and one of union with Jesus through the sufferings of body and soul. and mainly for love.

God made your heart only for Him. Abandon yourselves to Our Lord without ever looking back or forth. Throw yourselves into His divine arms and close to your heart, and once you are there, fear nothing.

Say a prayer each morning to worship Our Lord in every church where you are abandoned. Bring yourselves then by thought to these churches and tell Jesus then how much you love him and want to repair his abandonment. Renew this intention many times a day. You will give Jesus great pleasure.

The good God wants you to always think of him and to do everything under his divine eyes. Your prayers and works, in a word, should never lose sight of it as much as possible. All of this, however, must be done smoothly and without affectation.

You have no desire but to love God more and more.

At the end of your retreat I decided to think often about what I will say to you: God alone! My God and my everything. Everything passes and passes quickly! The Tabernacle is my home! The Eucharist is my life. The cross is my heritage. Mary, my Mother. Heaven, my hope.

(November 20) - There is no need to go examining and judging what the sisters do. You will not have to give an account to God for them, nor to model yourselves for them. God does not ask everyone for the same perfection. Mortify yourselves, and do not walk around examining whether others do not do what you do, because God does not require it.

(Christmas) - Yes, I'm very relieved and I believe the term of exile

It is not far away. There! If you only knew how I want to see God!


(February 13) - before the Blessed Sacrament) - See how Jesus is alone. Right now He could have more people here if there was a little more goodwill. But what an indifference even among religious souls! Our Lord is very sensitive in the Blessed Sacrament! At least then, love him for unrighteous souls, and the good Jesus will be comforted and comforted in this contempt.

(May 12) - Mortify yourselves in body, but especially in spirit.

Forget it. do a total act of self-denial of yourself. You will never notice what others do. The good God does not ask for the same perfection of all souls.

Not all are illuminated with the same lights. You whom Jesus shines on, look only to Him. May He alone be your end in everything.

Have unlimited confidence in the goodness of Jesus. If you knew what power He has, will you thus put limits to His power? What He cannot do for a soul that loves Him.

Always prepare yourselves with great care for Holy Communion, for Confession and for the Divine Office, in short, for everything that leads to a greater union with Our Lord.

I have already told you that the good God seeks souls in this world to love him, but with this childlike love, this respectful tenderness is true, but cordial. Well, He does not find these souls ... The number of them is much smaller than you think. They consider the good Jesus too great to draw near to him, and the love they give him is so cold! Respect finally degenerates into a certain indifference. I well know that not all souls are able to understand this love that our Lord asks for; but you whom Jesus has made understand this, notice this indifference, this coldness. I asked him to dilate your heart so that he could contain much love.

By your tenderness and the respectful familiarities that Jesus allows you, you can repair what is not given to everyone to understand. do this, yes, and above all, love it very much.

Never tire of working. Start over each day as if you had to start and have done nothing. This perpetual renunciation of the very will of their rooms, and of their own view, is a long martyrdom but very meritorious and very pleasing to God.


(August Retreat) - The great sinners and those who have been all their lives removed from God by indifference, as well as the religious who were not what they should have been, are in the Great Purgatory. And there the prayers made for these souls are not applied. They were indifferent to God in life, and in turn now He, the Lord, is indifferent to them and leaves them in a kind of abandonment, so that they may repair their life that was nil.

Ah! You cannot imagine or represent yet on earth who God is!

But we know and understand it because our soul is detached from all the bonds that bound it and prevented it from comprehending holiness, the majesty of the good God, his great mercy. We are martyrs, we melt with love, so to speak. An irresistible force leads us to the good God as our Center, and at the same time a force impels us to the place of our atonement. We are in this state oppressed and afflicted by the impossibility of fulfilling our desires.

O what suffering! But we deserve it, and here no one mumbles.

We want what God wants. No one can understand on earth what we suffer!

Yes, I'm pretty relieved, I'm not on fire anymore. Now I just have the insatiable desire to see God, very cruel suffering yet! I feel, however, that the end of my exile is approaching and I approach the place I aspire to with all my desires.

I understand him very well. I feel little bit freer, but to say when the day will come I don't know. Only God knows it! Maybe I still have to spend years wishing heaven like that. Always continue to pray and I will pay you later, although I pray for you now, and much.

O how great are God's mercies to you! Who can understand why Jesus does this to you? Why do you love you so much more than others? Do you deserve it? No. For you deserve it far less than other souls. But He wants to do this to you! He is the Lord of his graces.

Then be very recognized. Always be in the spirit at the Lord's feet, and let Him do what He wills. Watch your very interior. Be very faithful in examining all that might please Jesus. Do not have eyes or heart except for him. Always consult him before anything.

Abandon yourself to what He wills, and then be quiet. Everything I told you is to be fulfilled. You must not put obstacles, it is Jesus who wants him that way.

When I am there, I will tell you, but I think the great feasts in heaven are celebrated by a double ecstasy of thanksgiving admiration and above all of love.

In order for you to come to a great union with God, as I have already told you, it is necessary that nothing disturb you: sorrows, joys, successes, failures, good or bad grace. It is necessary that none of this impresses you at all, but that Jesus dominates everything in you and that you have your eyes fixed on him to understand his least desires.

I repeat to you yet, do not be afraid of me. You will not see me in suffering. Later, when you are stronger in soul, you will see the souls of purgatory. But do not think it will be to scare you. God will then give you the courage you need, and all will be done to do His holy will.

"But isn't this a punishment?" - Answer: - No. I am here for my relief and for your sanctification. Pay some attention to what I tell you ...

"True, but I find these things so weird ... can I think of all this?" It is not ordinary to be listening to you like this ...

- Answer: - I understand your embarrassment well. I know what you have suffered from this, but since God allows it, and to my relief, you must have mercy on me, don't you? When I am free, you will see how I will give you more than you have done for me. I pray a lot for you now.

- Where is Sister X?

Answer: - In the great purgatory, where she receives no prayers from anyone. The good God is very upset, if I may speak so, in the death of many nuns, because He has called these souls to serve Him faithfully on earth, and to go after death immediately. To glorify Him in heaven, And the opposite is true for their infidelities stay long in purgatory, much longer until the people of the world who have not received so many graces!


(September Retreat) - We see St. Michael as only Angels see, they have no body. St. Michael comes to purgatory to search for all souls that are already purified, because it is he who leads them to heaven. Yes, it is true, he is among the Seraphim, as Monsignor told me. And the first angel of heaven. Our Guardian Angels come to see us too, but Saint Miguel

It is so much more beautiful than all of them! As for the Blessed Virgin, we see her with her body. She comes to purgatory at her parties and returns to heaven with many souls. While She is with us, we do not suffer. St. Michael accompanies her, but while St. Michael is alone, we suffer as usual.

When I told you about the Great, and the second Purgatory, it was to make you understand. I would like to say that there is a difference in degrees in purgatory. So I call the Great Purgatory the place where the most guilty souls are, where I stayed two years, unable to give any sign of my torments, for the year I started complaining that I was still in the Great Purgatory when I started talking to you.

In the second purgatory, which is always purgatory but which is nevertheless different from the first, one suffers also, but less than in the first purgatory. Finally, there is a third place which is the purgatory of desire. There is no fire there. There are souls who did not want heaven enough and did not love God enough in this world. I'm now there right now. And in these three purgatories, there are still degrees. As a soul purifies itself, it suffers less and no longer suffers the same torments. Everything is in proportion to the faults that must atone.

The retreat was good. It will produce many fruits. The devil is not happy.

The good God loves the Priest who preached to you the retreat.

Tell the good Father that I thank you for the Moment that you promised to pray for me at Holy Mass. For my part I will not be ungrateful. I will ask God to give you the graces he needs.

You have done well to tell him this afternoon all that I have told you. It was St. Michael who sent it to you. The Community has taken advantage, but it has come here mainly for you. Saint Michael, whom you love and who protects you, wanted one of his missionaries to know everything he said to you.

God has a purpose in this. You will meet later. Later you can also give him some more accurate news about St. Michael.

Do you ask me if Father P. is pleasing to God? This is what you must tell him: let him continue to do as he has hitherto done. What God likes most about him is his purity of intention, his inner spirit, and his great kindness to souls. Tell him to continue to be more united with the Heart of Jesus. The more intimate this union is, the more your whole life will be fruitful and your actions will be fruitful to souls and meritorious to heaven.

I do not expect from him a common perfection. May he recommend in the missions and retreats the offering of the actions of the day, because in the world, and even in the communities one does not think well of this, and many good deeds will have no reward on the last day because they were not offered to God before they were performed. May he never lose courage, although he sees that his efforts do not produce what he wants. Let him think that God is pleased with his works, even though he has managed to give a heart a quarter of an hour of God's love.

I asked a lot for myself so that it would soon reach the object of my long and great desires. I will be much more useful to you in heaven than here.

You had a good thought of inviting me at the close of the retreat to worship Jesus present in your heart during Thanksgiving after Communion. If you had done so far, I would have had much more relief. do this also also before all your prayers. Then I will offer some of your work; for me, I have such a great desire to see God!

I have long hoped for a little more love in all that you do. The more a soul loves Jesus, the more his prayers and actions are meritorious before him. In heaven only love is to be rewarded. Anything done with another intention will be null and therefore lost. Then love Jesus as he wants to be loved, with this I feel a great relief.

"Is God a little happier with me these days?"

Answer: - Yes, He is very pleased with you because you have sought to please Him more. Have you noticed how good he is? Didn't it give you so much pleasure these days too? Well, this is how he will always proceed with you. The more you do for Him, the more He will do for you. I am so happy to see that you really want to work to your perfection, and if you had to spend more time in purgatory, I would willingly do so if I knew that through this suffering you would reach the state where God wants to see you to fulfill your needs. He has designs on you.

Never look back to examine your procedure very much.

Deliver everything into the hands of God and always walk forward.

Your life must be summed up in two words: sacrifice and love.

Sacrifice from morning to night, and at the same time: love.

If you only knew what the good God is! There would be no sacrifice you did not want to make, suffering you did not want to suffer to see Him for just a minute, and then you would be well pleased, well comforted, even if you never had to see Him again. What then will be to see him for all eternity?

(August 13) - What is the best way to glorify St. Michael?

Answer: The most effective way to glorify him in heaven and on earth is to recommend devotion to the souls of purgatory as much as possible, and to make known his great mission to suffering souls. He is in charge of taking them from the place of atonement and introducing them after satisfaction in heaven, eternal abode. Each time a soul comes to increase the number of the elect, God is glorified by it, and this glory somehow reflects upon the glorious minister of heaven. It is an honor for him to present to the Lord of souls who will sing infinite mercies and unite his recognition with those of the elect for all eternity. I cannot make you understand all the love that the heavenly Archangel has for his divine Master, and the love that God in turn has for St. Michael and the great piety that St. Michael has for us. He gives us courage in suffering when He speaks to us from heaven. Tell the priest that if he wants to give St. Michael great pleasure, he highly recommends devotion to the souls of purgatory.

Not much is thought of this in this world! When the relatives and friends are lost, they say some prayers, cry for a few days, then ... it's over! Souls are abandoned! It is true that they deserve much because they did not pray for the dead when on earth, and the divine Judge only gives us in the other world what we do in this. People who have forgotten the souls of purgatory will be forgotten, too, but if they had been inspired to pray for the dead, and made known to them what purgatory is, they might have done otherwise very differently. .

When God allows it, we can communicate directly with the Archangel, the way spirits do and how souls communicate with each other.

- How do you celebrate St. Michael in purgatory?

Answer: - On the day of his feast, St. Michael comes to purgatory and returns to heaven with many souls, especially souls who had devotion to him on earth.

What glory does St. Michael receive from his feast on earth?

Answer: - When the feast of a saint on earth is celebrated, he receives in heaven an accidental glory. Even though they do not celebrate it on earth, in memory of some special heroic action they have done in this world, or the glory they have given God at this time, they receive in heaven a special reward consisting of greater accidental glory, together with that they give you on earth.

The accidental glory received by the Archangel St. Michael is superior to that of all the other saints, because this glory of which I speak to you is proportioned to the greatness of the merit of the recipient, as well as to the value of the action that merited this reward.

"Do you know the things of the earth?"

Answer: - I know them only as long as God wants him, and my knowledge is very restricted. I know something about the community and that's it. I do not know what is going on in other people's souls except yours, and this is because God has allowed it to your perfection. What I tell you sometimes about private people, and I will tell you, God has made it known to me at the moment, but outside of that I know nothing more. Some souls have more and more extensive knowledge than I do. All this is proportionate to the merit.

As for the degrees of purgatory, I can tell you about them, because I passed through there. In the Great Purgatory there are different degrees. In the deepest, lowest, worst-suffering, momentary hell, there are sinners who have committed enormous crimes in their lifetime, and death has surprised them in this state without having time to penalize themselves.

They were miraculously saved, often by the prayers of relatives and godly people. Sometimes they could not even confess, and the world judged them condemned, but the good God, whose mercy is infinite, gave them at the moment of death the necessary contrition to save themselves, in view of some good deeds they have done in life. For these souls purgatory is terrible! It is a hell, except this, that in hell curses God, while in purgatory they bless and thank Him for being saved. Immediately afterwards come souls who, without committing great crimes, were indifferent to God. They did not fulfill their paschal duty, and were converted at the time of death, nor could they sometimes commune, and in purgatory they find themselves in penance for their long indifference. They suffer unprecedented, abandoned, unpayed sentences, and if they pray for it they cannot enjoy them.

Then finally there is the purgatory of the religious men and women who have forgotten their duties, indifferent to Jesus, priests, who did not exercise their ministry with the reverence due to the Divine Majesty and did not make the souls entrusted to him love him well. goodbye.

I am in this degree. In the second purgatory are the souls who die guilty of venial sins not atoned for before death, or in mortal sins forgiven but of which they have not fully satisfied Divine Justice. There are also different degrees in purgatory, according to the merits of the people.

Thus the purgatory of consecrated persons who have received greater graces is longer and more painful than that of the people of the world.

Finally, the purgatory of desire, which is called the Atrium or Atrium of heaven. Few people avoid it. In order to avoid this it is necessary to have ardently desired heaven, and with God in view, the presence and vision of God. And this is rare, because many people, even very pious, are afraid of God and do not want heaven with ardor. This purgatory has its very painful martyrdom like the others. To be deprived of the visit of the good Jesus, what suffering!

"Do you know each other in purgatory?"

Answer: - Souls communicate with each other when God permits, but in the manner of souls, without words ...

Yes, it is true that I speak to you, but are you a spirit? Would you understand me if I did not speak the words? For me, then, God allowed it. I understand you without speaking words with your lips.

There are however communications of souls like this when a good thought comes to you from your Guardian Angel, or from God Himself. This is the language of souls.

- Where is purgatory?

Answer: In the center of the earth near hell (as you saw after Communion). Souls are there in a restricted place compared to the multitude there, for there are thousands upon thousands of souls. However, what place does a soul occupy? Every day there come thousands and thousands, and most of them in their thirties and forties. And I tell you according to the calculations of the earth, for here is something very different, Ah! if they knew and thought what purgatory is, and if they knew how bitter to think that we here

It's your own fault! I have been here for eight years, and it seems to me that ten thousand years ago! ... Oh my God! tell this to your spiritual priest. May he learn from me what this place of suffering is, that he may make it known to the future. He will experience for himself how much devotion to souls in purgatory is profitable!

God often gives more thanks through the souls of purgatory than through the intercession of the saints themselves. When Father X wants to get something more safely, turn to the souls who loved the Blessed Virgin most in this world, and that, therefore, this good Mother wishes to release faster, and then he will tell you if it has not been. very well everything! ...

There are also some souls who do not stay in purgatory itself. So, for example, I accompany you everywhere, and when you rest, I suffer more because I stay in purgatory. Other souls sometimes make their purgatory in the places where they have sinned, at the foot of the holy altars, where the Blessed Sacrament is, but no matter where they are, because they carry their suffering, though they are less intense than in the world. same purgatory.

The Father is right when he tells you that you should only seek the will of God in all that you do. It will be happiness for you to see the will of God in everything that happens, sufferings or joys, everything comes equally from Jesus. Be very good, twice good, to please Jesus who is so good to you! Always have the eyes of the soul open to him to prevent the least of his desires. Go right ahead to give her pleasure.

The Englishwoman who drowned near Mount St. Michael went straight to heaven. She had the necessary contrition at the moment of death, and at the same time the baptism of desire. Everything happened through the intercession of St. Michael. happy wreck!

Pius IX went straight to heaven. His purgatory was already done on earth.

"How do you know MP went straight to heaven because you didn't see her go through purgatory?"

Answer: God has revealed to me, and He also out of pure goodness lets me know what you ask of me when I have not seen or understood myself. God's justice holds us back in purgatory, and we deserve it, but believe that his mercy and his paternal heart do not leave us there without any consolation. Let us long for our union with God, but He desires it no less than we do. On earth He communicates intimately with certain souls and is pleased to unravel their secrets. The souls that are pleasing to him are those who in their course of life live and breathe only for Jesus, and seek only to please Him.

In purgatory there are very guilty but repentant souls, and yet the faults that have yet to be expiated are confirmed in grace and can no longer sin. They're perfect. Well, as and as a soul purifies itself in the place of atonement, it understands God better, or God and God understand each other better, without seeing each other, because then there would be no more purgatory!

If we did not know God more than when on earth, our feathers, our martyrdom would not be so powerful, our martyrdom so cruel! What makes our main torment is the absence of that one object of our long years of desire.

"And when a soul is destined to have a more beautiful crown in heaven, doesn't it have more graces in purgatory than the others?"

ANSWER: Yes, the more a soul is destined to occupy a higher place in heaven, the more its knowledge is more extensive and its closer union with Him in the place of atonement. Everything here is proportionate to merit.

"Have VP's three friends been in heaven for a long time?"

- Well, what is made of the prayers made for them?

Answer: People in heaven who pray on earth can have these prayers for souls who wish to apply them. It is a very sweet reminder for souls of the other world to see that relatives and friends have not forgotten them on earth, though they no longer need prayers. And in return, they are not ungrateful!

God's judgments are very different from those of the earth. He looks at temperament, character, which was done by lightness or pure malice.

Knows the depths of hearts, it is not difficult for him to see what goes on in them.

Jesus is very good, yes, but He is very fair too!

- How far is the land we inhabit from purgatory?

Answer: - Purgatory is in the center of the globe. Is not the earth itself a purgatory? Among the people who live in it, some make their purgatory entirely out of voluntary or accepted penance. These, after death, go straight to heaven. Others begin purgatory on earth, because the earth is a place of suffering, but these souls, as they are not generous enough, will end their earth purgatory in the royal purgatory.

Are sudden deaths a justice or a mercy of God?

Answer: These kinds of deaths are sometimes God's justice and other mercy. When a soul has the fear of God and God knows that it is prepared to appear before him, to spare him the horrors of anguish that might have in the last moments God withdraws her from this world with a sudden death. Sometimes God also takes these souls for justice. They are not lost at all, but without the last sacraments, or hastily receiving them, not being prepared for the last journey, their purgatory is much more painful and goes on long.

Others have filled the measure of their crimes, drowned out the voice of all divine graces, and God takes them from the earth so that they no longer excite divine vengeance.

"Is the fire of purgatory a fire with that of the earth?"

Answer: Yes, with this difference: that the fire of purgatory is a purification of God's divine justice and that of the earth is very sweet compared to that of purgatory. It is a shadow with the great braziers of Divine Justice.

- How can a soul get burned?

Answer: - By a just permission of God. The soul was truly guilty, for the body did nothing but obey it (what malice has a dead body?); The soul suffers as if it had the body to suffer.

"Tell me what's going on in agony and after?" Does the soul find light in darkness? In what form is the sentence pronounced?

Answer: I have not had agony, as you well know, but I can tell you that at the last decisive moment, the devil employs all his anger around the dying. God, to give more merit to souls, allows them to suffer the last tests in these last battles, especially strong and generous souls, so that they may have a more beautiful place in heaven.

Many times, at the end of life, in those trances of death, in those terrible fights against the angel of darkness (you were a witness to this ...), they come out victorious. God does not allow a soul dedicated to him in life to perish in these last moments. The people who have loved the Blessed Virgin and have invoked her all their lives receive many graces from her in their last struggles. The same is true of those who were devoted to Saint Joseph and Saint Michael, or to some saint. This time, then, is that we are very happy to have an intercessor with God in this difficult time. There are souls who die quietly, experiencing nothing of what I have just told you.

God has His purposes in everything. does or permits everything for their own good.

How can I describe to you what happens after the agony? It is not possible to understand what is happening then. I will try to explain as best I can. The soul, upon leaving the body, is all taken, all invested, if I may say so, of God. She finds herself in such clarity that in an instant she realizes all her life and what she deserved. It is in the midst of this clear vision that your sentence is pronounced. If she is a guilty soul, and therefore deserves purgatory like me, she is so crushed under the weight of her faults that she is left to erase that she herself throws herself into purgatory. The soul sees the good God, but is annihilated in his presence. Only then do we understand the good God, his great love for souls, and what a disgrace is sin in the eyes of Divine Majesty! I also saw my Guardian Angel.

To tell you how St. Michael takes souls to purgatory, because a soul does not take, I tell you that it is in this sense that he is present in the execution of the sentence. Everything that goes on in the other world is a mystery to yours!

"And when does a soul go straight to heaven?"

Answer: For this soul the union begun with Jesus on earth continues in heaven in death, behold heaven, but the union of heaven is much more intimate than that of earth.

You are very right to dislike ecstasies. We have to accept them when God sends them, but He doesn't want us to want them. These are not the things that lead to heaven. A mortified and humble life is much more to be desired, and much safer. It is true that many saints had revelations from God, who gave them this after long fighting, and a life of renunciation, or because they wanted to use them to

great things in view of their greatest glory. However, all this was done without noise ... without brightness, in the silence of prayer and when discovered, they were ashamed and spoke of it only by obedience. From what you tell me, you can be calm. Here's how you can know when a grace comes from God. These graces come as a wave that surprises you on a beautiful day, like a rain on a clear day, pouring over your soul, when the sky seems more serene. One should not fear then

sought this, for it was not even thought of this at times. You will have observed this several times. This is very different from the graces which they think are given by Jesus, and are but the work of the imagination that produced them. These are to be feared because the devil takes advantage of a weak brain, a soft temper, and an unbalanced judgment, and deceives these poor souls who do not yet sin, as long as they submit to the people who run them, and I can tell you there are many of these in this world today ... The devil proceeds in this way to throw religion into ridicule.

Few people love God as He wants it. They seek themselves thinking they seek God, and dream of a holiness that is not true.

"Tell me then what true holiness consists of?"

Answer: - You already know, but since you wish, I will repeat what has been said several times. True holiness consists in giving up morning and night, living by sacrifice. Knowing how to put aside the human << me >>, letting God work as He wills us. To receive the graces He gives us with deep humility, recognizing Himself unworthy of them. To be as possible always in the presence of God. do all actions under the divine eye and look for no other witness to one's own efforts, having God as the only reward. And all the things I've told you. This is the holiness that Jesus demands and wants from souls who want to live only for Him. The rest is but illusion.

Some souls do their purgatory on earth for suffering, others for love, because love also has martyrdom. The soul who seeks to truly love Jesus finds that despite his best efforts, he does not love him to the extent of his desires. This is for the soul a perpetual martyrdom caused solely by love, and it is not a martyrdom without great pain! And as I told you, a little of that state of purgatory soul that ceaselessly throws itself at God, its only Desire, and finds itself repelled because its atonement is not over!

- If I had not told anyone everything you say to me since I hear you, what would be the result? Do you know that I have a great desire to keep it secret, to keep it all to myself?

ANSWER: You are free to do so or not, but if you have not yet spoken of it, I advise you to do so, because God never allowed anyone's perfection to come directly from heaven. She dwells on earth and wants her to perfect herself on earth, according to the advice she receives for it. You did well to trust what it cost you so much to say. Moreover, all this is not from you, and God, who knows how to profit from his glory, directs everything to the benefit of those he loves.

(November - December) - Does the day and the eighth of the deceased bring joy in purgatory and deliver many souls?

Answer: - On the Day of the Dead many souls leave the place of atonement for heaven, and by a great grace of the Good God, on this day alone, all suffering souls, without exception, have part in the public prayers of the Holy Church, even those of the Great Purgatory. However, the relief of each soul is proportioned to its merit. Some receive more, others less.

However, everyone enjoys this exceptional grace! Many souls. Poor souls only receive this one relief for the righteousness of God during their long years in purgatory.

However, it is not on the day of the dead that more souls rise to heaven. It's Christmas night!

There are many things I could tell you, but I am not allowed.

You need to question me, because then I can answer. I am well relieved by the prayers of the Reverend Father. Tell him that I thank him for the prayers he said and that he sent for my intention. I always pray for him. I hope to do even more when in heaven. Tell him also that I know he prays for me and the souls of purgatory.

By God's permission there is greater suffering for souls when prayers for them cannot be availed to them. In purgatory the prayers of the earth are not received, but to the extent that God wants them to be used to souls. It depends on God's willingness. As for the time of our liberation, we know nothing. If we knew the end of our sufferings, it would be a relief, a joy for us, but no! We see that our pains lessen when our union with God becomes more intimate, but on what day? (according to the earth, because there are no days), and in what day shall we all be together? We don't know, it's God's secret!

Souls in purgatory have no knowledge of the future unless God wants to give it to them. Some souls have it, some more, some less, But what's the point of knowing the future for us, unless it's the glory of God and the good of some souls?

No wonder if the devil and his satellites are sometimes aware of things that will happen in the future. The Devil is a spirit and therefore has more cunning and knowledge than anyone on earth, except the saints, to whom God illuminates with his lights, he the Devil, seeks to probe everywhere for evil. He sees what is going on in the world, and according to his wits he can foresee things to come. This is the only explanation. You bastards are those who

give it to the devil and consult him! It is a sin that displeases God, and much! (This is not a condemnation of spiritualism, which is often a consultation with the devil! - Translator's note >>.)

"Can souls ever make mistakes?"

- Answer: - Yes, but not about things that exist, only about the future. It may happen, for example, that God in His Justice wants to punish a kingdom, a province, a person, is an intention He has manifested. However, if any person, from this kingdom, from this province. By prayer or by other means, disarming Divine Justice, God will do grace, grant grace, or diminish punishment, according to the predictions of His infinite wisdom. It often allows great events to be foretold before or makes them known to some souls so that they prevent and ward off punishment. God's mercy is so great that He punishes only in the extreme case. So to that person you told me about that day. God has made known to me that he will not inflict punishment on her if only in half if she remains in the same mood. Here's how we can sometimes seem to be mistaken.

- Are there many Protestants saved?

Answer: - By God's mercy, a number of Protestants are saved, but their purgatory is long and rigorous. They have not abused grace, it is true, as many Catholics have, but they have not had the insignificant graces of the Sacraments and other help from true religion, which causes their atonement to linger long in purgatory.

I speak lower than usual, because eight days ago you spoke very quietly, with God in the recitation of the Psalms. When you pray louder, I will speak louder too.

Do you know in purgatory the persecution that the Church is suffering?

Answer: We know the Church is being persecuted and we pray for its triumph, but when will it be? I ignore him. Maybe some souls know it. I don't know ... In purgatory souls are not only busy with their sufferings. They pray for God's great interests, for the people who abbreviate their sufferings. Praise, thank our Lord for the infinite mercies towards them, because the limit of purgatory and hell for many souls was very extreme, and for a little they were not condemned! Imagine what recognition there is to be, the gratitude of these souls who were thus torn from Satan!

I cannot explain to you how we see the earth very differently from your view. This can only be understood when the soul leaves the body. Then the earth she has just left will seem to her no more than a tiny dot on the endless horizon of eternity that opens to her.

I receive more relief from one of the thanksgiving that is made with a great union with Jesus than from a vocal prayer. What does God hear the most? Everything that is done with an inner spirit. The more intimate is the union of a soul with God, the more this soul is heard. A soul intimately united with Jesus owns his Divine Heart. You must always seek this union that Jesus has long awaited from you. If you want to please him. here is the only way: to draw ever closer to your Heart, by paying close attention to the

least desires of his Most Holy Will. He needs to turn and roll as He pleases, never encountering resistance from you.

Then you must see and understand his kindness!

Seek to work carefully only for God. Do not seek another to witness to your actions.

(December 8 - 2 pm - Immaculate Conception) - Oh! How many lives seem full of good works and yet at the time of death they will be empty! If you only knew how few people act only for God and do their deeds only for God! In death, then, ouch! when we are no longer blind, how sorry we are! There! if they sometimes reflected on what eternity is! What is this life compared to this day without night for the elect, and tonight that there will be no end to the damned!

One loves so much on earth, clings to everything in this world except the One who alone should deserve our affection and to whom we refuse our love!

Jesus in the tabernacles waits for the hearts that love him, and does not find them ...

- Do you love purgatory?

- Answer: - Yes, but it is a love of reparation, and if we had loved God as we should on earth, we would not be so numerous and there would not be so many souls in the place of atonement!

- In heaven is Jesus well loved?

- Answer: - God loves God very much in heaven. There God is relieved, but not as on earth. Jesus desires love on earth, on the earth where He came to annihilate Him in every tabernacle to make it easier for them to come to Him. And yet, they do not do this, they do not seek or love Him! ...

I told you that there are souls who perform their purgatory at the foot of the altars. They stand there for the faults they have committed in the churches. These faults that were directly to Jesus present in the tabernacles, are punished very severely in purgatory. The souls who stand before the tabernacle in worship there are in reward of devotion to the Holy Place. They suffer less than if they were in purgatory itself, and Jesus, who

they contemplate with the eyes of the soul, and faith at the same time relieves them with their real presence what they suffer.


(January) - Christmas Eve - Thousands of souls leave the place of atonement for heaven, Many have stayed, and I am of the number who have stayed.

You say that the perfection of a soul is very long. It is true. You are amazed that notwithstanding so many prayers, I still do not enjoy the presence of God for so long. There! the perfection of a soul in purgatory goes no faster than on earth. There are some souls who only have a few venial sins to atone for. It's a small number of them. These do not stay long in purgatory.

Some well-done prayers, some sacrifices deliver them in a short time. But when they are souls like me, and it is the case of almost all of them, who have spent their lives almost nil and who have little or no concern for their salvation, in this case we must start our life over at the place of atonement, perfect our soul again, love, desire the one we don't love on earth enough. This is why the liberation of these souls often goes on for a long time: God has yet granted me a great grace: to come to ask for prayers. I didn't deserve it and without it I'd be here years and years, like most.

- Do the nuns and others in the same congregation have relations with each other?

Answer: In purgatory as in heaven, the nuns of the same family are not always together. Souls do not all deserve the same penance or reward. However, they recognize themselves in purgatory.

They may also with God's permission communicate with each other.

"Can you receive a prayer, a thought from a deceased friend, and let him know how much you miss him?"

- Answer - In purgatory as in heaven, you can get here the memory and longing for the earth, but as I told you, they are not useful to the souls of purgatory, because they know and know the people who care about them. in the land. God sometimes allows some advice from them to receive some warning. So what I told you many times about St. Michael was from God, and also what I told you from your spiritual Father. All the commissions you give me sometimes to the other world, I have always done, but all of this is subordinate to the will of God.

"Are faults known in purgatory to everyone as they are on judgment day?"

Answer: We do not know in purgatory the faults of others, except when God permits it for certain souls, but according to His purposes, and this for very few souls ...

Do you have a more perfect knowledge of God than ours?

- Answer: - What a question! Yes, we know Him so much better and we love Him so much better, and so much more. There. And this is what causes the greatest torment here! It is not known on earth that it is the Good God! They make him a very narrow idea; but when we left our earthen shell of clay, then nothing entered the freedom of our soul, it is then, and only then, that we know God, his goodness and his mercies and his love! After such a clear vision, this great need to unite with God, the soul tends to turn to Him, and is repelled because it is not pure enough. This is the suffering!

It is the hardest and most bitter of sufferings. O if we were allowed to return to earth after we thus knew the good God, what a life we ​​would not lead! But ... useless regrets! ... And yet, on earth one does not think this and one lives in blindness! ... It does not give importance to eternity! The earth is a passage where only one body is received which in turn will return to the earth. And they only think and desire the earth and do not think of the sky! And Jesus and the love of Jesus always forgotten!

Q: In purgatory do souls comfort one another in the love of God, or is each one completely isolated in every suffering?

Answer: In purgatory our only consolation, our only hope is only God. On earth God allows us to be comforted sometimes in the feathers of body and spirit by a friendly heart, and if in this heart the love of Jesus is not yet found, the consolations are vain and lost, but here souls are in God, in the divine will, and only God can relieve the pain they suffer ... All souls are tortured, each according to their guilt, but all have a common pain that surpasses all others: the absence of Jesus who is our element, our life, our everything. And we are separated from him by our fault!

After an action, you don't have to go back and wasting time examining whether you did it well or badly. Admittedly, every day's actions must be examined in order to make them always better, but this should not be at the expense of the tranquility of the soul. God loves simple souls so much. It is necessary to go to Him with great simplicity, willingness always ready to sacrifice for Him, and to give Him pleasure. You should proceed to Jesus as a little child with his mother, trusting in his goodness, handing all your spiritual and bodily interests into divine hands, and then, always seeking everything, to please everything without worrying about anything else.

God does not look so much at great deeds, heroic deeds, a simple deed, a small sacrifice as long as these deeds are done out of love. How many times a little sacrifice known only to God and the soul that practiced it, does not become more meritorious than a much larger one that was applauded! It is necessary to be very interior so as not to take to ourselves the compliments that are given to us.

God seeks souls empty of themselves to fill them with His Divine Love. Finds very few. Self-love leaves no room for Jesus. Do not let any occasion pass to mortify you, especially within. Jesus has many graces to give you in Lent, prepare yourselves for great fervor and great love. Love Jesus, especially. He is so unloved in the world and so outraged!

The Blessed Virgin loves you very much. Love her with all your heart, and seek to glorify her as much as possible.

You will never quite understand the goodness of God. If one reflected well sometimes, it would be enough to be holy; but the mercy and goodness of the Heart of Jesus in this world is not well known! Each one measures them according to their own view, and this way is defective. Hence you pray so badly!

Yes, few people know how to pray as Jesus wanted. Confidence is lacking, yet Jesus listens to us only after the ardor of our desires and the measure of our love. This is why often the graces you ask for are without effect.

One must see everything as coming from the goodness of Jesus: what ails as what comforts. It is love that does everything for our good, the good of your friends. God mainly wants love from us, and you fight against yourself, against your evil inclinations, and proceed with a spirit of faith. Well, faith will yield to reality. It is necessary to proceed as if Jesus were always present. And may this be a natural thing to you, even though it is so supernatural!

Are the promises made in favor of those who pray to the rosary of St. Michael true?

Answer: - The promises are real, but it should not be believed that people who pray the rosary routinely and without trying to do it perfectly are taken out of purgatory right away. It would be a mistake. St. Michael does much more than he promises, but those who are condemned to a long purgatory do not remove them that quickly! - It is true that remembrance of devotion to the Holy Archangel relieves many souls, but they are all released from purgatory, no. May I say so, I may well serve as an example ... Immediate release will only have people who have worked bravely to their perfection, and who have had little to expiate in purgatory.

France is very guilty, unfortunately it is not alone! At this moment there is no Christian kingdom that does not seek openly or crazily to expel God from its bosom. Secret societies and the Devil foment these revolts. It is now time for the prince of darkness. God will show that only He is the only Lord! This may not be done sweetly, and it will make its power felt, but in the very punishments Jesus is merciful. St. Michael will intervene in the personal struggle of the Church. He is the head of this persecuted Church, but it will not be annihilated as the wicked think. When St. Michael is to intervene, I do not know. It is necessary to pray a lot in this intention, to invoke the Archangel reminding him of the titles he has, to ask his intercession with the one over whom he has so much power!

May they not forget the Blessed Virgin! France is your privileged kingdom. She will save him. They do very well to ask for rosaries and rosaries everywhere. And this prayer is the most effective in the present needs.

In purgatory we do not receive the indulgences applied to us, but in the manner of suffrage and as God permits, and according to His divine dispositions. It is true that we have no attachment to sin, but we are not under the kingdom of mercy, but under the rule of justice, and from this righteousness we receive what God wants us to apply to us.

(May) - Work without rest and with all your might to your perfection. You have enough strength of character to overcome all the difficulties that oppose your union with Jesus until you get there where He wants.

Your life will be a perpetual martyrdom. It costs a lot to give up every moment. It is a continuous martyrdom, but in this martyrdom one experiences the sweetest joys. The soul suffers, but the One for whom it suffers bestows upon each sacrifice, each renunciation, a grace that encourages and encourages it to walk ever further and to surrender ever more. Nothing pleases our Lord so much as having a striving soul, notwithstanding all the obstacles in the way, to be able to surrender ever more to glory and the love of God.

You are distressed to see that God is insulted in Paris, but these people do not know what they are doing, and Jesus is more insulted and offended at the sins committed by the souls consecrated to him and not what they should be, than with them. the injuries of those who are not your friends.

Jesus had wanted to love Him with a child's love, that is, with the tenderness of a child who only wants to please his dear dads, yet you are so cold to Jesus! This is not what He expects from you, whom He loves so much!

You do not direct your purity then as God wills it. So, instead of vaguely offering intentions, you can do more fruit with well-defined intentions, for example, when you eat, say: My Jesus, feed my soul with your Holy Grace, just as I do. I feed my body now. When you wash your face or your hands: My Jesus purify my soul as I do my body, And so in every action. Get used to always speaking to Jesus with your heart, that He may be all that you do or say.

It is never necessary to apologize, it is good for you to be found guilty,

when are you not? And if you acknowledge a lack, humble yourselves and silence ...

Do not apologize even in thought.

Only actions done with great love, under God's eyes, to fulfill His Holy Will, only these will have the immediate reward without going through purgatory. What blindness there is in the world in this regard!

(November) - Behold, the retreat is ended for all, but for you it continues. Continue your retreat always year after year in your heart, even in the midst of the greatest occupations, always having a reserved place where you will fall back into your heart and with the Heart of Jesus, and there you will never lose sight of it.

The retreat was very pleasing to God, and very profitable to souls. Jesus sees with pleasure the religious souls who turn to Him and seek Him as the only End. That is why He has called them to His service, but how easy on earth it is to forget ourselves what is most sacred! A good retreat helps souls regain their primitive fervor. That's what you did at the retreat you just heard. This retreat greatly comforted the Heart of Jesus.

What are these few moments we spend on earth compared to eternity?

In death you will see that never much has been done. Be generous and do not listen. See the end to which Jesus called you: holiness, pure love, and then always walk without looking back. The cross, the great crosses, the ones that crush the heart, are the inheritance of God's friends. Have you complained to Jesus these days because He has sent you so much suffering this year? True, but why do you find the crosses so heavy? It's just that you don't love him yet enough. The crosses are not over yet. The ones you have had so far are just the prelude of what awaits you. Did I not tell you that you would have sufferings of body and spirit, and sometimes both together?

There is no holiness without suffering. However, when you allow Grace to act freely and Jesus to have your will, and to be the absolute master of all in you, then the crosses, however heavy they may be, will no longer weigh you. Love will absorb everything. Until then, however, you will suffer a great deal because it is not at a moment when the soul comes up to detach itself from all things so as not to act but out of love, Jesus is pleased to see your efforts. Oh, if Jesus were better known on earth But He is so forgotten! At least you, love him, always grow in this love to please him, work restlessly to get there where he wants to see you.

(September 16) How little one understands on earth the detachment Jesus wants from a soul that must be all of Him! Some think they are holy because they experience more sensitive love than ordinarily; But all these natural sensibilities are nothing. It is necessary for the soul to rise, to slowly detach itself from everything that surrounds it, and above all from itself, from its self-love, its passions, in order to reach divine union, and only Jesus knows how much nature costs. get there!

The heart must be crushed in order to get all human love out of it, and it is difficult! Few souls understand these things! You who understand a little of all this, by the mercy of Jesus, whom He loves so much, boldly enter this path of self-denial and death. Fly above the earth and all around you, to be amazed at the Most Holy Will of God. Do not lose sight of this Holy Will of God one minute! Do not think that with this you will not be able to fulfill your obligations, absorbed in this thought. You will see that just the opposite happens. The more united the soul is to Jesus, the more exact he will be in carrying out his duties. The one she loves will do everything for her. It will be one with her. And then, won't you be well directed and helped in what you do? How well an inner soul can do! In fact, anything you do outside of this is useless. The soul united to Jesus has a right over his

Heart, you are mistress of this Heart and He refuses you nothing.

I reflected well on what I am telling you. Just one of your actions offered to my relief, with pure intent, when you are close to Jesus, relieves me more than several vocal prayers. The sooner you get better, the sooner you get rid of purgatory.

It is true that Mother Superior has suffered a great deal in these last days, but a day of great suffering as she sometimes experiences it is more profitable for her soul and for the Community than ten days or more of good health when she can work and do all that is your job.

(2 October) - Say often on the day My God, accomplish your purposes in me, and give me the grace not to obstruct your will! My Jesus, I want what you want, as you want, and as long as you want!

(October 3 - Sunday) - Oh, if it were given to you to understand on earth how Jesus is treated with indifference and contempt in this world! And not only for the world, He is insulted, ridiculed, even by those who should love Him. This is how you find indifference in the communities, between men and women religious, your chosen people! There, where he should be treated as a friend, as a father, as a Bridegroom, they consider Him and treat Him more like a stranger. This indifference is also found in the clergy. Jesus is treated as equals. Those who should tremble thinking of the August Mission they have received perform it with indifference and boredom!

How many have the inner spirit? A very small number. There are numerous priests in purgatory who expiate their unloved life and indifference.

They must atone for their fire and torture in every way by their neglect. This is the great suffering of the Heart of Jesus: the ingratitude of their own. And yet the divine Heart is all overflowing with love and only wants to spread it.

Jesus wants to find some dead souls for themselves. Jesus will pour into them waves of love more than He ever did to anyone in this world. O how Jesus, how his mercy, how his love are little known in this world!

We seek to know everything, to deepen everything except what brings true happiness, the only true thing ... What a sadness!

(October 14 - During My Thanksgiving) The least unfaithfulness of you, the least forgetfulness, the slightest indifference to Jesus is more sensitive to you and hurts your heart so good, so loving, than the injury of a enemy. Watch carefully, do not let anything pass. May Jesus come and be happy in your heart, that you may comfort him from the bitterness and displeasure he receives in the world.

Proceed with Him as with a father, and the best of parents and the most devoted of spouses. Comfort him, repair the injuries he receives each day.

Take the interests of your glory and your Sacred Heart. Forget before him, and in so doing your interests will become his, and he will do more for you than you with your occupations.

Look quietly at all the things that are passing around you. May nothing stop you. Your only joy, your only rest, is found only in Jesus.

Work only for Him, and His love will give you courage. You will never do too much for such a good God. Love God so much that you will never acquire His love in this world without suffering and without merit. The sufferings of the earth are meritorious, you must not lose them. Many souls in purgatory count on you to remove them from the place of their sufferings.

Think about it and pray for them with all your heart.


The sufferings of body and heart are the heritage of Jesus' friends while they are in this world. The more Jesus has love for a soul, the more he participates in the pain he suffered here for our love. happy is the soul so privileged! How many merits can not acquire! It is the shortest way to reach heaven. Do not be afraid of suffering, but love it, because it brings us closer to the one we love.

Didn't I tell you one day that love will make sweet what seems so bitter to you now because you don't love enough? The most foolproof way to come quickly to union with Jesus is love, but love united with suffering. If you only knew how suffering is good for the soul! They are the sweetest caresses that the divine Bridegroom does to the one he loves and with whom he wants to unite intimately. Jesus sends to the soul he loves, suffering upon suffering, feathers upon feathers in order to detach it from all that surrounds it ...

Then you can speak to your heart.

(April) - Jesus will not leave you alone until you have reached the perfection He wants from you. Turn to all sides, as long as your will is not one will with the will of God, until you do all actions under God's eyes, you will have no peace and no inner calm.


(September) - Jesus does much for you and will do much more in the future, but you must respond to his graces and always be very generous. The souls who come to perfection that Jesus asks of them are ladies of his divine Heart. He refuses them nothing. When you come there, Jesus and you will be one. You will have the same feelings, the same desires.

Oh, love Jesus so much, unite with Him in the strongest way possible, with all the powers of your heart. Live and breathe no more than the love of Jesus.


One more year gone for eternity! Thus all, all, one after another pass. The days go on until the one who ends the life of the earth, and begins the long life of eternity! Use well every moment. Each of them can earn heaven and avoid purgatory. Each of your actions done under the eyes of Jesus will give you an extra degree of glory in heaven, and at the same time a degree of love for Jesus as well.

Suffering always precedes love and there is a degree of love that only those who have suffered and suffered a great deal reach. I speak to you mainly of the sufferings of the heart.

The greatest suffering a soul that truly loves Jesus can have is not loving Him as much as He desires.

(May Retreat) - God has many means to reach His ends when He wants something special from a soul. This retreat must be the beginning of the great perfection that Jesus has long called to you.

With Jesus, what can you fear? He is your Father, your friend, your Spouse, your All. Doesn't He have the right to demand from a soul what He wants, without saying why? It is the great Lord, it is the Lord of all. Worship his purposes and obey him blindly. that's what he wants from you. Therefore seek to work generously for your sanctification. Redouble your tenderness, your love for Jesus. Love for those who do not love Him, notice those who outrage Him, ask forgiveness for those who never think of it. Jesus expects all of this from you.

(May 20) - On earth we arrange ourselves in our own way, but in the other world it is God who arranges us in His own way.

(August 29 Retreat) - Seven o'clock at night. Get used to speaking to Our Lord as a most devoted and sincere friend. Do and say nothing without consulting. I have been telling you this for many years, I have spoken of this many times, and today I repeat it again. God wants you to pay close attention to this and practice it. This gaze of the soul, always fixed on Jesus, to perceive his least wills, this divine conversation that he wants to have with you, will not prevent you and give them the external works.

On the contrary, it is impossible to remain calm on the outside if the inside is not. The inner passions are always reflected on the outside, and the soul that carefully watches its interior is also a lady from the outside! This is what Jesus asks of you, A life of faith and continuous union with Him, a humble, hidden life, known only to Him. May He be everything to you. Look at everything that happens to you as so many ways He uses to unite you with Him and to accomplish His purposes. Be generous, that you do not lack energy. Then begin this life of renunciation and sacrifice, and above all of love. You will find the calm and peace that He has been offering you for many years.

May God's holy will be the basis of all that you must do or suffer. Jesus expects much from you, many sufferings of body and spirit, but also much love. One cannot love without nature suffering, you already know it very well. You have tried it in the past and prepare for the future. God has given you everything it takes to feel suffering more than others. It is a mercy and an extra grace. Where there are great sacrifices to make, there are great merits. Be very generous. Put aside the self, and Jesus is good! Many times think about this: if you want your actions to please Jesus, there must always be a small sacrifice in each of them, something that costs.


(May) - For the religious soul the spirit of sacrifice, the inner spirit, the purity of intention is needed. This is the synthesis of religious life.

A nun can relieve the souls of her dead relatives with actions all performed with great purity of intention and more than by prayer.

The dearest soul of Jesus is always the most crucified on earth, but the cross sent by Jesus has sweetness mixed with bitterness. There are crosses that come our fault, and in these, there are only bitterness.


(February) - Jesus does not show the soul everything it demands of it at once. She would be scared. But little by little it makes her stronger and she learns her secrets and makes her partaker of the cross.

(June 24) - Be close to Jesus. Before any action, consult Him. Always heart to heart, like a friend who is always close.

Jesus wants your soul, all of you with all your powers, all your powers, your heart with all your tenderness, all your love. You will seek everything from the source of that divine Heart that never runs out. This is how you should proceed as a devoted wife.

During the day several times let yourselves penetrate well into the presence of God, gather yourselves before his divine Majesty, acknowledge your misery, but also his infinite goodness, thank him affectionately. You can talk to Jesus all day long. That is what He has been waiting for you for a long time.

If you are faithful to all that I said to you, Jesus will keep to you your most intimate communications, your divine caresses, your love of Father and loving lover, and you will attain all that you ask of Him. Jesus will not refuse you anything. You will give all of Him to Him and He will give Himself to you all.

God desires this retreat to bring you into the state that He has long awaited from you. God reaches his ends by means of us unknown.

Well, courage, get to work! Jesus will give you new graces.

Respond generously to them and to the community. May your will be only a will with that of Jesus.

By God's permission we know in purgatory what is happening on earth at this time, that we may pray for great needs, but our prayer is not enough. If Jesus met some souls of goodwill who wanted to repair and displease the outraged Divine Majesty, it would be a great joy to His bitter Heart. These souls could obtain mercy, this mercy that to give it only wants the sinner to humble himself. Tell this to Mother Superior.

All these trials God has enabled them to give you strength of soul and to triumph your glory, your justice and your love.

When you can, pay a visit to Jesus and tell him your sufferings, your joys, all at last. speak to her as a friend, a father, a husband.

Do not lose sight of the Divine Presence. God wants you holy and only for Him. Do not harm yourselves.

Ordinary, here's what Jesus wants from you!

Last Teachings

May practical faith animate all your actions. May your trust and love make you understand all that He requires of you. Say each morning as you rise, My Jesus, here I am to fulfill your Holy Will, that you want me to do today to please you?

Do all the exercises of godliness under the eyes of Jesus, and with much love.

One can only do good to souls to the extent of union with God.

God seeks souls to repair the outrages He receives, to love Him, and to make Him love. He wants you in this number.

Before granting a soul an intimate union with Him, Jesus purifies it by trial, and the greater designs He has on this soul, the more the trial is greater.

Set your habitual abode in the Heart of Jesus. May love be the chain that binds your heart That lovely Heart. Your miserable heart will be purified if it will detach from contact with such a pure Heart!

Go and seek in the Heart of Jesus what you need for yourselves and for others. He will refuse you nothing.

The sufferings of the heart are far more painful than those of the body.

For a soul that loves Jesus, the greatest pain is to hurt Jesus for his ingratitude and sin.

Ask the Heart of Jesus for the strength of soul needed to fulfill His purpose in you.

To fix the spirit in the presence of God, take one of our Lord's fourteen seasons each day in the Passion and think about it a great deal. Jesus likes us to remember what He suffered for us. On feast days take one of the glorious mysteries, the Resurrection, the Ascension. Also often think of the Eucharist and the hidden life of Jesus in the tabernacle. It is above all that you will see his love. be alone without worshipers in most churches in the world! Wait in vain for someone to tell you: I love you!

Everything passes, and passes quickly! Let's not worry so much about the things that will one day end! Let us always look at what will never end. By our holy and united actions to Jesus, let us beautify our throne in heaven. Let us make our highest throne, a few steps closer to Him that we will behold and love for all eternity. This is what your occupation on earth should be.


(November 2, 1890 - Last Blessing of the Rosary Month)

I will try to make you understand as much as possible what is the sky, parties and always new, that follow without interruption, an always new happiness and that we never felt. It is a flood of joy that continually overflows over the elect. Heaven is mainly God, God loved, felt, proven, is a satiety of God without being able to satiate!

The more the soul loved God on earth, the more it reaches the summit of perfection, the more heaven understands!

Jesus is the true joy of the earth and the eternal joy of the heavens!


Pia Sociedade Filhas de São Paulo


Thirty-five years ago they were founded by Sac. James Alberione With the motto "Glory to God and Peace to Men", they first devoted themselves to the apostolate with the press. Nowadays they are turning to the cinema and they already think about the radio, because for the performance of their ideal, it is proposed to use all the means that human progress finds out. They have sixty houses in Italy; six in Brazil; and many others in almost every country. In each house there is a propelling center that nourishes the faithful observance of the duties imposed by the religious vocation and the development of apostolic activities: the Eucharist.


In the courses of study they acquire a good humanistic and theological culture.

In the writing offices, they write pamphlets, books, newspapers; They also contribute to film and radio writing.

In bookstores and centers of diffusion they help the clergy and the faithful.

On the pedestal of typographic machines; in movie rental rooms; at the wheel of cars that take to trains and airplanes the press and films spread the kingdom of God.


On the doorsteps - in hospitals - in barracks in prisons - in schools - in the most humble tugurias and the most superb palaces to spread the good seed of the word of God, guided by the joyful hope of fulfilling Catholic missionary work for the good of souls. and society. "Blessed are the steps of those who evangelize the good, of those who evangelize peace."